Financial. Markets' Th OREGON STATESMAN Solsjm. Ortgon. Friday Morning. April 23. 1944 PAGE FOURTEEN Far Wolf Packs' Run Rampant In Bremerton 1 SEATTLE, April 27-(iT)-Sen-tencinj of three adult residents of a Bremerton housing project and of three navy sailors, on mor als charges involving two girls 13 and 14 years old, was announced today while authorities investi gated the sex and liquor orgies of juvenile "wolf packs" in f the war industry federal housing projects at Renton near here in the Bremerton case, a man and his wife. received six months Jail terms; the ether civilian, three months, and the sailors' state re formatory terms were deferred by Superior Judge H. G. Sutton. At Renton, Sheriff H. S. Calla han and Police Chief Vincent Stewart estimated 75 arrests will be necessary, involving" boys and girls brought here from the mid west to work in war plants. A 44-year-old housewife yesterday pleaded guilty to furnishing li quor to her 17-year-old son, an other boy and two teen-age girls last Easter eve. She denied con tributing to the delinquency by offering them a cabin for the night and breakfast the next morning, and this charge was dis missed. One of the girls testified the four spent the night in a va cant house. A Renton waitress forfeited bail on a charge of contributing to her young daughter's . delin quency. A bartender pleaded in nocent to furnishing liquor to juveniles. Stock Market Gains Slowly NEW YORK, April 27-()-The stock market cut another notch , in the recovery standard today - without attracting . real buying - enthusiasm. The comeback of yesterday was extended at the start and gains at the best ranged from fractions to a point or so for leaders. The Associated Press 60-stock average was up .2 of a point at 51. Transfers totaled 520,080 shares compared with 491,415 the day before. Bethlehem finished ahead and, after the close, directors voted the usual $1.50 dividend on the common and reported net for the first quarter of $1.61 a com mon share against $1.54 in the like period last year and $3.72 in the final 1943 three months. Rye Futures Rally Strong CHICAGO, April 27-(-Short covering late in the session ral lied rye futures on the board of trade today. All contracts erased small losses recorded during the early part of the day and substi tuted gains ranging to about a cent in the May delivery. Wheat and oats, although reducing early losses, were unable to move above the preceding close. , The independent st r e n g th of ifltj rye, which refused to. de cline with other deliveries in the early dealings, impressed grain men. . ' : At the close deferred wheat contracts -were - off - July $1.07, deferred oats were lower, July 78, and rye ad vanced -, May $1.30y4. There was no, trade in barley. The 135 II. Ccsccrchl SehaeferTi Corn Remedy Will Do the Job! Safely Easily rennasently - Qaickly rainlessly ' 8chaefer's , t . . - - . .. Herbal Dalsan la a tried and tested remedy for relief oC coughs due to ' colds. Thousands of Salem folks have found relief with this fa mous formula. Harmless, thor ough, inexpensive. S0c.dGl.C0 B Prepared . HOOD'S LGTIOII Early spring Is the danger sea-' on for poison oak. Ask any schoolboy who likes to play ball In vacant lots. Be sure you Izve a generous supply of this f.':ct.'ve rezr.edy on hand. It does the work, and howl ; ; .? v "n Alan Bale and Fredrlc March, the Adventures of Mark Twain," re-enact the Jumping rreg contest me nthnr made famous in his story. "The Jumping- Frog of Calaveras," la this scene from the Warner Bros, picture coming May 5th to the ELslnore. Quotations at Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. April 27 (AP (WF A) Salable and total cattle 150; salable calves 39. total 50; marxei fairly active, steady to strong; few good, fed steers 19.00; medium grades 13.00-14.00; heifers scarce; iew good young beef cows 12.00-50: canner-cut- ter cows a.oo-T.w; iai -airy .00-9.00: medium good duiis mosuy 50-10.50; one good heavy beef bull to 1155; good-choice veaiers m.w 16.00; common - medium grades 9.00- 14.00. , Salable hogs 400. total 550; market fairly active, mostly steady: extreme top 10 cents lower: good-choice 200- 270 lbs. largely 13.75; few choice 200- 220 lbs. 13.90; 170-190 lbs. 13.W-Z.: Ugm lights 10.00-11.50: good sofs more ac tive, mostly 8.50-9.00; few good feed er pigs 8.00: large lots good-choice -Tadea Quotable 8.00-50 Of SDOVC. Salable sheep au, total iuv; mamei mostly nominal; good-choice spring lambs salable 16.00-50: good-choice woo led lambs quotable 13.00-16.00; culls down to 1.00; good ewes salable 8.50- 7.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, April 27 (AP) Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.52 soft white (excluding Rex) 1-54; white club 1.54; western red 1-M. Hard red winter: ordinary in1,; 10 per cent l-53',i; 11 per cent 1M; 13 per cent 1.87. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent i.S7: 11 per cent IJW.k: 12 per cent 1.5,4. Today s-car receipts: wneai it. oar ley 6. flour 3, oats 1, millfeed S. East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore- April 37 (AP) Cabbage sold at an all-season high of $3.28 per crate oa old crop stock at the Cast -SM wholesale marxes xooay. Cauliflower waa in heavy cau at 13.80 a crate. ceaerai prices: Frsit?. Apples: Winesaps (Stay man) 3.00 box; Newtowns 3.00 to .. box. Vegetables: Asparagus: Canby 8.28 pyramid. Broccoli: Green 1.00 lug. Cabbage: No. 1 green 2.75: ordinary 2 JO crate: red 1.78 to .2.00 pony crate; savoy (curly) 79 cents cauliflower crate.'- Cauliflower: No. 1. 2.40; near la S-6; No. 2, 79 to JJB. Greens: Spinach, local SO to 1.00 orange box; mustard '78 to 1.00 dozen bunches; kale 79 cents crate; swiss chard 78 cents dozen bunches; parsley 60 to 85 cents dozen bunches. Onions: Green 78 to SO cents dozen bunches; commercial grade, dry 90s, 3.70 bag. Radishes: Red 90 to 1.00 dos. bunches. Rhubarb: Field, boxes. 18s. 78 cents; 90s, 1.28; hunches 70 cents dosen. Root vegetables: Bulk parsnips 78 cents tug; carrots 88 cents; - turnips 78 to 80 cents lug. Sprouts: Brussels 2.90 fiat box; bulk stock 10 to IX cento lb. Plants: Lettuce 1.00: cabbage 1.00: cauliflow er 1J0: chives 1.78: pansy -1.60 flat: marigolds . 1.50 box; snapdragons 1 JO flat. ... - - - Original "YELLOW FRONT' Drug and Candy Special Sale Agents for Fensiar prescriptions This Is the official Penslar Remedy Store for Marion county. You will find these preparations of highest quality and guaranteed to be exactly for what , they are sold and represented to be. - . Fcol Comfort Ucd!i! Cwm la and Get Aeqoalnted with Owr Penslar Feet fjomfert KemetUes PED ... Tor relief of athletes foot A soothing corrective -lotion, stop infection and prevent re-infection. TREAD EASY FOOT POWDER . . . . For relief of tired, aching feeL A soothing pow der. 'Relieves burning and discomfort due to ex cessive perspiration; helpful for corns and cal louses. germicidal; SOAP ... Antiseptic and disinfectant. Useful to sterilize the skin, and to destroy germs; also valuable as a deordorant 1 25c, 2 . . . latter east in the title role In "The Portland Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, April 27 (API- Butter: AA grade prints 46c; cartons 464c: A grade prints 45lc; cartons 46ic: B erade prints 5ic: cartons 46c Butter fat: rust quality, maximum ox 6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 52-52Uc: premium Quality maximum of J5 of I per cent acidity 53-53'ic lb.; valley routes and country points Zc less than first or 50-30 'it Cheese: selling price to roruana re tailers: Oregon triplets 29.4c; daisies 29.9c; loaf 30.2c: triplets to wholesalers 27c: loaf 27'ic FOB. Eggs: To producers: Case count. 30 to 31 cents: select henneries 31 cents mediums 24-25 cents dozen. Eggs: Nominal prices to retailers, in cases: A grade urge aoc; A medium 32c: small 23-24C dozen. Lave poultry v Buying prices rrom producers: Broilers up to 2 lbs. 27 lie fryers 2" to 4 lbs. 28c; roasters over 4 lbs. 28c; Leghorn and colored hens all weights 24c; roosters and stags 20c. Rabbits: Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c lb.: live price to producers 24c lb. - Turkeys: Selling to retailers: Dress ed hens No. 1. 39 ' i -43c lb. Turkeys: Alive: Government ceiling buying prices: Hens 42c; toms 36',e lb. dressed basis. Onions: Green Mc dot. bunches; Yakima dry 2.47-2.75: Oregon 2.74. Potatoes: Yakima No. 1. 2.75 cental; do 2s. SOs. S5c; Klamath 3.75; De schutes No. 1. 3.69 cental; local 2.50 3.00 cental. Potatoes: New California whites 2.50 2.78 80-lb. bag; new Texas 4.25-4.90 90-lb. bag.. Country meats: Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 17-lSc; veaiers AA 22Ve: A 21','c; B 19-19'ic; C 15 17c: culls 12-15c; canncr -cutter cows 10-15c; bulls, canner-cutters 14c; lambs -AA 26c; A 24.c; B 22,c; C 10c; ewes ' FS 13ic; medium 12c; R 104c; C 10c; - cutter-common eows 10-lftttc; beef AA 21c; . A 204c; B 14c; cutter-common bulls 144c - Wool: .Government control. Cascara bark: 1944 peel 20c lb. Mohair: 1942. 12-month. 45c lb. Hops: Nominal contract: 1944, 80c up: 1949. 69c lb.: 1946. 60c lb. Hay: Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. 2 or better 34.00-35.00; oat vetch 26.00 ton. valley points: timothy (eastern Oregon) 33.00-34.00 ton; clover 34.00 ton; Montana grass hay No. 1 33.80 ton. Stocks and Bonds April 27 STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS 18 Indus Rails fjtil Stks Thursday 70.3 S6J 38.7 61.0 Previous day 70.1 26 .S 38 6 50.6 Week ago 70 J 28.7 39.9 81.0 Month . ago 113 274 364 62.1 Year ago 084 28 6 33.1 494 1944 high 73.4 28.4 37.1 834 1944 low 68.1 224 38.1 494 BOND AVERAGES 20 1 10 10 Rails Indus Otil Fog Thursday ' Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago s.t ies . ios.i . 86 6 1084 1084 S94 . 864 1084 1084 86.0 .46.1 1064 1084 v 854 -78.7. 1084 1084 894 18.S 106.7 106.1 864 -.794 1084 104.7 634 1944 high 1944 -1944 high. Utedlea far Blarton Couty Filled 1899-1944 Tht HIGH cost of tSi .'lOW" priw,.; This is aoc a "bargain bess aeatM drag store. We do not claim to offer "the lowest prices ia tows." Fraakly, we doa't - think thai price ia then coo aikftioa ia the compounding of prescriptions. The assurance of fresh, potent drags, and the . cooototrated services of skilled registered pharmacists outrank ' the price you pay tor a prescrip uoa. Vet, strangely enough, ia actsal practice, it costs do more and often a bit less to have your prescriptions filled here. Ask your Physician about ex. 50 250 200 Lumber Board Gets Extension On Its life PORTLAND, April 27-(P-An extension of life has been granted the west coast lumber commis sion, subsidiary; wage ; fact-finding subsidiary of the war labor board, Alfred - Hartung, a mem ber, said today. Members of the commission were called to. Washington about the time , demands ; were made that the commission be abolished. Hartung said the board passed a resolution Tuesday continuing the commission's existence. Har tung is the CIO "member. "" Doyle Pearson, assistant secre tary of the AFL Northwestern Council of Lumber and ' Sawmill Workers, said the board had de cided Upon further study of the demands of 60,000 northwest lumber workers for wage in creases, upon which hearings have been held here. The board created a panel within itself, headed by Dr. Dex ter M. Keezer, public member and 'former president of Reed college, Portland, to carry on the study. The CIO has asked for an increase in the basic minimum wage of 90 cents and hour to $ 1.02 . The AFL seeks $1.05 an hour. ' ( Timber Truck Driver Dies in Road Wreck TILLAMOOK, Ore., April 17 (JP) Derben J. Berkey, 27-year-old timber truck driver, died' in the wreckage of his truck after it had plunged from the highway near here today. - The heavy logs slid forward, crushing the cab and pinning Bex key across the steering wheel. He was not extricated for two hours. Death was believed to have re sulted from suffocation. Salem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by a lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily maraei prices paid to growers by sa lem ouyers but are not guaranteed oy ine statesman: Cauliflower, crate 2 2S and 2.SS Crook neck 8c Italian squash, 1st. 43 Turnips, dox. bunches 1.00 Cabbage, lb. 42 Endive, dox. bun. .70 Radishes, dos . bun. ' 40 Carrots, dox. bun. - 40 Celery, dox. bun. 140 pumpkin, - .03 Parsnips, lb. 40 BUTT Est, EGGS AND POUITST Aadresea's Baying Prices (sasject te cfeaage without aottce) BVTTEKPAT Premium ' 44 No. 1 43 No. S 40 CITE PRINT. A 8 .46', M V Quarters 444 SGGI Extra Large -tedium Standards M 48 48 40 44 Pullets POULTKY Colored hens. No. 1 . No. X, colored bakes 40 rrys 40 and 30 Old roosters JS Marios Creasaerv's Bsviae Prire (S-hjeet chaage witkeat aetiec) rvvtisi No. 1 springs 4t No. t hens - - u UVESTOCK Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based on conaiuons and sales reported: Dressed veal si Spring lambs , ,- 14.00 to 18.00 Yearlings , 9.00 to 1140 Ewes ,-,, -840 to 8.00 Hoft, good to choice grade, 170 to 230 lbs. - , 1448 Sows j r ' 10.00 to 10JM Top veal. , f Dairy type cows Bulla 13.00 to 14.00 8 00 to B OO -740. to 940 Store Pfccss 5197-3723 Ath3t'sFoet 50c Meal fee faces that are ahaelm-shy. Cist grand ereanfat 79c nnPTUIlED? : Sea Qzx Slzzk c! - kTZZZZZ -. Give Ae auricles good RU8 DOWN WITH " Wkea acirf e esecie ' coetst sorsnest and - ' stiffs I9c WW; rm Soldier Makes His Own Radio WITH THE FIFTH ARMY ON THE ANZIO BEACHHEAD, Apr. 27-(fl,)-For foxhole entertain ment, Pvt. FJdon Phelps of Enid, Okla., has invented a razorblade radio and fellow infantrymen say works. , Both Rome and Naples broad casts are reported picked up on the instrument, which Phelps said was constructed thusly: "stick a razor blade in a piece of dry wood. 'Attach a coil to the wood and connect it to a ground. At tach an aerial to the blade. Move cat's .whisker .'antenna coil against the flat surface of the blade to tune the station. It's the same principle as the old crystal set" Stassen Men After Oregon PORTLAND, April 27.-P)-An all-out campaign is planned by Minnesota's delegation to the na tional republican convention for nomination of LC Comdr. Harold E. Stassen, Governor Edward J. Thye of Minnesota said here to day. Governor Thye made no move toward a Stassen. . write-in cam paign in the Oregon primary of May 19, but he made clear his candidate would welcome support of Oregon's 15 delegates. Reduction of labor : troubles. elimination of the public debt, and a sharp cut in the number of state employes were among -Stassen's accomplishments as Mlnnei ota governor, Thye said.' Thye's principal talk was made at the Benson hotel here, where he was introduced by Oregon's Governor Earl SnelL - 1 Y 1 Lack of Labor May Hit Peas PORTLAND, April Tl.-UPf- Heavy labor demands in 'neigh boring states will make recruiting for the green pea season in Ore gon unusually difficult, J. D. Wil son, state official of the war man power commission, said today. Wilson warned at. a war man- power conference here than 1000 men and 1000 women will be needed for the pea season in the Pendleton and . Milton-Freewater areas early in June. Washington will need between 600 and 800 workers for food processing at the same time, and northern Califor nia will need approximately the same number a short time later, he said.. WMC directors from 10 western states, Washington, DC, and re gional directors are attending the conference. One proposal under study is to organize labor training courses to increase effectiveness of workers. - RATION CA1ENDAB . " . " ' FOOD "K Canned goods Blue stamps AS. through- KJ, valid inaefiaiteiy. - . -Meat, cheese, canned fish and edi ble tat. fted stamps AS through QS .valid indefinitely. Sugar Stamps number 30 and 31 food for five nounds sugar Indefi nitely. Stamp 40 good for five pounds canning sugar until asaxen i. iea.a ' - . - . MOKt Stamn No. 18 book one coed, ex- : Dtraa AorU SO. Airnkme stamn Mo. 1 valid InndcfinHery. - Alrplsne No. 1 good bcglnnlnng May 1. Loose stamps invalid.. OASOLXNB ' . June SI expiration date of No. II A com pons. May renew B or C cou pons within -but not before is days tram date on cover. Value of gasoline coupons: A, Bl. Cl. S sallons: BS. CX. R and T. S : gaUons. O. 1J gallons; B. 1 gaUoa "s : t" run. oa."' - Period 4-S capons good through August SI Instead of September ao ' as previou-iy announceo. - t-onpona . with gallons printed - on - the Xaee valid for amount Indicated until ex- plratioo date show on coupon sheet. TIRES Periodie inspection of tires ended. . Inspection certificates required In obtaining, replacements., r ; 1 STOVES Purchaser must get certificate at ration board for new stoves. - WOOD, SAWDUST. COAL " Fuel dealers deUver by priorities i:o;v snssiops" "GAsnocrruir Without Painful Pachscho Vaay auOwns nfieve aaggi-g backaehs auieuy. eses i-cy tusoo-w. uu wis -u o of their troubW wmy be th-d kid- Tba k 1 r ar Kal-ii a ahiaf fag tba niii adds sad was out s the blood, They hslp smsS psopls pass sbost gtiiitaaday. f' ' ta cusordar of Udaay fosetioa Mradta bii-ii-iiim -uUtr So ra-mia ia yor blood, ift ur asnsa aasxi&c heckaehsb aoa4ie saias. - leg sai-e. kaa ci Mtss mmm, gettiac W sums. wm eao-r iaa 1J es sad iliniaiai Friu-a I er ssaaty pMsagss vrith mmriiag aad be - - - -klnsa-ai i 1i o-i im -niswl liiiiai wra-g with kuia t i Doa't wattt Ask n dncjrU for Doaa's pa, aasd aonafuUy or miiiio for A , TWwr miw h.nli Mtf win Wbl t IS - ol idey tubes flasb eat ao-- N as orm. Get aesaiaa Snart Tshless $1 4 at a-T-r-s store faca-lrZScCOe er tl-20 1 4 ewker's -rosy heeh si i i in. . t ...1 t vu, im- t'T, i"T'" . ' "i ' t ! I. '""""""'"" " " -vi a O-ae-M m, K mmAmm tl. 5s Sirtiae tinal-t mHmm eicklv afw ? te-rf f Amm wmmm d-t caai-e-oa i wfsiiai-aleesa-e.isiii fee ork. D- S A -ciaas h-iiin; mt to -Uto. No Mt: D ' Livestock and Poaltry . BUY WARD'S QUALITY CHICKS " NOW . : Come in and place your order today-payJater on Ward's monthly payment plan. Chicks shipped di rectly from hatchery to you on orders of 100 or more, or pick up at store. All chicks from tested flocks Oregon hatched for Oregon's climate. Get your chick supplies at the same time. MONTGOMERY WARD 153 K. LIBERTY ST- SALEM, ORX ; ruuNE aiae 70 -tt. old NJT. ha jinx hens. ZSc lb. 100 rabbits. Make me an otter on one or all. Ike Morris, 3 mi. east I of Brooks. :..---. -i. Jiawry helter caUl-lV sr 140-T FOR SALE: Five eallon Jersey cow with calf. Just fresh. Call 4133 during office hours. 3574 after. LADIES: mi your locker with red fryers.. 10c each in 10O lots. Free use of electric brooder with 100 or more. BOYINGTON'S, 60 X. Turner Road. Salem. .. - 3 tPEEXS old heifer calf, heavy milkinc strain. Rt. S. Box 76. Ph. S-1117 FOR SALE, t wks. eld weaner pigs. N. Holoboff. Rt. s. Box eso-c LEGHORN cockerels Sc. Available twice weekly. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. BABY CHICK? and custom hatchint 22 yra. experience assures you of best auautv and satisfaction, rrepare xoi better market conditions later. Hatches everv Mondav and Thursday. Hamo- shlres. Leghorns. Red. Barred Rocks. day old ckls or. pullets, pn. zzsei Lee's Hatcnery. - CUSTOM Hatching. Turkey Egg- Member of Oregon Poultry Improve ; ment board. Albany Hatchery, Al bany. Phone 63SJ. ATTENTION Will remove dead Sc worthless stock In s moment's notice I SALEM rcR TTLIZER & BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 8000 Collect (No other Phone). NEW Hamoshire laying pullets or I ready to lav puufts. immeaiate oe- sr,"te,k'l'l:u' HeiPw,ied CLEAN, experienced griddle man or woman wanted: Best - wages , paid. Mickey s Sandwich Shop. Boeing Makes Many Planes VANCOUVER, BC, April 27- (AVBoeing - Aircraft of . Canada delivered $25,000,000 worth of planes and other equipment last year, according to the annual re port released today. Plant inventories from eon' tracts , with the-federal govern ment were placed at a total of $2,957,298. - . .Net profit for. the year was $66,587. Determination of profit, how ever, ia left to. discretion of Otta wa in regard to certain contracts under which deliveries of $23,- 000,000 have been made. ' Legal Notice NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR NOTICE is hereby given , that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun- ; ty of Marion, sitting in probate, as ; executor of the last will and testa i ment and estate of L. S. Lambert, deceased: all persons having I claima against the estate of said decedent are notified- to present the - same, duly verified, as re quired by law. to me at 205 Ore gon Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. . Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 21st day of March, 1944. RONALD c. GLOVER, ex- ecu tor of the last will and testament and estate of L. S. , - Iambert, deceased. M-31- A-7-14-21-28. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT t)F EXECUTOK J ; NOTICE is hereby given tha the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, sitting in probate, as executor of the Last will and testa ment and estate of Harvey O. Tay lor, deceased 7 all persons having claims against. the estate of said decedent are . notified to present the same, duly verified, as re quired by law, io the undersigned at the Pioneer Trust Building, Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from the date of .this notice. .Dated at Salem, Oregon, this Slat day of March, 1944. - PIONEER TRUST COM- :- PANY, a corporation, by EL. O. Stadter, Jr, Trust ; Officer. RONALD a GLOVER, Attorey for Executor, , . " Salem, Oregon. M-31-A-7-14-21 28, . DHS. CHAN .. . LAM Or.T.TXaasJ4-9. . DrX5.CkaaNJ CHINESE Herbalists 211 North Liberty Upstairs Portland General Clectrte Co. Office open Saturday only 10 a m to 1 p jb4 to 7 p.m. Con . pi tests are tree ef charge. Practiced unce 1911. Help Wanted MARRIED ' man on dairy farm. Ph. 7I-1J. J. M. Nichols. Kt. t. Box 141. MEN and women tor bop yard work Ph. m ' Help Wanted Male Workers now emoloyed In war pro duction should not apply and will not be considered for employment by em ployers advertising in . this -section. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 430 N. COMMERCIAL. Handling America's Leading Automobile WANT Mechanics Our Mechanics Receive TOP PAY. OUR MZCHANICS ARE CERTAIN OF STEADY ZMPLOYMENT. FINE WORK IKK CONDITIONS, COMPLJSTE. MODERN EQUIPMENT. WE ' NEED MEN FOR OUR EXPANDING SERV ICE OPERATIONS. If you are a mechanic call 3188 day or 21642 nights. Ask for Fred Bales. FOR 30M CAPACITY sawmill at Fox Valleynear Lyons, Ore. X grader. -1 log-deck man. 1 cut-off man. r t carloaders. Good wages. Steady work. Herbert A. Templeton Lbr. Co. Phone Lyons 11S. Mr. Borland. WANTED: Newspaper press helper. See Art Edwards at The Statesman Pub. Co. after 10 P-C. er Ph. CABINET makers wanted. Ph. 9203: evenings 3264. WANTED: Boys for doormen. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANICS Earn Top wages, work for essential industry now. Get set for permanent post war job. Receive General Motors training. See Shop Supt. at once. Loder Bros.. 443 Center St. Oldsmobile Sales and Service. - t . - ,K Help Wanted- Female COMPETENT housekeeper. Must be able to give references. Top salary Ph. 3335. GIRL or woman for general house work and care of children. Must be reliable. Ph. 8270. GOOD bank Dosition open for an ex pertenced lady bookkeeper-teller for out of town bank. Box 90S, Statesman. WANTED: Applicants . for - cashier. Apply Klaiaore Office before 4 f.J WANT PERMANENT - Stenographer for part time work In Insurance office. Some shorthand experience. Pleasant working conditions. Call Becke, Wads- worta. Hawkins St Roberts. WANTED EXPERIENCED cook: and waitress. Evening shift. 1SS N. High. STENOGRAPHER For office work in daily newspaper. In teres tine work. 40 hour week with one full weekday and sunaay on. Ap ply by letter to r.o. box u. a tern HOTEL MAID: Good wages, steady work. Apply Marion Hotel. GIRti to -care for' small rween A.M. end -4-JS lOH N. ltth. ' r a TATrm- TTK. --- llre 4 ar TW rve a a-a-w - vbsi-ivs-.-. - - - - over. Apply in person, urano .-neatre. IN NEED of neat efficient waitresses. Mickey's Sandwich. Shop. . YIU1M: mp: lirKlof muntn ham. Some care of children.- Exc. wages and work. cond. Box m. SUtesmsn. CTNOGJAPmCansT7e-er rork. Perm. Xxser. Dreferred. net. es sential. State age. rualiftcation. .refer ences, also , salary expected. -- box tts, SUtasman. - - WANTED: Hingis lady to do light cooking, ana -ousting . in summer re sort Light . work. Good salary. Ex penses paid... Box 97. co sutesmsn. Salesmen Wanted BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for local man to represent a National -Xnsur. anew organization specializing in auto- nobue and nre insurance. , Exceuent postwar future. Business new shewing bis increase. Either part-time or full- time work. For particulars write box 91. Statesman. :i Situations Wanted ODD jobs and spading. Ph. $694. . Washing and Ironing. 22S Chemeketa. CHILDREN cared for days In my home. Ph. 964$. CEMENT work. AH kinds. C X. Ellis. Ph. 4071. PLOWING AND discing. Ford Fergu on. tractor. Bay Setter. Ph. -22504. : CHIT -TCR AFT Nursery We pick up and deliver. - 1S6S Trade. Ph. S1S29. - For Sale -SIii4:ellaneous HILL'erown Burbank seed potatoes. $1-13S N. 17th. 1 CONSOLS radio practically new. Evenings only zn state. CHILD'S crib. High chair. Twin size bed. Bridge lamp. Coffee table and Elec. toaster.. Ph. 3856. WARDROBE trunk. 49$ N. Cottage. WOOD circulatlna heaters, four to six room capacity, $79.95. GEVURTZ rURNITURE CO. 27$ N. Uberty Ph. 461$ BROODER, oil. 500 cap. Incubator, cab. type elect, 960 egg. Brooder, batty. 250 esp. Candler with scales. Nielsen. Rt 1, -X. 143. USED Electric range, good ' condi tion. 72S Edina Lane. LATE model R.CA, cabinet radio. Phone 4233. -DOUBLE deck bed with inner si maUresses. Nearly new. $60. Ph. 21141. AIR COMPRESSER. Phone S-412S. COLLAPSIBLE ; baby buftT. crib, swing and Teeter Baoe. aoo Jk. Lincoln . 1-PIXCE living room suite, spring filled cushions, $179.00. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 27$ N. Liberty Ph. 461$ NEARLY new all enamel wood range with coils. Must be sold by Sun. Eve, 63 Williams Ave., WOOD RANGE, pre-war. like new, white enamel, ibis Trace For Sale Uliscellaneous - Trailer Houses One Arehardt Paladne' coach, full- equipped and newly covered. One Schult, newly finished and very nice. . ' -.;.-( One Sportsman coach just like new, beautiful interior. One small sleeping trailer just the thing for hunting or fishing. une -man piain two wneel farm type. "C" SHROCK Church Sr Chem. Sts. Ph. 7922 Calculator , M o id e r n , automatic, multiplication, "division. - - ' . mwxuLiO. PRIORITY NOT NEEDED. ONLY ONE FOR SALE. . , , Phone 7770 f USED Thar tnanrla and phair . match S75.00. Nearlv new S niea nr..mip h1nnt dining set $129-3. s piece pre-war walnut bed room suite $139.75. Twin bed and spring filled mat tress $39W. . cessions electric clock. . ; -Walnut roll top office desk $39.79. : BRIGHT AND ECKLEY I Furnitura and AnnllaniM 453 Court Phone 7511 S HAMERILX. erain husfra Uod H See Mr. Cnshine -at Mont Ward's. 153 NT-Liberty, or Ph. 31S4. DUNCAN Phvfa tlnln ut ilton niana. Srin nwh Cmii aun- ings 1139 Madison St CANARY. iumHChutSi OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORT, newlv refinished. Ph. S396. piXtwum wroDmc rtih i diamonds. Re as. for cash. Box 13. Statesman. i ; TUreTAIXto Schaad. 170 Fsirview. Ph. 801S. . PICTURES largest selection in the northwest. 95c to $19.95. - GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Ph. 41S LADY'S SPPWoTaliwoitOD coat size 16-18. Boy's sport coat, size 14-16. Ph. S341. ; HOI-LYWOOD BED and mattress like new. Girl'i bicycle with extra tire. Rt 4. Box 4S. on S. Pacific highway, first house S. of Madrons Ave. TWIN" tlVGSxl 'Wool 423 Marion, side door. . .. , BLACKCAP TIPS, several thousand, 2c. you dig, 4c we dig. Come soon. 1 mi. N. W. Chemawa.NEd Sproed, Rt 2, Box 403-B. 16-FT. BOAT. 30-30 carbine with shells. 30 Remington pump .with shells. Ph. 7406 or S896. ( WOOD Range, full white enamel. Large firebox $79.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Ph. 461$ FOR CERTIFIED Bur bank pota toes' for planting, see Vlck Bros. SOS N High St, Salem. SHOT GUN and rifie shells. Woodry Auction Mkt Ph. 5110 . - WE HAVE hog wire fencing and light barbed . wire in stock., ' Montgomery Ward St Co. " i , ATMORAYS OZONE, sen and rent. H. C. Pugh. Ph 3-S45S. P.O. Box 463. ; USED PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS. ACME AUTO St TRUCK WRECKERS 3053 Portland Rd. . CONGOLEUM rugs. 9x12. . 96.96 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty - Ph. 461$ FuUer Brushes 174S Grant Ph 5381. Fiaw-um VOUWO nun's Mut wool suit Lake new. Man's bicycle. Ph. S377 . . -r RECONDrnONED pianos. Grand and uprights. Terms. Every Instrument guaranteed. Jecjulth Music Co, 191 S. High. NOTICIV-JUST ARRIVED I . S ' new. Hoovers.- Must have old Hoover cleaner to trade in. First come, first, served. -Hogs' Bras, 20 State. - - DAVENO set daveno. mattress ac blanket ..::....i--f67.0$ - GEVURTZ r FURNITURE CO. - 27$ N. Liberty, Ph. 461S - HAND PLANTER and cultivator. Ph.. $283. TOPBOTranTrWeT' lT 7lX00load each. Ph. 790T.- Wanted -Bf itelaneous We Buy . Furniture . TRADE WITH A FIRM OF $0 TEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. - HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB USED Pianos ; Furniture and Appliances Can 8149 for appointment t HOGG BROS. : : State St ' WILL pay Be pound for clean, large cotton rags.--Oregon Statesman. . WANTED: Tricycle for 3 yr. eld child. Ph. $70$-' : . . - . . WANTED BADLY wash ine machine. Ph. 7346. WILL buy old rags, ftc lb. SUtesmaa Publishing Co. - CASH PAID for upright spinet er grand pianos Phone $707. Wanted : Man's good bicycle. Ph. 4733. ' RABBITS " WANTED: Top prices. Buying every Tues. 4s Thurs. Harder Rabbit Farm. Rt 2. Box 22 2 Is miles N. Front St Ph. 2-1234. CLEAN white rags. Hogg Bros. 260 State. - .. LAWN MOWERS. Ph. 7596. used rusurTUR-; f-a sis WANT TO Buy. Osed eameras s lenses McEwaa Photo Shop 43$ State. CASH FOR FOR used I is afron furniture St not nc4d aoods rorgey Ph 9446 WANTED: 800 cords heavy slab er second growth wood. Te be delivered to United Growers Canneries, Rt 3, Salem. Ph. 22036. "ascarX Wanted, dry or green. Capital Bar gain House, 14S Center St - PAYING op -to IS Ibv cor rabbit skins. Millions wanted. Rush shipments today. Vakesuda Fur Ca, Seattle. Wn. CASH for need piane a other mu sical Instruments. Call 4541 days or 8537 evenings or send description to Jaquita Music. Co. 191 S. High. : KllsceUaneous " STOVE Parte Repairing Woodry Auction Market 1605 N. Summer. , ' Septic Tanks Cleaned State vMft Guaranteed work. Gene Fits. 642 Edgewater. Ph. $743. ' .1