The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    Maiiy North 7
Marion Men Go
Two Busses Necessary
To Carry Contingent ,
' "To Army Center
iY : ' ' " 'r - ' .- - ' " f
WOODBURN Two bu set
.were needed to carry the large
. contingent of men called by the
.. ,north Marion county draft board
;f or pre-induction physical exam
' tlnations in Portland this week.
! The list included the following:
, From Aurora Eugene Edwin Dy
Foon, Harold L. Mortenson, Rus
sell . R. Rybachek, Marshal it
. Ziegler;, from Hubbard Joivo
Aho, Leonard Martin; Bizon, Mat
hew Henry Bronec, "J. Robert
Fisher, Leonard Samuel Miller,
, Robert Wilson Miller,
From Cervais Paul Evans Eat-
ton, Lloyd Lawrence Ferschwei
ler, Robert G. Kuschnick, Raphael
D. Matlock, Brentford Miller jr.;
from ML Angel Russell Paul
Aman, Joseph Henry Annen, Vic
tor Joseph Annen, Harold J. Bour-
, bonais, Daniel Andred Grenzer,
. Raymond Otto Hassing, Joseph F.
Hetterscheid, , Raymond Louis
r Kraemer, Edward Adolph Schied-
ler, Joseph William Unger,- Rob
ert William VanHatten, Cyril Jos
eph Walker. " j.; ;
From Silverton Harold Ray
Agan, Helmer B. Anderson jr.,
Norris H. Anderson, Arthur Wil
liam Anstutx, Carl Lyle B as cue,
Orville John Frank, Lawrence Ed-
ward Gerlits, Lloyd Bernhard
' ' Larson, Sherman Moen, Howard
W. M"rri,',i. Daniel Stillman Pot
ter, Grant E. Southworth, Arthur
P. Sunde, Stanley W. Ogle. , '
From Salem Gerald M. Ben
nett, Roy Robert Bohannon, Eu
gene Woodrof Cyrus, Willard
Joseph Davis, flyde Simon Flad--'
wood, StanleJ Martin Lapin, El
mer Foshay Lindholm, Dennis
' Allen' ' Loganbill, Ailt Edward
: Nuttbrook, Joe Fernandez : Para
- gas, Charles William Penrod, FJ
; rner Sechthold, Earl Herbert
' Smith. i ;
From Woodburn Marlin Bona
cher, Michael Constanzo, Norval
E. Doddridge, Robert Joseph Er
, wert, Vincent Frank Ficek, Harold
Robert Gilbert, Francis J. Ham
melman, Lawrence Leslie Hayes,
Gorda Klamp, Francis J. Kuen
sting, Clarence A. Lauritson, Ri
chard Joseph Martin,, Charles Levi
Martz, John Marvin Mason, Albert
Kenneth Mulkey, William Carter
Naf tzger, Clifton Frank Pokorney,
Allen . L. Schu, Dennis M. Seet
hoff, Harold Vance Schooler, Leo
Dateva Steffan, Robert Joseph
' Wellman, Harold Richard Skil
' bred. . !: i.:
Richard Andress Gooding, St
Paul ; Denzil . McKiUop, Scotts
Mills; Harold Johi, Barringer,
Donald; and Don tlipio Flores,
North ; Marion county men
transferred to the jurisdiction of
other draft beards are Fred Ar
thur Weber, Tatsuro-Yada, Masa
to Kinoshita, Olen James Ham
mons. Frank M. Elliott, Raymond
Frank Mooney, Robert Frank
Fleming,; Don Orrin Burr, Albert
.Wilfred Jaub, Robert 1 Valentine
Hoffman, and Joe Jasaku Yada.
Summer Plans
Made at Turner
TURNER The Christian Sis
terhood society met in the social
rooms of the church Thursday to
plan out the summer activities.
The cooked food sale Saturday at
the Chapman store will be in
charge of Mrs. Frank Parr, Mrs.
Mary Standley, Mrs. Homer Hag
gard and Mrs. Ellison Whiteaker.
The group will serve the dinner
May 22 for the Ninety and Nine
district rally here. A ' stove and
material for heating the church
baptistry will be purchased, and
will be installed by Easter. Plans
were made" to serve luncheon each
day during the State Christian
convention June 28 to July 1, in
the church dining room for the
church school leaders of the lab
oratory training school, a new fea
ture -of the 1944 convention.
The same flower committee was
retained for' another - year. "It in
cludes Mrs. Mary Gilstrap, . Mrs.
George Brower and " Mrs. Mary
Standley.' Flowers were sent Mrs.
Robert Parrent and baby son at a
Salem hospital. -
i . i
Reports' From The Statesman's Community Correspondents
Salem, Oregon Sunday Morning March, 19, 1944
Dressmaking School Is Planned
For County Women Next Week
A dressmaking school junder the direction of 'Miss Lucy
Lane, clothing specialist from Oregon State college, will be the
feature of the week of March 20 to 25 in the home extension
program in Marion county. The school, arranged by Miss Fran
ces Clinton, home demonstration
Conducts School
V ? ' 1
! - I:
M - V
MIm imey Lane, clothing special
ist frem Oregon State eollege
extension service, who will eon
duet the dressmaking- aeheel jte
Marlon ceonty next week. I
Sidelights . .
Barns Head
PERRYDALE Peggy Houk is
receiving medical treatment for
burns ton her head. While sham
pooing, her hair a week ago she
turned: on the hot water thinking
it was cold and received severe
burns. A few days later infection
set in.: i
Thoughtful Thieves?
PERRYDALE Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Martin of McCoy are short
75 laying hens since Wednesday
night when thieves entered the
chicken house. The thieves wefe
either thoughtful or not able to
catch all as they left 12.
Valley Births
WOODBURN Born at the
Woodburn horpital:
March 12, to Mr. and Mrs. A.
D. Batch of Portland, a son, their
first child. He has been named
Ivan John.
March 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter DeJardin of St Paul, a daugh
ter, Julie Ann. This is their second
child, the first a son.
Youth Center
Revamps Plans
At Silverton
SILYERTON Earl J. Adams,
chairman of the Teen-Age club
executive board at Silverton, re
ports that the Tuesday night meet
ing time has been changed to
Wednesday and Thursday nighti.
On the first and third Thursdays
of each month the club center
will be Open and on the second
and fourth Wednesday nights, as
well as j the fifth Wednesday night,
whenever there is one, the center
will bei open. The club will also
meet on Saturday nights as heref
tofore. 5
Mrs. ;T. T. Leonard, Mrs. Hel
mer Brokke and Mrs. Tom An
derson 'are in charge of the ap
pointment of patrons. I
All parents have been invited
to visit jthe club whether they are
patrons! or not I
agent, Is scheduled for the Union
Hill home extension unit at the
grange hall 1 Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday of the coming
week, i 'j ;i I- - , r4 ..,:: -
A preliminary meeting for the
school is to be held Monday,
when patterns will be fitted ready
for actual construction of the gar
ments the other three days. Nine
women have registered to make
better dresses of rayons and fine
cottons. They i are Mrs. - Verny
Scott Mrs. Floyd Foxj Mrs. Win
nie Tate, Mrs. O. W.i Humphrey,
Mrs. M. M. Gilmore, Mrs. Dolph
Heater, Mrs. Byron HfcElhaney,
Mrs. Henry 1 Erickson, who are
members off the unit, and Mrs.
R. S. Casteel of Salem. Each wom
an may have a helper who also
has the opportunity of receiving
the instructions from the school.
Among the helpers are to be Mrs.
Fern Mikkelson and Mrs. J. O.
Darby. Miss Lane will be assist
ed in directing the school by Miss
Clinton. ; ' ? ' :
Monday, March 20, the Stayton
Parent-Teacher , association will
have Miss Clinton as guest speak
er at the night meeting and show
an educational film on South Am
erica entitled "South of the Bor
der." William Poole Is the local
president I
Tuesday morning Miss Clinton
gives her weekly radio broadcast
from 7:05 to 7:15 oyer KSLM
Farm and Home program. j
Tuesday, March 21, the Union
Hill home extension I unit will
hold its regular meeting at . the
home of the chairman, Mrs. W,
M. Krenz, at? 1:30 p.m. The sub
ject will be "Understanding Our
selves." -- i ? ,. " f " j
Wednesday,! Marcji 22, the
Stayton Woman's club will meet
at 2 o'clock at the club building
with Mrs. Bessie Brown, local
president. "Understanding Our
selves" will be the topic.
Saturday, March 25, Miss Cliri
ton will speak on "Understanding
Ourselves" at the Salem Woman's
club. Mrs. Dwight Lear is the
club president ; J .
Jefferson Noble Grand
Club Has Spring Party
JEFFERSON The Past Noble
Grand club of Mt Jefferson Re
bekah lodge met Tuesday with
Mrs. Grace Thurston. Mrs. Hugh
Bilyeu was assistant hostess. 4
profusion of spring flowers were
used about the guest rooms. Mrs.
Scott Hawk presided at the busi
ness meeting, i ) f ;
Refreshments were served at a
table centered with a bowl of
flowers and guarded by tapers,
Covers were placed for Mrs. Scott
Hawk, Mrs. Maud Epley, MfsJ
Nellie Fidler, iMrs. R. W. Curl'
Miss Laura Thomas, Miss Flora
Thomas, Mrs. Lee Wells of Salem j
Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. T. Oj
Kester, and .the hostesses, Mrs
Thurston and Mrs. Bilyeu. f
Ivan Stewart Rotary
Speaker in Silverton
SILVERTON Ivan Stewart,
Salem, district governor of Rota-
rians, will be the speaker at the
Monday . noon luncheon meeting
of the Silverton Rotary club, The
board and committee chairmen
will meet Monday night at 8
o'clock at the telephone office.
Silverton Pastor Is :
Named Officer " ;
son ef Silverton was elected vice
president of the West Coast pis-
trict of Lutheran Free Church of
America,! at a recent district meet
held at Ferndale, Wash. The Rev.
Forest T Monson, Everett,; Wash,
was' made president
Valley Calendar
Marion County Jersey Cattle club.
In Salem. . - ': i,
Union Hill dressmaking school pre
liminary meeting at (ran? halt
Stayton PTA. Miss Clinton guest
speaker.. , ,
North Howell grange. ,
Union Hill extension unit home of
Mrs. W. M. Krenz.
Sdo Garden chib.
Aurora Women's club, Mrs. W. O.
fry. -
Union Hill dressmaking school.
(Tance halL -
Stayton Woman's club, club building.
Union dressmaking 'SchooL -rutDAir,
march z 4
Union Hill dressmaking school.
Salem Woman's club. Miss Clinton
fucst apeaker
' Quarterly eonvenUon, Marion county
Farmers Union. Woodburn.
Home makers Spring Festival, Salem
Woman's club building. -
Wife Will Roast Home Grown
Hens for Husband? s Crew Men
' AUMSVILLE Mr; and Mrs. R.T. MounUin, shipyard work
ers at the Vancouver jrard, were here Sunday tor a visit , with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. C, Mountain.-When they returned
to Portland Monday, they took some hens with them. ,
Mr. Mountain is lead man over
a crew of negro workers at the
ship yard. Mrs. Mountain also ;
works on the graveyard shift, and
plana to roast the hens and serve
with all the trimmings to provide
a "feed' for the -crew of negroes,
who are .giving especially good
service. . .
Onion Raiser
Moves Residence
1 AURORA Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lis Mathieu who bought the pro
perty of Mrs. Henrietta will, are
papering and painting his house
inside' and out. t
Mr. and Mrs. -Willis Yoder re
cently married, who bought the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Annen Net
ter are also remodeling and oth-
erwising Improving the property.
Netter is moving to the farm and
Yoder to town. He is the Clacka
mas county onion raiser across the
Pudding river from Aurora.
First Navy, Then
Scarlet Fever
1 , j
OAkIpOINT ' Mrs. Arthur
Hawkins has received word froni
her husband, Arthur Hawkins, at
Farragut, that seven days after
arriving? there, he came down witti
scarlet fever. Hawkins joined thej
navy February 21. j
Farmers Union
Farmer Union Liberty local will
hold its! regular - meeting at the;
school auditorium Tuesday,' March
21 at 8; o'clock. i
Box Wood
; and ;
Planer Ends
Imnediale Delivery
Phone 9109
Trailer. Owners
Haul Your Own
. - '450 Wallace Road -
West Salem !
Fcxxilzre ,
Drawer Chests, End Tables,
Bed Side Tables. Mirrors
D. :Uc:rcTy's
2Z5-3 IS Center Street
Salem, Ore.
v.. w i
i - '"'
' "'
Your Eyes Are In
This Fight - Treat
Them Right S
Proper eyesight b as essen
tial to winning this war as
. manpower itself. For your
eyes have power, that of
making yea see accurately
to work welL Have us check
year eyes for possible defi
ciencies. -' . - . s
Dr. Henry E. Merrls
1 Agency for
Zenith Hearing Aid
Frcs Exuinaiicn
Have your eyes examined . .
prescribed for . . . and fitted
with corrective eyewear jnow
by registered optometrist.
Fcr Feed Vhica csd Gc:d Ilcsrizj
SUte Street
SaTem - Eilvertoa
rhene S523
offer these-
FistS ins ill spiral!
' ' V ' , V
1 .; .0. IK ;: '
HIDlWlTHiOTII..'ACg trH SStllTrrir '.' ' ' 1 ' . , . V , '"V '"i..
: , , - 1 , ...... y
There isno .'something just as good as" the Botany
"500" Suit Jailored by Daroff.This clothing is unique
I. . . . ; :
and superior' No other suit can have the superb
Botany '500'Vclothmaster Tproduct of famed
: - . ' j r 'I '
Worsted mill. No other suit can have the marvelous
Daroff tailoring 7T. the skilled needlecraft that makes
your suit .'part of you".T. perfect in fit, amazing in
comfort. So'don't look for a "substitute ."T. the re just
isn't any.' Nor is there any combination "of clothing
' , I - 4 , ' ' " "
valueTdpproaching the Botany 5001 Suit, Tailored
.. ! ' ' ' '
by DarofT at anything like its low price..
! -
- i
Salem's Style Center For Men!