The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 02, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tk 0rCO:i STATCISIJ, risa, Ortssa. Cciiqr t rends. Jlpta J. ltd
-sr the fm "War Time
Miss Cross
Sets the -
The date has been set for the
marriage of Hiss Juanlta Cross
and Sergeant Wayne A. Curry,
United States marine corps. The
wedding of the young couple will
take place on Saturday, April t
at the First Baptist church at 8
o'clock with Dr. Irving A. Fox
officiating. The brldt is tht
daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Luther
S. Cross and her fiance's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Marion Curry.
Miss Inna Illert and Mr. Wil
liam Cross, the bride's brother,
will light the altar candles. Miss
Mary Copley will be the soloist
and Miss Minnie Miller will be
the organist. .
Mr. Cross will give his daugh
ter in marriage and her honor
attendant will be Miss Jeanette
Brown. Flower girl will be Mist
Sharon Cross, niece of the bride.
Mr. Lewis Cross, brother of the
hriae, wui serve as oesi man ana
ushers include Mr. Floyd Mc-
Clellan, Mr. Lesion Howeu,i Mr.
A reception for the bridal cou
ple will be held In the church
parlors after the ceremony. j
Miss Cross and her fiance at
tended Salem schools. She also
attended Willamette university
and is a member of Delta ! Phi
sorority. Sergeant Curry, is home
on a 30-day leave, returning
from Hawaii where he has been
WOODBURN A bride ef the
week was Miss Arlene Coleman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
" Coleman, who exchanged vows .
with Martin Hammond, in the
presence of friends and relatives
church, Sunday night, after the
evening service, the pastor, Rev.
D. Lester Fields, reading the
service. The bride was given in
marriage by her father. r
As the guests assembled, Miss
Donna Dean played "O Promise
Me," "I Love You Truly," and
i "The Sweetest Story Ever Told."
: Accompanied by her sister, Jan
: et, Miss Helen Pedersont of Port
land sang "At Dawning" and
. ! 'Because." '
The bride, attired in a light
i blue traveling suit, had as her
' only attendant, her sister. Miss
Mildred Coleman, who wore
. brown. ' v . .: j
Ray Adner was best man. and
ushers were Charles Filbin of
Goldendale, Washington, and Pe
ster Brock.
At the reception in the dining
room of the church, following the
ceremony, Mrs. Ted Marx of
Portland and Mrs. Joe Brock.
; poured; Miss Betty Maxwell cut
the ices and the Misses Maxine
Richmond and Margaret Surmey
r served. Assisting about the
room were Mrs.' Minnie Bissell,
V Mrs. Charles Gates, Miss Marjor
ie Seely and Mrs. James Livesay.
After a brief honeymoon1 the
' young couple, will make their
home in Por tland, where the
bride has been employed.' The
bridegroom is awaiting induction
Into the army.- . s ,.. o
Both Mr. and Mrs. Hammond
are graduates of Woodburn high
school, where each was active in
school affairs. r
Hanna Sesa . Ceart, Order ef
Amaranth," will meet Monday
night at the Masonic Temple and
a social hour will follow -the
aneeting. . . .
Don't Forget
Curt Easter Greeting . . . bow Is the fime
to address your curds we have ex
sice Use for your selection.
Easter Gilt
CisConery .
" CdJI-s
- Gsef fray's.
141 IT. Ceauaerclxl XL
;;,.',.Caleza- Ore,
bet . . As w writ this on April Fool's
day, no telling what our typewriter will
knock out : -v v
.. Perhaps you're noticed. . our system
at Che bank. We walk in, take quick stock
of the) people waiting at the wicket and cjet
behind the line that will take us to the win
dow the quickest This is the system .11
there are more women man men lined up
at the window taken care of by a woman
you take mat lx the man cashier is confront-
ed by more men than women,
. d I 1 T"
cdong at that window. Even a
can't help chatting with the customers of the
opposite sex, but one of his own why he
Just takes the money and sends 'em off in a
hurry I ' 1
Paging Mother 2s. . . Windowshop
pers on Liberty street Friday afternoon were
startled at seeing two frightened looking
women being marched ; down the street
among five snappily uniformed WAVES. It
looked like a court marshal! f or sure but
it was only Ruby Bergsvtk (a WAVE mo
- . , -
f v A A lJ'vA
Slated for
Slated for Friday, April 7 is
the district No. I annual conven
tion of the Woman's Relief Corps
with the Salem group as hostess.
The all day session will be held
at the YMCA with Mrs. W. G.
Walker, Salem, district president,
presiding. Mrs. Walker is also
president of the local group.
Mrs. C. H.'Peterson of Salem is
secretary of the district. Dele
gates will attend from HilLsboro,
Tilamook, Newberg, Vernonia
and McMinnville. Fifty are ex
pected to be present for the af-.
The business meeting will open
at 10:30 a. m. and luncheon will
be served at noon. Mrs. Florence
Shipp of Salem will give the ad
dress of welcome and. musical se
lections will be given by the Sa
lem high school music depart
ment A school of instruction
will close the afternoon session. -A
special guest 'will be Mrs.
Marie V. Green of Portland, de
partment of Oregon president
She will be accompanied by Mrs.
Maude Baker, department presi
dent , '
, i. Camp Fire Girls
Taking advantage of the dis
play space offered to v a r I o u s
groups in the chamber of com
merce, the Camp Fire Girls have
arranged a display of projects by
the girls. Work of the Camp Fire
Girls, the Blue Birds, younger
group and the Horizon clubs,
senior organization, are repre
sented. The Salem Guardian's associa
tion will meet Wednesday at 7:30
in the fireplace room of the First
Presbyterian church with T. L.
Kuhns, presiding. :
The only Camp Fire group to
report a meeting for the week is
the Ohanpimay group, at the
home of Mrs. H. D. Smithson
Thursday. Plans were made for
entertaining mothers, according
to Adeline Smithson.
- ---:
ther) ana I. both too old to Join but not too
old to enjoy a coke with practically the
whole WAVE recruiting staff from Portland.
Cspe cs Cid . . wt cet some funny
stuff sometimes. This week came a letter,
which, after reading it through, I believe it
is meant to persuade the reader that you can
solve the problem of Juvenile delinquency
by serving soft drinks with straws, "Soft
drinks and straws' the letter goes on, "with
out them, no
you can speed 'would be a success . .,. they prevent gulp-
1 1 11 J I O. . 11 1irtl
bank cashier
ing, eta eta.
way, the gulping idea isn't so bad. .
, .1 - - '.,-,..' ..... , 1 -"; -.-...- -'j
t . . " " '"" : l -1 - ' .'--f, v... r-.-', :"
I shouldn't even hope. . you'd laugh,
but it just occurred to me, when watching
the women get on the penny scales and men
look puzzled, that perhaps they expected to
weigh less in their new light spring domes.
Reminded me of course of the man who fell
but of the fourth story but didn't mind, be
cause he had on his light fall underwear.
. . . Maxine Buren
MONDAV : i I' i i-'-;
American Lefloa auxiliary.
Woman's club, sun.
Banna Rom court. Order of
Amaranth, i moot at Siaaonl
templa. - -
Jason Leo Wtsleyaa Service
Guild with Mrs. Herman Beh
tusa. TM pjn.
Central WUlamctt Valley as
sociation of Phi Beta Kappa with .
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. John
son, set Jerris avenue, pjn. .
TUESDAY I : - -;f Uv '")
Chadwlck chapter. Order ef
Xasttrn Star. Masonic Umpl.
Woman's Relief Corps district
No. s annual convention. YMCA,
all day.
Missouri club auxiliary with
Mrs. P. C. Harland. 37S South
21st street, no-host luncheon.
: Yomarco class dessert luncheon
with Mrs. XL C Richards, 1S4S
North 21st street, 10S pan.
Phi Beta Kappas
Will Meet ,
The Central Willamette Valley
association of Phi Beta i Kappa
will meet Monday night at t
o'clock at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Charles H. Johnson, $62 Jer
ris avenue. .; . -,?r .. .. --',"-
Miss Jeanette Roberts will pre
side at the business meeting and
details of the spring awards to
outstanding 1 students at Willam
ette university, Linfield i college
and Oregon College of Education
at Monmouth will; be completed.
The program topic is t Philos
ophies of Education and Curricu
lum Building' which will be dis
cussed by President Harry L. Dil
lin, Dr. Thomas H. Tuftle and
Dr. W. C. Smith of the Linfield
college faculty. All Phi Beta Kap
pa members are invited to at-
y ! V H - i
Mrand Mrs. Edward Roth and
children, Barbara and Jimmy, are
spending the weekend in Port
land at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ml C Hemenway.
Mrs. Roth's sister-in-law, Mrs.
William Hemenway and ion. Bill
of New York City, have arrived
from the east coast and will visit
. at the Hemenway home in Port
land until June When Mr. Hem
enway joins his family.
7 'If i 11 v7 Mr'te"
i - a t i f a v. c i it m
' .V W Ml-'
M r V tj
' , a aM ' I . . Ja m SVf ' I
get - together (for 'teen agers)
Sensible, Isn't it? Well any
Vows Read"
r Mrs. Jennie B. Witcher and
Mr. Charles J. Thomas were
quietly married Wednesday night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
. . Dale Taylor on South Commer
cial street Rev. George H. Swift
officiated at toe t o'clock serv
ice, -ii ' -.-' .,
Mrs. Dale Taylor sang "Be
cause" before the ceremony and
Miss Marguerite Ordway played
, the accompaniment and wedding
march. I ' : ' .
i The bride wore s mulberry vel
vet gown; and carried a shower
bouquet Of carnations. Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor attended the couple.
At the reception which fol
lowed Mrs. A. Hodges cut the
bride's cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will re
side at their home on East Center
street j
Salem Daashters ef the Nile
. will meet at the Masonic Temple
Monday morning at 10 o'clock.
vAfter several hours of sewing for
the shrine .hospital : s luncheon
will be served. The committee In
cludes Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mrs. Ar
thur Hunt and Mrs. J. M. Throne.
-Plans will be completed for the
. annual bridge benefit : tea for
which the club will be hostess on
Thursday April 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Bon aid K. Jones
and Mr. i and Mrs. Ellis Jones
: were in Portland Wednesday to
attend the open house for which
Mrs. Anderson Cannon was host
ess in compliment to her father,
Mr. M. I J o n e s, on his 85th
birthday. ; Mr. Ronald and Mr
Ellis Jones are" sons of the honor
guest, who now lives in Portland
with his daughter. '
Permanent -Posh
tvsve tfii Cf
Complete.- V)5I
Open Thurs. Eve.
by Appointment
- Phone 26(3
SOS First National Bank Bid.
? Castle Perm Wavers S
I, Merry, taks this
lovely 'wedding
dress to love and to
cherish, to wear
haprjlly bn my wed-
jj j j i
uwq uuy aau kj iw ii
And ' L promise to
pass it! on to my
children, and cjrand
children so that they
too can carry on the
tradition; of the wed
ding In white.
For Music.
Week .
" Music week will come of age
this year for it wCI be 91 years
old. Beginning May 7, the cele
bration will continue through the
next Sunday. This year as in the
past, a week of musical program
wCI call attention to the people
of Salem and hundreds of other
cities in ths country, the impor
tant part that music plays in the
life of the civilian especially
during the years of war.) -I
t The theme will be "Foster un
ity for war and the peace to fol
low" and Oregon and Salem, will
be directed In ths celebration by
. Mrs. Walter Denton and her com
mittees. The purpose of week of
music, is to encourage greater
emphasis on music in the home,
school and community. '-
i Uuslc week, which was "Na
tional Music week for 1? years,
is now "International."
Mrs. Denton has been stats
chairman for all of the 21 years,
and Salem chairman all but the
first year. She has named the
following assistants for Salem:
I Jessie Bush Mlckelson, v 1 c e
" chairman: Miss Dorothy Pearce,
"president of the Salem n)usic
teachers; Mrs. David Eason,
.woman's. division, state peniten
tiary and Old People's Home;
Mrs. Mary Talmadge Headrick,
" publicity; Bertha Junk Darby, fi
nance; Mrs. T. S. Roberts, cleri-
cal; Miss Ruth Bedford,' service
clubs; Miss Margaret Hogg, radio.
Mrs. Irl McSherry, American Le-
, gion auxiliary; Mr. John Schmidt
jr, churches; Mrs. Esther Little,
Mrs. Margaret Macy Wilson and
Virginia Ward Elliott, special
.program for young people; C A.
Kells, YMCA; Miss Maybelle
Franer and Mrs. Maurice Bren-
nen. Junior Women's club state
concerts; Dean Mel vin Geist,
Lewis Pankaskie and Bennet
L u d d en, Willamette university;
Urn: .
She will be glad to meet all of her old
? 1 -
Frank Bennett, Lena Belle Tar
tar, Gretchen Kreamer, Carl A
chenbrenner and Vernon Wiscar
son, public schools. " -
Mrs, Denton has requested that
suggestions regarding talent to
appear during music week, may
be made to Mrs. Denton, 75 14 or
Mrs. Mlckelson, 2232.
The American War Mothers
wCI meet for s business sessionT
at the home of Mrs. Mabel Lock
wood, 3S3 North liberty street, .
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. .
Under a
you'll be the
picture of Eas
ter e n chant
ment! Gleam
ing straws .
- big with femin
ine appeal. ?
- of business ' -
Make youT appointments for permanent
now for
i - mrwtww vva I -. V '. I II
VK SPECIALIZE in permanent1 waving of fine-textured
lir . . . If you hare fine hair and have been having trcuhla j K v '
sking it 'ctay in," we suggest yea tali to some of ths . . ' H. -
hundreos we have served in
can give you a very satisfactory permanent.
peons c:i
Mrs. Yeary-to
Speak Monday .
At the meeting Monday night
at the Salem Woman's club the
American Legion auxiliary "child
welfare committee has arranged
to have Mrs. Bernlce Skinner
Yeaiy of the Marion county
health department talk on "Child
Care) Today." Mrs. Ruby Bergs
vik,; secretary of the Marlon
County Public Health association.
customers . and , friends in
the past few months. 7e know
WUS w "
Nutrition," which shows the food
problems of England in cqmpar.
lson to our problems In this coun
tTv : ' "' ; - : " '
The business meeung wiu con
vene st I o'clock with Mrs. James
A. G arson presiding. Mrs. W. H.
Balllie is chairman of the child
welfare committee.
Mrs. Carl Q. CoUins and davsh
iter, Conrie, are leaving Monday
for the Dorchester House to vaca
tion for a week.
Second Floor
her: new place'
- - - . in