The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1944, Page 12, Image 12

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; The meanies. come into, their
own Tuesday night '.on the Ar
mory mat. For with the announce-
xnent by Matchmaker Don Owen
of , the completed - card for the
weekly muscle party, no less than
-five crunch; culprits ;Vniclimh
through the ropes starting with
the 8:30 pm. opener. ; -
Even popular and Ju-jitsuing
" Walter "Sneezie" Achlu draws the
role of culprit In his main event
rematch with Peter Th WaUP?
er" Belcastro, V for Walter j has
vowed publicly that hell loose
every. trick he knows,. right from
ju-jitsu to bops on the kisser, at
the hairy gent who doled out : the
fierce shellacking last week. Bel
castro debuted locally by trying
to punch Achiu full of holes, and
despite failing to actually put
daylight through the Chinaman
he still succeeded in winning the
brawl after smashing and bash
ing out one of the liveliest ses-
slons seen here in weeks. Achiu,
usually a contented cuss who
"takes the bad with the good,
stormed the Owen fort for a re
match pronto, quick, nowl He got
r it and also a free hand" to use all
the tricks in the book.
' Jack "Bash Em Lipscomb,
: super-meanie that . he is, draws
another toughie in Glenn Stone,
the Seattle cop, for Tuesday's
emiwindup. Big Stone, recently
In the news after quelling single
handedly a couple of nut factory
. patients up Seattle way, can and
s does , take good care of himself
with the crunch , cronies and will
Steffi iMIMCIHlli
f X.
, Good shirts must be easily obtainable up Tacoma way certainly
are lots of persistent Tacomans set on losing the ones they've got
now. And if they finally do argue their way, into getting the Sac
ramento franchise, don't think a mess o' shirts won't be lost . . . Spo
kane is the logical place for the switch, if one is made, for the Inland
Empire city has proven something . j
the Tacoma and Vancouver derby-
Ists haven't For instance: With
war industries going full blast,
iteaks (when you could get 'em)
it two 'bucks per toss and the
town overflowing with service-
nen, Tacoma played San Fran-
nsco a night game in 1942. Tris
to was up and coming in the
Coast league, Tacoma was lead
ing the Western International
league. Four - hundred inquisi
tive souls bounced their 55c per
to see the .thing. In 1940, before
the war and when a boom was
merely voiced by a kid "cop
In rubbing out another kid play
mate "robber," Spokane's WI en
try played an exhibition with Se
attle's Rainiers. That game, played
ton a Monday night and at twi
light, which constitutes two strikes
on practically any athletic event,
drew 12,000 fans 8500 in the
seats and 3500 roped off around JACK KISER
the outfield. What's more, they shelled out I1.1& a head to get in.
. . . Not forgetting, too, that Spokane holds the nation's class B at
tendance record of upwards of 200,000 for a season, more than some
of .the major leagues nines draw during a summer and probably more
than Tacoma has drawn aggregately during the latter six years
in the 'Western International . . . And if Tacomans wouldn't pay 55c
to see the Western International league in action, why will they go
$1.10 to see an undermanned Coast league at work? . t . Yep, Barnum
WAS right . . . Mught just as well move the Sacs to our village and
show 'em what lasing a shirt is like ; ! -
'Hearty Thanks,9 Pens Grantland Rice
; Return letter from Grantland Rice re your recent sports contribu
tions to raise the $1670.24 for the National Infantile Paralysis fund:
"Dear Mr. Lightner: I am in receipt of your letter which tells of the
Marion County Polio Fund drive raising $1670.24, and I wish to convey
to you and all .those who so graciously assisted my hearty thanks in
behalf of this very worthy cause. I :
"With so many kind friends to assist, and such unstinting
devotion to our common cause, the free and happy world we
fight for on so many fronts, some day soon, be likewise
.' freed of the scourge of infantile paralysis. Sincerely yours,
... A job well done, mates, and thanks again.
Ho ho div.: Seems they're ! on us this time we had the wrong
GUI refereeing the 'Eugene-Corvallis game last week. It wasn't
Blats, but Brother Luke, the V of Hawaii coach durationized at OSC.
. . . One or the other, he's probably, very unpopular down Eugene
way, especially so after reading accounts of the game as seen by
a Eugene reporter. As usual, the poor Axemen, who would have you
know they wouldn't hurt a defenseless fly, were blown for 19 fouls.
Corvallis was taxed with only eight Therefore, and not hidden be
tween the lines of the Eugene reporter's story, is another cry of
"robbery," which seems to emerge from our southern neighbor just
every time the Axemen play. The 19 blasts the Axemen got against
Corvallis, the 20 agin 'em with Cottage Grove and the 18 they had
coming (and got) against Salem 57 in three games added to the
fact that Coaches Hank Kuchera and Duane Mellem' closely re
semble the one and; only Wally Palmberg whenever a refs whistle
is blown,' is certain proof Messrs. Kuchera and Mellem might try
looking at a rule book for foul definitions. They'd be surprised, no
doubt " ' - . ' -
At Last! Katonen Speaks! ;
:,': - m-z "j , j--; ; ? j
Speaking of hoop refs, neither Dallas or. Salem Is taking
; ' any chances on "homer" work for their iext Thursday district '
t : clash. Frank Basher and Pan! Warren of Portland have been
; . contracted to work it. Warren beta one of the gents selected
; to toil dnring the state meet, next month. Incidentally, his .
u t sidekicks' for the tourney will be inimitable Ema Pfluso and -"
' Ralph "Rose Bowl Graham. Not' much youth there,- bat :
't Plenty of experience.' r Jr "i -
t ( Village grappling "fans might like to ; know that Matchmaker
Don Owen has at long last heard. from Coast Champ Paavo Ka
tonen, he who promised to come back to the northwest just ai soon
as he found 'put what .Uncle Sam wanted; to do with him.- Seems
, Uncle hasnt made up his mind yet. as Paavo, a Finnish immigrant
' and 1-A has his citizenship papers fouled up. So for the present the
rynamic one with the travelling cauliflower garden is "frozen" more
. or less. ;-Jy--i'7 r . . . - -f :
? Another .muscular favorite. Jack - "Pin-up Boy" Xiser, ; is iy
4ebing eyed by. Sammy. Kiser Is due back to the northwest in the
next week of two he's how in Oklahoma but about 'all the grap
pling hell do-will be with the Portland draft board, 'tis said.
" And Herm Schwartxkopf, the Vlk phys. ed. department
:'IU coach drew a three-monts deferment for the bad knee he
. picked np in a City league hoop mix two weeks age, Fanny
. thing aboot that knee. Herm hooped throngh high school
r' and three years at Kansas State, making the Cig-8 confer
ence team one year, and wasn't hart once. Then in a friendly --
' City-1 et-together he comes np with a- Tti3y bad injury. "
'. : Portland IncndUon .. center X-rays proved this. Sorta like
" tie fl-Lier who went thsongh a thousand scraps sans kayo,
tut went dswn for the const when his wife conked him with
a Calzty X:ft hook. - . h
Supporting Mat
" ' '
' . ' V ' 1
No, it lsnt a hairy something recently escaped from a xoo, it'i merely
Peter prh Walloper" Belcastro, mat meanlf par excellent, whoU
do return match bashing with Walter Achiit Tnesday night at the
doubtlessly give two-fisted Lip
scomb quite an argument. ' -
Tex "Toothless" or Toughiew
Porter, the bald-headed guy with
the dirty stuff opens .the. show
against the only' deanie on the
card, Oregon City's Jack Poppen-
? '
Meleles Set
heimer. The latter goes into the
navy soon Hand will be making a
final appearance.
Maple's -sports store ' and the
Pioneer dub will have ducats for
the show on sale -Monday after
noon and Tuesday.
Salem Gets Playoffs
JEFFERSON Coach Pat Beal's
Jefferson Lions hooped out. a
thrilling 22-20 victory over Stay
ton here Friday night to throw
the South Marion County B lea
gue basketball race into a three
way tie between Jefferson, Stay
ton and Aumsville. T f
A playoff plan has been made,
Jefferson to play Stayton Tues
day night on neutral Salem high
school court and the winner, to
play Aumsville Thursday ' night,
also at Salem. The ultimate win
ner is to play St PauL winner of
the northern B title, Saturday
night for :-the county champion
ship, t; J
j Jefferson Bees needed an over
time period to down Stayton's,
18-16 Friday night j
Dombrosky (3) F (11) Bruce
Freel , (2) , , F , .... (4) Fish
Neilson (1) i C (2) Cole
Johnson (9).. G (4) Henderson
Gtel 5 CI (1) Knight
Referee Jim Fate.
In 2nd Round
Second round firing in the City
league basketball playoffs takes
place Monday night on the Willa
mette U court with the General
Finance and Page-Woolens quints
battling for survival - in the 7
o'clock game and the Mayflower
Milkers and Willamette. Frosh
taking over at 8 o'clock. j
Loser of the first game will be
eliminated i from further nlav i in
the doubles-elimination meet since
both t e a m s i have been beaten
once. The Finance-Woolen winner
will play the loser of the Frosh-
Milker game probably ; Tuesday
night Monday's winner between
the Milkers and Frosh draws a
bye Tuesday and enters the fin
als. : f
In first ;: round competition the
Milkers walloped the Woolens 37
20 and the Frosh tipped the Fi
nanciers 28-19. -
District Five
r ...
Tourney Dated
ASTORIA. Feb. 19-GrVA double
elimination tourney to select the
district 5 entry in the state basket
ball championship contest will be
held here March 2-4. i
i The - Astoria Fishermen, f who
have; won sixteen out of twenty
games this season, are favorites
over the other , teams entering the
playoff:. Astoria, Tillamook, Sea
side, "St- Helens, : Rainier, ' Scap-
poose, vernonia, and the Astoria
w.. . ' p
Cedrlc Durst, former. San Diego
manager, and Ethan Allen, for
mer Cincinnati . outfielder, have
applied for' the position of man
ager of tne Sacramento baseball
club; the local committee trying to
raise money to keep the club in
town, said; today.: rj . j
Others who have z- been ' men
tioned for the pest are Earl Shee
ly, Boston Red Sox scout; Hollis
Thurston, Pittsburgh Pirate scout;
Johnny -Vergez, former manager
of the Oakland Acorns; Oscar Vitt,
ex-manager of the Cleveland In
dians; Rogers Hornsby and Casey
Ken Penner. nresentmanasrer
of the Sacramento club, will go
to ' Rochester as a coach under
Pepper Martin if Tacoma takes
the Sacramento franchise, under
terms of the deal with the St
Louis Cardinals.
County B Race
Wav Tie
City Playoff s
: - , ... ; i j .. ; -'it - ; ...'.:.'"..,- i . .
IBucks Sweep Beavef With 42-39 Win;
i I . . . : 'Huskies . Salvage Finale With Gonzaga,
W 'Mixture'
Turns Tables
On Eastern
;;. . - ! j'.-"'
rZags Annex Series
iThree Games to One
' SEATTLE, Feb. I9-(P-The
University of Washington; Huskies
tonight managed to salvage one
victory out of four meetings this
season, with Gonzaga university of
Spokane, winning 53 to 40 after !
grabbing a commanding first half
lead.1'";..-- I i
A crowd of 7500 at the univer
sity pavilion saw the (Huskies
hand . the brilliant navy-filled
Gohzaga team their second defeat
in24 games after building up a
25 to 14 half time lead. 1
A revised Washington lineup,
closer checking and a 'game push
ed at break-neck speed from start
to finish was the solution that
Coach Hec Edmundson finally
found to salvage the! last of the
four-game series from the Zags.
Tonight instead of ! starting his
straight service-team pt navy, and
marine trainees, Edmundson put
Freshman Jack Nichols in at cen
ter to replace Dale Gronsdahl and
sent diminutive Al Mar, Chinese
student transfer . from Whitman
college in at guard, j.
Mar, replacing . Perry Nelson,
who was Injured in the final min
utes of last night's game, scored
two baskets In three Shots in the
first half to participate in a. 12
point rally which j eventually
meant the game for Washington.
Nichols tied for high j man . for
Washington with Guard Bill Mor
ris. Both scored 11 points.
But while each of; the five
Washington, starters Were scoring
nine points or better,! the usually
dead-eyed Gonzagans jwere not up
to: their usual game, save for For
ward Jim Baker, who. was high
scorer with 17 points, i .
Taylor, 1 .,
A kins, f
3 .
. 0
' a
McMillian. t .
Nichols, e
Gronsdahl. e
Morris, g .
Mar. g
Baker, t
OToole. .
Hafner. f
Grlewe. 1 - ,
Gaston, c
McGovern, g
S trader, g
Half time score: Washington 25, Gpn-
saga 14. rre throws missed: xayior.
Nichols 2. Gronsdahl. Morris S. Baker,
OToole. Hafner 2. Gaston 2, S trader 2.
Shots attempted: Washington T. Gon
zaga 7. i - - ., i
Polk B Meet
Ih Deadlock
high's Wolves both won the con
solation title championship and
battled into the final round of the
championship series for i the Polk
County B league double-elimination
basketball tourney here yes
terday by defeating Perry dale
26-17 in the morning clash and
then coming back to overpower
Independence in the night game,
23-19. j!
Both the Wolves and Hopsters,
now beaten once apiece, will hoop
it off for the title Monday night
at 7:30. I j
Monmouth had little trouble
with Perry dale the finft game aft
er the opening quarter,; but had
to pull away in the final period
to; hand the Independence quint
its first tourney loss. Guard Houk
led both victories by! counting
eight points in the first game and
nine in the second.
McLean (0) - T L (4) Hlnman
Christiensen (S) T (3) Vanderhoof
Vincent (3) C L (1) Rr-
Houk (8) G (5) MuOer
H inkle (S) G 1. Mi) l eopjes
Monmouth subs Crook 3, Beth-
ert 2. Perrydale Waddle 4.
Langs ton (6) (81 Christiensen
Irvine (0) F 1 (0) Hinkle
Howard (9) C , (0) Vincent
Brown (0) G 1 (0) McLean
Addison 7) , G ;mj:.. 9) Houk
Independence sub j Gottfried l;
Monmouth Crook C. I
- Officials: Dick Maxwell
January. -i ..
and Don
-El Goofy, Home, From Fronts;
Learned to Run.
'. jU : t ! i i -.
NEW YORK, Feb. lMVVer-non-
"Lefty Gomez was back on
duty with a Long Island war plant
today after a three-months, tour
. '0. ' of arnry hospi
tals in North Af
rica and Italy,
during which the
former New
York! Yankee
pitcher - said he
really learned
about speed.!
Dont let any
one tell you I
wasnt scared
when 'the bombs
feU," Gomez
plained. "I never
knew until I was
f ersMtM m m , r 1
how fast I really
could run. I couldnt gain on any
one In the race for the shelters
but I didn't lose any ground
Gomez made the trip overseas
with Jack Sharkey, former heavy
weight boxing champion; and Fred
Corcoran, tournament manager cf
the PGA. They showed moving
i ; -
Week Brings Vile-Dallas, North-South
Hoop, hoop, hoopla!
Basketball for the home folks
swings - into . the crocial stage
this week, Salem high's Viks
taking their first try at earning
the district 4 state tourney tick
et Thursday night against the
touted Dallas Dragons at.WUla-,
mette and Leslie and . Parrish
Junior highs chasing in game no.
2 for " the -city championship
Friday night at the Villa.
Starting with the Dallas
game, for Salem ItH be win 'em
all from here on in or else.
Oatsldo dropping one game In
the two of three series which
Set for Crucial District 4 Clash
a . v -::::; -' . r-: . .,
Ready and waiting for next Thursday night's district 4 hoop battle with : Salem high's Viks are the
Dallas Dragons above. Winners of 13 eat of 14 games played this season,' they are, front .row left to
right. Coach O. E. "Andy" Anderson, Mel -Courier, Bud Fierce, Mayne Taylor Bay Osuna and Neil
Richardson. Back row, Henry . Werkentin, Joe Cochrane, Ray Prescott Bill Rohrs and Marv Hleberi.
The long-awaited clash will take place on the , Willamette D pavilion floor." (Statesman sports photo)
Coast Casaba
Playoffs Off r
Edwin N. Atherton, commissioner
of the Pacific Coast conference,
announced, today that conference
members had rejected a proposal
to hold a basketball playoff series
between the Universities of Wash
ington and California.
In announcing the vote compil
ation, Atherton said it upheld the
decision reached last December
at a conference meeting. Members
voiced their disapproval because
of travel difficulties. California
won the southern division title
and Washington the northern.
Seven Yankees
OK Contracts
NEW YORK, Feb. lMV-The
New York Yankees, announced
today that seven players and
coaches have signed their con
tracts for 1944. In addition, to
Catcher Bill Dickey, who signed
two weeks ago when he was here
for the baseball writer's dinner,
contracts have i been - received
from Pitchers Hank Borowy and
Joe Page, batting practice Pi&her
Paul Schreiber. InfielderJ Oscar
Grimes, Outfielder Roy Weather
ly and Coach John Schulte.
. : , --.
pictures of the 1943 world series,
various fights and golf 'matches
Gomez said the soldieas all were
interested in sports but that their
first -tfuestioTV! ---vt : -
cerned living conditions and ra
tioning at home. . . !
The former: pitcher explained
his own Illness overseas by .say
ing that all his pre-trip injections
were made in his left arm. ..
"Even the doctor should nave
known that arm has been dead
for yearsT he addecL: - , S
:$ Ftite
must be played .with Corvallis
for thai tourney ticket (if the
Viks can get by Dallas and the
winner; Of the Mt Angel-SIlver-ton
game to get . to Corvallis)
the "or- else" means they'll bo
lining: up with the rest of the
' customers outside ' Willamette
gym come March K-17-1S. ML
Angel j and Silverton knuckle
down Wednesday night at Sil
verton for the right to play the
Salem-Dallas winner. Corvallis
has already captured the south
ern district 4 title and is waiting
for the ftwo-of -three game aer
ies with i the north's ultimate
winner.!- Y- -" .,.;; . -
, it - ? i i i
l ft-. - i " "' m
fe' lb '
' COIXKGI . ' - ;
Oregon 42, Oregon State 39. : t
Washington 83, Gonzaga 40.
Linfield jTrosh 44. WUlam. Frosh XS.
. Tt. Lewis Becep. Center 46. WSC 38.
UCLA ! 40, Southern California 32.
Detroit Tech 64, U of Toronto 38. .
Iowa Seahawks 69.; Simpson 33.
. Baylor, 38, Rice 65..!
Indiana 48, Minnesota 47 (overtime).
Kansas 86. Nebraska 47. -
Purdue 82. Wisconsin 80.
Eastern Washington 68, Montana U 46
Colo. College 47, Colo. Mines 17. -
Marquette 43, Detroit 11.
Catholic U 64. Delaware 47.
Penn State 35. Pittsburgh 29.
. Camp Edwards 54. Holy Cross 81.
Penn 68. Navy 56.
Oklahoma A tt M 14. Oklahoma 11.
Notre Dame 84, Great Lakes 81. .-
Michigan SO. Northwestern 43.
Ohio State 84. niinois S3. -
Colgate 83. New York U 49 .
South Carolina 57. Clemson 31.
fHeUo' Boys
Tip WSC Five
" PULLMAN, Feb 19 The
1 Fort Lewis reception center bas
ketball team led all the way to
night to 'defeat Washington State
college! 48 to 38 as Gail Bishop,
former WSC ace, led the way
against, his alma mater, pouring
in 22 points alone. The victory
was the :18th in 21 starts forthe
Fort Lewis squad.1 , . " " :
FORT LEWIS (48) (32) WSC
Simmons , (9) Rennlck
Bishop (22) (13) Braytokt
Wiley 11) ' r " 5) Gr-
Lewis 3) r . O 4) JoaUn
Jones (2) I , G 8) Carstens
Substitutions: Fort Lewis Herska,
Lightner, t Stollard, Frederickson 2.
WSC Lagers, Morgan, Walles 2,
Dickinson.? Orsini. .
Canaclians Tip Rangers
f MONTREAL, Que, Feb. 19-ff)
Sparked by Ray Getliffe who
scor ed; two, goals, the National
Hockey league's leading Montreal
Canadiens trounced the lowly
New York Rangers, 5-2, ' before
9 135 fans tonight ; " y - -
"I if
February 22
1 Roar, 2 of 3 Falls
WalUr Sneeze" Achia vs.
; ? Jack Lipscomb
i ! Indiana HafTlxn, ts. -Glenn
Stone, Seattle Cop
2 of S Falln, Half nom
Tickets en Sale at 2Iaplek Sportiag Goods Store
and The Pioneer Clab i
Adssslan: drrsl- SL19 Gen. Ada. tie Tax" Inc.
' Friday night the Villa nail
win doubtlessly be the scene of
another mass of racing Junior
high hoopsters, screaming kids,
bands, yell kings and queens
and proud grownups as the Le-lle-Farrlsh
battte for the city
championship goes through
round - two. Leslie, before the
largest crowd ever to witness a
LP hoop scrap, decisively whip
ped' the Northerners Friday
night at Leslie, 33-29, and wot
be 1 favored to make it two
straight for the title Friday. No
matter which team win too
next outing the rivals win play
a third game at Leslie In March.
With Viks
Dodds Victor,
Nears Record
. Ji . ' ' :
;- '- i: . . , ...
NEW YORK, Feb. 19-(ff)-Ga
Dodds, bible . : quoting preacher
from Boston, 'ran the Baxter mile
ta 4:08 'tonight at the New York'
AC games in" Madison Square
Garden to approach the worlds in
door mark for the distance.'. The
world mark j and " also the meet
record for the event is 4:07.4 held
by a trio of tunners.
Dodds had fthe race entirely to
himself, building up a 10-yard
advantage in the first quarter and
finishing more than . a half lap
ahead of Rudy Simms of ; New
York university. . Jim ' Rafferty
was . third. j " "'-. 1 1 ;
The winner traveled the first
440 yards in 58.6 seconds, reach
ed the halfway post in 1:59.7 and
the three-quarter mark in 3:03.3.
Much of the meet's . pre-race
interest -centered on the Halpin
half-mile in j which Joe Nowicki
of Rochester edged out John Ful
ton of San Francisco, but Dodds
made the 13,000 screaming spec
tators forget all about the absence
of Bui Hulse, unable to compete
because of a strep .throat. : .
Waterman Sets
BqppinglBee :
PORTLAND, ' Feb. isP) Pro
moter Joe Waterman announced
today' the signing of Gregorio Es
calona, Obregon, Mex feather
weight champion - of . Mexico, - for
a return 10-round bouth with Joey
Dolan, Portland,'; March 3. f They
fought a torridV lQ-round rdraw
February 4. i.': . ..-" ' ;
Pete "Walloper' Belcastro
t ::a orcxEit
Tex Toethlesst Porter,
SeatUe, vs.
Jack Peppenheimer,
" ! Orefoii City
' ;
-' ' (s
Second Pla
Spot Clinched
OrangemenJ Falter
In Second Period
W L Pet. Pf Pk
WashlnKton 10 ' 0 1X00 524 357
Orecon a 4 5 JMS S31 630
Idaho - - liS .333 625 55
Washington State 3 It J00 422 455
Oregon SUte 4 10 JZBi S2S . 412
Saturday result: A$ Oregon State
38. Oregon 42. - jj . !
Z CORVALLIS, Ore Feb. 19-(JP)
The Oregon Webfobts nosed out
Oregon State, 42-39, tonight to
sweep the annual basketball ser
ies for the first time since 1937
and ? clinch second place In the
northern division, Coast confer
ence, race. They trailed 19-21, at
the half. : , ,
The first half was very tight
with the Beavers outmaneuvering
the taller' Webf oots and sinking
nine. of 25 shots from the field to
Oregon's six of 18. The lead
changed three times, and the score
was .tied. the same number. -.
-: But the Beavers lost their bas
ket eyes in the second period, of
ten firing as many; as six times
from- under ' theiri own basket
without connecting.' They canned
only seven of 32 field tries while
the Webfoots - bit with uncanny
seven out of
il : :..- ... r
For the game Oregon State sank
18 of 57 shots, compared to Ore
gon's 13 out of 29.1 Oregon made
18 free throws good to Oregon
State's seven. "
- ' r
Anderson, Beaver guard, rang
up IT points lor scoring Honors,
followed by Bray of Oregon with
. With five minutes left, and the
score 6-32, the Beavers spent a
minute and a half firing from un
der : their . basket Without result. .
Then Hamilton dribbled down to
make it 38-32, . and the ' Beavers
started playing ' keep-away with
3 minutes to go. Hamilton, Phil
lips and McGrath converted free
throws and Humphries a field goal
to make it 42-33. In the last min
ute Lee, Reiman and- Anderson,
scored for Oregon State but the
rally fell three points short.
Humphreys. x
Borrevik.- e
Henwood,: g
Hamilton, g
raiuips. g
Simms.. t . ,;, ,,, X.,
Reiman, f ; , ,.
' i
Van net, - j,
Puddy. c
Anderson, g i
Lee. g . : ,
Half time
core: Oregon
Oresxn 19.
Free- throws missed: Oregon Hum
phreys. Hamilton. Phillips. Bray 2:
Oregon State ' Simms. Reiman. An
derson. Lee. - -fi
Officials: EmU puuso and Art Me-
Lamey. - t
Oregon Quints
Await Gougars
EUGENE, Ore, Feb. 19 VPh
The Oregon Webfoots will wind
up their northern division, coast
conference t basketball schedule
here : Tuesday and . Wednesday
nights, against Washington State.
The teams split a series' at Pull
man, Oregon taking the first 40
36, and losing the second, 38-33.
CORVALLIS, Orel, Feb. .l-p)
A two-game series against Wash
ington State here next Friday and
Saturday nights will mark the
end of the 1944 northern division
basketball trail for the Oregon
State Beavers. if . v-
" Jack Friel's Cougars beat the
Beavers twice at tPullman last
month by 45-41 and 49-35 counts.
V I v.f
No Certificate rNeeded
To Recap Passenger
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