The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    Looney Butte Pupils Present
'wi"i'o"7"r Mid - W iHamette VMlevlBlews
Music Festival in Costume :
U 1 111 ' ww ww w - 1 rr . I lmTTuflfl TT "T T TV I -T "
MIDDLE GROVE Posten winning first and second prizes
were made by i the following pupils: first prizes: Glen Wagers,
Robert BuetlerJ Donald Bassett, Wayne Goode and Iris Proudfit;
second prizes: joan Fabrey , Shirley Page, Carol HUfiker, Don-
Visit Klampes
School Board Rehires
Mrs. Barnick for
Coming .Year
Mrs. Rudolph de Vries, Lee and
Gene, of Pratum were guests at
the W. F. Klampe home and Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Klampe and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Pfaffle of San
xancisco were gucaia uu ouu
day at the Klampe home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weinman
entertained , Saturday night for
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Russ, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Rasmussen, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Leedy, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Aker, and Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Aker.
Harlan Pearsall's brother,
KKtr David PearsalL cnent ev
- eral days at the Pearsall home
last week while on furlough af
ter two years in Alaska.
Guests Sunday at the Harvey
Aker home were Mr. and Mrs.
Joe FOrgey of Portland. -
at dinner Sunday for a group of
young people in honor of Clyde
Jefferson and Bud Bennett who
are leaving for the service; Pres
ent were Donna Jefferson, Bev
erly Boehm, Mrs. Emma Jones,
. S. Paul Jones, Jr.' Clyde Jeffer
son, Bud Bennett, and the host
ess. The school board met last
week and rehired Mrs. Barnick
for next year. Mrs. Snmpter,
who has also taught here for
several years, has accepted a
position In another place."
The Eighth grade class of the
local school has been busy work
Jng on graduation material. Jim
Wilson will be class valedictorian
and Alan Haslebacher will give
the salutation for the class.
Candidate's Dog
Defends Rights
. SCIO Here's an item for the
columnist who signs himself "C.
M. D. (Del) Zander of Scio, a
republican candidate for nomin
f tion for Linn county sheriff, this
week extended ; the .courtesy of
calling" on one of his four republi
can competitors in the pre-primary
campaign, Albert Julian, of Ly
Unlike Mr. .Julian himself, the
latter's dog in a vicious manner
contested Del's right to approach
the premises, and, in an unguard
ed moment, snapped the visitor's
foot between the instep and the
ankle. - .
The canine made another pass
at the candidate, only slitting the
lower part j of Del's trouser leg.
The third lurch apparently was in
tended for pel's throat, but with
ine aginty ox tne active man he is,
Del warded loff the fangs.
The contenders for the sheriff
nomination parted as good friends
as before, but Del's friends sug
gested he take a deputy along the
next time he calls on a contender.
Willing Workers
Complete Quilt ;
at the Willing Workers club
meeting' at the home of Mrs. Car
rie Hochspeier, was small due to
Illness. A quilt was completed for
Mrs. H. D. Reeves and another
almost pieced. i
Refreshments were served by
the hostess to Mrs. H. X. Reeves,
Wayne Reeves.' Mrs. Lloyd Park,
Mrs. Gilbert Thomas and Mrs
Edmund Clark. Mrs. Lloyd Park
will entertain the club, Apr. 28.
' Mrs. A. R. Barnes and children
of Pleasant. Point and Mrs. Mc-
Curdie and Juanita of Cloverdale
attended the music (program at
Looney Butte. I k
Valley Births
SILVERTON Six babies were
born over the weekend at' the
Silverton hospital, the first since
the W. H. Brandt child born April
Born on April 14 were a son to
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Qualley and
a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Smith of ML AngeL April 15,
sons were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Mulkey and to , Mr. . and
Mrs. Robert Newton, the latter of
Scotts Mills. On April 16, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Predado of Canby be
came parents of a daughter and
the A. E. Rogers of Woodburn
parents of a son. . : ,
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
David Dorgan of Scotts Mills are
reporting the birth of a daughter
at the Silverton hospital April 18.
' If VAff flAAfl
Try tills rmt fcVwvl-tron tonlo-bydJa
I liikhun' TABLETS one U th. rf
txwt boms ways to fet Iron into tits
tlood. Jfca!cbjun's Tablets ara also ta
tnoua to raUeva symptoms of funettoaal
montblr otaturtaaacea Sicauaa ot ttmU
oot&lnc aflact on ens of WMii't ntott
important organ. roUo label 4irao
V.aa, Worth frjrtsf.
I aid Case and Delwin Kleen.
These posters were Judged by
Mrs. Agnes Booth, county school
superintendent, in the absence of
Miss carmeuta weddle, who was
ilL Sewing was directed by Mrs.
Ernest Barker and Mrs. Paul Bas
sett."" -;v '
In tewing I, Joan Fabrey, first
prize; Magdalene Stahl, second;
Joyce Kuenzi, third.
Sewing II, first. Iris Proudfit;
second, Leona Curtis; third, Rea-
tha Flowers.
Sewing III, first Patsy Keppen-
ger; second, Norma '"Van Laanen;
third, Ruth Sqyder.
Sewing IV, first, Dorine Dudley
Garments made by these members
were shown in a style review.
Exhibits of muffins and cake
by Janice Bevens, Joan Fabrey
and Carol Hilfiker won blue rib
Cooking was directed by Mrs.
John Cage and Mrs. Cleo Kep
The pig club newly organized,
with Mrs. Emory Goode as lead
er, will purchase good stock with
Amos R. Bierly as advisor. This
club was introduced by its presi
dent. Dale Van Laanen and pre
sented a skit.
Other exhibits were handwork
by Sewing - group I and - a table
properly set for four, by the Cook
ing club members, who also pre
sented a short play.
Musical numbers were by Joan
Fabrey, acordian and Edward
Struck, mirimba; accompanists
Mrs. -Jack Hyett and Mrs. E.
Struck. Amos R. Bierly, 4H club
leader for Marion county, showed
three films of national 4H club
work and presented pins and cards
to the following: first year, Janice
Bevens, Magdalene Stahl, Wayne
Goode, Donald Case, Cleo Kep
penger and Jimmy Flowers.
Second year, Joan Scharf, Joyce
Kiienzi, Reitha Flowers, Ellen
Flowers, Alyce Koch, Gene Sco-
field, Delwyn Kleen and Robert
Third year, Iris Proudfit, Elvin
Goode, Donald Bassett, Wade Car
ter, James Maddox, Glen Wagers,
Arlyne Hilfiker, Gary Kep pen
ger, Lynn Barker, Wayne Ault and
Robert Wagers.
Fourth year, Dorine Dudley
fifth year, Patsy Keppenger, Hazel
Munson and Ruth Snyder.
A number of these pupils have
spent one or two sessions at 4H
summer school and some have ex
hibited at the state and county
fairs and International Livestocw
show, j - i -Jfn
Lebanon Loggers
Suffer Injuries
LEBANON Clarence Miller,
employed by the Swamp Mt. Log
ging company was struck by
snag while at work Saturday and
sustained a broken pelvis. Three
years ago in a similar accident
he had his right arm so badly
crushed amputation was neces
Leslie Taggart, while working
for the Snow Peak Logging com
pany sustained facial burns when
his blow torch exploded.
California Postal
Employe Is Visitor
AURORA Mrs. Willard Hunt,
employed in the postoffice at
Gold Hill, Calif., is visiting rela
tives and friends in Aurora and
her mother and sister at Wood
burn. Hunt is a clerk in the army
postoffice in England. -
including "Best Actress of the
This Engagement Only!
Mat. 76c - Service. 55e ,
Child. 40c - Eve. $1.10
Service 7te - CbUd. S5
(All Prices Inc. Taxes)
Passes Saspended - .
Cont Shows
Featores at:
1:1S - 3:55
1:45 - S:3J
. P. M.
Reports From
Mrs. M.E.Jones
Dies Tuesday
Silverton Woman Is
Survived by Two
Children in Salem
abeth Jones, 75, died unexpected
ly Tuesday morning at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Orlo
Thompson, gat 510 South Third
street She bad sustained a heart
attack a fortnight ago but the at
tack re oCcured early Tuesday
morning. K, .
Funeral arrangements are be
ing made by the Ekman Funeral
home. 1 ". ;
Mrs. Jones came to Silverton
in 1907 and had lived here since,
with the exception of . sometime
at Salem following the death of
her husband. She was a member
of the Christian church and at
tended church i services Sunday
morning. ' r 1 J
Survivors are two sons, Har
rison Jones oi ine . uauea ana
Gail Jones of Salem; two daugh
ters, Mrs. Ruth Hall of Salem,
and Mrs. Velma Thompson of
Silverton; a brother, Allan Hud
dleston of Silverton; three sis
ters, Mrs. Emma Tucker and Mrs.
Rena Scott of Salem, and Mrs.
Edith DeLaney of Los Angeles;
eieht arand children and one
great grand child
Morris Thoring.
SILVERTON Morris Thoring,
86, died at the home of his step
daughter, Mrs. L. Kindblad, Tues
day morning. He came here from
Princeton, Minnesota,! last June.
Mrs. Kindblad isthe lonly living
relative. Ekman Funeral home is
making arrangement to send the
body to Princeton for burial.
Mrs. Maude Scott :j
Scott received ; word Sunday
night of the death of her sister,
Mrs. Maude Scott 59, at the home
of her daughter, Mrs.! Jess Bauer
at Tracy, Calif. Funeral services
will be held Thursday at Oak
land. Oregon, i where she was
reared. Mrs. Scott of Silverton
Diana to attend. The late Mrs
Scott was born at The Dalles.
Survivors other than Mrs
Scott of Suverton are one son
Ray - BUlouSw of San , Francisco;
sister, Mrs..Oscar Smith of Cot
tage Grove; brothers, Melvin
G r u b b e of Portland and John
Grubbe of Cottage Grove.
Louise Gassner.
SCIO Funeral services for
Mrs. Louise? Gassner were held
Monday afternoon at the Weddle
chapel in Stayton, burial follow
ing at Weisner cemetery in the
Kingston community, where she
resided for many years. She was
the mother of Mrs. Clinton Park
er of Scio. f
Josef Menhart . I
SCIO Josef Menhart, 73, was
buried in Franklin Butte ceme
tery near Scio following funera!
rites at ZCBJ hall Tuesday. . Ed
Rubesh, fori the Czech society of
which deceased was a member,
and the Rev, V. L. Loucks, pastor
of Scio Baptist church, will offi
ciate. Mrs. Max Wesely and Mrs
R. M. Cain will furnish musical
numbers. . -
, Mr. Menhart, who had lived in
the Scio . community since 1920,
died at a hospital at Eugene Sat
7(X ccmtw-fox v
i unforgettableSstory
JENNIFER JONES, wluam eythe charlkbcforo
ti wpkry KING . Produced tvWlllAU KRLBERG
mlUMI C0C11 to OtiHl ! Freioctio, ' Saw
The Statesman's Community Corespondents
Salem, Orecm
urday, following - major surgery
there. He had been seriously ill
several weeks.
He was born In Czechoslovakia
but had lived in the United States
since he was 12 years of age,
coming (to Scio community from
Highmore, South Dakota. He had
been a farmer most of his life, ;:
Survivors include one son, Jo
seph, at home; two : daughters
near Scio, Mrs. Russell McDonald
and Mrs. Arnold Boyanovsky;
Mrs. Frank ' Cermak and Mrs.
John Eckstein, Highmore, SD;
Mrs. Walter Holechek,. Independ
ence; Mrs. Ben Kopecky, Salem;
15 grandchildren and four great
grandchildren; two sisters at
Highmore, SD, and at Miller, SD,
Eddy Takes
School Views
Labish Center Family
Visits in North
Over Sunday
Eddy of Oregon City took pic
tures of the school last week.
Loma Hammon, Neil Kurth and
Raymond Haslebacher have been
absent from the primary room all
week because of illness. Perfect
atendance for the month was the
record of Juanita Burr, Barbara
Russ, Irene Bibby, Steven Reznic
sek, Betty Jean Carroll, Rose Rez
nicsek and Ronald Rentz. The
boys of Labish Center school and
North Howell school are combin
ing teams and will play a baseball
game with Hazel Green Friday.
April Is the month that 4-H
club members receive awards
for the previous year's work.
4-H club achievement pins and
j cards were won by Nora Reznic
sek. RoJean Boehm, Ronald
Rents, James Wilson, Alan
Haslebacher, Albert Haslebach
er, Steven Resnlcsek and Doris
Vance.! All members of the elub
have been working- en health
posters, for the Marlon county
spring show. RoJean Boehm and
Donald Zeng er have been chos
en from the Labish school to
compete In the Healthiest Boy
and Girl contest with the others
from Marlon county.
Guests at the Willard Aker
home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Boehm, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Boehm.' Ka thy and Cafol, of Sa
lem, and Mr. and "Mrs. Clyde
Leedy. L
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Daugherty
and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Boies and
Patsy Kay spent the weekend in
Washington visiting severs
friends and relatives.
West Salem 4-H
Achievement Day!
Set for April 28
WEST SALEM April 28 will
be achievement day in the West
Salem gym. All 4H projects will
be completed and in exhibit form
during the afternoon and will be
open night for parents unable to
attend in the morning.
Because of a late start the shop
projects will not be ready. The
exhibit will represent the efforts
of the sewing and cooking clubs
down through the grades.! j
Robert Kl lever returned to
school Monday on crutches, after
several weeks at home with leg in
juries. 5 V I
fin to
Wednesday Morning. April 19,
Kansas Storm 1
Jefferson Resident -Returns
From Trip
To See Brother
JEFFERSON Pirl Beach re
turned Sunday from Garden City,
Ka&, where he was called to visit
a brother who was ilL His broth
er is much improved, he reports.
While in Kansas, he reports that a
cyclone struck three miles from
where he was visiting and that It
did considerable i damage to the
roof of the house of his niece.
Mrs. F. L Sandifur of Vancouv
er, Wash., and Martin Stephenson
and son Donald, of Portland were
Sunday guests at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Ste
Mrs. Estella Alexander is quite
111 with a severe cold at her home
In south Jefferson. Mrs. Alexan
der is 87 years' old. and is still
able to do her housework.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hutchings
and' two" daughters, Sara Margar
et and Martha Jane spent the
weekend at Crawfordsville vis
iting friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clair
Overton and family. Rosie Brown
accompanied them.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haack of
San Francisco, ; Calif., who are
moving to Seattle, Wash., have
been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Max Schulz in the Par
rish Gap district They left for
Seattle, Monday. ;
Mrs. W. W. Warner returned
home Saturday night after a visit
at the home of her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Warner, at Forest Grove,
She also visited her sister, - Mrs.
Mollie Brown at Oswego. Mrs.
Brown's son, Marion Brown and
Mrs. Brown of Fort Warren, Wyo.,
and a
1944 -. ! PAGE THBEE
were home on a short'leaveT Mar
lon is in the army a a carpenter
Instructor at Fort Warren, Wyo.:
Jack Knight, Ronald Allen and
Don Cole spent the weekend in
Portland visiting relatives. -
- The Mike Helms, who live six
miles, southeast of Jefferson, are
having the interior of their house
decorated. Roy Wickersham is do
ing the! work. They moved into
their house after it was remodeled.
Mrs. Lizzie Nye of Brookings
was overnight guest at the home
of . Miss : Anna Klampe Sunday
night She left for Portland Mon
day on a business trip. Mrs. Nye
is a former Jefferson resident.
Mrs. Verl Sims spent last week
In Bremerton, Wash., where her
husband, Verl Sims GM2c, is sta
tioned. 1
Mrs. Simpkins
PTA President
Teacher association met at the
gchoolhouse Friday night. Election
of officers was held. Results were
as follows: president,' Mrs. Jerome
Simpkins; - vice-president, Mrs.
Van Wagoner; secretary, Mrs. H.
Beach; treasurer, R. E. Hough.
Later a program was given by 4-H
clubs as follows: "The Flag Sa
lute,", 4-H pledge; a skit, by fourth
grade 4-H club members. 'Sav
ing for Uncle Sam" Was given by
the health club; songs, by the
high school sextet, accompanied
by Mildred Clutter; piano solo,
John Simpkins.
A radio skit by the fifth and
sixth grades 4-H elub; accordian
solos, Louella La Fountaine; pre
sentation of pins and cards.
After the program, exhibits of
club work were on display. Pie
and coffee were sold. C. E. Lewis
was auctioneer. Thirty-seven dol
lars was taken in from the sale.
sfHop in sailor . v
cigarette gives you the genuine satisfaction
you get from Chesterfield. 1
It means that Chesterfield, more than
any other cigarette, gives you the things
that count . . ..real Mildness, Better Taste
Cooler Smoke. V
reason is Chesterfield's 5 Key-wOrds
was well attended by a large and appreciative audience from both
local and adjoining neighborhoods. - ...... 5 .
On the one-hour program
sailor songs by the' primary boys j
in costume, and "Playmates' by
Rae Gene Wied and Wayne Reeves
acompanied by Mrs. James Wield.
Wayne's appearance In blue-
ribboned - sunbonnet and apron
created some merriment. With a
background of a blue Dutch wind
mill , set in cherry blooms, the
younger children dramatized the
song, ttWmdmms and The Toy
Land of the Dutch." A flag drill
was also presented, ending with
the singing of "Red, White and
Blue." :V;-:r ';t,--T-
Jimmy Lance of Salem, delight
ed the audience with several piano
selection, as Sid also Fred Roy-
ston with a harmonica number. A
poster parade was held in which
every child in the school : dis
played his poster and read his
slogan, closing with the song.
Bring the Good Old 4H Sign,"
which was displayed by Arlene
Farmen, pre-school age visitor. 1
Mrs. James Anderson Judged
the posters. First place in 4H
group was won by Betty Jean
Diercks; second by Ralph Diercks,
and third by LeRoy Farmen.
In the third grade, Murray Stau-
ble, first;-Wayne Reeves, second,
and Raymond Terhune, third. '
In the first and second grades,
Rae Gene Wied, first, Karen Kel
ler, .second, and Francis Bolman,
third. Jean Farmen won second
place In the "Foods" division of
4H posters. No regular 4H achieve
ment day program will be held
this year.
Aurora Women's Club
Will Meet Wednesday
AURORA The Aurora Wom
an's club will meet Wednesday at
2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. L.
I. Snyder. Assisting hostesses
will be Mrs. F. M. Fergerson,
Mrs. Werner Dinteman and Mrs
Donald Garett
; :
.. -:-v
CLARK .. . r . -
music festival Thursday night
features of - special interest were
Valley Calendar
Aurora Woman's dub at Mn. L. L
Snyder. i ;,,
Marion County PTA council. YMCA.
Salem. 10 ajn. to S'M pja. Mrs. Bootb
guen speajcer.
Hubbard Woman's club. . Mrs. Ella
Stauffer, S pjn.
Marion County 4H spring show, state
fairgrounds. s
Marion count Pomona, Roberta host
granfe. f
Liberty Woman's club, scwina ana
chin clinic. schoolhouM 10 JO a.m.
Marion County 4H iprlng show.
ntm AT, APRIL u
Yamhill County Farmers Union quar
terly meeting. Amity. !
Silverton Bills grsng. -
HayesviUe Women's club. Mrs. Leon
ard Greig. Ml South street.
Spring Valley Farmersi Union. cna
schoolhouse. Morton Tompkins speaker.
Marion County 4H spring show.
Union vale Community club, Jean
MeElhinny guest speaker.
Pringle Community club, at school
house. Santiam Valley rant at hall in
Lyons. I
Carlton Rites
Held Saturday
LEBANON Earl Carlton was
buried in Belle Crest cemetery In
Salem Saturday, April 15, after
fuuneral services held in the Howe
chapel in Lebanon. He died Wed
nesday at the family home on the
La comb road, where he had lived
most of his life. Born in Missouri
in 1869 he came to Lebanon with
his : parents in 1884.S when they
bought the farm where he spent
He is survived by his widow, a
son and daughter: Mrs. Elsie Carl
ton of Lebanon; Wayne Carleton
of Portland and MrsrsRoy David
son; of Salem. A sister, Miss
Maude Carlton and a brother E. F.
Carlton of Salem; two other bro
thers, Blondell Carlton of Lebanon
and G. H. Carlton of Merrill, also
survive. I-
a W& ll
8 ..MIIA