- V MM-Willamette Valley News ?',end USS Alabama in Ito Battle Dreca ifUUCS 1UICB . Reports From Tlie Statesman's Community Correspondents Salem, Oregon. Saturday Morning. May 6, 1944 PAGE THSEE Pratum Elects PTA Heads South American Views Shown yTFrances Qinton - PRATUM More than-85 were the many people who -are eager In attendance at the spring meet- to see him and the reception is ing of the Pratum PTA held at planned by his friends to give the ' schoolhouse Thursday ' night this opportunity to his old par with the program featuring Fran- ishioners. ces Clinton, county home dem- The time has been set at 3:3,0 Reception for Father Alcuin To Be Held Sunday Afternoon MT. ANGEL A reception in honor of Father Alcuin Heibel will be held Sunday afternoon, May. 7, and will be held at the Legion hall from 3:30 to 5 pjn. , ) i Father Alcuin arrived Wednesday" for a short visit. His time here will not permit him to visit r onstration :, (ent. entertainers from " Macleay ' and the Pratum Boy Scout patrol. Election of officers was held . during . the business meeting with Melvln Lien, reelected president: Mrs. C. C Bateson. vice-president; M r s . Ernest Dewey, secretary; and W. E. t Branch, treasurer. Miss Clinton, ' as a representative of the coun ty PTA council, served as in stalling officer. " ;-' rr':'J:' A report was, made on the school support amendment to the so as not to mieriere wiw at tendance at the musicals , and or atory contest, an annual music j week feature of ML Angel col- j lege. - , . h. : Father Alcuin left ML Angel a year ago and in that time has established an agricultural school . . . 1 in Mexico ana nas aiso Deen teaching in Mexico City. All friends ' of Father Alcuin are invited. mi: Zena Woman BVUWI.0UAi sjkv-a, w , '1 state constitution. Several signed fVaa foi'f tlC the petition for it to be placed on -a.OA l,aaa.O Mrs. Phillips Wins Award r.Art -Huh Pw Uilness. w7 ' - - - Rev. D Given at Sleeting Held This Week Jefferson Resident 1 For Half Century ' I JLs Honored I ; JEFFERSON Many relatives and friends attended the funeral services Wednesday at the Jef- I tenon Evangelical church for Mrs. t Emma. Josephine Jones, - 77,; who cued April 30 at ; her home on Third street, following a brief -SCTC- Winner in the flower ar rangement competition , at this week's meeting of the Scio Gar den club was Mrs. Birdelle Phil lips. Others 1 competing . included Wilson Jaycox ; con ducted the service, and was as-; sisted by Rev. R. . W. Elmer of Corvallis, former pastor here. Mu sic was furnished by Mrs. K. , WJ Elmer and Mrs. C J. .Thurston. Mrs. Kingsley Thurston, Mrs. I. L. Shields and Mrs. Irvine Wright were in charge of the flo ral arrangement. Bearers were pars, -Eunice; Bartu, Mrs. Sigrid wrt Winter and Mrs. Carolyn Schrunk. CTe. WIightL h K Mrs. Hendricksen also - won 1 a prize. Mrs. Auaie Myers had a paper on camellias .and Mrs. Bess Phmppl discussed prtaroj. Next Home meeting is scneauieu at uie name of Mrs. Pat Densmore, with Mrs. I Wilipa Crow as co-hostess. Lowell Myers of the Jordan area has been inducted into the Shields, Guy Roland, S. H. Goin, and K. S Thurston: Burial was in Willamette Memorial park, un der the direction of the Fisher : She was born at CarltonviUe HL, November .14, 1865, and spent her girlhood there, coming to Cal ifornia . and then to Oregon in 1880, locating in the Syracuse the ballot for the vote of the peo ple.. The program included a skit by the Boy Scout patrol with Cornelius Bateson, leader; several numbers from Macleay. a piano duet by Mike McGovern and Hen ry Cooper;' a style review, show ing costumes from the gay nine ties to the present time with Mrs. Mildred Barrows, piano accom . panist, playing music appropriate for each model. Mrs. J. ; F. C. Tekenburg, in fitting costume, gave, a . reading, "Fifty Years Ago." A skit, "What All House wives Know," was presented also by the Macleay group. ;. Miss Clinton told of her experi ences traveling in parts of South America ? and . concluded with . showing two films in color isuwu nunc uic iiviui and "Orchids of South America.' Dads of . the upper grade room served refreshments. The Macleay entertainers with Mrs. J. J. ) McGovern and Mrs. Theodore Olson in charge includ ed: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton, asde ai Mrs. J. F. C. Tekenburg, Mrs. Art Spelbrink, Dolores and Don ald Spelbrink, Margaret Keller, Mrs. Wilbur Miller, Patricia and Mjke McGovern, Patricia Wodze ; woda, yt ilbur ; Miller, . Sedonia REV. ALCUIN HEIBEL, OSB Fori QuB Group Valley Calendar ZENA Twenty-five attended the Mother's day program and social fefternoonv sponsored by the Spring Valley Home Mission ary society, held at the Zena US .navy, to report within a short fa . . i . - , . v : , &ne was .marriea to jonn r. AinoiiK lucai uwyie who are candidates In the primary f elec- tion May 19 are M. D. (Del) Zander for sheriff on the repub lican ticket,! aiid J. A. Withers, delegate to the democratic na tional conventipn. ' The estate of Ithe late Joe Kruml was appraised i this ' week at S4,- was Jones - in Linn county March .22, 1885. They moved to Jefferson in 1890, where they made their home for 54 years. home, if Mrs. W. W. Henry, xuesdav. may SATUKDAT, MAT I 4 Riverview Farmers Union. Jordan Farrners Union. Bridgeport , Farmers Union. TUESDAY, MAT 9 Marlon county home extension rram nlanninc dav. YMCA. Sal 10:19 to 330t , wednesdat; mat is SUvtrton Home Extension unit. Eu gene ; fields school 10. THURSDAY, MAT 11 Gate woman's ciud, l pan. Thursday with Mrs. C. F. Merrick as cchbstess. Former members, Mrs. Frank Matthews and Mrs. Louise Pat rick, nw of Portland, and Mrs L. M. IpPurvine of Salem, were Special nguesia, aisu iib. - uwigc um u. w JL ct ir , I East; Salem Home Extension 4 '-it"- Sweelt school, 130 p twins land macs were usea about vie rooms. Mrs. IWf D. Henry presided at the program and told of the ori gin of Mother's day, in 1907, and of the proclamation made by the president of the United States, setting aside the second Sunday in Mar to commemorate the event. I A Mother's day stamp -was is Besides the widower, survivors are one son, Harry E. Jones; one daughter, Mrs. Gladys Wadsworth of : Harrisburg. A ' son, Raymond noo n - ,.:-. ino ... m - Z'i Trf v. Tu 7 Vving are five grandchildren and Six great grandchildren,, three nieces and one nephew.- Mrs. Jones was a charter member of the Jefferson Evangelical church, $nd also of the Woman's Mission- as real estate;, chiefly the 40 acre farm least of Providence. Appraisal Was made by W. A. Marion County Home Extension pro-1 ffram slannin dav. YMC!A. Salem. uu ers. A. L. Riddle, a near neigh- lS k year8ViS Ury ciety, and wa, pianist for administrator. Local people attending River- view Farmers Union business and J many years. HTFBniV HIT 11 I ""-" i . .. . Yamhill Count Homemakers Sprinf I aooui restival. McMlnnVUle. social meetipg were Mr. and Mrs. " XTa. Rolla Shelton and Mrs. Bess Phi- UOUpi6 XlOSl linn! T7-i1l4 CVa14am anrl Tm 1 JL . ! K Hendricks won prizes. Cafeteria f g kijiiik WMYi supper was; served at1 midnight AU OC1 VltC Hv" and guests I Turner 1 8 - .- - : ! Elects Four Lodg 100 immbm i i xJLajruuvji. mr. ana jars. Ai John , Palmer, timber worker Uj11 Kusom . entertamed Wednes- near Sdo. vhitod hif famil in T wr- aars. Juuan ie- simSniuf' Jardin of Stayton and Hubert j. , . . ,, . , Mr. and Mrs Carl Warren anrt i orunaiage oi XJonage commum I A m a m . - Miss Bohbl Pnnll wor in t fX- Mr- Mr- arry uressier Portland Sunday. sued in before bf Salem .were also guests at the Nusom home Wednesday night ) , Mr. : and Mrs. Arthur Coffin went to Portland Sunday, visiting Dr. and Mrs. O. J. Goffin. I a turaey runner was servea Thursday by Mrs. Ivan Brundidge at her new home near Woodburn, honorinir Donald Nusom. v ITSN. JEFFERSON Mrs. Hal Wiley un(1 Cwlm Rlcu itcv ,r. Participating on the program t commemoration of the 28th ?te?afe? ,t? buIfet ""PP1" home on leave after six weeks d poems .nniversarv of Meal Rebekah T ' lHome m,th Nning at(rirrapit 1934. Mrs. Henry said long Christ the Greeks set day v to honor their moth' era and that the idea of honoring motherhood came down through the ages. TURNER Delegates to the I state! assembly ; of Rebekah lodges in Portland May 16, 17 ! and -18 were? named by the local lodge Wednesday night They are Ethel Whaley and Velma Hatfield; Mu riel Salisbury and Thelma Cas- pel are alternates. Wiley s Host At son with readings, articles and Burton. Mildred Barrows. Dr. Far Marvin Wells and Mrs. Howard Named n Home Head were - Mrs. Florence Atkinson. i-i , ... j -one apartments. . Present were r present besides the honor ust I ivuKCi uic ? i wiu w aa ucvviawu t - a?L mm I Mrs. Fred Muller, Mrs. Oins witnibasket, or le lr iaact Mr. and iiuijni, n. boi and bleeding hearts. Mrs. NeUie X "i pniiKuujc.rapy sua uaw onm- n, auu aaage ana tne nosts. Mr. and Mrs, u. i-aie ana mi. ana msr. wuey. van Brundidge. The Wileys entertained Tues- j The Brundidae familv moved day for Mr and Mrs. M H. Beal, ew weeks ago to their home east Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wynd, Mr. of Woodburn. Thev have lived MONMOUTH Dr. C. A. How ard recently was appointed a member of the board of trustees of the Children's Farm Home. The . Farm Home, located between' Cor vallis and Albany, was establish ed in i23, and is operated on a cottage basis. The , first cottage was named for Frances E. Wil- lard, Honoring the sponsorship of Mrs. Robert V. Carlson, Mrs. Lois Crawford, Mrs. L I. Mickey. Mrs. R. C. Shepard, president presided at the club meeting. Group singing was led by Mrs, George E. Allen. At a previous meeting the club discussed the advisability of be coming , a member of the State Federation of Rural Women's dubs. Letters from Mrs.. George K. Moorhead, president of the state federation and Mrs. K. W. Har Hamilton, the first noble grand, presided at the latter part of the lodge meeting. Mrs. Dora Peebles, noble grand, was in charge. n H Hrs. Wimam.Walls, andMf. many year, in this communi surprise guts were Ann Baker, who; has joined the .Waves, who was given a handkerchief shower. and rMr. and Mrs. Roy Hatfield, presented with a piece of silver in observance of their silver wed ding anniversary. Miss Baker is the : second member of the lodge the WpTU. There are now eight j secretary. cottages comprising tne school. Dependent children, and those having no satisfactory home, are the ob; ective of the Home, and in its lifetime to date, more than 1000 children have lived there. "Chairman of the board of trustees is C. iL Starr, Portland, who for many years was a member of the state board of education, and is a of-Polk county. to idin the Waves, as Alice Titus ritt, county federalion president, let weeks ago for New were reaa Dy aars. u . raicaiey, i York . : and Mrs. TX. L. Shields at a buf fet supper.; The Woman's club will i meet May 10 at the home of Mrs; Ma rion D. Looney. "Music for! Your Pleasure" Tiy ill be the theme. Mu sicians from Salem will present the program. "t 4 " a Trim despite her S5,000-tbn slse, the giant batUeshk) USS Alabama rides at rest during an Interlude in the war at sea. The craft represents the latest improvements and modifications in areaonangnts ana Is shown in her first ptctare la battle dress. She Is capable ef throwing ene-Un shells accurately for 20 milesJ Launched at Norfolk. Va navy yard February IS, 1942, the warship bristles with guns af all calibres up to U Inches (AP TOrephoto from US navy) 1 A Home Management Specialist To Help Planning Program i Lois Lutz, home management specialist from Oregon State college, will be guest .speaker at the annual program planning day for home jextension in Marion county to be held Tuesday at the YMCAt in Salem. Miss Lutz has chosen as her, topic fProb- lems Confronting the Homemaker Today Registration bezin 8t .10:30. of delegates will Two representa tives from each group taking the home extension program and oth er interested jorganizations hav been invited to attend for the purpose of planning the projects for next year's meetings, j Frances Clinton, home demonstration agent will review the year's ac complishments in the, county, and suggest 4hej goals to be reached. A report on jthe State Council executive rammittee meeting : re cently held in Portland I will be given by Mrs. p. A. Lynds, coun ty chairman. ) - - - . i During the afternoon 'session, following suggestions made f by the delegates, j the home ; exten sion program of projects for 1944 1943 will be determined by the vote of those attending. The nominating committee with Mrs. W. F.jKrenz, chairman, will report, and election of three coun ty committee members whose terms expire this , year i will fol low. ; i , The members of the county committee assisting Misa Clinton in' making j arrangements! for the day are Mrs. Harry Martin, Mrs. Floyd Fox, Mrs. Verny Scott Mrs. Grace Cramer,! Mrs. James Keys and Mrs. W. R4 Woodburn. During the rest of the week, the May program of "Touch-Ups ; 1 ! i U on Wood Funiture,, will be pre sented by Miss Clinton at Silver- ton , on : .-Wednesday, Gates on Thursday, and East Salem at the Swegle school on- Friday. Saturday, May 13, the committee with Miss Clinton have been invited and plan to attend the Yamhill county's Homemak ers Spring Festival to be held at McMinnville. L Keizer Women Entertained KEIZER A pleasant day was spent at the home of Mrs. Wal ter Lansing Thursday, when she entertained 14 members of the Woman's Sewing club of Keizer. Work on two quilts was the di version of the day. Mrs. W. E. Savage,1 Red Cross chairman of the group, announced that 159 articles! had been completed and returned. This group gives $1 per month to the Red Cross for ditty bag supplies.. j- , Ethel Hall held the lucky num ber when the drawing on the quilt took place.. ' X v Mrs. ! J. E. IWhitehead, who moved to-this district last- winter, was a guest The next meeting will be on May 18, with Mrs. Ar thur Ounmings. , i ssv;; V -!:-'--- .-' 4 - - I-.-'-. TrSsksMove To New Place Mill City Residents y To Live in Lane County Town ' MILL CITY Evelyn ClipfeU of Lyons, was a week end guest or Margie Thompson. The girls sang a duet at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning. 5 ; '-I-'';- Dr. D. ; W Jleid was seriously. ill last Week end from food pois oning, but is reported to be much better and is back in his. office -" ! ..X - ' . ... II . again. . , . 7 Kfi. nn Mfm XlrS SBclr llrAf Sunday to the s Duggan J) home,' . which they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Duggan have pur- : chased a home in Springfield, and moved there Sunday. . ' t MrsR. Haseman was in eharse of the local post office Saturday while Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Kt were in Salem. - - '. ; i . Clyde Hathaway fell while practicing baseball Wednesday and broke his leg. He was taken to the local hospital, where it was set and put in a cast Clyde was to have been inducted into the navy May IS, but because of his accident will have :- to wait six months. - y . -Jt l-p - Lester Hathaway broke several ribs last week while at work. Adam Bauy dislocated! his hip and hurt his side while ! he was repairing telephone wires' for the Mill City Manufacturing! compa ny at their camp at - Blowout . -t The; Presbyterian church voted last Sunday to conduct; a dally vacation Bible school this sum mer, h -: .:I exiy ty. Peach growers in this and Wa con da vicinities are spraying their orchards for brown rot This dis ease has . appeared much earlier than in former years. Mrs. R. H. Scott led devotionals using as her theme, "Honor Our Fathers and Our 'Mothers." Mrs. Scott read a touching verse found on the body of a soldier which told of the faith of our. boys. Characters of mothers, ' said Mrs. Scott are playing a vital part at Sick Nurse Coming Home native this time in family and national ,eveh members and one guest life. -The hostess calendar . for June includes Mrs. R. H." Scott Mrs. Fred Muller and Mrs. W. B. Hunt Refreshments were served to Mrs. M. J. Neiger, Mrs. Ben McKinney, Mrs, John Childers, Mrs. .Robert V. Carlson, Stella Fetsch and Thelma Cas- ( - O pellf comprised the refreshment Hears bf Da 111 8 cumiuiiiet. : me ut Dies were luvr- ly wjui oowis m puw. na wniie CHEMAWA The regular tulips and papers in, crystal hold- meetinit of i chemawa mn was S l ; hu?e wdfdm cak held in th haU Wednesday." Be- ;viation flight will be started andia Wave cake, the latter with - . t. . t. -Mt this week to return Second Lt gave a talk on proposed dams and river conditions near Salem. He showed some pictures of Oregon wild life, flood and snow scenes, ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Friday, May S--The world's ' longest an 'American flag and small red. white and 1 blue candles. Twenty were present Final nomination of new offi- centennial cerswiU be held at the next meet- 8Cenic garden pictures in color. ing. State Strawberry Crop Valley Obituaries PERRYDALE Mrs. : Lois Let ticken died at the Salem General hospital Wednesday morning af ter an J illness of several months at the ige of 73. . - - i 3 a Tvrn ? Mie was marnea 10 wmiam : .111 1 . 1 ' f '': tZ,rrn T?Zr -l V1 v v be Just half of the average 1937 unrisunas i low. ourviving - MONMOUTH Crimson O Dra- 42 .harvott , nrnrrm . Stat rot childrert are Mrs Maud Houk of matic dub will pre6ent two one- lege extension service said today. Strawberry acreages, declining pictures and some TWO 1-aCt PlaVS Jft Mf rf Average To Be Given Swegle Workman Injures (Hand in Fall Katherine Landrey of Boston, stricken army amrse, to the United States. . .:-f-M -.' The- first ,! trans-Pacific flight for a patient will mark another record for air evacuation activi ties in the southwest Pacific thea tre where Lt Gen.1: George C Kenney's x 5th air . force planes have moved more than 85,000 pa tients more , than any other air force. . The seriously ill nurse, who re quires an immediate operation by steadily in tthe last three .years,; produced only 15,264,000 pounds last; year a 66 per. cent drop from the vl941 peak, the service Perrydale, Mrs. Evelyn White of act plays Saturday night May 6, tticxreau, jwrs. ciara mornson j m . auditorium i of Campbell of North Bend, and Ernest of hall- piay ha, an aii.giri riicitreaii. i ne seven granacmi-1 cast. ciren mciuoe Mrs. vioia bcnmiot The drama "House Divided." who is kwith her parents, Mr. and written by Evelyn Neurenberg, said. mr. j. ji. nuu, wrme ner nus- ha, a ca$t of four, Lily Waggon Dana is) overseas; Mrs. Marie cei- er Ontario; Roberta Johnson, lars ofh. SanU Barbara, Calif.; Portland; Doris Johnson, Port-1 Mntfii4T)aii fritter White, US army in New Guinea, j wood. Darlynn Matlock is direc- " arty to lie 31ay O Mrs. Vidian. Brown of Perrvdale. rh- meA-m WhoV Ar. v,i SlLVERTON Mrs Ben Gif and Bob Morrison in 4 the - air Going 1 to Wear?" by Jean Lee OT J announcing a mothers corps, Rationed, at Eagle Pass. Latham, has a cast of nine: Lois ?u8hter Tfrty, May 8, in place Texas; Marjory Letticken of Heater. West Linn; Evelyn Kent regular annual missionary Xickreau. IMolalla; Viola Tiedeman, Sher Four j great-grandchildren, Eu- wood; Lois Loosley, Ft Klamath; . ne. arid Jimmy Schmidt Rich- Julia - EngdahL - Scio; Eleanor ard Brown and Micheal Cellars. Johnson, Gresham; Evelyn Smith, Funeral services will be held Portland; Barbara Parker, Con- at t h undertaking parlors in I don, and Orchid Howard, Albany. Dallas Saturday at 2 o'clock, with The director is Marge Stringer burial at the Evergreen! ceme- of Lebanon. Cecilia Brennan ' is tenr at McMinnville. ' dramatic adviser for Crimson O. SWFr.I.K Tmm TTmcoII rAo1rit Tte I " T w . - -yrr- y- youngest son of. Mr. and "Mrs gon's im strawberry crop will William n -.-..fcv..irZ: J,.. the Deaconess hospital Friday for be accompanied by First Lt Mary n operation. V. Kerr. Washinctonl Iai. chief nurse Walter Dement ' fell while at of the first medical air evacua work at a Salem cannery Wed- tion transport squadron to arrive nesday and broke the bones in In the southwest Pacific nearly a his hand." .year ago. Opens Hay 33 -13 Days Only The Werld's Greatest Musical Revue en Ice Comes to Portland for the First Time! banquet for the members of the I First Church of Christ 1 i ' ' 1 Jill a'LJi'-li'ii Sponsored by Capital Post Ne. f . American Legion - 4 VJ.W. Victory Qub mum ISI Old Time Dancing. Vcl:rcj Ildl . Corner Flood and Church t Streets j Masle by 0 isaXa m0 m A sel a Club Members Only -A .- 1 "A in' mm 17-11944 Sciiiay d 2:23 7n PRICES: 91 M, SXS, SZ.7S an S3., tntladisf lax. licacts al Portlana Arena ana i. K. GIU. 9th;aad SUrk, Portland, MAY a Bar time, ttres and (sioUim kr ataUlaf la year ticket eraer NOW with iumpd Mlfa4drme envelope. Make checks payable te PORTLAND KSXSX. MAIL ORDEKS NOW! ! i 20th ,1 Uanlutn EBMdwmr Sl - v. : ' li : '......;t Xr-'l !':. -..v.?::l -- i I: FREE Circus Tickets at Millem DOT 2 S25 DQI1D MB 0- Tickets ' 0 1' on Sale at Miller's Now! MAIN OFFICE