The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Music Week to
Begin May ,
National Music week
this year will be observed
from May 7 to 14, accord
ing to - Mrs. Walter Den
ton, who will again; serve
os state and lcccrl chair
man. ... . : j
Mrs. Denton will - an
nounce her state and lo
rn mmmlHpes soon. Tha
week, she says, will be
again sponsored by the
National Federation of-
Music clubs. As usual,
musical programs in chur
ches and schools, end
several other events will
feature Salem's celebra
tion cf the week.
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. . Society - 'Clubs Music
It Was a Church Ceremony
Lt Wallace E. Hancock, Jr., United States army, slipped a slender gold
band on the left hand of Miss Estelene Smith Saturday night at a ceremony in
the First Presbyterian jchurch at 8 o'clock, f Rev. H. E. Scheuerman of Monmouth
officiated before a large assemblage of guests. I J
- Pink and white, with touches of blue, were colors selected by the bride,
for her wedding. The altar was decorated with baskets of pink and white
carnations, cola lilies', snapdragons and stock. The many white tapers were j1
lighted by Miss Irene; Berning and Miss Audrey Hancock of Los Angeles, the 7
bridegroom's sister. They, wore pink silk dresses. Mrs. Richard Bell sang "God
Gave Me You" and "I Love You Truly" before the bridal party entered. Miss
Alice Rose was the organist I !
. The tall, brunette, bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith and
she was given in marriage by her fatheri' For her wedding she chose a white
slpper satin gown fashioned with a full skirt which terminated in a train and
khg sleeves witfi points over the wrists,' The fitted bodice was made with a
sweetheart neckline enhanced with seed pearls and tiny self covered buttons
In back. . .y.v:r:.y:,. . r . v;;. ; ; -.); 1 .
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Her train-length tulle veil was edged in lace and cascaded from a crown 1
of seed pearls. Around her neck was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bride- !
groom. She carried a bouquet of pink roses, gardenias and orchids, f -;
Miss Betty Jean Smith was her cousin's maid of honor and Mrs. Charles '
Harris of Portland (Lbretta Smith) was herslster's matron of honor. The brides-'
medds were two other sisters, Mrs. Louis Cross (Neva Smith) and Mrs. James
Hurd (Ada Mae Smith), and Miss Marjarie Price and Miss Georgi Qark. Jill
Harris, niece of the bride, was the flower giriv - - " f . i
The girls wore dreses of siilk crepe made with torso waists; full skirts and :
low round necklines. Ruffling enhanced; the necklines, waists and three-quarters
length sleeves. The attendants wore pink dresses except for Mrs. Cross and !
Miss Smith, who wore! powder blue. They carried garlands of sweetpeas and
daisies and wore halos of sweetpeas. 1 1
Lt Ray Lamka stood with Lt Hancock as best man and seating the guests i
were Captain Ray Patterson, Lt Robert Northcupp, Lt Robert Gunther, Lt Jo
seph Stahanczyk, Lt Robert McAdoo, ' Lt Robert Wolfe and Lt George
Coughlin. , L V -j . ')
: For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Smith chose a navy blue silk crepe gown
' with rose trim and a navy blue hat Mr.. and Mrs. Walter E. Hancock, sr., came
from Los Angeles for their son's marriage. ; Mrs. Hancock wore an ice blue
silk dress and a fuschia hat Both mothers wore orchid corsages. !
The newlyweds received congratulations at a reception held in the church
parlors. Mrs. Eva Black presided at the: punch bowl and Mrs. Wayne Price
was at he coffee urn. I Mrs. Guy H- Smith cut the bride's cake. Assisting in
the serving were Miss! Jean Burrell and the bridal party. Miss, Ruth Skinner
passed the guest book. " ' 'i .
When Lt and Mrs; Hancock left on a short trip to the beaches she wore a
navy blua dress with powder, blue top coat and a navy blue and white half "
hat To her shoulder she pinned a white orchid. The couple will make their
hcrr.9 crx routa two while te is vxnnp Aaair.
It has been the bleachers for Salem high school students this year, first
time in many a day that the local ball club hasn't figured in the annual
basketball tourney. : . m : ;
. The Statesman Woman's page editors snapped pictures of a group
of boys and girls sunning themselves at:lunchtime one ! day this week
before the great columns of Salem's attractive, high school building.
Above, seated on the front steps are Bob SkopiL high school yell
king; Mary Ana Bollinger, senior class vice president; Jean DeMytt, mem
ber of the honor society and basketball enthusiast; Travis Cross, student
body president and a member of the basketball team; Joy Randall song
j queen and Civics club princess from the Pep clubhand Laresi Helmhout,
a junior and next year s basketball team captain. ,
?'- At the left just outside the school entrance are Tack; Slater," junior -class
president; Marilyn Hjort queen of j the Civics club, carnival; Pat
Viesko, active in high school affairs and basketball enthusiast' and Don I
y Burlingham, senior class president basketball center and Heading scorer.
Seated on the school steps are Pete Hoar, sophomore class president',
Harriet Huston, basketball booster and vice-president of the sophomore
class and Allan Bellinger, a varsity basketball player. . U ; i
Walking briskly down the front walk in the upper righthand picture '.
are Bob Zeller, student body forensic manager and a good basketballer;
Jean Fidler, secretary of the jimior class; Jean Smith, a Civics club prin
cess from Tri-Y; Peggy Smith, Miss Liberty Belle of Salem high and home
economics club president; and tDoug Gibson,' a member of the varsity
basketball team and a junior. ! jj . jl '
The lower righthand picture shows a group of students talking things
over. Eugene Lowe, a junior and member of the basketball team; Edith
Fairham, president of one of the Tri- Ygroups; Trudie Meier, active in
Tri-Y and one of the Civics club princesses; and Bruce Hamilton, prom
inent athlete, and pcHnt of the S clubJ (Statesman Woman's Page
photos): l1 .' -
In a j Round of Parties
Miss Marylee Fry, who. will be married to Mr. ' William Earl Snell, United States navy.
on Saturaay, arrived in Salem last night from Portland to be; with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Jj Fry, jr., until after her wedding. There are a round of parties this week in her honor
and the 'rehearsal is scheduled for Saturday afternoon, when Mr. Snell and; his ushers will
arrive from Portland. , j-; . j l .
The! ceremony will take place at St Paul's Episcopal church with Rev. George H. Swift
officiating at 8Jo'clock. Many guests are bidden from out-of-town and Salem. A reception will
be held ,at the Fry home on West Lefelle street after the nuptials. ; j
I .The j bride-elect's aunt Mrs. Earl Flegel is coming from Fort Worden, Texas, for her
niece's wedding and expects to arrive on Friday. . ; i
For Monday Miss Fry's grandmother, Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner, and her great-aunt Mrs. :
Milton 11 Meyers, are arranging a 12 o'clock breakfast in her honor at the Meyers home on
Court street A handkerchief shower will fete the bride-to-be. Members of the Thursday
club,' of which the hostesses are members, will make up the ; guest list Bouquets of spring
flowers will provide the decorative note.
I i : ! ' : 1 ! :
Dinnen For j Bridesmaids
i i '-v.- - '.. . ..-I-
'- Miss Fry will go to Portland on! Friday to a luncheon at the Town club when Miss Mar
jorie Englehardt entertains in her honor. That evening the bride-elect's grandmother, . Mrs.
Daniel Jj Fry, sr., will entertain fernihihe members H the bridal party at a 7 o'clock dinner at
her South High street residence.
j Fourteen guests will be seated at a large table centered with a long and narrow arrange-
Luncheons And A Tea - A.'l
I ', Mrs Jerrold Owen and her daughter. Miss Marianne Owen, will be hostesses for a lun
cheon and handkerchtef shower on Tuesday afternoon at their Leslie street residence) for -the
pleasure of Miss Fry. . 1 ' ':; t! - ' i -
Guests will be seated at small tables with baskets of pastel spring flowers forming the
centerpieces. Covers will be placed for 12 and bridge will be in play during the afternoon. )
1 A luncheon hostess on Wednesday afternoon will be Mrs. P. D. Quisenben-y when; she
entertains at her West Lefelle street home in complitaent to the bride-to-be. Twelve guests
have been invited to a 1 o'clock luncheon. .-.,! . i
Slated for Thursday afternoon is the informal tea for which Mrs. Harry N. Crcrih and her
daughter. Mrs. Boyd E. Brown, (Barbara Crodn) will be hostesses at the Crain home on South1
High street for Miss Fry. Guests have been invited io call between 4 and 6 oVdock. Mothers
ot the engaged couple, Mrs; Uaniei J.rry, )r ana iMrs. tan cneu, wiu presiae ai uie xea
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Social Notes of the Week .
f t Social notes this week concern the rorriings ani goings of army wives. ' Mrs. Aler De-
Schweinitz and young son. Allan, left ariThursday Jot, GarraeLtd join Lt DeSchweinitz. He Is - s
stationed at Ft Ord and has leased an 'apartment for his wife, and son. Judge and Mrs.
Harry Belt accompanied their daughter and Xfrdndsori south and expect to returh to the cap
ital the middle of the week. Lt DeSchweinitz. was previously stationed at Camp Adair.
3 i Mrs.f Doncdd Plympton (Wilda Jermcrh) of Portland is entraining for the south today to vis
it her father, Mr. Arch M. Jerman, ta'TuisbnVTArizojaa.and-her'.anny air corps husband in Big ..
Springs, Texas. . She expects, to be gone, several 'weeks and iwhlleshe'is away her young
daughter,' Sally,iwill be here with her grandmother, Mrs. Arch Jerman. ; Mis.''Plymptons bro- -then
John Jerman, is leaving- Wednesday for Buckley Field, Denver to begm his aviation cadet
training. ' ' J : ; -, " '
) Mra.; Kenneth Sherman (Marjorie Van DeWalker) is leaving toddy ior Hallst Tennessee j -to
join Lt Sherman, who is stationed at Dyersburg Field with, the army air corps. Enroute'
south Mrs. Sherman will stop in Whitefish, Montana! to visit with her husband's parents and -:
will also make a short stop in Chicago. Mrs. Sherman has been visiting in the capital the past
month with her mother, Mrs. Gladys Van De Walker. " ' m ' '-''. i
S" I Mrs. William Regner (Lorraine Sampson) and Mrs. Robert Bamett (Barbara. Bell) are driv- r
Ing south5 to California this week, leaving Tuesday morning. Urs. Regner has been residing
In Salem? while her army. lieutenant husband was stationed at Camp Adair' and is returning.,
to San Mateo to live with her parents. Mrs. Bamett will go onito Carmel where (she and Cap
tain Bamett have taken a house. He is stationed at the, Presidio at Monterey .andrwas for
merly at Camp Adair. ' i
A Tea This Afternoon . . .
One of the largest social effalrs of the early spring season will be the tea
for which Mrs. Daniel B. Jarman will be hostess this afternoon at her attractive
home ori North Winter street Caling hours are from 4 to 6 o'clock and over
125 guests have been bidden. .
Mis Jane Findley and Miss Virginia Pops' will greet the guests at the door.
Assisting in the living room will be Mrs. Percy .Kelly and Mrs. M. Bayard
Findley. I ( : -
Presiding at the tea urns the first part of the afternoon will be Mrs. Harry
V. Collins and Mrs. Raymond Walsh.' Pouring the last hours will be Mrs. Ho
mer Goulet sr. and Mrs. Miller B. Hayden. . v
Young girls who 'will assist in the serving are Miss Phyllis Fisher, Miss
Doris and Miss Florency Duffy, Miss. Marianne Low, Miss Mary Jane Kestly,
Miss Elolse Findley, Miss Jane Walsh and Mrs. William J. Thompson, Jr.
Miss McGinnis Will Wed . . .
- Announcement is being made today by. Mrs. Kathryn W.f McGirmls bf
engagement of her daughter; Miss Patricia McGinnis, to Mr. Ora John Davisy
sergeant United States army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arley Davit of Salem, West
A Party at Gooleys . . . - j j:
i I IVttv rViAtAv rtrn-iVior-r,f ia Prrrl rinnlevs. and Miss Ann ForristeL daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. F. J. Forristel,!were hosteses for a gala St Patrick's rxxrry;Saturday afternoon at the Coo
ley home on Center street-, "'!.. " ! , i
? I Card games were in play during the afternoon and refreshments were served by the
hostesses. - St Patrick's decorations and bouquets of daffodils and foTsythla wefe used about
the rooms. " .
f Guests of Betty and Ann were Sharon and Carolie Coffey, Dadne Stanley Patty Craig, .
Mary Feike, Martha Jaiia!land,Qloti9i'f d'ary. .
Miss McGinnis is a graduate of Salem high school and has been employed
at the Greg on Pulp and Paper company. Mr. Davis attended schools In West
Virginia and Vds employed with the Burlington and Ohio Railroad before en
listing. He is with the 70th division at Camp Adair. - . I
- The wedding plans' are dependent on his orders, but the couple expect to
be married early in the summer. - . -'.:"'.--..-"
An Informal Dinner Party . . . - " ;
xx:x- xxl - j.'--i ,:r:-.x.x i:':';' ;:A v;
i Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Riches were hosts for a smartly arranged informal
dinner party Saturday" night at their Kingwood Heights home.-.: The hosts are
planning a series of similar affairs this spring. " - . ' .
; ; v Cards were in play during the evening and arrangements of fpring Cow
ers were used about the rooms. " : .'f - r"' . ... V ,
f " Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Karl Heinlein, Dr. and - Mrs. A. D.
Woodraansee, Dr. "and Mrs. James X. Sears and Mr. end Mrs. Lloyd .Elchcs. -