The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1944, Page 9, Image 9

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    Methodisf Circles
Will Meet
v c s - I.
! Circle meetings for, the First
Methodist church are calendared
for Wednesday. The South Central-circle
will meet with Mrs.
Leona Johnson, 461 South High
street, for a 1:15 dessert lunch
eon. -f ;.',rk"'V i"
The West Central r circle will
meet wiia juts. J...E. Kirk, 102S
Nortn Finn street, for a 130 des
sert luncheon. x .
Mrs. W. T. Rigdon entertains
the East Central circle at her.
home, 2S9 North Winter freeV
at a 1:15 dessert luncheon, i
, Yew Park circle will be enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Sarah
Lappin, 895 South 13th street, at
' 2 o'clock. . , ' - -
Mrs. Frank James will be host
ess to Naomi circle at 1695 State
street at a 1:15 dessert luncheon.
Lucy Ann Lee circle will meet
with Mrs. Fannie Hill, 650 D
street for a 1:15 dessert lunch
- eon. .; ; . v; : iA
Mrs. Spaulding
To Be Soloist ' :
-' - . -.
t Mrs, Josephine Albert Spauld
ing will leave Tuesday for Seat-
tie Vhexe she has been asked to
be the guest soloist at the Seat
tie Symphony Society tea at the
Frederick and Nelson tea room
on Thursday. She will sing two
groups of songs. While in Seat
tle Mrs. Spaulding will be the ,
guest of Mrs. 'Maude Co nley
Hopper. . v : - .'
On . Saturday, . May 13 Mrs. :
Spaulding will be the guest so- '
loist at the Alicia McElroy in
strument ' ensemble concert at
the Neighbors of Woodcraft hall :
! r in Portland. I
Mrs. H. Lawrence Lister will
. open her home on Jefferson
street to members of the AAUW
afternoon book group Wednesday f
for a 1:15 o'clock dessert lunch-
eon. Assisting will be Mrs. Ray
mond Walsh and Mrs. Guy Hick-;
ok. Mrs. Lester Newman will
review "Bonin by Robert Stand-,
ish. .
Mr. and Mrs.7 William J. Bh-
sick will be hosts for a family1
dinner Monday night at their'
home on North Summer street'
for the pleasure of Lt. and Mrs.
Edwin Busick. Lt. Busick has i
been With the Eighth air force in:
England and is home on leave, f
' He will report to Santa Monica ;
later in the month. -
Miss Mary White Is In Tacoma
for the weekend as the house 1
. guest of Mr.' and Mrs. Burton '
Lemmon and their three chil
". ; dren. Mrs. Lemmon is the former
Isabel Morehouse. , i :
'.''! ' ' - !" -: ' ' i ' ' '' i "
JHir. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills are
spending the weekend in Camas,
' Wash., with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott.
Price. Mrs. Mills plans to re
i main, for a longer time.
Mrs. Caradoe Morgan of Port
land, will speak on women of the
bible, to members of the First
; Congregational missionary socie
ty meeting on Wedensday at the .
. f chuich at 2:30 o'clock. 1
' Mrs. Roe D r a g e r and .: her
daughter, Mrs. James H. Nichol
son, jr., are spending the week
, end in Portland as guests of Mrs.
Ruby Mishler.
Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Cllne are
entraining today for a business
ana pleasure uip w oan rtui
cisco. JUG elab will meet Monday
with Mrs. Evelyn Visnaw, 875
Belmont street i
YES, these are besy days
for the phyicia. With -uar
fonner asociaM ia dM
armed serrices, be nut cany
hesTyburdea. Voo won't iad
rour Doctor compUiaiag ;
H'a glad to work longer am
hardcf to serve tod protect the
coamaoitr Yoa caa help .
L'ghtea his load by calliag at
bis office instead or asking hist 9
to visit your home; by aroM-. v
iasj aigat calls, except ia real "
emergeacy; bf not acglectias; t
the Uiaess that mar derelop
lato sometbiag
pciagiag pcwcfifUOMi
Car. CUta A L&erty r&sM tlU
Mcs. Fred Gast o Salem, receives the president's cja
vel from Mrs. C. J. Thurston of Jefferson as she took of
fice cur new 'president of Marion icounty Federation of
Women's clubs. Mrs. Thurston presided at a convention
: held at Silverton, April 28. .Mrs. A. J, Titus of Silverton, Is
' the new president. H '
Strenuous Life
Musician s Life Is No Bowl of Cherries
:..V;--v.., .::. .- ,v.,, - : ----fet ?,! -:r
.The comparatively regulated life ;of an C average business
, man or woman must look mighty good, to the top-notch musi
cian, even though there are many compensations for "fame.
Touring the continent seems to be one long series of being at
one's best before the adnhing public,! put hiving to take one's
place as a common citizen on trains and at dining places. .
Discussing the matter of great artists with Mr. William Bass,
husband and tour manager of
Helen Traubel and with Mr. Da
vid Ferguson, Pacific coast rep- ;
resentative of. Columbia Con
certs, which books the artists :
for the Community Concert as-1
sociation, we learned some in- 'f
teres ting things about artists on
tour. Many of the facts were '
entirely new, other we vaguely ;
knew,1 but found confirmation
during our discussions with these '
men who are so closely connec
ted with the life of great ar
tists. - I?-"
V Artists, especially singers must
be at their . best, at every con
cert, and often fatigue or slight'
cold may - threaten the success
of a program. The singer must ;
be . sparkling. Jive and warm vto
her audience. She must be at
her best technically even though ':
she. may have been on the train
for a night or two, and may have
gone from sea level to high al-
titude within - a few hours. If
a musician - seems temperamen-
tal on tour, it might be just'
plain, old fashioned fatigtte that'
puts the nerves on edge. '
According to Mr. Bass and
Mr. Coenraad Bos, the acompa
nist, Miss Traubel is even tem
pered and seldom shows signs
of nerves. Even after a hard trip
and through a strenuous sched-:
uie, she remains calm and un
worried. Host concert musicians are
good troupers, says Mr. Fergu
son. They find great stimulation
in an appreciative audience and
give much more to those Who
are enjoying them. The musician
can feel the audience's opinion
of him, (a really appreciative
group usually brings forth the
best in an artist i i
Miss Traubel's party includ
ed her husband, herself and the
acompanist She must- get her
self ready for the concert; fix'
her own hair and take care of
serioos; sad by
her clothes-r-then, sing a hard
and exhausting program. Stor
ies about her likes in food are
true. She eats a large meal af
ter the, concert, for she must
gain back , the energy given out
in her: singing.
According to Mr. Bass, they
have had no trouble getting train
reservations,1, because they are
made j months ahead, but it is
necessary to carry a large lunch
baskeC with! thermos bottle for
coffee so meals may; be regu
lar and ample to keep the sing
er in good health. I -
Miss Traubel declined an in
vitation forentertainment after
the concert: for like most musi
cians, I she Wants to , eat a big
meal :and relax after her pro-
; graxril ;.- ' $ ...... : ;i 4 '.
i When asked if radio breadcast-
ing Is' any simpler than concert-
izing,- Mr. Bass said it might be,
.but Miss TraubeT has' gone 'clear
across;, the continent to sing a
mere Jthree ;Songs in a program.
They will spend the summer near
Hollywood, Mr. Bass saioV with
Miss Traubel singing on the ra
dio tvjrice during that period, for
programs originating in the west.
Then there's the matter of
compensation. Many artists have
givenj up touring entirely,, trav
eling conditions are difficult, and
if they are in the high income
brackets, they pay approximate
ly 90 per cent of their net Income
to Uncle Sam! v i '
I Announcing the
A Ilcdern
Spiacl-Stylcd Piano
I P 4
With Superb Tone at
Amazingly Low Price of -1
Here's the piano youVe always
wanted . . an instrument com
bining the rich and powerful
tone; of a baby grand with the
slender grace of a modern
streamlined spinet
v' ;
'' Cmly a limited Namber 1
)j , Available j
j i f . -
''.'ti ' ;.' - ' t- ;.i
US Ce, 12th, Near 8. P. Depei
EUtm, Oregen
H:zzz d 012
Abe a lew Other KebaCt i .
i I. K rtaaes . ';'-''t "
- r
I. ' . 'S
National Officer .
Makes Visit -
; , : j' ' ' ,
V. S. Grant circle of the La- '
dies of the GAR entertained the i
national president, Mrs. Theo-
dort C Redfern of Cranston, ':
R. L, at an all day meeting
Wednesday at the TWCA. Other !
. guests were Mrs. Rose Garrison,
inspecting officer and depart- ;
ment secretary; Mrs. Susan
Hammond, past department ;
president of Portland,' Mrs. Ma
bel Traglio, department presi-
dent, and Mrs Stover. "
. Others present were Mrs. Rose .
Garret . president, I' Mrs. Lena
Taylor, Mrs. Mary Mann, Mrs.
Aggie Xayton,! Mrs. Louis Hall, r
Mrs. Mable Bagynoke, Mrs. Jen- ,
nie Martin and Mrs. Rottink. A .
gift was presented to the na- ?
vtional president and the inspect
ing officer. Mrs. Mary Mann re- -
ceived the past president's pin. '
-The patriotic motif was used In
the decorations and corsages ;
made by Mrs. Lena Taylor
marked places for the guests.-
' The Delta PM - Mathers will
- meet at the chapter house Mon
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs.
Roy Lockenour will talk on the
. book, "We Who Are America'
and Jean Swift will play a group
of piano numbers. Hostesses are
Mrs. Herman Clark, Mrs. G. M.
Wrisley and Mrs. Frank James. -'
; ,
. " 2-feT Slippen
. 1 1.-" ' r : ) i-:, : -m-
;' ; M fry- . -c . .
Oryon, Sunday Morning, May
Pansy Bluebirds met with Mrs.
Fred M. Snyder Tuesday and
elected the following officers:
Marcla Maple, president; Sidney
Kromer,. vice-president; Patsy
.Snider, secretary; Carol Lee,
treasurer; Claudia Waters,
scribe; Clarice' Waters, sergeant-
at-arms. The girls made bean
bags and then played with them.
."'' - 'f
Miss Betty. Brewn, daaghter of
Mr. and Mrs. JH. Brown grad
uated on April 23-from St. Jo
seph's hospital school of nursing
in Vancouver, Washington. She is
a graduate of Sacred Heart aca
demy, and attended Willamette
university for a year. Her grad
uation completed three years'of
training. She will remain at the
hospital until the first of July,
when she Intends to' enter the
""army nurses corps. Miss Brown .
-has been a cadet nurse for the
past year. . -.r
Mrs. Frank James will be host,
ess to members of chapter BQ,
PEO Monday night at her home
on State "street .
, Column
What do you
7, 1944
Rainbow Girls to
Honor Mothers; i.-
- Mothers of Rainbow Girls ' wQ
be the honor guests at a special
Music week and Mother's day
program which; will be present
ed by members of the Order of
Rainbow for Girls Tuesday night ;
at the Masonic temple. The pro ,
gram will begin at 8 o'clock fol
lowing the regular business meet
ing which Is scheduled for 730.
Election of officers for the sum
mer term will take place during
the business meeting. Miss Helen
Paulson is the present worthy,
advisor and a degree for the mo
thers will be given by the Offi
cers. ... . ." . j - ' ,, .-j
All mothers are Invited to at
tend and a social hour will follow
the meeting and program. Miss
Patsy Schneider is in charge of
-the program which Is as follows:
Piano solo ,:,. Elizabeth Nelson
Vocal solo ., " 'S ' Sally Terril
i Piano duet , ;;
Roaemanr Gaiser
Addjrs Lan
Beverly Davenport
.wJoan Tweedlc.
nut solo
Fat Miller
AfiOORUmtist. imi lUmn . i
Piano solo CyntbU Needham
Vocal solo v i ... Donna Chastam
' Accompanist. Beverly Davenport
Choir music u . Rainbow Choir
Directed by Mrs. Fern Allison
Degree honoring mothers given by
.The Spinsters will be enter
tained at the home of Miss Sybil
Spears Monday night. .Election
of officers will be held. i i
for a veryj
ill nSe lovely things
deserve something extra special, doesn't she? Well you'll find hankies.
her arm
caiitct cAixrnjAa
t to 11 Daughters of St Elizabeth.
. 11 to 1 Maccabees. -1
to 4 Royal Neighbors. .
4 to 7 PosUl Clerks auxiliary.
T to U Junior Woman's dub.
DAB. , . " ,
University Of Oregon Mothers dub.
Daughters pt Union Veterans. t
'Utoksday, may it '
. Catholic Daughters of America. '.
Bpal Brittt auxiliary.
Ensign and Mrs. John Wesley ;
Hansell, r, (Rose Ann Gibson) ::
arrived in .the capital Thursday
from Santa (Barbara, Calif.,
where he ; has been stationed.
They are Visiting at the homes ,
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Duane Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. .
J. W. Hansell. Thursday night
the Hansells entertained at'din- .
' ner for their son and hia wife
and today; Mr. and Mrs. Gibson J
will be hosts at dinner for mem
bers of the family in honor of
Ensign and Mrs. Hansell at their
home on the, Wallace road. En- -sign
Hansell will be temporarily .
stationed in Portland.
' Dean , and Mrs. Walter Erlck-.
son are receiving ' congratula
tions on the birth of a ten pound
son at the Salem General hos
pital Saturday afternoon. The
little boy has two brothers, Ger
ald and Donald, and a sister,
Julie. . I
. - . 1 i T .' . ...
nice Mbther?:,,
that nice Mother wants, Johnny
s . . so reasonably priced thaf, it won't break
.sheer hose! Or how about a bright bag to tuck under
when you and she step out to
PAG2 irns
WCTU Institute
Is Slated
WCTU InsUtuU wfll be held at
the hall 1 on South Commercial .
street all day on Tuesday., Mrs.
B. P. Shoemaker will open the,
devotionals at 1020 with a bus
Iness session following.. Mrs;
W. A. Barkus, county president,
will be in charge of exhibits to be
on display. h,;:'-. 'i:a::1 ::M
A noontide prayer is scheduled
for 12 o'clock with a luncheon
following. 1 Mrs. S. H. Boardman
will lead the devotionals at 1:15
o'clock to be . followed by the
main a d d r.e s s by Mrs. -Ruth
Tooze, . state president, at 120.
She will talk on "Shadows, When
Will They Lift?" Mrs. Dean
Morse will given a violin s solo
accompanied by Mrs. Gil son.
Mrs. F. M. Lobdell will speak on
citizenship" and Mrs. J. J. Nunn
will talk on Farm Home Needs.
Woman's Missionary society ef
the First Presbyterian church
will meet -Wednesday, afternoon
to honor the members who have
been faithful through the years.
Mother and daughter day will
also be observed. Mrs. Gordon
McGilchrist will sing and Mrs.
C L. Marsters will play the vio
lin. Mrs. -James Aiken Smith
will lead the devotions and Mrs.
E. A. Collier and Mrs.. Ralph
Scott win. tell about the Pres
byterian meeting in Albany.
I And she does
Mother's gift at Wardg
a fellow's podcetbookl ,!
the moviesf;
MAY 14