The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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    f ;' ' i Hawkshaw depL:.:,Many are . those who have asked bow, come
.: All-American Swimmers Nancy Merki and Suzanne Zimmerman en
I rolled at Willamette when .about all the 'swimming facilities the-U
can offer is a mill race and, Sweetland field .during football season,
t Comely Miss Merki answers for both in that, they merely .wanted "to
be near home (Portland),' be near ' ' ? - -.
their coach - (Jack Cody of the
' Multnomah cliibl and start study
ing sometime." And although Nan
cy admits '.she nasiry quite ae--
sceided to the iatter asshe should
jret says she's having "gobs'
' f fun - the reasons """why WU?"
are logical enough. . .
' Seventeen year - old Nancy
V admits she came near going to
- Stanford, where "Cody Kid" 'mate
' "' Brenda Helser went for, advanced
ABCTs. but figured the closeness
to home and' coach angle out-
' school. And speaking of Miss Hel
'ser, Nancy says, the recent yarns
of her retiring from the "Kids"
are so much muiaritey, or wyras..
to that effect. "She was misquot-
! ed, and I think she plans on continuing swimming wim us.
V Although the "Kids" are at present in olf-season and aquatic
'dips for the two Willamette freshmen are limited to . the village
YMCA pool occasionally, Nancy informs both are looking forward
" with eagerness to the coming season, the ninth for Miss Merki since
shee started treading water. " .
It was just about ten years ago that this now micacious mermaid
was stricken with infantile paralysis (she was V-A years old). But
she fought it off, as all the sports world knows, and came on to be-
' Come One ui uie grraicv wf-iiuivi i. ntv vvwwuj.
' now 4 Nancy holds- five 'American -records and- one world title, the
' American marks being at 200 meters; 400 meters, 800 meters, 1500
meters and 220 yards long'course. Her "200 meter mark is the one
i which stands out above all; others in the world. Quite a gal, this
i Willamette freshie. . - ' , ' ':'"'-' "
Army Sports Ban Contradictory .
- - The competitive -- athletics - amongst: - trainees - aenying army
physical fitness program contradicts itself in announcing Oregon's
' ASTU unit as having the best grade average of any in the country,
the way we look at it. -Wonderful that the Oregon unit earned itself
; such recognition and we take it the army's brass hats Know mat ore
s' gon, through her "Armyducks teams was" one of it not the only
army-trainee scnooi m me country wnicn jluju-participate iu iw
I petitive athletics both in football and basketball and DID make road
, trips. , - -
The army's chief excuse for curtailment of competitive athletics
- ? for its trainees in colleges is that same would take too much time re
"i quired by the men for studies, etc. The . Armyducks - found the time
and a "way around"; the ban by playing other military aggregations
' only and still were honored as having the; best grade average of any
unit in the country. Which means something doesn't jibe. According to
: the army's excuse for the sports participation ban the Oregon ASTU
'r should ha ye been, graded anywhere but on top, yet it conducted a
t competitivie sports program and still finished on topi Does two and
f two equal if ive, army?- -
; Short j sorties: Mt ' Angel hoop r enthusiasts note Cal Bonney,
A MM 2cJ MAC freshman eager who was selected on the All-Oregon
' Intercollegiate team two seasons back is now caging on a naval air
station team at Boca. Chica, Fla., said team averaging 6-2 in height
and tied f&r first place with another outfit in the battle for the 7th
naval district championship ... It's now Sgt. William Shakespeare
cf Camp Adair, the former Notre Dame All-American having been
; elevated, from "private" last week . . . And Walt Bliss, the Yakima
' third sacker- of WIL. days is still Pvt. Bliss, army air forces, stationed
; at Gulfport Field, Miss., writes another third sacker, this one our own
1 Bill Johnson of the '42 Senators nine, Incidentally, Bill has been riding
tankers in the South Pacific, an unenviable chore. Adds he's had a
': few exciting moments, to be sure ... A letter is en route to Grantland
I ltice, Cuairman ui uie tpui is luiiiuniicc ui uic imuuiuu uiidiiuir yniu
i lysis fund telling him how grand Marion county sportsters rallied to
the cause $1670.24 worth,, which is really and truly grand ...
" Duration League Quints Rest;
Wf Wtt' ft' A1UO wSIWSt JL UlltllV
WOODBURN The Duration ? league basketball teams take a
rest Tuesday, no. games being called for by the schedule. But
Friday of this week the loop swings back into action with Wood
Chase Okelis ;
Kahut Scrap
Promoter Joe , Waterman in
. formed -the Oregonian , from San
Francisco today that Jack Chase,
coast lightheavyweight champion,
1 has agreed to - meet Joe Kahut,
Woodburn, Ore., on condition the
Oregon- light-heavy titlist will
make 185 pounds.
The 'p a p e r i quoted Ka hut's
manager, Jack Capri, as saying
his fighters will take on heavies
in the future rather than, make
weight for anybody as his natural
weight Is now" closer to 175 and
he was trained too fine'at 170 in'
beating Pedro Hermosillo last
Friday night. --
- Scio, Halsey to Meet .
t ; SCIO The Sci6 high Loggers
will make their final home appear
I a nee in . Linn county "B" league
hoop play here Tuesday opposite
the Halsey quintet. 'Harrisburg will
; meet the loggers here Friday in a
" non-league fracas. ;
Fight Results .
: BALTTMOHE. rb. (AP) Harry
jelfr, former bantitinwciKhf cham
pion, climbed another ao'xitx up , the
comeback trait tonight when ' be won
unanimous decision over Jimmy Col
ins. also - of Baltimore. .'
. NEWARK. NJ, Feb. .7 -(AP) Fred
rfre Archer, 147. New ark. opened his
p?b rin comeback . tonight- after a
- recent - navy honorable discharge by
decisioninc Leroy SAunders, 14S. New
York. - " "
CHICAGO, Feb. 1 (AP) Sgt. Lou
Woods, ui. Detroiter now stationed at
'Cams Grant. , won a IS round decision
over BUI Parsons. 144, Danville, III.,
tonight. - - .
O'Doul Hinted
Reports that bis name led all
the rest la speculation as to the ;
new jaas;er ef the Boston
Kraves troujht ' f rem - Frank
r: jf OT:d iaiij. the re- .
frcn-s hs wzs not' interested"
I any inajr league mar.sjrer-
:;Z7 YCHir, Feb. 7-.D-if-ir
O'El'j rame leadi all the
1 . :. ' '-r--t .ever V e
m ; -; - '-' . ; v
r V , - I
- , " . J , ' "
- , ' i 4'
f , , 'r-'
l burn going to Silverton for the
feature game, which, if won by
the pleading Bulldogs, will bring
them . their . second consecutive
pennant. Woodburn easily defeat
ed the Foxes earlier in the season
and figures to have the flag prac
tically ! bagged. Even if the Bull
dogs lose to Coach "Pap" DeLay's
club Friday they have a game to
play against Chemawa, ' the- last
place club, and a victory here
would clinch the crown.
In. other Friday games the In
dians host Canby's Cougars and
Molalla takes on Mt Angel's Preps.
A Mt.: Angel win over the Bucks
will also clinch the flag for Wood
burn regardless of what happens
at .Silverton Friday. - ,
Meanwhile the Woodburn gym
will be the scene of the annual
Lettermen's club Smoker Tuesday
night. Numerous, boxing and wres
tling bouts have been carded for
the affair, featured by the exhi
bition boxing match between Ore
gon's Xightheavy Champion ' Joe
Kahut and his sparring partner,
Bobby, Brock In all, . some 33
rounds or less of boxing will take
place. : ' ;.'
(011's Fish
Output Halved
ROSEBURG, Feb. 7.-P)-Frank
B. Wire, . state game supervisor,
estimates that Oregon's fish -output
; has been halved since war
was declared. "
He' told- the Bbseburg Rod and
Guri club that drafting of 43 men
from the state game commission,
and restrictions on gasoline and
tires have cut down the fish plant
ing program. , " .
as New Braves Boss; lisfty NQt Interested'
Boston Braves new manager to-'
day as the Brooklyn Dodgers
latest sale story awaits a meet
; Ing between, a syndicate headed
by Slax Jleyer, New York Jew-'
eler, and representatives of the
estate cf the late Charles b
bets.:., . ;; - ;
- Eob Quins, .president of the
Boston, organization which '.re
eenly changed hands, has teen
ser-rlnr the field for a new boss Casey Steugel turned in
I Is rt'. '."nation. , He aimlts lie
Mat Muttering: It's i Walter
Sneexler: Ae.hltt, the popular
ju - jitsuing Chinaman I against ;
Jack "Bash 'em'! Lipscotob. the
super meanle'tn tonight's. No. -1 .
rassUn' match at the Ferry s
Street Garden, the winner of
' this "elimination" affair to bash '
with Psavo Katonen here , nest
week for the coast lightheavy
mat title. .This Is, if Mr. K.
has returned to these .parte y r
then.' He' was invited. to take
- physical examination ' by Uncle
Xamsny - since he's had
to; whl "southward
; pronto a
week age.
Since , Paave has flat i feet, a
punctured ear tinua, blood pres
sure with the ape and -5 downs
' and two 'of the finest crops of
cauliflower., ever grown by, m
muscleman, he expects J to be
back in the northwest sometime
this week : possessing m 4 - F
classification.' . i "
In the? meantime, I deserving
f Achla, promised this main event
Viks Seek Lleagte Diyisioii"
Flag Cliiicti at Oregbii City
PJayr Pioneers
At QC Tonight
League standings -"
division) f '
W L Pet. t Pf Pa
,. , ,- , , S 0 1.000 57 43
,1 .1 .500 61 S4
-...0 3 J0OO 5S ftS
game: Salem: at Oregon
Oregon Citji
Although again deep in a loss
rut with four straight setbacks
theirs. Salfrm riiffh'a Viks en north
tonigni tof oasketban lor a pos
sible clincji of, the Northern, Di
vision, Nqf-Name league pennant
against . Oregon City's off-and-on
Pioneers .. ii 1
Not since the 30-19 league
counting win over Milwaukie on
January 2 have the Viks won a
game. losiiig to Eugene, Corvallis
and. Klamath Falls (twice) since.
But a victory tonight nets the Sa
lems the blunting for the northern
half of the! circuit since they have
defeated; Jjthe Pioneers ! (27-24)
once already in the double jround
robin schedule. Oregon City in
turn tipped the Maroons (38-37)
leaving the gate open 1 for Coach
Frank Brojvn's gang.
Brown may be forced to use a
makeshift ineup against the Pio
neers this time, for the Klamath
Falls jaunt took its tpll on the
Viks side jin other than the win
column. Both Captain Travis
Cross and-' Guard Doug Gibson
were , stricken ' .with illness and
may sit tHis one out If such is
the case Bbby Zeller, Bunny Ma
son or Jeep Lowe will be pressed
into" starting service. "
Friday. ' and Saturday - nights of
this week Astoria's Flying Fisher
men comefto town for (he annual
two-game series. Following the
Fishmen frays the Viks play Mil
waukig here on 'the 15th;;, Albany
there on the - 18th and i Dallas on
the neutral Willamette university
court : the, $4th in a counting dis
trict 4 game. I
..H rv-' '
uanas yierorv
Strdcilt Ended
- - r
DALLA McMinriville high
school Grjbzlies eked out a 27
26 basketball win over the ' pre
viously unbeaten Dallas Dragons
at McMinpville Saturday night,
ending the; Dallas winning streak
at 12 straight It was McMinnville's
13th victory in 17 outings,
v Dallas led almost ; throughout
the game.l 20-14 at halftimo and
24-17 at tle third quarter, but a
rally saw pit Grizzlies come from
behind with a rush. Forward Al
lison leading the way.
Hiebcrt 2 i- ,.F. (3) Thompson
Osuna (6) 4 I..T: (15) Allison
Prescott-i) C t. (4) Imner
Cpurter 7) 4 G : (0) Norria
Richardson. 3) r0: () Church
Dallas subs Rohrers 3: McMinn
vyie Mottit 1. Hoering I. Hammond 2.
i ' j -
Gonsjasa- Trips
: SPOKANE, Feb. 7 Gon
zaga university's basketball team
erased thef question of superiority
between i and .the Albina HeU
ships of Portland here Sunday by
scoring a 57-47 victory over the
touted visitors. It was the 17th vic
tory in 18 1 starts of Gonzaga and
Albina's second lass in 39 starts.
Butterworthi (10) - ,.,. , .(17) Baker
O'ConneU (fj .F ,(17) StreQer
Wintermute Uie) f .. ! jj (S) Gaston
btremicn (Zl G 1 44 Hafner
ai ...w UI) McCovern
Albina subc Jackson, Obert a.
has a mai in mind who has such '
. good connections that be might
not want jto make a change. Al-,
though be' would not name the
man, O'Doul fits Into' that cate
gory, m 1 : ; :, r
' Wonli-fce Layers cf the Dod
"gers have made attempts to eon
tact Ce-rge V. McLaHghlin.
presljf ..t vsf the-Erocklyn Trust
company -jwhich Is solj to hold
a $1C3,C; j loan against part cf
the stcufe: held by the .Thets
.heirs. . 1
t. IS i . M. .
'Elimination' Mat Matcli,Tops Armory Card
' On tonight's armory mat
:;-.-"""' i
spot by Matchmaker Don Owen
If he beat Tougbie ' rToothless" . :
Porter last week, 1s set to ellm- '
Inate" Lipscomb tonight.; Jack
a"-i ' iITm (Or r-'-'v owwiiimii. -iwwwirflia ' wVnhB?KiirtnsbiiriTiirr-itn'fiir
BOB .FELLER, former star Cleveland Indians hurler, (at bat) waits
baseball game "somewhere In the south racuie.7 (Note tno equipmenf.; Aecoramg to lnionnauss sens
with! thb picture to J. CarmlchaeL sports editor of the Chicago Tribune, by Albert P. Feilicere of the
Seabees,- Feller struck out 15 men and drove in three runs during the game. -(AP Wirephoto)
Playoff Plan Slated
Quints Upset
CITY LEAGE' (Final) '
- I . . - Vf li Pet. - Pf Pa
Mayflower Milk 7 S . .778 283 228
General! Finance ...7 S : .778.238 137
WO Frosh ; .e S .667. 253 234
Vik Jayvees - .4 S .444 168 175
Page-WOolens 2 7 222 219 288
Air Base , ..-l 8 .111 141 229
The City league basketball chase
wound up in a maze of upsets and
new "deals last night at Willam
ette when the manpower shortage
and . Willamette Frosh nailed the
Mayflower winning streak at six
straight with a 31-41 victory, the
usually potent General Finance
quint was knocked" off by the Vik
Jayvee?, , 26-21, and League . Di
rector, iChet Goodman and team
managers convened to' decide that
the Milkers, Financiers, Frosh and
Page-Woolens would now cage off
a double-elimination tournament
to . decide the championship. '
In the other game " played last
night the Woolens outlasted the
Salem jAir Base 39-33.
As" a result of the new plan.
brought about by ; team arguments
as to whether the league was or
was not divided Into two 'halves,
and the departure of the Cavalry
five, the Milkers play the Wool
ens and General Finance plays the
Frosh in the first tourney' games
the Wednesday night of February
16. No jother City league tests will
be played. , -
4 Ray Yocum paced the Woolens
last night with 16 points. . . t
The Milkers, their scoring for
ward lioren Garrett already head
ed for Texas, lost Ilerm Schwartz
kopf with an Injury : midway ; In
the second quarter and dropped
their second game of the season
to Coach , Lew Carroll's Frosh.
Dekkert and Reinhart paced the
winners with 10 points each,
j The Jayvees led and outplayed
the Financiers almost all the way
with Chamberlain and Boardman
leading the winning attack. Keith
Morris netted ' 13 points for the
Moneymen. - -
Wallace' (IS) r 2) Smith
Jacobs flO). r ., . (i) juzm
Kinx 10) . c (8) McCauUey
Olshansky . (j) c (18) Yocum
Hall (1)- G, ) Farnum
WO FKOSH ftl) '
Reves (2) . T.
fcr(4) Peters
v Sleanwhile, National league
owners took a "Bay off fore
gathering tomorrow for their
annua schedule meeting and to
cTiscuss the comrletere-seasoa
picture and tie recommenda
tions made over the week-end
by baseball's postwar planning
committee. President Will Ilar
rldge : of the American league
decided not to call a session of
Jiis circuit because all of the
eluts were not represented.
" S' - 1 11
card starting at ISO.
. . , -. "
thi Basher Is still, trying to get
balpk : Into the same ring with
Katonen since be kayoed the
champ In a non-title scrap two
lrnnM - rrif - rr"t'ti' - 'M - ''M - v
reds 5
r.. () Magness
C. (4) Schwartzkoox
G.. i (2) Dry nan
Deklcert (10)
Proctor (4)
Reinhart (10)
.G. (1) Lightner
MUker subs: Keusclier 4, sparas.
(2) Hiebert
Ransom 10) ' .P.
Comptoa (2) T.
(4) suter
Morris (13 u
Sheldon (0) G
Boise () G
.. (6) Boardman
(6) Chamberlain
.. (2) Deacon
Finance subs
Reinhart 2. Hauser
2. i- Jayvees
Fitzmaurice 2, Gem-
mell 1, Barlow S.
Whitman Trims
CJ of Idaho
Whitman scored ; two ' field goals
to College of Idaho's one as the
navy . Missionaries outscored . tne
Coyotes 63-33 tonight in the open
er of a two-day stand here.
Whitman led at the half, 31-20,
and Iran up a 53-22 tally in the
second half before scoring settled
back; into an even -tempo. The
Missionaries paid off. on' the. long
range accuracy of Reg Thompson
and effective follow-in and re
bound work of Haas, and defen
sive i efforts of the Caldwell team
indicated, that they were not used
to " ai floor of Whitman's dimen
sions. ;
Hill ) T (0) Bailey
Haas; (14) i-F (11) Lambing
Maestri (8)
t) Hubingex
Thompson (14) G.
Hover (8) i-O.
(2) Hosoda
Whitman subs Brown son 2. Vaucban
JL Cochrane 2. Todd 4. Jenkins 2 Idaho
sub Ryan S.
The -Champ
"JUG" McSPADEN, who fired. a
- 76 yesterday in the Phoenix
open playoff against Byron Nel
, 'soa to beat TLord Byron" by
two strokes for; top prize. The
. pair had tied in Sunday's final
; round. . .
C1 VWi wtiwwJ
Ct R::f t:aw tsy Way
tit In Osrr.fort
-PnJarmoa RUl U a enfck. ewaabta
leliever f itchinr. psiof ul rectal mm"
i)a and imnniwui.
L'pmi cf mmfert BPa oantaet, fonss r
iKtr Slat wnr m mnm, beips estn
aid nsrar du v raw.
Cct ttus saodera re.sf today . . . a I
weeks ago. Lipscomb Is quite an
-eUminator" himself --"- -Expected
to be as ragged as
the1 main ; event Is tonight's .se
ml-windnp waits between bat-,
tered Bulldog' Jackson 'and Tex
Ilager. ttH bo Jackson's ornery
ness against Ilager's swift tricks,
always an action spiked com
bination. :
. Two : ef the stronger bleep
boys In the .crunch clan lock
muscles 1 in : the : g:3ft opener,
TongbJo Porter and Ivan" Jones,
the ; latter ; physical, education
instructor la a Portland ,Y?1CA
and : nearby' shipyard who has
been seen here before both- in
the roles of rassler and Ireferee.
He does well at both, , .
. The main event " is billed for
two - of three falls, one-hour
limited; with both prelims aviso
two - of - three falls affairs
limited: by 30 minutes In each.
Tickets' for the show are on sale
at Staple's and The Fioneer
elnfc. 1-1 ; '- ' . .
- X
for a) pitch during an All-Star
Nod 6 Loses but Leads
Slicker Meet
Although the. No. Steam of
Leo Estey -Lawrence Alley drop
ped its f first match of the meet
Sunday, a 4-up decision to the No.
9 team of i Vic Convey-J. W. Mc
Allister, ,f it ' still leads the Salem
Golf r club Men's' Slicker meet
with a plus-point total of 47 with
but two more rounds-left to play.
- - The r lead is 13 points ' better
than : the isecond place total of No.
1, ; Bud Waterman-Millard Pekar,
which gained a close; 1-up victory
over i the No. ' 10 team of Thom
son and Campbell Sunday. The
No. 9 win lover No. 6 boosted the
former's j third place total to 29
plus points!. 4
. In i the other ninth round
matches over the weekend No. S
(Goodwin-McCrary) tripped No.
2 (Emlen-Nash) 8-up; No. 3
(Lengrenl - Hendrie) ' with Tony
Painter subbing for injured Hen
drie, ! downed No. 12 (Heltzel-
EmmansJ by a 2-up margin; No.
7 ( Wahlgren-McLaughlin ) got
five points: the 'easy way when
No. 4 (Scales-Thrush) defaulted;
fNo. 8 (Armpriest-Eyre) gained
five points over the defunct No.
11 team. Jv- " 1 - -
Twenty-six players participated
in the weekend's "Ruddles" meet,
supplanting a sweepstakes g e t -
I together, iwith the prize being di
vided by i Merlin Emmans 1 and
Glen Lengren with - 22 points
each. By (counting 4 for an eagle,
3 for a birdie, 2 for a par and 1
for a' bogie, "Ruddles" points are
gained. The tourney; was played
over nine holes. ;
Fuel Coupons Same .
- WASHINGTON, : T e b . - 7-P)
The value of fuel oil ration cou
pons in the east, midwest and Pa
cific northwest will continue at 10
gallons a unit during period four,
which begins Tuesday, the office
of price administration announced
today. - I . f '
Daclictiball Scores
Whitman S3, Col. of Idaho 33.
Kentucky 81, Illinois 40.
Missouri 45, Kansas State 39 . ' "
- Virginia ; Tech 39. VMX 11.
Naval Training Station, Norfolk tl.
Camp Davia, cz.
Pi- l'illlMlMtl II 1 1 1
. Dr.Y.T.ln.N.D. . Df U.ChBN D .
I t..:NLoS Cfrbalists -
241 North Liberty .
r;sta'r Portland General Electrtc
Co Oir.ce open i.turcay ry
13 a.m. to I pm.; S to 1 p m. u-
suitauon Mood pressure and v: -
tc s are free el ciiarfe. Praciicd
vrtce 1.17
Nears Finish
111 1
70 Vdrth 01COO in
. PHOENIX, Ariz Feb. 7-(P-Smooth stroking , Harold "Jug"
McSpaden of Philadelphia, the winter season's , top golf money
winner, added, a $1000 war bond to his earnings by shooting a 70
for a tw ok stroke victory today over Byron Nelson of Toledo, O.,
Armstrong KOs
n Comeback, Excursion
"Still Brings Results
Hammerin Henry Armstrong, one
time owner of three world boxing
titles, knocked out Lew Han bury.
Washington hopeful, in the third
round of a scheduled 10-rounder
tonight Armstrong weighed 139
and Hanbury, who was counted
out while 'on one knee in a cor
ner of the ring, scaled 137. .
Armstrong, in the course of his
third comeback attempt, clipped
Hanbury, a former sparring part'
ner, with a vicious right hook af
ter an exchange of jabs 'which
opened the third round.'
Hanbury, 21 years old, dropped
to his knees in a corner. He got
up and was ready to resume hos
tilities but Referee Eddie Lafond
ruled Lew had been down for the
count of 10. .. f
The end came after one minute
and 10 seconds of the third round.
Armstrong opened up with a two
fisted attack that sent .Hanbury
reeling Into the ropes. He .went
down on- the third right to the
jaw. The decision was boosed by
some of the 9000 spectators who
evidently believed that Hanbury
was counted out before the 10
second limit.
Luck o'i the Irish
Notre Darners
To Get Cream
CHICAGO, Feb. 7j-tiP) - You
can put Notre Dame in your win
ter book as having another pow
erful 'football team next fall for
the luck of the Irish is still going
strong. ' ! l L -
Notre Dame is the only ble
school listed in the navy's new ba
sic V-12 training program for 17
and 18-year-old high school gra
duates in the Chicago region, and
Lieut. Henry Penfield Of the navy
aviation cadet selection board dis
closed today that the Irish proba
bly would get most of the area's
top prep gridders. ' -
Lieut. Penfield, captain of the
1933 Northwestern football team,
said that .Under a new plan of
placement the boys would . report
to Notre Dame, by March 1, in
time to participate in s p r i n g
drills. They will remain in train
ing for eight months, ! graduating
about Nov; 1. They thus would
be available for 'almost all . the
football season.
Monmouth Drubs
Perrydale, 29-13
i MONMOUTH Coach ', Moore's
Monmouth: high eager complete
ly overpowered Perrydale here
Friday night to win 29-13. So
closely did the Wolves check the
visitors the score was 1 12 to 1 at
half time. Monmouth second
stringers played most of the sec
ond half. I
Htnmon (0) i F (3) McLean
VanderhooX .r (7) Hinkle
Riemer (1) -: . 3) Houk
Muller (1 J, G. (10) Christensen
Peoples (3) i G ...u.- (2 Vincent
t Perrydale subs Smith 3: Mon
mouth Creek S. Referee: Wineiar.
Aliddle Grove to Play
Grove basketball, quintet will
meet the.Swegle five on the tat
ter's floor Thursday. A; hoop con
test between . the girls' teams of
the two schools will precede the
encounter. ...
Chicago Relays Dated .
CHICAGO, Feb, 7HP)-The Chi
cago relays, sponsored by .the Chi
cago Daily News, will be held in
Chicago stadium the night of
March 18, it was announced today.
February t
1 Hoar, 2 cf 3 Falls
(Elimination Match Winner to Sleet Paavo izlo
Next Week for
' Semiwindup :- Curtain-Ira" ?r
23 ?.:;a 2 of 3 Falls r S3 ?::n 2 cf 3
. Cu'IJnx Jackson vs. Ivan Jons .
Tex Carer Tousl-Ie' 1'crUr
Tkiets on Sale at Tlarle's Sporting Goos EL;s
and TLe
la: H!nrsie S1.13
Phoenix Open
m an 18-hoie playoff to decide
the Phoenix open.
Deadlocked yesterday at the end
of 72 holes with 273s, 11 strokes
under par. Nelson and McSpaden
were still even and still shooting
better than par golf at the turn
McSpaden paired the first six
of the last nine while Nelson took
bogies on the 11th and 15th holes
to drop two drop two strokes be
hind. . :
Nelson, recent Winner of the San
Francisco Victory open,' in which
McSpaden was runnerup, picked
up a stroke on the 16th when Mc
Spaden got into trouble and took
a bogie. But the match reached
the -turning point on the 17th
where McSpaden ran down a spec
tacular 35-foot putt for a birdie
three. 5
Both came in , for par fices on
the 18th, McSpaden one stroke
under par for the 18 and Nelson
one over. - : . :, ' . '.
Fat9 Fifty, Fidgety
Bambino Still'
NEW YORK, iFeb. 7-P)-The
Bambino still can cut in the cake.
He did it today,; literally, on his
5 0th. birthday
just a few sec
onds ' before
suppeu lrum uicj
: i . .
table to land
frosted " side
down : with t
squashy plop on
the floor of the
UtUe deri lined t j -with
p i c t u r e s -. 1 1 !
ana souvenirs ol Uk ,iai
-o1' v i v.-
the days when babe ruth
Babe was making baseball his
tory with home runs.
He's a gentleman of unwanted
leisure now, restless as a caged
bear and filling in his days with
bowling; and innumerable appear
ances at bond rallies which havo
left his voice a hoarse croak.
He'd love to go overseas to enter-
.tain the service1 men, but he says
half a dozen doctors told him "I'd
die before I got there.7
So he does the best he can
for the war effort and uses bowl
ing in winter and golf in summer
as an outlet for his nervous en
ergy. He's a 615-average bowler,
but can't go more than four games
of an afternoon, t i
"My knees give out on me," he
explains candidly. '
He weighs about 240 now, less
than he did when he was playing
for the Yankees, but In his blood
red' lounging. : pajamas he still
looks like he had been invited to
a pot-luck supper and' swallowed
the pot " :
The spacious Ruth apartment is
almost a baseball museum. Tro
phies and gifts from the days he
was setting the record of 60 home
runs. in a year and compiling a to
tal of 714 " circuit smashes, not
counting 15 in World series com
petition, are everywhere.
f Show them i that little cigar
lighter made like a bowling pin
you got the other day," Mrs. Ruth
suggested. : i f
"Don't know where It is," he re
plied. He was comfortable in an
easy chair and puffing contented
ly on an ornate pipe a 44-year-old
pipi he explained.
"Why, it's in that suit you
wore," Mrs. Ruth insisted, and as
Babe heaved himself to his feet
and barged across the room with
shoulders hunched; "and- straight
en up."
" The big guy is just human, after
Feltlman OKd by Doc
NEW YORK, Feb. 7.-P-Harry
Feldman, New York Giant pitch
er whose illness ' brought him 4F
draft rating and a physical break
down last summer, today received
his physician's approval to play
ball again this season.
He won seven and lost one with
the Giants In 1942.
P. M.
vs. w
Coast Title Here)
Fisneer Cl-b
Gen. Adr.i. ",Zc
A i !
' i,. N i
m 9 r - t ,