The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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Attracts! .
Many '
More girls than were expect
ed, have declared their intention
of attending the Older Girls con
' ference which is 'scheduled .to
open at headquarters In the
First Presbyterian church on
Friday noon, and pore ; rooms
re needed lor thpi. Mrs. C A.
Kells, chairman of the housing
committee, has I allotted a cer
tain number of rooms to be pro
vided by members pf the various
. churches, but enough have' not
yet been secured, she says. Some
tOO girls between the ages of 14
and ,24 are expected to register
at the conference. 4
MravMartha Ferguson Mc
Keown of Hood River heads the
directorship of the conference,
and Miss Muriel White will as
sist -her. Miss Frances , Kells,
Salem, is president , -j
Registration is set at the Pres
byterian church beginning at 3
o'clock Friday and an adult
leader meeting, to be led by Jo-'
sephine Tate will be the first of
the conferences to be held. The
conference choir will be organ
ized by Virginia Ward Elliott at
- a meeting of the interested girls
at 5 o'clock Friday and at 6
o'clock a "get-acquainted" din
ner will be served. Francis
Kells will preside at the dinner
and during the meeting Jean
Johnson, Mrs. McKeovrn and
Miss White will gife brief talks.
Virginia Pierson and the' Port
Land girls will have charge of the
7:30 o'clock worship, with Miss
Kells and others praticipating.
Highlights 6f the other two
days of the conference include
. an interview with jNancy Merkl
and Suzanne Zimmerman, hold
ers of world swimming records,
by Miss Dulcina Brown of Port
land; talks by Dr, R. Franklin.
Thompson, president of College
of Puget Sound and a tea at the
home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop at 3
o'clock, Saturday. A banquet is
scheduled for Saturday night
and a pageant will be given aft
erwards, j
Sunday's program includes a
conference planning luncheon,
Installation of new; officers and
a closing ceremony;
The annual Older Girls con
ference is sponsored by the Ore
gon Council of Churches, of
which Mr. Charles A. Sprague
Is president.
WOODBURN . L The second
Thursday night card party spon
sored by the American Legion
and the auxiliary was held at the
Legion rooms in the city hall
Thursday. The committee includ
ed: Mr. and Mrs. L. Simonson,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward DeHaan,
Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Le Feb
vre, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bran
fgar, Bert Broyles,! Mrs. Nettie
Johnson and Miss Mary Scollard.
The third in the series of par
ties will be held next Thursday
night, February 1Q. The com
mittee on arrangements includes
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Smith,
Mrs. L. C. Austin, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Johnson, John Reiger,
Miss Louise Reiger, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Lenners, Mr. and - Mrs.
John Cornwell and Milton Coy, -
MT. ANGEL Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Wavra entertained at the
home Wednesday at a reception
jhonoring Mrs. Wavra's brother.
Pvt. Fred C. Mehl of the Uni
versity of Illinois, Champaign,
III., who was home on a 2 day
furlough between semesters.
Invited were Pvt. Mehl, Mr.
nd Mrs. Norman- Johnson, of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Burk, Donald and Janice, and
Mrs. Emma Sohlie, Salem; Mr.
. and Mrs. Ingval Edland, Aloha
Edland, Oscar Edland, Monitor;
Henry Ronglein, Curtiss, Betty
Lou Ronglein, Molalla; Mr." and
Mrs. Oscar Johnson, Ardell and
Daryl Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Z. Kaufman, Marceil Kaufman,
Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Specht and the hosts, Mr.
and Mrs. Wavra. and Marcella.
AUKOKA The Aarara Victory-club
composed of young ma
trons of Aurora met Thursday
at the home of Mrs. Leslie Ep
pers with thirteen members pre
sent. -.Red Cross - lap robes oc
cupied: members and on was
finished. Members are : making
new curtains for the clinic rooms
and will have the rooms cleaned
and ready for the clinic, due to
meet early this spring. . ' .
man, secretary of - the group '
Mrs. Willis Matthieu is pre?
sident and Mrs. Werner Dente--man,
secretary of the group. They
meet every- two weeks at the t
home selected for the evening.
Mrs. Charles Unruh and Mr. and"
Mrs. Duane ? Gibson are com
mittee on arrangements for the"
February meeting of Willamelta
Lodge Country 'dub at the club
house Saturday night.
f ,' lilAIi .LA:1 -
:f.t.I.U.NB. DtXi.ChuMjdJk
! r ?I Kcrli Llicrty
tfp?u'rt t'ertJatid General Cectrle
Co Oi'see t.c fa Saturday -wnly
id i n. to 1 F.r.14 I to 1 psa.
f iDtid eressura end-.ortae
trct'Cf ciiarj a. -Practiced '
. )
! ;
Playing on the stag of the high school auditorium to
night at 7:30 is the Britt trio, Viola Wasterlain, violin, Con
rad Held, viola and piano, and Horace Britt, cello. The
group is being brought to Salem as one ol a series of Cres
cendo club concerts. S
String Trio
To Be Here
Music in one of its loveliest
forms will be heard at the Sa
lem high school auditorium to
night when the Britt string trio
appears on the platform in a
concert under the sponsorship of
the Crescendo club. This is the
third in the winter series of
Crescendo club programs. The
concert is scheduled to begin at
7:30 o'clock.
The personnel of the Britt trio
includes Horace Britt, cellist and
founder of the playing group,
Viola Wasterlain, young Amer
ican Violinist and Conrad Held,
who doubles as both violinist
and pianist.
The complete program in
cludes: Trio in O major. Op. S Ho. 1
- j L. Van Beethoven
Adagio-Allegro con brio
' Adagio ma non tanto e -cantabU
Scherzo (allegro)
Violin, viola and cello
a) Elegie. Op. 24 G. Faure
b) V Anitas vanttatum (con umore)
Op. 103 , R. Schumann
Cello and piano
Havanaise. Op. S3 C. Saint-Saent
Violin and piano
Three Movements Irom Serenade. .
Op. 10 . E. Dohnanyl
Violin, viola and cello
L. Kinton opened her country
home for the February meeting
of the Spring Valley Home Mis
sionary society Thurt day. As
sisting Mrs. Kinton were Mrs.
Charles McCarter and Mrs. V.
L, Gibson. Devotionals were led
by Mrs. Ralph C. Shepard,
president Mrs. Ralph H. .Scott
was, leader: for -singing. The
group made plans. to hold a no
hostess dinner at the home of
the past president, Mrs. FJwood
' Cooper? for the March meeting.
Mrs. Worth Henry, secretary, re
ported. The group -voted to do
nate to the iron lung fund for
Polk county.
The history of Valentine's day
was told by Mrs. Worth Henry.
Mrs. Wayne D. Henry told the
- origin of two hymns.
Present; were Mrs. Florence
Atkinson, I Mrs. Boy . Barker,
Mrs. Ralph C Shepard, Miss
Elizabeth ; Atkinson, Mrs. R. V.
Carlson, Mrs. Wayne D. Henry,
Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. V.
L. Gibson, Mrs. Worth Henry,
Mrs. fir F. Merrick, Mrs. A. .L.
Kinton, Mrs. Charles McCarter,
Mrs. James A. French, Mrs. L,
I. Mickey, Mrs. A. M. Patrick,
Mrs. Ralph H. Scott, Mrs. Mil-
Blueberry bashes, 75c et.
Dwarf fruit trecs$20
Red raspberries. - c
5 Z yr,.; . ; , tLSQ doz.
Latham. Taylar. Nawbearrh,
Cathbert, Lloyd George
Aspzmzva . ., ' ..50e doz.
Rhubarb.;.....T.I..rJL5 ea.
A complete stack af Fralt, NBtrShade and Flowering Trees,
tlose Bushes ar J hrobs la ear dawntewn salesyard located at
173 Ce, Liberty St. (2 Dloeks 4Soatii c Armory) .
-' Fhone S21J
Salesyard Open Monday thro Thursday 12:28 fd f "
. ! : . - ' Catisriay S tia -
2 -
AAUW executive board. T:45
with Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren. 2580
South Summer street
Merry Minglers. with Mri. L. B.
Malm. Route. 7. 1 p. m.
WRC Aid : society, with Mrs.
Clara McDerby. 201S Trade street,
all-day meeting and no-host lun
cheon, quilttng.
Englewood - Woman's club, cov
ered dish luncheon. 1 -JSO p. m..
with Mrs W. A. Reeves. 10SS
North Sixth street.
VFW auxiliary, veterans halt
AMITY The Women's Civ
ic club met Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. G. TZi, Gillaspie with Mrs.
E. O. Morse as assisting hostess.
During the business meeting the
club voted-to sponsor the Girl
Scout troop recently organized
here with Mrs. George Bailey
as director. The guest speaker
was Miss Christensen of Salem,
regional director of the Girl
Scouts who gave a talk on Girl
Scout history and activities. The
Saint Valentine's day motif was
used. Guests were Mesdames J.
Cunningham, Van Staavern,
George Bailey, T. V. Newman,
Roy Freeman, J. L. McKenney,
and Miss $ Christensen. The
March meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Joseph Mc
Kee, with her mother, Mrs. J.
T7 Mauser lis assistant hostess.
AMITY - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Wood entertained at dinner Sat
urday evening in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. r Wilbur Robinson's
tenth weddiag anniversary. Pre
sent were Mr. and Mrs. Robin
son, daughters Vivian and Ju
lia Ann and Mr. and Mrs Wood
and ; family.; Mrs. Robinson is a
sister of Mrs. Wood. The Rob
inson family are former Colo
rado Springs residents v and
moved to west of McMmnville
last fall. Mr. Robinson is em
ployed in tha Portland ship
yards. I '
xhvmbat, araaDARY IS
Catholic Datiehters of America.
nun ay, resutuAaY ii
Woman's Faculty club.
1 to 4 Laurel guild of Knight Me
morial eharch.
- 4 to 1 American Legion auxiliary.
T to 11 Nary Mothers' club.
to 11 Credit Women's Breakfast
dubj- li
lt ta 1 ETnal Brith lodge.
1 to 4 Ladies of North Howell
grange. -
-i 4 t 7 Eagles auxiliary. :
T to 11 Zoata club. ' ,
Daughters Of the American Revo
lution. - i
Girls Service organization. : - i
Hunters and Rnglers auxiliary, l .
WSCS of Lesu church.
Salera Nurses auxiliary. ,
Fruit trees, 1 jtMJOO
t yr. .l : $1.50
Older tres4jf -se
Cherry trees with S kinds
n aae tree. Z9
; bashes , - ,
Grap; vines
jMeeting to
Be Held
1 Miss Jenette Roberts will re
view "Too Little Time,, a re
Icent Book-of-the-Month selec
tion, at the Salem Woman's club
Saturday afternoon. "- ' '
1 The author of "Too little
Time" is John P. Marouand.
known for bis versatility of sub
ject and. theme and for his sar
donic humor. He says of him
self, "I have three friends and
two of them dont like me." Pul
itzer prize winner in 1937, he
has traveled . widely, especially
in the orient, but' bis most in
teresting characters ; a r e l taken
from the! blueblood people of;
New England. - Some of these
characters; are the source of
tnuch amusement in "Too little
Time." , ' ' -:i::--. '
Mrs. J.! M. Devers and Mrs.
tor his versatility of sub-
George Ailing will introduce
some problems of local and na
tional interest during the busi
ness meeting.
i The tea! committee for the aft
ernoon includes Mrs. Charles
Johnson, chairman,' Mrs, W. S.
Levens, Mrs. E. C Goodwin, Mrs.
Henry Hanien, Mrs. G. A. Ree-
her, Mrs. H. A. Gwynn, Mrs. Ar-
thur R. Jones, Mrs.,J. S. Beck,
and Mrs. Arden Reed, i
Portland Rites 1
! . ! ! "
Of interest in Salem Is - the
wedding which was solemnized
in Portland Sunday at the Fre
mont Methodist -church' when
IMiss Evelyn Louma of Portland
! became the bride of Mr. Clair
Willis i Alf ord, US navy. The
i groom's grandfather, Rev. Eu
igene Alf ord officiated.!
The couple will leave soon for
Washington, DC, to reside.
Mr. Alford, a musician in the
navy, has been serving for three
years on active duty at sea. He
is the son of Mr .and Mrs. E.
Clair Alford of Portland and a
grandson j of Mrs. W.i W. Zinn,
Salem, j I - -
i ;
BUEnA VISTA Sgt. and
Mrs. John Lovato (Willa Dean
Long) r were honor guests at a
bridal ahower Sunday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Leland
Prather. j A program was ar
ranged by Mrs. Addie Harmon,
Mrs. Cecil Hultman, Mrs. Elmer
Johns and Mrs. Luther Osborn.
Early spring shrubs furnished
a decorative note. Mrs. Jonas
Graber, Mnu C. E. Miller and
Mrs. Cecil Hultman served.
Honoring Sgt. and Mrs. Lovato
were Mrs. George .Wells, Mrs.
Elmer Johns, Mrs. Cecil Hult
man, Mrs. Jonas Graber, Mrs.
C. E. Miller, Mrs. Perry Wells,
Mrs. Orville Wells, Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Thurston, Mrs. Vern Mc
Gowan, Mrs. Addie Harmon,
Mrs. Mabel Powell, Mrs. 'Wan
da Ward, Mrs. Luther Osborn,
Nadine,.) June and Jean, Mrs.
Opal Graber. Mrs. E. D. Long,
Mary Jane and Betty Lou, and
Mr. and jMrs. L. S. Prather and
Gordon Wells.
Toddy's Menu
Fresh j rhubarb will be the
piece -de resistance for today's
dinner menu.
: Bean, corn salad
j Veal paprika
Baked or boiled potatoes
n.ii . .
uuiierea green peas
itnuDarD pie
Cheese i
t (Hungarian)
Vield: 4 servings
1 pound veal
2 small onions
3 tablespoons fat k
1 tablespoon paprika
cup sour cream
1 teaspoon salt
Cut veal into small squares.
Chop onion and cook In hot fat
until golden brown. Sprinkle
with paprika and mix well. Then -add
meat, and simmer a few
minutes.; Add a small amount of
water and simmer covered until
veal is tender, or about 1 hour. (
Add salt and sour cream. Heat -and
r Sit
' Remember to Send a Card to Your. Valentine
Huldrcn's Vdcnlisei ... l. ;. . Ic Id lC;
re a ' . - mmm.
V dwJjL23 , LlilSI ' - " v. v l: . e ' e ' e. 4m!
- ;The kiddies can have lots of fun jmaking their" own.)
Fcr; Teens zzi . . Es b $LC3
. ye , TABLE DECORATIONS r . . i
, Get Them. Now Stocks Are Plentiful
r GUEFFnors ' ;
141 N. Cornnercbl St.
OrtHjon, Tbnrsdorr 1401111119. reoruory u.
Cpt and Mrs. Dave.Talmadxt
are the parents of two-month
old daughter, Dabette Sue, ac
cording to word received . by
friends in Salem. CpL Talmadie,
son of Mrs. L. C Zander and j
grandson of David Talmadge,
"Sage of Salenv was formerly j
drums major in the high school .
band.! He is stationed at Ft Law
ton, Seattle.
"I ' ' . i '
Au1 Revoirs j.
K 1 : CJ J
XTl t? t OU1U
Mrs. ! Walter Karesten
hostess! at an au revoir party
given' for JMrs. Dorothy Bass,
who will leave Sunday for Ft,
Lewis to join her husband. The
party,' held last Thursday, was
informal, with cards and a hand
kerchief shower featuring the
.entertainment. ' ' ' . " ''
t Guests saying goodbye to Mrs.
Basslwere Mrs. Glenrt Fischer,
Mrs. tibucflle Steele, Mrs. Myrtle
Gordon, ' Mrs. -Martha Hawley,
Mrs. Mildred Nesbitt, Mrs. Opal
Patterson, Miss Jennie Winchell,
Miss Darlene Stanley, Miss Vio
let Veer, Miss Betty Lowen and
Miss Shirley Davis..
? i
! SriPriPft I W1T1S
1 TXP- . 1 WAliS3
v i
Rotnona and Ronald Spence,
twins Of Mr. and Mrs. L. C
Spence, were hosts at a party on :
Tuesday. : Guests and hosts at- i
tended a show and later went to j
their home for refreshments. !
- Present were Betty Jo Beards- ;
ley, Joan Blaxall, Sally Terrill,
Roberta Tussing, Marilyn Morse,
Suzanne Huggins, Barbara King,
Virginia Huston, Charlotte Alex- ,
ander, i Don Lawrence, Jack.
Dalle; Warren Bacon, Laverne j
Jackson, Dick Bennett, Brooks :
Beckford, Bud Craig, George
Zurlinden, Bill Hill, Richard j
Hall,: George Schwarz, : Frank
Bunnell, Romona and Ronald
Spence. ;
Install New
Monday night members i of
Hal Hibbard auxiliary United
Spanish War Veterans met ( in
the Veterans of Foreign Wars
hall, ! Mrs. P. A. Kinzer presid
ing. 1 ; I
Mrs.! M. W. Baker, as assistant
conductor and Mrs. Bertha De
Sart. as patriotic instructor were
installed by installing officer,
Mrs. A. D. Welch.
The auxiliary voted to buy a
$100 war bond. Twenty-four
members answered roll call. The
next meeting will be February
21, when the camp and auxiliary
will have a bond rally.
The FEF Teachers clab met
at Schneider's coffee shop for
dinner and regular meeting,
Wednesday night, Mrs. Willow
Evans presiding. ; ,
- In addition to the regular
members, the following guests
were present: Mrs. Mae Engle,
Mrs.: Van Santen, Mrs. Loretta
Martin, Miss Genevieve Lovcik,
and Miss Dorothy Jones. . !
VI ' i FOOD : '
! Canned Goods Green stamps O.
H and J good through February 30
for processed foods. K, L Ac M through
March 20. Tokens will- be green to
change; beginning February 17. I
- - Meat, cheese, canned fish and edi
ble fat Brown stamps V, W and X
good through February . . j
Sugar Stamp aumoer-SO fn book
4 good lor five pounds sugar, ex
pires March SI. Stamp 4S good; for
five s pounds canning sugar until
February 2S. 194S.
-.f !:. --gSlOESH;V' ' vf!-
i Stamp No IS book one. good i m-
definitely. Airplane stamp No. I valid
now.; -j , , -" . . 'j
- I ' GASOUNK ! :"
Book - A i coupons No. IS good
through March SI tot three gallons
each.' r 1 . '
Value of gasoline coupons: A. Bl.
CI. 1 gallons; B2. CI. R and T.
gallons; O. la .gallons; X. 1 gsUon.
: . . rVKJL on ' .- J
Period t eoopons rood through Feb
ruary 1. March - S data of-expieation
for period S coupons. Coupons with
gallons printed on tha face valid
for amount indicated until -explra-tton
data shown on coupon sheet.
-I v ' i v i : rraas -K-t;
- A every months (by March si):
B every 4 moatha bjr February );
C every S months (by Pebraary SS);
T every months or S000 milea sc
if :: STOTKS " ,
:-' Purchaser, must get certificate . at
ration board for new stevea.
. mmm ne'e mil.
Fuel ideal em deliver by prtoriuea
; Don't Fcrgcl
IFcbircoirv , .
222 SCCi
: i
Cakm, Ore.
Marrieci in
- t i-. -
; Miss Phyllis Eaton, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Eaton, be
came the bride of Mr. Richard IX '
Cohen, USNR, son of Mrs. M. -Cohen
of Portland,' at a cere-'
mony read i on January - 29 at
:15 o'clock in the Norfolk Pres-
byterian' church, Norfolk, Vlr- -
-E ginla.' ',.!; r--;f
., Rev. J. i Cordon- Riggan read
the double ring ceremony.. The
church j was decorated with
palms and calla lilies and light-
' ed by white ta pent Mrs. Riggan
; played the wedding inarch. - ,
. Miss. Eaton wore ? ft gold wool
dressmaker suit with brown ao v
. cessories and an 'orchid corsage.
On. herj head ; was r a small -
- Dutch cap of winter; straw.
Mr. and Mrs. X. Banta attend-
ed the couple.' Mrs. Banta wore
a light blue suit withblack ac
cessoriea. per corsage was of
gardenias and rosebuds.- M r .
Mr., and Mrs. Cohen will: live
in Norfolk While he is stationed
theer anid then Mrs. Cohen plans
to go to New Jersey to live, r Mr.
Cohen, a graduate of Commerce
high school in Portland, is store
keeper secorid class inr the navy.
Mrs. Cohen is a graduate of
Salem high school. She went east
about a week ago for her wed
ding. , -, Lf -
County Meeting ,
Is Friday
. . j ,1.. ... " . ' .-. It
The Marion county council
and assembly of , the American
Legion and auxiliary will hold a
county meeting Friday at S pjn.
in Eagles hall. Mrs. Harry Kum
. phreys, president of Stayton will
preside. ; Mrs. WOma Sayre of
Aurora is secretary. f i
Mrs. James Garson, president
of Capital unit has asked the
following . committee to have
charge of the refreshment hour:
Mrs. Walter Spaulding, chair
man; Mrs. j Stuart Johns, i Mrs.
O. E. Palmateer, Mrs. Louis . Ra
mus and: Mrs. James Fisher. I
!:';. ' -i- .: i f
. The Women's Missionary so
ciety of the First Baptist church
will meet today at 2 o'clock at
i t :'i rm a. . ? .. 1 mm..
me caurczii. : xac wpic is, lue
Bulwark of Hope." A special
speaker is Mrs. Ruth Tooze,
state president of the WCTU.
A ll :
I You can db it' by not using Long Distance
ibetween7 and10 RM. except for urgent callW
. - Those fare the: night-time hours when:
jmanjr service men are off duty and it's their
best chance to call home. I .
n pacific TELCPnonz a::d telegraph
Tha Zlarian Cetmty Ilartae
Corps league auxiliary will hold
a" rummage sale, February 18
and U, t 2084 Capitol street,
Hollywood. The proceeds deriv
ed from this project will be ap
: plied to the auxiliary's hospital
fund,? for the rehabilitation of
Invalided service men.
' Anyone interested in donat
ing, m a j contact committee
members' at telephone 7634 or.
22350. - .
Wedding. Rites ,
Saturday . :'
The wedding " of . Miss Audrey ,-,
Harms and. Sgt Glenn S. Daun -,
will -take place pn-Saturday
night at 8 ; o'clock at the First ,
Baptist church, with Dr. Irving -Tox
officiating. : . -
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. AJ Harms . .
of Salem, and Sgt. Daun is the '
son of Mr. and Mrs: I. Daun of
Mintone, California. '
Chana-Karl waves dyed ask as beaa
tinmy as it ooes natural aair. it your
waffSdk I
y y f
I -
. ' 'i -
- - 2yS . ;
8 Rccccns Why Ycu Shsdd Uco Chrra-Uurl
a. rost woaicN amo shiimkn , wo hcat ara cLxcnticmr
j wnxETrs
coaNsx or stats and libxktt streets
-waeatUIL OtmCRSt ADO lis frfM lOSTACX, KTC w
Board Meets
. ' Mrs. M, C. ITindley was host
ess at the annual meeting -of tha
board of the Methodist Old Peo
ple's home-on Monday," serving
a dessert luncheon at noon.- Six
teen, members were present. r
Mrs. Charles Geisi president,
presided at the business session
when reports were given for the
past year. Improvements made;
in the building during the yeary;
including the new heating plant, ;
were listed. It was reported that j
the cost of running the homo i
per month is $1209 and that 50 1
guests live there. I ' v' "
-- The board is made up of 18 1
women from various Methodist i
churches of the city. Mrs. Fred '
Zimmerman Is secretary. ; :
Ft Beta Phi alamnae will meet ;
; at the home' of Miss Barbara j
Pierce, 1610 Fir street tonight at I
?30.; Assisting Miss Piercewiil!
be Mrs. Joseph Devers, jr.
gaeacaaf KmiKHComtmim
MTava totmUom, Ceefers. gfcaaaaaa, gJ
r- vs
Now, giro yourself a cool, macbineless
Charm-Karl permanent wave in complete
comfort at home. Its easy and safe with
Charm-KurL' Rtfuirts na kt, electriritr,
or prerieus hair waving experience. Tha
result will be posltirelr thrilling, and long,
lasting, too. Y
In $ fuaci ats Chana-Karl gives jra Mtara!
loakinc axis and waves which ate soft and ease
to tnaaace. Try Charm-Kurt today the remit
is roara&teed to plesae yea as well as say S5.0O
pnfnstuml ptrmsmnt or year taoaey back om
reqtxeU - . : . . 4
SAFE for Every Typa ol IU!r
ConUim no harmful cbemlcUor .mnu.Kt
i mmd tlmldi . Get a Qwa-Kai Kit today.
Vcr tzzli
-! ikea41
"7 X?