The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    -xi f.r-;;.-
Thsi OnTGOII STATESMAN. Galea, Oregon. Tusxday Inning; February C. IS U
w . .
Luclle B. Burns vs. - OrvH if.
Burns; answer denies main points
of complaint; application for place
on trial docket.
John Hoffmeyer vs. Katherina
Hoffmeyer; , answer denies com
plaint allegations; application for
place on; trial docket.
Credit - Bureaus vs. Kenneth
Clark, et;ux;jtheriff directed to
satisfy judgment of $5938 from
property of defendant. ', x
Turner Memorial Home, trus
tees of Cornelia A. Davis estate,
vs. William Blanton, et al; court
decree quiets title claims of de
fendants. ' " .
Kidd vs. Marion county; de
fendant's demurrer heard with
.out argument by plaintiff.
Mildred X. Hunt vs. O tto E
Hunt; ' answer denies certain
points in complaint and alleges
cruelty by plaintiff; asks divorce
by defendant's suit; defendant
renders counter-affidavit oppos
ing order directing him to- pay
support money to plaintiff dur
ing pendency of suit,
Edna N. Mealey vs. Minna Hain;
judgment order entered giving
plaintiff', nothing . and allowing
neither party costs, being based
on a previous stipulation between
the parties.' X . . - .
W. W. Holland vs. Bessie M.
Holland; : defendant resists tem
porary motion by. plaintiff ask
ing for custody of children.'
A. N. Duncan, vs. JenAan Hop
Ranch; plaintiff given 20 days to
make complaint . more definite.
Frank3. Richards vs. A. i.
Sutter; sheriff directed to satisfy
judgment, of $338.87 from de
fendant's property.. J -
Dorothy M. Glass vs. Wesley V.
Glass; defendant ordered in de
fault..", -:. P: .."';:, .. -x'X
Edith F. Cowden vs. J. T.' Cow
den; divorce decree entered; X v
Emily Elofson 'vs. I. C Elofson;
divorce decreerr e n d e r e d with
plaintiff awarded custody of; child
and $30 month support . money;
both parties . declared owners of
undivided ' one-halt ' interest in
certain ' property.
Jack .Tipton 'vs. Oleva Tipton;
divorce decree entered ' giving
defendant custody of two children
and $50 month support money.
Lloyd Clough vs. Dorothy
Clough; divorce decree granted.
Bertha E. S to vail vs. John M.
Stovall; divorce decree granted.
Linda Butler vs. Victor Butler;
answer denies main points of
i Myrtle S. Clark vs. Melvin
Clark; defendant declared in de
fault. . - ; "
Louise A. Whetstine vs. Alvin
L. Whetstine; second amended
and supplementary answer . asks
that complaint be dismissed.
Margaret Probe vs. Max Probe;
defendant' ordered to pay" $30
month support to plaintiff during
period of suit.
Allison vsf Davidson, et al;
Judgment of $6620.58, awarded
plaintiff in 1S42, paid into county
clerk's office.
State, vs. Darley; case contin
ued to February -14 at 9:30 ajtn.
" State vs. Olen Hammons; in
formation charges non-support.
City of Salem vs. Roy L. Houck;
certain : portions of complaint
stricken out on motion of defend
ant. ; - ;X X:; ,
E. Paul Schaad, et ux, vs. Cora
V. Harding, et al; stipulation en
tered by both parties -providing
that case be continued for one
year and at end of that time either
dismissed or awarded to plaintiff ;
or that upon deiendanra pay
ment, of $150 plaintiff will ask
for dismissal; answer denies main
points of complaint -
r Eva Dougherty estate? J. C.
Evans. R. M. Turpin and R.
Voorhees certified as appraisers.
Robert I. Tompkins guardian
ship; I MardeH Tompkins Ellis,
guardian, authorized to invest $1.
885.33 in account with Salem Fed
eral Savings and Loan association.
Margaret Beers estate; B. E.
Edwards, I. E. Kleinke and Helen
Codington certified as appraisers.
Erma X. Farrell - guardianship;
Macil ; Farrell named guardian,
authorized ' to receive' $440 from
California Packing company as
claim satisfaction for certain in
juries sustained. . x- ' 'x.';
WOl R. Jones estate; Ed Rogers,
P. D. Winsor andV John P. Zielin-
ski certified as appraisers, v J ' i
Harriet A. Erb estate; final ac
count settled and allowed. ; j ''
Mayro McKlnney estate; prop
erty appraised at $100; -Venlta
Russell, administratrix asks ap
proval of sale of real property to
playro McKlnney estate; sale of
real property- to Edwin Keech, et
ux, for ; $100 I by Venita Russell,
administratrix,, approve d by
court i . - . v
Mabel Ei Storm estate; Velma
V. Archer,' daughter. Inherits $4,
125.; ; - - . ' ',;.
Will R. Jones estate; estate
valued at $7030. . ,,.;.-:
Evelyn B. Butts , guardianship;
account approved and J. . M.
Butts, guardian, authorized , to
pay $265 attorney fees. 1 ..j" -X.
John : Harrison 'Bowers, 24,
Kansas City, Kan, soldier, and
Carol Gertrude j Clark, 22, 1625
North Winter, student . ' ...
; Lindole H. Greene, 26,' Camp
Adair army officer, and Jeanette
Edith Patton, 128, ' 440 Leslie
street, f receptionist j .. . .'.
CpLj Ray, Brown. 21, i Camp
Adair soldier, and Kathryn Rey
mer, 18, 605. Union street, cannery
worker. - . . ' ' '..
Elmer Edens, 22, Portland, lo
comotive worker, and Cherie Da
vis, 18, Portland, domestic'
Thomas . Alfonso Horn ; no op
erator's license; $1 and costs.
; Sidney A. Alton; operating mo
tor vehicle while under influence
of intoxicating liquor;, continued
to 4 p.m. today for. entry of fee
and released on own recognizance;
sheriff holds car. X .
Darvin Herbert Wilcox; no PUC
license; $5 and costs. .
William Li. Johnson; larceny of
car; continued to 4 p.m. this aft
Wilber Noteboom, 1049 Sixth
street1 West Salem; drunk and
disorderly; $25 bail. 5
,; Omer R. Hunter, transient; in
decent exposure; $23 . or 12H
days; committed to JaiL t
Bertha Layton, 1710 Waller
street; disorderly conduct; $50 and
10 days in jail.
Edmund V. Powers, route I, Al
bany; (drunk and disorderly; $15
fine, i
Lyle D. Dierks, 1755 North
Front street; four iln driver's seat;
$2 JO bait
Clinton A. Blakley, 255 West
Wilson street; running red light;
$2.50 fine with $1.25' suspended.
Oregon GOP to Send
15 Delegates
Oregon republicans will send
15 delegates to the party's national
convention this year, according to
official information received at the
state ' department . here Monday
from the republican national com
mittee. ;' '
- Seven delegates will be elected
from the state at large and two
from each of the four congression
al districts, t .
m -
W.S IS A GIIID C? CUSOPE. Cie was left behind when oar
strmies moved c? last td-ht and the KaxU retreated. There she
Itr. terrcr-ttrickea ia tha cresmicjt confusion. Hurt and belp
leas. If an Army curse hadn't found her and treated iter with
lif eeavic: slla, mntm.&:
To r- ties tl!a drc a wtU ks cuapowdar nd otner
bttULzld essfntI.sU V. w csed jlyccrina, V7 ceed it badly
- because our imports aire est down, ottr demands so very high.
Eat yoa, tie American tocsewi:, can supply it by saving every
dre? cf ured coclirj fit Cave it ia a csn, net r.!ass. Any sort
cf era win do. V.laa tie can's full, nxh It to yocr meal deaJer.
It's needed so vrzrMj tiat for every pecad of fat you turn in,
t v-Ul cira yon At and two meat rc'd:a pclsla, free. Start
vizz yoia- used fsts now to make tl medldiul and the
sheUs end fccHsts cur tsea murt Lavs to tt CiU war to a finish.
Scio Qiufch
Baptist Cet-tosetlier
: To Be Held Thursdai
r It I Announced r "4
SCIO The Rev. V X. Lovcks
announced Sunday that ' a : et
together? meeting is to be held at
the - Baptist church . February 10
at 750, when service men on fur
lough are expected to increase! the
crowd.. Refreshments' will be serv
ed and a program is plannedp 'v'.
f Drencning rains have fallet fin
the' Scio area during the last, veek
and many water courses have been
swollen '.. but are still within ; the
banks. Temperatures have ranged
from S3 to 60. . t . ' .
' llrs. Callle PhUippi is stOl con
fined to her home because of in
juries suffered in a fall at her
home last week. , -. - i .
- Plans are well under , way i for
the monthly meeting of i the
Garden club, scheduled - for late
February instead of March 1 as
previously announced.
"Gertie's Uncle" is the Utl of
the senior play to be given March
3.- Mrs. ; Earl LaRowe, class ad
visor, is directing the play.
E. G. Rickard visited "his broth
er, Paul Rickard, who was home
on Furlough. ; ., i- ,': k j -
-Youth Problems" will be (dis
cussed . at Scio high school audi
torium Tuesday night t I o'clock
by C C Harwood. He held
similar meeting here a short time
. K. Burton
Silverton Office
I SILVERTON The resignation
of E. K. Burton, SUverton's dty
manager since July 1, 1941, was
accepted Monday night by the city
council, , to take effect March 1.
After- Burton . had replied nega
tively to a Question as to possibil
ity he mlgh reconsider, the motion
to accept his resignation was made
by Ernest Boesch and seconded
by John Wr Jordan and passed
unanimously., J . K , .
1 Burton . was Silverton's first
city manager following the change
to the council-manager form of
government, He' came here from
MarshCeld i where - he had beerfl
dty engineer. He intends - to leave
Silverton, he indicated, but oth
erwise V has I not announced bis
plans for the future.' i
! The council voted . to ask for
bids on construction of a log crib
dam on the Abiqua, and to call for
specifications and plans for one
and one-fourth- miles of new wa
ter pipe, thus reviving a program
which . has laid dormant for j a
number of weeks. r ..
Two 7oodbnm Ilea
' Die During Vejelicndj i
Fonerali '.Set :-.;v I b 'v.; :
i WOODBURN, Feb: j Funeral
'services for James Xeroy Holgate,
84, who died Saturday night in a
Salem convalescent home, will be
held Tuesday at 139 from : the
Ringo: Funeral parlors. Burial win
be made at the Odd Fellows ceme
tery in The Dalle&i; -; . ;y S '
Mr. Holgate.was born Septem
ber 10, 1859. He bad lived. 1 1 years
on route . 1, Woodburn. Survivors
are two sons, Chester W. Holgate
of Woo62urn;: Melvin. Holgate,
Portland; a 1 daughter,' Mrs. Lela
Costos, Seattle; three grandchil
dren and five great grandchildren.
Lewis Henry Grassnun t ,
WOODBURN,. Feb.7 ' Lewis
Henry Grassman, 80, died at his
borne on'the Pacific highway, Sun
day morning. Funeral services will
be held Wednesday, following 9
o'clock requiem mass at St Luke's
church in Woodburn. ' y
VI Mr. Grassmao was born March
1( 1883 in Church ville, Iowa. He
had lived 38 years in Woodburn.
Survivors include the widow; two
daughters, Gertrude Lindeken,
Vancouver, Wash.; Louise Stone,
Olympia, . Wash.; : four " grandchll-
drra ' gad - cae Creat -. graadciHi;
a sistar, Mary Eriies la Iowa.-
'Tne rosary will be recited Tues
day nit at 723 at the lUngo
Funeral chapeL Eurial . will . be
made in St LukeVcemetery. 4 "
Ilarvey Cunningham,' convicted
Portland slayer,' Monday , repudi
ated; a con f ess ton made tw; weeks
ago that he previously had slain
two negroes in Kansas City just
for the fun of killin' , state police
announced Monday 'following a
talk with the condemned man in
the jstaie penitentiary. i V;.
I' Cunnlnghani a ' negro, la his
about-face, maintained 1 that he
had not oeen near Kansas City on
the" date; of the -suggested mur
ders, one of which tentatively was
confirmed last week. ; The "vic
tim of another assault similar to
Cunningham's description lived to
tell Of it ;. , - --'- . -t
Warden George Alexander hint
ed that the "confession' may have
been intended by Cunningham to
delay execution of bis sentence;
but declined further comment
pending a more .thorough Investi
gation. J ' ' .
- Cunningham is under sentence
to die March 8 for the shooting of
a Portland man last year. i
ESuc'g Feliiron
inFGE Suit .
A petition by Ralph King, Port
land lawyer, to appear amicus cu
rias has been denied by Circuit
Judge George R. , Duncan in pro
ceedings . instituted by Portland
General Electric company to re
strain George IL Flagg, statejpub
Uc. ' utilities '.commissioner from
imposing an emergency order that
would reduce company rates.
King, trustee of the Portland
Electric Power company, will la
ter have the privilege of filing a
brief." yi - :y::;.K
The petitioner,; la requesting a
friend of the court role, maintain
ed that he possessed familiarity
with, "novel and vital questions"
that would arise In the proceed
ings. ' r i , .
' Lifting of. a temporary injunc
tion and dismissal of. suit with
prejudices are asked in an amend
ed answer filed by George H.
Flagg, in proceedings against him
and George Neuner, attorney-general.
r; f, :'r " : X -.
The amended answer denies
that the emergency ' order is un
lawful or that it will suspend
rates. He contends that rates oc
casioned by the order would be in
lieu of present company resident
and general service rates. 1
CTf A--.. ,T"'-''-5
POriTLAinJ, Ore Tcb. 7- 7)
The Rev. Eronwca Usvlrj C1.I
ford, rLnadcZU, predict:! C.;t
tie recent rrlit ia ErrUit'rsaU
over the danomlaaUcn's jzizzlzn
ary progiaa will net exeats , a
schlsa ia the irorthcra E:;i
convention. He tzil he believed
thefw conservative Baptist for
eign missionary society will be
accepted at the convention. .
Lebanon OIieHs Bocct3
LEBANOnV Ore, Feb. 7-.T)
The dry council has approved $13
monthly wage increases for. four
policemen, the dty recorder and
the superintendent of streets. ' '
Y a
" FOR '
Kasoa Paints
Kera Tone :.. V "
Wall Finish
Ante Enamel ,
Willard Batteries
Kelly Tires - Tabes ....
Ante Safety Glass
Unpaintefil Furnitura
325-343 Center St
Fbena 5553
i" a
n -it w( ma sw a cat
Rick im Viimminu
A, B1,CmndG; fmir
source, of D mmd E.
means j. QUALITY:
in AVOCADOS (.r)
1 Out here in the West, Alligator Pears artv
'known as-Avocados, and tome of the finest
1 in quality are stamped by the brand name
CALAV0. Tou either like avocados or you
- don't. But you have to try one to find out
, Those who like avocados are crazy" about
them. When ripe, the ilesh is soft and buttery,
' salted a little, the ilaror . . swellegant!
Yes Maam! Safeway Sells Genuine CALAVO.
AVOCADOS lots of grand ways to enioy them!
As a Salad
On the Half
ShoU SwoU!
As a Spread
perfect! v
M. I m
Whether to cook that roast in the OTcn (by dry heat) or in a covered
pot (by moist heat) it's a simple thing to decide onct you'ye learned
the difference. As a general rule heavy-muscled meat needs to be
pot roasted or simmered. Tender meat oren rpasieo. pui s reaiij.
Values Like- Thcs
Safowav-Savo You Plenty!
LTcl Sacca
Gcava JcQy (7 pts.) "No. SV4 can Lww
i Sesnethins New and Temptlnsly Delicious
Jalla Lee Wright's. - 1 " 1 9
Alwars rFesfa lUbl loaf c
Chenth Mirk (1 pelat) taR cans for 25e
Tomato Jslce, Sinmy Dawn (f pts) 4S ax 19e
Garden Peas, Liber's (IS points) Ne. 214e
Cat Beans, White Tag, U-es. can .....10e
neins Ketchap 1S points) 11 s. lSe
BXerUn's Salt. Sf-es. pkta. v , , t far ISe
Nneoa Marrarine . (S points) 1 Hk 25e
f i -;
--,,v: x
Befttlar v
3ri? er
Crisl Jax
1-Ib. tOe: l-lb. 5Sc
Tea. Canterborr Black. V. lb. , l-ltc
Airway Coffee.
B. V. Beef Extract, 2H- lV-
Margaiiae, Daleweoe ( points) 1-lb 22e
Crlsee Shortenlnjr (IS points) l-lfcwSc
Kara! Satin Shceteninr (IS pts.) 3-Ib-S0
Luncheon Meat. Kent Perk (S pts.) 12-esw S4e
Brown Beans, Libby (S pts.) 14-ex. aiaas -ISe
Nob Bill Coffee, -iy fcr .
Chicken-Noodle Soap. Ranch (4 pts).
Kits Crackers, l-lb. pg.,..,. ...
Nabisco Shreddies, pks.
All Bran, Keltecr. 10-os. Pkr.
Ktov Sot Floor. 1-lb. skr.
Italian Prunes (S points) S-IK.
Asaber Kaislns. Heins (IS points) 4 -lb .49c
Tobacco, Prince Albert er Velvet, 1-11 7e
High quality assortment of Walnuts, Filberts, Almonds. Extra
ordinary close-out price. ,.4
nedisri Six
Catst Ivery
bar Cc
2 cakes Se
Clapps Baby Foods;
Sbiiati I7i
(lpt.)Ua &
'c ChsrrtJ CSt
(2pts.)tiaey '
I f Safeway Guaranteed Meats
Points . - i-
Per Lb. j
I 1 Beaaly-te-eat 8ktn.ned Bans.
wnoie ... la. sc
Safeway Farm Fresh Produce
Genuine Faerie
Size SO's .
Jb. tie
Jb. ;SSe
Jl Bernlar Plealej
1 Recular Bacon Jowls
S . Bacon, any stse piece
4 X SUeed Bacon.-Grada A.
3 : Shonlder Perk Roast, Center"
i -x- Cat- .- . - - ny-io
S Loin Pork Roast, Rib and Cat lb. lie
1 Grade B : Beet Beast. Arm j
- Blade Cat . . , , r lb. 25e
Jb. 25c
DI-iIaac Yakima Gems US Ne. rpm
rClaiCeS 50 lb. bar
US No. 1 Quality
3 Bolorna, -Type 4
i , Fresh Cohunbla Rhrer Smelts
; it s -. x Lowest . Market Price
Prices in This Ad
Good All Week . V
Through Saturday, Feb. 12th
4 .
f1MMMM Fancy CaL Navels, SmaU ja
UraCjCS Juice Slxe ., . ..S lbs. 0 .3
f . Imperial Ice Pack Solid a in. crisp. Le. 4 dozen slse head X
Tor salads, deep-fat trrt COc
irytng. eic. tiu pt. saw
look for the Green Tag on Non - rationed Items SAVE! x
2l4r. f Y-,3 'W'-1' ::4tr
., il. it. - X 'tl 4. 1 a. t J t: I iL Mmilif 9nmtm riw ctrht t-
I x wona me ii ouuie to leain w iucmuj iao uiw(, pvpuM -i , t
I ' ' 'rxV " : : J-lrr:'wnrtwifl.- ::. Cut This
!rTo;ot.Tr.i; V::-- Put;
:1 TVies9 wi , and ask y
ic m sl shs v ."('.. . - m m mm sw e m . . . e
1 Ccm
" ' 1
: n.V X!
Market Man
to show you
thesa differ
ent cuts of
Health ,
and i& o cstiil
! Remember how wonderful mother's
-baking tasted?. Any woman can
, . bake breads, pastries cakes, rolls..
biscuits and muffins fully "as gobd -;
as Kother Used to make 'em" and
- 'a lot easier! Today'i modern f acili-
ties and conveniences ;ior hone, ;
; - baking would have been 'way out
, i of thit world to Mother! , '
Enriched FIoujo -ciclio- it hzttzzX;
A7 t -
-Zl li-x
. ' a
How, since goremment stindirds require certain c&mums
in vitamins and iron; home-baked goods made with enriched
flcur nsm curt nutrilica fcr ycur f&mily. Ilert is Jurther
gscd tzzzzz f:r hc-2-biHr j. E::t rsircacf all U the incrsir:i
enjoyment and satisfictica ycu will gda from making year t
own bread, pics and pistriss. VToulda't it be a good Idea to
'ch::h tip en ycux erpplicj cr.i g:t stiit:4 this wesk? I
. . m -mt -
r - " '
- J '
r- .
' . .
k... w .
wc., r-' if ff ''-?