Th OZZGOZI STATESMAN. Solaa. Oregon. Friday Moa&g. Apc3 21, 1341 The New York Yanlteea 1944 Wartime Style Pekar Cops Marctlwner Estey Snares Thursday Golf Jjeo Estey, hot contender In the I Spring Handicap at Salem golf ( course, yesterday copped top prize ; in the regular .Thursday play, a straight handicap 9-holer, by I shooting a 37, deducting 2 for handicap and winding up with a net 33, Walt Cline7r., also shot a 37, but could knock off only one handicap stroke and-finished sec ond with a net 38. Twenty-five I participated in the Men's club I affair. - . y Millard Pekar finally won out over Dr. J. L. Sears in their handi cap j tourney first round match yesterday, 3 and 2. The pair went 38 holes before reaching a decision. It was the. only tourney match fought off yesterday, although numerous others will no doubt take place between now and Sun day night, second round deadline time. ' ! - r'"'-:,-;i -r lAtf J 7 A 1A 4F 4F Bulb Muncher Gets 30 Days Each one tabbed with respective selective service status, above is the lineup with which Manarer Jee McCarthy started eat te haul down another pennant for the New York .American leame ball dab. Left te rlchU Spvd chandler, p; BUI Drescher, e; Oscar Grimes, ss; Don Savaire, 3b; Larry Rosenthal, rf; Johnny Lindell, ef; Nick Etten, lb; Bad Metheny, If; and George Stlrnweiss lb. (AP Wlrephote) Duration 9s Battle Today WOODBURN Friday games in the Duration league baseball battle pit Canby at Woodburn, Silverton against Mt Angel and Chemawa against Molalla, all slated to start at 3 p. m. ' Mt. Angel's Preps added an other victory this week in the on ly game played Tuesday by de feating Canby 3-0 behind the ef fective twirling of Joe "Red" Biele- xneier. Rain forced cancellation of the other two games. The Preps are leading the league with two victories against no defeats. Mo lalla is second with a win and no setbacks, Chemawa third with 1-1, Canby fourth' with 1-2, Wood burn and Silverton tied for the bottom with 0-1. great, to resign his position as athletic director at Eugene high school, a post - he held for 12 years. - . Kramer, an all-coast guard while at , Washington ' State, has been on a year's leave of absence from the high school, and has been doing recreational work for the Kaiser shipbuilding Interests at Portland. Henry Kuchera, for mer' University (Eugene) high school coach, is expected to suc ceed Kramer permanently.- Giants 10, Braves 8 Cooper Belted In '44 Debut . . - '-- - , v. - - . i r ST. LOUIS, April 20-ff)-Mor- ton Cooper of the Cardinals, who was injured in an exhibition game NEW ( YORK, April 20-WfV-Md week, said he was ready and JZS? mt ".J?5?t" asked for the pitching assignment wu. uiB ew to u-aa against the Pittsburgh Pirates to three, each clouted a home run to waf ta mistake on his pbcb we--ew iwkh w "l part The ace right-hander : was hitting 10-8. victory, 6ver the Bos- knocked out of the box In the sev- ton Braves today and clean sweep -nth-lnnint although the Cardi- of their three-game series. ' , nals went on to win for George Munger, 5 to 3. ' ' Suds Nipped In 12th, 3-2 SAN DIEGO, Calit, April 20 (P) Frank Tincup, Seattle hurler, handed the San Diego Padres a 12-inning, 3 to 2,. Pacific Coast league i baseball victory, here to night when he walked his mound rivaV Frankie Dasso, with the hassocks loaded to force the win ning run across the plate. ) Seattle 011 600 QOo 000-2 1 1 San D. 01 101 000 001-X 11 1 Tlncop and Saeme; Dasse tad Balllnrer. Cincy 2, Cubs 1 CINCINNATI,- April 20 -ff)- Making his first start In the big time, Senor Tomas de la Crux PAGE TEQTED? from Cuba hurled the Cmdnna'i Reds to a Uce-hit 2-1 victory oyer Chicago today to take the season's initial series by the same margin. -000 000 "100 1 ii Cincinnati 100 000 001 2 6 t) Fleming and Holm; De la Cruz and Mueller. ' " . . " i r Oregon; Can't Spare Workers Out of State .:vvi.--" :; -: -yvs PORTLAND, April 2(HVOre-! gon cannot spare workers for Jobai outside the state I C Stoll, state; manpower director, said here to-' day. He made the statement after several hundred persons asked lor Information about war production , board call for workers at Pasco, WashJ MiL '"V.H k"Oxegon cannot recruit workers.: for; outside projects and maintain Its 'own vital production sched- ules." Stoll said. Kramer Quits Eugene High EUGENE, Ore, April 20-V Poor health today caused Fred A. Fritx . Kramer, former Wash ington State college football 'Frisco Tops Acorns, 9-4 OAKLAND, Calif , April 20P) The San Francisco Seals defeated the Oakland Acorns here tonight 9 to 4. Pitcher Nubs KLeinke, af ter giving up two runs to the Seals in the second inning on two singles, two doubles and two walks, yielded four more in the fourth. A two-bagger by Ben Guintini sent Kleinke to the showers and A. Raimondl took over. San Fran. 020 410 101-1 15 Oak. Oil 00111-4 tl H a r r e 1 1 and Ogrodewski; Kleinke, A. Raimondl. Mtmoz , and W. Katmondl, Fenech. V O C A L W INNER S Leonard Warren (right). MetropeU taa Opera, baritone. acratwUtes Haga Tlxmpw, Tacama, Waakw baritoacw aatd LaeUI C imtn, Salem, Ore eontraUe finaUsU ta the Metropelttan AndiUons ef the Alt, Paul Blew (left), S4, who claims he can eat "anything at aU.w starts munching a light bulb In felony court ia Chicago where Judge Wil liam Daly sentenced him te 30 days on a charge of petty larceny . brought by Mrs. Alyce Humphreys whe said he swallowed her ring. Blow said he woaMnt waste his time swallowhur rings and a po liceman testified a flnorscope examination of Blow's stomach showed nothing bat "nails, wire and broken dishes." (AP Wlrephote) Boston 020 000 OSS 8 12 X New York 500 031 01 10 14 2 Barrett, Llndanlst i (S), Car donl (S) and Clntts, MasI (t). Melton, FoU (9), Feldman (9) and LombardL Pittsbnnh 000 100 200-2 t 2 St Lools-lOO 111 20x-ft 10 0 Caccnralle, Eeseigno (7) and Lopex; WL Cooper, Manger (1) and W. Cooper. "Strictly Private" By Qiiinn Hall x2&tyl&& up that Hcn& .mgz rr. n att.uv DEC AOW- v i I FlNEiy COME "ID "ML COUS)0(4 wr wi n comes ty orders tc masts WAS AU- "WE BEST OF IX EOT DSPRW4TES Dcwrr co so bad neither... vdikl son Crossword Puzzle 4 CHIC SUIT-. itoaV whHe and blae plaid bands. aceorale strapless white eottoa swim salt wora by Usette Terea. MUSIC 7 1 N H E R Tred TTxrtar (left) extends ceagrata Uilons to k!s young protere. Bob haw, whe wen the annual " Crrrteln teiaidaUca awarl lor choral moslc 12. ZO IU 112. 2 32. 49 57 4S 4 16 ii 40 141 lb IS so 27 41 48 1 41 143 5 sr 2t 1M 39 S2. : ISa BOBIZONTAL 1. maiden ' S. percent 9. small rug 12. Great Lake IX uncovered 14. wing 15. assumed role Inaction U.narraUvea 20. student group 23. thing, in law1 24. foM . 23. piece of - baked clay 28. makes an edging 22.citrua drinks 34. adult male 35. Assam' silkworm 36. saucy 37. annexes 29. mountain la Crete 40. sped i 42. Canadian physician 44. place of sacrifice 47. Jet black v 49. special . privileges 64. maacuhne . name . 55. price 58. diminutive' for Prudence1 57. sailor ' tnsasures' 59. cloy Vebtical 1. Hawaiian. garland - 2. upper Dmb 3. small drink 4. germs 5 garden flower (.footless ' animal '- 7. decimal unit 8. growing out 9. post 10. medicinal . plant- t 1L sunburns 16. cease-labor 17. savor -20. applaud with hands 4-IS 21. burden 22. imitator t 23. tear 2S.Mohamme- : dan cleric . 27. youth 29. accessory seed covering 30. rise and fan of the see, ; 3L division of ' i Germany 33. leather atrip Answer to yesterday's puzzle. ill N IawIeJt nc N OIP 0 3s N u : "iH Vmm ot mIiUui ZB aUMtea. Ut. by Klag Features Eyadlcate. lac 33. coal dust , deposit 41. genua of -- pahne" 43. cuts off short 44. entrance 45. Italian cola 48. former Rus sian ruler ' 47. beins - 48. nocturnal . . flying , mammals 50. correlative' of neither 5LAng!o-axon - money of . account 52. hard-aheHcd seed - 1 3. observe "r- When yoa need money and seed U fast . . . whea Illness or financial difficulties sudden- -ly demand more money thaa yea have ea hand . do net hesitate te consult us. Vv7v7i Kepayment Bcneaoie ie sit xour income vv STATE rniMICE CO. 212-222 Guardian Bldg Corner liberty and State Telephone tlC ' j. 1 Ue. S-21 M-222 W aro always ta the aurkot to bar tor CASH Boat Estate tortsace. a4 Ca4ncta, Mwraaaeho DHcwut raaor aa4 N THAT MIGHT K ft THEY AUCHT BE SOME OF OX MEM TWINS TO TAKE OFPW A 66KMAN PLANE WELL. ..ITS 1 VOCTH NVESTHVCriKifi 7 WOULP V ttueuysl 1 VM3ULPWE? VOU BET WE OWE THEM PLENTY FOR KNOCKING THAT J JOKEK OFF OW? TAIL AW BESIDES, WE OWE THEM AN APOLOGy TOO CCOSCHT SMTTB 1 n I c l XX?fiET 60046. ANOyKOCEI? VOU BETTER XWCEALONC W1LD0.' ARCWTEK TO RUN TOU ITOP COVER. JUST 94 CASE Und take rr cautious... IT MAY B 4TEAP OKAY? rawda.n ft7 U a WHEN WE 6ET THESE ARRANCEP ONTHE HELD THEY SHOULD TELL THE STORY. ..Jf OUR JOES ARE yf?! r and reap rr I CftlNTT TTTCn RNOTttEa & 1 J BABNET GOOGLE jtaiMi. w a ' aw vXTCHON vrrnxsu -r r t jiT W3Wf VJT l FEAR WE'RE MICKEY MOUSE 1 MAKE OLR POQTTON) I TD BE.... ! t -O KVSWAT the" - u5r MATTER, r-" HAUNTED LATITUDES, LAD. v i .. J I OP CTRAMGE AND TECRlSLE 'TW ADMRAL IS BCTTM'OKl HARRY APE-.TMA'S BAD j ORRJU -4 DRILL! UMiTSf IS ME OMLV m& waMTPAcrt ME THE HOLDS TICMSLE inZATES 2VN L 1 !AH0W 4AALTTTU3 UJMTy Lm ORF TMJ Ml IF J- DONT U)ORRV,POPeVE. I 3 a-li Taa IMS a.taay . SHE TOLD ME HER NAME WAS ANNIE ROONEYV SHE JUSTA . POOR LITTLE ORPHAN. sh MUST THINK IT5AM10HTY LITTLE. Al EOO-f jrSHDOESNt SHE THINKS THIS iSAGUNOrVOClD FILLED WITH L0VEUT PEOPLE AND THAT SOME DAY KlL f SKIES SMIU N6 JN ; HER SLEEP. DREAM ING OF A HAPPY HOME AND LOVING i 9 parents: J I 1 s if I ! r a 1 k- Uf III I J vi rr sX-EVg COT TO AAAKE fT; iTCTTTUr SHOOT t?A PCt .7 J F3QTHSy THINK 7fgy asaaaBBaato'' w J TCZ LOIS CiLKGZa T r NOW TO THI5 LETTER. r-r .1 ' ad TONTO.TME AALRDERER N TOOK A LETTER FM3.VTH& ENVELOPE-WE'LL HAVE TO FWOTR ri tBlSiSiil) lSAGilC Nelte Certified Single JQ lbs. Serfs Fcra Cl:ro YcCow Berzacda Onion Sets Lb. 0V 173 S. Lil:rl7 L; Sd:a