111 022G02I STATESMAN. Salaza, Oregon, Thursday Morning, April 8. 1SU PAGS SSVT21 1 Badxet lleetlnx Set Tlrs bud get committee hearing on the 1944-43 county budget will be held May 23 at 10 a. m, accord ing to . announcement by the county court Wednesday. Main consideration at the hearinc will be recommendation of the court for institution of a court house construction leVy continuing over a 10-year neriod. aim. to raise a $750,000 fund. Budget committee . lay members who win meet with the county court include: JM. G, Gunderson. Silverton: RaYGlarL Woodburn; Leo N. Chflds, Salem. New designs, new low prices In Unp stated Turniture. R. D, Wood row, 343 Center St. ' '' Poster Winners Named Win ners in the Bed Cross safety txst- er contest for Junior high students cf the city are announced as Rose Marie LeBaudour. -seventh trad er and recipient of the $3 1 first . nrize and Leila. Reeves, ninth grade, winner of second Drue of 32.50. Both girls are from Leslie junior high school. ; State Police Captain Walter Lansing present ed ine awards. -r Jesiis Condemned to Die! on Cross; Pilate TttZ Bows to Demand of Enraged Temple Clique rch memorial fund, a lunch- ' ; -v:.. .. r vv s j; . t i . TXrsloB Talk el4iilj connection, with further establish ment research eon will be held at the chamber of commerce today, feature being discussion of' accomplishments of the late Oregon State college professor by. Phillip H. Parrish, editor of the Oregonian editorial page. The luncheon will be In I Mt4 wi nlalr.1v r1nrtnt to take the charge of the chamber agricul- Ci " wre commuiee. . . . ... M f . BA 9 ' .lmm 19 lints is w uiim m hi riy;ica vj ouucu - , Features Writer. telUaf th jtorjr of. Holy Week as it written by 1 t a modem newspaperman.) JERUSALEM, Nisan 15, A. D. 30 (Friday) Jesus of Nazareth i was tried today and condemned to the cross. . j, Before penalty was imposed, He was shuttled dack and forth far FOate. Ha handed Jesus or- er to them im be crucified. Hastily, they took Him. along with the cross to which they In tended to nail Him. out on The road to Golgotha, the Place of the SkulL and "Crn Cronise Photographs Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bid .- ... - ... , - - -' j 1 ' '. Kallway Deed Received An extension agreement and trust deed of the Oregon Electric rail way to the Irving Trust company of New York, applying to prop erties of the railway in Multno mah, Clackamas, . W a s h i n gton, Marion' and Lane counties for se curing of $1,951,000 in bonds has been filed at the court house. Wanted, young lady stenogra pher, prefer girl with farm back- Younf lady stenofraoher for gen eral office and counter work. Box 67, Statesman. ; AediWr Report Considered Recommendations . contained i n auditors' latest report on county finances were discussed at a Wed nesday meeting; of the county court and County Clerk Henry C Mattson. Balancing of the coun ty tax rolls, principally called for. Is at present being carried out. The recommendations are mainly minor, concerning book keeping details. l Turkey nickers report 8:00 FrL morning. Marion. Creamery and Road Connection Observed County Commissioner Roy Rice resDonsibility. Even Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, publicly washed his hands in a basin to signify and Engineer N, C. Hubbs Wed- Caiaphas asked he wanted no part in the pro ceedings.: -. ;j Li' " ; After bis' arrest last night, Jesus was brought before An nas, ; former' Ugh priest, then to Hirh Priest : Caiaphas; te Herod, the1 Galfleaa Tetrareh, and : finally U PonUas Pilate, who t has the power of death. The Pharisees, the scribes and the High Priest were determined that H be msed upon the Gall-, lean who had floated their laws, charged them with graft, and threatened their popularity. Probably the most spirited en counter occurred in the appear ance before Caiaphas. I ' The Temple clique produced, after much effort, only two wit nesses against Jesus. Tney quoted Him as saying He could destroy the Temnle ! and rebuild it in three da vs. . -' i "What about this evidence?" fhoms en His bead and led Him around shouting: "Hall, King of theJewsT , .l ' Then mate made a final plea for Jesus' release, but by this time the crowd was Impatient and unrelenting. It was tee much Power lines Approved : For Brownsville Area UEBANON, April 5-MV- War production board -approval of 31 miles of power lines to be built in the Harrisburg - Brownsville area by the Rural Electrification Authority was announced here today. The lines will serve 70 farms. Salem Rotarians Elect Roy Hsrlond President Salem Rotarians elected Roy Harland, attorney, president when they cast their annual ballots Wednesday. XL I Elfstrom was named vice president; Ervin Smith, secretary; Walter Miniear, treasurer; Preston Doughtoo and G. Herbert Smith, directors. US-Brazil Business On Cosh Basis PORTLAND. April S -VWh time business between the United States and Brazil is on a "casU en the line" basis. Iauro Gul maraes, Brazilian mining operat or, said here today. He predicted that an intelligent credit policy will hold Brazilian markets for. US Industry after the war. E. S. Phillips, Medford, On Veterinary Board uovernor an &neu Wednes day announced the appointment of Dr. S. E. Phiilinc Medford. us I a member of the Oregon state vet erinary medical board. -' Dr. PhiUlDS succeeds Dr. E. W. Can trail of Grants Pass who has resigned. v; MAINTAINED BEGINi WITH YOUR MODE O'DAY - w .... "V nesday: were in: the Talbot sec tion inspecting site of a proposed short connecting road between county i roads Nos. 902 and 903. The county court favors the pro- 2x-. lUX'i trip" if hose - 1 . ? 1 and wears. 1 1 WlODtO'Ofi" List your property with Hawkins ject, but further' consideration of and and Roberts, Inc., Realtors, start packing. Name Assumed G e o r g e Barza and Charles J. Strickf ad den, both of box 248, Salem, have filed a certificate of assumed bus iness name with the county clerk for CaDitol Lumber Fuel Co. of Salem. the matter awaits right of way. granting of Bible class lectures on Genesis by Rev.' Simon E. Forseberg at YMCA every Friday, 8:00 p. m., starting April 7th.' Everybody, in 1 vlted. i ' . Mother wants your portrait! Re member Mother's Day, May il4th. Portraits famous for fidelity. Bish op Studios, 520 State St. Ph. 5722. Donor Quota Fall Blood plas ma clinic quota for the week, set at 140, was filled Tuesday, clinic officials announced. Red Cross headauarters is anxious that all nrnsnective registrants sien UD as i Elk Installation SlatedDistrict far ahead as possible. Registra- Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Ro- tion may be made at the Red bert S. Farrell has named j Past Cross office. ; Exalted Ruler Cliff Mudd as in- . stalling officer at Ek installation Food sale, American Legion Aux., . mm mm m-m AA C . 1 . ceremonies scneauiea ior i - -" - day . night. i . - Lute florist Ph. 9392. 1278 N. Lib? Accessories Taken Theft of a pair of fender pants from his car while it was parked in front of his home was reported to city po lice Wednesday i by Charles Ju. rCheffinga"- j .. "" ? ;: r.-rjy ,, for home loans-ree Salem Ted eral. 130 South liberty. Girt Stricken HI Stella Dillin- eer. 270 Crawford street was treated Wednesday by first aid after she had been' stricken with sudden illness at Leslie junior high' school.- She was later tak en to. Deaconess hospital, ! Mark Twain sport shirts; swell Easter present. Alex Jones, 121 North High St. flPbiiuary Mr. 'Augusta G. (Leabo) Hallin, 73. t the residence. 1880 Court street, April S. Survived br dughtert. Mm. Irene Satterfleld of Sheridan and Cwindol y " HaUin of Salem; j Bona. Xarland HaUin ot Tacoma and i Reas Hallin of Portland. Seven grandchil dren and one great frandchild! also aurvive. Servicw will be held Thur dar. April . at IM irota Ui Clouto Barrlck chapel. Interment in Lee U- aion cemetery. Rev. W. H. Lyman wiu officiate. : . j 11 "At1 the residence. 13 Vista avenue. April S. Jamea rrajik Hugnes. afe 1 years. Husband of MaebeUe Huchea of Salem: father of John Hushes ot Vont Beach. Calif.; brother of Mr. William A. Carter of Portland. Two srru- kKIIiImh aha anrrlv. Services WUl BC k.ui tram thm W. T. Riadoa company ehiDtl Thursday. April S. at S p.m, with Rev. Ceorfe It. Concludlna services mausoleum. MeeUng Postponed Regular Thursday noon meeting of the YMCA board of directors has been DOstDoned to Thursday. April 13. according to announcement, from the YMCA. ! Salem's largest stock of wallpa per, Master craftsmen, Elfstrom s, I 375 Chem. Mrs. Haberman Better Mrs.! Frank Haberman is reported re- covering at the Deaconess hospital ! i from an emergency major opera tion. I Sugar it Spice ties for Easter.! Jesus didn't reply. The High Priest continued: "I adjure you,lby the living God, tell us if yoil are the Christ, the Son of God!" s s The accused answered: "Even so! In the future yon will all see the Son of ; Man seated at the right hand of God, and coming on the clouds of heaven." Caiaphas stormed and tore his robes.- i . "lie has: blasphemed!" he shouted. "What more evidence do yon want!" , s m After considerable mauling about. Jesus , was dragged before Pilate to face trial. i But Puate ruled that Herod, Galilean Tetrareh, should handle the matter. But after Jesus re fused to answer Herod's questions ho was sent back to Pilate. Apparently weary of the case, Pilate tried to lighten the situa tion by sitting; Jesus on his own seatthe tribunal. ' There is 'your king,"; he said. The jest felt flat "Off with Himl" the crowd ranted. "Crucify Him!" Crucify your King?" r We have no king but Caesar," bellowed Caiaphas. r Pilate tried another escape. He offered to release Jesus , as .the prisoner who customarily is set free in deference to the Jews' Passover observance. The crowd instead claimed ;the release of Barabbas, robber and murderer. So Pilate had Jesus scourged. The soldiers dressed Him In a kinrlv robe, pot a crown v'v-AV -41 "fL A i r w y . ; I mi J . ' r . . M. Ipril S. at S ! pjn, vttft& 5 January Deaths I At Rail Crossings Ihlpp t , John franklin Shipp. 1 at his home at 74 North Summer street Tday we . acriflents. result . April 4 Survive dt m wuo riarence Shipp of Salem; a daughter. mg in five deaths and eight injur- rtirAB' ies, in railroad crowing accidents Ore ; and four brothers. C U and R. during January of this year, Pub- A'. J1.YM rtVftro lie Utilities Commissioner George ShtoD of Portland and Clyde E. smpp , ,., . , Z balem; unclea. John BrtwdweU and Flagg reported Wednesday. James ingrey. both e Seiem. Member jlugg said this was an increase if J.BAf! ? thwwafd.: over the toU. for the same period TerwUUser chapel Mondar at a JO P-"J-1 In 1943, despite that many new Interment m .mij ' Joseph Knotts wUl officiate. Alwine .- UI..I. w Al-mrin lsta resi dent of 730 North Commercial street, t a local hospital Tuesday April 4 Mother of Mrs. GoWie rannaa of Mill City and Porter J. Alwine of BuUngs. Mont.; slater of Mrs. Ida Seott. Mrs. Sylvia Searlett. Charlea Ettlein. ! John JCtUeln and Guy XtUein. aU of Indiana. Also survived by vo rrandchUdren and one sreat srandchild. Announce ment of services later by Clough-Bar-ttck company. ' - i " ' '' - ; ' 1 " George Ksplin. at the residence. 330 . Ksinth in street, aotu a. ourm, w .4 - rri, Ksnlin af Salem: f ' Tmii. rmt ttxm US air force. Walter Esplin- of the USMC. ' WiUiam and . Donald Esplin of Port land; daughter. Mrs. EUzabeth , Har- : a Dnrtlatut- it.nin. Carl Cor- dinit of Portland; sisters. Mrs. Bixa beth Croker, Mrs. Jeane Morrison and w f ukn. .n af Winnipeg. Canada. Announcement . of services later by Clough-Bamck company. ' mm. ' ' ' Wrm Anna Straueh. B8. at a local bospital. Shipment is beinf made by Ctoufh-Barrick company to J. P. na ley Sons of Portland for service and ' , Interment. . : ! warning signs have been installed. ; Thirty - eight railroad crossing I accidents, .with one death and 14 injuries, already have been re ported for February. Three of the January fatali ties " occurred at the crossing at Willbridge and Balboa street in i Portland. There were two deaths! in Albany. -"pi. tti:i lCJ Uiuuai.a wa Wcilcr E:::zrc:3" RADIO ADDRESS ! BY Zhzxhz IL Crc - Former Governor and Candidate for United States Senate four-year- term)-'- IICIi 9 0XI::!:7ci:!:l . Thursday, April 6 VI. AZr Chas. A. Sprajue, o o o o Chinook Salmon Steelheod Salmon Tillots ol Sole. Flounder & Red Snapper Fresh CabsCrab Meat ' .', Fresli rTawnaw Sbrimp Meat Oysters Epptred -Salman Soup Fin Shark Kack Cod moiiahcii caict GOOD3 - --s -7: '1 S18 K. CcinmercLil Th. 41211 j MODE O'i DAY. ( ? V; I eettsns lead la V. ll j j mtjU'j. . 1st valaes f 1 I 4. la selections A r II .. 1 BuHon-frontdreu of wash- : ,Uj :' ! V I II able seenucaer with self Iji', A , - I . f belt end dlsfinctive oStail- ; 'S V S S V I I I f; !, rVj I ! ,' tRa.vjRed or Uue.;S!zes 14 -. ; . 3r I I ci to 42. :2j)3 m v.y7 T ' I III . jiitith:; l V . . :llfll pj-, I Iji f Two-piece seersucker suit j -i . . V HI r with pleated skirt end neat . I V - I Iji ; ..collar. Smart and casual, j ' I I E ; w,riW sverywheroi J 1 I '1 I I I .! Maskable; of courser I ! X I I Kd or blue. 23 yl - w I I l33a f. . ;: I I ' ' : . i I ' Cive Yeee tlaed . ) I I j ' L 466 State SU Salem :-. I S,VV" j tSHIl Kuppenhc :imer DOES THINGS TO 1 Cheviot Cheviot's a rugged, colorful fibric-and -Kuppcnhclmcr makes it still better by "tempering it with moisture, heat and steam. This process thoroughly shrinks the fabric, improves its wear-resistance, rich coloring and rugged texture. Then Kuppcnheimcr takes full advantage of the flexibility of cheviot in tailoring these suits. They do more for youri figure and selfassurancc. Kuppanheimer Cheviot Suits 150 If jo need dothes-buj cooo clothes tt a GO0O torr iTCiiQ Kami's The Store of Style. Quality & Value i 416 STATE STREET ,: 1 ; r SALOIORE. . - . ' t ' BaV MORE BONDS 'AH D STAMPS