The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1944, Page 11, Image 11

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    Glass Leaders
Are Announced
I AUMSVUJLE -r- Joe Lewis and
Lorene Swartout won scholarship
awards In the Aumsville high
school,'' with R. E. flough, princi
; pal, announced Lewis as valedictorian-
and Miss Swartout as salu
tatorian for ' commencement set
tor Maj 28. Fourteen students
will receive their diplomas, with
Dean Lemon of Oregon State col
lege as commencement speaker. ,
, Three g r a d u a t e s , including
Lewis, will enter the armed ser
vices at once; two others are Jack
Kellinger and John Hooper.
; .' No resignations from teachers
have beenl received, and salary
increases are announced at about
20 per cent for next year.
Cervais Pastor Goes
To Portland Church
GERVAIS Rev. James Aiken
Smith, who has been supply pas
tor of the Presbyterian church for
, the past three years, has resigned
effective May IS. ' ;
He has been called to be assist
ant pastor of Westminster church
"In Portland, a church of over 170Q
. w r . m
memoen. ue wiu speajc ai jter
vais May 7 and 14. He and Mrs,
Smith will move to Portland,
where they will reside.
f By Ethan
By an intricate system of cal
culations involving the Ides of
March, Mr. Daniel DeFoe and a
hint of frost on the morning of
April 27, I have discovered that
today is the birthday of Robinson
Crusoe. Further computations
disclose a suspicion that since he
.was born in the year 1632, he
would have now been, had he
lived, about 312 year old. Don't
ask me how I do it, for not even
a mathematical genius can ex
plain, the mysteries of supermen
tali ty. 'V-'C':-:-When
I first read Robinson
Crusoe I was exceptionally
yoanr. Bnt that was .because. 1
had been. taught to read at an
exceptionally early g e V I
C.. " don't -remember if I Was three
or nine, bat since one Is the
: square of the ether It shouldn't
' - matter very much. I do recall
my fond admiration for Bob,
and the older I get the more
. deeply I appreciate his astound
V ing attributes. For ; Instance,
who'- but a genius and a
' Scotchman (his real name was
Alexander Selkirk) could have
practiced his brand of eeonom
' lcs and survived 24 lonely
years on a small bland ?
Rob must have been in a
deeply : philosophical mood when
he swam ashore that night and
slept in a tree, like a pelican.
And imagine, if you can, waking
next morning and having to swim
a mile, probably against the tide
and through shark-infested water,
back out to the wreck without
even as much as a bowl of
, Wheaties for breakfast In addi
i tion to possessing the chief ac-
: complishments of a .bird on
roost, he was also a champion
swimmer. '--
Arriving aboard the wreck, he
promptly became at once
stevedore and a salvage engineer,
i for only a man with the qualifi
cations of both could have recov
ered the major portion of i
ship's cargo and landed every
item of it as Rob did.
0 . 0 0
With his v enormous store of
' equipment and provisions finally
r salvaged, he next became a car
; center. A carpenter with' no tools
; save his hands and a small hat
i chet Without the .aid of either
! blueprints or spirit level, he pro
ceeded to erect for, himself
dwelling; And, if we are to be-
, lleve the records, it 7 w a a both
i . substantial and comfortable el'
1 1. thoura we must not presume, of
: course, that Rob was fastidiously
hard: to please. i i'-- - v. ;
r immediately upon -eempIeUoa
f his new residence. Sob's
island was visited by an earth
uako and stems which could
. be termed colossal. Yet, as fur
' ther proof of his masterful car
pentry. It k pointed out that
; a ? 0
Dahlia planting time has ar
rived. Planting may be done al
most anytime this month. . v
Choose a sunny location for the
dahlia- bed. These plants should
have at least five hours of direct
sunlight e a c hp1
day. Longer will
be better. , '
While1 dahlias
are tolerant of a
mildly add soil,
better results
are obtained, in
ground rich in
humus, if lime
is added, at the
rate oi one
pound for each
20 square feet
The soil
UUle Maasen
should be well prepared, and not
fertilized prior to planting. It has
been found, dahlia experts re
port, that dahlias grow most ef
fectively when fed from the sur
face. They prefer a well-drained
loam, and if the soil is heavy,
some sand should be worked in.
They dislike wet feet and if there
is a little slope to the ground into
which they are planted, so much
the better. Good drainage is abso
lutely essential to good dahlia
Bonemeal is the recommend
the structure' surf ered scarcely
no damage at an. ,
Rob next became an explorer
and surveyed his island kingdom
from end to end. His purpose was
to take the first census and find
out how many subjects be had.
The . project was - a: disappoint
ment. The only inhabitant he
found was an oldjpat with a kid.
He shot the goat and the kid, mis
taking Rob for portable divy,'
followed him home, and he had to
raise it ,
0 0 0 -
After a great deal of profound
thought Rob finally concluded
that he ought to relinquish all
other ambitions and settle down
to farming. In this venture he
enjoyed a notable career, for it
must be remembered that he had
the benefit of neither a county
agent nor a seed catalog. In fact,
he had-to begin from scratch and
without any seeds. His success, in
agriculture was : particularly re
markable in view of the fact that
according to the London employ
ment service records, his entire
work history had been that of a
deep-sea sailor.
Because he had no watch, Rob
never knew 'what time it was,
Not that it mattered much, since
he wasn't going anywhere, any
how. .But he did know the day
of the week. He'd started keep
ing track of the days right from
the beginning; which was a lucky
thing, for he knew it was on Fri
day that he captured his man
Friday. If it had been on a Sat
urday, he couldn't have called
him Friday, and you can readily
see how that would have mussed
things up.
Rob's ingenuity was nevef bet
ter exemplified than by the way
he captured Friday. Some other
savages had landed on the island
to boil the poor fellow in ou. Rob
broke up the party by suddenly
appearing on the scene in his
Sunday best which consisted
r largely of a pair of goat-skin
pants and a scowl that would
have scared the daylights out of
Martin Dies and the FBL
The savages ran away and
Rob was . enabled to capture
Friday with nothing more than
a brief sales talk on the man
power shortage and the rewards
of an abundant life.
Rob's eventual rescue from the
island was hot without its tragic
aspects. For in those days there
were no syndicates or magazines
waiting with fat checks to buy
his unusual story. He merely
told it to Mr. Daniel DeFoe over
a mug of beer and went out to
lose himself in the traffic Jam of
a new civilization. , '
He .wasn't even turned to;
speak at a Lions , club- or Ko-1
tary luneheen. It nut hare .
been awfuL . --
ed fertiliser. A commercial super-phosphate
-Is also good. Ia '
normal , times, when one could '
walk jnte a store and ask for,
with some assurance of getting;
what they want In the line , of
fertilisers,-one pound of muriate
of potash and five pounds of ,
raw bonemeal;' mixed.- to each "
190 square feet of son and raked, f
into the - son, was considered
Ideal for dahlia growing. Now,:
one does the . best 'that one can'
and is happy that one can do at
alt But when one can, it Is a
good plan to apply a top dress
ing early in August For every
ten plants, apply 2 , pounds of
raw bone meal and V4 pound of
the potash, keeping it six inches
from the base of the plant and
raking it Into the surface ef the
soU.! jj Fertilisation of dahlias
must "always be practiced with
some restraint but if large dah
lias ire desired, it must be
done.!; nevertheless. Too much
feeding, results in very . poor
roots1; which as' a rale are not
useable the second year.. j
AQ Weeds should be kept away
and out of the dahlia bed. weeds,
besides 1 sapping the sod of ".: its
dahlia food, will also harbor in
sects and 7 diseases, and dahlias,
like some children, are- rather
good at picking up insects ' and
It is best to stake all but the
very dwarf varieties of dahlias.
and driving of . the stakes should
be done before the planting of
the tubers. Choose stakes which
are an! inconspicuous as possible,:
or you-will ruin the effect of
the dahlia bed. Then place the
roots horizontally, eye upward and
towards the stake. The hole should
be "about six inches deep. Cover
only two inches at first and con
tinue the covering process as the
shoots; grow. Do not allow more
than lone, or at the very most
two shoots to develop.
Dahlias like plenty of water
during; the blooming season. But
watering should be done deeply,
soaking down at .least a foot It
is not necessary to water this way
but twice - a week unless the
weather, is exceedingly dry and
hot In the very hottest part of
the season, the plant seems to be
thankful when its foliage is gen
tly sprinkled off toward evening.
No strong water force should be
used jph it.' J. - .-.I; .
Among the more popular va
rieties are, large-flowering:
Jane! Crowi (buff -orange), Jer
sey's ( Beauty (pink). The mas
A. Edison ; (purple) Treasure
Island (aprlcot-gold), Lord of
Autumn (canary yellow), Sa
tan jj (scarlet), Kathleen Nerris
(rose), Amelia Earhart (salmon-scarlet),
White Duchess
(white). Gallant Fox (claret
red), I Adirondack Sunset (scar
let with old-gold edges).
Popular pompons will Include
Little, David (russet-orange),
' Sunny Daybreak (lemon-rel-low,!
tipped cardinal), Bronse
Also Covers Pointed
I Plywood, Brick or Concrete
1C0ATI f I
Often Imitated
Eight Receive
Diplomas When :
5 Schools Unite;
- UNION HH2r -Eight received
their -eight h - grade r, diplomas
Thursday night when joint com
mencement exercises' " were held
by five districts at the Union Hill
grange han,";- f:;- .3Ti-
The graduates . were Laurence
Fischer of McAlpine, Lucille Ja
quet and Jeanne Darby of Victor
Point t Guy Scott BUI stosten-
border and, Betty Mollet of Silver
Cliff-Union Ililh Catherine Hof
stetter and Dorothy Patterson of
VaUey View. ..
Janice Johnston of McAlpine
played a piano solo; Harold Hof
stetter of Valley , View gave ' a
reading; Norman Qualey, Merlin
Darby, Fiden Jaquet Janice. Min
er and Dale Miller, presented an
Uncle Sam skit from Victor Point
and . the Silver Cliff-Union HiU
school . sang "Vacation ' and
"Home, Home on the Range."
Rev. Almlie of SUverton gave
the address and the . invocation.
Verny Scott presented the diplo
mas to the graduating class. ,
- The stage , was decorated with
Girls9 Camp Topic
At Woodhurn .
WOODBURN C a m p Fire
Girls and the Bluebirds met with
their mothers Thursday to .hear
Mrs. Emma Maxwell and Mrs.
Lillian KUpert, Camp Fire direc
tors from Salem, tdl of plans for
summer camping at Camp : Kilo-
wan pear Dallas.
j Six camp periods, of seven days
each are scheduled. "Application
and medical blanks with informa
tion leaflets were distributed.
( A film in color, of camp life and
activities - was shown by Harold
Jones. Activities at the camp are
directed by ; trained supervisors,
and meals are planned by exper
ienced cooks and dieticians, it
was explained. Every precaution
is taken for 'the health and wel
fare of the girls attending.
Beauty (golden apricot). Atom
(fiery red),1 Joe Fette (white),
Tom Thumb (garnet red), and
Johnny (maroon).
. Miniatures B a b y Royal (sal
mon pink), Corna (white), Pink
Peart (rose) 1 Bishop of Landaff
(brilliant red), Garden Love
(salmon rose), and' Little Jewell
(peach-blossom pink). -
Coltness Gem, a bright red, is
one of the most popular dwarf
single varieties. Of the taller sin
lies, some- of the most popular
are, Newport Wonder (raspber-
r y ), Scarlet Century J (bright
scarlet),, Crawley Beauty (ma
roon), and) Purity (white). ;
Remember that aphids are re
sponsible for the spread of dis
ease, andj should be carefully
guarded against .
Walls, Wallboard,
Never Equaled
s .r i.
Oregon,. Sunday Morning. May
Red Hills Grange TTill
Observe Family Night-
upi-ttii . Tne Red wm
grange - will observe "family
night" Tuesday nhtht in the
grange hall here. . Covered . dish
dinner wm be served at 7:30 pwl(
followed by the nrosram. A ' tri
bute to "mother" or "father" wm
be expected for roUcaU.
Spring Ccnslmcied
Scfa Beds al only
If yon are expecting overnight holiday guests or
want to accommodate a defense worker, one of our
sofa beds will bring; extra sleeping accommodations
into your home at very low cost! A davenport by
day a full size double bed at night! Has handy
bedding: compartment in
-1 "ill v -li,
v . ..
V- v
tImw cwiwf
UtfA Ulkj
Lnxurions construction!
a splendid choice of the
Many unusual quality
extra special!
I 1 !
1 n at i mm , m ,
Knowing how popular this type Cl 75
of chair is, we made a big special - r I J (
iraaes, lovely patterned
7. I8U
Lebanon Plans
For Blusic . Week!
r LEBANON Music week ! win
be " observed la . Lebanon by - Ihe
schools and by several social 1 and
service organizations. The. Junior
Woman's club, has issued invita
base. Priced low!
SS(550 D
Beantifullv tailored and in
newest covering materials! i
features. Priced loir, as an j
72)50S !:
mmmt l
tions to a public tea at the Pres
byterian church May 11 at 3 pm,
when the songs of Mrs. Nellie
Seeley, Lebanon song writer, win
be a part of the program. - y
In charge of the tea and pro
gram -are ,! Kay. Bullard, Marie
Alvin,' Stella' Lemery, Ruth Foss,
Thea .Vrooman, Marjory Blodgett
Oral Chads and Betty Curtis.
Complete with Ottoman
His idea of real comfort! Aftef a busy day, he'll
enjoy coming home to his very own chair especial
ly such a restful one, with its big matching otto
man. Balloon type seat cushions. Button tufted,
comfortable back. . .
They add a touch of glamour to , post any bedroom.
Here's .your chance to select' one that V sure to pleases.
Limited quantity, don't delay.
, - Choice cf colors:
O Itcso O BIno O Green
. use additional drawer space. - V.
A carefully constructed chest
in hardwoods
- 1
Eneehole style desks in a variety f styles and fin
ishes, goat as low as caly $41.75. .
Visits 7itii EloUier w
7hile on Vacation 1
MT. ANGEL Miss Theresa
Ficker Is here for several weeks
visit with her mother, Mrs. Mary
Ficker, and other . relatives Ahd
friends. She has been j employed ;
in San Francisco for the past
; -
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