PAGE TWO Tho OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Morning May 10. 1344 : I f , If':-: - : r J. . : ( 1 Allied Planes Again Pound ;JapsWakde ADVANCED ALLIED " HEAD QUARTERS; New Guinea, Wed is pesday, May KH-AUied bomb . j rs again have unloaded heavy cargoes of bombs on the enemy's last remaining bases in New . .Guinea, hitting . the Wakde area 120 miles northwest of Hollaadia L and other important points at the it. western end of 'New Guinea, Gen. - Douglas -MacArthur an-. i i Bounced today." '-. ' .v' Strong interception ' was noted over Jefmari " airdrome ' at the 4 northwestern tip of New Guinea but General MacArthur said air resistance 'had , ceased at least island area and JVakde. ? The f o t a 1 enemy 'dead in the Hollandia area has reached 871, with. 183 others captured. General t Duncans Here Old Shoii .Yisit Guests in Salem in the home of Col.! and Mrs. .parleXAbrams are Mrs. Robert M. Duncan of Burns, widow of a former president of the state senate, and her son, Lt Ivan M. Duncan, former Wil lamette university ' student home on leave from service with Gen.' Claire Chennault's 14th army air fcrce In China, v-ux--- Lt Duncan, who completed his college work at Oregon State col lege, has 525 combat flying hours.; He holds the distinguished flying cross and one cluster 'and the air medal and two oak leaf clusters. The two arrived in Salem on Tuesday night to spend . several days here. "; T. Nev:Teacliing Appointments Announced by SchdolBoard A (Continued from Page 1 ) A lins replaces Evelyn Landis as first grade teacher' at Washing ton. Adeline . Gurney, first grade teacher at the 1 McKinley school has also resigned. Loretta Isom"has tendered her resignation as secretary in ' the administration office in order to Join her husband stationed at San Diego. Ericka Ohm of Salem is to. take her place. Miss Ohm has been' working with the state in dustrial accident commission and i . i - j a; i ner Dusiness ana cttuciuuuu uaw- i s . . . i ground in- the superintendent's f ifm fT I .off 01 opinion makes her well fitted for Vfe AASVIVI. the position which she Is to hold, l -rt ' j "mr j She is a graduatejof Lebanon high f? OV rJJL Oilier cnVimt and rnmrOptpd almost four years of work at Oregon State. A Yfit?c J .ftfgi Rh will K.ffin her . "duties this I tgCJO MUXAVX The board also followed Ben- Had ; a letter from Mrs. Joe nttV immmendation that the Thomas, La Grande, not been re- fruit tree on the northwest corner turned by the postoffice for ad- Oil the HOME FROirr tj OJIE2L CHUBS We have it from pretty good authority that "had the OPA banned jump ropes, shoe" ration ing might never .have been ne cessary." . ' L"i er-strongholds before breaking Into the , center of Sevastopol and completing the final mop- VP. . j .. , . The lightning seizure of Sevas topol, by the Russians contrasted with the 250 days it took the Ger mans and .Romanians to seize the city earlier in r the ' war, " finally toppling it by July 3, 1943, after suffering 300,000 casualties. The Russians 1 broke " through three zones of steel and concrete defenses to take Sevastopol, Stalin said, adding that the Crimea now "is . completely : cleared ? of ' the German fascist invaders." He or dered a maximum salute of 24. salvoes from Moscow's 324 vie toryguns.-1! - , ..- of the playground : at the Garfield school be chopped down for the safety of the children. A call has gone out for bids on painting the cornice of the ad ministration building, formerly the old high school building, and to reroof the east pitch of the building. The buildings and grounds committee will make their report on bids submitted at the next meeting. The meeting adjourned shortly after 8 o'clock. ; ' Top Admirals Get Together May Ltll I Dears Caea I Hmtm&r ; nmm l I : -r ISSCatUl fm : ' - : C (Continued from Page 1) C . The navy announcement af the award of the medal U Nl mits itself reflected an extra ordinary honor for , that Pa cific leader who took over In the bitter days following enemy assault on Pearl' Harbor, saw the Pacific fleet throogh the lean months of 19U and 1942 and directed its recovery and advance to the point where plans now can far slashing Japan's empire In two at the Philip For "his sound Judgment and masterful conduct" of these op erations, Nimitz received from Admiral King his second distin guished service medal which had been voted him by congress. Hal sey, who was in Washington last January received - a similar re cognition. The only other rank' ditional postage, she would have tide with Mrs. Ella Garner, Ore gon City, as Oregon's candidate for ' "American War Mother of 1944-? ; - ' ' Mrs.' Thomas, like Mrs. Garner, has eight sons in military service, but her letter arrived here too late for consideration. The time for accepting these letters expired at midnight Saturday. Announce ment that Mrs. Garner had been designated as Oregon's candidate was made Monday by Douglas Mullarky, private secretary to Gov. Earl SnelL ! Selection of the ''American War Mother of 1944," in national com petition, will be announced by the national organization of American War Mothers, and she will receive appropriate recognition on Moth er's day. May 14, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Garner each have another son slated to Join the navy this month. Reds Capture Crimea Prize After Siege G (Continued from Page 1) 6 Hla troops reached the Sevasto pol area fat the soath April 1 with the capture of hiatorl Ba-laUava. Russian long-range bombers touched off fires and. smashed railways, freight ears and other equipment at Tapa, Estonia, Mon day night, the bulletin .said, and lng officer in the naval services j aircraft of the Red Banner Baltic to be sot honored is General xno- fleet attacked the Finnish .port o: mas. Holpomb of the marine corps, I Kotka by dayllht Monday. . sink- Laeoal nlmple was presented U Slag, the navy said. eereaaeay at that . retired. The Klraits! "in a San Francisco headoaarters of Tlee Admiral David W. Baxley, TJ8N- feemmander ef the west ern sea frontier." Present in addition to the .three full admirals and Bagley were Rear Admiral Carleton H. Wright, fantrymen had hurled the last Tho Sh6w of 1000 Thrills! POODLES HANNEFORD IIAflHIFORD FAMILY CHRISTIANSEN Fcr::sCn0UOSTAli!0:iS - . THI GRIAT f ESCALAMTESi f'i V Tvr!a&y r;.n CT.unsa anni 1 By A I HJ 1 Seeth ! (i;nir tf7 , ; Circes jA j . I f.i:!.U!SI5! AC02ATS! f POPULAR PRICES! r.:2 Crof:s Hyuiaacy ri ; it Citpiiala Grvnds'.. ' : i At?". CTP. r.i":r EirJs ing., four ships, one - of them : a 2000-ton transport. f setastopoli first- eame nnder Kassiaa axtOIery' fire April It after the, Kttsslans had captored Lynblmovka, three miles north ef the city. Yesterday Russian artillerymen hauled about 60 guns to the north shore Of Sevastopol bay after ia- commandaot of the twelfth naval district ; Rear Admiral M anion S. Tisdale.1 commandant of the Mare Island navy yard, and "members of the ieveral staffs. It wai this disclosure that staff members as well as leaders were present,! which gave special sig nificanct to the strategic impli cations jbf the meeting. The second distinguished ser vice medal is a specially signifi- can honor, since it can be given only by pet of congress. Otherwise id medal is warrant star is given in lieu of itself.' axis defenders into the-water, midnight bulletin disclosed. , Firing over open sights ' the Russian i gunners destroyed enemy I ships in the many inlets lining the large bay. i Rosslaa infaatrymen on the east aad soath side of Sevaa- topol meaawhlle "crashed Ger man s fascist troops defending the Inner area aad captored Malakhev-Kar-an hill aad eta- RAF Raiders Assault Nazi Europe Again H (Continued from Page 1) H , German . railway centers - and airdromes behind the Atlantic wall. The raids closely followed aiaht attacks by approximately 750 British Lancaster and Hall fax heavyweights. Six American : heavy bombers and seven fighters were lost in morning attacks on three rail yards and eight airfields in France, Belgium and Luxembourg, a communique said. Five German fighters were shot down. The pre-Invasion. barrage swept 50 miles eastward from Brest on the Brittany penin sula to Luxembourg, and north of those points across a hare network of German communi cations feeding the channel ports closest to Britain. In two days the allies have smashed at least IS major rail Junctions, blasted that, many key airfields, and broken" a half dosea rafl bridges. I r , :. In the last three days of extra ordinarily violent attack against scores of widely separated targets it is estimated allied planes based in Italy and Britain have flown about 12,500 sorties and, dropped 17,500 tons of bombs. For the third straight day fleet of 1000 US Flying Fortresses ana u aerators escorted by an equal number of Lightning, Mus tang and Thunderbolt fighters were -hurled into the campaign aimed at pioneering a land inva sion. They dumoed 2500 tons , of bombs on 11 targets in three coun tries.- - i Toastmaster- Mistress Qubs- Meet at Dinner The Toastmistress club met with the Toastmasters Tuesday, night at the Marion hotel for 6 o'clock dinner. Thirty-two ? were present at the Joint session at which George Moorhead, vice president, presided." , f t. (Bob Morrison was toastmaster or the, program introducing the five speakers. Olga Wikberg spoke on how much or ho little wom en talk, under the general topic "What Do You Think." ; - - W. E. Hansen discussed various things under, the ttUeJ Wonder Why 'Mrs. Raymond Welch talked on the qualities wanted in a city manager under the general topic sMCouncilman Move Over." Time, Which is seldom accurate in Salem, was discussed by Isabel Quids under the title "Signs of the Times." : '.. ; Al Crose, who had returned a few. hours before from a mid state trip, told of the joys of travel in .Warner valley. Lake county. Lynn MacLachlin was general critic . .. . ' ' ,;."" -" IMEO Opens f:45 P. M. - I - c Co-Hit! j ta..- CC3CD "Carson atj Cyclone mg up from Eugene. The other judges were Andrew Loney, jr director of .; music education at Klamath Falls, and Warrant Of ficer Walter Haderer, director of the 363rd army band at Vancou ver, Wash. ' The contest, selections were: Boccalari's "Fiume March, Gas- Bey's "Sequoia" j and the March and Cortege 'from GounacTs "Qdeen of Sheba " . After the intermission, the pro gram continued, with Lake's fThe Pilgrim," the sold performance by Franklin CombsJ "Pop Goes the Weasel," arranged by i GaUiet, Holmes' "Crusaders of Liberty Overture," FrimTs Jdian Love call" ..ana "The Donkey serenade. The "program was concluded with Han's "New Colonial March," , Announcements pf . the contest decisions were made just before the' last number began. ' f ; ' GIO Winner In Election charter only, were filed with the city recorder yesterday. The spon soring citizens 'committee' uraed they be submitted to voters at the primary election "May 19. - ; D (Continued from Page 1) D Salem Band "Excellent" !F (Continued from Page 1) F the national standards set up be cause wartime travel restrictions prevent concert meets as in pre vious years. The concert was held up half an hour because John H. Stehn, director "of the University of Oregon band, was delayed cam- Jesse,, who is .a very strong man. would be here to- carry me back from where he took me." . Some leeal observers speculated that in view of the aovernment's action In returning : the plant, it eral' court tomorrow of its peti tion for a temporary injunction. Jrension Fund Up for Voters MaihfieldIafjban INaine to Coos Jay ' MARSHFIELir. OreJ MayHffi -Two initiative petitioni, one; to enact ' a city, charter and change Marshfeud's name to the City o Coos Bay,' the othecjto' Initiate a TOinsnT! rzi E (Continued from Page 1) E to the legal voters of the city of j Salem. Oregon, at a snecial elec- tion to be called, and held in the city of saiem, Oregon, on the 19th day of May, 1944, and de clared an emergency." i i The committee in charge of the work is headed by Capt Ben Faught with Evl L. Smith.! : Rav McCauley and Glen Shedeck as- sisnng. i f-v Last Times Today! iNONB SHALL"--. I ESCAPED ' . Lcontiaueas from I P. WL- Marsha Alexander Hunt " Knox ' ..:. . . Leon Anne . ; Errol Rooney . fSlightly Terrific cvrvn-t c-o tn'rl D Tcsorrow! ; ... Even Better Than "Hands Across the i f . Border" 1 i 1 i -i" Roy Roger's Lalesl and Ilcsi Ilelcdic Weslern Rcnance! Iladane Ilarie Fortune Teller Tells your past, present and future. Fortune telling. . - Open Dafly and Sunday 17S S. Commercial St, Cwt tnuons Every D v f mm 1 :00 P. M. 2'f It ITnthnrine HEPBURn f I -"p'--'- We kriaaiat tftaat baeh ta tho mmij kit au wioM a kdffht . aev pace ia hytawl. eal history I DONT K2SS IT THIS TXXZI ..v I MM DRIUGING UP BABY -iCHAHLIE RUGGLES BJUtBT FITZGERALD MATROBSOM WALTER CATIETT FRITZ FELO WARNS IS Plus Companion Feature $6m bittoC rifiTiniaya-wira-aV. mG83MSS8i its I lyaaMaakk 1M 9k Itaalabsft wnen aiaecon ed a gold the xnedk Pinball Tax Hetd Valid cote B (Continued from Page 1) B -t- Cook, executor .of the estate, and Karla Cok, appellants, vs. Arrilla Cook Cdvert Appeal from Mult nomah county. Suit contesting. wilL Opinion. by Justice. Percy KeUy. Jtidge Alfred P. Dobson, af firmed. Aljce Marie Jaco, an infant, by her guardian, Orville G. Jaco, vs. Harvey, Mary and Dean ' Baker, appellants. Appeal from Multno- rmah county. Suit for damages for dog bite. Opinion by Justice KeUy. Judge Walter L. Tooze, affirmed. Jeraldlne Wiggina vs. Lyle Wig gins, appellants.. Appeal from Des chutes county. Suit for divorce. Opinion by Justice Arthur D. Hay. Judge R. S. Hamilton, modified.. rrnr Opens 1:45 F. M. How Showkg! lata atljiHt V - f '"iOlHJlf' faa tsnaioawal ! fS' , - : Mystery Co-Hit! v r j ii-.j- ' That Terrific Team of 1IISTEQ DIG" cd "TOP IIAII With a Gorgeous New 'Song and Heart Rave! it : Slaris Today-Triplo ITit ShouH iJJ Onr Degnlar Pricos! Their Newest . . I . ''! Most Hilarious Hit! a m -r s, tea? niiEii vi::s:n mna Ttucnia niit:::Ex:in:r.rB , J aavatf ae-3 Ld::I hzzo IZirci c! Tmi Behind the Scenes ia Arentlra - Crazil Wins Frid Aniens the AEIes t - .CIV V mi I - TKC:.!AS mil AURORA ELISHX COOX, Jrr FAlf 1IELU v Vci sy m Uzr 2zzx Viizzz '1 V swpMM,""""t 1 ) V5 TjT ROY ROGERS , Eint er m cowmts ; TRIGGER .SkUITCSJ ORSg IR Tit K0Y1ES CIST LEE asi CUE EOS BSSSS388aggbyRtUMS . IBZIRRBgf S-i C23LJL1at ' THE SC3 CF TCE PCIESt AND A CO-FEATURE- THAT ! IS CRAMMED WITH FUN . ; . GALS AIID GAYET7! LIFE and LOVE! a HAREM! larcm-scarem comedy- romance! ' 'r A "aw -. a r Cr GORIO CUTTERV70RTH in Ryan r I I ,,a. at - '- -".I Cartoon I . yiia ; J ; -.