' i f - is. r 'if . F iinanci'al i arm ' 1 'i: f j; i PAGE TEN! Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Thursday Morning. Mar t 19U i Markets Grains Make Small CHICAGO, May S '-)- Lifting of hedges In May rye futures by commercial interests pushed thSt delivery up a cent today and other . sections of the grain market were firm in sympathy with rye. Gains were generally confined to frac tions and, aside from the activity .in May rye, trading was light. Trading in all May contracts ends Monday, May 22. Open in terest in rye at the end of yes- s terday's session was still large at 9,000,000 bushels. May wheat, oats and barley held , at ceilings. Active wheat futures closed higher, July $1.70- $1.70 Vi, and active oat V- : higher, July 19. Rye finished on gains of a-l cent, . May $1.31 S 1.3 Us. There was no trading in barley. -'r r There was little pews available " affecting 'wheat, although some , buying was based on reports of improvement in flour business. About 125,000 acres of winter wheat have been lost in Missouri - as a result of floods, the weather -bureau reported.-. ' Silverton Meeting Set for Thursday : SILVERTON Rer. William 'Schwab, pastor of the Christian ' and Missionary Alliance, is an nouncing an all-day meeting of .the Ladies' Missionary society at the Mrs. Oscar Lewis home, 307 Orchard street, Thursday. , Stocks and Bonds May 3 STOCK AVERAGES Rails Indus Util IS 35 9 35.8 35.S 364 34.3 37.1 33.1 Tofm 60 SIS 51.3 50.8 91.9 90.7 834 494 30 15 Wednesday -71.0 Prev ious day 70.9 Week ago .70.1 Month ago . ,.,,., 71 3 Year ago 70.7 ' 1944 high 73.4 1844 low 69.1 27.1 27.0 WJ 274 MS 28.4 22 J BOND AVERAGES Indus Rails 20 10 Wednesday S7.4 104.S Previous day 87.3 109.0 Week ago , 86.8 105.3 Month ago 86.4 10S.3 Year ago 78 8 103.1 1944 high -87.8 105.7 1944 low 79.9 104.8 New 1944 low. tJtil - 10 1064 106.0 1054 103.7 102.S 106.3 104.7 I Stks 10 69.7 ja.i 5 9 63.3 604 64 34 James Carney as the bare-knuckle best of the Barbary Coast In "Frisco Kid," with Marcaret Lindsay, now at the Grand. Crossword Puzzle -i IS 21 IT 26 bo 3i 34- 35 38 39 9 ft 41 4Z 'A 5 So SI 54 43. topas hum minf bird 46. frown old 47. Italian -province 50. associate 62. whiter . ; 63. article M.sinfle units 65. assault X gnaw away 6. annoytiice 10. mother 12. Swedish r chemlat 13. eluded 35. bristle 1$. waste allow ice . 17. female ru5 18. reply IX covers 21. Japanese sash 22. toft metal 2t.fcr.oek rs-"7 IS.hurriiJ 23. hern 23. exist ro. ee: m' - 7 Z2. city in Turkey S4.tymfccl tar '. ' ncn Z7.lV.ict t .':!rers I ::.ct mass . f iiW44 4 Suiter mm WX Answer to yesterday's puzzle. I , I l I A. .1 I - I itiD tms uict uicig' :ttm AlVlOi -Oil, v7q . it 1. 1 ..n 3.t :ack Tea Average fine ef telaUeai IS s&iaites. VImL bj Xing Features Cya&cate, lac "Strictly Private" a . . , -. . .. . - i THIS YEAR tTS 60NUA BE. CO0SW N UP A ISLAND OCCUPIED W UiSnRQOPS A 60 CAWT BE TEST A oitrnciAU - Quotations at East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore.. May 8 AP) East Side wholesale market prices: Apples: Winesaps (Stay man) 3.00 box;-, Newtowns 3.00-345 box. Asparagus: Can by No. 1 J40 per pyramid; No. 2. 3.00 pyramid. i General prices: " frolt: Apples: Winesaps (Stayman) 3.00 box; Newtowns 3.00-345 box. Vegetables: Asparagus: Mid-Columbia. Canby, 4.00 per pyramid, f Broccoli: Green 1.00 lug. Cabbage: No. 1 green 345; ordinary 3.00 crate; red 1.75-2.00 pony crate; savoy - curly) 75c cauliflower crate. Cauliflower: No. 1. 2.90; ordinary 2.40-240; No. 2. 75C-143. Greens: Spinach, local SOc-1.00 orange box; mustard 90c-1.00 dozen bunches; kale 75c crate; Swiss chard 63-70c dozen bunches; parsley .S0-0e dozen bunches. Onions: Green 70-80c dozen bunches; commercial grade dry, 50s, 2.70 bag. Radishes: Red 80-90c dozen bunches; whit 90c-1.00 dozen bunches. Rhubarb: Field, boxes. 15s. 75c; 30s, 145; bunches . 65-70c dozen. Root vegetables: Bulk parsnips 75c lug: carrots 75c; turnips 75-Oc lug. Sprouts: Brussels 240. flat box; bulk stock 10-12c lb. Plants: - .Cv Lettuce 1.00; cabbage 1.00; cauliflower 1.50; chives 1.75; pansy 1.65 flat; mari golds 140 box; snapdragons 140 flat. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., May 3 ( AP) Butter: AA grade prints 46c; cartons 46ie; A grade prints 45,e; cartons 564C: B grade prints 49'c; cartons 4oc. Butterfat; First quality, maximum of I of 1 per cent acidity, delivered In Portland 91-5i'.ic: premium quality, maximum of 45 of 1 per cent acidity 53-53 'c; valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50-5O',4c Cheese: Selling price to Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets 29.4c; daisies 294c lb.; loaf 304c lb.; triplets to wholesalers 27c; loaf 27c FOB. Eggs: To producers: Nominal prices, ease count 28-30 'ic; select henneries 31c; mediums , 24-25c dozen. - Eggs: Nominal prices to retailers, in cases: A grade large 36c; A medium 32c; small 23i-24c. Live poultry:'' Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 2' lbs. 27e; fryers 24 to 4 lbs. 28c; roasters over 4 lbs. 28c; Leghorn and colored hens, all weights 24ic; roosters and stags 20c. Rabbits: Government ceiling. Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c lb.; live price to producers 24c lb. 'A 'A 2d 24 27 if ST 3i 37 'A 40 44 1 5-5 S. toper .not in acale 10. recompenst 11. citrua drinks 14. leak 18. twisted 19. gated fixedly 20. song bird 21. Algerian seaport 22. foundation 24. verb forms . 27. came ashore 28. operatic solo 29. feminine '. naint H. Russian mountainj . 23. attacks 38. helpers 33. abrade 41. father 12. masculine name 43. curved . molding 44 stretch over IZ.IZU3U chusetttcape . 43. observe . 43. aptitude ' CLtcward - 12. Italia rlTcr - VESTICAL Imprinter's inesurures J. fish eggs- ' 5. feU .eoUet;t ' official 6. street tail way (abbr.) . progenitor 7. always .. . 'mm 1? By Qumn Hall (iw mow wh7 : .' (SOMVrUU J?f ; 17. US. BENS SOUSED.. set : 5-4- Portland Turkey si Sen lug to retailers: Dressed hens No. I. 39443c lb. Turkeys: Alive! Government celling buying prices: Hens .42c; toms 36lc lb. dressed basis. Onions: Green 80-S0c dozen bunches; dry, Oregon 3.70-3.74. PoUtoes? Yams t2S SO-lb. crate. Country! meats;!: Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, i: 120-140 lb. 17-lSc; vealers AA 22" A 21 lie; i B l-18ic: C 15-17ic; culls lt-15c; beet AA 21ic; A 20ic; B 18J,4c: C 14c; canner-cutter cows 12-I4c; bulls, canner-cutters 14 144c; lambs AA 26c; A 24',ic; B 22ViC; C 10-20c; ;ewes FS 13c; medium 12c; R 18c. I ; : . Wool: Government con trot Cascara bark: .1944 peel 20c lb. Mohairil942 12-months, 45c lb. Hops: Nominal contract: 1944, SOc up 1945. C5c: l4e. SOc. Hay: Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. 2 or better 34.00-35.00; oat vetch 26.00 ton valley points; timothy (eastern Oregon V 35.00-36.00 ton; clover 24.00 toni Montana grass bay (No. 1) 33J0 ton.v - Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, May 3 (AP) Wheat: No future quoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft whit 1.53; soft white (excluding Rex) 1.54; white club 1.55;? western red 1.S5. Hard red winter : Ordinary 134; 10 per , cent 134; 11 per cent 136; 12 per -cent: 1.58. - Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1 J4': 11 per cent 1MH 12 per cent 1.56's. Today's car receipts: Wheat 29, bar ley 5, flour 4. oaU 4, millfeed 3. Portland Livesloek PORTLAND. Ore, May 3 AP) (WFA) CatUe. SaUble 150. total 500; calves . salable and total 60. Market active,, mostly steady to strong; fat dairy type cows; 28 higher; one lot good-choice fed steers 16.00; common medium heifers 9.00-13.00, cutters down to 6.00; cenner and cutter cows 8.50-75; shelly cows down to 4.30; fat dairy type cows mostly 8.50-10.00: outstand ing heavy Holsteins .to 1130; good beef cows to 1230; medium-cood bulls 8.75-11.00; good -choice vealers 15.00- 16.00, few 105-00. vo Hogs: Salable 800. total 850; market active, steady to 25 higher. Good cnotc 200-30 lb. 13J7S-14.00; 340-75 lb. largely 13-75: 273-320 lb. 12.00; 170-90 lb. 1330; light lights mostly 1830-11.00; good sows around 23 higher at 8.75 9.00, few 9.25; good -choice feeder, pigs 830. mk Sheep: Salable and total 100; market fairly active, steady. Few good-choice spring iambs le.oo straight: full s.oo: medium wooled old crop lambs 9 90- 13.00; gooo twn 00-75; common-medium grades 330-6.00; euUs down to IM; good bucks 4.00-50 . RATION CALENDAR t; FOOD Canned foods Blue stamps AS, through KB, valid indefinitely. ' - Meat,' crieese, canned fish and edi ble fat. Red stamps AS through OS valid indefinitely. . Sugar Stamps Dumber .TO and 31 good for five - pounds sugar indefi nitely, Stamp 40 good for five pounds canning; sugar Until- March L 1946 - m vj :noz . Stamp No. 18 book one good, ex pirce April 30. Airplane stamp No. I valid indefinitely. Airplane No. 2 good beginnmng May 1. Loose stamps invalid. J' - OASOUNK una 21 expiration date of No. 11 A coupons. May renew B or C cou pons within but not before 13 days from date on cover. . Value of gasoline coupons: A. Bl, CI. 3 gallona-. B2.Cz. R and T. S gallons D, 1 gallons; E. 1 gallon V ft'EL OIL -Period 4-6 coupons good through . August-31 instead of September 30 ' as previously ,' announced. Coupons with gallons printed on the face vshd for amount indicated until ex piration date show on coupon sheet. f TrtEs'j ;' :x:M Periodic Inspection of tires ended. Inspection certificates required in t obtaining replacements. . i STOVES Purchaser must get certificate ai ration board for new stoves. WOOD, SAWDUST. COAL - Fuel - dealers deliver by priorities based oa Deeds. 1 Legal Notice CALL FO WAKKANTS ' . $'- .i .t : .v - i .,. . ;! School District No. 79, Turner, Oregon is calling warrants Nos. 78 to 128 inclusive, dated Jan. 14, 1944 ta April 30, 1944, respective ly. . - ; MARGARET ... IL.' RICHES, Clerk. DrS. CIIAii...LAtl Dr.T.TXam J. Dr3.ChaaJ4 J , . CniNESS Cerballsta 1211 North Uierty CT pi tain Poitland Genera f Electric Co Office open Saturday on!y 10 msn to I pmj 8 to 1 p.m Con sultation Clood pressure and urine testa are free of charge. Practiced since 191 1. n n ODT Removes -SMpping Rules On Dry Onions WASHINGTON, May. S-) The office of defense transporta tion and the Interstate commerce commission today eliminated the permit j system controlling the shipment of dry onions from 12 principal producing states. The two agencies set up the system last September after the war food administration had cer tified that the suply of dry onions was becoming short and that con trol was necessary to provide or derly distribution. . x . Withj marketing" of. the 941 crop now complete, WFA has re voked 1 its regulation; permitting cancellation ' of the ' orders of the other two agencies: They : had prohibited shipments of onions in excess iof 100 pounds, except un der WFA permits, in California, Colorado, Idaho," Indiana, Michi gan, Minnesota; New York, Ne vada, j North Dakota, Oregon, Utah and Washington. Stbeks Enjoy Fair Advance NEW YORK. May 3-fyW-Stimu- lated by a revival of buying irj leresi in moior, ruoDer and steel issues the stock;! market enjoyed a fairly broad advance today. ' Closing gains in industrial lead ers ranged from fractions to more than a point: Final prices ' in some instances; were a bit under the , .hijehs-J-;:'i' jf;: :&'? '::: ' The; Associated Press 60-stock composite rose; .3 of a point to 51.8. Stock exchange transactions totaled 625,540 shares compared with 571,210 yesterday. Chrysler moved up sharply, closing IV points over the prev ious ' final. Goodrich. : Westine:- house, Oliver Farm and Caterpil lar 'each improved a point Dow Chemical and showed wider Park & Tilford advances but on relatively small dealings. Legal Notice . :;z NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Last Will and Testament of JAMES LEVI McMULLEN, de ceased, has been. duly proven and admitted to probate in and by the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, Probate Department, and that Letters Testamentary have Issued to the undersigned Bertha McMullen as Executrix of said Will. . All persons j; having "claims against said estate - are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified and with proper vouchers to the undersigned at Salem, Oregon, or at 706 First National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months 'from the date! of the first publication of this notice, which first publication is made April 20th 1944. BERTHA McMULLEN, as Execu trix of the Last Will and Test ament of James Levi McMullen, deceased. ( I; i. ROSS At LEWELXJNG ' Attorneys for Estate, f f A 20-27 My 4-11-18 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTRIX AND EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed by the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the county of Mar lon, sitting .: in probate, executrix and executor! respectively, of the last will and testament and estate of Etta M. Savage, deceased; all persons having claims against the estate: of said, decedent are "noti fied to preaetft the same, duly verified, as required by law, to me at 205 Oregon Building, Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, , Oregon, . this 4th day of May, 1944. EVA J. McGlLCHRIST, executrix, L. ALVTN SAVAGE, ekecutor of the ; last wUl ' and testament and -estate of Etta M. Savage, de ceased. - ; i RONALD C. GLOVER, zoo uregon Building, Salem, Oregon, Attorney for executors. j - ! : My 4-11-18-25 Jl 1 iHlH' "1 1111 inn iiniiwiitin .r W SiiwpU il nmi antwraA sad tocf t torn f vida m.4jim,mu ittfc. km aaa kritMMm. qaka, srelceoM tafiet graad radaoMi Wlas tiaaMa telaavd antw-fcaffiaa, ae eeay ta aae. Cat Staatt's Pyiaild Be V mtm iihaut aeli Miceeie aely-60c aHJ Lbs DRESSED - Vcd mi . EZcjs t7cnl:i! Top Prices Paid! : - Prompt Remittance tl9 to . Fred Ilcycr ; llzzl EiTirlia : 444 8. W. Tamhia St er & E. (2nd -A roster Cid. p.!. We eaa accept ealy J a..T.a animals acied la compliance wi O. P. A- regulatlocs. - j 1 tenia, sj Mtl 1 mJH Fredrie March is starred with Alexis Smith la the Warner Bros, pro duction f The Adventures of Mark Twain, opening Friday at the FJsinore theatre. March Is east as Mark Twain, . ; I I I TSUBE, COME CM, SNAP sJ fUM, CCCtCW ii.y CUSHT, I I . OCT OF IT 6C0ECH...0J Kg A1NT 60T A CWAMCT WHO I -"fV . Tray,re--iaTHyl5 TWO GOT FtACES TO 60, HE TA BUTT M ON TH j IfO V1 SPBtNCS "WHS '--s.BlN CLAJ-HAPPJ THINGS TO PQ...LOM& MAIONS OF A BE-00-TyRlU T VC&Z J f S A n , JmQ Wimii CCOBCHY SMITH I i' ThST PV I ELU i I . - IF, I InCBftV YE GOT SOME A ' I : . : K 'k' I k I iFlHAOIASHOCmrAOWW COME- WtffUW cJJ tkfJ , THE WALE'S SOT AflXl" rWrS ' ) " ' C" ItT ' JWKL CRUSH CN PUTOfl 'nrS S rt V Xi5? : ; I ? MICKEY MOUSE j r SS-Sl ' T" : , j ( KlrJOLV, BB WTIENTVMR. fiPE. 1 1 HAVE RECEIVED J S0U MUST SHlB MDUR "-r 1 XHIMSLE THEATR2 . ! jmmirtoi.M zir' YDUT5E mm MAWN'rTXKS PAY YOU WITH F00Q CLOTHES AN'STUFf for TEiii::sT?3a rom:s P BSisn n Ci ij r C.aal A LTLl mmim '0 fe : i ; ' h',. . ILRCrjcCXJLXEVyllrW . rstcvtei,ieTrinierV: JANE.'WE'RS , t THE LAND AT THE j WHAT ' VWTNSS5 FOR THE PEED 1 'W'! .r I VT r-7 lW pi f& wm iiM r i i itnT 1-iHTT :.'. if ' " 1 V t '" -r, '.V .- 't' THEN YOU TAKE ALL THE STUFF AN' OVEITAWAY 70 POOR FOLKS- M YtHow Eeranda Onion Sets Lb. Salem Market Quotations . The prices be'ew supplied by a lo cal grocer ara indicaUv of tha daily market prices paid - to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: Cauliflower, crate S2S and 155 Crook neck St Italian quash, lb. A3 Turnips, dos bunches , IM Cabbage, " . Endive, dos. bun. .78 Radishes. - doz bun. - SO Carrots, dos. jBO . Celery, dos. " IM Pumpkin, lb. ' ' A3i Parsnips, lb. - , jOS BUTTER, EGOS AND POULTKY Aadresea's Baylas Prices ' Saklect ta ckaage wtthevt aetiee) BVTTEJtrAT . Premium ' ' ' S4 - NO. 1 " ' - No, s jo- BUTTEK PRINT A B Quarters . EGGS - - f Extra larce Medium Standards . I J I .20 : : 1 M ' 8 and 30 Pullets POCLTKT Colored hens. No. 1 No. 2. colored bakes rrys Old roosters US ' Marlon Creaasery's Baying Prices - -(Sabject t chaste wlUiout stotlce) POULTET No. 1 springs 1 i J9 No. 1 hens ' . Jli UVESTOCK Buying prices for Na I stock, bated oa conditions and sales reported: Dressed veal ' Jl V Spring lamba 14.00 to 13.00 ' Yearlings S.OO to 11.00 : Ewes 8.00 to 4O0 Hogs, good to choice grade. NO WONDER THEY CALL YOU "THE ANGEL OP THE OWL- 173 S, ,. . MS 10.00 to 10JO U.00 to 14.0Q 8.00 to 8.00 TJX) to (JO L0AII3 f:r Gelling Did cl Old DpTS : Stop fretting and fearing to face those .you owe money! Clear yourself of debt the business-like way: with a Personal loan, to be paid a c k l In 12 . months. In amounts geared' to your earnings. . ' :, . ; For Money la a Dsrry See Side Finance Co. 212-222. Goardlan I Bldg. Corner Uberty A State Telephone S16S LICV8-2H M-222 v We aia always ta the aaarket ta bay tar CASH Steal Estate mortgages ana contracts, Mcr- uatNii rape ana Notes. WELL, WHEN J GROW 816 ID LOVE 70 BE CALLEO THE CAHAUf - c rsr lb. Lilrrly Zl. Zn 170 to 739 lbs. Sows m , Top. veal ' -Dairy type cows . Bulls UBSssssaaassnssBsvssassnsssn - L