The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 02, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    V Parties for Republicans ...
Two outstanding, affairs scheduled-this month for Pro-America
members "are the reception on Wednesday night for Mrs. Sanborn
Young, president of the National association of . Pro-America, and
the morning reception for Governor, and Mrs. John W. Bricker of
Ohio on Thursday, April 13. '';'r;:-r;r-" "- '
Mrs. Young,' known professionally as Ruth'" Comfort Mitchell,
will be the speaker and honor guest at the Pro-America meeting and
reception In the Mirror room of the Marion hotel. Presiding the affair
she will be honored at a buffet dinner, at the home of Mrs. Charles
.'A. Sprague. ' Y : Y'::-::,; Y; - Y;-v- - Y'Y,;Y4-
Guests will be Mrs. Young, Mrs. L L Riggs, state" president of
Pro-America, Mrs. George T. Gerlinger. Mrs. Paul Keeney, Miss
Dorothy Cornelius, Miss Isabel Childs,' Mrs. Winifred " Pettyjohn,
Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs. M. M. Magee, Mrs. Paul Heath and Mrs. Walter
Spauldlng. - y
The 8 o'clock meeting and reception which will follow Is open
to all Pro-America members and the Interested public Mrs. Joseph
ine Albert Spauldlng will sing, accompanied by Miss Alice Cfaryv
Brown and Mrs. Joseph Feltoh will lead the pledge to the flag. Y
Members of the local Soroptomist club will decorate, using their
colors, blue and gold. Mrs. Young is a member of the Soroptimist
club. ; . i
' I ' ' i -
, Miss Alene Phillips will Introduce to the receiving line which
will include Mrs. Walter Spauldlng, president of the Marion county
chapter, Pro-Americai Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs. L L Riggs, Mrs. George
T. Gerlinger, Mrs. Paul Keeney, Mr. Cliff Lewis, Dr. O. A. Olson and
Mr. Paul Heath. ' j
Mrs. Robert Farell and Mrs. Frederick Lamport will preside at
the serving table and assisting will be Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs. James
TurnbuU, Mrs. Herman Lanke, Mrs. Norma Shaw, Mrs. M. MY Ma
gee, Mrs. Glenn Wade, Mrs. Paul Heath and Miss Dorothy Come-
lius. Assisting about the Mirror room will be Pro-America women.
Reception At Snells For Mrs. Bricker
Mrs. John W. Bricker. wile of Ohio's governor, will be honored
at an informal reception at the home of Governor and Mrs. Earl
Snell on Fcdrmount hill the mgrning of April 13. The reception hour
Is from 11 to 12 o'clock and Pro-America members and all interested
persons are invited to come and meet Mrs. Bricker. Governor Brick
' er, who will be at the chamber of commerce at a round table discus
sion, plans to arrive shortly after 11:30 o'clock to Join his wife at the
reception. A luncheon at 12:30 o'clock will honor Governor and Mrs.
Bricker at the Marion hoteL Y
Mrs. Miller Hayden will introduce to the receiving line which
will include Mrs. .Walter Spaulding, Mrs. Earl Snell, "Mrs. Bricker,
Mrs. Robert S. Fanell, Mrs. Leslie Scott, Mrs James Mott and Mrs.
LL Riggs. i ,
Mrs. John L. Rand and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace will greet the guests
at the door. Presiding at the coffee urns will be Mrs. Charles A,
Sprague and Mrs. Percy Kelly.
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I Pictured here are scenes
from the wedding of Mary
lee Fry and William Earl Snell
on March 25, -which joined two
prominent .Oregon' families, ;
Above is the new Mrs. Snell. .
pictured on the stairs of the
home of her parents on" Fair
mount! Hill." i.
At the left are the two famil
ies J at the reception. Left to
right are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
J. Fry, Governor and Mrs. Earl
Snell and Mr. and Mrs. William
At the right are two pictures
cf the bridal couple as they left
St Paul's Episcopal church aft
er the wedding. In the one, also
appear the bridesmaids, ' and
Mrs. Boyd Brown, the matron
of honor and Allan King the
best man. The groom," in the
uniform of the naval -medical
reserve, is studying at Univer
sity of Oregon Medical schooL
(Photos by Jesten Miller). '
A Social
Week for Salem
.: : : By JERYME ENGLISH ' . . l ,
".'-..)-.- - - - "' : Statesman Society Editor ' . J ;;. X , -
The coming week will be marked with several social functions including a benefit, dance, dinners and luncheon parties :
- Invitations have been received by several hundred members of th& younger set to a formal dancing party on Saturday, ' ' "
April 8 for which James Phillips, Stuart Compton and Richard Page will be hosts.' . j i - ;
The affair will be held at the Elks Temple with an orchesra playing for dancing from 9 to 12 o'clock Chaperones will be -parents
of the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Henry V Ctompton and Judge and Mrs. E. M. Page.
Spring Hats Previewed j
! A preview of spring hats will be shown at the Easter bonnet bridge benefiLon Wednesday night when members of thi
$alem Junior Woman's club will entertain at the clubhouse. The affair is being given for Mrs. James Pike, the club's delegate -'
to the national convention in St Louis, Missouri, the end of the months Proceeds will be used to defray her traveling expenses.
The hat show will beat 8 o'clock with cards following. Mililer's will present the hats and Mrs. Lenard Kephart will be .
tfie commentator. Models will be Miss Nellie Forester, Mrs. Wayne Dobsori, Miss Juanita Syverson, Mrs.: Howard Conkle and -Mrs.
Howard Eismann. ?Mss Margaret Hood will play incidental music during the show. The club rooms will be festive with ,
spring blossoms and Easter decorations. J r i , ;
Guests are asked to bring their own card accessories and those wishing reservations may call; Mrs. Clinton Standi sh, 1
chairman, at 8407, or Mrs. Lee Crawford at 6463. , " j ; - . H ; i 1;. & 1
For The Listers ' ' - - . . - ' - , , i 'i , - , J -
Two au revoir parties are being given this weekend for Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Lister." Mr j Lister leaves the first of :
the week for Portland where he is resuming private law practice. Hel has been connected with' the kxttomey general's office -here.
Mrs. Lister and their two children will join him after school is put in June. , . ! . ; , " 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan B. Pearson were dinner hosts Saturday night at their home on Center street for the pleasure of Mr, '
. end Mrs. Lister. I Bridge was in play during the evening. , . i -
This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Arens are entertaining at a 4 o'clock dinner for Mr. and. Mrs. Lister Honoring the Listert'-'
'will be Mr. and Mrs.'Dan HayMr: .end Mrs. Fj Ivan Browa pnd Mr. and Mrs. Arens; ,. . r j
'A Dessert Bridge T i f ' - " k . I - ' . I 1 I -MS-
Mrs. Kenneth Barker and her sister, Mrs. Daryl Burres, have Invited a group oi friends "to a dessert luncheon on Tuesday
cfternoon at the former's home on Rose street s - I ' " , - i . i ; . ,
Guests will be seated at small tables and the Easter motif will be carried out in the appointments. Bouquets of daffc
dils and quince will used about the rooms. Contract bridge will be in play during the aftemoonV -
Covers will be placed for Mrs. Warren Baker. Mrs. Harold Busick; Mrs. Clinton Standish. Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs. Lowell
White. Mrs. Charles Wood, Mrs. Dan Hay, Mrs. Gordon Thompson. Mrs. Lewis Mitchell, Mrs. Loren Loose, Mrs. Dayl Burres :
ccid Mrs. Kenneth Barker. , - 1 -. 1
Luncheon For A Visitor' . f ' ' ? - .4 . :
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers and her sister. Miss Dorothea Steusloff have invited a few iriends to luncheon Monday ciS- '
moon for the pleasure of Mrs. Paul Asmussen CMorley Brand) at the former's home on North I3ih street " '
Mrs. Asmussen has been.visiting at the home of her parents. Judge end Mrs. James T. Brand, and plans 4o leave' on '
Wednesday for Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, to Join her army sergeant husband. He visited here several weeks ago.
Covers will be placed for Mrs." Asmussen. Mrs. Tames T. Brand. Mrs. Fi W. Pooman. Mrs. Valter Kirk. Mrs,' Melvin Geist
I!:-3 Steusloff and i. Irs. Chambers. - . - -
Two ' Dinner- Parties
' Dr. and Jfrs. Herbert E. Rahe were hosts for two smartly,
arranged parties the past week at their home on North Winter
street On Thursday night they invited guests to dinner. The
table centerpiece was of spirea, daffodils and greenery and ar
rangements of daphne and hyacinths were used about the"
auest rooms. . . .
" Covers were placed for Dr. and Mrs. Ernest C Richards,
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gatke, Professor and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs
and Dr. and Mrs. Rahe.
- Guests were bidden to a buffet supper Friday night,-The
Individual tables Were centered with vases of spring flowers.
Bridge was in place during the evening with prizes going to
Dean and Mrs. Walter Erickson.
Places were laid for Dean and Mrs. Melvin Geist'Dean
and Mrs. Walter Erickson, Dr. and Mrs. H. C Hutchins, Dr. and
Mrs., Charles H.' Johnso Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLeod and
Dr. and Mrs. Rahe. j .
To Say Ail -Revoir. . . .
A number of au revoir parties are being given for Dr. and
Mrs. Stuart Lancefield this week prior to .his' departure for the
navy on April 10. He has received his commission as a lieu
tenant 0g) and will report to Bremerton. His wife and family
plan to remain here for the time being. 1
? , Mr. and Mrs.'Wililam H. Dashney were hosts for an infor
mal get-together Saturday night at their home on Trade street
for the Lancefiolds. ' '
V.' Dr.'and Mrs. P. S. Wolfe will be hosts on Thursday for the
Lancefields and on Saturday Dr. and Mrs. 'A. Terrence King
are arranging party far the couple at their home on Saginaw
strest-' " - ! - - ' . " - ; -
Society Clubs: ' fylusic
I In Salem for Awhild L . .
Coming, back to Salem to reside are Mrs. Edward Raffety
and little daughter, Sunan. Mrs. Raffety is the former Bunny
i Miller and she and her daughter Will remaih here while Mr.
I Raffety is in the navy. He came north with his family and is
mow waiting his calL - The Raffetys have been making their
j home In Long Beach, Calif,'
Miss Marie Patton has been spending the week at the'
i home of her mother, Mrs. Hal D. Patton. She has been In Pros
. i ser. Wash., with the army engineers and will continue, with
! the same work with the navy in the Mojave desert in southern
s California She expects to leave for the south on Tuesday.
'( - Mrs. Earl Flegel will leave on Thursday for her home in
Mineral Wells, Texas, after spending a fortnight at the home
i of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner. She also visited
ln Portland with her husband's mother. Mrs. A. H. FlegeL
4 Mrs. Leon Perry and her sons, Stephen and David, are ex
j pected home Tuesday from a three weeks stay in Los Angeles
where they were the guests of her mother. Mrs. H. H. Marsden.
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News About Travelers ... i
" T . - - : ' i- '; " ' , j ; ; - : " '
. s . . i " 1 ": .
' Many service wives are leaving within the next fortnight
to join their husbands while still others have come back here
to make their home. . . j,-- I
- Mrs. Oiandler Brown is entraining April 13 for Washington,
DC, to Joint Lt (Jg) Brown, who is now stcmoned in me nation's
capital city. She plans to be gone several months and her. chil
dren will remain in Salem. . , j ' . I
Mrs. James J. Walton and children. Jeff and Elisabeth, are
1 leaving this week for Seattle where Lt (jg) Walton is stationed.
He has secured a house there for his family,'
Entraining Friday for the east coast will be Mrs. John Kelly
'and young son, Jeffrey, who are going to Asbury Park, New
Jersey to be with Mr. Kelly. He is a second class petty officer
! in the navy. Mrs. Kelly and her son have been residing in Sa
j lem mis winter with Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren. Mrs. Kelly is the for
j mer Lucile Brcdnard. 5 Accompanying her east will be Mrs. Ed
I win McWain (Barbara Hollingworth), going to Camp- Dupont
I Delnware . whers her armv lieutenant husband is stationed, i
I Mrs. McWain has been In Salem the past week visiting her hus-1
j band's parents. Mr. and' Mrs. Homer .McWain, and her sister,
I Mrs. Ralph, Nohlgren.' ' ' ' ' ' ' .'
! Mrs. Asa C Wilson.': fr. (Elisabeth Lewis) left Thursday for
i Colorado Springs, Colorado to be with her husband, Lt Wilson, j
! who was formerly stationed at Camp Adair. Before going to I
Colorado Mrs. Wilson will visit relatives in San Fraadsco. In
June she will go on to Vanderbilt coDege at Nashville Tenn.,
to complete work on her master's degree. For me past year
i she has been a member of the high school faculty at Vancou
1 ver. Wash. She is the daughter of Mr. and MrsW. L. Lewis..
I Return To The':Capit& : : 5
i Mrs. Robert Hamilton (Mdriarie .Waters) arrived Saturday I
! to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Waters, while En-1
i sign Hamilton is overseas. For the past three months she has.
j been in Baltimore, Washington, DC, New York and Norfolk,;
'Virginia, with her navy husband. i They were married in the!
.; east in October. . The young couple took an interesting trip
j by ..steamship from IJorfolk to Washington, DC, before Ensign!
i Hamilton left -.In the ccpital they were the guests cf his uncle, f
Ian army major. . . r-j.j : - 1- ; j
-. Ecing welcomed beck' to" Solera ere Mr. and. Mrs. Hollyj
' Jackson end yecr eld scni rhillip. lr. Jackson has received a:
medical discharge from the navy and for the past year they
i have been living In San Francisco while he wa3 stationed at thej
i 'Alameda naval cdr bcc3 The Jacksons resided here before.
rh went in the service 13 monihs crso. I