The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 29, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    ! ?
: I
The OREGON STATESMAN. Satan, Orecon, Saturday Morning. January 23. IS14
.Traveler s "
: Returns
Mrs. Mabel S. Powers return-,-
ed Tuesday from five months
visit with her son Jack, who has
,, been working toward his Ph D,
'degree- at John Hopkins, Balti
. more, Md. Mr.- Powers was re
cently inducted and has been
sent to Camp Meade, Md. where
he is awaiting orders.
They attended many musical
nd dramatic productions while
In the east, seeing Cornelia Otis
Skinner and Elizabeth Bergner.
Among the orchestras Mrs. Pow
ers heard, were the New York
symphony, t be National sym
phony at Washington DC, the
Philadelphia and the Baltimore
symphony orchestras. At one of
the concerts they heard Vladi
mir . Horowitz, one of the great
pianists of the present day, and
another time heard Yenudi Me
nuhin play with the National
symphony. An dre s Segovia,
Spanish guitarist was also
among the artists heard by Mrs.
Powers and her son. They heard
Rise Stevens in "Rosenkavalier"
at the Metropolitan opera house.
While in the east, Mrs.- Powers
studied piano with her former
teacher. Abbie Whiteside and
took, class work at Peabody in
stitute in Baltimore.
Au Revpir Party
For Miss Mullen
Miss Margaret Mullen was
the honor guest at a buffet sup
per and handkerchief shower
Wednesday night when a group
" f friends entertained at the
home of Mrs. i Frederick J. JBren
nan. Miss Mullen leaves next
week for Washington, DC, where
, she will take her training as a
Red Cross aide. The buffet table
was centered with an arrange
ment of freesias, acacia and yel
low candles. I The evening was
spent informally.
Honoring iMiss Mullen were
Mrs. Robert R. Boardman, Mrs.
-Irene Nelson, Mrs. May Lenhart,
Mrs. James H. Nicholson, jr.,
Mrs. Oliver ' Huston, Mrs. Lola
Belle FosterJ Mrs. Frederick
Brennan, Miss Jennie Roper,
Miss Amy Jacobson, Miss Fern
Phlom, Miss' Ethel Steele and
Miss Katie Quistad.
Friends of Mrs. David W. Eyre
of Portland will be interested to
learn that she is a new provin
cial member of the Portland Ju
nior League. Mrs; Eyre is the
former Cynthia Liljequist.
" ' :s . - '
. ties of 25 persons each surprised
Mr. and Mrs Sam Patrick with
m surprise party. The first group
: were friends from Salem who
brought the newly married cou
ple a set of dishes. The second
group from Brush College, pre
sented them with a large mir
ror. i
Initialed Apron
The smart woman of today
. gives attention to her aprons. In
Pattern" 4603 with its excitingly
smart initialed yoke you actual
ly look dress-up! And you are
'covered up; as well Make it in
either plain material or bright
print Spice with ric-rac or pert
; Pattern 4608 comes in sizes
Small (32-34), Medium. (36-33),
Lar-e (40-42), Extra Large (44
45). Cmall size, IV jrards 33-
inch. -r
Send SIXTEEN CENTS ta coin for
tui rat"". Write plataly SIZE,
St-j;4 sour waer to The Oregon
f u.-'ian. Pattern Department, Sa-!--.
JUST OUT! New" Fall end Winter
TatLcrn Eook. Send TEN CENTS ex
t a. Free plove and bf . pattern
t; lilted 1X1 took.'
i !
Miss McKay
A, Dinner
Miss Mary Lou McKay has
invited a group of her friends to
dinner tonight at the home of
her parents, Captain and Mrs.
Douglas McKay, on Jerris ave
nue. , ; !
The guests have been invited
to a 'Prison Party"' with the '
prison theme being; carried out
in the table decorations. Black .
and white stripe place mats and
napkins will be used and clever
nick names are oh the place
cards. A bouquet of spring flow
ers will center the table. The
evening hours will be spent in
formally, j
Covers will be placed for 'Miss
Betty Manoles, Miss Janet Gib
on,' Miss Jean Foster, Miss Janet
Rilea, Miss Phyllis ; Schnell, Miss
Marianne Croisan, Miss Margar
et Cooley and Miss Mary Lou
The home of Mr. and Mrs:
Charles Graham of Salem was
the scene of a large family gath
ering Sunday, when forty-seven
members of the families and
friends of Mrs. Mary Hoisington
of Salem, formerly of Dallas,
and Mr. Chester Gardner of Dal
las, were invited to honor them
in a Joint celebration of their
80th birthdays. Mrs. Hoisington
was a Polk county resident from
1903 when she came from Okla
homa to Oregon to make her
home, and for many years lived
in the Lewisville community, but
is now making her home in Cot
tage Grove. Mr. Gardner was
born in PoSt county on the farm
on which he is now living, and
has long been an active partici
pant in community and county
affairs, in addition to managing
his farming interests. " : ' j
The Graham home was beau
tifully decorated for the occa
sion and a birthday dinner serv
ed in. the recreation room. Huge
three-tiered birthday cakes were
presented to Mrs. Hoisington by;
her grandson, Oscar Groves, jr.
and to Mr. Gardner by his
grandson, Kenneth Gardner.
The cakes were flanked by pot
ted plants, also gifts," and the
presentation ceremony was ac-
companied by a .chorus of .the
assembled guests singing "Happy
Birthday.' The cakes were" cut
and served by Mrs. Hoisington's ;
daughter, Mrs. Nora Yenne. and
by Mr. Garnder's daughter, Mrs.
Claude Hoisington. r i
Relatives and guests invited
were in addition to Mr. and Mrs.-.
Chester Gardner of. Dallas, and,
Mrs. Mary Hoisington of Salem,
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Gra
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hois
ington and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Hoisington, Mr. Wiley Gardner
and son, Kenneth of Dallas, Rev.
and Mrs. Lay ton, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonar Kaup and daughter , of
Oregon. City, Mr.and Mrs. Nor-
val .Embree, Mrs. Breeden. of
Bridgeport, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Groves and daughter Ruth" 'and
sons Robert and Oscar, jr. of
Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Gardner and son Lester jr. of
Portland. ; ' "
Elaine Strausbangh entertain
ed a group of friends oh her 13th
birthday at the home of her par
ents on Imperial Drive.
DALLAS Mrs. Bruce Spaol-
ding of Salem will be guest so
loist when. the Dallas Woman's
club meets Tuesday afternoon
at the library for the " regular
monthly meeting. V "Walter. iM;
Pierce of Eola, will be $he
speaker on "Your Government
and You." :-; -; . '-: p A
' A silver tea will close .the af
ternoon. Money .from this 'will
go to the scholarship fund which,
is being used for nursing schol
arships. -" y
:;l't: XX-Aa- aX Ya;i
. LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. i BU
, Ward Ashford were hosts Sat
urday night at a card party. '
Present were Mr. and Mrs. R.
J. Meissner, Mr.' and Mrs.! A.
Spittler, Mr. .'andf -Mrs. Kasper
Neif er, Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Hammer, , the 4 Misses ' Audrey
Smith, Barbara Dike, Grace and
Genevieve Ashford, Mary McEl
roy, Mrs. W. N. Crawford, .Rob
ert v Yungen and Mr. and ' Mrs.
Nels YenckeL . .
fsl Relieve misery, fait
Fr?..f) ; -eifeniaSy.Rubon
u J UvVapoI
1 !' '4 - ,- - ! . . 'I
. MONDAY i ! '
Pro-America monthly meeting.)
Marion botel. i p.m. 1 ! ' -
TUESDAY . ;'.- I , t
American War Mothers, all;
day at VSO. buaineae meeting at
- 1 PJB. i ' ' . j : : . -t
Salem General hoapital auxil
Jary, YWCA. 10 ajn. ; ; j
North ' Salem WCTI7 with MraJ
X. 3. Wuliama, 749 Chemeketa,
jn- 4 , . j' . ; i
' PEP Teachers club, Schneider's
coffee shop, p.m. . ; -
CpL and ' Mrs. Willard j T.
French -are the parents of a son,
Willard Lynn, born January $4-,
at Deaconess , hospital, The ano
ther was the former .Ester Idp
Porter. "The baby is the grandson
of Mr; and Mrs. William T. Por- (
ter of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. '
Wilson French of Worland, Wy.
CpL French is with the I15th cav-
airy.; " K " ::" f
'.i , j f : :' f
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Merlin F. Conrad are announc-
ing : the engagement, of , their
daughter, Miss Beverly Conrad,
to Edward J. Handy, captain of
the port; barrack of the US coast
guard at Portland. No date has
been set for the wedding. ,
Miss Conrad, who was gradu
ated from . the Silverton high
school ih 1942, is now with the
J. K. Gill company at Portland.
Inspiring Panel
- Many a child has a treasured
remembrance of a picture on the
wall. Make this colorful, inspir
ing "Good Shepherd'.' panel in
simple fast-going ' stitches ' j! . .
wool .tor silk. - Pattern 732, con
. tains V ' transfer ; pattern j of a
picture 12x17 C inches; color
chart;'' list of ; materials requir
ed; stitches. I ;'; T A I' :l I
Send, ELEVEN CENTS In coins for
this pattern to the Oregon States t
man. Needlecraft Dept. Salem, Ore. '
your NAME and ADDRESS '
' Write , pUialy - PATTERN NUMBER. '
i- t : - n.;l
A1V -f- '
. wiuif.tAia
: ' 4 i '
2. 1470 I0LXES FOI
3. 204 CARTONS ebfi
j TAi?,a ora-tin
i FitrsrxvrMicnT.-
'L. ' 01 -Newspaper, Magazines and Coeks Bundled '
The school ehlliren of year block will pick tip your scrip
. paper or take direct to loading dock '
Reid-JIurdoch Cannery, N. Front SU, Between Feb, 1-12
' '. ' ' : This- space donated by " ' : ,
Salem Folk
Visit in
Social notes today concern the
comings and goings of travelers
and visitors.. Mr. and Mrs. Ho-;
- mer H. Smith, sr. returned
- Thursday - from a.- three .weeks
stay in San Francisco. Whilein
the bay city they were register
ed at .1 h e Palace hotel. . The
Smiths go south every 'year and'
have a number of friends in the
bay area and were entertained
at several affairs. .
Mrs. William . Speirs ' is also
home from San Francisco where
she has been for several weeks
visiting jwith her husband ' Lt.
(jg) Speirs, who Is stationed in
the. bay. region. Mrs. Speirs was
accompanied south by Mrs. XI
bert Currey, who has gone on to
Los Angeles to visit with friends.
Mr. Clifford Elgin of Caldwell,
Idaho is spending several days
in the capital as the house guest '
of his brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Foreman.
Ma. Caryl Carson' arrived in
Salem by plane on Thursday to
spend a; few days with his wife -and
children, Marjorie and John.
He has i been stationed at Fort
Custer, -Michigan and is leaving -this
weekend by plane for Vir
ginia, j ' . ' . - ' I
, r , ' - . t i
LXeCUllVeS Meet '
With Mrs. Lee ' j
- " t - " J. f
The Salem district executives,
of -the g First Methodist church
met Thursday at the home of
Mrs. A. Lee on State street
A noon luncheon was served fol
lowing the morning business ses
sion. Mrs. C. A. Pitney gave the
devotions. Plans were discussed
for the year's work and dates for
other meetings named. , j .
" Those present were Mrs. (Paul
Kitzmiller, president, Dallas;
Mrs. C A. Pitney, vice presi
dent. Junction City; Mrs. W. L.
Lewis, recording secretary,' Sa
lem; Mrs. A. A. Lee, treasurer,
Salem; Mrs. E. W. Jacobsen, cor
responding secretary, Dallas;
Mrs. Loren Terhune, Corvallis,
sub-district president. Tangent;
-Mrs. W. G. Rietz, Eugene,! sub- -district5
president, Junction' City; ;
- Mrs. James H. Livesay, Salem, -sub
j- district president. Wood-
burn; Mrs. Bryan Watts, tri
' county ! sub-district , president.
Willamina; Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy,
" wife of the Salem district "presi
dent, was a special guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Collins
have as their weekend guests
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Benson
of Bellingham,-"Wash.' They -are
enroute ', to their .home - after a
stay in Los Angeles' and Palm
Springs. I- - 1:
Avis E s p e, whose marriage Jo
Petty 5 Officer Jerome; Epping
will be f soon,' local, 'friends'; and
neighbors gave a bridal shower
af the Nor t h: Howell ; grange
. hall on Tuesday afternoon. The
affair was in charge of. Mrs.
. Wayne Strachan, Mrs. jK. D.
Coomler, MxicWz M". Oddie and
Mrs.' paul Damewood. 'V'f
Others present were 'Mrs. H.
C. Epping ofMt Angel, Mrs.
S. Legland, Mrs. Edith ! Soren
son, of -Silverton; Mrs'. C. E.
Waltnian, Mrs. Thomas Bump,
Mrs. Percy Dunn, MrsJ ; M.' A.
Dunn,' Mrs. Ernest Redding, Mrs.
E. Hi Beals, . Mrs. Jim : Blaney,
Mrs. W. H. Stevens, Mrs. Roy
Dunn,' Amy Lou Espe, Mrs. J. J.
Jackson, . Mrs. Ronald Stevens,
Mrs. Martha .Vinton and Mrs.
August ; Woelke of North How
ell. -II1.-:, C v.:,v; -V:; j ;.i;;-4 -
The bride-to-be, daughter f of
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Espe, is a
graduate : of Silverton high
' school and: has been'; employed
in the office of Hubbs Real Es
tate at Silverton for the p as t
two years. She left the next day
for San Diego where the mar
riage; ceremony wfll be solem
nized and -where Mr. Epping is
at present stationed, i ..
Sergeant and. Mrs. Leon -
Rick a OElizabeth r Taylor)
who . were . rtiui i iod . . on rjan-
. Tiary -15 at St , Vincent, d
Paul'sCatholic Church. The ?
bride Is fiie daughter of Mr.
J. J. Taylor , of Portland and
Mrs. Helen Taylor of Sa-
lent. J Her' husband ' is the;
, son ' of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd
inand Ricks ; of New iOr-
- leans. Sergeant Ricks is
stationed at Camp " White.
(Jesten-Miller). !
i Mrs. C. ' 8. Hamilten, predee-
tion chairman for the local Red
Cross chapter, has, a list of arti
cles to be made in Marion coun
ty, including 100 ; pneumonia
jackets, 1000 hospital slippers.
30 pairs hospital, pajamas, 100
hospital bed shirts, 750 wash
cloths, 1000 unfilled utility bags,
1000 housewives, 25 layettes, 25
women's bed Jackets, 10 men's
bathrobes, 50 men's bed jackets,
500 bedside bags. This is the
third such quota to be handled
I through the Salem chapter. Work
on 1200 filled comfort bags has
been completed.
I to 4 West Stayton group. .
4 to T Nebraska club.
7 to 11 Fairfield Home Economics
5 to 11 Free Lancers, H. Wiedmer.
II to 1 Etokta club. ' .
I to 4 Kiwanis auxiliary.
.4 to 7 Oregw State Mothers club.
7 to 11 Roberts Home Economics
Delta Tau Gamma mothers club. "
Silverton group.
Junior Guild. Episcopal church. '
Hollywood Lions club.
First. Congregational group.
1 -III - . . - ' . i ' i i , i
W . ; ; , -1 ' 'A"A '" 4' " - : ' Y ' X': : Y:ArA'A 'AAA',' Y'A:-': "' - j: ": '"' j j ;: : -
Continues .
. . .!.-;. rfffamif AMU hi '-' A :
!.' : -: -'i tli -X Ute.wi i i '
T -.- . , -. - v tl - . ' - rK::f 1 I
- i . I - - - :
, PLE and P club met with Mrs. J
C. r M. Hixon on Wednesday.
Cards were in play with prizes
T -going 'to Mrs. Azzle' Hixon 'and -Mrs.
W J. Peck. Dimes were. -:
collected for the March of Dimes
, fund. Refreshments" were served
by the hostess. A Valentine party
-. will : be held on February 9 at
, the home of Mrs. Earl Burk.
. Mrs. Peter Beck ef Portland
is. spending several days in the
- capital as the guest of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mc
O Gpchrist, Jr. ; .
Ratiorr Token ; '
Information '
; ? Green atamps K,- 3. and M in
war ration book ,f our will be
used by consumers - for buying
'processed foods from February 1
through March 20, jthe district
OPA has announced:!; ." ; '
. These are the tlast. green
"stamps on the page, and also the
last green stamps that consumers
I will use for the . time being.- The
- new blue stamps, to be used with
. ration tokens, come into use. on
. February ;27...- . 'AA: '-y
' - Between"" February- 27 :.when
the blue stamps become valid
and March j. 20 when the ; old
'- green stamps run ou V consum
ers may use both sets of stamps
for- a sin g 1 e purchae.' Tokens
- wUl be given in change for both
' colors of stamps.' " . r -
Since the' green stamps expire
. long before the blu. consumers
; are advised! to spend their green
-stamps first. Atttt T March 20
processed foods wiU be bought
with blue stamps and blue tok
ens. . 'I'Al'.TAA i , :":" .."- .: :
. , Although using two series of
processed foods stamps at the
same .time may make rationing
somewhat more complicated, it
will provide both consumers and
dealers with stamps of varying
denominations to make purchas
es while tokens are; coming into
use. . Green stamps will continue
to have the same point value as
at present g, 5, 2, and 1 points;
the new blue stamps will have a.
uinform point value of ten.
A small avocado, or half of
the larger . sized fruit, is , good
, food to include in the lunch box.
A sprinkling of salt. and lemon'
juice will keep the exposed edg
es from discoloring. Wrap .well
in wax paper and it will be sure -to
make a hit. - ? -
' 'V .'. r. - !. - -- . ,
Q " TTr
., What they can do ?
VThct they're doina about it
STAYTON t Sgt Madeline
.Morgan, USMC, daughter, of Mr.
-and - Mrs. - Charles -Morgan, is
-visiting - her parents while on
- leave. : She -recently completed
her training at Camp LeJuene,
New River, North Carolina . and
will report 'at Mojave, Calif. . :
... - - , . . :.. -' :, :
ZontaiClub at .
Herrick 'Home
" - ' l
Mrs. Byron B. Herrick was
hostess to members of the Salem
"Zonta club at her home on Rlcfi
mond avenue Thursday night.
.Following a dessert supper, 'Mrs.
Herrick" conducted the business
- meeting during , which time 'the
; group approved the city ; post-
- war planning ' committee's - rec
, ommendations 'and voted to buy
: another war ; bond " during the
- present drive. The next meeting
will be on February 10 at the
home of Miss Lillian' McDonald.'
Present on - Thursday night
. " were Mrs.; Phil BrowneU, i: Mrs.
Oscar MelgaardV: Miss "Helen
Yockey, Miss - Dorothy: Pearce,
' Miss Anna Peters, Miss , Bertha
Kohlhagen, Miss Maxine Buren,
f Miss, Katherine Carthew, Miss
Lillian McDonald,' Miss ' Edna
'Lucker, Miss Mabel Savage, Mrs.
Herrick, Mrs. C. W." Stacey and
Mrs. William E. Smith.: ;
- - - i FOOD '.y. i, 1
Canned Goods Green stamp G.
' H and- J good through February SO
tor processed foods.
Meat, cheese. "canned fish and edi
ble' fats. Stamps R. S. T and U
good through -January 29. Stamp V
now good.' (
' Sugar Stamp numoer 30 In book j
4 good for five pounds , sugar, ex- !
pires March 31. - -'.) j
, shoes: A
Stamp No 18 book one. good in- I
definitely. Airplane stamp No. 1 valid ;
now. M v -' i ' ' -
!. GASOLINE .... '
Book A 1 ' coupons No. IS good !
through March 21 for three gallons
each.- .. -.: I
Value of i gasoline coupons A. Bl. i
CI. 3 gallons: B2. C2. R and T. 3 1-.
gallons. D. I A gallons: E. L gallon, i
- i. FUEL, OIL .
- Period 2 coupons expire February t
S. Coupons with gallon age printed on !
the face valid for amount indicated !
until expiration date shown on cou- !
pon sheet, i . . -
TIRES ." . i :
Cars with C ration books must have '
tires inspected every 3 months; B j
books every 4 months: A books every 1
months.! Commercial ' motor .ve-i
nicies tire inspections , every
months or everv S000 miles, j i
- - STOVES I :-' !
Purchaser must get certificate at;
ration -board for new stoves. j
Fuel dealers deliver - by priorities
oasea on neeas
Comes From Astoria
l WOODBURN Mrs. Max Bigby
and baby from Astoria are here to
make their home with I.Irs. Eig
by's, parents,-Mr. and. Mrs. S.R.
Kallak, -for the duration. Bigby.
expects to enter the service Feb
ruary 3. A -'
j Today's Menu
. Pork will be Sunday's dinner,
j meat, and hard cooked eggs will
) make today's speciaL
i .---.. .1 - i
A, - TODAY '
j ' : " Filled avocado halves s
1 1 Lemon French dressing
i Creamed hard cooked eggs on
Hot biscuits
"", Buttered spinach'
Apple Betty
! " :." - : " -.. -' '
. Mixed vegetable salad
Shoulder pork chops with prune
Scalloped potatoes .
. ,Broecoli with cheese top
; Ice cream -Chocolate
-': .: X - - a - i -
i. -.- ;
' . .' MONDAY
. - Cabbage slaw '
Mexican chili con carne -
Relish plate r
Baked apples with
Peanut-cream topping
f (i-inch) pork chops or cut
lets' ;'.'"'
Va cup catsup i
1 teaspoon I mustard '
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons lard- '
pound prunes ,
z teaspoon cinnamon
3 whole cloves
- 1 tablespoon vinegar
1. cup water
1 Va cup honey
Rub chops, well with blended
catsup, mustard and salt. Brown
slowly in hot lard about IS min
utes. Simmer prunes, . spices.
vinegar, honey and water about
15 minutes. Pour over chops.
Cover and cook slowly until pork
is well done.
, Slewed prunes far breakfast
can use a little face lifting now
and then. Vary this dish by in
cluding thin i s 1 i Ce s xf lemon.
grated orange rind, nutmeg or
cinnamon every once in awhile.
i i
4 t