-I " PAGE SEC Tho 02EGON STATESMAN, Salesu Oregon. Friday Morning, April 21, 1344 i. : Salem Girl (Weds Navy, Man ; A surprise to the couple's many friends Is the marriage of Miss Audreann Reynolds, daughter of Mrs. Carl E. Reynolds, and Mr. Earl John Gustafson, petty offi cer, United States naval air force, son of Mrs. Arnold Bishop, which took place Wednesday afternoon. Although the couple have been, a frequent duo for some time, no plans had been announced for the wedding. The afternoon ceremony .was read at 5 o'clock by Dr. Henry Marcotte In the fireplace room of the First Presbyterian church. , Only members of the immediate - family were present For her wedding the bride chose a smart navy blue dress- maker suit with navy accessories and a corsage of orchids. Her sister, Mrs. John Griffith, was her only attendant and she ' wore a navy blue and white print . dress with navy accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Dr. Grif fith was best man for Mr. Gus tafson. Mrs. Reynolds wore a navy blue dress with corsage of gar denias for her daughter's wed- ding. - A wedding " dinner for the bridal couple was held at the Congress hotel in Portland. The newlyweds left Thursday for Key West, Florida, where they ; will reside while Mr. Gustafson ' is stationed there with the navy air force. The new Mrs. Gustafson is a graduate of Salem schools and has been notions buyer at Mil-, ler's. . Mr. Gustafson, who has been home on leave, also went to Salem schools. Sororities Name Officers t Members of two Willamette sororities elected officers this week for the 1944-45 school year. The new officers will take over their duties in May. Beta Chi members elected Betty Andrews, junior from Portland, . as president of their group. Miss Andrews has served - as class officer and is co-manager of J the ; Bearcat Cavern. Other officers who will work with her. .are' Betty Jeanne Smith, Salem, vice president; Jean Wing, Burlingame, Calif., recording secretary; Pat Lamb,. Salem, corresponding secretary; Alice Jones, North Bend, man ager; Lois Butler, Lake Grove, - treasurer; Jane Huston, Salem, sergeant-at-arms. . ! Bette Burkhart, junior from Portland, was, elected president of Delta Phi. She was secretary of her class during the fall se mester and is ' society editor or the Collegian. The sorority members also elected Louise Wrisley, Salem, first vice presi dent; Kay Wilson, .Portland, second vice president; Joyce McClendon, Salem, recording secretary;, Betty Randall, Salem, telephone secretary; "Ann Strother, i New berg, manager; Ruth Farmer Rickreall, social treasurer; Miriam Day, San Francisco, historian; Margaret Hughlett, Salem, and Jan Pat terson, Fort Lewis, Wash., rush chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. Brace Spaulding are leaving today for. Medford where they will attend the board of governors, meeting this week end. .--.'-' v. "1 1 . llcikcr's Portrait W . - -v'-- . . - L'17 .' arpeeciaU ru pctsits thourtivtiMM . . . ; -mm you'll charts tnepie-; m . l w sM . vw MRS. EARL JOHN GUSTAFSON Olivers Will Be Dinner Hosts - . ! Dr. and Mrs. Egbert S. Oli ver, have Invited a group of friends to dinner tonight at their home on Jefferson street on the occasion of their 20th wedding anniversary. Arrangements of lilacs and other spring . flowers will center the dinner table and be used about . the guest rooms; Cards will be in play during the eve ning. Covers will be placed for Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLeod, Dr. and Mrs. Chester Luther, Dean and Mrs. Melvin Geist, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Rahe and Dr. and Mrs. Oliver. Hospital Tea at . Rossmans' Today One -of the largest affairs of . the spring . season will be , the -, informal tea for which members of the . Salem General hospital auxiliary will be hostesses this afternoon at the North Capitol street home of Judge and Mrs. George Rossman. ' ' This is a good' will tea and the interested public is invited to call between 3 and 8 o'clock. In the receiving line will be Mrs. William H. Burghardt, presi dent, Mrs. Ralph II. Cooley, Mrs. Allan G. Carson, Mrs. Lester Barr and Miss Lillian McDon ald. Bouquets of spring blossoms and flowers will be used about the rooms and in the hall. The tea table will be covered with a white madera cloth and cen tered with a bouquet of pastel garden flowers flanked by white tapers in crystal candelabras. Mrs. Lester Barr is general chairman of the affair with Mrs. Allan Carson in charge of the living room and Mrs. Harry Crain, Mrs. William S. Cole and Mrs. Paul Hendricks the din ing room. The decorating com mittee is headed by Miss Edith Schryver with Mrs. William L. Phillips and Mrs. George Alex ander assisting. Mrs. Wallace Carson and Mrs. Charles Heltzel arranged for those assisting in the dining room. j THOSE GE1EI1LHIS ARE AT - ? Summer loion ms BeplacemenS Ms; FISU Kllilrl 6 OnSriPOntt . Hue andTan' V'lUU UUUKbUUt . Rtr. 1.98, OeuaiK a - in imkeBa CLUB CALENDAR j . FRIDAY il'-'v . J . DAV auxiliary; an day sewin with Mrs. Roy Reynold. 2021 Myrtle venue,; covered dish luncheon at noon. Past Matrons association meet 'at Golden Pheasant for dinner. . Dakota club auxiliary with Mis Ruby Hayden, rout 4. SATURDAY ! Salem Woman's club meeting at clubhouse. 3:30 pjrc. Leslie Scott, speaker. Royal Neighbor district Con vention at iJibtah. all day. MONDAY - , - . - i American Lesion auxiliary, Sa lem Woman's club, pjn. Royal Neighbors, Salem group, meet at Fraternal temple. S p jn. , TUESDAY ' -' Rational Teacher study group meet at Auburn school tJSO pJtu WEDNESDAY v ,-- - Women's Association of Presby terian church meet at church, S pan. . . 5 . Engagement of Couple Told The engagement of Miss Eu dora Teeter, Willamette univer sity coed,, and Corporal Michael Keenoy was recently told to campus friends. Boxes of can dy with the couple's names an nounced the bretrothal in Cam pus fashion to Kappa hall resi dents and members of Alpha Phi Alpha sorority.":. t- Miss Teeter is 'the daughter of Mrs. J. N. Nicholson of Port land. She is a freshman at Wil lamette and a member of Al pha Phi Alpha v sorority. Cor poral Keenoy's home is in St Louis, Mo and be attended the university in that state. No date has been set for the wedding as Corporal Keenoy J expects to be sent overseas soon. 'Mrs. Kottek New President The -Pringle i Women's club met at the clubhouse on Wed nesday for an all day meeting.! A no host luncheon was served; at noon with Mrs." Bob Holden as hostess, assisted by Mrs. Beckley. .. ; The main event of the! day was the election of officers with Mrs. Ruth Kottek reelected president, Mrs. Maude Adams, secretary-treasurer, and the new vice president,' Mrs. Bob Holden. : After the meeting quilting was enjoyed, by the members White, with Parka. Rej. 2.98, Clearanct Child's, Res. 69c,' Clearance - , j Rer. U8, aeuanc. ' r i r Alumnae at Spaiildihg ; ; Home : Mrs. Bruce Spaulding and Mrs. William H. Dashney entertained the .Beta Chi : alumnae at the former's Fairmount Hill . home Wednesday night Mrs. Paul Morse presided at the business meeting and plans were discussed for! the annual commencement breakfast. A ate supper was served by the host esses. Bouquets of mixed garden flowers provided the decorative note about the rooms, v Simpson, Mrs. Dai. shepherd, Mrs. Wilson Siegmund, Mrs. Paul Lippold, Mrs. George Scales, Mrs. Manfred Olson, Mrs. Paul Morse, Mrs.' Russell , Mefford, Mrs. Robert Barnett, Mrs. Wheel-, er R. English, Mrs. Merrill On line, Mrs. Ralph Barnes, Mrs. Robert Wilson, Miss Leila John son, Miss Mabel Lenz, Miss Loretta Fisher, Miss Sybil Spears, Mrs, SpauMing and Mrs. Dash-: ney. , . f; :'-' .- : ' , -.:"-'. Past Officers Are Honored Past matrons and patrons were honored at the meeting of Chadwick chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Tuesday night. Matrons present were Mrs. Mil ton Meyers, Mrs. Paul Hauser, sr., Mrs. ' Carlton Smith, Mrs. Rose Babcock, Mrs. A. C, Smith, Mrs. Winifred Herrick, Miss ' Leila Johnson, ; Mrs. ' Wayne i Henry, Mrs.! Meade Pettys, Mrs. . Harry Crawford, Mrs. Harold Phillip!, Mrs. Zona 'Allen, Mrs. Lana Beechler, Mrs.. Charles Pratt, Mrs. L. C Barrick, Mrs. Ernest Petersen, Mrs, Jules Lindley, Mrs. Willis Brown, Airs. Claude Murphy, Mrs. Her man Miller; Mrs. John Imlah, Mrs. Maude Space Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. Marie Flint McCalL Fast patrons paesent were Messrs. Milton Meyers, J. S. Murray, Wayne Henry, William Merriott, Laxry Flaggy Harry Mohr, Harold Phffllpi, : William i Niemeyer, George Reeher, Ar thur E. Utley, Rex Davis, Claude Murphy,' Willis Brown. Guests of honor were presented with small gifts. Mrs. Beechler, ' president of the Past Matrons club, spoke for the matrons, tell ing . of' their organization, and Mr. Harry Crawford spoke for the patrons. : i Mrs. ueorgt Keener an nounced that the social, after noon Tuesday, April 25, would be in charge of Mrs.; Rex Davis; with dessert' luncheon at 1:15 followed by cards and sewing. - A group of high school stu dents, winners in recent foren sic contests, gave an Interesting program after the meeting. Se lections were given' by George Swift, ir, 1 Tom Brand and Addyse Lane. Refreshments were served in the dining room. : Congraialattens go to Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Smither on the . birth of a son, Stephen Harold, on Tuesday, April 13, at the Sa lem ' General hospital. Mrs. Smither is the former Edythe Thomas. The little bey's grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smither and! Mr. and Mrs. Clell Tnomas. nc. smitner, wno is stationed at Fort Lewis, is here to be with his wife and new son. UOnn AGA1II! Boys' : Reg. ZSe, Clearanct a racultv Women Entertained ; Members of the Willamette faculty women's club held their regular meeting Thursday at the Beta Chi house. Mrs. J. A. Da vidson, sorority house-mother, acted as hostess. 4' - - Following the meeting re freshments were .served. Com mittees plarininf the afternoon were Mrs. Charles L. Sherman, Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Mrs. E. T. Brown, Mrs. 'Alexander Vazak as, Mrs. Helen Goodenough and Miss Evangeline Meritt Reyal Neighbors district eon vention will be held at Labiah on Saturday with registration at 10 o'clock. The alt day meeting will be closed with a banquet in the evening. The evening meeting is opened to the interested public U ii ILncEes' Erepe ;l?ajamas ifiiir imp Ssfdigan Pol Holders cT 0V7eIs : r 1 Each. . Vi White with red and blue borders. . a 2 Coilon Aprons "PKW Wash Cloths 'fiffftri Assorted colors and prints... l..ZJZS To malch L I ilsrdJ Others 69c ; - - - ' . ' i " V-.- -.--v,-, ... I&ivclop3 Pono ; f) Ladies' Salin Slips Blisses small..! - -f " ZSS Lace trimmed J,... 1:. . L-J QJ Garden P-alio Dunlap L.J...I...2., Gnrdcn Ilea Danlap.. ..f...,:,.., .. Ezrdctf Culiilvofdr Dunk? OT 5D0SBT mm, Sorvico Vomoxi What they can do What they're doing cbonl U WOODBURN CpL: Vivian. ' Fryer US army WAC, daughter of Mt and Mrs. Miller "Fryer, is stationed at Camp Myer, Washington, DC, and is working m the Pentagon building at the nation's capitoL She passed a special examination for ' this, post. She was formerly stationed at Fort Belvoir. ' Miss Phyllis Usher Is spending the week In Seattle as the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Price (Lucy Fisher). Mrs, Hex gaoler ht PerUand Is coming today to spend the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. DeWitt U o W. IIAEI 45" Wide, 5 White, YD. 3 "SMI I s SS)(D Terry Weave White, Blue and Yellow, Sizes 2 to 16 IIADDUMIE ' DEPACTI ISI IT B ASEI S c, (O I 1 1 MM) Nile Bridge; TealEvehti ' Lovely spring, affair was the ; annual Nile benefit "bridge ; tea : " on Thursday . afternoon .at to , Masonic Temple. ; Several hoi- r dred matrons played bridge and ; . . , , . . U. ;i pinochle In the lodge room whlchi wis decorated -with; bouquets p? i daffodils spyrea and blossoms. ; Proceeds from the affair will be usedlto carry on the philan-) thropic work of the club. ' ' Winning ! prizes-" In ; contract ' were Mrs. A. L Eoff, Mrs. Guy Hickok and Mrs. Louis Lorenz; auction, Mrs. E. Zimmerman; and pinochle, Mrs. Maude Armstrong and Mrs. Grace Clark.. Other prizes went to Mrs. Neal Craig, ' - Mrs. Charles Clarke, Mrs. George J, Arena, Mrs. Irwin Harris, Mrs. John. Barker Mrs. Verne ; , Ostrander and Mrs. Wayne Pet tit ' ,- -rC'i At the tea hour Mrs. David : Wright and Mrs. Percy Kelly pre - sided at the serving table which ; was centered with a' bouquet of red tulips flanked by white ' tapers in silver holders. Rain bow Girls assisting in the serv ing were Miss Helen Paulson, Miss Addyse Lane, Miss Carolyn Carson, Miss Carroll Gragg, Miss Marjorie Tate, Miss Elcena Mo Cune, Miss Betty Hughe, Miss Carol Fallin, Miss Norma Mil ler, Miss Carol MQler, Miss Mar ian Burns, Miss Betty Lou Jones and Miss Barbara Kretz. FLOO si! l 1 M I I I 1 1 r-v ' m . 1 . - M W M ' Horn 5 Wool Doable, 72x84 Rose, Blue and Cedar NS Batcher Boy Style, Trimmed, Assorted Colors, Sizes 34 to 40 Small, Medium; and Large j Assorted Colors Assorted Styles and Colors Spading Fork Dnnlap. Pruning Sau Foldiff2 SLovcl Lon; handle, roand point. ) CAIITECI CALENDAR rsroAT. Arnxts ti : t m -KSt. John's cburchi guild, j..,, SATURDAY, APXXL ' U K. IfiS :-' . 1 to 4 Mothers Co. B. 1 - 4 U T Tide class, Oenrsis.1 I T to 11 AAUW. v. ,- ( :f;- '" tvmkr. Ana. la . ' XI to I BPO Elks lodse. Ko. S3S. r,; ' i to 4 Ssltm Toachers association. 4 to TVetarans ot Jorelga Wars MONDAT, APRIL U ' . Stady dub.- - i:.: w-.iry -TutSDATk xsr lions club auxiliary. 7 : . .M WEDNESDAT, APRIL U , Woooea notary. .. . TBtTKSDAY, Ana. X7 .PSP,.;: . ;. . FREDAS', APKJl, 2S -. Beta Sima Phi. ,? Ju Smiths Will Be Hosts to Club : i j! MrJ and Mrs. H. . Smith wfll be hts to members )f their dub at a dessert supper Satur- : day night at their Center street hornet Bridge 'WQ1 he in play ? during the evening. : , " The Smiths guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Jay Suxkrnan, Judge arid Mrs.' George Ross- ' man, f Mr; - and - Mrs. ;George "Aiken, Mr. and Mrs... David Eason and Mr., and Mrs. C. W. Parker, i 1 ' : Xetaraing with Miss Derathea Steusloff Wednesday, from San Francisco, was her nephew, Mr., Richard Chambers, whom she went south to visit. He is at tha home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick 1 Chambers, for a few days. ; SS)2) 5L to 3EI7T I 5 . 'ibss" " (D) tunuwtini " n um (i) ii iki (i i n) iif!III(li illllKKli '' " " . t """ 1 111 111 " ' I - ii mi mi ..i in. -, V. Etff f treet. Salens - -. item sni 2 k- J k4lt.i - 4S4 State Street Cpca SstcrdayS im 9 P. It .-.OTt. f