The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    MS Jl M7
Reports From
Texas Woman
Visits Sister
Rickreall' Family Host
To Army . Officer's
Wife, Children
BICKREALL A dinner party
was held at the John Winn resi
dence Saturday in honor of Betty
Winn ' birthday anniversary.
Present were Miss Elsie and Miss
Ulan Wirfs, Martha McClellan,
Marjorie Baker, Viola Thorpe of
Amity and the Larkin family.
Mrs. Tie Mason's sister, Mrs.
Charles Cartwrifht and three
children af Texas are isitinsr
here. Cartwrifht Is a major In
. the army. :'
George Van Santen, who is
working in Frineville was home
. lor the weekend, i,,
Harold Burch visited his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burch
this weekend. They are setting out
imall tomato plants.
Rev. and Mrs. Dickinson of Sa
v lem were dinner guests at the A.
v. Oliver home Wednesday.
Mrs. Ethel Winston 1 and Mrs
Kern of Dallas called at the Oliver
home Saturday.
Mrs. Emma Mae Erickson, rep
resentative of the Pacific area of
the; Red Cross and Mrs.' E. B
Hamilton, chairman of the Junior
Red Cross of Dallas called at Oil
vers Monday. .
John Stewart Vfrom' Greeley,
Colo,, is spending a few weeks
with the Ezra Hart family,
The Palmer family befriended
a sick pigeon stranded at their
place. Its feet were caked with
mud and when they took it injto
' feed it, bands were noticed on its
legs. A call to Camp Adair re
vealed it was a carrier from there.
A soldier came and took it back.
Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith
- and children of Toledo, spent the
weekend with the C. W. Wirfs
' Mrs. Bell Iverson of Carlton
visited the Larkin family Sunday
- on her way to Monmouth,, T
Mrs. George Van SanteOEJrs.
- Ora Lantz, Mrs. Jess Ragsdale
1 and Mrs. Lille : Larkin attended
Pomona grange at Falls City.
Eola, Bethel and Rickreall Sun
day schools had a ' conference
- meeting at; the Rickreall church
Sunday. Rev; J." J. Trachsel. mis-
i i sionary "who" Was 'in 'Japanese
-prison 1 camp for " some time was
' the guest speaker. - - - I"
Mrs; W. C, Hill ; entertained
Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. El
win Hill and David of Salem and
Aunt Sade Burch and Tex Palm
er. It was the birthday anniver
' saries of El win Hill,' Aunt Sade
' Burch, who was 85 and also Tex
Palmer. . ., y ,: .
; Montana Cowboy
Lassos Blondie,
. SILVERTON That it takes a
man from Montana to lasso prop
' erly was demonstrated at Silver
ton Monday, when Harley De
Peel, son-in-law of Chief of Po-
; lice Al Am o managed to do what
- the local lire department xauea to
. do: Bring Blondie DacK xo town.
It is recalled that Blondie,' Sil
verton's lone swan, had one week
ago: floated oyer the city dam and
" two miles below town where she
was spotted by fishermen. "All ef-
.- forts on the part of the fire de-
. partment to capture Blondie and
bring her back to her own spe
cial pool behind the city halL
failed. Tuesday the lasso prow
i ess of the Montanan was noised
about and he was pressed into
V service with the result that Blon
die came back to town in short
t order. Street Commissioner Lew-
Is Yates, also custodian of the
swan, accompanied DePeel on the
mission to see that no harm came
' to the bird, and described the las
soing fete as "very neatly done.'
' T Efforts are now being made to
obtain a mate for Blondie in
. hopes she will be more content to
remain in her spot behind the
? city hall. ...
Lebanon Cavalry
Unit Organized
' LEBANON Several members
, of the hotnc sTuard unit, cavalry
Troop L, and others interested in
horses have organized a riding
club and took their first ride as
a group Sunday. The object of the
organization is to' increase inter
est in horses and in outdoor recre
ation. A drill team will be or
ganized and it is hoped that com-
petitions with other teams in the
state can be arranged.
; Jesse Moss and. Jack Swanson
are to be captain and lieutenant,
respectively, of the drill team. C
Huston Walter is president of the
club and Dr. J. G. Gill secretary
Grangers Ho vs
MACLEAY Regular g r a n ge
meeting will be held Friday night
arid grange social night . will be
held Saturday night at the jp-ange
Till: n
The Statesman's
Salem Oregon, Thuraday Morning, May C 1944
Program Day
By Homemakers,
The Marion County Home Extension committee met with Miss
Frances Clinton home demonstration agent, for an all-day meet
ing Monday at the home of Mrs. Floyd Fox in Silver Cliff with
all members present. ,
Plans were completed for the
Valley Calendar
SUverton Hills Home Economic ciuo.
pratum pta. s pjn Miss Clinton,
guest speaker.
Uay ton-w e biooi t irmtn union.
Perrydale farmers Union. '
Salem woman s ciuo.
Marion Farmers Union.
Buena Vista Fanners Union.
Mt. Plsgah Farmers Union.
i ' .. ... '"
Riverview Farmers union.
Jordan Farmers Union.
Bridgeport Farmers Union.
- Marion County Home Extension pro
gram planning Cay. imla, baiero.
Repair Shop
ELDRIEDGE Ivan La Bansky
of Fairfield has rented the ga
rage and repair shop -owned by
Karl M. Brown. Because of ill
ness Brown closed the -shop sev'
eral months ago but the place is
now open for business.
Graduation exercises for Eld
riedge school will be held May 17
with nine members to receive di
plomas. Tommy Wickizer of St
Louis, is a new member. A new
pupil recently enrolled in the pri
mary room is George Willis of St
Louis. .
Seventh and eighth grade, pu
pils took part in the track meet
and May day xercises Friday at
Gervais high school.
Pupils in the upper grade room
er. Mrs. Willow Evans, have
Joined the "Keep Oregon Green
Good Fishing
Is Reported
Mrs. George Stuff and son, Mike,
and Bob Jones were here Satur
Joe Harris of Stayton spent the
weekend with his brother at Idan
ha, fishing in Marion creek on
Mr.' and Mrs. Art Ray, formerly
of this section, were weekend vis
itors enroute to Suttle lake to fish.
Vera Morgan and Dorothy
Young were in Portland Saturday
and brought Betty Adam, a school
friend, back. & ,
V. D. (Bus) Bryant and Wal
ter Bell were visitors at Marion
Forks, Sunday. They reported
good fishing In Lake Anne.
Jin Gubler of Idanha spent
part of Monday at Marion Forks.
Mrs.' Lyle Carrington and. small
ton, "Chuck" of Bend, spent Mon
day with Mrs. Scott Young.
Fred Westerburg of Portland
has returned to Marion Forks af-
ter spending the weekend at his
home. He is interested in getting
out navv soars in this section.
Cleo Prather and Wallace Jeors!
of Monitor have returned to work
in the Dost busineas here.
Lew Myers of the Little North
Pork at M arinn Forks Mon-
Four Birthdays
Are Observed
In Unionvale
on, a resident of this district from
1908 until about five years ago,
was 81 years of age April 27. His
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel; Dixon and family, en-
tertained for him in tne Perry dale
district Saturday with a family
birthday dinner. Twenty one mem
bers of the family were present
Clarence L. Fowler of this dis -
Wet, whowill be 75 years of age
Sunday, May 7, was honored with
? - Mi .'
a surprise lamuy omner aawroay.
jars, uaie j-owier ana Airs, uan
. warn, w , oirwoay. re
May 27 and May irrespectively,
were iso uonweoL aars. owniey
Lamb of Portland 1 was a . special
guest ,,
Visits in Salem
WHEATLAND -4- Mrs. Grant
Walling of Wheatland was a guest
of her sister; Mrs.Mona Matlock,
in Salem Monday.
Sirlfc3 Sp-ch .lb thj Ci
EIc!!oy-rcrqn!:2r. u Go.
Front and
J . -tt 7 'H H
Community Correspondents
Next Tuesday
annual program planning day
s c h e d u 1 e d for May 9, at the
YMCA in Salem. Miss Lois Lutz,
home management specialist from
Oregon State college, is to renre-
sentlthe state nffWe and h tfii
. - .
guest speaker. Groups taking the
home extension program, as well
as other Interested organizations
are to be invited to send repre
sentatives to decide the county
home" extension program for
1944-1945. ; .:. . :
Appointments for making a
rangements for the day were an
nounced as follows: music, Mrs.
Floyd Fox; registration, Mrs.
Grace Cramer and Mrs. James
Keys; flowers, Mrs. W. R, Wood
burn; publicity, Mrs. C A. Lynda
and Mrs. Floyd Fox; luncheon,
MrsJVerny. S c o 1 1; hospitality,
Mrs.. Harry Martin. ; , " :
Mrs. W. F. Krens of Union
Hil, Mrs. Roy Rice of Roberts,
and Mrs. M. M. Magee af Ma-
eleay were appointed to the
nominating ; committee for se
lecting three county committee
members . whose terms expire
this year. ,
Plans were made for attend
ing the state council In Corr si
lls May 23 and 24. Those from
Marlon county on state com
mittees which meet May 23rd,
are? Mrs. Verny Scott, finance;
Mrs. F 1 o y d Fox, scholarship;
Mrs. C. A. Lynds, legislation;
and Mrs. W. R. Woodburn, re
search. Other members of the
committee also plan to attend
the council.
Miss Clinto n reported on the
past month's activities on sewing
machine clinics, Vegetable cook
?xU". H show and
the farm labor program; also that
several new groups in the county
are Interested in talng the iuil
program next year. Miss Clinton
announced that a series of food
preservation meetings would be
given m various parts of the
county . during June.: Whether on
canning, freezing or drying would
depend on the desires of the Indi
vidual communities.
The next meeting of the com
mittee will be at the home of Miss
Clinton in Salem, Monday, June
5th With election of officers the
main order of business.
Albany Sends
Many to Navy
ALBANY During April. five
groups of 'inductees from Linn
county ten to join tne various
divisions of the armed forces of
S J? with,
est number of men again entering
the navy. '' .;.;- v . :;
Those joining the navy includ
ed Maurice Eugene Bakke, Rob
ert William Kalina, Robert Irvin
Russell, Earl Daniel Kenagy and
Samuel Cohnell Looney, all from
Albany; Willard Marvin Berry,
yon uiDertson ana uonaia Mc
from Lebanon; Francis
Solon Leeper, Halsey; William
Joseph Sindon, Sweet Home;-Ern
851 vnoate, Honey; JMgar
rancis LAiayeiie, it- ana uien
LankJord of Brownsville; Mickey
Marcelle McDaniel, Independence,
and Raymond Wesley St John,
Corvallis. '. A ;
Marine - corps, George John
Penland and William Julus Dil
lon, both of Lebanon; William
Henry Hoover and Zanol Bruce
Powell of ; Lacomb, and Edward
James Lewin, Shedd.
Army, ' Everett Arleigh Over-
holser, Waterloo; Roy Clinton Ba
ker, :, Seattle, r.Waslu, Clarence
HartiU, Chewelah, Wash., Cleo
Lear i Bowser, North Hollywood,
I T.iTiflTliP'V Till tt tn
LJoSe bcllOOl May 18
" -- " -
LOONEY BUTTE School will
i rios Mat ' i 8. with . ni
ner at noom Everyone is Invited
k, join m t good m GraduaJ
tion rri. , vill K h.M
Betty Jean Diercks. The date is
not yet decided. r
Betty Jean Diercks plans to at
tend . the May day festivities - of
Jefferson school on May 5, to
which rural eighth grade pupils
, iX-M -
mnc utviico.
Jean and LeRoy Farmen at
tended the 4H spring show. .
Norway Streets, :.
. TXT lSl,VTit Fall
Pre Induction
Tests Taken
Stayton Board Sends 1
Large Group Men
To Portland :
STAYTON '-- Registrants se
lected to report for pre-induction
physical examination ; from Mar
ion County Local Board No. 3,
Stayton, April 29, included: - '
James K. Jorgeasen, Jefferson: Nor- I
an r. Whitehead, Turner; Robert
A. Lucas. Stayton: Sylvester J.
Tennis, Gates: Lowell T. Joseph. Ore-1
Curtis c. riovd. i Lyons: Charles H. I
Steinke, Troutdaie; Alfred J. Henne, I
HcrhHt J. fiwhrr Lyons: Fay F.
Bates, suyton; Wilbur H. Meinert. The Willing Workers met Wed
cosnari: nesday with Mrs. Lloyd Park for
Wright. - Portland; Jack R. Haseman. sewing. Refreshments were served
SSrS1 (iWK1
SUverton; Wilbur l. Davis. McMinn-1
U; urai u nampurn. tcuawn,
Frank V. E. Britton. Idanha; Aloyiius I
Nuttman. Stayton: Raloh R.
run- I
ager. Brownsville; Marvin H, Barrlck,
Turner:' virgu . uycan. manna;
Ralph V. Morgan. Detroit; Ralph W.
Mi"on FTietxe. Lebanon: Monne
J. C. Morris. Stayton; Dean H. Owen.
Salem: Laurence C. Crane. Portland:
George W. Dickie. Mill City; Robert
K. Barry and Oscar T. Wright. Salem;
Leon L Red fern. Boring; William H.
Kohsrf William A Vi- William H.
Burright James w. Minty. Bamey J. I
wneian, saiem; ins uiristensen.
Stayton: John E. W. Hoffman.' Port
land; William E. Wagner. Salem; Ru
fus Teem, Foster: Harvey E. Gehring.
Silverton; Fred C. Samples, fortiana;
Walter A. Frank. Mill city; caivin m.
Jones, Portland; Doyle c. Ripiey, xa-
coma, Wash.; Stanley J. Forrest, Ly
ons: Carol L. Capps. Salem: Harrey .
Lone. Valsetr: Henry H. Hiebert. Idan
ha: Glenn Miller. Salem: John D.
Wilkinson, Portland; Gordon G. See-
man. Idanha; Marion D. Hunt, Sublimi
ty and Herman S. Gile. Salem.
Registrants of Marion No. 3, trans
ferred to other local-boards are: Cecil
Baldwin, Seattle, td No. 8, Seattle,
Wash:. Carl A. Winkler.- Seattle, to
No. 6. Seattle; Warren A. Denny, As
toria, to No. 1. Astoria: Keitn v. Ma-
d'Alene: Louis O. Salchenberg. ' Salem.
. Vit V1la t 1 Cnmr
ltJ?f!a-HiJy. "i.
linson. Seattle, to No.' 4. JR en ton. Wash.;
Francis F. Williams, Lebanon, to No,
1, Albany; Norman D. Krehbiel, Se
atue. to No. 3. Seattle, Wazh.; Gregg
A. Thomas. Deer Island, to No. 1, St.
Helens: WUlard R. Lepley. Salem, to
No. 1. Salem; Gerald B. Potter, Seattle,
to No. 5. Seattle. Wash.; Eugene L.
Dengenhardt. Portland, to Portland:
Wayne T. Gordon. Seattle, to No. 3.
Kent. Wash.; David S. James, Portland,
... rn4i.K -
Tttsers to Marion No. a. from other 1
Aumsville. ' from No. S. Bethlehem.
Pa.; Halland H. Storey. Idanha, from
No. 1. Mens. Ark.; Leonard D. Joplin,
Lyons, from No. 1. Brownfieid. Texas;
Jack V. GoodelL Lyons, from No. 1,
Albany; orvuie J. rooie.i stayton,
from No. I. Dallas: Lester A. Warner.
Mill City, from No. 3. Eueene: William
J. Boskop, Salem, from No. 1, Austin,
Minn.: Raymond w. wauace. Aum ,
viue, from No. 1. Rotebur, pre.
Play Day Held
In Aumsvillc
AUMSVILLE The Aumsville
school, was host Monday to 70
visitors of seventh and eighth
grades from surrounding jr u r a 1
schools for the annual play day.
The visitors and the locad seventh
and eighth grade children visited
high school classes. j
A pep program and group sing
ing was also presented by ' tne
high school Dinner was served in
the school dining room, with the
high school teachers and grade
school teachers as hostesses.
Those assisting in the capacity
were Mrs. Kutn Kicnes, miss
Alice Jaquet, Mrs. Fitts, Miss
Grace Richards, Mrs, Sehon, Mrs.
Gladys Claxton, Mrs. Ethel Sund-
lie. . The school ' principal, R. E.
Hough, supervised the races, con
tests and games. ; A softball game
between the West Stayton boys
and the Aumsville boys ended in
10 to 11 score for Aumsville.
Boys and Girls Win
In Baseball Contest
Island, Pleasantdale and Union-
vale schools won both games at
the field meet, held at Grand Is
land Friday vs. Fairview, Hope
well and Wheatland school teams.
The boys game was 20 to 14
score. The girls game score was
22 to 21.
U. U. IcESnncy
Republican Candidate far
Marion County
"Less lerislstlon Pledge whole
hearted sapperi and an tiring ef
forts for vtctery.
:" '.t f
Break Bones
Falls From Hassock
At Home, Injures
Arm; Now in Cast
gen became seriously ill Monday
while .; doing chores." Jie went
alone to the Deaconess . hospital
from where attendants telephoned
home of his arrival and reported
necessary r treatment would be
given. 4 . , ,
. Raymond Terhane, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. - C Terhnne, fell
from a hassock la his home re-,
eently, breaking both bones of
the left forearm In different
places. He has , returned te
school with his arm In splints'
and a sling. A cast will be plac-.'
ed later.
Elmer. Keller is confined to his
v.-, . c:, :.i ,,.
nome smce PSfWul . Injury re-j
ceivea a wees: ago : at a saiem
furniture store where he is em-
ployed. While carrying a ' heavv
congoieum ryg ne zeu. xne.rug
slipped down on his ankle,' injur-
m n SeriOUSiy. - .
by the hostess. Mrs. Elmer Keller
will entertain the club f or its next
f!n im.. 1a.:..
. vi""
Airs. n. u. neeves irom iu mem
bership. She has -taken an active
part during her . brief residence
P community,
Cora Clark attended the , Ra
tional System Teachers meeting atl
Auburn Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Reeves
have gone to Clackamas regularly
for work at their recently pur
chased home. Improvements ' are
now sufficiently completed so they
ate! moving their furniture, ma
chinery and dairy herd.
Linn School Ends
Year's Program r
ALBANY The first linn coun
ty school yto hold graduation ex
ercises this year was the Tallman
IschoOL which dosed Friday. An-
otter school closing tee same day
was the Price school, but no cere
monies were held there.
At the Tallman school diplomas
were presented to Jean Allison,
Dorothy Guild, Ruth Nofriger and
Betty Walker. The class was pre
sented by the teacher, Miss Mary
Ellen Guild, and . Ervin Hayes,
cnairman or xne
school Doard,
presented the diplomas. A program
ox vucai auiu iMwimrnwi music
and readings was presented,' and
following the close of the exer
cises mothers ; of the Tallman
pupils were 'hostesses at a re
With every i woman
owning more and more
suits, blouses are more
popular than they have
ever been We've
dainty lingerie j cottons,
shee r rayons with a
Victorian touch, pretty,
prints and polka dots.
Absolute anaels
every one.
Flue Fire 7 Flares,
Woodburn Home
WOODBURN The h b m e of
Mrs. Jane Mack, on Easi Lincoln
street was threatened by lire
AST ' ',' :aL ' " m . !j "
juonaay as xne aiiermain 01 a
chimney fire: from the kitchen
range. ; Mrs. 1 Mack .thought the
flue fire had burned itself out and
gave no more attention to it.
The a 1 a rm was given by a
neighbor, Jr. Monnier, who looked
i f
EscBDnnsnwIly 8 dd
SDiDBDSnnCPS.. These Famous
" - . -" ; ' - i .......
xti'-'j . -J .-...! . - f-: ' -
No other suit Van have the
superb Botany "SOO" doth,
master product of a famed
worsted mi!!. No other suit)
(can have the marvelous
Daroff tailoring .r. the skilled
needlecraft that makes
your suit "part of you"..
perfect in fit, amazing m
comfort. So don't look for"
t a substitute .7. there just
. isn't any. Nor is there any
'combination of clothing -.
.value approaching the
Botany ,500,J Suit, Tailored
.by Darofl, ot anythina
like its low price.
up from his work m the garden to
see the Mack roof ablaze. Prompt
work on the part of the firemen
saved the large ; two and a : half
story frame structure, but the en
tire roof was burned away, and
considerable smoke and water
damage resulted to the second
floor. -11 j: " , I
' Neighbors and . firemen . carried
the furniture to a place of safety.
No insurance was carried. Mrs.
Made, aged 80, has occupied the
house alone' since the death of her
husband ten years ago.
, . v: , I" , -r nr..-..-
"'"" " y f .
Style Center for Jlcn1
Pupil Is Scarlet Fever
Victim in Odriedge .
ELDRIEDGE Jean Conklin is
ill with scarlet fever.' Upper grade
pupils were given the Schick test
Monday by Dr. Stone as a sale
guard for her schoolmates. Jean
is in the eighth grade.
. Mrs. Willow Evans, Eldriedge
teacher with whom she has been
staying is taking . every precau
tioh. In case she is not immune to
the disease she will take sulpha
drug under a doctor's supervision.
11 t .
7 0 r'