Braves' Tobin Against Bums; " Hurls-Nb-No Brownies .Win 2 Walks Foil Perfect Game For Oldster V ; 0. n BIDDY BISHOP dinis, two Aladdin's lamps and a hypnotic genius to make us believe our Terry Street Garden would have ever been packed to the extent that it wu even sold but of standing room, but you've got to believe what you see. And that's exactly what we saw for Tuesday night's rasalin' bee . . . The biggest throng ever to see a wrestling show in the history of the village sports palace take it from Salem Box- . ing Commission Chairman Harry Levy, not us. And for all Harry knows, Jie. figures it was Just as ; big if not bigger than any armory mob to see a punching party, too. . . The house grossed $1035. The of last summer drew $738 at their. best and when The Angel" ap- peared here he brought in $800 ' at advanced prices. So you can determine for yourself Just how much the town's bop hall did bulge Tuesday night . . . Proving what? For one thing that people do have the sheckels these days and don't mind spending 'em. for another that the town Is rasslin conscious and that Mike and Matilda Muscle Fan like their grapples strictly on the blood n thunder side . . . Far and away the best, how ever we'd have liked very much having around Tuesday night those hirrie whn Mont the town is 4F as a snorts villa. Phooev! Give 'em something to see and they'll be there and the "something to see" doesn't have to necessarily be a Joe Louis or the New York Yankees these days ... Would Be Banner Year for Senators What with the number of paying sports fans around as indi cated Tuesday night, it's a shame our Salem Senators can't be oper ating this summer, for part of, that $70,000 Turner & 25th investment could be gotten back for surel But that's the way it goes when the uuu nu ucxv tuc uwuc nwu w hw a jus. vjiut . - w have liked seeing what a gent such as Bubblin Biddy Bishop could do with a ball club with the amount of money around there is now adays he wouldn't only bubble, he'd boil all over. And speaking of Biddy, we're, told he was in town the other day In the pursuit of still m rr utviy4i in .. ir- gr-a, m. v w m w of our larger business houses. Mebbe it's a hobby. Then again . . Might have to 'wait up a bit on Promoter I. Pitcher's next fistic fiesta, as the Mike Jacobs of Salem has bumped Into more worries and woes", than " a bubble dancer without a bubble. Pilch is hot to go on his next venture, particularly so after seeing what turned up for the rassles Tuesday, but he's having trouble. Seems Indian Jack Abrahams, the gent who ushered in that putrid party hut July, also took cognizance of the success with which last week's inaugural went over In our town, so he's now' trying "to muscle in", to put it In the lore of the beer barons. He says he's got the fighters under his "Oregon Athletic Club", banner," so he's the logical cent to do the cromotin. 'Course he savs nothing about rigging up cut and dried cards with a possible "dive" here and an other there since all his gladiators are under the same root And that's Just where the town's boxing commission appointed promoter steps In. . ri;..v-' '' . Nothing but Investigated Bop Bees There'll be no more fight cards here under 40 et 8 sponsor ship unless I promote them and investigate them throughout, his ses Mr. P. "Nobody's gonna tell us how to do It especially a guy who wants to put on a card .with every fighter from his own stable. That stuff is out! So if he doesn't want to play ball and give the fans a break by guarding against a 'setup' card, fhell with him 111 dig up fighters elsewhere." And Mr. P. will be in Portland Friday night pow-wowing with one Joe Waterman, another Jack Capri and a gent from Seattle whose name escapes us at the moment Topic: You supply me with the boys or tell me where I can get 'em and 111 prove to you Salem is still a good fight town. (Atta boy, Pilch,' and keep right on keeping that guard up!) First Major Hitless ' Chore Since 1941 NEW YORK, Apk 27-(ffWlm Tobin, 22-year-old ..right bander with .the flutter ball, added his name to the select group of pitch ers who have hurled no-hit, no run games today, when the Bos ton Braves blanked the Brooklyn Dodgers," 2-0. - - ' c -' In" hurling the first no-hit, no run game turned ' in by a major leaguer'since Lon Warneke of the Cards . turned the trick against the Reds on August 30, 1941, and the first by a Braves pitcher since Tom Hughes did it In 1916, Tobin failed by just two men of pitch ing a perfect game. The veteran moundsman, who won 14 and lost the same number last year, walked Paul Waner twice. "Big Poison", led . off the game with a base on balls and moved to second on an Infield out From then on, until two were out in the ninth, Tobin set the Dodgers down in order. Waner then drew another walk but Dixie Walker grounded out to Steve Schemo to preserve Tobin's great mound performance. , ' , -- Tobin struck out six Dodgers while his teammates fielded f ault- essly behind him. The putouts were evenly distributed, six of them going to the credit of the outfielders as the veteran had the Dodgers breaking their backs in attempt to connect with his "soft". pitch. . ; - Brooklyn C080C0 COM Z Booton 001 tOO 41x-z M " Ostermoeller and Owen; 1 bln and Mail rsn mm it Army Re j ects Tigers' York . DETROIT, April 27 - (JP)-Big Rudy York, major league home run champion,- was rejected for military service today because of a trick left knee, the result of an old basketball injury, and the Detroit Tigers immediately looked up timetables for an early depar ture from the American league's second division. The 30-year-old York, whose 34 circuit clouts was the peak 1943 output, was turned down at the Detroit" Induction center because of loose cartilage In the knee he injured several years ago in an Informal basketball game. He was theninth Tiger, to be classified 4-F, giving the. squad 17 players exempt from selective service. The Keglettes led the Ladies league parade in the weekly ses sion at Perfection alleys last night by sweeping all three games from Acklin's Bootery. In the other two meetings Sears-Roebuck upset Ri al to two out of three and Miller's Furniture took two of three from Broadway Beauty Shop. June Lloyd of the Rialto quint captured all individual honors with her 189 single game and 490 series. : The latter was five pins better than the trio turned in by Virginia Garbarino of the Keg lettes. i The league has two more weeks to run before second half cham pionship Is decided. The first and second half winners will then play it off for the title. KKGLZTTES ( ' ' ' Bowlsby , , Detroit. Tips Chisox In 12 Innings, 2) 1 T CHICAGO, April 27-(ff)-B o b Swift's :12th inning double with two mates aboard today settled a tight pitching duel between Hal Newhouser. and Thornton Lee to give the Detroit Tigers a 2 to 0 . victory over the Chicago White Sox. It was the Tigers' third suc cess of the season and Chicago's fourth ' consecutive defeat Swift's ; double' came with' two out after' Don Ross, subbing for Rudy "York- at first base, and Pinky Higgins had singled. New houser held, the Sox to four, hits, . while the Tigers got nine off Lee. DetroIt.C39 COO COO 902-2 J CM:aroCC3 89 CCO 80M 4 1 ' Kewhocser and SwifttT. Lee 'and Turner." ; .' . I-Iio f mipro Ball : Tcurncy SllQ Named ; 7IC"ITA, .Kans, April 27 -(J) A ;rd cf the sixth annual. Idaho .' ' j I t-urnancnt to Idaho '3 (I .. ' ' :. J Tark), starting .130 Rycr . .. Garbarlao a 53 M 41S 145 43S 154-461 .140 ,.141 1ST 45S J30 1J7 15S in -l-733 . 7S4 741 2Z7S Totals .,, t;,'; ACKLDTS BOOTEBT - V a Dk 1- - US 144 1M 394 Brdy , : ti ; in mM5 rarmcc. lit 131 184-U17 Moulux -i ,- Vfl tl M 284 Koua " , -,-14t M4 US 111 ' Totals Sbaks, mosar;cK CO. (J) Handicap . - 44 44 Allen Juza , ,. m C3f 441 700 ISM Hauotmaa Holt - ' Putman J 14 J34 -167 HI to 104 12S 44 m .137434 .120 33t 181 SIS 1S4-443 181443 Totals . BIALTO (1)-k Forcmaa -J ones ' Averul j, Albrtcb H Uojrd Totals -7U SIT 737 2111 -103 147 J 53 .13S -189 109 138 147 13 14S llt331 140 413 13S-42S 1ZS 394 153 490 .727 473 ' 470 3073 BKOADWA TBXAVTT SHOP 1 Handicap .';-,,.,,.., , 34 S4 34 Hammer 144 131 Kirchaer 113 14S Riley - , x. 133 MS Bowler .153 131 Beans , , 114, 111 103 113380 134401 143403 129403 103-330 Total MUXES' rUKNITt&E (X) -" ' - - tt 171 .094 463 664 2021 Hubbard Boyd Srtglejr Meyer J37 .164 J14 J37 154460 mv 133306 145 131460 111 ' 103330 140 147424 Totals -687 94 689 2070 G. S. Aupperle of Idaho Falls as Idaho commissioner of baseball was announced today by. the Na- 1 1: '-'-A-x-X cf Dr. 1 tional Baseball. Congress.' Chances to Repeat as TiilUts Not Good-Coach T. D rynan Vildng Relays Squad Named for Harvard (der Carnival Whell do the baton-passing for Salem Ugh V Vikings In Hum seventh , annual . Hayward , re- ,Uys at Eugene tomorrow .af t- ' erneen were y t e rday n a m e d by Coach Temmy Drynan, bat praetically In the same breath Mr. D. predict ed his scantlea wooldnt haok It as Mneaiere T. DRYNAN f the title fa the aigaatie elader carnival. -And that's the trath." tight he with the 'ftrst cabin track aid field sqmad bat enljr sorse re-, L lays outfit Thomas points te . the Jefferson of Portland relay ! win ever the Viks earlier In the . season and Qaickly adds, "and Wasblngten beat Jeff ersen later." Naturally he sars noth ing about the Salem victory ever Klamath Falls,' etc, in the first ; annual . Salem relays while back eoaches . seldom ever de see the bright side. The events la which the VH tasnesi are proven strongles polle vault, discus and bread Jump; three deep all around, too are the ones which aren't listed on the Hayward program, Drynaa weuld have changed his predktiono two straight Uv . ties, la a raw were these eventaT ; listed, for performers Bob Web er, Dick Brown and Deb Me-' .iMUfhlln. In the broad Jump, Lyle Williams, Bloom . and Pe terson In the vaulting pit and 'Art Gottfried. Tom . Boardmaa and Joe Formlck with the plat ter have prove a themselves adeptly this spring. Even at that the YUdngs ex . poet to do okeh La four of the , seven Bayward events, ene a fleld: event, -the ether three dis tance romps. . The Yfk shetpnt relay trie of Mel Hllflcker, Eu gene Lowe and Don Blsbee, er. " WHford Beard Is capable ef " bringing back the blue ribbons' for that outing as aR four snug - gle close te the; 48-foot mark,, miflcker- has heaved : the Iron ItaU At ieet to lead the pack. The 2-mUe relay eiaartet ef Jim Shawver (SSS), Benny Lambert SS0), Et Staats (mUe) and Tom Grimm (mile is also rated highly as Is the: mile relay' bunch of Art Englebart, Jim'-' Jones, Lambert : and Jerry Montgomery (each a 449-yard trot) The distance medley team of BUI Bobbins (111). Bob We ber (220), Mclaughlin (440) and Bob ; Macy (449 could also lead the class "A" field home. - Other " Salem entries - wheU ' have to surprise even Drynaa If they come through for firsts are: Eigh Jump relay Dick "Gatke. Dick Brown and ' Lyle Williams; -i 449-r e 1 a y Myron Cavender, WDlie Bach, Dave Getxendaner and Weber; sprint medley BUI Robblns, Weber, ' Bach and Getseadaaer. : ; ; ; , .. .,, , : t , 1 - ' i 11 In Same Corner No w 8 th Straight ; Notches New American Mark ST. LOUIS, April 27-AVLike Oi Man River, the unbelievable St. Louis Browns just keep rollin along. - Today they . won their eighth consecutive, victory with out defeat, beating tint Cleveland Indians, 5 ot 1, to establish a new American league ' record for an opening - season wincing streak. The modern National league rec ord is nine straight. . The Browns won with only four hits, one of which they -wasted. In the opening Inning, two walks, wild pitch and vernon Steph ens single scored two runs. A single and two walks filled the bases in the second inning. One rim scored on an infield out and Hal Epps single drove in two more. - With that five-run working ead, Nelson Potter sweated his way to his second pitching vic tory. He allowed the Indians sev en hits and walked five men but got airtight support from an in field that turned in two double plays. . ; Cleveland 009 100 000-1 7 St Louis ..230 000 OOz-5 4 1 Embree, KUeman (2), Nay mick (6) and Devlin. Susce (4); Potter and Hayworth. PhCopsGtyjuniorlfi RelayiMeet By Small Margin By the margin of exactly 10 inches the distance by which they won the final broad vanp relay event Parrish's Pioneers edged out the Leslie Missionary tracksters in the annual junior high school relay meet Tuesday afternoon on 01iner field. Parrish's four jumpers leaped ex- Solon Nip Suds, 4-2 SEATTLE, April 27--South- paw Qem Dreisewerd let Seattle down with five hits tonight as Sacramento won its fifth game of the Pacific coast baseball league season, 4 to 2. ureisewera didn't walk a man. One of the hits off him was a two- run homer over the left field fence by Lloyd Christopher, Seattle's center fielder. It was Seattle's first home run of the season. Sacramento scored, three of Its runs in the fourth on two walks and three successive singles, one of them by Dreisewerd. An estimated 3300 saw the game Sacra 000 309 1094 t 1 Seattle 909 909 109 t f 9 Dreisewerd and Essst; Tineas, "McClare (t) and Sueme. " McCarthy Still A Sick Man' BUFFALO, NY, April - Joe McCarthy, manager of the New York Yankees, is suffering from plyneuritis and is "still a sick man,! his phyridanTDr. Ar thur, J. Burkel, said today. ; Dr. Burkel attributed ..the con dition to an attack of Influenza which caused McCarthy to leave the team last. week. The flu infec tion has cleared, the physician said, but Joe Is very weak. , .-v . Finally Bump ,24 . a M im ' (A ' "s - . - - . t . -( BmamBagaaaaBMaBmaaqaaMBmaaasjo CKne Counts 32 Liafo Win Overrekar COM. GENE TUNNEY, US aavy (left), and Cont. Jack Dempoey, US eosM'gaard, former heavyweight boxing champs, discuss physical fitness la the serriees at a dinner fer physical educators f the army aad aavy' at New 'York. It was just-17 years age both fought for the title the. last tune.. (AP Wlrephote) actly 63 feet, while the best the Leslie quartet could do was ' 62 feet H inches. And by taking! that event, the . Northerners grabbed a 4 to 3 edge in the 7 event program. Only record broken was . the 4- year-old mark of 25.3 In the 220 yard .relay which was eclipsed by the Leslie' four of Myron Caven der, Earl Sachs, Bob Wiper and Bob Pickell, who negotiated the distance in 25.1. Other Leslie wins came in the shot put relay and the sprint medley relay. In the lat ter, the same Leslie quartet came within seven-tenths of a second of cracking another record. While the Southern shot .put team won, it fell short of expectations, for in practice It had been regularly surpassing thejdty mark in that event . . Parrish, in addition to taking the deciding broad jump relay, also finished out in front In the 400 and 880 yard relays and the high jump relay. Three : members of the latter team, Bill Hill, Arlie Dehut and : Dick Hendrie, all cleared the bar at 4 feet 10 inch es. Mel Boggs was the deciding factor in the broad jump," leap ing 17 feet 4 inches and providing the winners with their victory margin. . ":i.-- The regular track and field meet between the two rivals is set for May sind will be followed by an intramural meet featuring boys not on" the varsity track teams at the two schools. n . Duration Nines Active Today DTJKATION UEAGUK STANDINGS W L Pet Mt Anfel Preps 4 0 1M0 Molalla Bucks , - 1 JKI Canby Coufars , 1 JB00 SUvexton. roxes t J33 Chemawa Indians 1 S .290 Woodburn Bulldog 0 S .000 Remits: yard relay Lean (Boo ncsao, Bob wiper, Earl Sachs . and Myron cavender). 39.1 (new city reeoro. sur I3M mark made -by raman -4M yaxdrelay, Pazriah (lUlSeffa, Ed PoaaehL BrowneU and ArUe De but). 404... ' - v . r UO : yard ' relay Parrish ' (Arlie Dehut. BrowaeU. Gary . Keppinter. Biefcford). 14JL . . .. Medley relay Leslio (Bob Pickell. Boo Wiper, Earl Sachs, Myron Caven der). SO. 4, ; is'.;)- J J .,T: Shot put relay ' Leslie (Wayne BaJaetb. m. awuetz aucnard Wal Uoe and Chuck Robins). 140 Sect Sft Inches. . . ... ; - nish lumo rtfiay. ParriaH (Bin Hill. Arlie Dehut. Howard, Dick Hen drie). is ieet iDk.mcnes. , s . Broad Jump , relay Parrish (Ed Posaebl. ' Brownell, : Mel Bocss, Gary Keppinxer). 63 cet r ! t . WOODBURN The Duration league baseball teams swing back into action again Friday with the following games: Woodburn at Molalla, Silverton at Canby and Chemawa at ML AngeL The un defeated, and leaguer-leading Preps, with ace Joe "Red" Biele meier on the firing line, are ex pected to have not much, trouble from the Indians in their game, although against Molalla Coach "Chief. Thompson's - Tribe dis played potent stickwork. : Woodburn, walloped three times in as many outings, attempts to finally break into the win column against the second-place Buck aroosl Charlie Sauvain will prob ably pitch for the Bulldogs. Canby came through with a 6-4 upset over Molalla Tuesday while Silverton, with Satern on the hill, blanked the Indians. Their game Friday should be a tossup. Walt Cline, jr., the lowest han dicapped derbyist in the Annual Spring Handicap links chase now In progress at : Salem" Golf club, but still one' of the favorites, yes terday became the first, of eight players 'who will next, week: waft off the meet's quarter finals 'by do wriing 'Millard PekarT 7-handi-capped : presideht "of the Men's club; by -a count- of S and 2. By virtue of his .win, ."Junior", now plays the pinner of the Glen Len- gren-L L, McLaughlin match, al so due this week." ---: 1 PekarlbiWed thf;2-bandppicl holder of numerous village links titles in the past to an all-even count after ; the' first" nine . holes; both firing 1-over-par S7s. Cline took the lead on the second nine and when the match was over on the 16th green he was one stroke under p'ar."' , 5 In - another 'eap match played yesterday; .this "-was the first of those which "must 'be 'played thir week In the Consolation bracket's first round Dr. 'J. IZ Sears elim inated . Ross Coppock, l up. Sears has a handicap of 20, Coppock 13. i, f - . . K Ruddles Win Bud Thrush, 7-handicapped reg ular at Salem golf club, yesterday copped' the' 8-hole Ruddles meet held by the Mens club at its Thursday novelty tourney. Thrush counted a mixture of bogies, pars and birdies totaling 21 ruddles. Second - place ' went to Harry Gustafson with a final score of 20. Nineteen players took part in the play. Ducks Multiply By Millions PORTLAND, April 27-6P) Shortage of hunting ammunition has resulted in a large increase In wild duck population in west ern states, Charles Harwell Berk ley, Calif., western representative or the National Audubon society, said here today. In 1930, he said, there was an estimated 23,000,000 ducks in the United States, and now they are conservatively estimated at 150,- vuu.uou. MerBiffs Mionip PORTLAND, April 27-(ff)-Ed-dle Weller, - Indian shipbuilder from the Swan Island yard here, will meet Jimmy Liddell, Los An geles negro, in the main event at the civic auditorium " tomorrow nighti;.:- . V " ; ; ; . ! Liddell, under contract to Hen ry ; Armstrong, returned ' recently from .the service in Guadalcanal and Munda where he was wound ed. Both are welterweights. - 24TeamsSet For Saturday Harvard Meet Vikings Head List In 'A Division ' EUGENE, April 27-(P)-Twen-ty-four schools will send from 300 to 400 tracksters to the seventh annual Hayward relays here Sat urday afternoon. The defending A division champion, Salem high, led I the list of entrants at the deadline last night Others were Corvallis, Grants Pass, Eugene, Klamath Falls, and five Portland schools: "Washington, Commerce, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Grant will defend its title against Cen tral Catholic of - Portland," Che mawa, "Cottage . Grove, Junction City,; Springfield,7Uniyersity' of Eugene, . Roseburg Scappoose and Beaverton."" , " ' - - , -Four .re division schools en tered: Jefferson Union. St Mary's of Eugene,- Mohawk - of Marcoia, ' and Monroe. Vemonia, two-year winner in the division, did not en ter; - Tigers Buy Two A's DETROIT, 'April 27 - (ff) - The Detroit Tigers said today they had completed the deal with the Phila delphia Athletics for Catcher Bob Swift and Infielder Eddie Mayo by sending Connie Mack an un disclosed amount of cash. THIS IIIPPY, G00D-L00IOIIG - a-S f : . ' i- t 1 ' lave $ That's Whyj He Buyg Them MM Opjlairs Clcihcs Shop : You, too, wilt be just as happy and', smart. rZlooJcing in the per fect', fitting, Super Quality, ex pertly tailored Sport Ccals, Slacks, - -Siitt Fakir You will find at Joe's. 9 A few minutes of your time is all it takes to walk upstairs and see how easy it is to .oo s So .00 On Men's and Young Men's Defier Clothes al Joe's Large assortment of most staple and fashionable patterns, colors and styles te choose from. Sizes 34 te 48 regulars, stouts, shorts and longs. Open Saturday Night Till 9 O'Clock Upstairs 1 : Cloihes Shop Entrance Next Door to Quelle Cafe Look for Joe's Save $10 Flasher Neon Sign Over Doorway 442 STATE STDEET JOE'S 2nd Air Force ToFieldTeam 'tr COLORADO, SPRINGS, Colo April 27 -VP)-z The Second Air Force will have a football team this, fall, it was announced today by Brigadier General ;U. Z. Ent, corrirnanding general.- The team will be trained in Colorado Spring and willplay- in key cities of the territory covered by second army air forces basev which number more than 40. - ' : r : ' Y. In 1942 second air; force, had championship team but it did not field a club last year. .The; 1942 team play .12 representative teams in the west and southwest, win ning eleven games and being tied 6-6 by Washington State college. Later the bombers played Har-din-Simmons In the Sun Bowl New .Tear's day, and won 13 to 7. CINCINNATI, -April 27 -( Walker Cooper's ninth-inning double, scoring Stan ,Musial from first, gave ? the St Louis Cardi nals a . 3-2 victory over the Cin cinnati Reds today, their first in the series of three. ; ? St Louis000 603 C21-S 7 -CtncinnatlJO0a (39 C20-2 4 1 '-Manger, Wilis (8) and Odea; W. Cooper; De La Cruz, Shoun (9) -and Mueller, tlct (S).- ' - : pus TE-Youn tnn iioui T'i I .KIMEDIATE SERVICE AVAILABLE . ; TIIAINED MECII ANICS ;EXPERf .DODY MEN Complete Overhauling Front Wheel Aligning - , r Crake EeiLalng Motor Analysing Steam Cleaning Lubrications 44S Center Phone 6133 Buy Conj ' - Ztj wTiiV' JLJuL Js ... " CIdsmobile Dealer 445 Center fhone 6133 Coy Bonds CigarotJos - Buy AH You Wan? Oar Fast Tiraever Assaret 1 Freskaest Cerfon of $"0 2 Fkgs. 24e . 2C3 USM t 14c Pkg. -.lecky Striits, !WI Qtx , Rs!s!;hs llcrttrt ftrtytens Rra dUUpk : . Aad Many Other Tarletles -; if Aleve frhit Waffe QsosflfJes Lest Ktob Kaiis ; !C!i6:!ij Ct:!$ : Buy Tobacco in he tcrqor Sfces i - I V- Por Convenience end j Thrift Our Advertiser, 7-C2., 2S i DSU's Destr0xO;V:; Cccrgo-Vcxhbgtcn ,-ox. - Pcrnocs Drlggs 0 ex.; 55 ; - " vv r Three Squires. 0 cz. 75 - :" j . . Ash Tray Men Want '. H Kt: ; ; 25c Value. Heavy Glasi 0 V - fffo liefer 7lcc9 Section, : IZ:rc (6W mmmmkmm .Prices Effective Friday thru Monday T7 1 1 I "i o Sai. Orc;:a