The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1944, Page 13, Image 13

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    Th OUTGO!? STATESMAN. Satan. Oregon, Sunday Morning. March 19. 1341
fags TimrrnziT
Piluso, Davidson Added to Tuesday Mat Card at Armory
ItH be mat heel against her
fat the two prelims t Um re
match between Jack "Plu-u
Bojr" Klser tad Billy "Bust
"Em" McEaia Tuesday night at
the village punch garden, an
nounces Matchmaker! Don Ow
ca la completing the; signing 0(
the participants for the three
rlnf ed bleep brawL : ir '
Ernie Piluso, popular as they,
come locally and Just recently
slapped down with a S2S fine
for f&flinx -to" show j ap for a
card two weeks are. wCl Untie
with Burly Bock Davidson, the
bowler red basher, fat the semi-
windsp affair and Milton AdoU
phns Olson, the "Banua Foot
ball,'; assumes Us usual role la
the eurtala-ralser at 8:30 pjn, :
araiust Toothless Toorhlo For
ter. Both heats are tabbed , for
39 minutes, twe of three falls. .
No danger of said crunch
cronies fallng to arrive by waits
time Tuesday for the tax has
been upped te fifty .smacks If a
bemuscled tent deesat turn up
for his m a t e fc , Kasslers being
; raaslers, theyll all be here If
they hare te crawl.
Owen reminds that he has
definitely signed Walter
"Sneesle" Aehla te thlrd-
aU snatches this week and that
the ,. ultra - popular Chinaman
with the routine knuckles will
be instructed te see that all
grapplers get ! fair and square
decisions. Signing of Achht te
ride herd en the meanles was
brought about by popular de
mand after i last; week's battle
between MeEuin and Klser. The
blonde adonis had the Texas
tneanle whipped, hut the referee
wasn't In a position te see It.
He was draped across a rope
trying te shake the stars from
hisC noggin after getting in the
way of one of Kber fantastic
flying tackles. It all resulted in
an eventual win for SXeEuln,
but the customers readily hissed
the decision and hare been hiss
lug It since.
Likeable Klser followed up by
, laying a protest ea Owen's lap
and coupled with the complaints
thrown by the fans the rematch
was made with Aehla as ref-
Tickets fvt Tuesday's scuffle
may - be purchased at staple's
Sporting Goods store Honday
afternoon aad all day Tuesday.
Dodds Victor;
Busts Indoor
Mile Record
4:06.4 Performance
Betters World Mark
CHICAGO, March f 18-(P)-Ga
Dodds. the flyinz parson from
Boston, won his seventh consecu
tiv miie race nr inn ihvui : in.
night, turning in a hew world's
competitive indoor record of
- 4:08.4. ' . ,
Five timers caught Dodds'
breath-taking finish at 4:06.4 on
the nose as he beat out Bill Hulse
of the New York AC by 20 yards.
Dodds, turning in progressively
better miles during his sensation
al string of victories,' cracked his
own indoor mark of 4:07.3, which
; he had set only a week ago in
the Knights of Columbus meet at
New York. ! "
Finns Spank
Grant, 39-27
i Knappa-Svensen's district B-l
"quint, losers to Pleasant Hill in
Friday's opening round, came back
in the "B" division; consolation
bracket yesterday morning at Wil
lamette to hand Grant . Union of
Canyon City, B-4 representatives
in the hoop classic, a; 39-27 beat
fog. The Finns led all the way,
14-6 at the quarter, 27-9 at the
half and 32-20 at the third period.
Grant rallied the fourth frame
"but had too much of a lead to
overcome. '. j
Forward Bill Hunt, Knappa's
ace point pitcher in the tourney,
poured through 16 markers to lead
the victory. Bill Kelly notched 10
for Grant. The win gave Knaapa-
' Svensen. third place in the TB'
tourney. -'-. ..if'-w :'
Fg Ft rt T
Two Upcoming forWashington's Colonials
. . t . ' ; .. ' .
A . : . ; r - ;t . .
' ' 4 ' '- - ,
I - " '
irt .. 1 - z )
K J ; l
J- :
. N - -
5 . -j
Sfat-f oot two-Inch Willis Urban (6), Washlnrton high's sharpshootinr forward. Is shown letting go with
what soon wound up in two points In the Colonlals-Ashland Grbndles thriller Friday night. Winnie
Roberson of the Grizzlies is attempting to check Urban In the third quarter action while Del: Landing
(14) conies up from behind. Jim Mitseff (4) and Chuck Rufner of the Colonials are pictured at left
That's Official Paul Warren watching the flight of the baUU The Grisslles upset the favored Colonials,
23-38. and went on to win the state championship last night 9f walloping Bend, 55-35. (Dave Scott ;-T - i ': i" I-5- ... ' : "-: 'I'
Fourth Place
To Pendleton
; Springfield Edged
I By 4443 Count
-V ! ' - it
i In one of the most tightly-tussled
scraps In the state hoop clas
sic nd gosh knows there have
been many of 'em - Pendleton's
unsung Buck aroos yesterday
turned back Springfield's : once
mighty Millers 44-43 for the tour
ney's fourth place finish. The
district 1 Bucksentering the meet
Ss 'a team which has shown Im
provement all season", takes home
its second straight third-place fin
ish they wound up in that spot
last year. : -. ;;:j.U
f After a nip-and-tuck first quar
ter the Millers were In front IS
IS. They shoved it to 30-24 at half-
time. Midway ; through the frame
Pendleton lost ; its ace scorer Cap
tain Bob Schwartz via fouls, but
Coach R. A. Nixon's crew held
its" own with; the driving; Curt
Luckey, Wade Cowan & Co, from
district 3, one i of the pre-tourney
favorites. V';' X:':'::'X
Luckey, the lad who set a new
scoring record Friday with 32
points against Oregon City, joined
with Cowan and Center Jim Lee
to offset rallying points by Phil
lips, Rosenburg, Hawes and Kel
ly of the Bucks to lead 37-34 it
the third quarter, but Pendleton
roared to the front on hits by
Hawes and Cox two minutes af
ter -the last period opened. ,';
Cowan and Luckey traded bas
kets with Rosenburg and Kelley
the next three minutes, and then
with but 1:15 left Jerry i Lake
pitched in a side-court howitzer
to knot it at 43-43. The teams
chased furiously up and down the
speedway as the clock rolled off
the seconds, and with exactly f our
left Lee fouled Lyman Phillips jbf
the Bucks and he ' calmly made
good with the winning point
Rosenberg, the Buckaroo floor
general led all ' scoring with 14.
Luckey added; 12 to his 33 scored
Friday and Cowan came through
with 1L So evenly matched were
the two teams that in shots taken
Springfield had 59 to Pendleton's
55, the Millers had 16 field goals
to Pendleton's IT and Springfield
outpitched the Bucks only 11-10
from the free throw lines. i
Schwartz, t 7
cox. 1 i -11
PhllllpB, e i IS
X. Johnson, t
Kngblom, c
Crttula. t
W. Johaaon. (
Btmonaoa, e
hmh; g C
, Touts
.. 0
KeUy. f IS f S S 4 19
Hlnsbaw, f . IS IS 1 t 5
WilMn. c S it 1 S S
Eddy, g S O S . 0
Mulleoex. g 13 j 3 117
McKlnnis. t 0 S . S O
Trowbrldf e, g 0 0 9
Bruc. g est 0
Totals 55 11 3 14 .17
Shooting perecntagca: Grant Union
- J18; Knappa-Svenaen J33.
Officials: Coleman and Warren. -
Wins Tourney
SEATTLE, March 18-(ff)-LewU
and park high school of Spokane,
the perennial champions of the
eastern Washington metropolis,
won their second Washington state
basketball title here tonight, de
feating Lincoln high of Tacoma,
41 to 38.
; Lewis and Clark led at the half,
23 to 13.
r Nicholson Insurance managed to
keep its three-game lead in the
. Commercial bowling j league at
Perfection, during the week and
Ceonre Scales' 179 average still
rules tops in the individual de
partment Goldies " is i in second
place in the standings three games
ahead of Halvorson Construction
Co. . . - :i:- -'"X-
The ; Industrial league chase
' tightened after Tuesday's session
end now three teams are clustered
In 1-23 order, only a game sepa
rating than. The Statesman leads,
Papennakers . are a step behind
nd Wahl Bros, rolling now after
starting the second half poorly,
is one hop back of papennakers.
West continues to lead the indi
viduals with his 180 average.
Army-Navy Store kept its one
game lead in the hot Major league
' chase over Bert's , Pros, who in
turn are but one game up on the
third place tie between City Clean
ers and Oine's Coffee Shoppers.
i wail inline, jr., myyw -
the averages and is now only one
point up on Don Poulin and Els
worth HartweH, both of whom are
clipping at a 184 average pace.
Acklin's Bootery held the lead
In the Ladies league by three
game "over. Broadway Beauty
Shop, while the Keglettes and Mil
ler's furniture are - tied for third
place. - Virginia Garbarino's -159
v average still leads the Individual
.v field. .;:-..v.'.:.--';,. v, Iv;
O Dried Peat Moss and
Turkey-Litter, Lawn
Fertilizer i
0 Vlctory'Gardea
Fertilizer p "
- - i i .
Nicholson Insurance .
Goldies .
Halvorson Construction
Senator Barbar Shop
Hartman Bros.
Pauhis Bros.
W L-
.33 10
.20 13
-17 IS
1 17
-15 IS
.14 19
.13 11
Averages leading IS bowlers: Scales
179. Hill 174. Dahlberg 173, Steele 170,
ZeUer 189, S. Mills IBS. Duffus 168.
Wheatley Its. E. Garbarlno 154, W.
Valdes 164.
Sta teaman
Wahl Bros.
Valley CHI Co.
M At T Grocery
. IS 9 .587
.--,..,- 17 10 .630
S . 19 11 J3
: it .ii jit
13 14 Sl
13 IS .444
9 19 J33
9 19 .333
Capital City Laundry
Brlte Spot
Averages leading lfl bowlers: West
ISO, Densmore 16. Kirch ner 169. Ma
thts MS. Edwards 1SS, Melville 164.
Wbeatley 1S4. Pederson 163. Forgard
ISO;- White 139. Xrtsgaard 159.
Army-Navy Store 1S 9 .82S
Bert's Proa ; 14 IS JSU
City Cleaners 13 11 .643
Acme Auto Wreckers . 9 16 J33
Averages leading 19 bowlers: CUne,
jr.! 199. Poulin 194. HartweU 14. Kert
soai 169, Krejci 1SV dine, sr. 1S3.
Tbruaki 191, Coe 179. Page ITS.
Acklin's Bootery
Broadway Beauty
Miller's Furniture
Rial to
S J9S7
11 343
11 JO
13 J00
11 13 .459
a , is u
AtxnfM jeaoinar ie Bowlers: V. Car
barino 15. J. Lloyd US. M. Poulin
131, A. Meyer 149. L. Jones UX, B.
Mills 141. K. Bowlsbr 141. S. Tamblyn
140. G. Hammer 140, X. yoremaa 139,
P. Holt 139. .
Sears. Boetrack
Try im et Climess remttflea.
Aaunhig SUCCESS far S009
years In Caiaa. N autter with
what ailment yew era AFFLICT
ED Staoreers. ssmsttls, heart,
tug, liver, kldsteys, stosaach,
gas, eouupaUea, r alcert, su
hctls, fever, skla, Itmala eeea
alalnta -
fb t . J
Chinese ; ITerb
Office Hews Oaly
Taa. a a Sat. 9
a. au te 9 . as. aai
Son. aad Wed- 9 .
a. Jn. te II JS pTaa.
0HSAA ControlBoara Meets,
Adopts Five New Measures j
; The board of. control of the
Oregon High School Activities As
sociation yesterday met at Wil
lamette university In conjunction
with the state basketball tourna
ment and' approved measures
which are to guide athletic en
deavors of the state high "schools
the coming year. Coach Dan Jones
of Oregon City, officially repre
senting the Oregon Coaches as
sociation, which held its meeting
Friday, sat in with the group.
: It was approved by the board
that the state track meet will be
a two-day affair, May 12-13, at
Oregon State i college - if the col
lege can handle fatwo-day meet
Otherwise it will be a one-day
affair. Should both days be accep
table, the state's districts will be
allowed to send two men for each
event held but Jonly one. relay
team may be sent from a district.
The Portland district will be cut
from four to three entries per
event. Should the meet be held
on a one-day basis only one man
from each district will be allowed
to compete. V -j j -j
Regardless of how they score
them, the "Bn division team that
counts most points during the
state meet will be officially called
State champion track team of the
'B" division. . ;
j It was also approved by the
board to accept the invitation of
the University of Oregon to the
annual "Hayword Relays" held at
Eugene April 28-29.
1 The board also went on re
cord as approving the suggestion
of the coaches that a committee
be chosen to set up a permanent
state districting plan for basket
ball playoffs, i The board also fa-
g.'s 7-W .lJIZZl9 a jmi Vors returning to the 16-team en
try plan for the state basketball
tourney, which may go into ef
fect next season. The board re
minded that all district commit-
Pflss Fissire FkizLi
These conditions
n d e rnloi
health and re :
d c e earnings -For
years we
have been treat
ing rectal: and
colon . disorders.
with excellent
results.' . -
Latest Approvet
. Methods-'
Qaich alif ,
Coa foe '
Zxaaiaeflea or
WUwd noapllnnsaBusi
toss of Time
WrUe lot Free Deserlpttv Booklet
Or 0 He r.m2 CIi i?
CJhiroptaeSe PhTslclmt . Procioloqlsi
Cornet Cotnt and Liberty Street
Salsa. Orseon - TiL CZ: tiZl
teemen should be certain that all
schools in the district he noti
fied as to when and what kind of
championship playoffs are to be
held before the season starts. '
Approved also was the sugges
tion that the state football cham
pionship teams rosters be allowed
27 men, a manager and two coach
es instead of 22 men as was the
case last season. j
The meeting was under the ga
vel f of President Leonard May
field, Medford. In attendance was
Fred Patton, LaGrande, yice pre
sident; Alfred -C. Johnson, Maple
ton, vice president; Father F. !j.
Leipzig, Eugene, advisor; OHSAA
Secretary - Treasurer Tom Pig-
ott " and staff; Professor L. J,
Sparks of Willamette and mem
bers of the press. . i
Goldeiiball Hoop
Tourney Slated
PORTLAND, March 18-JP)-A
record 750 young basketball play
ers! representing 78 teams from
northern , Oregon - and southwest
Washington, will participate j in
the annual GoldenbaU basketball
tournament opening here Monday.
The tourney is sponsored Joint
ly by the Portland bureau of re
creation and the. Peninsula Ki
wanis club. j " " ; -
KeUy. g ,
Hawes, g .
Cowan, t - t.. 31
Moore, s '. j 1
Lee, e ; -S
,,.r . '
...., s
Ray. s
Lake, g .
Radmore, z
-99 19
19 13
Free throws missed: Schwartz. Ros
enberg, Hawes. Kelley; Cowan 4. Moore
V Lee ; . '
Shooting percentages: x-enaiewm juw.
Springfield J89.
ornciais: fuuso ana tieman.
Aslildtid, Poivers Quints Cop State Titles
By Overivhelming Foes in Tournament Finals
(Continue dfrom page 1)
The .Cruisers, spearheaded by
a skinny but All-State Tommy
Grove and his amazing accuracy
from the pavilion corners, rolled
to av 15-0 lead over the B-2 Billies
before the Lane county champs
finally counted a field goal by
Chet Hutton with 5:45 left in the
second 'quarter. So fanastic were
these corner shots by the smaller
of the All-State Grove brothers
he looped five out of seven the
first half that when ie finally
missed one the crowd chided and
honored at the same time with,
"take 'im out, he missed one." i.
Pleasant Hill snapped back gal
lantly the second quarter after
finally breaking that . thick ice,
but the - jackrabbit Cruisers had
'em 22-10 at halftime. i i
The Cruisers kept up their awe
some performance the third quar
ter with little Grove getting plen
ty of pitching help from brother
Frank, Ted Stallard and another
one-man ball club in Bob Bush-
nell, brother of "Commando
Jack of last years quint, and led
37-10 at the' third quarter. After
reaching the 50 mark, a pre-game
goal set. by the" cock-sure : Coos
county boys. Coach Frye gave all
his subs a crack at it. ; il
Grove, who Is only a sophomore,
netted 19 points with his bucket
rattling to lead the scoring. Bush-
nell placed with 11.
; The Champion Grizzlies,. along
with Pendleton's fourth place fin
ishing Buckaroos the best "'come
back'' club in the tourney, again
rose from the wrong side of the
scoreboard last night to beat the
Lava Bears. And once they rose
there wss no roof to stop 'em, try
as the unsung but amazing Bend
ers did.' -; f ; '-
The Highlanders, rated as the
lesser of the lesser lights In the
pre-tourney picks, but a ball club
that had what It took in the
dutch and knocked off Oregon
City and Corvallis to gain the fi
nals, started off last night in the
same manner; they did against the
Pioneers and Spartans. They got
it to 6-2 before Ashland spurted
with i lightning-fast breaks to
match those of the Bears. Then
Ashland Forward Del Landing
took his only two shots of the
night, meshed two field goals, saw
one offset by free pitches by dy
namic ; little Harold Smith and
Forward Bob James, and it was
8-7 for Bend; at the quarter.1
' The teams were racing pell
mell up and; down the court all
the way. One of 'em had to break
Bend reluctantly did later.
Winfred Roberson of Ashland
tied it with one minute gone in
is on the Tou
AAUCasaba j
Meet Ready
DENVER, March 1&(JP)- The
national AAU basketball tour
nament gets underway tomorrow
for a weeklong hardwood scram
ble which may find some dark
horse service quintet succeeding
the Phillips Oilers of Bartlesville,
Okla for the championship. !
(Continued From Page 12) -
shots good. Washington made their
34 out of lust 48 tries, however,
whereas ' Springfield made their
32: good out of 59 tries. Pendle
ton's . 18 made out of 28 chances
also stood high in wis department
Springfield made 139 points.
Ashland 118, Pendleton i 108,
Washington 100, Bend 98, Oregon
City 80, Corvallis 74, St Helens
Corvallis made the most person
al . fnnle at nritVi AeTn1am4a
fgressive club right behind with
40. Pendleton and Springfield each
made 38, Oregon City 37 in two
games, Washington 33, Bend 27,
and St. Helens Just 11 in her two
tiffs.' ; - 1 -; - -- ;r- . .
Washington and Corvallis each
called for 11 time ' outs during
their three games for tops in that
respect " .. i .. '
In the "B division Pleasant
Hill took the most shots, 168;
Powers made the most baskets,
44; Powers had the best shooting
eye, making those 44 baskets on
131 shots for a .335 average;
Kriapna-Svenson tried the most
free throws, "31, and made the
most good, 14; Powers made the
most points, 100; Grant Union
made the most personal fouls, 25
and Pleasant Hill and Knappa-
Svenson each took six time louts.
Powers' smooth little Cruisers
took time out to talk things over
New Trainer ;
For Beavers ;
SAN JOSE,! Califs March 18 (Jf)
Business Manager Bill Klepper 6f
the Portland ; Beavers in training
here : for the forthcoming ' coast
league, baseball season came tip
with ' a brand new trainer today
to "replace- Jack Homel, lost to the
army this week. He was Irving
Cuslidge, an ( MD from' Hornet's
town of Boyes Hot Springs. : j .
only twice during the meet
One odd coincidence saw Cor
vallis shoot 159 times in all in the
meet shooting exactly one-third of
those shots 53 in each of her
ball games. In alt the eight "A"
teams shot 1161 times, canned 314
of these for a .270 batting average
pretty fair shooting for the
meet "The B" teams played only
one-third as many games as their
big brothers but shot almost half
as many shots 154. They made
124 baskets for .241 average.
th 132
X a
the second quarter on a giter,.but
Smith followed with, a Bend lay
up 10 seconds later. Jay Samuel
son, quite a basketballer'ln this
title tussle, again tied it wii
gone with a one-hander off a
play from the key and then al
most Immediately . followed ' that
one ; with another- push front . .
corner; to finally ' push 'Ashland '
ahead. . r ' - ; -;'. -'";; ?&z'4
Although Bend wasn't playing t
anywhere like Itthe Bears were 1
matching the burning Ashland'
speed gallop for gallop this wast
the turning point In the game as
far as the Highlanders were con-j
vciueu. lor never icu again. :
Terrific hooping governed the
balance of the period, but near the.
end. the Grizzlies rolled into high
for certain. j All-Stars Barney
Biggs, who. kept his No. 10 , all ,
over the court in a brilliant ex-"
hibitlon again last night All-Star;
Captain Jim Bartelt, a lion on the ,
backboards, and Samuelson and ;
Roberson tattooed the Bend bucket
for an eventual 28-19 halftime
lead. Even then it didn't look like
Bend was through.
Didnt take long that third per-s
iod to change the complexion of
things, ' however. Bend suddenly
and visibly tired and left gaping
holes in her under-basket defense.
The still racing Grizzlies poured
through point after point the easy
way lay-ins with Bartelt,
Samuelson, Riggs and Roberson,.
the Grizzfy big four last night, all
taking part It was 43-30 at the
third-quarter. -.. j ,
The district 2 kings kept it up
the fourth frame they were af
ter that 52-point record now, and
with only 1:52 left to play they
broke it on Roberson's lay-in -fol-
lowing a jump-ball play. In camo
the Ashland subs now to finish
it up. --'Vv'v iV
Samuelson led all scoring with
his eight field goals and 16 points,'
and 'mate Roberson far. behind
with 13. Riggs, the Grizzly OtlooP
general, canned i0. the same
amount dumped in by scrappy
Smith of the Benders. ?'""
S..Mgrapt.r Hanlod
Position now available for permanent employment.
Apply in 1 person anytime during office hours, or by mall
if from oat of town.
gt sVssa
"Oregon' Largest i Upstate . Agency'
Salem and Blanhfield r
129 N. Commercial - Salem - 4400
Seattle Dog Show Set ;
: SEATTLE, ! March 18HyP)-The
Seattle Kennel club spring show
will be held at the Seattle Civic
auditorium April 15, Thomas Wa
ters, club president, -r announced
tonight , " i
Is our telephone number, -7- phone
now for a free reroof estimate.
i- 1 '-;! '
Our plastic cements contain asbestos
6re, and 1 once this plastic j sets, : it
not only tcetds, but it super tvelds.
Our present stock consists of beautiful
- blends in. square-butt strip.Don't
make the mistake of waiting too long,
as we are not assured of future ship
ments oi roofinjg. , , ; .
Ui!!nm:!l3 iVcIby Co..
235 No. Commercial
Salem, Oresoa
Getting A New Spring Suit?
Have It iFor Easter!
Put "New" spring In your step for the new season
... by achieving that handsome appearance only
fine tailoring can offer . . . every suit that we have
is of long-wearing quality fabric distinctly noted
for expert workmanship.
Ucar a Ha
They're cravenetted . . Styled
to the minute . . constructed
to wear a long lime. Just that
hat for spring and Easter.
ss u, $ao
; E:i2:r
1 :. "(1. I ; - ;.'
By Gray co, Cheney, Holly
vogue. New patterns color
ful as spring.
& Ir"1?
( ;'
" y
. .1
UDEirTY AT COURT . ' . -
rh, c::2
122 K. ComT. XL, Salem, Ore.