The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Informal Party Planned . .:. '
The weekend is marked with several Informal dinner par
ties and I luncheon and a birthday celebration. . Mr. and Mrs.
vin Kent will be hosts for d dessert supper tonight at their
home on Madison street for a grqup of friends. Bouquets of tu- '
hps. iris and lilacs will provide the decorative note; .Contract
.bridge will be In play during the evening.'. ;
Y1? Pced lor Mr. and Mrs. f. Deane Patterson,..
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Samster, Mr., and Mrs. Stuart Thede, Dr.
and Mrs. Estill Brunk.. Mr., and Mrs James Turnbull arid Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Kent : . -
Mr; and Mrs. Richard A. Meyer will be supper hosts to
night at their home on Belmont street : Cards will be in play
after the,, supper hour. " Guests will be Mr. and Mrs. IT V. Ben
son, Mr. and Mrs. BE Owens",' Mr. and Mrs. C. L Newman,"
. Dr. and Mrs. Frank V. Prime, sr.. and Mr and Mrs! A: LrAdolph- " :-
Society Clubs Music J'
. V Mr.; and Mrs. Floyd Bowers were dinner j hosts- Saturday
1 . night at their North 1 5th street home. Bridge was in play dur- ,
ing the Evening Quests, of "the 'Bowers were Mrcrrid-Mrso v
Rarhe Erickseni;'Mr. cawi Ms. Charles Feike and Mr", and Mrs.
, Gardner Knapp. : ' ':-' -'. . ' '
Au. Rev'oir Luncheon v
' -Mrs. Eugene Foster presided at a smartly arranged dessert
luncheon Friday afternoon at her home on Leffelle street for the
pleasure of Mr3. Joseph Brown; Mrs. James Fraser, -and Mrs. '
Frank Payne of Albany, who are leaving with their army hus-
bands for new posts. . The Browns will go to Salt Lake City,
the Frasers to Fort Lewis and the Paynes to Seattle;
' V-v The' luncheon table was covered with an Irish linen, cloth .
trimmed in lace and centered with d bouquet of pink and white :"
rhododendrons flanked by pink tapers. - Tulips and iris were
used In the living room. ;The honor guests were presented with -farewell
Covers were placed for Mrs. Joseph Brown, Mrs. James
Fraser,' Mrs. Frank Payne, Mrs. ' Samuel Hay, Mrs. Norman
' Beachr Mrs. Clarence Stonehocker, Mrs. Fred Sullivan, and
Mrs.' Eugene Foster. -
Dinner For Mrs. Chambers
Mrs. Roger. Quackenbush was host-
" ess for a dinner party Saturday night at
the Phil Aspinwall home in honor of her
sister; Mrs. Douglas , Chambers, who ; re
cently returned from Kentucky where she
'has been with Captain Chambers. The
table centerpiece was of camellias. After
the dinner a surprise shower honored Mrs.
Chambers. Covers were placed for Mrs.
Chcrrnbers; Mrs. Burl Cox, Mrs. James
Gardner, Mrs. Casper Schweigert, ; Mrs.
, Clarence Frey ! and Mrs. Roger Quack
enbush. Mrs. Goulet Hostess
Mrs. Homer Goulet sr., was hostess
for an informal luncheon on Friday aft
ernoon at her country home. Bridge was
in play after the luncheon with high score
going, to Mrs. T. H. Galoway. Covers
were placed for Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs.
Miller. B. Hayden, Mrs. Percy Kelly, Mrs.
T. H. Galloway, Mrs. Carl Webb. Mrs.
Frank Myers, Mrs. F. H. Thompson, Mrs.
Daniel B. Jarman and Mrs. Goulet
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f JueenjMarjory Moulding with her princesses, Dorothy Estes, center, : and Mary Jean
! Huston, below, who ruled over the Willamette May festivities this wekend. Queen Mar
jory was crowned at a colorful ceremony on Saturday afternoon and for her coronation
wore a white marquisette dress fashioned with long sleeves and tiny buttons dowri the back.
White ruffling edged the full train and enhanced the bodice of the gown. Prinpess Mary
Jean wore jblue marquisette and Princes3 Dorothy's was yellow. Their frocks were jmade with
shirred bodices, three-quarter length sleeves and sweetheart necklines: Pleated ruffling ex
tended frorn the shoulder line to the bottom of the full skirts.. They carried pastel colonial
nosegays, j Insert is a closeup of Queeri Marjory. (Statesman i Women's page photos).
vv . J ,
1' A"
Make Way for the Queen! Queen Marjory Rules
! . . ;... v '-. By JERYME ENGUSH ;j' V '! ; .' j '
1 '"J.'. . -'Statesman Society Editor I j . . ; j :.
Favored by a perfect spring day, Willamette university students and alumni celebrated the 38th annual May weekend.
with' the crowning of the queen, formal nayal inspection, a tea for the queen arid a May day dance. Marjory ; Moulding,
"Qiieen Marjory' and her court were hon6f guests during entirf weekend. Miss. Moulding, a "senior from $ilvehon, and
member of Beta Chi sorority, was attended by Dorothy Estes, Delta Phi and Mary Jean Huston this year's Beta Chi house
president i 'j . . j'.-V- " .. ' j j, ' ' '. ' . !!'.. j. ,' .V
The coronation ceremony was held on the east lawn, in a , traditional spot between the white gothic columns. Ltrge bou
quets of white flowers flanked the stage where Queen Marjorie was crowned by Queen Harriet Monroe, . last year's May
queen. ,1 ".j A: - - - ' ;1 . . '-j .H" . ' "h' I1 A
j Queeri Marjory's entrance .was heralded by a group of trumpeters; -Lynden Watts, Frank Hummell md .Richard Tau.
Members of the quartet singing "Make Way for the Queen" and preceding the royal court were Robert Sche, Dick Mallett
Chick Strong and Bill Parkin of the navy unit Little Stephen Murdock, son of Mrs. Victor Murdock, was .crown 'bearer and
flower girls were Karen Ringnalda, daughter of Prof, and Mrs. Murco Rirignalda, and Julie Erickson," daughter tel... Dean and
Mrs.! Walter Ei Erickson, who wore pink pinafores. I . , - i ! v . J !: . '
ii Queen Marjory was escorted to the social events of the weekend by Kenny King, Princess Dorothy by George 0ttum and
Princess Mary Jean by John Cotthoff. Royal attendants were Miss Doris Holmes, Miss Nancy Stricklin and Miss'Doise
Findley. ; - .: ,.: f : . ; ; ' . .- .Ip !..,. '
The weekend festivities opened with ah intersorority sing contest the first such .held on the Willamette campus. Other
events of Ihe day were, the traditional sophomore-freshman tug of war and greased pole contest and a softball game between
twd teams from the navy unit ' j '.K''v J f . .M- . ;. '
j Saturday s events -opened with the annual campus Y WLA May morning breaJuast served on the lawn in rront pi Uhresto jk
cottage. Other events included the presentation of the "Ballad for Americans'' by the university choir, directed and produ- - -Z'1!t ;
cedf by Dean Melvin H. Giest and Maurice Brennen. CorydonBloagett baritone, was soloist This is the second time the
ballad, has been presented at May weekend, the first was in 1942 when Chloe Anderson" reigned as queen. J'
I The customary May pole dance was performed by. women members of the junior class.""-The dance was directea by Miss
Jean Wing, Miss Mary Bennett and Miss Kdthryn Wilson. Flower girls were Miss Jean Gibbons and Miss Mary ; Laughlin.
Those dancing were the Misses Jean Friesj Betty Burkhart Jean Gibbons, Vvonne Kauffman; June Haight Catherine: Thomas,
- Mary Acheson, Lois Butler, Lois Robinson, Emma Lou East Sally
Joyce - McClendon.
'Elaborate' Plans :fbr : Music Week , ..:
:.,;-a !- .f H- v" -'v: V :r-r. rt'i ,
Persons planning.ihis year's celebration of national Music :
week have planned ari even more elaborate series of events '
featuring local musical talent The week officially begins to- '
day, and the day's largest event is the program at the 'First
' Presbyterian church ;at 3;3(J o'clock. - . " " ' '
: Several oi the features ' are speddl' interest' The Salem
Oratorio sodety will make- its- secrid) bppecace,' singing '
"Thou Gcd of Nations" by Les
Mater byRossir.fedturg "
"Sanctus" from Bach's mass-'in B'nunqr.'rMelyin Geist will di- .
. rect, and Ralph" Dobbs, pianist and Maurfce Brerm'eni organist
.will accompany.' ' - ; 4. ; -1 . .A - ' t 1 . 2
v Mrs. Ralph Dobbs will make her first appearance in Salem '
, as organ soloist during the afternoon: She will play "My Heart
" is' Filled with' Longing",- by Bach and ''Thou1 Art the"Rock'!': by
" I' . The Camp Fire Girls rchs; Crary Brown; '
and the, Girl ResjiirvesJ;chccivC under: e'diiepr ..ygrnia . .
. Ward tllidtt wUI eqcli sing a gjoup VA,chQruA from,the:Sacred
Heart dcademyschobl of music, will sing two numbersrr-iu-; i
"Also featured will be a trio including Mary SchultzjDun-
can; violin, Mary talmddge Headrlck, viola arid Ralph Dobbs.
'Programs . During Week -r- 4 -
On Monday, .Wayne Mercer and Edward Struck,- will be
presented in a program of rylophone-marimba music at Wal
ler hall at 8 o'clock, assisted by Eugene Nelson of Portland
and Corydon Blodgett of Salem. ; ' a ' ' ' : " -
3 At 8 o'clock Tuesday; Salem 4iighfschool band will give
a concert at the high school auditorium." .This will be a Estate
; contest! Vernon Wiscarson is leader. yv . . Ji: , j I :
-1 0n j Wednesday night 'Parrish junior high school will pre
: sent its; music festival, which will include numbers bygirls
' choruses, boys choruses, bands, special instrumental groups
'. "and some novelty numbers. Music' directors are Leslie J. Car
" son, Mrs. Mackey Swan and Miss Constance Weiman.
; Thursday's contribution will be made by Miss Lena Belle
.-Tartar's high school vocal department This program is set
for 8 o'clock at the high school auditorium.- 1 j
':. 1 Two programs are listed for schools for Friday. In the after
noon, eighth grade pupils of Sacired Heart academy will, give
a program and a skit In the eveningpupils of Leslie junior
'high school will appear in the operetta, "Chimes of Normandy," ,
directed by Gretchen Kreamer. A cast cf 150 pupils jwill partici-
:i.pate... i. 1 --' ' -vl . . ' r I '
Harpists Will Play i f '
iNext Sunday,-Sacred Heart academy department of music i
will present a program of six harpists, a chorus group and a
string quartet in program. .
During the week, programs will be given at the state tuber-.
; culosis hospital, Hillcrest school and at the women's division
: of the penitentiary. Several programs have been planned for-
the Old People's home, and all churches and schools of the
are: arranging special programs for the week.
Radio programs for Music week include a broadcast from
the Presbyterian church at 8 o'clock tonight a 4:45 o'clock pro
gram by Salem high school Crescendo club on Tuesday and a
vocal and piano program by Violet Burlingham and Margaret
Hogg at 3:05 Friday. All are to be broadcast over KSLM.'
i v
McClelland, . Betty ' Provost - Janet Blake, - Kay Wilson and
' Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Jack (Harriett Alice Talmadge)
whowere married at the studio of Professor and Mrsr T. S
Roberts on Apjil 29." The bride is he daughter of Lt and
Mrs, L. C. Zander arid her husband is the son of Mrs.
Gladys English of Kent City, Mich. The newlyweds are
living in San Francisco while he i$ stationed at Treasure
Island. (Kennell-Dlis.) '
Anniversary for the Church . , .
1 Outstanding on the social calendar 'f or Thursday night
is jhe reception to be given by members of the First Presbyter
laachurch in celebration of the 75th anniversary of tie local
church. The reception will follow ja "meeting in the sanctuary" .;
of the church" when Dr. Helen Pearce will tell of the early his- ' .
Mrs. Smith Entertains
j "Hts. G. Herbert Smith was hostess for aovely informal May tea at University House in honor of Queen Marjory Mould- '
ing following the coronation ceremonies. Several hundred guests called to meet the queen and her court j' I '
'I Miss Lois Robinson introduced to the receiving line which ' included Queen Marjory, Mrs. J. H. Moulding; of Silverton,
Mr.lG. Herbert Smith, Princess Mary Jean Huston, Mrs. Samuel C. Huston of St Helens,. Princess Dorothy Estes, .Mrs. Frank.
Sexton of The Dalles, Miss Doris Holmes, Miss Eloise Findley and Miss Nancy Stricklin, attendants, and Miss Harriej: Monroe,
last year'si queen. ' -t :."--v'" :K" V' .:.'.: '; - .!-: . r i '
I Miss Jane Huston and Miss Suzanne Zimmerman greeted the guests at me door. , Assisting in the living room were ;
the! Misses Nancy Hoak, Nancy Stewart, Margaret Permberton,'tYyonne Mozee, Nadene Mathews, Marian Erickson, Lucille ,
Barnhardt and Mary East : t .-' - ' -'S ' '' ' ' "'' ' . ; ;' :;'; " --:
Mrs. Joseph A. Davidson and Mrs. Otto Skopil jrpresided at the . tea urns. : Serving were the Misses Betry. Louise Sin-.'
kola! Olive Torbett Phyllis1 Nelson, Mary Lou Moore, Helen Zimmerman, ;'Deanof Todd and Betty Burkhart 5 j . f ''. ;
i The Mav theme was used in the decorations on the tea table and bouquets of tulips, lilacs, iris and blossoins were used ."
aut the rooms. - . v- ,. ..-J- . .- '-.., : ' ; i '-;". ' ' j ;
. i v ' v i ..
:V v.v-, ''is .... .-.iK i n''- :"
" ; Honor guests will be 15 descendants of the early founders
- cf the. church Including Mrs; John Scott' Miss Qara Albert, .Mrs.
C. P. Bishop, Mrs. S. P. Kirnball, Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. O. A.
Condit Miss Pearl 'Applegate,. Miss Margaret Munson, Miss ,
Ruth Rulifson, Mrs Alvira Chandler, Miss Annora WelcH, Mrs.
Berthajimk Darby, Mrs. J. a: Griffith,-Mrs. Charles H. Robert
eon and Ut. Paul B, Wallace. - '
' presiding at the coffee urns will be Miss Qara Albert and
: Miss Alvira Chandler; - Cuttuig the tiered birthday cake will be .
Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby and Miss Ruth Rulifson The lace cov-
- ered table will be centered with, the cake which 'will be placed
on a mirror and endrcTed with blossoms. On either side will
be'white '.candles in silver holders.., ,-Jv r
f Assisting in me" serving will be d group of Westminster
Guild members including Mrs George Scales; Mrs.' Francis
Wade. Mrs. Willard N. Thompson, Mrs. Samuel Harbison. Mrs.
Earl Cooley, Mrs. Moody Benner, Mrs.' Walter Snyder and '
'. Mrs. James HardieJ '.. '--'v;- '",'' '""
The reception room will be . decorated' with, bouquets of -blossoms,
tulips, lilacs and .iris. '. The committee in charge of .
arrangements for the affair includes virs: Ralph Eggstaif. Mrs.
L O. acment, . Mrs.: H. J." Cement,; Mrs. Russell Pratt Mrs..
Herman Lafky and Mrs. John'W. Harbison. v "
about the rooms.
j-.-'- Mrs. Steams Eason and her, five month old daughter,
Mary Lynn, of Wencrtchee, Wash., who are .visiting for
several weeks at the home of her husband's parents; Mr.
arid Mrs. David Eason. ' Lt Gg) Eason is' now in Nevir Zea
" land; Mrs. David Eason was hostess for an informal par
ity for her daughteMn-law Saturday night OCennell-EllisK
1 1
, v .v
, 'i -'.i;')
- Conie .Collins, daughter of Mr. and; Msr.J Carl G. Cbllins,'
celebrated her third birthday on Saturday afternoon when she.
entertained a .group of her friends at a party-at the Collins
home on Market street ' ' I ' I
The birthday table was arranged in i the garden and was
covered -with ' bright colored cloth and centered with'. the . ,
: . . 'if' '
. j ; - Miss Betty Beck, daughter of Mrs Thelma Wood,
whose engagement to Mr. Edward C Picard, private first
Jass, United States army, son of Mrs. Walter Greerirwas
revealed at an informal party Thursday1 night .No plans
tave been made for the wedding! Gesten-Millerk ;
i - The betrothal of Miss Shirley. Blackman, daughter of ' .
I Mr. and, Mrs. M..C. Blackman; to Navcd Aviation Cadet '
j Robert M. Barber, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Merrill L; Barber,
1 was told to" the bride-elect's Alpha Phi Alpha sorority sis-'
4 ters Thursday night.' Miss, Blackman is a sophomore at
i Willamette university IKennell-Lllis;; ;
:i Wishing Conie "a happy, birthday" were Gregory. Stadter, . ;
. - Kdmy.Garmori',-Steven and David' Perry, Linda" 1 Parker; Jimmy :
' Bone, Beth. Needham, Billy Purvine,' Al and Jimmy King, Jimmy ;
" vi , Woodry; Marthcr Lee .Walker of Ocean Lake, Scott rfague", Bar-
bara Roth, Lucinda Jones; Betty -Brotherton; ; Patsy i Collins of
: Dallas' arid Joan Griffith. ' : " ' . " ' ' ;
t. i ? " Other guests were Conies grandmother," Mrs. Ira Jorgen-
' - son,' Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, Jr.; Mrs.' Rcrt, Cannon, Mrs. Leon
". Perry, Mrs. lAltori Parker, Mrs. John' Bone, Mrs. Robert Need-;'
I X: ham, Ks. Ralph E Purvine, Mrs. A. Terrerice King, Mrs; Glenn ' "
Vopdry)'! Vixk.: 'Alfred Walker, t Mrs. James . J.' Hague.i Jr' Mrs.
Edward Roth, Mrs,:Creighton Jones,-rv!rs. Victor Collins,' Mrs.-'
John Griffith, Mrs. Willard Wirtz and Mrs. Hugh Adonis." " . ,
1 ' ; ,.-. - - "s - v.. -. ;....:- .. ; - ...
'':, '" . ' V,-'... "... t . ... r -
: ioday llr. and Mrs. ari txliins are entertaining . at a .
family dinner inhonor of -.their daughter's :blrthday; - Covers -
will be placed for Conie, Collinsi Mr.' and Mrs. Ira Jorgenson, ; I
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DriscclL Mrs."Qo'-Johnson, and Mr. "and
Mrs. Collins: ' "' - -' f :Vr ;? :,'-