i .Hi PAGE SIX Tk OREGON STATESMAN. Sal.nl. Oraqon. Wadnndor Mofliin Maicli I. MM Bride-Elect Is Honor Guest Miss Jo Love Lehmer, bride elect of Li Roswell Lewis Beach, . United States ' army, was the honor guest at j a smartly, ar ranged surprise party Tuesday night when Mrs.' Robert Brown ell entertained at her home on Cascade Drive. v . A dessert supper was served by , the hostess and the small tables were centered with bou quets of stock. Bridge- was in play during the evening. . The bride-to-be was honored with a lest towel shower. t Bidden to fete Miss Lehmer ere Mrs. T. W. Lehmer, Miss were Bettv Simmons. Miss Mary Jane Simmons, Miss Mary Jane Bra bee, Miss Phyllis Fisher, Miss Florence and Miss Doris Duffy,1 Miss Sybil Spears, Miss Patricia Vandeneynde, Miss Jean Bur fell, Mrs. Richard Nelson and Mrs. James Houckr I De Molays Have;. .Banquet . ' - : - Chemeketa chapter o DeMo lay for boys held its annual fath er; , and , son , banquet V4.n" ' the -Masonic hall Monday night, with a large crowd attending. The ta ble decoration was an outdoor scene with a large lake and7 log cabin surrounded by trees. ! The dinner was served by; the TIpMnlav Mnthr "with ...v ...... u "vt ... Mrs. Leon Spaulding ai chah -man, assisted by Mrs. J. C. Jones, Mrs. Douglas Armstrong, Mrs. W. J. Beard, Mrs. M. j. Glison; Lloyd Riches, Mrs. -Joe Stirni man, Mrs.G. A. Frum and Mrs Laura Johnson.. Dr Olson, boys advisor, acted as toastmaster, and each boy 1 introduced his father. j JWilford Beard sang: "Water Boy" and "Sylvia." - 'Robert Busick played piano numbers, "Glow Worm" and "Boogy-Woogy." Mrs. W. J. Beard was intro duced as president of the De Molay Mother club. She pre sented the chapter with a ser vice flag with .30 stars. Robert Busick, master councilor, ac cepted the flag on- behalf of the .boys. The committee designing and making the flag were Mrs. Skopil, Mrs. McLoughlin, Mrs. Ilabernicht and Mrs. Laura Johnson. ' Later the boys met for regu lar' business session and initi- ated five new members Into the chapter. 1 -' . . ; Bride Returns i From South Mrs.. George F. Wilson, the former Dorothy Schifferer, has returned to Salem from Califor nia and will remain here while her husband is overseas. Mrs. Wilson, daughter of Mr. aijd Mrs. J. W. Schifferer of Tur ner and Lt. Wilsdh, son of Mrs. Marjorie Worcester of Walpole, Mass. were married by Rev, J. Dodson at the parsonage in Sa linas, California. The wedding -took place January 28. The cou ple spent some time at Concord, California, before the groom was sent overseas. . NORTH HOWELL Of local Interest is news of the marriage at Vancouver on February 19, of Kathleen Roundy of Castle ; Rock and Sgt Harley Oddie, now at Fort Lewis. The young couple visited his parents, MrAand Mrs. W.VM. Oddie, Sunday and the following day returned to their duties. The bride is employed as a book keeper at the Swan Island ship yard and Sgt. Oddie is with the tank reconnaisance unit f -v. - . - , - ? i Today's i Needlectah . " Don't allow" sagging chair to JL-: souu your morale. lai us face, r make it smile. Any woman' can do her own reupholstering easily . . with these clear, step-by-step -dect!ons. They show you how to repair, webbing, dumpy pad-r 3ing; lift springs. -Instructions 540 give directions . for repairing and upholstering.. , . I, - ' 5r" l rrLEVT.N CENTS in ceins for ' this i ntern to The Orrfton Statet T"rr. i eedlecraft rpt., Salm. Ore. . Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, - j our KA.VL and ADDRESS. - T 1 1 Tl C n 0Tl "f La U.1 1 Ql Gibson s Mrs. Duane Gibson wilferi-j tertaina group of friends at a salad luncheon this ailernoon at her home on the Wallace roiadJ During the afternoon the group will sew and knit for the Red' Cross. The luncheon table will be centered with an - arrange ment of deep rose camelias, daphne and wild currant. j Mrs. Gibson's guests will i be Mrsv John Charters' of Chicago, Mrs. Frederick J. Brennan, Mrsi zem, Mrs. Leo Childs, Mrs.-Adam iu a. m uiur tj. xiay, mil. wtut v axiucucj Charles Waimer. Gene Vandeneynde -tend Mrsi. '. fVvn VPT1 1 i nn to Be Here The thirty-sixth annual ft bekah convention of the district convenes in Salem March 4 This district includes the lodges of Silverton. Tanhv. CI Hubbard, Woodburn, Butteville, Monitor, Scotts" Mills and turr ner. ; ' ' j The afternoon session will consist of. reports. The evening meeting is to be a short program and a social hour. i ; i Today Convention .officers are Miss 'miirantiAn rrr . - - .wxu-iegrnuna, aaiem, cnair-- man; Mrs. Freda Burt, Woodj- Durn; Mrs. George Edwards,! Sar lem; Mrs. Pearl Porter, Silver ton; Miss Elizabeth Norton, Monitor; Miss Mable Jackson, Woodburn; Mrs. Gladys Case, Silverton; Mrs. Ethel Whaley, Turner; Mrs. Florence Addie, GeYvais; Mrs. - Clarence Town send, Salem; Mrs. Ida Hochstet ler, Saleni; Mrs. i May West, Woodburn; Mrs. Lucille Mckin ley, Turner. V The following are the com mittees 'to assist with the con vention; lunch, Mrs. Clem jOhl sen, Mrs. Pauline Clark, I Mrs. Russel Kretz; Mrs. Addie Mills, and Mrs. Rose Harland. In charge of the dinner are Miss Grace Robertson, Mrs. West 'rTarland, Mrs. W. II. Gardner,, and Mrs. Pearl Swanson. Tickets for the dinner are in charge of Mrs. Thomas McLeod, Mrs. Eth el Otjen and Mrs. Elsie Papen fus. Dining room is Mrs. Gwen dolyn FJwood, Mrs, Susie iCon boy, Mrs. Lucille Wilson, Mrs. Violet Lamkin, Mrs. Lloyd Stiff ler and Mrs. Merlin Ready, j j Miss Bernice Kretz and! Mrs. Victor Koop made folders for group singing, Mrs. William Beard has charge of the regalia. Decorating the lodge halj and dining rooms are Mrs. Lottie Chaffee, Mrs. Goldie Kyli and Mr. W.J. Beard. I j In the receiving line wjll be Mrs. Glen Adams, Miss jLaura Callison, Mrs. Albert Becjcman," Mrs. Pearl Nichols. Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, Mrs. Estella Hess, Mrs. Belle Carlson, and; Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler. ' i . Officers of the Rebekah as'k sembly who will be in attend ance Includes Mrs. Bertha Mc . Collum, state president of the Rebekah assembly of Oregon. Salem Rebekah lodge met Monday with Mrs. Glen Adams presiding. During the business session a memorial tribute to Earl C Bushnefl was given. Mrs. Clem Ohlsen gave a short talk on her trip to Iowa to attend the 50th wedding anniversary -of her parents there. Mrs.lMyrna Ter rill read a poem of her own com position The Little Old Shop on an Old Side Street ; f ' The lodge voted to contribute to the Red Cross drive, ,to the s international foundation fund of. the IOOF and to the educational, fund of the Rebekah lodges. . FL ' club - Was " announced . for- Thursday at 1 the home of Miss Bernice Kreti, North I7th; street FL state president Georgia Hol- , ter of , Newport, will make, her 1 official visit to' the club that night . ! ' ' ' . - ! Mr. and Mrs. John Schafer at Middle Grove were .surprised late , Sunday afternoon by . " group of friends. and relatives who brought supper to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary.'4 An anniversary cake decorat ed with silver leaves was iserved." Guests , weje ' Mr. and Mrs. ; John Olthoff. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Zielinski, Alvin and Linda, Robert Fiedler . and dsiughter, Kathleen, Mr. and Mri. John . Scharf, Miss Darlene jScharf, Dale Scharf, Mr. and Mrs. Her-, man Schafer, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scharf, ;t Mr. and Mrs. Grover - Lickly, . Barbara and Kay, Mr. , and- Mrs. William Schaler and '. Gary, - Mr. and Mrs. Earj Ham mer, Bobby and Arleta. W:TT: "re .fselectees. This year the winner SOCIETl CLUB CALENDAR WEDNESDAT ' ;!: -. WSCS of West Salem Metho dist church with Mrs. Guy New Sent, 321 Kingwood avenue. S p.m. : Woman's auxiliary and St. Paul's guild no hosr luncheon, 1130 pjn4 - i PEP teachers club, Schneider Coffee shop. p.m. Evenlnr (toud. AATIW: 9-45 with Mrsi C. - Gerald Richards. est south! High street. i THURSDAY I i 7 Fruitland Woman's circle. T m. at tin -Hureh ann-v- k- Ladies Knight Memorial church luncheon land business - meeUng, ' church,; parlors, 12:30 p. tn. . TRIItttfla Triendiy Neighbors Garden club, with Mrs. r. O. Bradshaw, 1873 Market street, 7:50 p. m. - i . Executive board oi WSCS meet in Carrier Room. Methodist cnurchj 2 p. m. Klamath Falls Girl NQIIied 1 The name of Letty Linman. Klamath Falls high school, was drawn as', winner of the good uti2enship award offered each m year by he Oregon Daughters of j. the American Revolution, prs. Charles A. Sprague, regent of the Salem chapter, Gov. Earl SnelL Mr. Rex Putnam and Mrs. state chairman of the citizenship ponimitteei were present! at (the arawing. Miss Unman s name was drawn at random from among the names of 27 High school students from over tthe jstate, whol had been previously iselected bjjr high school students. The award usually carries iwith itia trip to Washington. PC, iwith o'ther "Good Citizenshin" - - will war -MnA ins.'A of the trip. r SCU Wives at Brown Home! Ml i i ! Mrs.: Joseph Brown was hos tess to the SCU officers wives at Camp Adair on Monday after noon at her apartment ; at the Devereaux. A dessert' luncheon was served with bridge follow ing. The women will assist in the coming Red Cross drivef Arrangnents of heatherj in crystal provided the decorative note. Winning prizes in brldee were Mri Eugene Foster land Mrs. C. S. Frasier. I Covers were , placed for Mrs. Samuel Hays, Mrs. Norfnan Beach, Mrs. Clarence j Stone- houcker, j Mrs. Clayton i Mrse, , Mrs. C. S. Frasier, Mrs. Douglas McKay, IMrs. Eugene ! Foster, Mrs. Lansing L. f Mitchell and 1 Mrs. Joseph Brown. ! Bridge Luncheon Event of Today Mrs. George Alexander and her' daughter, Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, jr., have invited a group olj friends to a one o'clock lunch eon this j afternoon at the for mer's home. Several homf of bridge will follow the luncheon hour. This is the first in a series of parties the hostesses are plan ning for this spring. ' j -Teh. Sgt. Carl Johnson of Cin cinnati, Ohio, Sgt. Joseph Zwo- lensky of Minneapolis bothsU tioned at Camp Adair, andf Mr. " W. Sauressig were din'ner guests at the home of Mriand irs. ueorge J. Smyth on Sun day, j Today's Pattern Pattern 4612 comes in I clrls' sizes 6 Ito li. Size. 12. surifrock. L IV ydsj 35-in4 jumper 2 yds. 35- . tn.i blouse, 1 i(i yds. contrast , Send SIXTEEN ' CENTS Tni coins for this , pattern . to The Oregon SUtemn. Pattern Dept.. Salem. Ore. Writa plainly SIZE. AME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER TEN CENTS more brings otr 1944 Anne Adams Spring Pattern; Book. New. eaoy-to-make tj le. ri Pat tern printed in book. i i a.iisic i MCI ! i . a Mrs. Lister Fetes: Mrs. Mi Irs. Lawrence Llittr v hostess at a one o'clock; lunch4 eon Tuesday ; afternoon at her! ; home on Jefferson street In hon or of Mrs. Marvin Xewis, retir-f in president of the ; Salem Daughters of the Nile club. MrsJ Lister, is the incoming president A. Guests j were seated at small tables and bouquets"! of pussy willows and spring flowers were -. used about the rooms. Bridge was in play during the afternoon, with Mrs: Paul I H. Hauser, ari winning honors. A gift was pre sented to Mrs. Lewis. ' Covers were placed -for Mrs Lewis, Mrs. O. M. Olson, Mrsi . E. A.: Rhoten, Mrs. , Claude H' Murphy -MnutW; J. Liljequist Mrs. Trank E. Loose, Mrs. j; U 1 Sweeney; Mrs. Percy Kelly, Mrs. . George Dunsford, . Mrs. B. B. Flack, Mrs; Paul H. Hauser, sr ; Mrs. Rex A. Turner, Mrs. M. C. -Petteys, Mrs! C C, Gabriel, Mrs." John fWillls DanforthC Mrs. Dav id Wright, Mrs. David Cameron . and . Mrs. - Lister. v .: . -. - ,V- ' " Percy Grdirigef r -ercy trramger, composer and Jt Waii.rnaif , . " w , uiiuri the sponsorship of the "school of music, Willamette university'. Tickets "are on sale at Needham'i book store. ;, t. Best known for bis composi tion, '"Country Gardens", Grain ger is an accomplished pianist as well as composer. While a bandsman at Ft Hamilton dur ing the first World War, Grain gerj was often called upon to . play during band concerts. He often improvised upon -the Eng lish Morris tune, sometimes sev- s erajl times during an ; evening. I Gradually his ' improvisation took a definite form and he put; it On paper. The piece has since broken all records of htr pub lishing house; 27,000 copies are sold each year in the United States alone. - Coeds Vacation AtNeskowin A group of Willamette uni versity co-eds ' are spending part of their spring vacation at Neskowin. Miss Sybil Spears is entertaining Miss Emma Lou East! Miss Sally McClelland, Miss; Marjorie Maulding and Miss Carolyn Brady at Mie beach home of her parents, &r. and Mrs. Frank H. Spears. The girls left Tuesday and plan to return Thursday. - Miss ! Janice Nelson has as her guests at Neskowin from now untfl Sunday Miss Marianne Low,; Miss Patricia Lamb, Miss Roberta Jean Yocom and Miss Mary Elizabeth Sisson. They , are staying at the Carl E. Nel- ' son home, i Social Club Has Skating Party '. 1 The PGE social club had i skating party at the Salem Ice Arena on Monday night from 7 to 10:30. Rotating lights gave added color to the arena. Solo skaters were MarDyn Nelson and Marie Lippold and Fritz Wood. Miss Nelson and Mr. Wood put on a comedy act and Miss Lip pold and Jim Lance did jt dance on skates. President of the organization is TJ W. Martig, Ruth Jole is vice president and Mary Todd is sec-. retary. The committee for the party included Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Da vis, Miss Ruth Rienche and Mr. Ralph Johnson. MrsPeterson Hostess Alpha. Gamma DelU alumnae met at the home of Mrs. Ervin Peterson fori a dessert supper on Monday ! night Spring flowers decorated .the house.- Following -refreshments! the group played bridge. 1 . Present were Mrs". E. B. Bos-' satU, .Dallas; Mrs..Hobert Cierh- ' en,v; Independence, ? Mrs. J. . s. , Dickenson, Independence, Mrs..' James . Turnbull,; Mrs. Estill Brunk, Mrs. .Francis Smith, Mrs. ' Calvin . Knt, Mrs. Stewart Thede, Mrs.'. Herman T Jocbimseri and the hostessv ' " . i - Mr. and , Mrs. Geerge All bright are receiving Cohgratula-' . tions on the birth 'of A "daughter Karen Xee born nr February 29 . at the Salem . General, hospital. Mrs. AUbright U - the f o r m e r Lael Leichty of Florence and the - f Paternal - grandparents are Mr.-and Mrs. Edward All bright of Marquam. ' - t ' . ' ' t L Jln. llnth .Shitt.ela.d her , children, - Billy. JT.ann.tt. Danny of .Portland are visiting wvl day. .t the homelf her mother, Mrs. Daniel J. Fry sr n f h r ? r c r f tYtUtUNOON .1.: - ., ! . i ' . - :),v , f j. t , ' ' t " - MPWTVwmcw. j ler ho were married at St Joseph's Catholic church on Febru- . i n , trn r - uxj i wi. t niq iicT iua, riuj.iyo is uiw uuuyiiitJLi ui tvu. uuu ivuo. I. W. Biegler and her husband's parentis are Mr. and Mrs. j L. Prange, Mr. Prange is now with the army specialized training program at 'Oregon State college. Jes Like Music Boo k Tells About By MAXINE BUR1 Parents interested in cultivating an interest music in their children, will Teach Children To Know" Music" by Harriot; and Warren S. Freeman, j . The book includes chapters, titles for which explain Ihe contents the phonograph and listening program, listening program for age of four, for kin dergarten age, for - grades one through three, for grades four through six. Listening programs for" junior high and high school ages, music of the day, music ' lessons.' - The chapter on a basic record list is valuable for adults 'who want to build up record libraries. There is a book list recommend ed -for musical reading and a list of songbooks recommended for community: dr group singing. The book makes good reading for any adult who has a desire for good records, especially if he 4a anxious to build Aip an appre ciation of godd masic for him self as well as for his -children. One of the advantages of the writers' recommendations (for., music for children, is that they have outlined a course which adults too,! 'can enjoy. While a few merely juvenile records are suggested, the authors suggest f the selection of "v music really adult but suited to the ftaste of children. In many cases, the writers list" recordings of the same compositions, - by several companies. Without regard to any special' company, they liit the recording which seems to them to be best or at least best suited to the child's sense of mu sic. '! " On one occasion, where men tioning. the excellent album of Prokofieffs ''Peter and the Wolf." they Suggest that "while the Victor recording of the Bos ton Symphony's playing is mu sically the best Richard Hale's interpretation of the story is less1 ; appealing to children, than the Columbia recording, with j Basil Rathbone as narrator, r . The 'authors mention many of 'the classics,' discussing why one or the other recording is best i They warn purchasers that of ten a strictly child's recording of music is so much cut that the beauty is marred. i One chapter of special inter est is the one titled "Treasurers of Music, Old and t New" : in which the authors discuss vari ous forms of music the fugue, theme and variations, symphony, overture. baUet vonera comic ' opera, operetta and others. They givej good I examples: of each type, actually numbering the al 'bums.', -.. .' All in alt it is a good book for " anyone to borrow from - the li brary, and a good book too, td - add to one's own library, j - f ' Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Grifflth entertained at ' dinner. Monday night in honor of Mrs. J.. C. . Griffith's 76th birthday. Other 'guests were Dr. and Mrs. John Griffith : and daughter, I Joan, Miss Lorah Kate Griffith and Mr. John Copenhaver. . Bin. J. M. Derers, sr, was hostess to members "of her club at ' m ' bridge ' luncheon Monday afternoon at her Market , street home. Special guests were Mrs. Harry Wiedmer and Mrs. Wil liam Witt. IS Tou who suSer such pain with tired, nervous trrl table blue f eelinjra due to functional aaontbly disturbances ahould try Lydla E. Ptnknam's Vretbl Compound to relieva such aymptocna. Hero's- a product i that Bauw m ATvma. It to also a Una sto machic tonic! FoUov label -direction. Worth trying. - - - -iv,ai r r,c TTtrr'if ,v v: Z .. -: A, iXv- art dUj ms ta: .i r i i . t r r i r en-iMuierJ. Teachind Children uren' for good delight j in j the! book "How To Buxtod Barbour Service Women What they can do What they're doing about it Frances Vincent Holcomb, sea man second class, has just com pleted her training as a WVE at Hunter college, New York and, is now stationed in a control tower near Atlanta, Gal Seaman Holcomb is the daughter of jMr. andfrs. C. J. Holcomb. Mr$. Gordon Skinner is at j the home! of her parents, Cot and Mrs. Carle Abrams, awaiting cajl to active duty with the WAVES. Captain Skinner has been at tached to the anti-aircraft for the past three years and has now gone overseas. Mrs. Skinner Was employed by the Daily-Report while in Ontario, Calif. Miss Winona Mason of- Salem has completed her enlistment in the" women's army corps! at Portland's WAC recruiting head quarters. She will leave earljr in March to begin her basic train- : ing at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Tor the past eight years Miss -Mason! has been employed -as. a . bookkeeper at the Oregon state tuberculosis hospital in - Salem. ' She enlisted as an Air -WAC and hopes to do statistical duty in the army. " j ' ; L v "Announcement was made this weekj by the war department, of the appointment of Athena Mae Lesher, 1090 North Winter street ai second lieutenant in the army: nurses corps. 1 r. - . - : - Mr. and Mrs. Brown E. jSte- ' son 'returned .Tuesday from ai . several weeks visit in Denver, Colo; where they were j the guests of their, son and daughter-in-law, Captain - and Mrs. ' William Sisson, and young son, William. Captain Sisson is Ista tioned at Camp Hale. The isis- : sons; were met in Portland by; " their - daughter. Miss Mary E3i this the zabeth Sisson, who is home week from her- studies at ; University of Washingtonr A son, Clive jr, was born te Mr. and ,Mrs Clive W.' Cookof Albany,- at 'Salem ' General hos-" pital on February 25f Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cer- nik ' route . 6, Salem ' and Mrs. - Myrtle - Cook of v Albany. The Cooks bave: another son, Gordon, Henry, IS months old.. . The Dakota clab will meet Thursday at WCTU halt. Cot Charles Robertson will be f the speaker, music furnished by W. VanSlyke's orchestra. A basket supper' will be . served at 630 o'clock; ATI former Dakotans are invited to attend. Paia Qddily If you suffer from rheumatic.) ar thritis or neuritis pain, try this simple incxpensiva horns . recipe that tbous sands ara using. Get a packac of Ru-Ex Compound, a tvra-weck supply, today. : Mia it with a quart of water, sdd the Juice of a lemons. Jt's easy No trouble at all and pleasant. I You need only S tablespoons two times a day. Often within 4S hours aoma bmes overnight pndid results are obUined. If Ue pains do not oulckly ieavo and" 14 you do not feel better, return tn empty package and Ru-Ex wiU cost you' nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist-under an abso lute money-back guarantee' Ru-Ex Compound is for sale and recommend, ed by Fred Meyer Drug Store and arua swoa ovarywaoraw Miss. Gibson Now-Mfs. Everett ; : " ' The country home of .Mn and Mrs. John A. Gibson was the setting for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Willow -Helen Gibson, to Mr. Clarence E Ev erelt private first class, United '. States army, - son of Mr. ..' and Mrs. Alfred Eyerett of Wilming ton, t Delaware, r on ' Thursday night' February 17. Irving: "Aa .Fox of the First Baptist church officiated at the 8 o'clock double ring certemony. i "- - ." : -i- . , The . couple exchanged .'their yows. before an improvised altar "decorated with baskets " of cala .lillies, pink' chrysanthemums, woodwardia ' fern .- and 'palms. Miss Jean ' DeLapp lighted the white candles. ';.'f:):'::''y-:'r 4 'Mrseda Stephens sang "Be cause" and "I Love Thee and Mrs. Fred Broer, jr was the accompanist " " t c For her - wedding the bride wore an ivory satin bridal gown designed with a full train, long . sleeves ! and sweetheart r neck line. ; Her- fingertip length tulle veil cascaded from a tiara - of seed pearls and rhinestones. She carried a fan bouquet of pink rosebuds, pearl lilies and - bou vardia centered, with, a" "white orchid, j She wore a single strand of pearls, a gift of her matron of honor, . Mrs. Arnold L. Ebert Mrs. Ebert's gown was of 'or chil flowered taffeta and i she carried a bouquet of violets, yellow rosebuds and lavender stock tied with a violet and lav ender ribbon. . : Corporal Leo Brockway- serv ed aS best man for Mr. Everett. For her daughter's : nuptials Mrs. Gibson wore an aqua net gown with a c o r s a g e of gardenias. . - J - The newlyweds received their guests' at a reception which fol lowed the ceremony. Mrs. Mur iel Roberts of Eugene, aunt of the bride, cut the cake and Mrs. Leo Brockway' presided at the punch bowl. The bride's table was centered with a bouquet of pink and white carnations, pink rosebuds, ..sweetpeas "and paper white narcissus flanked by white tapers. I ' Assisting were Miss Elsie s Janzen, - Mrs. - Ambrose Jones, Mrs. J. McPhqrl of Mon mouth, Mrs. Agnes Janzen and Mrs. Sam Emery. The, couple went to Wilming ton, Delaware to . visit his par ents on their wedding trii. They will return to Salem to -reside while ; Mi". Everett is stationed at Camp Adair. 1 The. new Mrs. Everett is a graduate i of Salem high school and Capital Business college. She is now employed in the of fice of ' the secretary of state. Her husband went to schools in Wilmington and is now . with 'the military police. Book and Thimble Holds Meetings j. -.Two interesting meetings of the Book and Thimble club, were held during the month of February.-Mrs. Ray Lacey .of route one was .hostess to the club on .February.. 10 with 12 members present Guests- of this . meeting were: Mrs. Brinson of Weiser, Idaho, Mrs. Sarah Lewis of Port land, IMrs. Franklin and Mrs. Sanderson. A feature of the af ternoon was a spelling match conducted by Mrs. Charles Ad ams, i ; - . , - ' : C-J-The second meeting was held February 24 with Mrs. C. H. Kane entertaining- the group at her home on Gehlhar Road. Sev eral members are to assist in the Red Cross membership drive. Lap throws for use in veterans' . hospitals are to be made in the club's work project Following the business meeting Mrs. Rol lin Beaver was honored t-ith' a shower of gifts. Fifteen' members were present -- - ') i - ' ' ' " " H ,. ; V The, Wamaa's Kelief cerp meeting . will be held , at , the YMCAi Friday at "2, p. m. Lin coin and -Washington's birth days were used as a theme for the last meeting. " Patriotic in structor, Mrs. Goldia Kyle was in charge of the program. " t ,;,...,.,,.. . .,. r. r -'- ' : - t ' ' "- ' ' i I Mr. and Mrs. Lbnls JKarth are the -parents of a daughter, Shef ; ryl Lee; born- at Salem Deacon ess hospital, February 28. -The ' Kurths live on route 3, Box' 535. cAimzri calendar - j WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 ' 1 Junior (uUd. Episcopal church. ) TRTJBSDAT HAJtCH t , 1- I Hollywooo Lioas club auxiliary. - i fcrtnccnioTax CAUGHT short, with an la-' comt Us payment due If arch .Perhaps a loaa is the best sulatioa to yow probin. if tt Ji. eon to Parsoaar wbero loaas are snad witboot lar4. mg- ovtsiders and monthly mv avau arc sensibly arranxed. - glt.SS a asoath repays a SIM loaa ia IS aaas. Came tat, phon or write to day. Simplified Income Tax Work Sheet. .Ask for yaar eepy tedaT. -- LOANS f x to 2sa or aaort & FlMAWrr rr . 125, New Bliith ' . attas SIS SUte St. Phoae MJl Lk. S-122 jtf.iu The Weaving Guild will meet at the YMCA tonight at . S o'clock: Mrs. Breyman Boise will review a book" on the different fibers of weaving, their combin ations of color and design. Mrs. Frank ' Healy' wili bring ;" her small loom and " give r a demon stration of Swedish lace weaving and Mrs. Max Rogers will bring a display of 'Swedish ' weaving. Anyone interested ia invited to attend the meeting. ;' ; Today's Menu Spring vegetable, salad will in? dude lettuce,, tomatoes and avo cado in the menu-for today. Spring vegetable bowl r Hamburger cakes Pan fried,T potatoes , J '" . Baked pear, custard - BAKED PEAR. CLSTARD v 1 3 eggs t-v.::..:H i -8 tablespoons sugar, - teaspoon salt teaspoon vanilla 3-cups milk "-'" ' v -. 2 pear halves . -j - Beat eggs slightly;, add sugary salt and vanilla. Scald milk and add gradually.: Stir, just until uieiiueu ; vo oi Deai;. . uram and dice pears.' Place in 6 indi vidual custard cups. Pour custard over fruit Sprinkle with cinna mon.. Bake! in a water bath - in a; slow oven (325 degrees) for one hour or until" a knife in serted in the center comes out clean.. Serves 6. . RATION CALENDAR roon I Canned Goods Green stamps K, .L ie M good through March 20. To kens Will be given In change on i stamps becoming void from now on. Meat, cheese, canned fish and -edi ble fats. Brown stamps Y and Z good through March 20. ' Sugar Stamp oumoer 30 In book , 4 good for five pounds sugar, ex : plres. March 31. Stamp 40 good for ? five pounds canning sugar unul - February 28 : 1943. : : . SHOES - m "F &.w i uwa unev gaga in ; definitely. Airplane stamp No. 1 valid now. . , GASOLIX Aoik .- A roiinnn. Ma -ria vtuul through March 21 for three gallons each. Value of gasoline coupons: A. Bl. Cl, 3 gallons: B2. C2. R and T, S gallons. D. I A gallons; E. 1 gallon. - FUEL OIL March 13 date of expiration for pe riod 3 coupons Period 4 coupons good through September 30. Coupons with gallons printed on the face valid for,i amount indicated until expira tion data shown on coupon sheet.' ; -i - - TIRES A every f months by March 31); B every 4 months by February 18 ; C every 3 months iby February 28); T every months or 5000 miles of driving. STOVES Purchaser must get certificate at ration board for new moves. ; WOOD, SAWDUST, COAL Fuel dealers deliver by priorities based on needs. Pullman Woman Visits LIB R T Y - Mrs. : George Grimes of Pullman, Wash, Was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holder. She also visited in Salem Heights. She is on her way home from visiting a sister in California.- ; Consult ( Ilrs. j Ilargarel Simmons Our Expert . Corse tiere Hu-Baclr Lengthens As You Bend! if i Such, flexible comforts , such lovely lines be . cause, you see, Nu-Back controls without "ridinav up-r Uplifts bust, aula; waist and hops; flattens di aphragm. Watch your fig ure improve! - I 484 State Street