The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 02, 1944, Page 12, Image 12

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    Tat OSEGOH STATESMAN Scclcxa. Oregon, Sunder? Morning. April 1 13 U
WEc onv (MhesrcyiiD
By Ethan Grant
Mr. Churchill In his Sunday
broadcast spoke of many things,
but not until he mentioned radar
did the wide world sit bolt up
tight and cock its: collective ear.
Radar was, "until then, the great
est military ' secret of all time, be
ing known only to the allied fight
ing men, the Japs and the nazis.
The fact that I have been a ra
dar enthusiast in fact, a collector
of radars almost since its in
ception, may come as a surprise
to even my closest relatives. And
so, with Mr. Churchill's implied
sanction,' believe l may now
tell you about it
-A an instrument of magic, ra
dar has no peer and only one
equal,' the scuttlebutt. The differ
ence is that, where the scuttlebutt
i employs the spigot and the rumor,
radar , is equipped with, a . potent
finger of invisible light It , is an
( amazingly stout finger, with
! which all manner of objects can
be picked up, including subma
brines and even mountains. : r
Imagine if you can the degree
f of annoyance to the commander
: of a submarine when it is picked
up by radar and suddenly dropped
on its , back on the ; hard ocean
: surface; There is as yet no au-
: thoritatively reported instance of
i it dropping a mountain :' on its
; back, but this is because moun
i tains are not easily annoyed, and
of no great military, value on their
; backs anyway. -!-; .;;
Radar can also pick up steel
buildings, radio broadcast stations
and other vitally Important ob-
jects. Sailors are said' to be using
i it in San Diego for picking up
i dates. , i ......
As most truly great inventions
i are, the .mechanics of radar are
fundamentally simple. It consists
of a nnall box containing; besides
Its sensitive-finger and cuticle,
five klystron radiation tubes with
heterodyne, .J-phase tuning,! a hot
wire ammeter, a type I change
over switch with a small bank of
i ley den-jar condensers in -parallel
I with a series of quench gaps, a
rotary nonsynchronous converter
and a primary copper helix for
: measuring the calibrated output
The parts, if you want to build
your own, may be obtained at
i almost any radio repair shop
which is located next -door to a
fish market on the east side of a
I through street , ;
It should, . but never .: does, go
. without saying that the radar is
already credited with some mar
velous accomplishments. A super
model, built and installed espe
cially for Mr. Churchill, is said
to enable the prime minister to
, sit in his office at No. 10 Down
ing street and melt the medals on
Himmler's chest or open Hitler's
private mail.
' Few persons without technical
Ithowiedge can appreciate , the
magic! wonders of radar or easily
' Imagine, some of the purposes it
can be made to serve. It sounds
a little incredible that on Battle-
, ship X the junior communications
officer employed a homemade
model for analyzing the contents
:of a plate of hash. Or that on De
' 'stroyer B a radar built by a cook's
'apprentice in his spare time was
used for ascertaining the fertility
of the soil under a coxswain's
'nails, r . -".--."j- ;;:':( ".
Perhaps we ought to comment
briefly on the future of radar,
especially since it is now abund-
. ' antly evident that it may have an
exceptionally interesting : 'uture. It
has great promise as an aid to
the neglected housewife. Since it
can be tuned to metallic objects,
a wife can adjust her radar to her
husband's belt buckle as he leaves
the house at night and, no matter
where he goes or what he does,
he will be followed by that dia
bolical finger of invisible light
Tax Proposal
Frees Income .
Of Dependents
WASHINGTON, April 1 -CP) !
Radar will also be a boon to old
maids who return home from " an
evening at the movies' wondering
if any tramps are bidden under
the- bed. Rartar la TAnKn11
sensitive , to the presence A Proposal to exempt the income
tramps, having been used exten- ?f df?endens rm tm'
sively in Japanese waters for 1 1CM 'tr t
means committee.
Thus, the small earnings 1 of
children, if congress finally writes
Home Ec Club
Holds Party
tracking down" tramp steamers.
The development of radar mak
es : av short but thrilling I story.
Thrmierh ' '" an lnsm,iinnl . a
' " ..w -i :- I - :, , ,
change of scientific findings by fV ' 7.oulu "Uk
-il h- rw . considered in computing the par-
eretlv Ainnnwr i iq? inrisne tax liability.
carefully guarded by them from computation of the income
all th minor nation. Hnwvr aeperoenw vt
Ha adaDUtion as a nossible war taxpayer! income now is requir-
woannn Warn in Amoriran mil. 1 d fa most States, but Some pef-
Itary secret and was scarcely rnitithe taxpayer to "emancipate''
published anywhere except in the UW1 " ""'"r
Saturday Evening Post in i 1939. , mcome u;novinuuaea mine par-
it Has jsinee been synchronized I en" return ana vxm parcnis
with the ack-ack batteries and is . lm "ia IOT aepenaency
automatic and deadly accurate; exemption
except for Mr, Churchill, ; Basic I War-time taxes moved in on 1
English and the element Of human the nation's drinking, dancing and
error. entertainment habits tonight at a
billion dollars a year rate.
So-called luxury taxes ranging
from 30 per cent on night club
checks to 15 per cent on your
telephone began at midnight as
part of the new $2,315,000,000
revenue act
- at L a. V at a a . a aa '
JEFFERSON The Home Eco- adoui jwi me tax diu wiu
nomics dub of Morning Star 00X09 out of n-on's spending
grange met Tuesday with Mrs. monT The rest comes from
Gilbert Groshong for a covered Wgher ! postal ra t e s, corporation
dih dinner nd ana ; mamauai income taxes.
noon. m. H.mid w-etrntt - 1 The drinkers bear the brunt of
listed the hostess. Prize. wer- the luxury rates: $9 a gallon on
won bv Mrs. Dale Gronso. and kard Uquor and 38 on a barrel of
Mrs. Robert Groshong. Twelve That's $3 more for liquor
members were present Mrs. and $1 more for beer. Wine taxes
Lloyd Hilliker and Mrs. William un in amounts ranging from
Grenz will be hostessM for the W Pr cent
next meeting at the home of the other increases go on fur
former. ,. coats, jewelry, I luggage, light
Marianne Ammon entertained bulblI ! theatre admissions, travel
last week with a buffet dinner at tickets, telephones, telegrams and
her home two miles southwest of toUet foods.
Jefferson,, honoring the birthday
anniversaries of - her sister, Mrs. SilvertOn Woman Will
nrrtn Smifh ni aunt Hf-a I I ; f .
ham Grenz and also her brother .1 Visit in South Dakota
Leland Ammon. Thirty-five SILVERTON Mrs. Albert
guests were present Grindej has left for Sioux Falls,
Mrs. Evalyn Wall who has been SD. to-visit her son, Lee Grinde,
. . ' . a .a
ill for some time, left for Beaver- wno is m a muitary school there.
ton on last week to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Crowson
her daughter Mrs. Leo Mars and and son Wesley plan to move to
fbur Krister lPr0Q6nfirjitiniri: nf
i . ....... i -
UttS-;-!ancl. TO PC
Two great firms have collaborated
to produce a combination master
piece vl. pure, all-wool worsted fab
rics tailored into garments that will
make! you proud every' time you
wear one. $45. .
Silverton Hills
Clinic Planned
Portland to make their home in
the near Jtuture. They have lived
here for the past two years and all
three work in the shipyards. They
will leave their 11-year-old
daughter, " Elaine, with the Harold I
Roop family, and their 18-month
old son with Gladys Smith.
SILVERTON The Silverton
Hills Home Economics club will
hold an all-day meeting April 6 7llvif Rivftiri
at the grange hall. Francis Clin- " UilCy DUIIIS
will open a sewing machine clinic L.c ti, r n
a i I to Sgt and Mrs. Jack Connell at
at 10 o'clock and women are in
vited to bring their sewing ma
chinesi -
the :Woodburn hospital Monday,
March i 2T. He has been named
They are also asked to bring an i,,tv. ! .iijv-.- iu..v
old toothbrush or small ; paint nrm-. frtrMM, nl nE, ,
AarV 4a w VmVI WW ViW ,
brush, some wing feathers from and 2 ounces and i, the
a small screw driver, an oil can,
a pie tin, old clotn, several oia
newspapers, two small dishes in
which to soak machine parts, an
apron or smock, a spool of thread,
scraps of goods and the book
which came with the machine if
it can be found.
first grandchild of Mrs. Molly
Hunt, of the John Hunt & Son
insurance? agency. His mother is
the former Gelta Mae Hunt :
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Conrad Dahl have received word
of the- birth of a granddaughter,
born Sunday at Portland. Mr.
and J Mrs. - Donald Moore are the
parents. :This is their second
child, both girls. The Moores for
merly lived here. i
,. t rooo
Canned coods Blua itimM A
B. Ci. X and KS worth 10. poinU
ach. . - ' : :.
Meat, cheese, canned fish end edl
bleiat. Red stamps AS. BS, CM. DS, XX,
TS. C8, H8. JS vaUd now.- .. ;
Sucar -mm Stimo number '30 Kood
for tiW . poundi ausar indefinitely.
Stain d,-, 31 cood befmnlni April 1.
Stamp 40 good for five pounds can
ninf-sufar unui Marca u uho. ,
Slimn No! IS ttaott ana cood'. X-
BtrM.AnrH 3b AirDiane toia No. 1
lid indefinitely.' ; stamps tn-
.... ''tfnM.uMmm j, . .
' '-iuni'l 1 'expiration date- of No. 11
s X coupon. .May renew B or c cou
. pons within but not beioie It days
1. Value of saaoline eoupona: A, Bl,
CI.' S callonsr'.BS.' CZ. R and T. S
gallons; D. 1J gaUons:; C i gallon.
Period. 4 eouDona eood through
Sfpt ember ,30. Coupon -wUh gallons
. printed on the face valid for amount
Indicated until expiraUoa date an own
n. coupon sneeu f ,
' .; rates ' ' :- --u :
A aver S months Ibv March 31:
B every 4 months (by June. ); C
very X months; T every monuis
t 5000 miles; ox ormng. ;
Purchaser must get certificate at
ration board for new stove. ;
- aMM.-k a a nvntra v m sT. i"
Fuel dealer deliver Vy . prioritlas
I eased oa need.
Board May Try
Age Pension Raise
The state public welfare commis- sviu unmy cnanes is tne
sion hinted today, it may; again name ot we second child and son
try to raise old age pensions. horn to Mr. and Mrs. Herman
There are many cases where Ruettgers j of Sublimity, March
single pensioners can not get by 22 ni with his mother is ex-
on .$40 a month now permitted, pected; home this weekend,
and some need $63, J. H. Luthn, Mrs. Ruettgers is the former
chairman, and Miss Loa Howard, Ruby Rbsprafka, daughter of
secretary, said. They indicated Mr. ; and 'Mrs. Anton ' Rosprafka,
they may present the facts to the farmers on, Thomas! creek a few
state legislature. miles east of Sdo. She was a mu-
The resignation of Clyde Getz, I sic. Instructor in Scio and Stay-
child welfare director, was ac-J ton communities for several
cepted, . K t , , . . years.
SiAanmoa i
,n iaainii ..ii ...
cseti urn m ra.rtr suits
I ' fli t ft
6ncl Laying
oue wii tUa
tideal DUliieo
. tcmtl
icu. too. err 17
t And Ilatchcrr,
Kt s. Cox SI rtona J-221S;
In Ualsci Vcscsrs
Superbly styled in the mod-
ra tn t n a a .1 J
matched striped walnut ve
neers, this suite is one of
the : most stunning designs
it. . .
yo i uw season: v xnciuaes
massive panel bed, chest.
MM Vaults Hull UOH.II. .
'h; ' ! ;
j ' i i t . . .- '. :.. .. ; , ,.
- " ra'T "" i i 1' ' ; i' -.''
! L d
ri . ! . i .;. v i r- f,
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i ' ' 1 i ' " ' -1 ' - r '.V'
- . '' ; -j . ; -'m'u ; -
See TKemi Tomorrow a!T
L -
"Salem's Style Cenier forMen'1.
" T' : "
BISHOP'S brmg yc
. . -- i 1 'i
r1 ri
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m -' "r- .i-'v..;,-.:-,,...iisv.v.i- i
Calen, C: e.