The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 28, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, -Oregon. Friday Morning. April 23, 1S44
Air Lines Malte Aimlimtin,,
F of More Than 50 Netv Routes
Va-'" It . -.-mi i .-.u.uui, uiuw . iii. , i .
JT JJ " n nm-r n n -finn i v 1 1 1 nniTTimiiilflf rtr-firfh nrLH rfttnjruLri if"v'-"- -i I'iiimiti'rthT'iir' 'ininiTr . . nrir TTr Unnr ir r nrr ir mnjiin nHniriftiTi'iftr'aiw Tiif ,a'1'nkjJr-'L--'- " " ,,...
, " " : . ' 1 : r : i
U LEd JW ) A f I AY -a cLK-
Miltcdukie Man
Helps to Sink
nTC APm 27-VF-The civil aeronauUcs board
cpened hearings today on more than 50 applications for new air
Routes and permission to make additional stops' on established
lines i Washington, Oregon, .Montana, Idaho, Nevada and
California. ' - -
: The applications were filed by 21 airlines and Individuals and
eonsouaated m one hearing
p lesxunony. .The re
sult of the hearings, before an ex
aminer, will 'b reported to the
board for decision. - '
The applications Include: ''
, Arecpn Air Ways, for lines from
Portland to Marshfield and Port
land to Klamath Falls; West Coast
Ai Lines, for ten routes 'In ''Call.
fornia, 4 Oregon and Washington
United "Air" lines, to include Sa
linas and Long Beach, Calif," and
. Klamath Falls, Ore, as stops on
established ' lines; North Airlines,
for lines from Seattle to" Port
land,, Seattle to Victoria, BC, and
Butte, Mont, to Portland; . South
west Airways company, for elev
en routes in Washington, Oregon
and California; Western Air Lines,
for 10 routes In Washington, Ore
gon and California; Greyhound
corporation, for permission to es
tablish air service along the en
tire west coast; North Coast
Transportation company, for lines
from Seattle to Portland, Seattle
to Blaine, Wash, Tacoma, Wash,
to Bremerton and Blaine to Van
couver, BC; Pacific Northwest
Airways, for 13 routes in Wash
ington and Oregon; Washington
Motor Coach company, for routes
from Port Angeles, Wash, to
-Butte, Mont., from Ellensburg to
Oroville, Wash, from Seattle to
Bremerton and from Port An
geles to Victoria, BC; Landon
lawson, Clevinger, for lines from
Seattle to Astoria, Ore, from As
toria to Crescent City, Calif, and
Crescent City - to San Francisco;
Interstate Airlines, for routes from
Pocatellcv Idaho, to Pendleton,
Ore.; - Oregon Motor Stages, for
four ' routes in Oregon ; Albert ' I
Zimmerly, for routes from Spo?
kane. Wash, to Los Angeles, Spo
kane to Idaho Falls, Idaho, and
Missoula,- Mont, to Seattle; Roy
F. Owen company, for routes from
Marshfield, Ore, to North Bend
and from North Bend to Port
land; Bremerton - Tacoma Stages,
five routes in Washington , and
Oregon; John . W. Foreman, for
routes in Washington and Ore
gon and the Ryan School of Aero
nautics, for routes in .Washing
ton, Oregon and California. '
Three Typhoid Cases
Reported in Oregon
; PORTLAND, Ore, April 27-(ff)
Three cases of typhoid fever oc
curred in" Oregon last week
the largest number reported at
the same time for more than a
year, the state department of
health reported today. ?
Miramar, Calif , ; April 21-ifP-ln
his first strike against enemy
shipping in Simpson .harbor at Ra
bauL Marine First Lt Robert' D.
Morris, 25, torpedo bomber pilot,
of 1108 Main street, Milwaukie,
Ore, ' assisted in sinking "a large
Jap freighter.
Lt Morris, who has participated
in 37 combat missions, recently
returned to the United States af
ter completing three tours of duty,
which included the New Georgia,
Bougainville .and New Britain
Describing the bombing raid on
the enemy vessel, the leatherneck
airman' said: "Several ships were
in the harbor and we, dove
through the heaviest ack-ack .1
ever encountered. I released my
bomb at masthead level, scoring
a direct hit amidships. When we
pulled away to make our rendez
vous; I could see the freighter
belching fire and sending up a
huge column of black smoke. Our
squadron rang up three Jap ships
to its credit that day."
Although he flew against tre
mendous opposition' on ten mis
sions over New Britain and was
twice the .target fori attacking
Zeros, Lt Morris holds the dis
tinction of never having received
damage to his plane during com
bat . - -
Lumber Dispute
Gets New Hearing .
PORTLAND, April 2 7-(ff)-A
newly appointed war labor, board
panel . will take additional . testi
mony from the war production
board and the war i manpower
commission regarding the north
west lumber industry t wage dis
pute, union officials reported to
day. 1
Doyle F. Pearson; assistant sec
retary of the AFL Northwestern
Lumber and Sawmill Workers
council, said he'' learned from
Washington that Dr. Dexter M.
Keezer, public member of the
WLB, and former Reed college
president, heads the panel.
Both AFL and CIO workers
asked wage increases at a recent
WLB hearing. !
u u u n
iThese two HayBower Milk Products are
Irefiried through Homogenixation to im
prove the taste and to increase the food
purposes. Some advantages are:
1. Tastier.. :
' 2. No mixing necessary. -3.
Hakes better custard.
4 Easy to process for Infants.
CL No loss of cream in scum.
- C' Improves texture of foods.
, 7.' Makes better soups and gravies.
fX Fine for cereal cream.
- - O. Always ready quick to serve. :
r XO:Nb cream sticks to bottle. 1
s particularly ae
Is our regular Grade "A" pasteurised
i milk that has been Homogenised. It'
for Infant feeding. Easier to digest
and Quicker to prepare. Ths price U no more. a.. v.
.M4n Is a Grade fA rich milk product we
luiUbvil haVt developed through Homegea
Uatlon with 10 buttarfat for coffee, cereals and ceok--ing
purposes. It serves the same purpose as "Top or
-Coffee". Cream,
Ofdtr HOlf OMILX for infant feeding and your usual
milk requirements, and Crtmten for the "Top o the
pottle" cream purposes. , ; "
1 ; t'JTTI C'JTTir.-lJC COTTACI o::2
fJl MAYFLOWER Products are processed under the
best possible sanitary conditions. ., it ,
Patroaizt tbt grocer who sills MAYFLOWER or
phono lor homo dcIiVery service.
JO :.C:::.:::r:!dCJ. CA1C.1 oTlr.a '
Miller's have rounded up q great many fine Anniversary Specials for this sale.. . . end every day
new ones arejxdded. Today it's outing flannel and aprons! Buy now for your future needs while
stocks are available! i .... , .
Sale! Just Arrived!
1100 Yds. 36 Inch
Outing Flaiinel
Special i
m m m . .
Just received! 1100 yards of light and dark outing flannels in
both plain and striped. Full 36-inch widths . ; ; cuts to best ad- i
vantage! .
Buy your outing flannel now for the many uses to which you'll :
put them. A ' - " . i
Make his pajamas ; . i night shirts . , . boys- and little tots. For
women and girlsi as well as baby things. Be sure" to get your .
share now! J
On Sale Today at 9:30 A. ltU Main Floor .
JfP0?1 .rP luggage in overnite and
: Pullman sizes are here In plain and
- , striped patterns, trimmed, -with genuine)
- cowhider (Madii floor). '
; Pullman Case $17.30 plus tax
- Overnite Case $1230 plus tax
' : Samson high grade card tables come
in an assortment of patterns or plain
white with self hims Extra reinforced
. - for sturdy use.- Priced at
S250 S3.50
Eloilhes Glosefi
Gooso Feather Pillows
Genuine goose feather pillows in this An
niveTsary salt at a way loyr price! Choose
a pair or single pillow now and save on
,100 foose leather quality. C5L Oft
Priced, each- VTfwO
Just received 800 pairs of service weight
rayon stockings In the downstairs store In
all the wanted summer shades! TtTftl
All sizes. Priced, pair VJ
Just a wisp of pantiel : Replaces the san-.
ltary belt The modern, fashionable way
to comfortable freedom, Ask for this
new garment at the CIO OC
Notion counter. Priced PttiBs29
?wrra shelf :
This is MOTH SEASONI Don't let
' moth ruin your valuable wools, furs! ;
Mpth proof them and store in this moth
proof closet t It's the mbs't'ecahomical
way you havevof mlnlmizirig your loss
es by the moth. , . ": : .. "
These cabinets will hold about twenty .
garments besides a aenerous sized '
shelf for. blankets and other woolens
or a shoe closet, hats, etc. NOTION
i iKat? V " '' ".Y v jS- - - - , s
J " '"' "' ' """' '" ' ' ' " """ """" "J INLiW"H""IJ '" !' mUlllll.l HI null u..n.t.,...i ' .Hl,.....1i.H. ll,JlNl,..,ui.l-ilili.ii,Ull.,t..-J..l.i., . . ,,, . .i.,,lii..,.ii.!..,.,.i,,.B.,li.l . . i. , .,.,.,,.,. ,
'"-"-'' - . , , m.
APRONS 'for. Mi 3tter9s. Day
!Aprons for Mother's Day ! It Is the
one gilt that is universally accept
ed, something that Mother likes
and uses often. Mother's Day will
eoon - be , here . select your
aprons now from this new assortment!
3 q) "
Every' type of apron from the bib to the tie-aroundsl Here's
the most marvelous selection we've had in many months. '
OSGAKDIT3 . . GLAZED C1U24TZ. :. : :
DpliLU SY7IC3 . 4 f FEnCALCS . '
. BATISTE . i PEHITS v . .
. ' painty tec aprons of fine organdie with appHque. ' '; Crispy.
H dotted Swisses with contrast rick-rack trims, i Glazed chintz
with jthe permanent finish ; . . aprons for every use in the'
7 'househbldi Abo waitress aprons at 69c and up. .
; . iranoii bipAHTi-irh1 maei rtooi - -1; '