The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1944, Page 13, Image 13

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    Yankees Close
To H Games
'Bombers Notch :
Sixth Straight f
New York Yankees moved to
within a game and a half of the
first place St Louis Browns to
day by defeating; the Boston Bed
MJX a. 1UT Uirir mi ira ILTsUKlll
M .4. ALI. a r A
before 8681 paid admissions.
Trailinf by two runs in the eighth
inning; the Yankees scored three
times, climaxed by Bud Metheny
single off Manager Joe Cronin's
Clove with one out and the bases
fuii. ,.v
Metheneys hit was his fourth
of the game. Ed Levy, pinch hit
ting for Pitcher Walter DubieL
singled to drive In the first two
runs of the inning. The Yankees
used three pitchers, Rookie Joe
Page, Dubieland Jim Turner,
With Dubiel receiving credit for
the victory.
Boston 401 110 Od-J t 1
j New York 10f 008 t3x-4 IX
0NeU. Rybt (I) and lartee;
I Page, Dubiel (8), Turner (I)
I and neansley. :
'Mural Sports
Tourneys Over
At Leslie Hi
, $
Climaxing two weeks of mass
activity that has seen seven sports
running concurrently, the boys at
Leslie wound up their handball
and marble tournament Friday
, afternoon and brought shuffle
; board within one game of comple
tion. Charles Robins, BUI Sproule,
and Benny Pitzer walked off with
i handball titles, Rod Province, Don
Jones, and Norvin Lowery i cap-
l tured marble championship, . and
' the two shuffleboard crowns de
termined thus far went to Dwight
Quisenberry and Raymond Baker.
, Other sports on the schedule have
been tracks softball,. baseball and
tennis. ' j .
Robins beat Bob Goffrier in the
ninth grade handall finals, 21-17,
Sproule beat Bill Johnson by the
same score to win in the eighth
grade, and Pitzer downed Henry
Balonsifer 21 to S in the seventh
grade finals. 141 boys took part
in the sport in three grades. .
Province beat Dan Valdez 6-3
In the ninth marble playoff, Jones
beat Wally Young 5 to 4 In the
eighth, and Lowery beat Green 7
to 2 to-anex the seventh j grade
tiara. In , the . shuffleboard finals
Quisenberry beat Art Egelhoff 55
t to 41 in the ninth and Baker beat
Norvin Lowery 60 to 6 in the sev
enth. Paul Bales will meet Mike
Glenn Monday for 'the eighth grade
championship. One hundred three
boys played shuffleboard. j
Archery . will get under way
- Monday, and tumbling and hik
ing are also scheduled for the final
three weeks of the year. Softball,
baseball and tennis playoffs will
occupy most of next week. The
intramural track - meet was run
off Wednesday, .and' the winners
now await the meet with Parrish.
McCarthy Rejoins
Yankees Tuesday
NEW YORK, May 7-0-Joe
McCarthy, ailing manager ; of the
New York Yankees who has been
absent from his team since April
10, will rejoin the world; cham
pions Tuesday, it was announced
today by club officials. McCarthy
contracted a cold in the club's
spring - training at Atlantic City
which ultimately developed into
Influenza and othelr complications.
Braves Win Again ;f
s'. BOSTON, May Mff)-The Bos
y ton Braves won the I r third
straight over the New York Gi
ants - today, 4-1, with Charley
"Bed" Barrett holding the Giants
, to four hits. It was his first tri-
ttmph of the year. -..?
New York. 010-1 4 4
Boston .1M 161 i2x-4 t 1
YolseUe, Feldman (I) and
Lombardl, A. Mancase (1); C
Barrett and Klatts.
IOH3 ASS t&H& '
ens our to bzeax it
wanetD, h-hj uavi
.HfCTAm,T:D BY .
econenr csm
jf.wc two you
m sst iia.
V W Bto
Torp en Addresses Hunt ers-Anglers Wednesday
Bernard W. Terpen, consnlt-
lug ' engineer for the United
States army engineers, win be
the principal speaker next Wed
nesday night when the Hunters
and Anglers dab convene for
their regular meeting; la Eagle
Han at eight o'clock. Terpen'a
subject wCI Involve the Detroit
dam in particular and the Wil
lamette Valley project ta gen .
eraL Club President James La
der will also gtve a report on
the convention of the Federation
of Western Sportsmen's clubs,
which he attended" recently.
It Is with considerable Inter
est and pride to sportsmen and
lovers of the great out-of-doors
in the Willamette valley to knew
that en April S the Salem Hunt-
f , ;
? :!: y'i'i
The City Cleaners quint, pictured
league kegiing uue zor the uh
left te right the champs are Clem
ni. tw -
League Actions Near Climax
For Perfection PinJTopplers
- With one clan, the Major leaguers, already over the finish line
along with the Commercial circuit which wound up two weeks
ago, the two remaining pin-toppling loops at Perfection alleys
are eyeing respective finishes and
has two more sessions to go while
the Ladies hit the barrier Thurs
day night '
, In the Major , league the City
Cleaners, firs t-half champs,
downed the, Army-Navy store in
the playoffs Friday night for the
title. Individual . trundling- tiara
went to Dun Poulin of the Bert's
Pros quint with his 186 average,
two pins better than Walt Cline,
Jr., and Ellsworth Hartwell, tied
for second. -
The Statesman holds a comfort
able 4-game lead in the Industrial
league over first-half winning
Wahl Bros., while Papennakers
are a game behind the latter. Wil
ford West continues, to pace the
individuals with his 182 average.
Broadway Beauty Shop holds a
slim one-game edge over the Ri
alto five in the Ladies loop, with
Miller's Furnitureand the first-
half winning Kegletteg deadlock
ed for third Just a game behind
Bialto. Virginia Garbarino of the
Keglettes still holds the. lead in
the Individual chase over June
Lloyd of Rilto, 158 to 158 in 'av
erages. -
(Second half finals)
W L Pet.
Army-Navy Store IS jS44
Bert's Pros . M IS jrn
Oine's Coffee Shop ,
Rsmage's 1-Up
24 21 33
20 2S A
City Cleaners
19 24 . .422
Acme Auto Wreckers . 1? 28 J78
final all-season averages leading 10
bowlers: Poulin 116. CUne. jr. 484.
Hart well 184. Clin, sr. 181, Thrush
181. Kertson 181. Haman 180, Coe 180.
Page 178. Foreman 177.
The Statesman ;. ,. 32 IS Mfl
Wahl Bros. M SO
Papennakers , ,, 27 ' 21 , J83
Valley OU Co. . . ,,,..., .,,,25 23 J31
Scio , . i . j 24 S4 ' JOO
M. as F Grocery . ... , 20 20 All
Brite Spot . i , , 18 30 JT5
CaDttal City Laundry 18 SO .378
Averages laedtng 18 bowlers: Was)
182. Wneetley 186. Densmore ise. Mel
vUle 183. Edwards 185. Mathis 1S4.
Pederson 164, Kirchner 159. Porgard
159. Ertsgaard t 180, Schrunk . 159.
White 159. .jr:,- i.:
Broadwar Beauty Shoo 25 20 J554
Rialto 24 21 433
Miller's Furniture . 23 22 Ml
sectary nirt f cosh1 fdpwOT I A 71 v&.w! vtwTUolrSOJN
L wrm iou-soon as i t will, if capt. nobtm ) ixzzrwM&'s wd& control a !
- lwfiW TUM8ft3vs I V DCESkT! NEED ME J I t CAM CSS. Lf.SJurru MAS I 1
V esmxD-rr0, FSr - lr ' a lot to talk ovgg rii
fe?) .' .1 y ' n -. lie: t itoa en i
e' ' ."' j 1 " t'l i 1 "" -it in t-t ra
J, COUSIM 1 j , JOOKr-SEg ) f Zg?
U: :v CM V J
ersandj Anglers club voted ta
affiliate with the National Chap
ter of the Ixaak Walton league.
It is the; intention of the club
ta adopt 'a new charter at their
next meeting May It. The mem
ben ef the BAA club feel that
by nnlUng with a nationwide
- organization whose chief alms
are the conservation of wild life,
streams and forests and perpet
uate to posterity these God giv
en rights, that they wCI be tak
ing . a long stride ia the right
x " I v t ,
' J' :j ; 1 i
above, which Friday night won
season; ay eogmr eat Army-Navy store a a -game series, "frosnirnd. Jack Knight (Jeff); 3rd. Dick
Kertaon, Clayton Foreman. Yen Perry, Bad Thrash and Walt Mason (W); 4th. Dave GeUendancr
:fl '. . :
playoffs. The Industrial league
23 22 Jll
Acklin's Bootery
Sears. Roebuck
Jl 24 AVt
.17 28 J78
Averages leading 10 bowlers: Gar-
barino 15B, Lloyd 156. Poulin 153. Meyer
148, Jones 144, Bowlsby 141. Hammer
141. TamUyn 141, AveriU 140. Mills
139, Alien 139. -
Dodgers Snap
Phillv Skein
BROOKLYN. May -ifP-H a 1
Gregg held the Phillies to four
hits today, as the Brooklyn Dodg
ers beat Philadelphia, 10-1, to end
the Phillies' winning streak at
five games.
Gregg had a no-hit game until
the seventh inning when Bookie
Ted Cieslak singled to center with
one out. In j the eighth, Jimmy
Wasdell made the second hit and
in the j ninth, Tony Lupien sin
gled and scored . on Ray Ham-
rich's double.
,000 000 001- 1 4 1
.U1204 00X-1I II 1
M f - ' -
S. Barrett, Matthewsen (4).
Donahue (4), MussUl (7) and
Flnley Culp (7); Gregg and
Idaho Runners
WUtmin college won a 84H to
4ft yktcdy over University of
Idaho i In a dual track meet to
day, but Jay Gano of the losers
stole the show with three firsts
and a second worth 18 points.
Arima,! Vandal distance man, also
coppedj two firsts, but Whitman
swept ; jail points in both sprints,
the shotput and Javelin and won
the relay.
Ct lW.Ktri
3,1 'J U I AT T- 7V- ill ... U 1
C . . - Jl I VI I . a
dlrectien. At the meeting a new
set ef officers and directors wd
be nominated te take ever where
the disbanded sH Jb A leaders
leave off. :;;' QT--'yv -J-
Under the new constitution
the Salem chapter will continue
Its steelhead and dub better,
men funds tnj which several
hundreds of dollars have been
tnrested Sn wsi bonds. .
Of local Interest to pheasant
hunting sportsmen: Saturday
morning Jha Loder Elmer ;
C"KitM1 nif Tim Tju1v mm
.i.4 t. a mtiJt ZZ tee
fan-grown China pheasants In
the Salem district! The boys say
that f or two-bite - they'll tell
Just where they turned 'em
loose that b, ItheyH ten next
1 - ' : ;
Itself the Perfection alleys Major
... ,. i .- '
Matches Due
TWO' more championship flight . 880-yard relay: 1st, Salem (BIS Bob
i - I kiu rw. r Willie n4.
auu mu uturv cuuuuiuau iimu.iica
in the current- Spring Handicap
links tourney at Salem golf course
are due today J to wind up: the
meet's Quarterfinals round. De
fending Champion Lawrence Al
ley goes 18 holes with Bob Pow
ell and Bill Goodwin does the
same with Vic Convey in the
championship group, the two win
ners to Join George Scales and
Walt Cline, Jr. in the semi-finals.
the - latter pair having already
won their wayf through. -
Lt Harold 'Hauk plays Hunt
Clark and Rex) Kimmell meets Dr.
J. L. Sears today in the consola
tion engagements, winners to join
John Emlen and Al Iightner ! In
the semi-finals. i
Mac Hi Wins
District Go
LA GRANGE, Ore May (MA3)
Mac Hi's Pioneers of Milton
Freewater won the district track
and field meet here today with
52 points to 41 for second-place
La Grande.' - f . 'r -
i Pendleton tdlied"30; Hermis
ton 18; Boardman 14 H; Baker
13; Enterprise 11; Adrian
8; Haines ; Vale 7; Athena
4; Imbler 2.
fry aso mt Chinese tesaeilee.
Anuudac SCCCSSS for
Tears la China. No saattee wtth
what albneat s yon are ArrTLICT-
BD etsersars.
taac ttver, 4 fridaeys.
cas, ceasttpanna,
Mtls, fsTer, skta,
pit tats -
' '
Cbnlis Chzz
Chinese Herb Ce.
Office Benta Only
Tees, a ad Sat. 8
a. as. to 4 ; bb.
Sua. and Wed- - t
a. as. te 18 J8 a. ta.
122 N. CemT St. Salem. Ore.
- as -
I m tmSnM. ht. WM i
Orea. Cu-aday Mon-Jag, Hay
SHS Spiltemen
Go 20-Strong i
To State Meet
(Continued from Page 12)
Gerald Krmxberfer fMol); tfa. Bill
Bobbins (Sal). Time U0.4.
100-yard dash (2nd heat).4 1st, Bob
Weber (Sal); 2nd. Dick Maaoa (W):
3rd. Dave Getzendaner (Sal); 4th. JUy
Lehr i.(Sll);. SUi, Dempsey Philpot
(Mol). Tune ao.4, r', ,
220-yard dash (1st heat): let. Bach
(Sal); 2nd. Maaoa (W): 3rd, Lehr
(SU); 4th, Kraxbtfger (Mol). Time
24 flat. . - -.."..-!-
220-yard dash (2nd heat): laL Get-
sendaner (Sal); 2nd. Knight (J); 3rd,
SS1 Si Uv PhUpot tM), To
Broad huspklst. Weber (Sal) r Wi
2nd. Dick Brown (Sal) IS 2'": 3rd.
Verlya Kraxberrer (M) IT Wi 4th.
Bruce Nelaon (W) ITT; Stb, Leland
ltnd (M) ir .
Shot put: 1st. Don Sisbee (Sal) 41'
r; 2nd. Mel HilOeker (Sal) 41' iWl
3rd, - BUI Austin (W) 41' 1; 4th.
Eugene Low (Sal) 40" W; 6th. Wil
ford Beard (Sal) 34 10". - - - -
Javelin: 1st. Don Wilson (Sal) 149
2ft''; 2nd, Norm DaUce (Sal) 140'; 3rd,
Bruce Hamilton HSal) 133 Yr 4th,
Mason (W 1JS tvf; Sth. Howard
Smith (M 123 T. .
Discus: 1st, Art Gottfried (Sal) 129
11"; 2nd, Joe ronnick (Sal) 111' 3";
3rd. Beard (Sal) 108 4"; 4th. Pat
Gieblyn (M) ST 4"; 8th. Austin (W
S3 11" v. .: ! - i , .)
ITNALS (first two in each event ex
cept relay go to state meet:) j I
120-yard hurdles: 1st. Merle i WU
liams (C); 2nd. Iee Lane (M): 3rd,
Al Bingo (M); 4th. Duane Isaacson
(Sal). Time US.7. -
Shot put: 1st, Mel RilScker (Sal)i;
2nd. Bill Austin (W): 3rd, Don Bis bee
(Sal); 4th. Eugene Lowe (Sal). Win
ning distance 42 feet 11 inches.
Javelin: 1st, Don Wilson (Sal) HI
Jft"; 2nd, Norm DaDce (Sal) 146' 2ft";
3rd. Bruce Hamilton (Sal) 138 lOft";
4th. Howard Smtth (M) 1JT 2. i
iw-yara oua: 1st, boo Weber, (bail;
2nd. Willie Bach (Sal); 3rd. G. Krax
berrer CM); - 4th, Dave Getzendaner
(Sal). Time 20XJ. '
MOm run: 1st. Richard. Marquardt
(M); 2nd . Tom Grimm 1SaI); 3rd.
Ev Stasis (Sal); 4th, Melvin Peter
son (M). Time '446.1. i
440-Tard daah: 1st, Gerald Krsxberf
er (M): 2nd. Don Brewer (SU); 3rd.
Art Knglebart (Sal); 4th, Andy Zahare
(sail, xime j. '
Discus: Art Gottfried (Sal) 125 11'
2nd. Joe rormlck (Sal) US' 8i"; 3rd.
Wilford Beard (Sal) IOCS;1 4th, BUI
Ausun (W) las a .
-Pole vault: 1st. Lyle Wffliams (Sal)
11' S"; 2nd. tie between Bruce Nelson
(W) and Merle Williams (Chem) 10
V. (Jurapott and berth woo by Nel
son): 4th. Bob Corxiea (M S' -
200-yard low hurdles: 1st, Merle
Williams (C): 2nd. Al Ringo (M): 3rd.
Lyle Williams (Sal): 4th. lo Lane
l;3 wj, (SaI),
i (aai. Tune
1st. Dick Gatke (Sal)
r r : 2nd. Dick Brown (Sal) r C-.
3rd. tie between Bruce Hamilton (Sal).
Ifed Blake (Sal) and Al Ringo (M).
ail it r jr. -
Broad lamp: 1st, Bob 'Weber (Sal)
20 8": 2nd, Dick Brown (Sal) IS W"
3rd. V. Kraxberger (M) Ur U";. 4th,
Lee Land (M) IT
. 880-yard run: 1st. Benny Lambert
(Sal); 2nd. Bob Mecy (Sal); 3rd, Dick
Marouardt M): 4th, Jim - Shawver
(Sal). Tirna 2A2S. --
l Bob Weber):- ana, MOiaue Y. Kxas-
gj. o72uV7ro
1 NaU 5, Slackmen 0
Mickey Haefner limited the Phua
I I I I fat 31 1114 iv r t i if ne rt vk.j ki k' ri j- jni -j i - -v-1 a , .
i Love no, i ioveXbs ladies? m v cmo i i" ?s t vt r
g 1
8808 ill a-.... j,. jr v i 'jK2ri -ii tfi . -jzv. i
--. tmr..r ttt-.- ' I l-.TW 1 f LA L 4?x T-JtAUI. OMAT.! 1
nseets, sua- 1 1 i,um'uu. iuwvtiu. . r - Age I , - - . . i t
lassale - eesa- 1 1 i-iv :u . a ! . . ... . . : : : -.. :
an 1 i II L ...... . 1 - tf-PC2 'RrTiA II nivJni vi , siX?. J I S 't rr ; I
riiT ' -n-n (vow?) Y'l -J rjr :.
j c j 175flc!! "B Ne,ui Cca ccrti?ti c:r-! Drc? in
r.M T"7 m '
7, 1SU
In Baseball '
Py-the AwoHtd Prws
Plarer. elab . .
o Arnv av arret.
13 U I M J7t
TGtten. Yankees..
Hostetler. Tigers
77 S 12 .444
Walker. Dodgers li 57 12 24 All
MusiaV Cardinals -JS M 10 21 A20
Myatt. Senators 13 SS S 22 .400
Calan, Dodgers U M T U'JN
Koas batud fas:.;- -y.
NaUonal Leagme Asaerlaaa Lear
Schultz, Dodgrs 20 'Stephens. Brwn 14
Lombard, Giant 18 R. Johnson. R Sail
Welntraub. Cnts 14jMyatW Senators 11
nome rus:
National Ltuti Aanku Laagma
Schultx. Dodgers 4;Spence, Senators 4
Ott. Giants iJ Etten. Yankees -J
Kurowski, Cards 3LindeU. Yankees
Jade Boy Cops
SAN MATEO, Calil; May-tHffi
Coming from behind In a thriU'rig
stretch Jade Boy, California bred
thoroughbred star, won the $10,-
Xd.'a note: Mrs. Mabel Cooper,
owner ef Jade Bey, la s sister
f Mrs. Harry Hntton, 642 Ferry
street, Salem, ' It was learned
here- yesterday following the
037. added California derby for
three-year-olds over a mile and
one-sixteenth at Bay Meadows to
day. ' 'y - 'y y j '
The three-year-old colt by Sa-
rada out of the swift mare, won
by a nose over Okana, barely hip
ping the latter at the wire. Okana
broke on top and led all the way.
building up a three and one-half
lengths 'lead v after the . far turn.
Orion ran third five lengths! be
hind Okana, and Danger Light;
which shared 2 to 1 post-time fav
oritism with the winner, i was
fourth. . '
It was the 18 th renewal of the
California derby, first run in 1897.
The win was worth 87510 to Mrs.
Mabel Cooper of Los Angeles,
owner of Jade Boy. J
Angels Filially Win
The Los Angeles Angels broke a
six-game losing streak here today
by defeating the- San Francisco
Seals, 4 to 2. This- Coast league
game also ended a five-game
winning stretch of the SealsJ
Lea Aug. ., 108 tiS 800-4 C
San. rraa. iia 180 000-2 5 1
Tepler, Conger (I) and 8ar
nU Jeyee and Sprlns.
delphU Athletics to four hits to-.
day as the Waahington Senators
registered . a 5-0 - victory. Buss
Christopher relieved Don Black on
the A's mound in the seventh at
,ter'five runs were in. , ;
Lb, J
Derby Gallop
Tribe Clbuter
' CX1ELAKP, May 6-CflVRoy
Cullenblne blasted Relief Hurler
Sigmund Jakucki's first . pitch
over League park's - right field
screen to break an eighth inning
2 to 2 deadlock and give ethe
Cleveland Indians a 5 to 2 win
over the league-leading St. Louis
Browris'today in a delayed series
opener The round tripper en
abled 20-year-old Hal Kleine to
gain his initial major league
mound victory. ":'. !
St Louis 000 000 llf-Z
aeveland .-t02 008 llx-S f 1
Mvncrlefi Jaknckr (7) and IV
Mancuso; Kleine and Rosar. ;
Cougar Hurler' Beats r
Whitman Nine Twice ;
PULLMAN, Wash, May ; 9-m
Darrell Waller hurled Washing
ton State college to two victories
over Whitman college today, 15-7
and 8-3. Athletic officials said
they could remember no previous
time when a WSC pitcher went
the distance In two games the
same day. : ! '
Racing Shells Sink, -Regatta
Celled Off
NEW YOKK. May -fP)'
What waa te have been the first
regatta ef the eastern collegiate
season ended in a double bath
today when both the Columbia
and Navy shells competing m
a triangular meet with Cornell,
foundered fund sank during the
junior varsity race. The varsity
race, scheduled for an hoar lat
er, was called off.
Tigers Sink Lower
DETROIT, May 8 Pr- The
Chicago White Sox, blanked for
20 Innings by Detroit pitching mis
season, exploded for four runs in
the ninth inning today to defeat
the Tigers, . to 2, thus dropping
Detroit deeper into the. American
league cellar.'
Chi ! 808 808 8844 8
Dei. LL828 88 8002 t 2
Grave, Humphries (t) Malts
berger (t) land Tnrnver; Over
inlre, Trout (81) and Kichards.
Home Extension Unit'
To Meet on Wednesday
: SILVERTON ' The SUverton
Home Extension unit will meet
Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the
Eugene Field school. The subject
for discussion will be Turniture
Touchups." t .
: This wills be the final meeting
for the year and new officers will
be elected. Mrs. Alf O. Nelson is
the retiring president and Mrs.
George Anderson, secretary. . '
11 New BooIig
Go On Shelf
At Library.
Four of the 11 new books going ?
on the Salem public library dis
play shelf Monday deal with cur ;
rent problems - at home, abroad,
and in the postwar world. CjL.
Becker has no rosy dreams iof N
what's going to happen when the 1
wara.over." ." .,
Maxwell Stewart gets downt to
specific points, such as ' food,
clothing, shelter, the effect of in '
ternau'onal cooperation on stand
ards of living, and what will hap
pen to our foreign trade and for
eign relations. ; i . i. -
Mr. Joesten anyalzes j Russia's j
contemplated territorial demands
for the protection of her bound
aries and does not seem to fear
that she wfll expect too much. R. .
H. Blodgett writes of the "isms' ;
which make up world-wide politi- j
cal and exxmomlc life. i
-;r.v-3. ..;Jf ty v..,.s,-.
New books on library shelf:
fiction: i
Mauxham:" Razor's Xdaa. Soubleday. !
1844. BentaL L
Alband, Martha; Endure No Longer,
Sate: Moon Was Bed. Simon Schus
ter. 1244. (Mystery.) - j ;
Relsner; House of Cobwebs. TOodd.'
1S44. (Mystery.) ' - -.,. . ,
Non-fltioa: !.' i'M .
Becker, C L How New' Whl the
Better World Bet Knopf. 1S44.
Sloane. JL.S Reviva Your Old Tar- -niture.
Studio. 42. ' . '1
Bowen. C IX: Tankee from Olym
pus. (Justice Holmer.) Nlttle, Brown.
una. ... . -. i-H -
Blodgett. X. H. : Comparative Zee-..
nomic Systems. Macmlllan. 1944.
Stewart Building tor Peace at Home
and Abroad. Harper. 1842.
Joesten.. What Russia Wants. Duall
Sloan. 1844. r
Adams. Heritage ef Spain. Holt. 1843.
Richardson. Modern flfure Skat-
inf. Methuen. 1S38. . -
McKittrick. ValWo. Son i of CaU.
fornia. Binford & Mort. 1844. -
Johnston. America Unlimited. Dou
bleday. 1844.; . i !
Moore, Grace: You're Only Human
Once. Doubleday. 1S44. Rental.
Taylor (Stoopnagle). You Woukhit
Know Me from Adam. Whittlesey. 1244.
Kenuu. . 'n
On display shelf. -
Veal and
Dogs Uanlcd!
. Top Prices Paid! -Prompt
KemltUsce .
Ship te:;;.;- ';,:
Frc3 Ileycr
Ileal Diviiica
444 8. W. TsAhm St. er
8. E. f 2nd Fester Blvd.
We can aeeept only
animals killed In
compliance with O. P. " A.
fb . i . ill '