Tfce 02EG021 STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning. April 23. 13447 PAGE ELEVEN i. Where They Are What They Are Doing i jCdl. Hazeltiiie I Sgt. Hurries Receives Merit Home to See Legion Medal v Sick Daughter a Sens ef Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scharn. route 2. Salem (liberty), Prt Leonard D. Scharn. abort, left, bow with paratrooper at Camp Mackall, NC entered the service In 1943, and MStt Myron L. Seharn, below, rifht, has been overseas for more than a year and la now with the army air corps la Italy. The private completed his training a month age la Fort Bennlng, Ga. The sergeant's picture was takes approximately three months are In north Africa. MILL. CITT Seaman First Class B e u f o r d FUtman, gun pointer, has returned to the naval air station at Corpus Christ!, Tex, after a 17-day leave with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Flai- man, and other Mill - City relatives.- He has been In the service 19 months and has six months more of training; His brother, Donald, also In the navy, has a .rating of machinist first class, has been in the navy 18 months and ;. Is now on the high seas. : Pfc William Del Bryant spent 10-day furlough with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pickett 'He Is stationed at Chanute field, :I1L, with the army air corps. 7 MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Spicer have received word that their son, George E. Spicer, hospital apprentice first class, has enrolled in x-ray school at Ports mouth, Va. He has been gradu ated from hospital corps school and received practical training at the Norfolk naval hospital. V n PRESIDIO OF SAN FRANCIS CO, April 27 At an informal ceremony held at the Presidio of San Francisco on April 22, a Le gion ! of Merit was awarded to Cot, Caryl R, Hazeltine of Carmel, Calif.; The presentation was made, by CoL George Munteanu," com manding officer of the Presidio. The citation accompanying the award to CoL Hazeltine, who Is a member of the general staff corps, reads as follows: "For excep tionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding ser vice from 3, September, 1942 to 1, May, 1943 as director of supply of the northwest service com mand. His effort and vigor made possible a far-flung supply sys tem, bringing essential needs to men stationed in Isolated and re mote areas. His tact, skill : and understanding constantly made themselves manifest in dealings andjrelationship with the Domin ion of Canada. He Insured the maximum use of all available fa cilities. His qualities of leadership were inspiring, r He performed a challenging task with efficiency, success and fidelity." , 1 ' Col. Hazeltine is a graduate of. Oregon State college and former resident of Salem, Ore. After en listing as a private in . the field artillery In 1917, he was commis sioned a second lieutenant, corps of engineers, on May 28, 1918, and has served in. the army since , that time. His wife and one daughter, Rita, are now residing in Carmel, Calif. CoL Hazeltine also has two other daughters, Elizabeth Hazel tine, a student at Stanford uni versity, and Mrs. Frank C Win ter of San Francisco, wife of a Stanford medical student , ;; SAN FRANCISCO, April Z7-(ff) Staff Sgt Elmer Truax left today on the first regularly scheduled militarr Diane for his home In Rahway. NJ. to be with his 18- mOnth-old daughter, Theresa, who is suffering with leukemia, dread blood-stream disease. M 'i Army authorities said that after Truax reported to the air, trans port command at Hamilton field he was granted a 30-day furlough, given a medical examination, is sued necessary clothing, given all his &rmv tay due to date ana granted priority on the first avail able military plane. Sgt Truax, who had beenin the south Pacific for 10 months. returned to the. United States on presidential orders after Mrs. Truax had appealed to President Roosevelt to permit her husband to return home. , , 5 Ships to Be Launched, In Portland Today . PORTLAND, Ore,: April 27 UPl Five ships will be launched In Portland and v anrouver. Wash-, yards ' tomorrow and f Saturday. bringing the. month's local ship production to 31 vessels, and the week's total to 10. 1 1 Q Ships to be launched during the two days include Kaiser shipyard's 43rd escort vessel, the Astrolabe Bay, Commercial Iron Work's 89th naval vessel, the LCI (L) 756, the Swan Island tanker Wolf Creek. Oregon Ship's Rockland Victory, and Albina yard's 62nd naval vessel, the LCI (L) 1024. ' i ,v Devey XTrges Solid ; RelaUons With 3 Allies NEW YORK, April Gov. Thomas E. Dewey declared tonight the United States, Great Britain, China and Russia must maintain 'solid relations"; to solve the postwar problems. . v - "No Initial measures f against Germany and - a apan- however drastic, will have permanent value unless they fall within the setting of , a durable cohesion be tween Great Britain and cur selves, together, I hope, with Russia and China,' Dewey said In an address prepared for members of the American Newspaper Pub lishers association. The New York governor, en dorsed In several 'state' primaries for the republican nomination for president despite his disavowal of candidacy, spoke at a bureau of advertising dinner which con cluded the publishers three-day convention.' " Eric AI Johnston, president of the United States : chamber, of commerce, and Rear .'Admiral Aaron S. MerrilL Pacific veteran who soon win become director of navy public relations, also were speakers.' ! '; Dewey, cautioning - against a repetition of the mistakes of the last war, said that a structure of peace, built through International cooperation and "backed by ade quate force to prevent future wars, was one of three objec tives of a foreign policy upon which, he said, there was "over whelming agreement" among American people. : " j He said the. other objectives were: To carry on the war to total crushing victory, and in so doing to drive home to the, aggressor nations a lesson that will never be forgotten; To establish and maintain in our relations witn o trier nations . conditions calculated to promote world-wide economic stability not only .for the sake of the world. but also to the end that our own' people may enjoy a high level of employment : In an' increasingly -prosperous world.- ' A long background of friendly working relations between the United States, Great Britain and China "will make easy their con tinuation,' Dewey said, but he asserted that "if after this war we relapse Into the old suspicions (regarding Russia), the future Is indeed dark. v - . ; " Pfc Gordon Bruder Is spending a 22-dav furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bruder. He has been In the service three vears and eieht mo n th s. 22 months of that time overseas, nine months in New Guinea and the balance in Australia. In New Gui nea he was wounded in action. He has been awarded the purple heart and has been in a hospital In California for some time. He will renort for duty after his fur lough at Camp Roberts, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Bruder have an other son serving In the armed forces somewhere In England. t .; 1: ' Kotifleatlon off the promotion of Alvin A: Wohlgemuth, 23-year-. old son of Mr.: and Mrs. William B. Wohemuth. 850 Rosemont avenue., West Salem.' from private ' first class to technician'fifth class was rce'ved here Thursday from Camp Cllan, Calif , where he has been stationed since September 20, 1941 John F. Steelhammer, Salem at torney and member of the state legislature and son of John F. Bteelhammer, North 17th street 6alem, has been promoted from private first class to the grade of . corporal, according to - notifica ' tions received here Thursday from Camp Beale, CaKf. CLOVERD ALE Jack Schlfferer. second lieutenant air pilot, left early Monday .morning by train for RoswelL NM. f ollowinx a leave spent here with hhv par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schlf ferer aad family. He came home Immediately after - his cradna tion from the Marf a, Tex air school, where he received his twins. He Is to "attend advan ' eed flight school at RosweU for the next two months. Pfc Kenneth D. Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnston of 93S .Mill street is home on fur lough. He is in the ski troopers at Camp Hale, Colo. He was accom panied home by his wife, the for mer Lauretta Deacon. , Mrs. Marie Thompson, Salem. who has a son, Sgt Jack Thomp son, overseas the past 29 months with a marine corps unit, has re ceived word of the death In line cf duty In Italy this month of her Tiephew,' Lt Robert Hicks. The mother "of the young officer Is a resident of St Louis, Mo. - Today's Menu Strawberries, out of your lock- l t or from the grocery store, wijl make dessert for today. The salad win be the main disn. ' Crab or shrimp Louis v . Corn muffins " Olives, celery, pickles Spanish rice Strawberry Bavarian cream STRAWBEKRT BAVARIAN CREASf : f Mrvmn celatino - cup cold water, or liquid off strawberries , .' l pint strawberries 4 oup cream ' ii cup boiling water . Soak gelatine' In rold water and dissolve in ooxiui wwi - Add berries crushed.' r Set bowl ' ' nmfatnin9 mixture In pan of Ice .u. ani fir until mLcturo be gins to thicken, then; add cream beaten until sun. Moia ana uuu. m fAmncnovJTii- ' start your craw w CIII CSX CTARTCn 1 stwdy sr., m eWek. tk ris klmo ! vHi Start U ritHny - ssSTo-it M an ."-rr . MkTf sTwta, Sm r MASH or MUlft Kenneth Deacon, US navy, who is somewhere In New Guinea, has been advanced to fireman first class. He reports that he recent ly saw Jim Mennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. . C Mennis of route 7. Bus Hearing Interests CC The 'Salem chamber of com merce will intervene in a hearing at Boise, Ida, May 2, Involving application of the Mount Hood Stages to extend its lines to Salt Lake City. The hearing will be conducted by the interstate com merce commission. William G. Hardy has been designated to represent the Salem chamber. The case is important to Salem because of a connection at Bend with tho Hamman Stage Line from this city. The North-Santiam route, by way of Bend, would re duce the distance between Salem and Salt Lake City approximately 79 miles. ; Other Oregon , cities interested in the hearing are Burns, Juntura, Harper, Vale and Nyassa. later at Long Beach, Calif. He Is a nephew of the late Frank Gill of Scio. CpL Chester Zander was here from Salem this week, as guest of his uncle, M. D. Zander. He is on furlough. His father, Chester Zan der, sr, is in (Battle Creek, Mich. SCIO Warren Gill, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gill of Lebanon, is at the home of his parents on furlough from the army. He was wounded in action and has since been in hospitals - overseas and A Salem 17 -year-old, John D. Wiles enlisted in the marine corps April 25. Following his gradua tion from Salem senior high school in May Wiles will report to San Diego for "boot training. Pvt Wiles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Wiles of 1725 North 18th street fh "FUMLAMD" Xlert Fun Than A Circus You con take your time and see it all! 141-43 Ilcrlh Sired Qpsn Ddly, Excspl Tcs:ays 12 Hen 'Til 12 n&Isfcl 'All hinds of electrical arid compressed air games skill devices moving: pictures pin-up photos Truly justalotof funt r ... eta wm r"lN ...eta took .1 Y ! I 1 1 i 1 "Tun Dmsm spot 0:1. i::nTn msn sthest" Vcn Cn Sca llt FcT Dfc: M II I I V J t t I I i M I 1 I I ' n LJ W LJ ViF - a . - '. v III Kf)J V v I ' Thick, rich snds for clothes - for dishes - Cleans Everything . CMf . cottere,,- Bar, & V-pP!!!gr A & n SODA : 3 250 - IGI DRAII FLAKES 2 iff: 190 3 taOl fiTTrSS m Gently pressed from yine-ripened to- sJS-CZ. ))C cans ftJ matoS MtoraJ flaror rich in vita a t- M N 1 "sS mins and minerals. , IhIII f "ns; 1 Bed point per can A . IGA ROLLED i SMS "- An energy food e IOC The Breakfast of Champions 8-oz. Pkg. Calumet 25-oz. Glass 23 Sno-Iirecm Sborlenicg 1 Pure Vesetablt 65c 3-Ib. Can Ne pomta - needed IGA Gold Tost Corn Flakes Fresh & crisp Special 11-OZ. Pk. Staregon Only 7 Blue Points Per Can No, 2Vx Cans Elsinore Garden Run No. 303 . : Cans 27c clorox Ultra-refined l ..Bleach and Disinfectant; Penn Champ Floor T7mc Self-Polishing War Pint Bottle 1 pint bottlt free Two f or the prie of one Tasty Pak , f . r.-. Jp:,, -Vv.: 3. Points Per Can No. 2 Cans' 27 i t- - A JNo 'Poihts Needed IGK ENRICHED , . FL0OI1 Tour money back if "1(J it fails to please, ylw 50-lb. sack r H 'T J 10-Ii.Ssdi,5Es ' Georgia Gold Pcnnul Dni!:r - Natural Peanut Flavor In i.ts: jj ecu Jar 2-lhr Jar ; Van Camp's Precooked- u .yu wa w m. - ;; " . Plain or Iodized 0 i A SALT 2 aSs Denzdson ' Chili Ccn Cairo -' - r.Y - 10 With Beans No. 1 Can 2 PoinU Per Can I. - .. . ' FT W; LI I l YP 7 teWD IVTiLJI1 II J