I i . t The 02EGOII STATES24Alt Salem. Oigoa. VIUxM&at Morning, April IS, 1344 PAGE SEYEH rLsagall FJes IMelfe Clouxh-Earrick Change I I. Volcana Sabject The-, hewly- nd Vert L Barrick, Virgfl T. bora volcano la Mexico, Paricu- Golden, Richard F. Smart and tin, will be the subject of a lec- Belle M. Brown have filed a cer- ture before the Salem Geological - tiflcate of assumed name with the i o c 1 e ty at 8 pjn. "Thursday In county clerk for aough-Barrick Collins hall at Willamette uni- company at 203 South Church versity. The speaker will be Mr. street At the same time L. E. Kenneth N. Phillips, associate en- and Vera L Barrick entered a gineer. of the US geological sur- retirement certificate for the vey in Portland, who will illus aame firm. Also filing assumed trate his talk with numerous Ko name certificates ware W. C. dacrome and other slides, giving Conner and Frank Jaskoskl for a vivid picture of "the greatest Western Poultry Journal at 3621 show on earth' as this new vol State street; C W. Traver and S. cano has aptly been termed. The Hatch, both of Woodburn, , for I meeting is free and the public is A- fit a Machine Works at Wood- cordially invited, burn: Greta ThomTwon and S W l Starr, both of The Dalles, for The foT -ftore fixtures, built-ins, ; or Smart Shop at 115 North Liberty ,f rk Rei: i . -i-i-i. - , maun SuddIy Co.' Phone B203. " uei, tor wiutu xxarry n. vy em-1 , . , : . i.:. uj m. - ii . I - --"-- "'..,' v ' ment and WL. and Elabeth 1: ... w-Tv.-.,T, oI,- ..ZXTXT assortment, $2.00 and up. Alex Lidbeck for Salem Medical Labo ratory. Lute florist Ph. 9592. 1278 N. Lib. Boxing Salem Thurs. nite. Arm ory s Bnbbs Favors Vacation Feeling that such action would be of greater practical good to the pub lic. County Engineer N. C Hubbs states that he is In favor of va cating of a quarter-mile stretch Jones, 121 North High St Experienced alteration lady wanted in large ladies ready-to-wear store. Must be good fitter. Good salary. Box 440, Statesman. The best shines in town, 15c Open 7 days a week at Bus Depot Service Man Aid Considered- Proposed establishment of a small discharged service men s informa tion booth on the court house lot of road in the Garden City ad- was taken up at a meeting of local union louowing an inspection oi patriotic groups and the county Col. Townsend Praises Work . Of GINeicspdpernieriihltaly Col.'Tomsend CAMP ADAIR, -Ore, April 18 Spedal-How "leg-men in uni form," the Gl newspapermen, of the army, do a bang-up Job of reporting printing and -distribu tion on the daily paper "Stars and Stripes Italian edition, (was told this week by Lt CoLiElias C. Townsend, assistant phief of staff. G-2, 70th Infantry. Division Cot Townsend returned recently from special overseas duty infthe Me diterranean war theatre. Weary Infantrymen f slogging back out of the front line fight ing are met bjr editions of their own dailyreporting the.progress and details of the .very actions in which, they were engaged, a few hours earlier, f : J i " Stars and Stripes" reporters and artists lie alongside the fight ers, getting the; battle first-hand, rush the news - to Naples, and the paper is hurried back; to the EPoiiflDllu : IK as ipafl s President Vice President CXXCUIT COTJST. . . . . L Jesse B McKnight estate; sp- W. E. Way and wife vs. D."C praised at $5782. Bloom and wife; complaint asks J UAUIAGE LICENSES quieting of title claims to certain il Robert Ward Gritton, 23, 1580 Marion county property. - f Madison street mill worker, and Alton L. Tate vs. Carol N. Tate; Virginia Mae Krueger. 23. 870 divorce complaint alleges cruelty; South 12th street, secretary-trea- asKs restorauon of : maiden name I surer. of Carol N. Ashman. ' v 'i t I Earl Arvid Backman. 23. Win- Alice M. Tate vs. Floyd Tate; hock. Wash sailor, and Helen M. divorce c decree . granted.: with Petroff. if. Denver. Colo- rov. plaintiff being , awarded custody I ernment accountant of three minor children and ' $50 1 jiiufii'ie rnirrsT 4 rr t J rv PPlT?' Lt CoL Ellas C. Townsend, Just the site over the weekend. The road is in poor state of repair and has been little used, Young lady, for general office work, shorthand required. Full day off during, week. Permanent - Box 90, Statesman. Cyn" Cronise Photographs and C.-.mM 1 MtH Rank Rtllf. Man flit by Car David C. Bloom, route 4, Salem, was treat ed by first aid Tuesday afternoon after he had sustained an injury of the right shoulder when hit by a car in the 500 block on South Commercial street. He was remov ed to a hospital Also attended was Mrs. P. I. Bolles, 1392 Market street who caught her left hand jj 95 eacn. Alex Jones, 121 North in a clothes wringer. JHigh St. Laborers: Local 441, special meet- j Rummage Sale, Delta Phi Mothers ing Apr. 19, regarding new Labor Fri., Sat., 332 N. Com. Temple. Please attend! court Tuesday. The question will 1 be further considered though the court Is favorable to the 'idea. List your property with Hawkins and Roberts, Inc., Realtors, and start packing, For home loans see Salem Fed eral, 130 South Liberty. Court to Wheatland Prelimi nary surveys were undertaken at Wheatland Tuesday by the coun ty court for three proposed routes for a straightened ferry slip road. The court will go to the site again today to confer with property-holders of the region. Mark Twain cook's shirt, all sires, as opportunity affords, Cot; Town send said. . $ ' 11' , Distribution is the big prob lem. From division command posts on, lt is mcreasinglytdifficult to deliver papers to the' troops. But the phrase "foxhole delivery' is much more than a mere wise crack. Soldiers dug in orf defens Ive positions, CoL Townsend de clares, often receive "Stars and Stripes literally in their prone shelters and dugouts. Si ' The naner is Published ix days a week, Monday through Satur- month support for two of children, Mary Jane and John Henry, Rachel J, Christenson vs. Lau rence Christenson; plaintiff moves for $50 month support during pen dency $100 attorney fees and $25 costs. i'::-y ry. ' ,:. V-; : John Alguire ; vs. Charles It Adams and Asbury Transportation Co.; answer to amended complaint denies main points and alleges plaintiff was negligent in auto-i truck accident , on September 5, 1943. M. M. Woodworking Co., and Roy Hamerly; forgery waived preliminary hearing and held to answer to grand Jury; committed to Jail in lieu of $2000 bait John Hoffert; larceny; held to answer to" grand Jury and' com mitted to jait V : ' MUNICIPAL COURT Eugene Robert Sheldon, 1925 Chemeketa street;. failure to stop at railroad crossing; $2.50 fine. W. P. Brantley, 1820 South 12th street; no operator's license; $5 fine, with $2 JO suspended. Beatrice. Eiy, 879 North Liberty street; failure to atop: $2.50 fine. Robert Dunn Pence, 545 B ft ' C y returned to Camp Adair from I Electrical Steel Foundry Co. vs, the TU"! front praises work I State Industrial Accident commls of GI newspapermen fat putting I sion; Judge , George R. Duncan street; failure io stop at railroad eat "Stars and Strpies." - Bob -Maey. left k the newly elected ASB prestdeat at Salem hlgk ; aeheol and Addyse Lane, right Js the new vice president f j ' : Boli Macy, AddyseSLane Nevly Elected Salem High Of f icers , - Enemy Attack Against State Still Possible contributing to workmen's com pensation fund to make . assess ment for safety program funds. R. C Glover, M. C Findley and Tinkham Gilbert trustees of Sar ah E. Carrier estate vs. Oregon annual conference board of edu- New president of Salem high ' . . ....... ..1." HM. I . . I BUUMl U UUU UV T susxains ODjecuons ox piawuiw w, crossing; au nne. -. - i, f f K- h. rf- -rr r.r " ri, iT. " I-.: I feated Jack Slater In a run-off uw wuca cumi cmpiuyaa parsing oruinance, uiw.- - J. Mftn,av utmnnn James C. OTteilley. 180 soutn . MHatM UlOeny Sireex; P"""a . TlnnrHman F.nn Tw. anri V -14. , tn- Don Yocom had been eliminated. Robert Zimmerman, route two, . J . . ouvenon; jno opctmun a uu, 35 bait Opal MI Laird, Portland; vio lation of basic rule; $10 bail. New. designs, new low prices in Unpainted Furniture. R. D. Wood row, 345 Center St : . Obituary Mark Passed rntinn rvf Mpthndist rhureh and Asserting there still is a danger fV. nia;nKtt. .,thrtn-ri day, in the Naples printing-plant ef enemy attacks on Oregon, Gov- u. L;k-h mmnmmiv and of an Italian daily. The tworking ernor Earl Snell told Oregon's to accept in full satisfaction of ob- -4flf Ml 11 inn staff of the paber, from manag- county defense coordinators this nation arising from note and TcUU IflllllUIl Ing editor on qown aregenusiea week that "it Is essential that an mortgage the sum of $1600 from men, most of them former pro- effective, reasonable civilian pro- Renska Martin Swart; court fessional newspapermen in civil- tection organization be main- fs-,,, m1- ftf .1 nronerties to lan life. H tained." t n t rnn fnr tssoo Ti - TTO T 1 CoL Townsend told of, talking m . ' 'Iin(!ni. rom - . I T... tiii unM fnr ason. llV Uu DdlUi to a tired, dirty foot-soldier who - n.., k- t. I t.i. m ... r I J - had Just emerged from ;blojy Q command. plaintiff moves for modifi. ing the western defense command, cation of decree of divorce by said there is danger of sabotage awarding of custody of Carolyn of vital industries, communica- and Gavle Gilmour to herself. tions and utilities; submarine at- e. J. Frees e vs. E. R. Hitch- ed, for the first time at any offi- succeeds Travis Cross. Addyse Lane was named to the vicerpresiaency a n e r topping Mary Lou McKay and Joanne Tweedie. Voted into the secretary ship) was Edith Fairham. Other results: Doug Berwick, forensic manager; Curt Coe, yell rejisic leader; Bill Barlow, sergeant-at arms; Barbara and Gloria McClin tock, song queens; Donna Lutz, editor of the Clarion, student body publication; Marilyn ' Archibald. Clarion manager; Bob Weber, Clarion annual manager; Beverly Davis, Clarion annual editor, the last four oficers being elected without opposition. "' ' U Macy has been prominent , in band and Hi-Y activities and is a track letterman. Miss Lane has had great success In forensic en deavor, h t ' f Safety battle of the Rapido river cross- in. As they talked, he saw a sol dier ' approach. S take out 1 pencil and paper, and start sketching the According. to the official state ment to the comptroller of cur- Opinion Says Parts 01 Program Act Discriminatory 1 infantrymen. A, day or two Jaier, tacks on ,1 installations, lim- man; plaintiff enters costs bill of cial call, deposits in excess of ited air attacks by earner-Dasea $57.20. $400,000,000. planes, bombing and incendiary Nada Fleming vs. Robert Flem- The exact amount is $402,596,- attacks by submarine-based planes ing: counter-affidavit on plaintiff s 591.63. which is a gain of $12,- ws-ieanire ion . 0n forests and congested areas, motion for support money, ett, al- 540,821.01 above the $390,055,- The Job of Vyj and commando raids. leges plaintiff does not have good 770.62 as reported at the time of Art opinion, declaring invalid and discriminatory certain par- inn at sttAmntinV tft 1W mn- rency as 01 April 13, me uiuku uLiuoia ui mc icguwms " States National bank has report- tributions on employers for the maintenance of a safety program for workers, was handed down here Tuesday by Circuit Judge the drawing of the soldier, Pvt Jobe Tohmas, o Detroit, was back at the Rapido again part of a news-feature oh the. battle County Meet ScheduledMeet ing of the Association of Oregon Counties, district 5, today at Dal las, will be attended by the Ma rion county court. Counties to be represented include Benton, Lane, Lincoln, Marion and Polk. is highly vital to troop morale, the mlonel declared. "Stars and The governor said the civilian j cause of suit; asks release from the last call December 31, 1943. Sht" carries not onlr'news of defense organization also must payment of attorney fees and costs As no comptroller's call was is Stripes carries not oniy pews 01 v j. H;ia.ai rr uit . ... ;n ,. .nrin of 1943. th Boxing Salem Thurs. nite. Armory Spaltlaf - Mr. Louviaa SpaUl!f. late retident f 1070 Myrtl avenue, t a kel ho piUl Saturday. AprU IS. . at the of rt rears. Mother o Btrs, Uniue uVyv..Vh Kin,', m: I Serines. Colo., is destination of tenn McKimwis of Cincinnati. O Wo. I Mrs. Ercel W. Kay who Kays to Colorado Colorado M. H. Spaldlns of Alameda. Calif, A. u cimim rif Sacramento. Califs Dr. w. b. Spalding of PUtuburfh. Mo. I station with an army unit in that will" visit their son, Tom, at his C W. Spaldinf of San mego, uaiu Joaepta S. Spalding of Chemawa ana K Earl Spalding of Salem; sister of Mrs. Lizzie E. Phillip of La. Port. Ind- and Mr. LoU MeConneU of Clay City, m. Survived atoo by -35 grand children and several great grandchil dren. Services will be held Thursday. city. Kitchen helper. Cheerio Inn. Short hours. " riT w deal with natural hazards which and for dismissal of suit lmmeaiaie lotai wiucuwu, . . . ti itm. AtA- . u 1... could cause even more uaiuttgc ohw v. uuu "wuwi, - from the US home front There than enemy; attacks. In this cate- are cartoons, comic strips, the ory, ne nstea lire in rongesjea same news cornhientators who ap- areas, forest fires, earthquakes, pear in US dailies, sports news floods, explosions and domestic and letters to the editor. f disturbances. The soldier who can jread a General Emmons advised Gov daily newspaper doesn't feel quite ernor Snell that civilian defense so alone. He's reminded that oth- must maintain the following helping him, on , other standards ant pleads guilty to charge of lar- a a t aa ceny; case continued to Apru m at 10 a. m. for sentencing. Cora L. Lanham and Thomas E. Lanham vs. Rich L. Reimann; sued in the spring of 1943, the figures are not "available for comparison : with the correspond ing date of a year ago. but since the call of June 30, 1943, deposits have Increased $74,024,966.66. Re sources as at the present call to- ers are fronts. A well-trained fire service. jury finds for defendant in civil tal $420,572,148 J2; action. Capital structure totals $16, PROBATE COURT 846,744.05. j Late In March the John Schuessler estate; final ac- bank readjusted its capital and count of administratrix, Jean ura surplus by the addition of $500, Reroof with Johns-Manville As- wil A mt r m from the Clouth- I w-i rrV.f mrr tniir nld Itnrncuu. Tnurnni 1 1 roof. Free estimates. Mathis Bros., Belcrest Memorial park. r. C. Zimmerman. SS. of Jefferson ! died Monday In a CorvaUi hospital. U is survived by his ton, i. G. Zim ' merman of Jefferson: a sister. Mrs. 1 Amanda Halght of Albany; and a vMhr lunst William Zimmerman of ColvUle. Wash. Service will be held from the Christian cnurcn ai wmciiun Thursday. April -SO. at S p.m, with Rev. F. Claud Stephen officiating. Interment in Jefferson cemetery, di rection Walker-Howell Funeral home. 164 S. Com!. Ph. 4642. Boxing Salem Thurs. nite. Armory Tax Workers Still Counting Va.sJjvt a m onnrnvtw) flnrl ftHe is final Court Eases Recent Order Affecting PGE The state supreme court Tues- i day signed an order modifying its recent Injunction directive re public works and medical officials. Auxiliary police organization. Emergency medical organiza tion. An efficient organization to pre vent interruptions in public works and public utilities. .State organizations such as aux iliary highway patrols. Maintenance of control centers. A limited gas training program. A sufficient organization to ef- Andrew Tyner Woolpert died Sunday at the veteran hospital in Portland. Lata resident at 1197 Soutta High street. Survived by widow. Mi. Editb E. Woolpert: sisters, Mrs. C . La ot Salem. Mrs. J. C Smith. Los An .gales, Calif , Mrs. W. J. Towers. De- SrM1C&.nbrh.. CifY oi venting the public utilities com Kseaaaba. Mien., Aitice, Detroit Mich., i xnissioner from enforcing his man' ScwM- i&:TZ for a reduction of rate, of 19 at 13e pjn4 at the Oough-Barrtck the Portland General Electric tTUrki- rdPuf company for 120 day, in charge ot ritualistic service, span- . Under the new order the in-lsh-Americsns vets. Interment In Bel- junction directive may be extend er MmorUl pMt- j ed beyond the 120 day period, but Berky . in event the public utilities com IoITmiu Aue J$?F?i missioner eventuaUy wins a de FaUter of Mrs. Howarf Olsen. Mrs. on on appeal, patrons of the Charles Boyer and floye KalEn: and sfr&ndiainer ot jomn w wr- -v - fralem. Services will held 1944 Returns It probably wUl be late Wednes day or Thursday before the state tax commission staff has opened all envelopes containing sftate in- fect blackouts come tax returns ior wie year i, based on 1943 incomes. The re- "iiiiiL id Cottage Grove Woman another 10 days or two weeks Visits in Aurora would be necessary ! to tabulate the returns and determiner the to- Eugene A. Rowe estate; account of Hilda C Rowe, admin istratrix, is approved and she is discharged. , Howard Ernest Ostrin guard ianship; seventh semi-annual ac count of Gustave A. Ostrin shows balance of $1059.13 and is ap d roved by court. Emma Hornschucn estate; w. Hornschuch named administrator and Mrs. W. R. Daugherty, Wil liam F. Klampe and Harry Lovre appraisers. Norman Bruce Hanes guardian ship; J. W. West, Lenabel Mitchell 000. This made a total in tnose two items; of 14' million, which increased the hank's capacity for any one loan to $1,400,000. D. W Evre. vice president of the United States National bank de clared Tuesday that deposits here have kept in step with the bank's general growth. AURORA- Mrs. John Trundell Mrs. Mary Jones Rites To Be Held Thursday SILVERTON, April 18 Funer al services for Mrs. Mary E. Jones who died here Monday, will be and ' Ina West named appraisers held Thursday at 2 o'clock at the f Christian church. Rev. Russell My- Peder J. Westley estate; Carl ers will be in charge of the ser "J ' . I . . . 1 T I .!H . 7 , i tkl. l.j - XI T r.ni-inin and Vice ana Km. ViVlIl XjCKMiu t.u tal remittances. There wee more oi v-otiage s uruve viaiucu nuuu, , .Z,rZ7 b- tbe soloist. Hunan's will be in return filed this year than ever week with her sister, Mrs. N. E.IEdd Overlana appomtea apprus I . before but because of the! ? 5 per Manock and family, cent reduction in the tax this year the total receipts will be .far less than a year ago. -r In 1943 the State income tax receipts aggregated ; more than $21,000,000. ( j Most taxpayers paid their 1844 taxes in full on or prior to April 15 and did not take advantage of the installment payments, officials said. charge of the services. George R. Duncan, Marion county Suit attacking constitutional jot the, i and M. woodworking company and the Electric Steel Foundry company against the state indus trial accident commission and the attorney general. Particular reference was made by Judge Duncan to the i 1943 amendment to the code requiring an employer to be assessed for a safety program found, but ex empting another engaged in the same occupation because the lat ter contributes to the workmen s compensation fund. ;4This does not seem to be croDer classification " Judge Dun can .declared, "and the iaci max such exempt employer may be so assessed under some other statute fails to remedy the defect, since the net under consideration must supply 'its own construction. "The objection that the amend ment is indefinite of purpose ana uncertain of application seems well taken." Judge Duncan said the amendment appears discrim inatory. The part of the act so far as it attempts to levy an assessment on employers who elect not to come under the workmen's compensa tion law was held unconstitution al by Judge Duncan. "The amendment as provided in section two of the act," Judge Duncan said, "authorizes the commission to require an employ er to discontinue operations with out granting a hearing. Possibly act was filed by the M. alone this defect might not be fa tal when preceded by. substantial investigation, but coupled with the fact that there is no provision for an appeal to the courts, the obvi ous conclusion is that the same violates the 'due process' clause and is unconstitutional.'' An injunction against enforce ment of the act, with respect to the particulars mentioned, may be presented to the court tor signa ture, Judge Duncansaid. Industrial accident commission officials said Judge Duncan's opinion probably would be ap pealed to the state supreme court for final consideration. The accident prevention divi sion, under fire in the' suit, has' been in operation for more than a year and now has men in virtual ly every section of the state. At torney ; General George Neuner said Duncan's opinion, even if up- held by the supreme court, would not make it necessary to abandon the accident prevention program. Visitors Return j AURORA Mr. and Mrs. George ; Eversaul and Nancy re turned Sunday to Portland after a week spent at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. - A. W. Kraus. 1 Keith Borer of Salem ana jicqutu i refund xor tne enure period cov- y of Salem, service wm - i h thA ftriffina1 am ...h.. the Clouen-iJarrics: company - Berkey chapel Thursday, April 20. at 1030 J quent injunctions. .ternt 85 The public utilities commission Si oar. ers original order provided for i ' . ' '. - i ! j rate reduction of approximately 10 John Coldd. U. at the family rel- per cent involving all territory dene at ssi North. cP"oi fc treet. gerved by the electric company ?MriXPMi.Ud.;rthr with the exception of the Salem children. Mr. John French. Mrs. Stuart district where the rates previous i.r.hnY:dewlThs ly were reduced. The electric com- baatun Coldad of Saskatchewan. I pany later appealed to the circuit EftJSSiESrZ sSeVnricnT- court from this order with a re- tion ot the rosary will be in the i $un that the order was upheld. YirZr'fl-J'Um 1 The Portland General Electric be' at St. Joseph1 church on Friday, I company then appealed to the su- AprU 21. at iv a.m. uwrawni kit i nrm rativt in the Belcrest Memorial para. .ipreme COUrt. Pennsylvanian Visits Silverton SILVERTON Bernie Oas ar rived at Silverton early this week I on a trip from Girard, Pa., where he is manager of a broom handle factory. Oas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oas, came west on business making the trip by airplane. His wife, the former Viona Mpberg of Scotts Mills and Salem, and their two children, did not come west with him. t V Mrs. Agnes Booth, county school I superintendent, spoke at the Sil verton Teachers' association meet ing Tuesday night i -! . ! I - ll Ci Mt , - fi i Hi sstss' .asfeav mssssv v . r. ' s v ar s .ar - m a jr -.a: ,i j- w " Announcement by W. C.Dyer & Sons ir In Februaryx1942 William C. Dyer ; " Joined the U. S. Army Now on April 241944 Qaybomo W. Dyer Joins the U. S. Air Forces , In the absence of these brothers, - ' ?! the owners of the firm . . - 1c Mrs, Lois W. Dyer 'will conduct its activities , , without change of policy, , , " VW; C:. DYER AND SONS . Insurance Agency 201 Pearce Bldg. Salem, Ore. Like all fine things, good beer is worth waiting for. : z Connoiscurs would rather wait a day or two for their favprite.77-:. ; BUtz-Wcinhard. because they enjoy the unvarying quality and t flayor of this fine bcer...the beer so good it's guaranteed satisfying. nnnnn f Ulii ii - i 4 j- ii S Saisii Lpsbm JL BAaauTiiB nnnn SATitrrmo UUUua i Ju " ff l ' ' ' 7. XV LV-'.,r1 1 ii - 1 1.4 KT'TJ f k 3 SsAiCS.- '. 'y - - . i ! . : -..:-) I .; . p , I-'1 auTt-WHMHAS cox, OtTlANO,0OOM Distributed by Gideon Stolz Company