Th OZ2GON STATCCZXAIL Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 19. 1814 . '- ' FAGS EIGHT Tea Meeting For Town And Gown . Town and Gown members win meet in the Carrier room ol the First Methodist church on Thurs day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock to hear Father Doherty speak. He is pastor at the Gervais Catholic church and the author ot "House on Humility Street" Mrs. Violet Burlingham will sing and her ac companist will be Miss Alice Crary Brown. '. . i ' - At the tea hour Mrs. Frank El liott and Mrs. George C Bliss will pour. An arrangement of pffnHii violets and j f orsythia will center the tea table. Mrs. Frank James heads the tea committee and assisting are Mrs. Blaine -Brown, Mrs. Joseph Davidson, Mrs. B. C Hunter, Mrs. N. J. Undgren. Mrs. W. J. Liljequist, Mrs. Morton K. Peck, Mrs. Rex Putnam, Mrs. M. P. Adams, Mrs. H. WuliamThlelsen, Mrs. Albert Gille, Mrs. Walter B. Minier, Mrs. H. G. Smith and Mrs. David Cameron, j Couple Married At Home Rites Miss Anna Dierkson land Mr. J. P. Hayward were j married March 14 at o'clock with Rev. J. M. Franz officiating, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. WedeL . ! - Candelabra, large baskets of carnations, f orsythia, daffodils and snapdragons formed the setting for the" nuptials; - The bride Is a well known reg istered nurse at the Salem Dea coness hospital a n d j Cottage Home and is known as Sister Anna, ' ' 1 ; f " ' Mr. Hayward has been em ployed by the Salem Deaconess hospital for a number of years. The bride chose a navy blue suit with white accessories for her wedding. Her corsage was gardenias and freeztas. j At the reception Mrs. F. F. Wedel and Miss Margaret Wed el cut ices. Miss Selma Hilmer pre sided at the punch bowl. Serving were Mrs. Ray Stofer, Mrs. Jack Henningsen, Miss Katie ' Regier and Mrs. Erwin WedeL . . ' ' i . - : . " . - ) A .Oregon Mothers . Meet Monday The home of Mrs. C. P. Bish op will be the scene of the Uni verjity of Oregon Mothers tea meeting Monday afternoon. All Oregon mothers, whether they . have been contacted by phone or . not, are invited to attend the i meeting at 230 o'clock and tea will be at 3 o'clock. ; J Mrs. Walter L. Spauldtng will ; preside at the meeting, j Arran ging the tea are Mrs. Taylor Hawkins, chairman, Mrs. Lester Barr, Mrs. George Arbuckle, Mrs. Thomas Hill, sr, and Mrs. Ray mond Walsh. AAUW recent graduates will meet with Mrs. Dick Tatro, 441 North 18th street Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Robert! Wilson will be the assisting hostess; Miss Constance Fowler will talk on Art for the Home." I ; Tja, .. ?. . ; Mrs. Beyd E. Brewn and her son, Brian,, of Seattle will arrive in the capital Monday to spend several weeks at the home of her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Crain. : . j : Mrs. L. D. Wyatt f till North. Cottage street is visiting her daughter, Mrs. DeEtta Forster in Lebanon. , ! 0PEI1-T0E Ves, yare toeint; tW fashion marK--suid tii ttcr?i tlonj with tut tad eoolnea im dm wpesiHo stjlcs. Tlis non-slip heel makes a eoniortahlt contribution tool! Mi x. ana Mrs. &an a. cnapier are xoaay announcing 'ithe betrothal of Iheir daughter. Miss Doris Adelle Chapter, to Mr. Merlon Clay Cole, United States navy, son of Mrl and Mrs. Emery M. Cole of Portland. No plans have been, made for the wedding. The news was told Thursday night to Miss Chapler's Alpha Delta H sorority sisters! at a fireside at the chapter house on the University of Oregon campus, where shels a sophomore. Miss Chap ler Is a graduate of Salem high school. Her fiance Is an air radio mate, and has been at radio school at -Corpus -Christl- for two years. He Is now In California awaiting assignment He attended schools in Roseburg. (Photo by, Kennell-EUisX 1 CLUB CALENDAR . i-' MONO AT St. Anne's Guild with Mr. Breyman Boise. SO Court street. 1 pa. i American Lesion auxiliary birthday party. Woman's club house, a p.m. Kappa Kappa Gamma, bridge party with Mrs. Bruce Spaulding. IIS West Lincoln street. S pjn. University of Oregon Mothers meeting and tea at home of Mrs. C P. Bishop. 783 Court street. S JO p.m. Leslie Methodist WSCS. with Mrs. Donald Daris. 1994- Fir - street: Hal Hibbard camp and aux iliary meet at Veterans' bail. S p.m. i TUESDAY Book-a-Monta club, with Mrs. R. D. i Parts. 2199 South High street. 1:19 pjn. AAUW recent graduates with Mrs. Dick Tatro, 441 North 18th street. I p.m. ; Salem Ministers Wives' asso ciation with Mrs. Weaver Hess, U04 Jefferson street. 2 pjn. WEDNESDAY AAUW Afternoon Book Review section! with Mrs. Karl Kugel, 739 North Capitol. 1:19 dessert luncheon. Nebraska auxiliary with Mrs. Ida Knight. S23 North Winter street, covered dish luncheon. 8 , THURSDAY Town and Gown 'meet in Car rier room. First Methodist church. 230 pjn. FRIDAY Woman's Bible class. First Methodist church, with Mrs. A. A. Lee. 1919 SUta street. 1p.m. Patricia Evans Is Hostess Patricia Ann Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Evans, was hostess for a St Patrick's party at the home of her parents at Spring Valley Friday night Games i were in play with freshmen ts served later. i i re- Guests were Robert, Doris and Norman Smith, Patsy and Doug las Susmilch, j May eel McKinney, J eannette Martin and . Don . Ev ans. r 1 . t Mt A , Miss Minger to Review Book i Miss Edna Minger, professor of English at Oregon college of Ed ucation, will review the book, "A Journey Among Warriors,?- by Curie, this afternoon between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock at tht home Of Misses Ida Mae and f fie Smith, on East Lincoln street. This is the first of a series of book reviews planned for the pleasure of the members and friends of the Salem Business and Professional Women's club by the health and recreation committee of the club. I Mi i i Carolyn Stewart Will play a group of solos on her electric guitar. :.. : - : f-h i ! ' fi ! ? 1 ' , j i AAUW radla broadcast ob Tuesday over KOAC at 2 o'clock will feature Dr. Margaret L. , Fincke, professor of nutrition re search at Oregon State college. She will talk on 'Our Food kab- stf at faturtd in V V v. MADEMOISELLE 7 Aj j ? and T 1 1 1 l b ? HARPER'S BAZAAR 7 I) t trW atr jomz mnd tgy. Tbt drnsmsktr smt.. . soft md slim. ; i Tbt futd cost , , , perfc$ cMpni4 for evtrpbhig J mn. ' ; 1 Loth superbly UUorti h "VEZDONA", 100 Qudajygjon Seen and Heard ;. ., ' By IERYME ENGLISH i TOUSMASIENT E3TS . A full house for opening night . lots of cheering by the many, high school students . a grind turnout of townspeople, although familiar faces we have seen in the past were missing . . . En thusiastic rooters, who have had the same seats for years . ; Judge and Mrs. EL M. Page . . she attractive in blue with blue . and white striped jacket and blue hat with jaunty feather! . , Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barr . . Mr, and-Mrs. William L. Phillips ( . : .. the latter wearing a chie . i black hat with silk, jersey snood, . a gift of her husband (inciden tally ha picked it out himself) , . . The Howard Maples, Brey raaqBolses, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; ; Buggins, she smart in a - grey tanieur with small black calot and black accessories : . . Wel comed back after a several year's i absence were Mr. and Mrs. Wer ner Brown . . they have been in California and are now at their Leslie street home while Werner awaits army orders . ... On the sidelines as a specta tor, was Navy lieutenant Har old Hauk ... Other rooters . . I Mr. and Mrs. Brown E. Sis son,; the George Crolsans, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf, Miss Beryl Holt and Mrs. Tom Wolgamott . . i. .The Gordon Blacks had . their, usual, front row balcony seats . . . Arthur . Gibbard, .who: hasnt missed one of the 29 tournaments came ' down I from Seattle 1 for the games and re members seeing Slats GUI play In the first tournament ... One morning Mr. Gibbard took his grandson, Peter Manning, to his first game. ; There were girl ushers and pro gram tellers this year taking the place ot the Willamette men, who' have handled It In the past . . . and Willamette I faculty men; were at the gates . . . It seems that several service men arranged to have their furloughs during the tournament . . . No ticed. Kollie Haag, a navy avia tion cadet, with his "steady," Doris Berwick, home from Ore gon State college J . Lt Rob ert Gardner escorting Sally Mc Clelland , . . LL James Henry of the marine corps and Lt - Frank Evans. ' ' - BACK We can now deck ; the best- We have just returned from the east with the largest and newest stock of, the finest and mosti reputable jewelry money can buy. ; j : i j We now have a large selection of watches and rings of every description with a long price range. ; THE JEWEL BOX 443 State St. . - O tU wrli t stiles itantd hi ETTA GAYNFS 4m wool TAOFIC fsbrU, witbttnXat hrdijmhrtUerf. lined uiih EARLrGLO. U ligvj md CUck. , . j ATTENDS THE BUDS . . J Ann Huston, daughter of the 01-; tver B. Hustons, was one of Mary Vickery's bridesmaids at her wedding to Lt Eobert W. Sut- ton on March Iff. at St Mark's; Episcopal church la Berkeley , . V Ann and Mary were room mates at Roble hall on the Leland Stanford campus . . The bride first told her; engagement news on Monday night at her room at the hall and fit the Kappa Kap-j - y WPIiillisi W t ,l vis, May; later the couple became Mr. and Mrs. . . . Mary, Ann and other : , attendants rushed into San Fran cisco and bought dresses . . Ann's dress was bouffant style with embroidered bodice and the skirt In alternating shades of pink : and blue ... Mary will continue her studies at Stanford. AH XETOIE tea for Mrs. Guy EL Raymond on Wednesday when Mrs. -Robert M. Needham enter talned . . . M r s. R a y m o nd leaves Monday for her home in Winona, Minn, after three months stay here with her son-in-law and daughter. Lt and Mrs. Ralph E, Purvine ... . Guests enjoyed visiting in the at-; tractive living room of the Need-1 ham home . .: . Daffodils, forsy-1 thia and quince arranged about f the rooms and on the table a f bouquet of pink carnations, I sweetpeas and blue iris ( ; ii Mrs. Raymond wore a brown I silk crepe dress with aqua trim I and daughter, Jeanne, in a pretty J grey and yellow print . . . Moth- j er and daughter duos . . J Mrs. I Dan Johnston wearing a becom- ing black silk! dress with ' green print and Mrs. William Dick chic in a tulip red suit with brown furs and tiny navy blue pill box . . i . Mrs. WOliam C Dyer -and Mrs. Claybburne Dyer . . . the latter smart hi a black tafUeur with off the face hat and black and white checked taffeta blouse , !. Mrs. Carl G. Collins wearing an aqua wool crepe dress with brown hat with aqua feathers : . . ;. Mrs. W. L Needham poured and wore brown crepe and a soft blut hat . . J Catching the eye - of many were the red velvet ear rings worn by; Esther Baird . . !. Coming in fori a cup of tea after school was Mrs. T. W. Creech - wearing a good looking blue suit with blue and white check coat AGAIN. youtour m I Sam Muchnich, Prop. i thai j . I and navy ecessories Mrs. Arthur Bates in a brown plaid suit and blue top coat ARMT POST JOTTJNG3 . . Lt and Mrs. William C Dyer and their six weeks old son, Wil liam Connell, HL are now living in Colorado Springs, Colorado, while Lt Dyer is stationed at nearby Camp Carson V ; "They had been living In Arizona, and Mrs. Dyer's mother, Mrs. Harry Burniide, who went south when her grandson was born, expects to be home this week. The J. M. Lamb home will be ' the scene of a family reunion this . week when their daughter's hus band, Chief Warrant Officer Ri chard H. Jones, -arrives;; from Santa Barbara to join his wife and daughter, who have been visiting here, and Corporal Wil mer Lamb who comes from Fort . Stevens . . Recently Corporal Lamb went to California on fur lough . ; . . He made a complete circuit of the state visiting his brothers and sisters . 4 . In Chi co he stopped at the home of Lt and Mrs. Manyule Petteys (Ger trude Lamb) . . In Santa Ma ria with Lt John M. Lamb, jr, . and his bride and in Santa Bar ban with Warrant Officer and - - . - . v "Vio i - -" .;" '" ; Members ef the Fldells class el the First Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Mary Long, 473 Division street, for their regular monthly , business ' and ' social meeting. Mrs. Irvin A. Fox gave the devotions using "Prayer" as . her subject Mrs, W. R. Hicks as - president had charge of the bus iness session, at which time re ports from the various commit tees were given, . showing ' the summary of the work down by the class for the past year. There ere IS present Till MiUer's "WAVE" Day ; Tomorrow, Monday from 10:00 to 5:00 O'Clock If you are between the ages of , ; 20 and 36, in good health", with two or more years of . high school or business school and have no depend - ents underthe age of 18, you -can be c o m e a WAVE! Don't fail to "talk it over" with Mrs. Joan Obidine, r WAVE Recruiter. BE A VOLUNTEER!''.9 The "Needs You Now! . BRIDAL COUPLE Mr. and ' Mrs. Dcmiel E. Zeh CThelma Phyllis Morloy) who were inarxied on March 11 at fiie First Baptist church with a reception following at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. William H. Mor ley. The bridgegroom ts, .fce son of Mr. Daniel Zeh and Mrs. Olive Zeh. The newlyweds will reside in Salem. (Kennell-Ellis). ' ' - The Americaa War Mothers will meet for sewing at the USO all day on Tuesday. GET FULL JAW PAY ' in ExemxG jobs ivmi rl u. 5 . t - Service nnnnn -1 ' ri ' ; I I i .1. Eastern Star aaembers will meet at the Masonic temple Tues day night at 8 o'clock. . WAVE RECRUITER loan IbMlne At Ililler's Ilcsiay! - - 1 it ' i, m"j , It "-K,- J ,. '-! i.U.UL-JU ; . i! TAN BLACK BLUE Hkr$s ULLER'S US M.HStlTT a - SALCM