- I . . ... - i i Markets !'. i - i i -i. ' - ... t: -4- Fiinaiicial. Comics Farm Tha OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. .Sunday Morning March 19, ISM PAGE FOURTEEN Quotations at Portland Produce : PORTLAND. Ore.. March 18 AP) Butter AA trade prints 46c, cartons 46r. A grade prints 5',ic. cartons 4c; B grade print 45ic. cartons 46c. Buttertat First Quality,! maximum of of 1 per cent acidityj delivered in Portland. S2-52'4c; premium quality, maximum of J5 of 1 per cent acidity W-SSVac; vafcey routes and country points 2c less than fint of M-50'.,c; , second quality at Portland 2 leas than first or.- S0-50ic. , t -. Cheese. Setting price to Portland retailer: Oregon triplets 29.c; daisiea JjJte Jb.: loaf 30.2c lb.: triplets to wholesalers 27c: loaf 27Ve FOB. Ens To producers: Nominal prices, case count 30-32c; select henneries 31 32c dozen. I ' Zgg Nominal prices to1 retailers. In cases: A grade large 38-40c; A me dium 32-34c; A small 23-25 dozen. Live poultry Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 24 lbs. 27ac; fry ers 2i to 4 lbs. 28c; roasters over 4 lbs. 28c: Leghorn and colored hens, all weights 24'ic; roosters and stags 20c lb. -)..-.. . Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c lb.; live prices to producers 24c lib. - Turkeys Selling to retailers: Dress ed nens o. i. jvi-j i . j Turkeys Alive: Government ceil ing buying prices: Hens 42c; toms 36'ae lb., dressed basis. i Onions Green 90c dozen1 bunches; Yakima dry 2.47-2.75: Oregon 2.59, 2-inch. 2.79 90-lb. bag: Oregon 10s. 29c; Idaho 2.80 SO-Ib. bag: sets 20c lb. PoUtoes Yakima No. 1. IT cen tal: do 2s. 50s, 95c: Klamath; 3.40-3.55: Deschutes No. 1. 3.40 cental: i local 2.50 cental: Idaho 3.25-3.50 cental. PoUtoes New Florida 4,00-4.25 SO lbs.. ' : Country meats Rollback ! prices to WTVE ?coecwanoha; ..j DISCOVER THAT THE PKIVER OF THEIR OCT KAMMBJZ 0FTKE ITALIAN UNPERGKOUKJD WHEN HE SHOOTS THE NAZI GUABD... THIMBLE ThATRE WE MUST NOT! FY THE POLICE THAT ANNIE AND ZERO HAVE DISAPPEARED! 7 fc .j- S. . w et i-W -"m f,. ' 7si f" CCORCHY SMITti "Cs TCySy 3h P I I g& JS? .j IVJEUSTRftP A ! .- rv " JmiVCXWS&i ) THE UTTLE BLACK 60K j I ERRPftN5 ) HOUR SrTW BELT, algCf i w r Finrv ? rjg I TTX " II j fl I I fSOU'Re A SMART OOS,PtJJTa..) ' v I- I MICKEY MOUSE j ' j v X I ll JS 1 i'i . "" I llOHEM I GETS BACKTOf I IP I DOME GOOD, PCARSj IOH,P0P6Ve(YAHOV, bM PAPA I6AN vf V6R A II F" -U ! THB BASB I HEARS THEVMAKESMEA I HOPE VA I ADM WAL , BUT SOME V SrM)M5?ALS ftli UBERKV AG'IMJ PgOM ME LQ, j ' WADMALj.V g - -rkm JS DOKjT OrYV ME HOPES Tfl BE ) DAUGHTER V" A CH1EF OSUKfe jf MV V . I i (jAKg tT EAS gHERlPF I LEMMS W0U3H Hg1 INSlDsl I WHRS'5 THE PRJS-TcALM DOWN. 1 ; ! - A" . THERE (WHS RSg A?45 OFFICE ONEPl?alMEYGOry SHERlFta " " Tg?; '.;"" ' I ; fn-w' ' "Tlflh-TrnnisirrllBsnnnnn tiaiuui'WSMMMgw!e! . Portland! retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 17-I8c; vealers AA 22'c; A 21Uc; B 19-19ic; C 15- 17C;i culls 12-lJc; canner-cuuer wwi 10.14c; bulls. canner-cutters I4ie; lamb AA 26e: A 24ic; B 22Hc: C IO-SOc; ewes FS 13'ic; medium 12c; R NHiC Beef AA 21 c; A 204c; B 18ic; C 14c; cutter -common cows 10-14c; cutter-common ' bulls 14Ae. Wool Government control. Cascara bark Dry. 17c lb. Mohair 1942. 12-month 45c lb. Hops Nominal, contract seedless 65c lb.: seed 70c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. 2 or better 34.00-35.00; oat Vetch 29.00 ton, valley points; timothy (eastern Oregon) 33.00-36.00 ton; clover 24.00 ton; Montana grass hay No. 1 33.50 ton. East Side Market PORTLAND, Ore.. March 18 (API- First; locally grown rhubarb oi me season appeared on i the East Side wholesale market today to' seU at 51.50 dozen bunches. Heavy loads of spinach from both local and mid-Columbia growers sold steadily at $1.50-2.00 a crate. Local potatoes flooded the market but held at $2X0 to $2.50 per 100 lbs. Carrots remained 90 cents a lug and turnips at $1.00. Some dry oniona were offered at S2.50 to sz.o a su-io. sacs. Geaeral Prices: Apples Rome Beauty 2.00-2.75: local Baldwins 2.00-2.25 box: Hood River winesaps (Steyanan) 4.00 box; Newtonws 3.00-3.25 box. Bro ccoll -- Green 1.00 lug; 1.00-UO dozen bunches. Cabbage No. 1 green 2.50-1.75: or dinary 2.50 crate: , red 1.75 pony crate; savoy (curly) 75c cauliflower crate. Cauliflower No. 1. 2.50; near Is 2.25; No. 2. 1.40-1 .50; Roseburg Is. 2.75; 6OTT06ET . .-.iwinnmn, Fnnnnin:, pnu,i rtcuiw...y sj T...Q Vtt JUST WAITS FOJ I BACK TO OUR BASE MIGHTY QUICK. i i nwm,isw ins. rnujii I I I ffMwM art r i I SIAC0M0..THERFRE , -iimun Tirse ivme nrnra fwiiwmi; IrtAI I AU.THcnTI I L : - . I nr-ii.u-- 7.Kni..nnf J I rAJsC... aHc JUST I HcAar IT5 StlMH I I I J ,. i I THAT WE WANT J HIPINS PLACE OF WKtTOWACWlftT "irfi li- r mA rn.l n. f- I snssmanBsBsskiBsssBfsB-- ai ia r ? -Mm . ok f r JBTW l-lt X sL mOAD! IF THE POLITF FOUND ANNIE, SHED BE SENT TO AN ORPHANAGE AND HER DOG TO THE POUND J - . 1 ii .'it ii ' U. 1 I 1 1 HI. II r . I 2s, 1.65-1.73 crate. Celery noot i.uv crate. - i Endive No. 1. 90c dozen.! , Greens Spinach, Bingen 2.00; M col 1.75 orange - box; mustard ; 75-90e dozen bunches: kale 90c-1.00 crate; swiss chard 70c dozen bunches; par sley 85-75C dozen bunches. Oniona Green 90c dozen bunches; commercial grade dry 60s. 2.S0 bag. Radishes Red VOc dozen bunches. Root vegetables Bulk parsnips 90c 1.00 lug;-carrots 75C-1.00; turnips 75c 1.00 lug. : . -.- - ' H' Sprouts Brussels 2 JO - flat; bulk stock 12c lb. ... , . ; Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. March IS (AP) Wheat futures unquoted. f i .-, Cash pain: OaU No. 2-31 lb. white 5025; barley No. 2-45 lb. BW 47.23: corn and flax unquoted. :--. Cash wheat (bid):' Soft white 1.47; soft white (excluding Rex) 1.49i; ti:-222 Guardian Bldx, Telephone 1 1& 'assass We are always in tke market to hay ' fe CASH Real Estate Mortgages and CeattMts, Merchandise Disc sunt Paper and Notes BEG SEP BECAUSE SHE FEARED BEIN6 SEPARATED FROM HER DOG, ANNIE RAN AWAY 173 a I . . I I . ! . ' U whit club MI; western red 1JJ2. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.46; 10 per cent 1.47; 11 per cent 1.49; 12 per cent 1.51. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1.47'4; 11 per cent 1.48'i: 12 per cent 1.49'4. Today's car receipts: Wheat 24. bar ley i, flour 5. oats L nay; I, mill-. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. March IS AP) (w a wecauy review Norta. iW land livestock market: Salable cattle 1913, calves 234, Gen erally steady to itrong on all classes. Good -choice fed steers 1430-18.00. most ly 15.00-73; common - medium 10.00 14.00; few stackers 12.50-75. Good, fed heifers 13.50-145. common - medium 1.50-13.00. Good beef cows 10.75-11.50: young cows to 1225; canner-cutters 5 00-7.50; fat dairy type S OO-S SO; heavy Hohrteins to 10.00. Medium-good bulls When yoa need money: and need It fast ... when illness r financial difficulties sudden ly demand more money than yoa have on hand ... do not hesitate to consult as. 'J I Eepayment Schedule to Fit Tour Income STATE FINANCE CO. Corner Liberty and State Lie. S-Mt M-222 I WAS SCARED THAT THE MAf4 WHO WANTED ID BUY YOU. f WOULO 6ET YOU, BUT IF WE'RE TERRIBLECAReFULwWe . VCANT KETCH US. rT Lilrrly a, Sd:n "Strictly Private" , A I . 1 I TOOK A FEW M0RE TI1-.B11T TUERE AMT i XOUa - ttr It; TDilWNK. I AM GETTING SHELL VEAD&d... Pt.iyHOW-THEV AIKT BSMTtsajKED CRAP SWOOTIWG. Livestock land Poultry WORK HORStS SADDUC HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch LarsV assortment on hand at aQ time at very attractive prices. CRED IT civen anyone. Discount for cash. Guaranteed as represented. Fran de livery. Harry Kueane, Carlton, Or. Located ', ml. W. of Newberg. X7S N.H. Pullets, laying;. $1 JO each. Rt. a. Bon 983E, I. mi. S. liberty Store. f . .i TEAM aood farm' horses, wt. about 1600. Blocky buUt horse weight 1990. White's Farm, 1 mL East of Turner. Not Saturday. i ' ATTENTION Will remove dead & worthless stock In a moment's notice I SALEM FER TILIZER & BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 6000 Collect (No other Phone I. BUY FROM breeder to set chicks from good stock at low cost. Day-old Ac started. Multiple Strain chicks on hand now.- Nelson Poultry Farm. East D St Ph. 8280. f COLLEGE CREST HATCHERY, for merly River Road Hatchery: baby chicks.. $15 per hundred: custom hatch ing, sc. a mt. from w. saiem onage an Wallace R4- Ph 22622. ;: WANTED: Turkey hatching eggs Highest - prices paid. Northwest Poul try and Dairy, 1505 N. Front. Ph. 70017, r. -::, X TT IS )6 23 24 2S i Is" 24 4 34 3S 24 40 41 TT 42 43 'A 46 47 48 5o Si 52 53 ST S5 54 61 62 63 r 65 HORIZONTAL ; I. Soft hat,' 5. Armed conflicts y. What was the Brst important ' railway towp recaptured by . '.the Russians in 4 heir Jrjvt ,r, - around Leningrad? .12. Herring-sauce . 13. Son of Adam "v. , - 14. RiVcr In Switzerland" V, 15-Large, staved, round vessel 17. River in Northern Italy 18. Falsehood : 19. Imitator i 21. Designs 23. Offers' for consideration 27. Symbol for silver . 25. Crippled j - 29. Pouch . j- 31. Deed 'V 34. Near . ; 35. Lair i 37. Had existed ! ' 39. Correlative of either 4fl. Affirmative i 42. Salt t -44. Wash tightly: 46. Toward 43. Penetrate ! 50. Pound water In sailing . 53. Golf mounds ! ' 54. Lubricate i 55. Hypothetical rnaideh 57. Places of sacrifice . v v 61. Cuckoo . ; ' 42. Who is Cer Mint's wife in Tennyson's poem 'Idylls ot the Hint"? -' " ' 64. Operatic solo 65. Writing implement - 66. Unaspirate i 67. Coarse hulled. Indian corn . VERTICAL 1. Public vehicles 2. Wirg 3. By ! . , 4. Scratched - - 5. What title wss'held by the , present Duke of Windsor before he succeeded throne? Prince of - 6. Jewish month. 7. Corded fabrl'; 8. Spill over i By Quinn Hall I CAW LET VOU feDy AUGHT WTT AtAKlW 7' : SOVfclJJHfcRESi iH XAlY GERW FRlSiERS Itfi IRe n&ayiiilvi Livestock and Poultry NEW Hampshire laying pullets or ready to lav puilcts. Immediate de livery. Choice selection. Ph. 22S61, Lee's Hatchery.:.--, . I BABY CHICKS and custom hatching. Z2, yrs. 'experience assures you of best quality and satisfacUon. Prepare foi better market conditions later. Hatches every Monday and Thursday. Hamp shire. Leghorns, Red. Barred Bocks, day old ckls or pullets. Ph. Z2861 Lee's Hatchery. Help Wanted ! MAN Wanted: Established Watkina Products 800 family rural route; ex cellent, immediate, post-war oppor tunity. Write E. E. Ruhnke, 4512 Hollis Street. Oakland. 8, Calif. SHOE Salesman or saleslady. Top wages paid. Style Arch Shoe Co., 357 State. - . . -.'v. - WANTED: Men and women to - work as attendants. Board, room and laun dry furnished in addition to slary. Call or write for further details. Phone 1-3012. Oregon FairView Home, Salem. . MEN and. women for hop yard work. Ph. 7956. r , TnEED 6 mora eltperlenced pressers. Top wages. Inq. Hollywood Cleaners. 8693. . A L. . ICOOK WANTED. The Spa. 3 ii '4 17 )8 'A 22 Z7 So si 32 33 37 38 3t 4? 45 9 57 58 59 60 64 67 3-6 What Spanish province is " famous for its wines 10. Net 1 L Land-measures 16. Lyric poems ' 20. Thing. In law 2 Note in the scale ' J, 23. SpoK - ' - 241 Value r .- n 25, llystie ejaculation ; ; , , 26. Observed , ", - ir -JO, What mount in Palestine' if associated with Elijah 32'. Price 331 Woody plant 36. Short sleep s , - 4 38. Afternoon sleeps 41; What Soviet leader recently met President Roosevelt the first-time? r 43 Lease 45j Symbol for sodium - 47 Upon 49. English novelist 50. Cleansing agent : 51. Cone-bearing cverg. 52. At what German seapt,.. . the mutiny among the nav occuntoward the end of , ., : hst war? 56. Single unit 58. Macaw . 59. Edge 60. Undermine .',-, 63 Within '- Answer to yestetw , le. Average thna af setatlea: XI stlaatea.' Xlst ly King Features Syndicate. lac 71' mffflgM I C A glTr PlAjl (N" 'RIOIC A V "gp A I D E MiU Ido A NlSj Mlsj .GiETT Uota --iv lEk tiljklti TTlo ni?Jx LTr' sO 4 !P L Ji Help Wanted CHILDREN'S FARM home. Corral' Us, needs assist, matron. - (cook), and man for farm or gardening. Would consider man & wife, both to be em ployed br can use service man's wife. mL from Camp Adair. . WH. B. SCHNEBLY. STJPT. " Ph. 828 W. Corvaliis Help Wanted Male Workers now employed In war pro duction should not apply and will not oe considered tor employment by em ployers advertisuig --in this section. EXPERIENCED CARLOADERS - full wage scale. Good . government housing available. Apply COASTAL- LUMBER . COMPANY" ; Grand Ronde. Oregon, or phone : BRoardway 3551. Portland. OPENING AVAILABLE FOR MAN IN SPORTING GOODS AND PLUMB ING DEPARTMENT. WILL TRAIN SATISFACTORY MAN AND PAY WHILE TRAINING. UNLIMITED OP PORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT. EXPERIENCE IN THESE LINES OR IN SELLING HELPFUL BUT NOT NECESSARY. THIS IS PERMANENT WORK WITH A FUTURE. PHONE MR. HENRY, 3194, FOR APPOINTMENT. MEN to work in City View 'Ceme tery. Call at cemetery- office, 290 W. Hoyt. - .;,,'-;:;;-,. i,;, V BUTCHER Wanted, to manage meat counter in grocery store, Nevada town of 2500 population.. Excellent oppor tunity, salary $53.00 per week plus percentage of profit. Write F. H. Sut ton. Winnemucca, Nevada. - 1 MEN for day work. Inq. Firestone Stores, corner Center and Liberty. " WANTED: Twelve track men. Work in Salem. Pay $1 per hr. Time and for overtime. Apply Oregon Electric ! Freight House. 153 Chemeketa. WANTTOrllofa?,"ntf 13, Statesman. .., MACHINISTS wanted for Salem and also Dallas plant. Salem Iron - Works and Dallas Machine and Locomotive Works. - - WANTEDAUTOMOBILE - mechanic, good working conditions. State Motors. Inc.. 340 N. High. Ph. 4436. - MEAT Cutter, experienced, top nay. steady. Saving Center, Portland Road. MARRIED man on dairy farm: house available. Ph. 67F13. J. M. Nichols Rt. 6. Box 14L EXPERIENCED furniture salesman. Hogg Bros., 260 State St. MECHANIC, familiar with - General Mntnra para - Perm nosition. - Excel. workin conditions and wages. Must be experienced Heir all-Owens Co. Help Wanted- Female WOMAN or- girl to care for small child 6 days per week. 303 S. Winter after 9 P.M. GROCERY clerk wanted. Berg's Gro cery. 17th 8c Center. EXPERIENCED store. Ph. 4353. clerk for variety EXPERIENCED woman for. tailoring and alteration work. Ph 4353. COMPETENT lady for hswk. and care of small child. Rm. and board if desired. Ph. 2-1138 after P.M. EXPERIENCED stenographer for pro fessional office. Good salary to quali fied person. Box 2899 Statesman. EXPERIENCED Ph. 8273. STENOGRAPHER. WILL Share home with war widow. No objection to child; in return for light housekeeping. Ph. 4133.. Davis. WANTED: Girl or woman for dining room work: also one for cleaning and relief work. Must live in. ua 1B44, Portland. Reverse charges. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY WANT ED. PRICES. nttrses hctoers Practical nurses. Good wages Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital. . , VMPTJ-IYED mother will share home and pay some wages for care of small boy. Ph. 4277 or 5906. - EXPERIENCED egg candler wanted. Rood nav. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. 1505 N . Front . Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN Natl. Co. doing 800 more bus. today than 1941.. Spec, line sold to stores, also 1.100 adv. items. Substantial drawing acct. against earn ed comm. Write Kemper-Thomas Com pany, Cincinnati . 12, Ohio. - Situations Wanted ! EXP. Lady wants hswk. In Salem. Perm. Pos, Start April 1. 1272 3rd. W. Salem. CHILDCRAFT Nursery. We pick up and deliver. 1995 Trade. ' Ph. 21829. Tractor plowing & discing: Ph. 8782. TCKCar fo invaUd or eldcrty per- FprSalc- Miscellaneoas UNFINISHED CHESTS 4 Drawer 24- ..:.,.,, 4 8.49 4 Drawer SO? Z. 9.85 5 Drawer 24'......,... ;.,.,,, 'i...-,;-. 10.45 9 Drawer 30" , ...:..4.. 11 M WESTERN AUTO STORE. Salem . BEAUTIFUL table lamps. See our as sortment - before buying. . i -Nelson Bros. Furniture, 31S N. Liberty TYPEWRITER. Excellent condition. Ph. 34S8. L 3 '.: 2 1 . J "i r i 'j -" HOT POINT elect, range. Flat top. Like new. Ph. 3286. ; " WICKER baby buggy, Gd. cond. 815. 835 N. Com'L Bsc. in rear. WILD NUTS special sates. 80 . lbs. hickory nuts $2.00, 29 lbs. pecans 85 J0. 20 lbs. black walnuts $1.00. S lbs. pecan meats 84.50. or all for $12 M at Coffey ville. Kansas Producer Co., Coff eyville, Kansas. -'.--" -j. ..-ri"-- MAYTAG washer. Drop leaf table and 4 c'.tairs. Buffet , Rocker. Pre-war daveno. 11 tube PmMooi Fruit iars iron ing board: side arm water heater; Srrv. apt. size gas range; day bed; new bednr.. set. Waterfall design bed: 4 bed spring and mattress; 9x12 rug; linoleum. . 24? 6 Fairgrounds Rd. A COMPLETE tine of baby carriages and strollers, 85 JS and up. Nelson Bros Furniture. 319 N. Liberty. 2-WHEEL trailer. A-l tires. Disc. Ph. 21158 Sunday or eves. 320 Fisher Road. . . - ,. -y. : HYACINTH blossoms, sinvl sr Kv the dozen. Ph. 8352. - r 88 HAIR Dryer, like new. $4. 2 doc qt. fruit rs 91. Dos. pint Royal Anne cherries t - Queen baby - buggy 85. Baby bath tub $L2S. 820-MiU St Shop Nelson Bros.- Furniture for oil St wood circulating heaters. 215 N. UDerty. '-.,'.; OCCASIONAL tables, a good assort ment to choose- from, ISJi3 and up. Nelson Bros. Furniture, 319 N. Liberty For Sale Miscellaneous - TRAVELOME TRAILER. 20 feet house complete for 8850.00. , ... p- H BELL m Cuardlan Bldg. : ph, $181 .PRE-WAR daveno. A-l condition. 865.00-180 Monroe. Ph. 7717. . LIVING, dinlnr arut luut mu. . m win twu. 3flufi nigs; gas plate. Ph. 9913. ; DINING "rn set: 1 bureaus: smali end Ubles: iron folding cot 1070 Elec tric. Ph. 21887. u , , : :.T-- isKTTCHEN Range, copper coiL $35. m BED. Slmmnn mrlnn cod spring folding bed; dresser: chest of orilwrr - - r. b . - : . new; lawn mower; garden hose 59 ; ft SIMMONS bed and dM Mil !. and mattress; child's bed complete. xi sue ou rn. ezas. -TENTS TENTS Have laree misntiH. nt ttA i i , or. pyramid tents with 4a ft. wails. Acme- Auto and Truck Wreckers. 3958 Portland Rd. i plants. Bear this year. H. M. Broad- na.! ai as jweizer sent. w wwS PRE-WAR fomh. wom m mi h Chen range. Hot water reservoir. New condition. Ph. 5533 or 9355. MONTAG ranre . Mulnnaxi ,ctK . ii burner and coils. 2153 State. SMAli GuIbranTC Rose Rust rug. Phone 5284. MTCTlCABTOET. 173 VI. lltkT PRT.WAR t in Kw .h.i. ,,n springs, slip covered. $29. Ph. 32S6.; ROW BOAT." flat Miom A 120. Ph. 3286. , . I, . CRlSandttreBS tV. Late model . burner elect, hot olate. las SnimtX view Ave. TENTS TENTS Have large quantity of used 18x18 12 oz. pyramid tents with 4,B ft. walls. Acme Auto and Truck Wreckers. 3058 Portland Rd. i ... j 7RFumitu Miisc items and clothing. SUndard elect, train. 50T N. 19th. Ph. 21957. No dealers. . SMALL male doar to give awav. 774 N. Winter. I. NawVbtacBTxltte 12 or 14. Ph. 4819. 1530 Madison, i. NEW Brown Russian Caracul coat Size 14. Ph. 4728, - . OVERSTUFFED Dsvennort & chair. newly covered. 1610 Trade St Ph. 6396. DUTCH Ovens. Yeater Appliance) Co.. 255 N. Uberty. - ;, REGULAR 86.95 Plata Glass Mirror . 24" Round, heavy veneer back, reduced to $4J5. Western Auto Store. Salem. ATMORAYS OZONE, sell and rent H- C. Pugh. Ph 2-2458. P.O. Box 463. FERTILIZER. Ph. 3523. 960 N. ComX Fuller Brushes 1745 Grant Ph 839L 2 GOOD TABLE model radios, infra ray health lamp, good overcoat Siaat 44. Call 4216 for information. ! !' 1 NEON Cafe sign 3x6 ft- in verj good cond.. cheap. Starbuck Cottages. North of Underpass. Waisfed Miscellaneous 48 or 120 bass accordion. Th. 4480. WANTED: Electric refrigerator. Mr. Gleisner, Ph. 9144. j Wanted: Small printing press. P. 7000 We Buy Furniture j TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. ' HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED Pianos urniture and Appliances can sua tor appointment. HOGG BROS. 260 State St GOOD used wood lathe.-Ph. 4395. WANTED: Good tricycle. Ph. 7445. I OREGON GRAPE root wanted high- est prices paid. City Machinery anC Junk Co.. 285- Chemeketa St orange, front). Phone 3737. -. r wNTTO'rf:7sed ; tenses McEwan Photo Shoo 435 State, PAYINGwrtQ skins. Millions wanted. Rush shipments) today. Valcauda Fur Co., Seattle. Wn. WANTED:. Good typewriter. Royal or Underwood preferred. 7338. , COUPLE OP electric irons wanted. good or bad. Ph. 3698. RABBIT SKINS, highest prices' pd. West Side Fur Co. West Saiem. Oregon. CASH FOR used tarnrmr 6k ih nnld eonds R Foreev Ph 7448 . I Wastepaper. mag, edbd. 1790 N. Front CASH PAID for upright, spinet grand pianos Phone 8707. 1 - i7SED FURNITURE ;P .'"IS CASH -tor used snasto. at other mu sical, instruments 2 Call ' 4841 slayr or 9537- evenmgs or send neat i iptmn to Jaqnith Music; . Co- 491 S. High. Miscellaneous Learn Practical Nursing Instruction. Be a trained practical nurse. Big demand. High wages. Learn quickly at home. Fine extra . money occupation. Work when you pleas. Ages 18 to 55. High school not neces sary. Write for free information. Wayne School of Practical Nursing, Box 92. Statesman. :, .- S DentaL Plate Repair ; TWO HOOB SEKV1CS CN MOST . CASES - f Brtntr or Malt Your Plates for Repair - DR HARRY SEMLER. OENTIST Adoiph Bldg State Coml-Ph 3311 Septic Tanks Cleaned State wide. Guaranteed work. Gene rite. 63 Edgewater. Ph. $743. . STOVX Parts Repaning. Woodry Auction Market 1603 N. Summer. - TR A TH tnr nnct.urar ttnaitinns. DaY and night classes Capital Business For - Rent Houses Modern furn. , house. .739 N. ComX . SM. PARTLY Furnished hse. $48.50. 891 Knapp. . i - . LARGE Cabin, lights, water. 8 mites west on Dallas Highwy. Bon 469. a 8 ROOM turn, house. Adults only. Ne pets. 423 Locust St For Rent FLOOR SANDER for ' rent Mont gomery Ward TRUCKS for rent You drive Me Cun Si Love 0. phone 9o00. 1 For McNess" Products Ph." 4353. " f1