The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 01, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Although almost 10 years have passed since a; guy named
Angelo "Hank Luisetti, as a Stanford freshman, started California
sports scribes digging into their thesaurus', the decade ! hasn't
harmed his basketballing' ability a bit. Luisetti, In eight games for
St Mary'i Prefflghters this year
and all against strictly "major
league" competition, scored. 184
points. Then last Saturday night,
in a clash billed in San Francisco
as THE game of the season there
abouts, he merely pitched in 32
points just to show all interested
he's still the Hank Luisetti he al
ways was, country's courtster No.
1. In case' you're fanbecilic with
your math, Hank has : averaged
21.78 per game, slightly more than
terrific. . . (Please Mister Lino
typer, don't -blow" that 21.78)
Johnny Podesto and Earl Klap
stehvtwq of A. A. Stagg's Col
lege of the Pacific greats last fall
are back on the " COP campus,
medically and honorably dis
charged from the marines.' And
Mary's footballer, no doubt hell be getting a visit from one! James
Phelan but soon.' "Podesto from Modesto" has one more year iof
competition left.. . According to tidings dragged back from the
recent Coast league brawl by one "Ruby Robert" Bijown, itli jte
Vancouver and not Tacoma 'taking over when and if thfc new Sacra
mento enterprise stubs its financial toe. Sez Brown j in the y&n
couver Sun via telegram: "Sacramento to stay in the league on trial.
Travel and schedule difficulties deciding factor.! Resolution was
passed by league giving and indorsing Vancouver's claim to first
right for transfer if Sacramento fails to draw. Vancouver's, wires
got the city great publicity, in Lo sAngeles and we stand first for
choice if move comes. War conditions only thing that stopped us..
i . "Ruby Robert" must've struck it rich since thej WILj went under,
for' it's very unlike usually over-conservative Robert to be asking
to lose his shirt again.'. . It's Plattesburg, NY, for the next j phase
of V-12ing for Woodburn Bill Hanauska, the brand new. midship
man's school there just a hoot or holler from the Canadian line. To
which .Willie, sighed before leaving: "Hell, it's too cold :to even play
ball "way up there." . . .'
State Title Grid Game Brings Surprises
The official Oregon High Schools Activities Association Febru
ary bulletin at hand, and tells that the Marion, Senator and Argo
hotels in our village have "promised to take care of the tournament
teams" next months, that SHS Principal Fred Wolf will be In charge
of housing the quints and that March 11 is the absolute deadline for
districts to complete their tournaments or eliminations. Further
more, team personnel will be limited to nine players land a . coach
with 'allowances to be $4.50 per
a team , remains in the tournament.
Few surprises found in checking over final figures on
Klamath Falls-Grant state football championship game, also listed
In the bulletin. For instance: A total of 10,991 tickets were soldi for
the game which netted $8704.50.
Multnomah Athletic club took off
stadium (25 of gross $3704.50)
clipped off. Rent IS high these
" Anyway, what was left of the ultimate $5542.00: melon was
divvied up like this: OHSAA $2771.00, Grant high $1385.50 and
K-Falls $1385.50. j !
Was worth playing the darn thing after all, eh? At those figures
we'd say so, but definitely. .
Famous last words dep't: "How'd jrou llike the way I let my
. team stall away the championship of our league last Friday night?"
pens Pat Beat Jefferson coach. In case you missed the accounts,
. Jefferson blew a 5-point lead in 'the 'final three minutes 'against
Aumsville, the last two, and tleing Aumsville points coming in the
final 25 seconds. Then in the ensuing overtime period Aumsville
came from behind a 1-point deficit with a field goal In the final
' seven seconds to oust the highly favored Jeffs. J j ?
- Think nothing of it, Mr. Beal. You have lots of , company this
season Frank Brown and Jiggs
-' League - leading Nicholson In
surance won all three games from
Hamms, Senator Barbers managed
the same over H a r t.m an Bros.,
Woodburn nabbed all three from
Paulus Bros: and Goldie's captured
two of three from Halvorson Con
struction Co. in Commercial league
keg ling at Perfection Monday
night. : ,
Harold Steele, anchorman for
Woodburn tossed high individual
series for the session with his 575
and Don Hendrie oif Halvorson rose
to the heights to snatch single
game honors with a 232. I
aadlcap J 1 1
. MiUa h 14 18S411
Ashbr m 171 18-S02
Schmidt 133
Talbot 123
t. Mill M7
14S liS 441
1M 144 0
1S4 151-483
73S TS4 838 2398
Ball ltl ITS 1S1 506
P. Vaates' ,
W. VaklM .
1S3 ICS ; 1 43
1U 1SS ICS 0
.l9 1st las M
JMX MS lis aos
.143 SOS S4C
Handicap SS ' 15
Walcii i 1SS -
K. Barr .
R. Barr .
TUla .
14l 113
ltl 4J7
JU 144
.141 1SS
13 !
11S 46S
7S4 m . Tsa am
RaiMer 11 147
Wdty an US
Ousta(M 1M 1S
14 497
McCuoa -133 189
IS 478
14S se
m iss
.JOS . SOt T X3S7
Piluso Captures
Ernie Piluso, a popular cuss
with customers and crunch cronies
alike, outlasted five other matsters
in last night's corking battle royal
at the armory and emerged $200
(in war bonds (wealthier by vir
tue of his victory. And corking
was the entire -show despite the
fact that Billy McEuin and Bull
dog Jackson, strictly a pair of ring
heels, subbed for Buck Davidson
and " Toughle Porter : The latter
two have broken out with a mess
boils. ' ' ' . " "
As advertised the- shindig start
ed on somewhat of a "me for you"
basis, the "me", spreading out ov
er the three cleanies, Walt Achiu.
Tex I Lager and Piluso, the "you"
jersoniSed rtluctanSy by .Jack
I ' -
( - " $
1 rndsir ;
since Podesto was formerly i as
J. !:
day per person and only as long as
Then (biggest surprise of all) the
a $2176.10 slice for rental of the
after Federal tax of $1089.10 was
days, wot? ' j . i
Burnett to name a couple.
Hill . : 172
E. Garbarino . 16S
V. Garbarino 154
Duffu . iei
Scales 169
838 752 2414
Handicap 41
Shorey 188
Wadsworth , 190
Austin 1147
Hicks 168
Steele J, 202
: Totals
843 90S 2683
OOLDiri (I)
DeGuir 1M
Hart ; 139
Towe , 152
Herr ; 180
; 147
742 S44 2404
Handieap . I
WhaaUer ISS
8 24
201 181867
173 14349
IIS 187411
S32 129 801
158 1ST SS
Curtai lit
Mcrrtott 133
Hendrie - 144
ZcUer - ISS
i Totals
819 2528
Yankees Sign Sixteen
Year Old John
1 ALLENTOWN, Pai Feb. 2-ff
Johnny Kimock, llyar-old
Pennsylvania high school baseball
player; was - signed by the New
York Yankees today ana will re
port; after .graduation ia June.
' Kimockv who is six feet, one
inch tail, played first base for the
Coplay, Pa., team which won the
state American Legion junior
baseball championship In 1942. ,
Thrilling! Rasslin' Battle Royal
Lipscomb. While fellow meanies
Jackson and McEuin occupied
themselves by leaning motionless
on the ropes, Achiu, Hager and
Piluso waded into Lipscomb and
flattened him but .good in '4:45
of the first Ground.', The bicep
boys had promised Lipscomb the
beating and he got it. And how
the almost packed gallery howled
as he begged for help from still
motionless Jackson- and McEuin. ':
Hager was the next to go, Mc
Euin taking care of the actual
pin. Tex Joined Lipscomb as the
two got naught but their travel
ling expenses 'for the evening'
Work.- V -a y&
- Popular Achiu was next - when
an attempted flyiri tackle off the
- . - -
: I -);
i , . . .
Drops j
Even 6Local5
What to Do With
Coaches Is Problem
EUGENE, Feb. 29.HUniver-
sity of Oregon . dropped, spring
sports today to solve jpne wartime
problem and was confronted im
mediately with another what to
do' with Athletic Manager Anse
Cornell and the coaching staff? ;
' jThe university athletic board
suspended baseball and track even
lor local couegiaie compeuuon
after the Pacific coast conference's
northern division agreed to aban
don its regular schedule of spring
sports because of travel conditions.
; The board said the' extent Of
baseball and! track competition in
western Oregon was! limited and
uncertain, thus it would not be ad
visable to continue these activi
ties as collegiate sports. '
Elimination of baseball and
track brought Oregon's spring
sports to a complete blank, tennis,
golf and swimming having been
dropped last year. I
' jSince it was considered possible
that the school's physical educa
tion department could take over all
intramural sports, the status of
members of the coaching staff was
left in doubt, s j
: flhe athletic board said it would
consider what to do about Coach
es Howard Hobson, baseball and
basketball; Bill Hayward, i track;
John Warren, football, and Ath
letic Manager Anse Cornell. "
'ortland Race
Ms in Tie
.PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 29-flP)
Tpe Portland interscholastic bas
ketball league ended; tonight in a
three-way tie between Washing
ton. Grant and Franklin.
Washington trimmed Sabin, 45
41, while i Grant was defeating
Commerce, 37-28, and school offi
cials announced there will be no
league playoff. i ' I
. District no. 6 playoff officials
meanwhile ; announced that the
three Portland high school quints
and Columbia Prep, winner over
Central Catholic, 29-25, in an ov
er&me contest tonight for the
Catholic school city championship,
will open a tournament Friday to
determine the district entry in the
state tournament at Salem.
Solons Seek
Qub Officials ?
: j ' : I :' ' ' .1 -
j SACRAMENTO, Feb. 29 -(ff)
Appointment of a coach and elec
tion of a vice president and treas
urer highlighted the. local base
ball scene today as officials of
the new home-owned Sacramento
club completed payment of $40,000
to the St Louis Cardinals for the
franchise and playefs.
Manager Earl Sheely said that
he would retain Herman Pillette,
veteran pitcher, as coach follow
ing a conference between the two,
friends of long standing, at Pil
lette's home. 5
jRoy Deary and Harry Ludwig,
leaders in the drive to keep Sac
ramento in the Pacific j Coast
league, were elected Vice president
and treasurer respectively. I
Mt.HooJSld 1
Tourney Set f
PORTLAND, Ore Feb. 29-M
The largest ski meet of the win
ter was predicted; by Portland
skiers today f or the Idownhill and
slalom tournament scheduled next
Sunday on ML Hood. )
Sponsors of the meet, the Cas
cade Sid dub, ! the " Multnomah
Athletic club and the Oregon
Winter Sports association; said
entries were being received from
the Puget sound region. ;
! Among entrants is Nancy Cal
vert, highly rated j Seattle Ski
dub performer, i .
Henry Kaybes
1 DES MOINES. Feb. 2-W
Bammerin' Benry Annstreng
it Backed ant Jackie Byrd.
BlythevlUa, Ark, welterweight,
toalght la 1 minute, IS seconds
jef the fourth round. Armstrong
weighed la at 142, Byrd at 14.
J ' ., t
i - ' .
ropes backfired, "Sneezie'bonk
ing his head on McEuin's and
finding Billy's the harder. McEu
in tossed him to the floor after
pinning him, but the ired China
man wanted more so climbed back
in, pulled McEuin out and battled
him on the floor. The only thing
which broke up this hilarious part
of the entertainment was time
McEuin had to get back In the
ring . before Referee Ivan Jones
tolled "20.- He did. f . i j
Both Piluso and f McEuin took
out after Jackson following. While
McEuin "held, Pilusa "concert
ed all en the grizzled old Eull
dog. McEuin finally flopped on
htm and that ended It I I
In the ensuing. f'semiwiqiup'-
Foxx, Martin9 Others Not Going
.; NEW YORK, Feb. 29-(
Sgt. Joe Smith,
4 Somewhere,
.-;CS Army ,
Dear Joe: I thought ' for a
minute the other day that I saw
your picture in the paper, but
elaicrl l - :f - II
saw it was a
plana ready
. to i take off.
Those ears of
yours always
did confuse
. me at a dis
tance. -
IH try to
catch yoa vp
Dragon Foe
-r. m f
S j f . .
Mt. Angel's Frcps, winners of two.stralght district 4 games come dowa from the bills tomorrow night
to scrap it off with the Dallas Dragons oa the Salem high floor for the right to play CorvalUs f or the
district's tournament berth. The Preps, who have proved by apsetting Woodbarn they have what it
takes to rise to the occasion, arc: Front row, left to right, Joe Bed BeUemeler. Tlaooat Traegar.
Fnak Groaiacanea, Ralph Wolf and Fraacls Baath. Back row Wllirsd Rppmg, Jake Bobert, Lawrence
Schmidt, Coach Paul Reiling, Ylneent Beyer, Leoa Bernlng and Walter Faalhaber. Tomorrow night's
craclal starar at t o'clock.
Lee Q. Murray
Jimmy Bivins made a savage de
fense of his rating as the number
one active heavyweight by win
ning a unanimous decision over
Lee Q. Murray in a return ; 10
rounder before a sellout crowd of
13,774 at the arena tonight. Bivins
weighed 191 pounds, the heaviest
of his career but gave away 11
pounds to the lanky easterner. .
The 'decision was Bivins second
straight over the big fellow from
South Norwalk, Conn. 1
Murray almost won. a technical
knockout In their first encounter
when he inflicted a deep cut over
the Cleveland negro's left eyeand
although Jimmy won the decision
of both judges and the referee, the
crowd didn't like it
Tonight, however, Bivins was
out to vindicate himself and pro
tect his No. 1 rating with the Na
tional Boxing association.
The heavy firing from a tiger
like Bivins reached its climax in
the ninth round. He rushed out of
his corner and tagged Murray
flush on the face with a vidous
right hook. Murray dropped to the
canvass and took a count of nine.
Bivins was out to. finish It but
Murray threw, up enough of a de
fense to go the route.
Seals? Initial .
Practice Moved
:SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2ftMff)
Wet grounds prevented" the San
Francisco Scab again today "from
engaging: in their initial spring-
baseball practice but three new
pitching .prospects turned up
ready to try; out. for the dub.
; The t h r e mound aspirants,
joining ten who reported for yes
terday's rained out session, were
Curtis Schmidt of Sacramento;
Ival Liggett, Council Bluffs, la.,
and Bill Carr, Spokane, all right
banders. ' !. 1
Achiu and Jackson split two falls
before the latter deliberately foul
ed. Achiu in the third and lost
the match. Achiu got $69 in bonds,
Jackson $40. '
The "main event" between Pi
luso and McEuin, A sizzler if ever
the; musclers put one .' on in the
village garden, ended I in a draw
after both had taken a fall Jones
couldn't decide on a winner so the
pair agreed to got at it five more
minutes;- Both were outside the
ring, when the final bell sounded
after - the overtime period, y and
after a slight deliberation -Jones
awarded the match and the $200
In: bonds to Piluso. McEuin got
J1C0.- - - .
en what'i been happening In
the snorts world, and thai I
ahoaldn't be hard. That Is, there j
hasn't been toe much happen
ing that would Interest yoa I
partlenlarly. ' , f ? :
Ordinarily I could give yo a j
. lot of baseball news, but unless
yea crave a list of new 4-Fs i
or 1-A's or lndactces there isn't j
so much to be said. I know yoa
wfll bo interested to know rep j
per Martin and Jimmy Foxx arc i
returning to the majors, as yea !
always admired those two. gays. 1
Yoa might say the majors arc
returning to Pepper Martin and
Jimmy Foxx, as It's a cinch
those fellows arent going !
on Villa Court Tomorrow Night
i r- -
! j
Waahlnrton 83. Idaho 48.
Knuu Stat 40, Nebraska 17 (orer
Ume). i
Norfolk Navy 43, Norfolk Air SUUon
38. '
Great Lakes 52. St. Thomas S3.
Chemawa 38, Aumsville 18.
St, Paul 38. Jefferson 22.
CorvaUis 35. Woodburn 30.
Oregon City 38. West Linn 29.
Columbia Prep 29. Central Catholic
25 I
Washington 43. Sabin 41 i (both Port
Benson 70, Lincoln
Grant 37 Commerce
(both Port-
28 (both Port-
Roosevelt 58. Jefferson 38 (both Fort
Mbsconi Earns
BilMard Win i
.1 - "I !
Willie Mosconi of Toledo, de
feated Champion Andrew Ponzi
135 to 124 in 15 innings in tho
second block of their 1250-point
chaHengeiiccket billard cham
pionship match tonight j j
Mosconi still trailed; in total
points, however, having lost the
first block this afternoon, 133 to
95. i Pond's two-block total
257 to the challenger's 230
Oaks Sign Caulifield
OAKLAND, Calif, Feb 2M)
The I Oakland, baseball club an
nounced today Jack Caulifield,
shortstop, had signed his contract,
the second of the regulars to come
to terms for this season. Outfield
er Emil MaHho signed up recently.
'Them Wuz th'
Blatters Tyraa Saymond Cebb, erstwhSe "Georgia Peach ef base
ball, as jMLrelrres the eld days threagh his scrapbook at his farm
heme ta Atherten. Calif. Kearly SS. Crb b hoping baseball wd
eontlnne c;ita war,
Ahead-Game Merely Coming Bach to Them
ahead. The game Is just coming
back to them. ' . 1 :
. Branch Rickey hints that Leo
Dnrocher most play some short
stop for the Dodgers this year,
bat Leo Is soar on the: Idea and
says if he does play boll have
to have a little whittling done
on his arm first We understand
there la spirited bidding among
umpires for the Job of wielding
the knife. !. ; ; . j .;
They've had. a couple of fights
here lately. Last Friday a big
gent from Pennsylvania named
Joe Baksl whaled the tar out
efj Taml Maoriello, who looked
like a piece of blubber with a
Jelly foundation m there. I
doat know whether Maorlelle.
4 X.
To Playoffs
i MOSCOW, Idaho, Feb. 29 -(JP)
George Pepperdine college of Los
Angeles will represent the eighth
district at the western collegiate
basketball playoff March 23-24 In
Kansas City. ' ; ' I
Coach Clarence "Hec" Edmund-
son of the University of Washing
ton, district chairman, disclosed
here today he had advised Na
tional Association Chairman H. G.
Olson of Ohio State U of Pepper
dine's i election by the : district
The school's all-rcivilian team
won 20 games and lost six this
season, Edmundson said. .
Last year. Edmundson's own
team represented the district. The
northern division of the; Pacific
Coast conference has gone on rec
ord since, however, as opposing
participation by its members for
tYim wot rlitratirtn !
Pirates, Camp Seymor
Slated for March 30
PITTSBURGH, Feb. 29 -(A3) -The
Pittsburg Pirates have added
a game to their training schedule
to give soldiers at Camp Sey
mour, 'Ind, an opportunity not
only to see a major league team
in action,' but to compete against
one, President William E. Bens
wanger announced, today. . The
Bucs -will meet the soldiers' team
of the camp March SO; '
liberty Drains Swegle
SWEGLE Liberty! school de
feated Swede 29-14 in a return
basketball contest played here last
week. Swegle's girl team trounced
the Liberty lassies. 15-13 in the
preliminary. f
Good OT Days?
- , - . V -V - fc
; was eat of shape or not, bat Td
- like to have a living room set
with that much padding. ; ' t
i The other fight was a quickie,
t as they Just " pointed Bummy
.- Davis toward Bob Montgomery,'
cranked op his left arm, and
turned him loose. Montgomery
I lasted only a minute and three
. seconds, a . new, intercollegiate
u record v - " ' I, :- '
, Gil Dodds ran another fast
- mile at the Garden the other
hlght. Ho finished in 4:CU, but
ho gave everybody a thrill when
he ran the first three oaarters
In l.-JL It seems that a guy has
? only so aaueh eaergy and when
"yoa use it ap early yea ha vent
Chemawa Quint Tops Aumsville
j 38-18 Victo Vaults Indians to District . .
B-l. Quarterfinals; St. Paul Tops Jeffmen :
Chemawa's off-again !
night at Leslie's hoop hall, ramped to a 38-18 victory over the
Aumsville Rangers to snatch the championship of Marion county
and advanced one more step
Vandals, 6348
i 13th Straight Win
i For Washingtons !
W I, Pet Pf Pa
Washington 1S 0 1.000 703 482
Oregon , 11 5 .888 761 897
Oregon State 5 11 J1S 550 S97
Washington State 4 18 Mt 587 871
Idaho . 4 11 Ml SSI 768
I Tuesday's results:
I Washington O. Idaho 48.
I MOSCOW, Idaho, Feb. 29-P
The hard driving University of
Washington Huskies, unbeaten
this season in northern division.
Pacific Coast conference play,
kept their record clear tonight by
squelching the' cellarite Idaho
Vandals, 63 to 48. : . )
The Washington gang was out
in front at halftime, 32 to 21, and
once in the opening half held a
20-point lead. i ' j
The defeat left Idaho alone in
the division basement halt a
game behind Washington State,
which , meets Washington tomor
row night in Pullman. J . . .
Mallory, T
im W
Haug. r
Nichols, C
Codd. G l;
Mar. O . i
Peterson, r ., , ... . ..
CTNeil. r
Kobinson, O . 1 . '
IDAHO (48)
Carbaugh. T
Ablin, : .
Gano. C , , , ,
Collins, G
rr rr
Pyne. O :
Berlin, T
Brown, C
Anderson, G
Morse. O
i u
Halftime score: Washington 32. Idaho
11. Pree throws missed: Mallory. O Neil.
Nichols (2) Codd. Mar. Robinson, Car
baugh, Ablin, Collins 42), Pyne..
Woodburn Five
I WOODBURN The Woodburn
high Bulldogs last night dropped
a 35-30 decision to corvains
Spartans at CorvaUis. The sharp
shooting Spartans, who .didn't
take a shot unless it was of the.
set variety and from in close, led
10-3 at the quarter, 16-13 at half-'
time and 25-20 at the three-quarter
mark. " ,"" i :,."" rvf
j Labhart canned' 14 points for
Corvallis to lead scoring and. was
followed by Charlie Sauvain of
Woodburn with it i K
Nelson (3t k-F. , ,(8) Dunn
BagUea (4) . , i , T L. ., (2) West
Miller (8 C i (4) Stagg
Matttson (2) i G (14) Labhart
Sauvain (U) G . - . (7) Roberts
Corvallis sub Tnoouts X.
Braves Sign Bengbugh
BOSTON, Feb, 29 - W) -Presi
dent Bob Quinn of : the Boston
Braves announced tonight mat
Beany Bengough, former New
York- Yankee catcher and for the
past few seasons a coach with the
Washington Senators, had accept
ed a post as coach with the Bos
ton. Braves, : ,i
Huskies Thump
MexicanlaojiHiU ;
As Hornsby Signs With Member
Rogers Hornsby's signing as the
1944 manager of Vera Cruz In the
Mexican baseball league gave the
circuit the biggest publicity boost
of its 20 years in the United States
Just as the: loop was enjoying Its
greatest popularity at home. I
Prior to. the Rajah's signing, the
moguls had limited the number
of foreigners on a team to five
insetad of six because of the tre
mendous interest among the home-
talent athletes and an all-Mexican
staff of umpires was hired for
the first time. ,
u On the Whole, the season which
opens March 18 had rosy pros
pects. Parks have been ienlarged,
lineups bolstered and franchises
moved to within easy traveling
distance, of US fans. S 5
. Jorge Pasquel, president of both
the . Vera Crux club and of the
league, said he "immediately ac
cepted' Hornsby's salary , terms,
reported to be $10,000. It ia the
record salary la a loop where the
(Jgot any later, and that's what
' happened to him. . ' -"
I forgot to ten you, the Dod
gers are going ' to Wear white
satin : salts at night this year. .
- Which gives rise to a little poem
I concocted and which I call!
S h a d e s of the Gas noose
Gang: ' ,
The Dodger fans are a mi to
alarmed at Rickey's latest ad-
- ranee: . .
Bow caa they call Dem Bams
Dem tnuos when they're wear
ing satin pantsf
; WelL I hope this. finds yen
well. Joe,-Keep, year ears pin
ned back so I dont get yon mix
ed up with a F-47 again.
Your pal Whitney.
oa-again Indians were "on last
towards the state district B-l
basketball tourney berth. Coach
"Cheif Thompson's Tribesmen .
now play St John's of MQwaukie
Friday on a yet undesignated
court for the right to play Mon-
mouth, champion of the : Polk- ,
Yamhill counties. St John's f
holds the Multnomah-Clackamas
counties tiara. . r
After a close first period, ln
which the Indians held ap 8-4
lead, they surged to an 18-12 ad
vantage at halftime. Then in
the third period the Rangers wilt
ed and the Indians chased to a
27-14 margin. Most of the at
tack was paced by Forward How
ard Logan and Center Merle
Williams, each of whom scored 12 '
points for the game's high.
In the fast preliminary for the
county consolation championship
the St Paul quint runnerup in
the Northern section, trounced
Jefferson, second placers in fftha
south by a 35-22 count ' Center
J. Kirk
led the way with 13
rerrrasQN (22)
rtsn (4) ; v..
(1) G. Smith,
(2) D. Smith.
(13) ,J. JCirfc
Barnes (4)
Col (1)
Henderson (2)
(3) J. Coleman
... (10) PhUlipS
Knight (0)
Jefferson sub Bruce 11. St. Paul
D. PhUlip 4. R. Kirk X.
Charier. (0)
Logan "(12)
Williams 12)
JT I -(J) J. Lewis
F :(0) Lane
C 6) J. Klllinger .
Walters (0)
O (0) M. Klllinger :
G-i. (2) Reoo
Liberty (8)
Chemawa subs Hotter 2. Larson 6;
AumsvlUs Gilbert S. .1 T
Officials: Tom Dryaan and Al Light
EUGENE, Feb. 29.iP)-Oregon '
basketball players give the Wash
ington Huskies, northern division .
champions, three places on an all- .
conference team today. ! i ,
The second - place ' W e h-f o o t a
picked Jack Nichols, BUT Taylor
and Bill Morris of the Huskies,
Mort Joslin of Washington State
and Dale, Ablin of Idaho on 'one
all-opponent five. '
' On another 'team, limited to civ
ilian players .only, the Ducks
named Nichols, Joslin, Ablin, Leo- ;
nard Pyne of Idaho and Fred Lee
of Oregon State."" 1 y
Sinltwicli Best
Punt Returner
"CHICAGO, Feb. 2 Frankie V
Sinkwich, star Detroit Lions half-;
back, has the distinction today of .
being the national football
league's top ground gainer via
pint returns, although Andy Tar-'' j
kas of Washington is the official
ly recognized champ. . ,
League figures show that Sink- - ,
wich, i two-time all-America at
the University of Georgia, ran
back 11 kicks for 228 yard last
season, an average of 20.7 yards
per effort. He also came through
with the longest single return, a .
77 yard gallop against Washing-
ton November 14. " ; ' v '
players' pay averages $150 month- 7
ly and the team limit a month is
$2400. j?' -It'-ci; t.Vc'
' The league's commissioner, CoL .
Octavio Rueda Magro, has ; pro
posed an annual international ae
ties between the league champions
and the Pacific Coast circuit. :
"I believe we play about class
AA baU," he commented. ;
Jr-. js
DT.T.TXaasJJ. B.ClJugJ).
-' CmXESX Herbalists ' ,
i 241 North Liberty .
Upstairs Portland General Eeetrle
Co. - Office open Saturday only
10 ajn. to 1 pjiu 8 to t p m. Con-
suimuuh. 3wen ytewNMe
fcesta mr tn H ebarc. JPrcticed