Hy Farm -Markets Th OREGON STATESMAN. Satan, Oregon, Sunday Morning, Mar 7, 1944 PAGE FOUBTEEtf i Stocks Finish Strong Week -, V. NEW , YORK, May WF)-On the best Saturday volume in a ; month, ,: the stock market today finished a relatively strong re covery week .with a slight tenden cy toward irregularity. While liaucrs and scattered spe cialties climbed 1 to more than 2 ,, points in the final session, profit taking and trimming of accounts ; for weekend insurance stemmed the rising tide generally. J The Associated Press 80-stock ' average was unchanged at 51.9 but for the week showed a net advance of .8 of a point The in dustrial composite during the six xday stretch gained 1.4 points and had not suffered a losing session since April 24. The total of 330, 810 in today's session compared ' with 245,630 last Saturday. ' Peaks for 1944 were reached to day by Park '& Tilford, Austin i Nichols common and preferred -and Atlantic Refining. Modest plus signs were attached to Dun hill International,, Chrysler, US Steel, Texas Co., Sears Roebuck, International Harvester, Du Pont ' and Douglas Aircraft Losers in ? eluded Santa Fe, Southern Paci f ic, Bethlehem, Anaconda, Good year, Montgomery Ward, Amer ican Can and J. C. Penney. , VFW Auxiliary Plans Convention SILVERTON . Mrs. Charles Hartman presided at the Wednes day night meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars aux'diary at the armory. Mrs. Theodore Grace served as secretary, as Mrs. L. E. Standard, regular secretary, was ill. Applications were received for memberships and will be acted upon later. Announcement was made that the department encamp ment will be held , at Portland June 15 to 18 inclusive. Election of delegates to this will be held at the May. 17 meeting. The Penny Fund prize was won by Bernice Grant The play, "The Hat Shop," was presented by the vRoval Neighbors and a no-host luncheon was served at the social : hour." '.:-t. -4,; Mrs.; Hartmen also announced that the department meeting would be held late in May at Portland when the president, Mrs. Amelia C Kane, would make her official visit Some local members of the ' auxiliary plan to go to -Portland for the occasion. Red Cross Sewing Suspended Until June WOODBURN No more sew : fng will be given out until 'after June 1, Mrs. Lyman Shorey has announced. The sewing rooms will be closed until that date, when the summer quota for Red Cross work is expected. Women who have taken out work to do at home on the spring quota are asked to complete it and leave it at the Evenden drug store. Kit bag contributions are still needed, and those, as usual. may be paid to Mrs. Fred Evenden at the drug store. Crossword Puzzle 'A 13 21 it 'A 30i 31 3S as 39 21 4 42 f43 45 So S3 54 ! nOUIZOXTAL , 1.. asunder . : Clce mass 20. depart 12. shea carved 45. in no manner 48. soUr disk , 47. peruse 80. leading 52. wash lightly 53. Roman coin 54. linen, - vestment . 55. made of oats f TXnCAL ; tdeed ;x. in ru -t -13. coming 1 T i ashore " 15. waste , allovance 18. ship officer ' ;C 17. split pulse Answer to yceterday's puzzle. 20. American inventor " 21. Japaaesa A' .. sash- 23. sacred vessel 2. the sun . . ".. t53.poucli , a ' X3. savors ' . 13. printer's -:' . r.ctsurt ' - .. tr--1 A RjE NA '4 ,-vlj DlAlNl R(AC 1k 7nIsTA M T Amu TtlHpLtq i -"TPS 51: 1 c w i.v o u -j QV a tie: - rTC v1i t T AL tine f solatUs: 37 aUastes. t f li:rj Features Syndicate, lac J J S- wmw T ' '' Highlight if pre-hearing conference before the civil aeronautics board in Washington, DC, April 27, was the disclosure by Sonthfest original Pacific coast application had been amended to request the routes shown on the above map. System also extends throoghont California, providing- passenger, mail and express air service t 5Vx million people in 252 cities, 95 per cent of which now lack direct air service. The board Is expected t hold formal hearings on Southwest s application about June first , craft, carrying from 19 to 12 passengers land 809 to 1009 pounds of Quotations at East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore.. May (API- East Side Wholesale market prices: General prices: Fruit: Apple: 1 Winesaps (Stayman) 1.00 box; Newtowna 3.00-3 .25 box. Vegetables: Asparagus: Mid-Columbia, Canby, 4.00 per pyramid. Broccoli: Green l.oo lug. Cabbage: No. 1 green 3.25: ordinary 3.00 crate; red -1.75-2.00 pony crate; savoy (curly) 75c cauliflower crate. Cauliflower: No. 1, 1.50; ordinary 3.40-3 JO: No. 3. 75C-1.25. - Greens: Spinach, local SOc-1.00 orange box; mustard 80c-1.00 dozen bunches; kale 15c ' crate; swiss chard 69-70c dozen bunches; parsley 50-0c dozen bunches. Onions: Green T0-0c dozen bunches: commercial grade dry, 90s. 3.70 bag. Radishes: Red 80-90c dozen bunches; white soc-1.00 dozen bunches. Rhubarb: Field, boxes. 19s. 75c; 30s, 1.25; bunches 6S-70c dozen. Root vegetables: Bulk parsnips 75c lug: carrots 75c: turnips 75-80c lug. Sprouts: Brussels 2.50 flat box; bulk stock 10-lZc lb. Plants: Lettuce 1.00; cabbage 1.00; cauliflower 1.50; chives 1.75; pansy 1.05 Hat; marl golds 1.50 box: snapdragons 1 JO flat. , Portland Produce vf"- PORTLAND. Ore., May (API Butter: AA grade prints 46c; cartons 46c; A grade prints 45sc; cartons 8 4 7 29 'A 14 17 Va 31. 3 37 40 144 V. 'A 'A. 47 3 49 'A SI 55 5-9 -11. eye -14. sacred Image 18. marsh 19. copyright . 20. great number 21. mountain in -Thessaly . 22. musical y group 24. blaster 27. rock-boring tool, 28. Charles Lamb's pen-name 28. dissolve -SI. foray 23. turbulent stream 38. irrigates 38. sting 41. handle ' ,42. pithy sayings 43. pierce 44. Assam silkworm 41 entire amount ' 41 Peer Gynt's mother 49. lair 51. note In scale 52. international ... language -k 2. equality of alue S.Und of the free 4. network 5. toward 6. flat bottles 7. recent 8. single unit 9. diminutive for Edward 10. corrode , 5- 'At. r w VX VA 9X77 Proposed New Air Routes Airways, one or the nation's pioneer Portland 56c; B grade prints 45'ic; cartons 46c. Butterfat: First quality, maximum of of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland S2-53Vsc: premium - quality, maximum of J5. of 1 per cent acidity Sa-sa'c;; valley routes and country points 2e less than first or 50-50'ac. Cheese: selling price to poruana re tailers:; jOregon triplets 29.4c; daisies 2SJc lb.; loaf 30 lb.; triplets to wholesalers 37c: loaf 37ac FOB. Eggs: To producers: Nominal prices. case count ZS-30',sc; select nenneries 31c; mediums 24-25C dozen. - Eggs: Nominal prices to retailers, in tses: A srade large 36c: A medium 33c; small i3-24c. , u Live i poultry: Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to IV lbs.' J7'ic; fryers 24 to 4 lbs. 26c; roasters over 4 lbs. 38c; Leghorn and colored hens. all weights 24',e; roosters and stags 20c. Rabbits: Government celling. Ave rage country , killed to retailers 44c lb.: live price to producers -24c lb. Turkeys: Selling to retailers: Dresseu hens Nft 1. 38',i-43c lb. Turkeys: Alive: Government celling buying' prices: Hens 42c: toms 3'ic lb. dressed basis. Onions: Green 1.00-1.10 doz. bunches; dry, Oregon 3.70-3.74; new Texas, Cali fornia 3.75-3.7S. . Potatoes: Old locals 2.50-3.00; do 2s, 50s. 5cj Klamath 3.75; Deschutes No. i, J.oa eniai; local x.su-o.wi cental. . Country meats: Rollback prices to retailers ' Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 17-1 8c; vealers AA 22c; A Sine; B l-19'2c: C 15-174ci culls 13-lSc; beef AA 21ttc; A SXHic: B 18c: C 14c;. canner-cutter cows I2-14c; bulls, canner -cutters 14- 14ic; lambs AA 26c; A 24',ic; B 22'ic; C 10-20o; ewes FS 13',ic; medium 12c: R 1BC4 )r. ...... ' .... Wool: ' Government control. Cases ra bark: 1944 peel 20c lb. Mohair: 1943 13-months. 45c lb. . Hopst iNominal contract: 1944. SOc up 1945. 65c: 1946. 60c. Hay : Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. 2 or better 34.00-35.00; oat vetch. 36.00 ton valley points; timothy (eastern; Oregon) 39.0o-3e.0o ton; clover 34.00 ton; Montana grass nay (No. 1) 33M ton. . . PortUnd Grain PORTLAND. i-Ore -May S AP- Wheati No futures quoted. Cash wheat. (bid): Soft white 153: soft whits (excluding Rexl 1.54: white chib 1J5; western red 1.53 Hard; red winter: Ordinary 1 M; 10 per cent 1.54; H per cent 156; 12 per cent 1J3. : 7 - Hard whits Baart: 10 per cent 154i: llper cent lt',: 13 per cent 1.5'i. Today's car receipts: Wheat 33. bar ley 3. -- flour 3, oats 7. millf eed 7, flaxseed 1 2. .... , (- Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore- May (API (WFA)-i Salable catUe for week 1870: calves 1360; - market for . week, most classes! 25 cents higher,'1 dairy type cows and common beef cows largely 1.00 miner, bulls and vealers steady; good fed steers 14.7S-16.00; three loads choice 3I.35-S0; common-medium 11.00 1450; good heifers 14.00-15.00; common- medium; 9.00-13.00;' canner-cutter cows late 6.00-1.00; - sheila 550 down; fat dairy type 9.00-10.00; heavy Holsteins to n.uu ana netter; medium good beef cows 10.00-12.50; medium - good bulls 9.00-11.00; good-choice vealers 15.00-16.00, uew 1650. Salable hoes for week 4S35: market for week, steady to 25 cents hlcber: choice ! underweights up more; good- cholce 200-240 lbs. late 13.73-14.00; 250 270 lbs. i 13.75; 275-325 lbs. 1150-12.00; 170-190 ; DM. 13.00-75: llsht liehts 10.00- 1250; good -sows 850 to mostly 9.00; light weights 9.25-50; good-choice feed er pigs s.oo-50: good stegs 7.00-50. few to 8.00 and over. - Salable sheen for week 740: week's market generally steady; good-choice spring j iambs 16.00-50; mostly ' 16.00 lignuy 1 sorted late: medium grsdes down to 13.00: good-choice wooled old crop lambs 13.00-50; shorn lambs 450 down; good wooled ewes 6.50-73, few 7.00; shorn ewes 6.00 down. Stocks and Bond s i May $ STOCK. AVERAGES ...((,-. 30 13 - 13 80 Rails TJtil ,Stks I Indus Saturday . 71 Previous' day 71.7 Week ago 70.4 Month ago .72.1 Year ago . 71JJ 1944 high - 73.4 1044 low . 63.1 27 J 38 J) 914 27.3 26.8 27.3 28J 28.4 22.9 36.0 35.8 30.4 343 37.1 33.1 51.9 51.1 82.2 50.7 53.2 49.5 BOND AVERAGES :' it '20 10 10 10 Rails Indus TJtil Focn Saturday? Previous? day Week ago Month 8go, Year a en ..... 1944 hih 1944 low ..87.9 104.8 108.0 65 6 -874 104.7 87.1 105.2 lOflJJ 108.2 65.7 658 i..87.0 103.4 ..774 105.2 .i..87j ' 105.7 73.5 104.7 103.8 102.4 lost 65.5 .6) 0 f'!2 .r MHO .i'.-.-l.-V t - feeder airline applicants, that Its Specially designed twin-engine j air freight are to be wed on all routes. Returned Seaman .... ij - - .i Honored at Party MT. ANGEL Among the va rious affairs j arranged in com pliment to IMelchior Uselrnan, merchant seaman, and -Mrs. Usel man, who are spending two weeks with their families here, was a party I and, midnight sup per at the home of Mrs. Usel- man's sister,! Mrs. - Albin Been, Wednesday. . I T; ; j - '" Guests of.dr. .and Mrs. Bean were . the honor guet ts, and ' Mr. and Mrs. Vail b e r 1 e , Mr.j and Mrs. Joseph! Ficker, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Francis; Schmidt, Mr. l and Mrs. Ambrose Ebner, Mr. and Mrs. William "Bean, Clarence Pre deek, Mrs. Lucille Prosser, Mrs. Caroline Case and Mrs. Al Saal- feld. : -v,- . RATION CALENDAR - i FOOD ' ' f Processed foods - Blue stamps A8 tnrougn W vana inaetiniieiy. 1 - Meat, butter, cheese, etc. I Red stamps T8 valid Indefinitely: Red stamps US, V9 and WS valid inden niteiy beginning. June 3. - Sugar Stamps numocr M and 31 good for five pounds sugar indefi nitely Stamp 40 good for five pounds canning sugar until March 1, 4945. Apply at ration board for more. - ."1 t SHOKS : Airplane stamp No. 1 and No. valid Indefinitely. : OASUUNB . . I , . June 21 expiration date of No. 11 A coupons. May renew B or C cou pons within but not before 13 days from date on?cover. i -v Value of gasolnie eoopons: -A. Bl. CI. 3 gallons; B2. C2, R and T. I gallons. D. 15 gallons: C 1 gallon FUEL OIL i : Period 4-5 'coupons good through August 31 instead of September 30 as previously announced. . Coupons with gallons i printed - on the face valid for amount Indicated until ex piration date show on coupon sheet Not more than 90 per cent of sea son's rations Should have been used .to date.: , .- --- - K . - ---- ' I TIRES - --;:- ... Periodic inspection of tires ended. . Inspection - certificates required In obtaining replacements. . s STOVES : - - Purchaser must get certiflcata at ration board for new stoves. K WOOD, IAWDVIT. COAL i ' Fuel dealers deliver by oriorrttee based on needs. Order your U-month supply now during temporary winter storage program. :i "Strictljr Pivate, tr vt mo fUEAsuRE LIVS IT A!l I . ife 1 1". -rfw Grain Trading Features Rye CHICAGO, May (H)-Pressure against the . May rye ; contract again featured grain trading to day, causing uneasiness In other cereals. Wheat and oats were off only small fractions and Decem ber rye -exhibited relative strength, closing higher j Trad ing was heavy in rye and light in other grains. ,' At its low May rye was down more than S cents front the peak scored early yesterday, when the delivery hit a new three "month high. The contract staged a minor rally, before the close but finished 27s-27s cents off for the day. Selling came from both cash in terests a n d commission houses with eastern connections. May : wheat, oats and barJey were unchanged -at ceilings. Ac tive wheat futures closed un changed to lower, July Sl.69- active oats - lower, July 78, and active .barley unchanged to 1 cent lower, July $123. Rye finished 2 lower to higher, May $127-. - ; . Many Attend May Day At Gervais " School GERVAIS Attendance at the May day ' exercises on the high school grounds ' last Friday was estimated at more than 500, as there were 500on the grounds in. the forenoon,1 by actual count. It is; reported to" have been' the nicest May day program ever held. j Radio ': (Continued from Page 4) , 3:45 Music. I 4 -06 Speaking of Glamour. ' 4:13 Sergeant , Toley and GTenn. 4:90 Hop Harrigao. j .. 4:45 The Sea Hound. 5 .-00 Terry and the Pirates. :15 Dick iTracv. 11 S-J0 Jack Armstrong. " ! 8:45 Captain Midnight I 8:00 Army Variety Show. . JO Spotligtii Bands. . SJ5 Story Teller. --1 70 Raymond Gram Swing 7:15 Top of the Evening. ilJO Hntace Heldt SC-News. - ' S:15 Lum and Abner. ; ; 8 -JO Counterspy. 80 Blind Date. ; t JO News Headlines and Highlights :45 The Portland Flan. 10)0 Music 18:15 Rose land Ballroom. - 10 JO Broadway Bandwagon. 10:45 Boy. Girl. Band. . 11 AO Concert Hour. 1"- f RGW NBC MONOAT--428 Re. 4 .00 Dawn1 PatroL r 1 i-M Labor News. : 60 Mirth and Madness. a -JO News; 'Parade. . - 8:55 Labor News. . . : 70 Journal of Living. 7:15 News Headlines and Bighllgbte 7 JO Reveuio Koundup. j ;7:43 Sam Hayes. I.O0 Stars of Today. 8:15 James Abbe Covers the News 8:30 Music of Vienna. ; - 1 8 :45 David Ha rum. a-00 Personality Hour. 3 10:08 Ss etches in Melody. ' 10:15 Ruth 1 Forbes. 18 JO News. ,--10.-45 Art Baker's Notebook 110 The Guiding Light. : . 11:15 Today's Children. 1130 Light of the World. 11:45 Hymns of All Churches 120 Woman of America. .. 12:15 Ma Perkins 12 JO Pepper Young's Family -12:45 Right to Happiness. 1 -00 Backstage Wife. l:15-Stella Dallas. . 1J0 Lorenzo Jones. 1:43 Young Widser Brown. 20 When A Ctrl Marries , . 2:15 We Love and Learn. 2 JO Just Plain Bill. 2:45 Front Pag FarreO; 30 Road lot .Life. !. 3:15 Vie and Bade. , 3 JO B. Boynton. - 3 45 Rambting Reader. . 40 Dr. Kate. : - ,4:15 News - - . j . ' 4 JO The Carol Sisters. . 4:45 H. V. Ksltenborn. ' , 80 OK for Release. . . 8:15 Arthur Godfrey Show. 8 JO Richard Crooks ' '-"80 A Song ts Born. 0 Information Please. 7 0 Contentecfc Hour. . . . 7 JO Dr. L' Q. i - ' 80 Fred Waring to Pleasure Time - 8:15 Fleetwood Law ton. Commenta . - - tor - ? - . - - -8J0 Cavalcade of America. . 80 The Telephone Hour. -.- 8 JO Hawthorne House, r - -100 News Flaahes " 10:15 Your Home Town News. -'M35 Labor News - W ao Design for Dancing. 18 45 Voice of A Nation. - 11 jOS Hotel BUtmore Orchestra 11 -30 War News. 130-2 am Swing Shirt. By iQuinn Hall .Me. e flBBss ti. -ft-jar,rr rr vtd Xp TD.'ttEP DRY i w,l ".. C-i& G Programs "'A Livestock and Poultry , BUY 1 WARD'S QUALITY CHICKS v NOW ! : Come in and place your order today pay later on Ward's monthlyj payment plan. Chicks shipped di rectly : from ; ha jchery . to you on orders of 100 or more, or pick up at store. v All chicks from tested flocks Oregon hatched for Oregon's climate. Get your cjhick supplies at the same time. . 1 -. " MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. LIBERTY ST. SALEM, ORE - rnuns ui WORK HORSES - SADDLE BORSSS Bar K Stock Ranch Larse aaaortnMnt 1 oil hand at sO times at very attractive! prices. CRED IT given ; anyone. Discount for cash Guaranteed . as - represented. Free de livery. ' Harry f Kuebnei canton, ure Located 8.a mL W. of j Newberg. WELL BROKEN bay saddle horse. $50. RU 8. BOX 449.1- j - V ; 1 JERSEY bull 14 months old. A very good breeder, 865.00. Gentle 1 Oliver chill 3 bottom, 1 Inch prchard or hop plow, good condition, t 75.00. E L Snethen. 3570 E. Turner Rd. Phll345. Call morning or evening. - WASTED: Beet andUcanner cows. bulls .- and veals. WiU i call at farm. E. L Snethen. 3570 ; E.! Turner Road. Ph. zi34.-Morns or. eves. ' "DOES and 1 buckJ 2 tier. 8 coop hutch.: 830.00.: Phone 5762. , v : BABY CHICK and custom hatching 22 yrs. experience assures you of best quality and satisfaeiioa. Prepare fot better market conditions later.. Batches every Monday and : Thursday Hamp shires. Leghorns. Red, t Barred Rocks day old ckls or pullets. Ph. 22861 Lee's Hatchery - i 1 " . - - : ATTENTION Will, remove dead At worthless stock in a moment's notice! -4- SALEM FER TILIZER t BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 6000 Collect I No other Phonel. !!? NEW Hampshire i laying pullets of ready to lav puikts. Immediate - de livery. Choice selection. Ph. 32881. Lee's Hatchery ! ' Salem Market Quotations! The prices be:ow supplied by a lo cal grocer are indicativs of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed oy ine statesman: i i Cauliflower, crate i 4 25 and 145 Crook neck 4t Italian squash, lb. 43 Turnips, doz bunches i 1 " Cabbage, lb. , , ; 42 Endive, doz. bun. ; f .78 Radishes, dos bun. : , , '. 40 Carrots. . doa. bun. j 40 Celery. H"T i t sn Pumpkin. ; ! o't Parsnips, lb. ' M BUTTER,. EGGS AND POULTRY , Aadresea's Buying Prices (Subject to chance wlthoat aettcc) DUITUFAI . i - r . Premium ' : ' i I 44 No, 1 : ' 43 No. 2 ' . . , , i 40 BUTTER PRINT. - ' B A5' 48 Quarters EGGS Extra large Medium standards .. 48 44 44 48 PulleU POULTRY Colored hens. No. 1 L No. 2, colored bakes Colored frys ..i. Old roosters .- .1 48' . 41 .15 Msrlea Creaaaery's Bsyinc Prices S abject te cbaage witheat notice) No. 1 spring ' : V ; ' Jr 3 No. 1 hens ' , , i 43 LIVESTOCK i- ;( Buying prices for No. I stock, based on conditions and sales reported: Dressed veaj i i 41 Spring lamhs i 14.00 to 15.00 Yesrlings L 8.00 to 11.00 Ewes , 8.00 to 8.00 Bogs, good to choice grade. 170 to 230 lbs,-, 1,, , .,1445 Sows ,, ,r , , 10.00 to 1040 Top veal 13.00 to 14.00 Dairy type cows 8.00 to 8.00 Bull . too to OJSO Gervais School Is Due To Close on May 12 GERVAIS The grade school will dose May 12,1 and the school picnic will be held in j. Jorgensen's grove May 1L The children have been making up an hour each day for ten weeks, so that they: could be out two weeks earlier. There is no eighth grade class this year, so no graduation. - j. ,. 1 Legal Notice TAXPAYERS NOTICE The Board of Equalization meets on the second - Monday in May of each year for the purpose . examining, correcting, and equalizing the assessment rolls of Marion County, Oregon! All per sons desiring to protest any as sessment on said ; rolls must do so according - to I the following provisions of the law: '"Petitions or applications for the reduction of a particular assessment shall be, made in writing, verified by the oath of the applicant or. his attorney, and be filed with the Board wtihin ene week; from the time it is by law required - to meet; and any petition s or appli cation not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered for acted upon by the board. R. TAD" SHELTO, i ,.-. - County Assessor for ... i Marion County, Oregon. Ap-25-30-My-7. i BUS. CHAN ... LAM Oi.Y.TXam J).. DrXS.CbaaJS J v CHINESS OerballsU ' 241 North Liberty ' Cpstatrs Portland General Electric Co Office open Saturday onlyT 10 a m to 1 p.m.: 8 to 7 pjn Con suits tion Blood pressure -end urine testa are tree of charge. Practiced unce 1811 Livestock and Poultry t VRirrm'M " So. 'Available twice weekly. Pn. 22881, Lee's Hatchery. Help Wanted FRY COOK wanted: Man or woman. The Spa. r " MEN and women for bop yard work Help Wanted JIale tDnrkara AAV MfnnlnvMt In mf BM (Suction should not apply and will not be conaiaerea tor employment or em ployers , advertising in this section. BKKEEPIVndMaterw" "clerk. Apply Lundy. Dallas Machine ic Loco motive Works. Dallas. Oregon. ; rULLEX Brush dealer. City route. Exp- unnecessary. Car essential. Write 1745 Grant St. GROCERY CLERK. Savins Center. Portland Road. .. Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Get in on the ground floor with a progressive company engaged in vital food distribution. Real opportunities. FOR NEAT APPEARING, AGGRES SIVE, ELIGIBLE MEN OR WOMEN, AliKS 15 1U 49. rUASani, STEAUI, INSIDE WORK.. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. EARN WHILE YOU ARE TRAINED. APPLY SAFEWAY STORE DISTRICT OFFICE, McGILCHRIST BLDG., LIBERTY tc STATE, SALEM. Turkey Pickers Wanted i:t Piece work. No experience neces sary. Now is your chance to help In an essential industry. These turkeys- are going on government contracts. NORTHWEST POULTRY & DAIRY ,, - Ii 1505 N. FRONT . , EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Day shift. No , Sundays or - holidays. ' Court Street Dairy Lunch, 347 Court St. . CABINET MAERwantedTlsSo evenings 4284. -.w.--: -.- .: .. WANTED: Part time -stenographer and office girl. Call 7828, Room 8, Ladd Ss Bush Bank Bug. WANTED: Care home for active tu berculosis patient. Will pay well. Ph. 0241 week days. WANTED: Experienced repair lady. Also 2 girls to work in plant. City Cleaneing Wks 1248 State. MIDDLE Aged or elderly lady for light house work and companion. Write or see Mrs. Alice Brad&haw, Mill City. ure. I ,, : : 4 WAITRESS WANTED. Shop. j (r -.- .. .-; Cane's Food EXPERIENCED secretory for general office work, payrolls, etc., some - typ ing. Interesting ; ' permanent. -8130 to start Average 40 nr. week. Box 87 Statesman, i : WELL lady who called at Statesman office twice to see Mr.. Sams in re gard to his adv. for help please Ph. 8101 for appt. , GENERAL office work, small amount dictation; ; Experience not necessary. Permanent position. Box 704 Statesman. SALESLADY wanted, experienced or inexperienced. Berg's Grocery, 17th and Center.: HOTEL MAID: Good wages, steady work. Apply Marion Hotel. WOMEN , watch warehouse office part time, some typing it bookkeep ing desired.' Permanent residence. Call 8404 betw. 8 and 12 AJ. for appt. EXPERT stenographer wanted. Call Mr. McCormick, 4831, for appointment. . WANTED: Someone to share 1 my home In exchange for part time care of ' small children. Will pay some wages. Help may care for their own child if desired. Reference. Ph. 8170. EXPERIENCED VARIETY girL Small store. Good pay. Apply 1262 State. -. EXPERIENCED Cashier. Good start ing salary. ; Apply in person. Grand Theatre. :-!. ,. ; ""' - - .. "'-. WANTED: Single, lady Jo do light cooking, -and assisting in summer re sort. Light ' work. Good salary. - Ex penses paid. Box 87. co Statesman. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN to handle exclusive line Advertising . Art Calendars and Spec ialties Made on Coast Meet All Com petition. Full or Part Time. Write CALENDARS by CRANE. 4814 Santa Monica Blvd, Hollywood 27, Calif. Situations Wanted GOOD secretary wants good posi tion. Ref. exchanged. Bx 782 Statesman GARDEN plowing At discing. Ph. 24077 PLOWING AND discing. Ford Fergu son. tractor. Ray Setter. Ph. 22904. CHTLDCRAFT Nursery. We pick up and deliver. 1998 Trade. Ph. 21828. For t Sale Sliacellaneona ' ONE settee and 2 lawn chairs, made of Lou 1st sn a cypress, 822.50. NELSON BROS. FURNITURE CO. 218 N. Liberty Ph. S931 -Cab strawb. plants. Reas., 2250 N. Coral. ? ' ' SPRING ruled crib mattress. 8. Lady's riding boots. Ph. 3901. SACRIFICE: ..Entering service, rose colored genuine mohair frieze daw and chair, almost new. 2410 N. 4th. HIGH Chairs 87 JO and up. ' NELSON ' BROS. FURNITURE CO. " 318 N. Liberty r Ph. 8931 DUMP BOX and hoist 2839 N. Front Phone 8343, l , , .r.--v--.v PRE-WAR Bnslish stvle earriase 840. a-way high chair 815. Newman, 420 S. 20th. Ph. 8509. IMPORTED - rues 48x72 and BSxloa. Very reasonable. Also a few lovely tapestries. Phone 8358 evenings. STORK Scales $10. 82-inch 'Venetian blinds $18. Wardrobe truck 820. Elec tric pronograph turntable $15.-265 No, 23rd. Phone 8858. .- FOR SALE: Tree Peonies, a shrub, semi double, double, all colors includ ing yellow: also Lily of ; the Valley bloom. 1 mi. east h mile north Canby. cross track at -Texaco Service Station. Fred Warbis, Canby, Oregon. . USED LAMPS. 373 N. lath. PRE-WAR bassinette, like new. ,175 N. 18th. ;, v-lS. AZALEAS m bloom. Strayer Axalea Fields, 89 Locust St, Salem. 41 MODEL Radio; 'Auto. Elect toast er; Elect. Motor; Elect Iron, misc. 1115 E. RuraL : - FULL SIZED violin and waterproof case. Ph. 8032-899 Thompson. HOUSEHOLD Furniture. Phone 6394 or 3845. - . '.r-r-.- ' ".,- - FLUORESCENT kitchen uniU . and desk lamps. Yeater Appliance Co4 2i4 N. Uberty. . Fcr Sale Miscellaneous YOUTH DESK Sa.SO. 2143 N. mercial after 6-PJd. "..-., -- PRE-WAR babv hurrv. hahv Ki mattress, nursery chair. Pn. 3352. PORTABLE TvMwrltjn RimiiiM. No. , i excellent condition. -. Trailer House. Masonite construction. H. D. Tires 4c Air Brakes, pickup. Olds coupe converted, in fine condition. 90 No. High. Don Madison. STOCK TraMer with mnrut ht. Ph. 4337. . BCD SOCincs. mittmi- Marlw daveno; 8 dining chairs, one host Chair, tapestry unholsterwd? utiiit. cabinets: rabbits. bucks, does - with young, several hutches. SO Hansen Ave. f DtiTt'H mrnc mrA a ... i lights, complete with batteries. Yeater Appliance Co, 258 N. Liberty. . . LIGHT 2 whel trslUp. . YJt .- , , . . pnu spring: White sewing machine: mirror 20x28 in.; chairs; fruit Jars, etc Rt. 4. Box 72B. 2 mL So. Ladrf a. t,,.h .. house Oak Hill Ave. ; FOX Terrier pups, male and femal. Phone' 4272. ..,...... ' -. ......... TUXEDO with Palm Beach coat. coat 38-40, trousers 31-31. Dress shoes size 8. 15 inch oscillating fan. Baby's high Chair. Ph. 7062. 1864 Fir. FORD 19" atmk flat hul SK mt ' . M. WWtf, 19 Fairhaven Ave. ; ' FARMERS Attentinn t TUtri .iv cooler; battery and electric fence con trols. No priority required.! Yeater Appliance Co, 255 N. Liberty. 13 horse outboard motor. 293 N. Coml. KITCHEN BUTLT-rNS ft $12J0. Ph. 21159. ' r , Electric kettl. tiaiwl riitniii ... I and dropper, $ 125.00. Address C. C. Pinckney. J295 Marion Street. Salem. SO A. on Ainu rivr Q.l rent 2 ton Federal truck 81000. Lln- deman and Son grand piano, $450. M. n. iuunstrer, Aisea, ure.. l Tprmn hn.i. .it ' e..- afternoon or Sun. Out Wallace Road. Brewers Blacksmith Shop. Inquire at Lincoln Store. WE NOW havs mu-IauiI hLh unite for all makes of electric ranges. xeaier Appliance to, zu Si. Liberty. coon: s vIimI rn . . on Dallas Highway. Box 469. FOR SALE or exchanr. nw!v . conditioned typewriter for vacuum sweeper.; Phone 448L .. TRAILERS, custom built wih4 steel frame. Prewar factorv built tires. Will TRADE excellent Chev. Pickup for late model - car. Revolvers. Shot Guns and Rules, will buy, sell or trade. 590 No. High, Salem. 9x12 BLUE Wool rug. 75 ft pre-war garden hose. 2050 N. CapitoL i TRAILER hse. 7x14. Ready to go. Cheap. Ph. 22374. St. 3. Box. 530. BED, Pit-it-up and Vanity lamps. Yeater Appliance Co.. 255 N. Liberty. SILVERWARE - i . 1,933 teaspoons. -2,429 tablespoons. "- ' 2.077 -table forks V 1 ACME AUTO WRECKERS ' , I 3058 Portland Rd. i . RABBIT hutch. 4 nen self cleaning. . miw .1. num.i. it 1 mile up Crolsan Creek Road. Box system " including . pump and motor f w craie. twro do. Com'L St- :'- j WOOD and gas ranges. Oil and wood heaters.- Yeater Appliance Co, 255 N. Liberty. , , . WOOL RUG. 9x12; iron bed. coU springs. 103 Marion St i UNDERWOOD standard typewriter, excellent condition. 845. Ph. 2-1415. RADIO: oil circulator; bedrm. set; daveno. Ph. .7289. . DAVENO: chest drawers: davenport; coil springs: 90 lb. ice box; din. rm. table. 4 chairs rork. ehair mitH Inrki. wheelbarrow; lawn mower; Norge re- xngerator: itenungton Typewriter, trailer. 1680 N. Com'L St JENNY Lind bedr inner spr. mattress, box spr.; dresser, chest to match; Duo Therm oil circ.. like new Airline con sole radio: dinette set; pre-war dav eno: child's bed and high chair; man's pre-war bicycle: misc. items. 120 Co. lumbia. .,--: - BRIGHTEN up your awnings and outdoor furniture with new canvas paint. All colors available. Yeater Ap pliance Co, 258 N. Liberty. USED PARTS FOR CARS AND -. i TRUCKS. ACME AUTO Ac TRUCK WRECKERS i: 3059 Portland Rd. ; GOAT MILK, phone 7798. ' ir. MA8TERBILT HOUSETRATLER. sleeps 4. Furnished. Cheap. 1170 Hines St Ph. 8678. ' 2-TON CATERPILLAR crawler trac tor. Newly -overhauled. A. Columpit Rt 2.. Bx. 351 Salem. Ph. 22900. noon or eve. FULLER Brushes. 1749 Grant. P. 8857 HILL grown Burbank seed potatoes. $1 J5.-1435 lrth, jL , - PLATINUM WEDDING ring with diamonds. Reas. for castu Box IS, Statesman. . - f:- FOR CERTIFIED' Burbank pota toes for planting, ace Vick Bros, SOS n Hign st, saiem. : WE HAVE hos? wire bmelnt and llf-ht barbed wire to stock. Montgomery Ward V Co; , , ATMORAYS OZONE. seU and rent H. C. Pugh. Ph 2-2458. P.O. Box 463. 'fERTIXIZErT'sWn.11 ComX JptL "3523L Trade Miscellaneous STORK Bealea anrlne M 'InoK V-n. tlan blinds andor wardrobe trunk anoor eiectnc pnonograph Turns Die. In exchange want large- dressing table 1 u . , , . . ... ui kui apH r wainui or oas. No. 23rd. Phone 5856, .. . Wanted miscellaneous WANT : electric water heater, bath tub and porcelain -wash basin. Phone 8359 evenings.. - . WANTED: The best and most com plete Eastern made hse. trailer that $800 to $1000 wiU buy; prefer dealing with owners wanting sash. C. C Pinckney, 1298 Marion St, Salem. Ore. - Wanted: Pre-war Taylor-Tot Ph. 8029 WANT ; lawn mower in A-l condi tion. Will pay top price. Phone 21730. 20-38 Winchester carbine. Must be in A-l condition. Ph. 4808 after P.M. WANTED: A twin baby buggy. Ph. 3349. , ,. -j - .::.-- - WANTED, ICE boxes. Ph. 7598. WOOD RANGES. Used heaters. Ph. ftf.. , WILL- pay 8c pound for clean, large cotton rags. Oregon Statesman. - CASH PAID tor upright, spinet or grand pianos Phone 8707. CLEAN white rags. Hogg Bros. 268 State. . . "-"rtjslrol"rruRN"iT WANT TO -Bus, D4 cimtrH Al lenses UcEwan i koto "i,.iop. 4 State.