Mid-Willamett Mrs. J. Davi3 Returns Home V Reports From The Statesman9 s Community Correspondents PAGE FOUR Sedans, Oregon, Friday Marnincj. April 28, 1S44 Anderson Buys Curtis Farm Large Prime Orchard . Part of Property 'Just Sold - ','yiONEER . Mrs, George Cur ti sold her farm here in the Pio neer community to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Guard of Au rora. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis bought the place 30 years ago from Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lawrence. After Mr. Curtis' , death ten years ago Mrs. Curtis moved to Dallas where she is making her home with , her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Hefner. : The farm has one of the largest prune orch ards in the community. -Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weaver sold Their farm to Mr., and Mrs. Boy Woodman of Dallas. . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Garland who .have been living on the farm moved to farm near Corvallis. Mrs. K. E. Burke and son, Her man, and Miss Betty ' During of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dashiell of the Salt Creek district visited at the Frenk . Dornhecker home Sunday. , ' ' Miss Both Seeley of North Platte, Neb, Is visiting her bro ther - In - law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baley. She plans .to make Oregon her home. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent and son. Kebert, sve a fare ) well party at their home Sat urday for Gail Wood who Is - leaving soon for the army. Those 'attending the party were Shirley , and Arlene Henderson, Lois Sid-' dall, Sharon Lambr Rath Jack- son. Rath ' and Robert Dorn hecker, Jean and Leon ; Flax, ) Dick Wlllson, Bob Stevenson, rJoha Begert, Hank' ClanfieUL ' Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wood.; , Curtis Dornhecker' of Falls City, and formerly, or here left Thurs slay for ;FarraguV for his . basic brain in the navy. He is a .nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dornheck- FJmo dlack who left Recently for Fort Lewis Is now stationed at Camp Roberts, Calif. , tri .Mrs. WUliS Keller of Dallas, vis ited at tha-Tom Keller home Mon day. $-J: ': -r Mn. Aithlo. Brown visited Mrs, Case Coost IK . Dallas Wednesday jrMrs. Johnv Keller, and daughter, . Phyias,; visited' Mrs. Kenneth Smith in Dallas Monday, Ldbish Onion Storage Quarters Inspected by State Officials Preliminary inspection made this spring in the Labish district, where several thousand acres come under the onion control area set up there by the state department of agriculture in 1941 to protect the onion industry against yellow dwarf disease, indicate that most storage bouses and pre mises in tne control area nave been cleaned of all onion bulbs and sets, department officials re port.' ; " However, several growers who failed to comply with this order were discovered. Full cooperation of all growers as well as storage owners is needed if the onion in dustry is to reap the benefit of the control order, which was made upon request of the growers them selves, v The department of agriculture will make a complete inspection in the area during the first week in May, by which time it is hoped that all onion bulbs and onion sets will be removed from the district Removal applies to either bulbs or sets that have been planted as well as those not planted. . Under the control area order, details of which are posted in the district, : no onions may be pro duced except by planting of seed. The order provides also for de struction of all onion culls and waste onions In the early spring; and the removal of all onions in common storage in which aphis Is found. Deadlines for these compliances are already well passed and when the final inspection for the spring comes next week department of ficials are hopeful that every grower will have cooperated 100 per cent In carrying out the pro visions of the order. Mill City Woman Married at Her Home MILL CITY Miss Norma J. Swan, daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Arthur Hedge, was married to William Bryant, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pickett, Sunday at the borne of the bride's parents. Dr. A. A. Wolfe officiated. The cou ple were unattended. The bride attended Mill City schools. The groom is serving with the army air corps and stationed at Shep- perd Field, Texas. . : Valley Calendar raioAT. Aran, u Sevea schools field meet at Grand Island. Ed ma Ln Borne Extension unit, fcome of Mrs. , James . Key, sewing BMChUM ClUllC, 1030. - - Silverton grange. a 8antlaro Central . Farmers Union, . CloverdaW Farmers Union. 7 Sidney-Talbot Farmers Union. Ballston Farmers Union. Orchard Heights. Lincoln Comxmmity club. YOUR FO.TTRAIT by Bishop Studio N Uom t UmI .'. Let Eiakep SuaaUee . take ymt 'T isimmi TiULtf phetograpbie psrtrait ; . I gire Ueuwr ea-Router Dart Valley Births SCIO A daughter was born April 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Myers at the country home near Jordan. She is the first daughter and second child in the family. SILVERTON Births reported at. the Silverton hospital this week include boys to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor of Silverton and Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson of Scotts Mills, on April 25; a son to Mr. and .Mrs. Ted Kraemer of ML An gel and a . daughter to Mr. and Mrs! Arthur Brown of Silverton, April 24; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Patton of Molalla, April 23: and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs Ellis Krof of Hubbard, April 21. Heads DAR i ..1,1 1 mum uwuaui i ' 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmm f ' ' - X , h V"' y - i'-iv Mrs. Julias Teong Talmadge (above) of Athens, Ga, was elected president-general of the Daaghters of the American Rev olution at the annual convention f the rgaaixatloa at New Terk. (AT WlrephoU). Birthday Anniversary Celebrated Sunday LABISH CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Rudy DeVries of Pratum en tertained in honor of Miss Grace Klampe Sunday, on the occasion of her birthday. Present v were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Klampe and family. Miss Arlene Klampe and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Klampe. Barbara Jean Buss is ill with the chicken pox, and has been out of school all this week. Scio School Closes June 2 Lamb Crop Averages Good, Fleeces Good Quality SCIO No Improvement Is re ported in the condition of Mrs. John Jiroch of Scio Heights, who has been critically 01 for several weeks. Mrs. Phoebe Arnold is im proved slightly this week. Scio school year will close Fri day, June 2, according to plans announced this week; Ernest Hale Is at Grand Ronde, preparations for logging. Both Ernest and Littlejohn have been employed in timber in Scio foot hills for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Tom King plan an addition to the west side of their residence in south Scio. Competitors in flower arrange ment for the May 2 meeting of Scio Garden club are Mrs. Caro lyn Schrunk, Mrs. Eunice Bartu, Mrs. Birdelle Phillips and Mrs. Sigrid Winter. v Mrs. Emmett Rickard of Sdo taught classes in the recent an nual Christian Endeavor conven tion at Roseburg. Mr. Emmett's brother attended as a minister , Lamb crop in Sdo ares aver ages more than 100 per cent .ac cording to reports of local grow ers. Shearing is well under way and fleeces are above average both in quality and qoantlty. Normal flax acreage v Is con templated In the Sdo area for the current season, which prom ises a good crop and satisfactory returns, according ' to reports -here this week. . . Unofficial temperature of 34 was noted in Scio on April 25, with frost in various localities at that time Considerable rain has fallen in this area during the last week.' Mrs. Bess PhUippi recently vis ited with her mother, Mrs. Eva Titus, at Stayton. She also made a trip to Salem. Henry Hassler, who has been in the hospital at Bend and who. re cently returned from a winter spent in central Oregon, is again at his home in Stayton and im proved in health. Upon returning from Bend, he spent several weeks with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Meritt, on their farm near Scio. . t Local anglers : have - whipped nearby streams with varying sue cess during the last week. Salmon are reported negotiating the falls at the Mountain States dam at Jordan. Mill City TToman Back From Portland Visit With Daughter MTTJi CITY Mrs. Ernest Gra ham of Deep River, Wash, was here last week and bad work done on her home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris of Sa lem spent - the . weekend ; at the home of Mrs. Morris's ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rada. ' . ' ' Mrs. Jennie Davis has re- ' turned homo after a month in Portland with . her daughter, , Mrs. S. DeLaney, helping care for a' new grandson, v,-.::,Cf-; y Mrs. Elsa Allen spent the week aid at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Plumbeck. She is employed at Hogg Bros. In Sa lem. . : -rS -V-; Mr. and Mrs." Jack Carey and Mr.', and Mrs. Joe Walters visited Sunday in Springfield with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Copeland (Caro lyn Rada).' Mrs. Harry Mason is with her daughter, ; Mrs. Delos Hoeye in Washington. She accompanied her granddaughter, Judith Hoeye, who has been visiting the Masons ' and Mrs. Henry Kaplinger, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George .Kane, v V-, v , Dr. A. A. Wolfe left Tuesday for Dallas; where he will attend the Willamette Presbytery. He is a member of the Board of Chris tian Education for Presbyterians and will return Thursday. Rev. Gene Robinson of the Tur ner Christian church will preach Sunday at the Church of Christ. Sunday morning, Mrs. C Trimble will speak on Mexico. Mrs. J. M. Dickinson is visit ing her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree. Mrs. Dickinson is a former Mill City resident and now makes her home in Salem. Mrs. John W. Allen of Chicago is visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. W. W. Allen and sister-in- law, Mrs. Vernon S. Todd, and plans to be here a week or more. Mrs. Allen came here from Eu gene, where she has been visiting; her parents. John Allen has head quarters In Chicago, where he does government work. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Barry and son, Donald, of Sweet Hone, were recent guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haynes. Mrs. George Laird has returned to her home after a two weeks' visit in Portland and Vernonia. vmrnimmmrmmmmimi1 ihiiwjjim 1 r r " " t y 4 HELICOPTER 'RESCUE Cnatratbig one of the uses of helicopters fai the air arm el the U. 8. Coast GaahL a belkopter aids m tjlzaaUted rescae la the AUaatic Seaside Family Guests In Brooks Home '"BROOKS' ' Mr." and Mrs. Al bert Stalcup and Albert McFar lane of Seaside, were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Corel. Mr. Stalcup and Mrs. Cozel are brother and sister. III : I I State Street I ) 5 State V In iho Jr y c! do Cilyl a I I . . 1233 Slate Sireel - Ft:se 9127 Prices Effective Friday lira Ilcday rnunrs q veget2hles TOEialOeS Kd Up Field Grown Lb. 19c Calaves Flrnt, KJpe . ....,2 for- 19c Badishes Ci Green 0niens2i,neka15c FOB SHACKS Ct LuUCDES Cenlnry Sardises 7 Red Points Tall can Pork & BgaBi:W,S 14c Trccl, Pren, Span, Sn-cIiS polnu29c Ilnslard Helns, Knight's. SebJUlng's.T ..t-os. jar 8 c ORAIIGES Ttti) f7 Sadwich Bags .. . 10c Sweet and juicy. Easy to peet UF i?jJ Xm T-Tw D 04 . Sections free easily. U VaX rapSr . 125-ft. rolls A C IIEflT DEPflDTTIEriT Choice Veal Lcia Chsgat m n.49c Spring Chines!: Salnca iresiu 49 C Chsice Veal Dosnd Steal: 49 C Cclsrcd Frycn and d in. 62c """" mmm a-aaaaaBaai awMfMB. mmmmmmmmmmtmJimmmmmmdmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmm ''V '''''SALEM - v r Z'.zll: ths la rorCaoJ." -' VaneouTer and llirslSlzU ; IIISCELLAIIEOUS ITEIIS k: for29c s.Cr n. Ceil ; A hT gg c Arnezr's imi IS c 3 ,2Sc Jr;f JJ.-rl Ne Points . Cl7 .M..uIUI C-.n.--J NeeddUl-lb. Jar UC m- Vr Lrr H Cans, ' OCu -1.3 ACMMI.a 7 Cine Points for gC Pc:I Tc:.rl::3 j - TU,So r nonsEciaEniiEia supplies Da, DtjIiI ' ' . b.x 21 C Clercit Cr Pcrcxi Ivcry Sea? . Clemen? Solrene, Crystal' TVUte Ercvra Deadly Erc:r gallon 23C 2fW 19c r..2C .T. 13 al B fcL 9 E!:eiri3 FI::r Ucxcr f:r E:nl 2inrs.S3c Brooks Society Aid Red Cross BROOKS The Ladies Aid so ciety met in the church Tuesday, Mrs. William Schafer, president, being in charge. The group gave $15 to the Red Cross, and Mrs. Elmer Conn, treasurer, was direct ed to give this to the local chair man. Five dollars also was given to the local minister by the so ciety. Refreshments were - served by Mrs. William Schafer and Mrs. Foree, at the close of the meeting. Present were Mrs. Harry Bosch, Mrs. R. Davis, Mrs. A. J. Kepley, Mrs. Elmer Conn, Mrs. A. M. Dun la vy, Mrs. Foree, Mrs. William Schafer and Mrs. W. Vinyard. . Mrs. Elmer' Conn and Mrs. A. M. Dunlavy will be hostesses at the next meeting which will be May 2. ' ,;, Silverton 'Woman Is At Hospital Work SILVERTON -daughter of Mr. Specht, is now. nursery at the r hospital. Miss graduated there is awaiting the class in June. - Louis Specht, and Mrs. Carl .working in the Good Samaritan Specht, RN, was in February and festivities' of her "For Mother" May 14th Fred Meyer The Gift Slip Sho Vants Skos32 fel-.ffi)';.'..' to 0 lloV(2) The luxuriously' pretty slip- she is hopintr for. 'not U only for its perfect fit but for its exquisite lacy mmj. in son rayxm satin. Adjustable straps. Other ..styles in smartly tailored crepes and satins. sV Luxurious ur Er.brcIdcrod; SHps $iss32te40 - Superbly styled slips in " soft rayon, satins or crepes. Lace trim top and bottom or daintily embroidered trims. Adjustable shoulder straps. Tearose and white. Buy one for yourself or for a Mother's Day fift r f JL i L , . . aT m. . 1 . t : f A. II m 4& Flovcr Splashed Govn Sixts 32 to 40 Tretty rsyons, crepes' of satins ( $ that are tailored in figure flat i. terms; lines. Banded yoke tops broken by soft V-Necks. Nov- ty shoulder straps. Multi-col-?ViS ors on tearose soft blue or pink backgrounds. No woman .can l nave too many gowns. , , "Duration Sheer" Rayon Hpso ;iSiits814.''':-'nao5c' to I0Vi i&W 'More wear in every jjair. Tteir ; rich texture will delight you. , - Dull and sheer. More resilient . than ever. Tier come in ador- . able spring shades. Uczcn's fclrcl -1 Prices! Effective , Friday thru ( tlcsday I - - - -