Tli OSEGOH STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning, March 13. 1S44 page fifteen For Gonvnienee arid Profit, Reaid and Use ! Statesman s! Classified Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads , Call 9101 . Tbret tnscrtkioa per lin23c Si Insertions per tloe , 40c On mnottt per Itnd S 1.15 Minimum chart 29c; t tt. inin Imum JSc; f tL rain. 46c. No refunds, '" r j.';"-- Additional Classified Ads On Page 14 For RentRooms NICX sleeping rm. near State House. With or without breakfast, lnq. 13M SUte. . .... --'(-. NICK Sleeping room. Refined lady. blocks south. 40 Kearney. y NICX sip. rm. reat. Close in. Bus. women. Breakfast,, garage, opt. 6M S. Church. Ph. 7370. JTICXLY fum. bed room. Foe em eaoyed girls. Reasonable rates. Near bus. Ph. 7492. . t i SLF. RM Imp. gent. Gd. toe. 2144V. For Rent- Apartments 3 ROOM AFT. 1939 Center St PARTLY turn. 3 rm. apt. Bath. 534 . Winter. rrr 3 ROOM furn. apt, 313 per month. 87 rront St. . 2 RMS. fum. No children. : Also ga rae. Ph. -11710. 8S8 .S. lit. LIGHT housekeeping rm. Bollywood Diet Ph. 7134. :jri - J.'l - . ,. MOD. 3 - rm. apt Garage. Adults. 43 -Union.', ; .... ...... , t;, - Wanted to Rent MODERN 2 or 3 bdrm. hae. by perm. Tenters; civilian cple no children. Bef. Ph. 2-2420. -. ' X or 3 bed room unfurnished house by April 1st Ph. 8459. YOUNO civilian couple, no children, want to rent four or five room un furnished house by April 1. Or will , trade rental of new five-room house In Corvallis for similar house In Sa lem. Phone SSM. UNFURN. house., 3 or 3 bdrms., by civilians. Ph. 24072. .4 OR 3 RM. HSE. with barn at chick en hae. mar Salem, adults only. Mrs. M. X. Horn. 79 Williams. . BY RAILROAD man. permanent, pre mier furn. or partly furn. house. Ph. 4534. f - BY PERM, canneryman. 3 or 3 bed room rum, or partly rurn. nouse. km. CaU 9191. ext. 3. before s pjs. WANTED: To rent with option to buy, a 7 to rm. houee within 10 blocks of city center. Ph. 3U7. For Sale Real Estate MODERN 4 rooms (I bed room) Bdw. floors. Inlaid linoleum in bath at kitchen. Bee. bet water neater. Wired for range. Utility room with trays- St fruit room. (Immediate possession. -s rooms.' Nice yard wtthr4sutt trees, 3400. Can be had with some furni ture. Hollywood District Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. - OPEN FOR INSPECTION I 2 B.R. mod. home. 1 BJt down. 2 up, large hv. Ac dining, hwd. floors, oil furnace, near 14th At Center. Price S6000 fc cash. . NEAR SENIOR HIGH I (-room home with stoves, wood. fruit, garden - space, all for 13750. ; C. H. SANDERS - 211 N. High - SOS ' S47S0 for this 5 rm. partly furnished 3 bedrm. home, full baaem., furnace, trays, garage, new enamel gas range. auto, hot water, dining rm. set 2 com plete beds, dressers, rugs, etc. Move riam A sooa Dujr. BURT PICHA M 1410 S. 12th St. , Ph. 3210 3 YR. OLD 5 rm. home with unfin ished attic, full bsmt.. furn.. fireplace. all H. W. floors, will seU with or with out furniture. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 410S Realtors After 6. Ph. S71S 8-ROOM 2-itory plastered house: fireplace; good location; corner lot Wice S31U0. see Mr. vooreees witn LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 9281 BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. home. Double plumb. Automatic heat Ph. 6185. BY OWNER: Modern sub. 2 bdrm. hse. Full bssem.. turn.; wired for range: 3Jj acres. 3 A. cherries, family fruit 33600 cash. S. W. Salem. Ph. 21350. I LOTS A square block in Gervais, . a place to build reasonably priced homes to avoid nigh rents. D. A. PISH 477 Court Ph. 3524 ': 37000 for this fine English style home . with full basem., furnace, trays, hdwd. zlrs-close in. This. house is S yrs. old BURT PICHA, REALTOR - 1410 S. 12th St i Ph 3210 STORE building with living quarters and garage. Inq, SOS S. 18th. Reasonable ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives ' Ward-Griffith Company. Ins. ! ' San Francisco Eastern Advertising; , Representatives - Ward-Gnf flth Com pa nr. tne,' Chicago. New York. Detroit. . ,. Boston, Atlantn- Entered et the PantoffU at EatemJ v' ryv mm anvN wum mmwr. rw Itihtd mvrry morning exeept Monday. Business eice 213 South Commer cial Street, .. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates In Advance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. SO centr. C mos. 3100; 1 rear,; 309. Elsewhere 00 cents per mo. or 3720 for 1 year in advance. Per cap? S rente Bv City Carrier. 79 cents month. 1 29 00 a year in advance in Marion nd diaeeni eountlea. ; LATH NOW. ) rSu ! (ASLEEP r ';m ; 1 . ' 7 Ilif H ns- Money to Loan ; FREE ! Financial Advice Sixteen years of financial experience In Salem elves us confidence that we can help you. If you really need money, we will let you hare it at once. No endorsers or Involving of others. Loans made on furniture, live stock, farm machinery. Company is locally owned and man- taed. .-- ' ,.r-.. GENERAL FINANCE 1 CORPORATION 134 . Commercial St. ' Phone MM . (S-138 LOANS DO NT BORROW unnecessarily, but if a loan of 123 to 2S0 or more is to yout advantage, see us. Just come in. Better still, apply by phone, then make one i visit to sign and get Hie- cash. Loans arc mad on livestock, farm ma chinery. furniture or auto, without in volving, ethers. $30 for 4 weeks costs only He Let us know now we can serve you. I PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Rmj 12S New Bllgh Blag- SIS State St (Opposite Court House). Ph. 9191 N. Anderson. Mgr. 1 Lie. S-122. M-18S Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING i LICENSE M M 1M EMERGENCY loans for doctor, hos pital, taxes, auto repair, etc. An accom modating, understanding, helpful loan Canital Loan Comnanv S-2S3 Under SUte Regulation m4 IIS Firrt NaUonal Bank Bldg. Ph. 44eS Loans Wanted. FARM 4 LOANS 1 A. N Duncan Ladd Bush Bldg. For Sale Real Estate TRbUBLE FINDING A HOME? We have exclusive list ings of homes for sale in all parts of the city and suburbs from $3,500 up. SEyERIN REALTY CO. 212 a. High St Senator Hotel Bldg, Tel. 4016 IMMEDIATX possession of a - good 4 bed room plastered house on nice corner lot for S3T90. 8-room bouse and garage, close in, North Salem. Price 33SS0. . 8-room plastered house- w4tb 3 ' bed rooms, partial basement, wired for electric range. 3 race lots- with, tents fruit Price 34290. We have 2 old houses close in; they deed repairs; SZ400 for both. ROSTETN ADOLPH, INC. I 110'j N. Conrmercial St. I Salem. Oregon 8 RMS. 2 BJt. Glassed In porch., bsmt., auto, oil heat good condition thru out 2 fireplaces, attractive lot, 3250. . rms.. modem, bsmt. furnace, lot 80x190. immediate possession, near all schools, price-reduced to SS000. 1 rms. on Highland Ave. A., fam lly orchard, Elec. W. heater, wired for range, ssgoo. irms., 2 B.R., on N. Commercial, bsmt. S3S0O. 9 rms. on Edinn Lane, oil heat A- X390O. 8 rms. on Statesman St S33S0. See us for Homes. Farms, Acreage. ABRAMS Jc ELLIS, INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. S1S9 Look! By Owner Purn. neat small house, fireplace, ga rage, woodshed, large lot 4 walnut 3 holly, 2 apple, 2 cherry, 1 pear & prune. Paved St. paid. Look over & make me offer. If not sold, might rent. Open Sunday 3 to . 261. N. 20tb St. i! DUPLEX. HOME: Near Parrish school, S rooms down and five rooms up. furnished, base ment, oil heat lire place, double Ea rage.i large lot food location. Price 38300; cash. GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. . Ph. 4131 3 UNIT Apt. house with or without furniture. Ph. 8924.-460 N. 13th. BY -OWNER: 3 bdrm. home. Oak firs., tile bath, full basem., sawdust burner. N. E. Ph. S882. FOR Attractive LocaUons in King wood i Heights or Cascade Terraces, lovely view, city utilities. See Owner. Phone 841X MUST be sold to liquidate an estate. 2 houses and lots. Downtown Salem. This is a choice business site. Houses now rented. Located at 463 and 477 Center St. Please do not disturb ten ants. Inq. owner, M. G. Williams. 5010 s. w it uascn Kd Portland. L Ore. Ph. Beacon 3219. 1S500. Bungalow 3 yrs. old. Hdwd firs., ail furnace, utility rm, garage. corner, lot. Venetian blinds. A good buy. BURT PICHA. REALTOR 1410 S 12th Ph. 3210 "".-"FOR SALE: r. borne near Leslie school, base ment ou furnace, garage, paved St pries S6000. 32000 down, 340 per mo. GRABENHORST BROS- REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 GOOD 8 RM. home, fireplace, bsmt.. this home hi good shspe, 33750 for quick sale. See. MR. GOODWIN, with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4103 Realtors After . Ph. 3713 FOR SALE by Owner: 3 bdrm. house, basement furn, wash room. Complete ly furnished - including range 4c re frlgerstor. 34900. 1893 Berry St HOME AND INCOME This I fine 13 rm. home with full basement, sawdust furnace, h.w. circu lating heating system, large lot wtred for range, dbls. plumb, fireplace, laun dry trays, on bus line. 3 biles, from schL Upstairs rents for 3TL90. In West Salem. A real buy at $7850. Some terms. 1 BURT PICHA 1410 S. 13th. 5 : Ph. 3210 " ! FIVE R. HOME: ' " Modem with full cement basement furnace, fireplace, earace. attie. mvm) 'St.. bus line, near schools. Price 34200 cash. GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Pa4131 Money to Loan 1 PRIVATE MONEY Aato And Truck Loans ! Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used ears or trucks regardless of : age. No delay bring car and title and get the money You retain possession ef vehicle. I -- i to 13 i -nomas to repay. Aftet o'clock oaone 3361 or 21143 for appointment . . -s .... 4 ROY H. SIMMONS ! -'i . Regulated by state "-4 US S. ComX It Phone 9163. IM-1S21 j j j . ; f : . t j ....... ! Money to Loan . t. ' WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, cityi or' farm propertiesf loans mail mm amaii a tans. Sea us about re financing your present contract or mortgage. i , t Leo N. Childs, Inc. 344 SUU St Phone 1281 f . MONEY TO LOAN i On homes, farms; etc. Low rates V easy terms. We buy contracts 3 -mort gages. ! i ABRAMS ea ELLIS. TNC ' 411 Masonic Bldg. i Ph. 1153 General Insurance ge Real Ksute PRIVATE money, for city or coun try loans, low rates. K , CHAS. HUDKXNS 273 SUte St Ph. 3494 Financial WANTED TO buy for cash, real es tate mortgages ec contracts, discount paper etc. We also buy old aceountt ana pay you more money man mourn uon Agencies get tor you. I ! STATE FINANCE CO. I L.21S-322 212 Guardian Bldg For TSale Real Estate ) EXCELLENT LOCATION 1-roomv doable plumbing; full base ment furnace, is a good income, or suitable for two families, j. . j . . We loan on" good ! real estate . and write insurance of au sanas. WILLIAM E. MOSES (REALTOR) j 331 Stetef Street i 347503 room house I which csn very easily do -used tor an apu its zur- nished. f t S&1SO 3 bed room home with ! mem, rurnace, garage, in a very goon location. Apt. in oasemeni. j I P. H. BELL. REALTOR i 313 Guardian BUg. Phone 3163 1145 N. 19th. 3 BJti LJt XitJ wired for range. Elect water neater, ne car. large lot immed. poss. $3500.00 3043 JS. 4th st. s do rms., uju FirepUce.. Kit.. Bath. Bsmt Laundry trays. Sawdust heat Fruit trees, 34900. Terms.': ; g ; : t 230 S. 18th St. 3 bdrms. LJl, D.H- &i Kit. Wired for range. 3-car garage. Immed. Poss. S3100. i 2 NICE HOMES close to state1 office bldtf.. excellent investment Jll.000.00 900 Stewart St. mod. 7 rm, LR. DR. den. hwd. firs, fireplace. 3 large BR dwo. and 2 up, double plumbing, oil heat 2 .car gar, beautiful creek lot, shown by appointment. 39 N. Summer St, mod. rm, hwd. firs, fireplace, oil steam neat, excel lent construction, condition and loea tion. shown by appointment, 341,000.00. LASSBN HOME St LOAN CO. Exclusive listings - Personal Service 104 So. Commercial St Pb, 4442 S ROOM almost -new hens, leeated Just out of the city tNJE. Prico S4o00. 31200 cash to handle, I i See ALFRED DUMBECK .. Room 3 Ladd Bush Bldg. ALMOST New 3 BJt. home only few blocks North i of State House; large BJt. down, coukt have .3 up or place for plumbing). FuR baeament A strict ly modern heme. Double gari Price $8800. I ' i - i Another nice 3 BJt; mod. home Xast of State House forSJ5J00. This home extra well built beautiful -reas yard. Ci H. SANDERS - 231 "N. Highi- 3838 2S A. Bldgs, spnpga, wood, fruit nuts. Take Salem prop. k A. 4 R., house unfinished J 82000; Large house, exch for 4 of 3 R. Owner. 1133 Madison St - f NORTH Summer: S. rm. bunaalow Lot 80x100. Some fruit. Elect water heater; wired for range. Near j Grant SchL Rents for $50 per mo.; Price $4250. See Mr. Reeve with ! BURT PICHA 1410 S. 12th St. j . - Pb. 3210 $4750. 3 bdrm. mod. hse. Baaem. furnace, firepl.. utility rm, nice lawn, close to St. Vincent SchL $2000 dn. $40 mo. - R. I. MEREDITH 3153 Portland Rd. i : Ph. 4463 8 RM. furnished house closes m on Capitol St Private entrance to 4-rm apt. and toilet on 2nd fir. 4 rms. and bath on 1st fir. $4750. 4 LEON C. COONEY. REAL EST ATT 1255 State St. Ph. S761 or 8918 $51008 rm. house, furnished. Just off State St 1 Full I basem, laundry trays, furnace, dbl. plumb, 3 rms. up rent for $30 per mo. Exclusive listing. See Mr, Reeve with f - 'i: . I ! I BURT PICHA 1410 S. 12th J. j Ph. 3210 NEW West Salem home $3500. Inquire 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7J13. J IMMEDIATE Possession. New 3 rooms and floored upstairs. Bath. Elecj water system. DbbU garage. 2 Acres. Filberts, berries At grapes. North. $4300, 31000 to $1500 down. Inquire 173 S. Liberty St Ph.i 7113. m , . 13900. 4 rms. snd hook with Screen ed in bsck porch. Hdwd. firs, garage, lot 100x100 ft on S. 12th s Nice shade trees. f. & j ; BURT PICHA , 1 1410 S. 12th St Ph. 3210 WE HAVE building sites for sale; some one acre tracts north, that we cap sell with small down payments. C-jH. SANDERS -- 232 N. High j- 5838 MODERN 8 rm. house In Engiewood dist $5000. j. Modern 3 rm. house 3 blocks South of I State St Nice dist $4780. ; . 3 nn. house to Hollywood dist $4300. i H. U MARSTERS 1738 Court St i s Ph. 3569 For Sale-Farms! . 44 ACRE FARM: m 8 miles out food road, electricity, large dwelling with basement furnace and plumbing, good barn. Prica $8000 cash. ' - 5 - GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Uberty St Ph. 4131 ; TO ACRES, & mile beautiful Santiam river frontage. Vt mile paved gttway frontage: boy from owner at pre-war price. $5000, Rt 3. Bo 33. Salem. Oca. For Sale F arms 1 NORTH Or SALEM . 3 Acres. BMgv On highway 88. $3500. 3 acres. Modem Bldgs. On highway 99. $6200. li', acres, coed bouse, Pavement. $3800, 10 acres. Modern bouse, a new cnica en houses. Pavement $8500. Willamette Real Istate, 173 S. Liberty. Pb, 7113, lit A, about 70 cult, some to crop, 50 timber 3c pasture, creek St spring, 9 R. house, elect, bath, barn, sheds. Less than $59.00 per A. Very fine IS A, best of soIL close to Salem, good I R. house, double plumbing, fireplace wired -for range, water system,, double garage. barn. $10,000. . '. . s C. J. JACKSON, 342 State St, Salem ' STOCK OR DAIRY RANCH 265 Acres 7ft -miles of Salem, around 140 acres cult. -Timber at lots of grass. Living taring in pasture. Good 7 R. house with basement at furnace. Elec tricity, and a snap for $40 per 'acre. See J AS. D. SCARS. REALTOR - 507 Center - ! Ph. 3442 SICKNESS FORCES SALE I ' 33U Acres, 32 can be cultlv, creek. spring-, 3 A. pears, 4 A. alfalfa;. t-nn. mod. home wired for range. -base, oil furnace, inside plumbing, good barn, with I furniture and equipment SPSSa. Without $8500. . ' i C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5833 82 ACRES. IS A. prunes, balance most all old growth fir . estimated several thousand cords, 20 mi. Salem, Sell or trade for city. i i C H. SANDERS 231 . N. High 5838 .Acreage I SPECIAL J ' ! Owner ill; ' offers 13 acres, highly improved; 4 -acres largo fUberta. about $ acres -larg cheery and nut - trees. It's a wonderful view of Valley and Mountina. Only short distance from city limits.. Price is 49000. Will take small house- in So. Salem. ; it acres, best of sou: running water: good buildings. 810.300. i so ncres; xrun; dud; ooraerea oy z roads: Auburn district Prica $14400. Part; terms. See Mrs. Lelace H. Ellis With I LEO N. CTTTT.m. INC REALTORS 344 Btatn St-: . : ? Pb, SMI i 10 A. TRACT on paved, road, 10 miles East of Salem. Possession at ' once. Price $1000. Terms if you want them. 147 N. Conunerclal . jph. 4728 LS2960 20 acres all under cult 4 rm. w, elec, good , well, all in crop and orchard. 4!a mV out 81290 down, 320 mo. SUKI P1CUA 4- . i 1410 St 13th St jPhi 3218 f-20 ACRES with 8-room house, elec tric water system, barn and chicken house, about 4 acres of mixed fruit Spring in pasture. Located SJt of Sa lem. A real buy for $2850. H , ROSTXIN at ADOLPH, INC. . : : 110',, N. Commercial St Salem. Oregon OUT OF TOWN owner says sent 17 A. South 5 mi, mast all fruit paved road. 8-room , house, base, furnace, elect, water system.. Imm. Poss. Price $5750; -. - i - C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 8838 29 ACRE tract Modem 8 rm. hae, large' barn, etee. lights and water ays- icro. met fwn. -i W. G. KRUEOXR, REALTOR 147 N. ConVL ? Ph. 4728 bearing. N. River Road. $2800. ) 10 acres 13 miles South. House has 4 rms: Room tor 3 upstairs.. Barn. Ca rage. Fruit Mc berries. Ail for 33000. 8 S10 acres, 3 -rm. house. 4S bearing Cherry uses, soma timber. Spring water piped in house. $1J0. ; Terms. 30 -acres timber, brush Ac pasture. an sancea. uose sarmc aaso. i ' 4k acre Salem Heights Ave. Beau tiful home, modern all details. . i ONAS B. OLSON. REAL ESTATE 411 Masonic Bldg. c Phono 8333 ! 3Vs A. TRACT near the corner of Silverton Rd. 4k Turner Rd. Possession at once. Priae $1800. W. G. KRUECER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial ; Ph. 4738 i $3300 buys a 10 acre tract north of Salem.. House, barn -and family orchard. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. ComX f Ph. ! 4721 ! 1 ACRE located 2 ml. north. 9 Rm. house, am tin nt condition. Small chick en house. Immediate possession. 1 Acre, completely furnished 8 ! Rm. house. New barn. Plenty of lawn and Shrnbs. This house is ready-; to move right in. Electric range, other lurnl ture like hew. i Hicks-Jones Subdivision 1 ftiL north on Cherry Ave. Tracts one acre1 and larger. Sold on low down payment and easy terms. I See RICH L. RETMANN" 167 S. High Phone 8203 i S ACRE tract on Prinale Rd. 4 rm. house, water system, elec. lights; Price' 33150. W. C. KRUXGER, REALTOR 147 N. Com! j Ph. 4728 GOOD HOUSE. A. on bus. Fine location, easy terms. i , A. Garage, house, plumbing. City water. Terms. i 1 40 A. 8 mites Salem, fair Imp. $5000, Terms. ; ! i See Shields for Deals. H. C SHIELDS, Oreg. Bldg. ; Ph. 8902 ! 3 ACRE TRACT, 4 room house, elec tric lights, water system. Immediate possession. Price $3150. i W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial i Ph. 4728 ! 160 A. River frontage. 8 mL from Salem center, buildings. Mrs; Wright 41k ml. Wallace Kd. i 10 ACRES: VERY good bldgs, best 61 soiL Practically new 2 bdrm. home. 3 rnl. N. Will take small home- m trade. Possesston. Owner, G. Robt West. 719 S. 12th, Apt 3. . -J:,' I i $45002 seres with brand new 2 bdrm home. Livina rm . kitchen. ,- unstairs floored but not finished. Wired for range, dbl. garage, good well with elec. water srs.. utility rm, 1 acre young filberts, on paved road. North. I -v.-l.-. BURT PICHA f ' 1410 S. 12th :Ph- 3210 i 3 ACRES. 1 mi. from Prtngle SchL 3 rm, 2 yr. old hse. Auto, water system, barn .and other bldgs. Young orchard, strawberries. See Mr. 'Reeves with r - BURT PICHA, REALTOR ' 1410 S. 12th St V sP- 3210 f 2',, i A. TRACT near the corner of Silverton Rd. & Turner Rd. Possession at once. Price 81400, , W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial ; Ph. 4723 ! FOR SALE: 3 weres. New: modem rm. house, near ' school.- i FUberta, fruit, garden, pasture. Ewe tile pomp. double gang, barn, chicken- house and hog bam. 190 Monroe Are, Salem. Oregon. r -ri,-xrl, i .A a , "I, " - - " - rl Best of soiL Hnuse. Jt bam. Price $3900. W, O. KRUEGER, REALTOR 147 N. CeaaasercuO- j Ph. -4728 Acreage ',4 ACRE. 3 rortm hmn, k ta i-. fruit trees, 4 miles north. $1200. .. ; 13 acres. worn beautiful modern house.: basement furnace, etectrie pump, double garage, bam. large chick en house, lots of fruit- nuta. berries. A good buy at 38500. - 121 acres 3 miles SJC. 4 raom Imm. good bean land, j $4000.00. acres, zn acres under cultiva tion, 1 room house, barn, chicken house, garage. $15,750.00. 160 acres. OS acrea tuidcr ruWmHmi 8 room house.- barn, granary, aaraae. hog house. $1L200. i acres, ca acres tn cultivation. 22 acres of timber.; $1100.00. . . is acres, so under cultivation, acres balm, timber, lots et fruit.- $6500.00.. see jack Hennmgsen STATE FINANCE CO. 212 Guardian Bldg. , . Phone 8163 " 20 A. South. 8 r. house. Wtred for range. Excellent jcond. New chick, hse. Barn. ; Hog house. Cherries, apples, prunes.- Cow. calf. IS Din. loa voune pulleta. Immed. pass. Selling on ac count of sickness. All for $5500. Terms, f A, 4 rm. house, elec. water sys tem, located 870; Morgan Ave, 82350. easy terms. . 18 A, 8 rm. house, barn, ehlckan house, north, inuned poas, 86500XA.. , 23 A. dairy Ac chicken ranch, equip ped for 8 cows : and 1500 hens, good Buiiainga. elect. , water system, house wired for range. $6300. ' LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO. i ExchMtve Listings - Personal Service 164 So. Commercial St Ph. 4643 10 ACRES. rm. verv neat horn. Auto, water system, wired for range. Close in. Owner leaving town. Priced for . quick sal. 35000. i BURT PICHA 1410 S. 12th St j. Ph. 3210 ACREAGE FOR SALS 1 4 A. 2lk miles; from Dallas. HV A. cultivated. All year creek through the place. River 'across one comer. Garden irrigated. Twe small houses, chicken house 80x20 ft: larva, nnn. bunk house, breoder pnuse,- rabbit hutch. water -piped ta the house, hot water tank, electricity. Place fenced at cross fenced. Hard surface road. RJt -Route. Price $1000. Terms if necessary. Boa 85. Wlilamina, Oregon. Tel.. 183. ; ?" Is' X.S smaB housed 81990 iC Sold by 1st. Inq. .S0S-ark -Ave.-v : . ; 1 P UNIMPROVXD1 -thj : Lot 80x130 north, paved St 8373. - Bldg. site on Dallas road. $650. - " 1' 3 A. - Roval Anna cherriesL Dallas road. Spring water. $1900. . , m -a. threes, yoi co. 97300, i"30 A. 8 - mi. South. AU timber 3k brush. Close an estate. $3000. - , . t 30 A. NX Good buy. 33750. " ! 30 A. '.8 mi. S. 3 A. oak grove. 8 A. prunes, cherriea. !$S330. S5 A. Polk CoJ 17 A.- prunes. $1300 net income 1943. i Price $3150. C H. SANDERS - 231 -N. High 3838 10 A. about 11 mites from Salem small town; 300 large filbert trees, few prunes, fine 7 R. house, alee, water system, bath, fireplace, double garage, ban house for 300. Only SOOOu. C. J. SACKSON.i 341. State St, Salem fciNaeaSawWNNe 3410040. A modern chicken outfit, 200 ft long, lights and running water. Good house, bath 3 toilet garage, and 8 acres of land. : j i- $3500 J)0 7 acres South, good house, barn, garage, . lights, fruit Immediate P. H. BELL. REALTOR ! 212 Guardian Bldg. V Ph. 8168 30 A. North of Salem oa paved road. All ta cultivation. Fair improvements. Price 3S3O0. ' ', DV A. :FrSH 477 Court Ph. 8324 13Vt A, sll good bldgs, basement elect water system. 14 A. in cult All very fine sou. $19,600. 38 A. Paw bugs, paved rd, good alfalfa ground. Close to Salem. 82100. 14S A. Oood bldgs. All in cult. S mi. from Salem. - ;'" . R. A. FORKNKR, REALTOR 1 1853 N CaPo.:,,,! v - FITE ACRES: 1 ! 4 miles out on paved highway, well with electric system, 3 r. house, and chicken house. Price 32650. 8860 down, $23 per mo. GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 8 A. IVJtast, 3-Teom house, complete Inside plumb.: 1 A. berries, barn, chick house. Price 34200, or trade for Salem. What hsva yout i C. H. SANDERS 1- 231 N. High - 8838 FOR SALE: ti acres. Excellent lo cation. l' miles i northeast on Silver- ton Rd. Best ofisoil; nearly finished new 7-rm. house land a a room Bouse, good barn 4c other buildings. $2050 cash. SI800 bal,! easv terms at 8. By Owner, Rt 1. Box 393. Mr. Bert Retnek, l-,: Suburban 3 .ROOM house. Shower beth. Near city bus (Now vacant). $1390. Senoe terms.- Consider UaUiug for 3 or- 3 room Salem house. I New 4 rooms and nook. Bath. Chick en house-. Garage. Taxes about $13.00 a yr. Close to -bus. V acre, wuica possession. $3100,1 $1250 down. Willam ette Real Estate; 172 S, Liberty St Ph. 7113.. 1 t BY OWNER: IS acre sub. home. 4 mi. from city center South, on paved road. Well improved. SchL and city bus line. Mod. hse. conveniently ar ranged. 3 bdrms," hdwd. firs., wired for elec. range. 1000 gau wen. auto, water system, new sumo hse, large poultry nse, new barn, dbl. gar. All bldfs. newly painted & In excel, cond. Family orchard, berries. Suitable for subdiv; Price $7500. Growing commun ity. Corner Pringle Rd. and old 99 Hiway. W. L. Callaway. Rt 4, Box 117. V i ACRE Good bouse with living; room; dandy kitchen: 2 bed rooms: bath: utility room: garage: good soiL Close to bus and store, price S3aao. see voor hees with ' i - .) LEO N. CHILDS. DTC REALTORS 244 State St . 4 : " - Ph. 9261 Wanted -Real Estate WANT modem house 85000 to 312.000. Ph. 7113. ' LIST your Property with Jaav D. Sears. Realtor. Call 9442 and I will call on you. Can give- quick at de pendable service as I have buyers for most any sana of a nome. ' - - JAS. D. SEARS, -REALTOR yPfT'-- j- - ' f. WANTED, listings od farms, acreage, residence property t business prop erty, We have buyers with cash to buy. Sea Jack Henningsen wtUr STATE FINANCE CO. - . ' 212 Gaardlan BMg. Ph. 8168 WOULD Ilk to buy 3 or 3 bed room modem noma m vicinity et Leslie at McKinley schools. Phona 3343. - - 1 . NOTICE: IF your property Is for sate, rent or exchange. Ust it with us We have-si kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS ! 212 Guardiaa Bldg. " - Daaineas Opportnxsities' BARGAIN, rURMSHTD apartment house with T arms, lot wcxiou, goon Income, cUy $4300-30. . Famished apt house, 9 spartmenis, nicely furniabad. $S500J. - Furnished, spt aouse. 10 smrhv ex ceUent Investment $16.000 00. ., LARSEN HOME t LOAN CO. Exclusive' Listings - Personal Serviee 164 So. Commercial St c- Ph. 4642 NEAR SENIOR HIGH: ;: - f Dweninc with ,4 rooms and bath down, and three r. apartment up, base ment fomace. double garage, bearing fruit and nut trees, garden space, paved at Prica $4564 cash. Possession an or about -Anril first GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Stf Ph. 4131 A MONEY MAKER Anartment noaaa f urnrture and lease. always filled, dose in. Income 8300 a month., . Eoom 3 Ladd 4s Bush Bldg. . , For Sale Used Cars BUICKS. . 1941 Buick Super 6-pass. i Coupe 1941 Buick Rd. Master , 6-pass. Coupe t 1941 Buick Spe. Sedanet 1941. Buick Super 6-pass. 1 -;l Coup 1940 Buick Super Sedan 1939 Buick Century 5-pass. Coupe : AU the above cars have Radios & Heaters ORVAL'S USED CARS CENTER at CHURCH - PH. 4703 Business Opportunities ! A GOOD INVESTMXNT: i Two story bldg, on State St Price 821.500. For particulars see GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St r : Ph. 4131 " ; " -ALWAYS RENTED ' i dose to buameas tbst Fun basem, fuvnace. trmie nhtmb, etec water heat er and other elec equip,- units. In come $300 per mo. Full prise $7908. See Mr. Reeve with 1 BURT PICHA 1410 S. 12th St Ph. 2210 I . TOR SAZX: . . ... Grocery store hkig- lata construc tion, good location, inchiding Oxtuies and-eqUipnent for groceries and meats. ifnee fSMw. -r - r -- - GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 Sr Mbarty St I : Ph. 4131 i COURT Apartment consisting of 4 eottagaa, '- equipped -with furnaces, re frigerators, hot. water heaters, fur nisaed except for dishes and linens. A sale mvestment . They are always ranted! We will be glad to shew them to yout 5 . ( - P.' H. BELL,- REALTOR 212 Gimrdlan Bldg. Ph. 81S8 .. APARTMENT HOUSK Good Income. 3 apts all furniahed. plus two aleeping rooms. Basement furnace, laundry room, Nice corner tot fruit at nuts. 1 blk. to business center. Can be shown any time. See Louis Bechtel or- Mrs. Needham, 341 State St Room 4. r . 'COMPLETELY EQUIPPED soda foun tain ' and . ice-creamv doughnut shop, lunch, counter and restaurant 4 -elec. eompraasers. Large . 2turch - popcorn machine and necessities to operate this business. Dandy local ton. -' Would con sider late model' cpe; in - trade. - i LEON C COONEY, REAL ESTATE 1259 State St -. , . Pb, 0761 or 8918 Cards lm this - directory snanthly baa I a 4ly. Kates IUU per Hat per Airplaiie Models KITS sad' SUPPLIES. Cherry - City Model Aircraft 31st Market. Auto Brakes 1 GENERAL Motors Approved finings and -methods only. ; Leder Bros. 443 Center St, Salem BERRALL-OWENS CO. 333 . Coml. I Mike Panek. 27S S. ComX Ph 5161 Brake - and wheel altgnmg specialist Auto and Truck Service HERRALL-OWENS CO, 233 S. Coral FACTORY TRAINED mechanics on all General Motors cars. Preference given essential owners csn and trucks i LODER BROS, 445 Center Street f -Our 16th year to Salem", Bicycles BICYCLES New and reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 S item'cl P 49.6 Body &, Fender Repairs LOWEST PRICES consistent with qual ity work. LODER BROS, 449 Center St, Salem. Ore. h HERRALL-OWENS CO, 233 S.Coml Chininey Sweep Northneso Chimney Sweep Ph 4499 Cosmetics AVON PRODUCTS. Ph 31003. Detective Service mrfflTt Aim mfldentlal civil and Criminal investigations. Photographic and nucracura servtca avauaoie. I Raymond DeLano and Associates : . : Rnnrfxl nif Licensed . - 1 Be6178 Portland P. O. Box 3353 - Electrical Contacting Marion Electric Co.. Pb 21989 or 22613 Externiinator COCKROACH service. P. 3058 Farm llaliinerT Reriairs 1 12th Street Welding Shop. Auto and farm machinery repair. 12th and Bines St unoerwooa ana Florists antthsuprs 441 Court 8m Front -.Wheel ADsnment nrnsf A P PROVED neciallv hraiaed mechanic aa our Bean front- end aoechlao, sava veur ores oy Keep ing your wheels properly Bned up LODER BROS, 443 Canter. St r-.- ; Directors Ill TerwCnrer Funaral Hi Ph 8SSS Garden Flowing t Ptowtef and dtsctoe Ford Ferguson tractor fcay Setter. Ph. 22504. . PLOWING. rCSD tractor. Ph. 1C3TJ Gifu TT3 AXECN Shop. 471 BL CA- Wanted Used Cars WANTED CARS TRUCKS PICKUPS fflGHEST CASH ; PRICES easawasaaaaaaasea. NASH USED ; CAR LOT 240 Center .. Salem . " . Phone 3734 WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your ear Is Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHR0CK SALEM'S oldest -ndependent used cat ... . . dealer. -NX Cumer Church Jk Chans Ph 7322 WANT TO BUY: Light pickup truck. Inquire at Firestone, corner Center and Liberty. Ph. 9M4. . ; r WANTED: late modal pickup. Box 2953, care of Statesman. Wood Sawing Sim Sneed 2503.. Brooks; P. 8303 Lost and Found ' LOST; WatMf hnnk Na ' S Mf Dors. Ph. 8804, - LOST: Lord Elgin wrist watch. Bill Hay dek. Raward $39. Pb, 3779. LOST: A gas book 286343. Mrs. C R. Lannigan. Rt 8, Box S73-C - BROWN tobacco sack , used as coin purse containing keys, ar about 34. Lost to Capitol theatre. Finder may keep money as reward, turn to coin purse at Capitol --theatre, box office. Keys are valuable to "owner only. LOST: Odd Fellows 50 year veteran's Jewel. Name on reverse side. W. H. Pettlt Rwd. -Odd Fellows Bldg, 3rd floor. :'. : :. v .. Personal HUMAN HAIR ' Bought 25c-50c ounee. 4 inchea ar longer. -No Comb ings. Arranjay'a, 34 West- 30th. New York. . . . - '- Hosiery Real 80 Honery MlQs. Ph. 970L Mrs Mosetey. PO Boa 733 . Lawnmower Sliarpening MACHINE ground. 940 3V CapitoL GUARANTEED WORK on' special factory grinders by Harry W. Scott Thb Cycle Man" 147 S. Commercial St Motorcycles INDIAN MOTORCYCLE authorized sales ana service, genuine Indian parts. finest equipped shop on west coast all wcrk 1 guaranteed.- accessories. - tires, tubes. "oil. for all motorcycles. New- In ban motorcycles now available under certain conditions. Write for: informa tion. Ray E. Gamer, 939 SE Hawthorne, Portland. (14) Ore. Motor Steam Cleaning PROMPT SERVICE on steam clean ing motors charts parts . and etc LODER BROS. 445 Center Street Painting & Paper hanging PAINTING At Decorating. Ph. 7532. INTERIOR AND exterior. siss Experienced Reasonable Ph 4323 Plnmbing - BO WEN BROS, Plumbing and Heat." log. 359 N. Com'l Ph. 7213. IVintiirg FOR STATION ERF. cards, pamphlets programs books or any kind of print ing. call The. Statesman Printing De partment 211 - S Commercial Tele phone 8101 - - ; ; . -i . Mattresses CAPITOL BEDD1NS CO Phona 40C8 Radio Service PIERCE Radio Serv, 942 N. ComX 7631 Sand and Gravel SAND, gravel, crushed rock. Walling aana ana wna.rHBt won. Septic Tanks Cleaned PERM. RES. Kenneth Hamet U43 Eighth SU West ateas. Pic 443 Transfer U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR RENT aUankats fum 137 S Ltberty Ph 8062 FOR IjOCALJ OR DISTANT Portland . daily , . Agent ' Fierce Ante rreigni. swnainf ijsiiz poima Traaaf er Co Ph 3UL Used Furutore DBFRACrS USED furtrmire, Ph - 8793 TJphoHtery aeaning IJPHOLSTERT 1 cleaned.- Ph. 9231.'. Vacuum Cleaner Service' CtRl'iriEU GUAR serv All make VincCs Electric. 151 81 LO Tel. 63S2 FREE inspecttoa ' to your home Au thortzed Beower servtea. We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros Ph 814ft TTatch J&lQock Repairins DECKER. 307 N. 19th. Ph. 2-1957, 7indbw QeaniE ALL work . guaranteed. Windows waus, woodwork cleaned f loors waxed Insured workmen rTofctstonal dean ing- Service la 44S7. For Sale--Used Cars Real Values 1941 DeSoto Cust. Sed. 1941 Pontiac" 5 -passen- ! ger Cpe. , 1941 Ford Super DeLuxe . .Tudor:' r :. - '- ; 1941 j Chev. 5-pass.' Cpe. 1941 Stude Cham. Seds . 1941 Ply. Spe. DeL. Sed. 1940 Mercury 5 - passen ger Coupe' 1939 Ply. DeLuxe Coupe 1939 Ford DeLl Tudor USED CARS CENTER at CHURCH PH. 4703 anaaaeaesanteasaSSneareniaaaaMSnaS ' v ' ' " j s - i You - wiU always find a better car and make a better deal at Lode r Bros., 445 Center St, Our 16th year in Salem, Ore- n. "Home of G o 6 d Used Cars. Oldsmobile Sales , and Service.1 Otto J. Wilson COMPANY 1941 BUICK SUPER PASS. COUPE 1941 BUICK SPECIAL 8 PASS. COUPE 1941 FORD FOUR DOOR SEDAN 1940 PACKARD CONY, COUPE, 1939 NASH COUPE 1939 CHEV. 3 DOOR SEDAN 1S39 PONTIAC 3 DOOR SEDAN 1933 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE CPS. 1933 BUICK 4 DOOR SEDAN 1937 BUICK 4 DOOR SEDAN 1937 FORD SIXTY 4 DOOR SEDAN We are in the market for all makes of used cars. 389 N. ComX St ' Phona 8451 Oldsmobiles 1941 Olds 76 Sedanette 1941 Olds 66 Sedan 1941 Olds 66 Tudor 1940 Olds 90 Sedan All above cars have radios j and heaters. USED CARS CENTER at CHURCH Ph. 4703 1931 STUPES A KER sedan 9108. Good rubber. Pickup possibility. Ph. 718C 37 OLDSMOBILE Sedan, good rub ber. Good buy for someone. . See at Four Corners Richfield Station. 1940 V-8 2 dr. Sedan. Good shspe. Ph. 3132S. ORVAL'S ORVAL'S 3 PONTIAC Cpe. See at 2377 N. I Liberty betw. and 12 ajn. Sunday only. ' i , : .. - -v i v 3B DODGE Sedan. Heater. Radio. Good tires. Sun. at Eve. Call 34007. ONE Single Axle Shuler Logging Trailer Complete Except for Wheels A Tires. Price $273. Also One Timken Axle, pnone saiem S4iso or STii. or write Box 14, Statesman. - 1941 OLDS 8 pass. cpe. Ph. 1937 DeLUXK Chev. Very clean. 918 Electric St Ph. 8782. : 1941 CHEV. Tudor Perfect cond? De froster. underseat heater, radio; - etc. Low mileage. Orig. owner. Reasonable. 1675 s. High. Ph. 3204 Sunday or alter 30 PJ4. 79 FORD Roadster. 1339 Hines TRAILER with 2 new tires. 473x19. See -at 1173 Mines.. Sat afternoon and Sun. only..; - : - . .-i ! - 37 DODGE 4 dr. sedan. New paint. Motor completely overhauled. Good tires. Cheap, 326 Gaines St . 33 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan. Original pamt. Motor completely overhauled. Good tires. Cheap. 328 Gaines St NICE 34 Chev. coach S399. Ph. 31323. '42 CHEV. I Pass, special deluxe coupe. Heater. 2000 miles. Mrs. A. W. Foster. 1589 Saginaw. v 1939 OLDSMOBILE. 3 NEW tires. 1st grade; 2 new recaps, 1st grade; A-l cond. R. W. Sparks, 310 N. 17th. it. vnan a, .tnhm Ti.a. m .! - late model automobile. Texaco. 8ta, I Broadway and Hood. PRIVATE PARTY win sell 1940 Chev. Spt dehute Sdn.. Excel, cond. Low mileage.. 8993 cash. Ph. 7813. . Motorcycles . ; . . : -. : 1933 "74" Harley Davidson motov eycie. 3273. Glenn Swerlngen. Rt.l. Independence Ore, ' Ph. 6XJ4.. . .. For Sale ood ' ASH, eak and Sr. 18. Chas. t. Simon. 1211 N. Liberty. Ph. 8683. OLD FTR -wood. V. Rock. Ph. 8SF4. FRESH cut sawdust for sale. PhrsaSX - GRXXN old i grtnrQi It' In. slab, prompt delivery. Pheae 944, - 16 C4 ami, wood. Ira. DcL Ph. wood, old rnt- ir. pu. cos. PLANER WOOD. Immediatr deliv ery. Salem Box Co. Ph. 9189. -: v - OLD rnt. Elmer Boia. Ph. 9433, WHY- par- mora lor- woodf 409 eu. ft. toad af 18 slatr and jmILv Runs 3 cord or over only 81430. Percy. Klea maa. Ph. 2114L . - 4 FT dry and green slab, 1CT heavy mm .wooo, sat ar- Tarnuo araera arata Ph,. 8374 or 21976 Cfsea, MILL Wood 3830 per load. J?f4U, 318.00. HoUyweod Fuel Co. Ph. - 4aaMaueas"wWwsk iro a FTR. H. R. Clason. Mehama, 6 SALEM LODGE No, 4. AT. A A-M. Wed Idarch 22. M. M, .degree, 7 JO. pjn