The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 25, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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The OREGON I STATESMAN, Galenv Qreon. Tuesday Morning. January 23. 1S14
Circle Meetings
Are; Slated
The WSCS of Jason Lee Me
thodist church will hold the fol-s.
lowing circle meetings on Wed-;
nesday. -
January-July, with Mrs, Gro
ver Holler, 149 Lana avenue, -1:30
pjn- ' f ' y'
February-August, Mrs. E. J.
Williams, 740 Chemeketa street,
1:30 luncheon. . y ..-
March-September, with Mrs.
J. L. Batdorf, 160 Division
street, 2 pan. ; - . - '
April-October, with Mrs. Rob- -ert
Klempel, 3215 Center street,
1:45 pm
May-November, with- Mrs."
George Pro, 915 Maple avenue. ; :
June-December, with Mrs. W. -W.
Chadwick, 1390 North Winter
street, 2 ' -
'Women Honor :
Husbands -
Women ol Rotary were host
esses to their husbands at a
luncheon held at the First Con
gregational church on Monday
at noon. Valentine decorations
were used, with red candles and
red streamers, catoneaster and
Corydon Blodgett sang sever
al solos and was accompanied by
Miss Gladys Crawford. Mrs.
Walter Pierce was the guest
speaker and former congressman
Pierce was a special guest. She .
told about her experiences while
living in 'Washington, DC I '
Mrs. Putnam :
Is Hostess
Mrs. Roger Ky Putnam enter
tained informally Friday night
at the home of her parents. Rev.
and Mrs. George H. Swift, for
a group of friends. Bridge was
in play during the evening with
a late supper following. !
Mrs. Putnam's guests were
Miss Patricia Vandeneynde, Miss
Barbara Pierce, Miss Betty Sim
mons. Miss Katie Quistad, Mrs.-
Wendell Wyatt, Mrs. Harry Car
son, jr. and Miss Barbara
Compton. . i
Luncheon For
Medical Wives .
Officers wives of the 370th
medical battalion will be host
esses at a luncheon for officers
wives of the 70th division at 1
p.m. on Wednesday at the di-
visional club at Camp 'Adair.
Mrs. A. JL Balko heads the
hostess group. During the if terr
noon an auction will be held of
small items,' funds from which
will go toward the infantile pa
ralysis fund.' " v
.HAYESVnXE Mrs. Robin
Day entertained the Hayesville
Woman's club at her home on
" Thursday afternoon. ; Frances
Clinton, county demonstrator,
gave a - talk n textiles. Mrs.
Earl Bedwell assisted. "; -
Members present were Mrs.
M.6. Fisher, Mrs. B. Taylor,
Mrs. Claud Talmage, Mrs. E. L..
- Moor, Mrs. Leonard Greig, Mrs.
W.Briedzke, Mrs. G Garrison,
Mrs. Ingval Torresdale, Mrs. Lot
tie Morrison, Mrs. Scott Smith,
Mrs. Bruce Willis and j the hos-
f: esses. ;- - -- -'" :'
Todays Menu ,'
.- W.,- .- " - - '. I ' - " ' - - ' - - -
" - - ... I
31n. Robert D. Weldea (Max-
in Rogers) has returned from
Lewiston, Montana where she
hat been visiting with her hus
band's parents, Dr. and Mrs. E.
A Welden, for the past four
"months. Lt. ' Welden is now in i
England with the army air force.
Mrs. Welden is visiting with- her
mother, .Mrs. Maude Rogers, and
1 plans 'to leave in February for
California to visit withj relatives
and friends. - ' . j N'
Van Eatons j Fete
The Myron Van Eatons enter
tained Sunday with an informal, -"at
home" honoring Private and
Mrs. 'John Van Dyke. Mrs. Van
Dyke is the former Doris Eileen
Van Eaton.
Menu for today; will include a
dessert that takes molasses.
Avocado salad
- lima beans with ham hocks
Baked potatoes
Buttered shredded carrots
Baked apples
Molasses drop cookies -1 r
-' - " . . . . : .
. li cup melted shortening
1 cup molasses J ;
.-: Z eggs, beaten
ty4 cups sifted flour,
4 teaspoons baking powder
i teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon -
teaspoon ginger J
H cup milk
Vx teaspoon soda
. ii teaspoon lemon extract
1 run raisins. chopped '
Mix shortening and "molasses.
Add eggs and stir until oienaea.
Sift together dry-ingredients,
and add to first mixture alter-
wfth the milk. 1 in which
the soda has been dissolved. Add
lemon extract and raisins. Drop
by teaspoons on greased -baking
sheet. Bak in hot oven 42$ de
grees) 8 to 10 minutes. Makes 4
to 8 dozen cookies. - -
I The bride's cake was ' encircled
. with white chrysanthemums and
pink carnations and the groom's
cake was decorated with Amer-.
- ican.flags. ?; j - i
Shirley .. and Josanne ; Clark,
daughters of r the Francis E.
Clark, assisted with- the serv
ing, t They j wore blue velvet
dresses and corsages of pink' az
aleas, heather, and bouvardia.
- Mrs.jVan Dyke wore black with
a gardenia corsage and her mo
ther wore a silk print and a gar
denia corsage. - ' '
Calling during the afternoon
; were: Mrs. Howard Robertson,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Clark,
Alice Palmer, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs.
Homer McWain, Mrs. Frank
Miller, Miss A. Omart, Mrs. E.
Edmundson, Mrs. Olive Beards
ley, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ander
son, Barbara and Roy, Dr. and
Mrs.! D. D. Craig, Rev. ; and Mrs.
Frank Stannard, Mr. D. D. Dot
son, ; and Barbara, Mrs. A. A.
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mor
ris, Mrs. Howard Woodburn and
Mrs.' H. S. Gile. i
Supper Follows
Formal Dance r
Miss Manr McKay was hostess
' for a midnight supper at her
South High street home Satur-
f dayi night following the Willa-
mette-inter-sorority formal.
Guests were Miss Emma Lou
v East. Miss Carolyn Brady, Miss
Adele Egan and Miss Marjorte
Maulding. Escorts were navy
V-12 men and included Gordon
Kunke, BUI Egan. Stanley Skil-j
. licorn, George Miller, Ed Fer-1
guson and Douglas ivieeKer.
Beehives ..of ..the Maccabees
will meet for a 1 o'clock cov-j
ered dish luncheon on Wednes
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Golda Kyle. The group
will complete its Red, Cross
! sewing ; project. , A 1 1 L Maccabee
tend. i "
- Mrs. Frank V. Prime, Jr. and
son, Frank, of Portland are
spending several weeks-, at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Frank V.
Prime, sr. Mrs. Prime and her
little boy plan to leave next
month for LaJunta, Colorado to
join Lt. Prime. j
Mr Kila Galser will enter
tain the Delta Gamma alumnae
at her home, 825 North Winter
; street, Wednesday night at an 8
O'clock dessert supper All Delta
Gamma alumnae and any un
affiliated members are invited
to attend. i '
' The maternal class, sponsored i
by ! the . Marion county public
health department, will meet at j
the YWCA today at 230 o'clock
with f Mrs; Bernice j Yeary in
charge.,. - i '
Clifford Ldgsdoh
Is Married :
: i. Word was received by tele
gram by Mrs. O. H. Harold of
" route 2, of Ithe marriage of her
son,. Mr. Clifford Losgdon, quar
termaster third class,- of San
Diego; to Miss Dorothy Crocher
of PortlandJ hv':::-X:"tirv:
..' .f : ! i'-- ' ' ? s - ; - ' '
, The wedding took place in San
Diego on January 19. Mr." Logs
don graduated from Salem high
school and has , Hen stationed
with th nsrw in San Dieffo for
over a year His brde Is a Port
land high school graduate.
, : Danrhteri of Sti Elizabeth of
St. Paul's EDiscooai church will
meet at one o'clock today at the
Chemeketa street home ; of Mrs.
Prince W. Byrd. Mrs. J E." Law
will be the assisting hostess. The
group will sew for the Red Cross
during the afternoon.
Period ' Dres$ Party ;
To Be Held Friday
;WEST SALEM 1 A party and
no host dinner will be held in the
basement of the Methodist church
January 28 by the Gra-Y and the
vouth fellowshin erouD. As a dem
onstration oi the alUvity of the
church in world seryice costumes
are behur designed t to illustrate
the styles ' of dress2 of different
countries of the world. - ; ,
Old Fashioned1
Dresses Featured
MEHAMA Mrs . Raymond
Branch ! and Mrs. Josephine Sny
der entertained the cluh a uus
ThSi urn, 4hai Huh a! old
w . : - j -
fashioned dress day and prizes
were given for the best costumes
Mn. Thomas; Bnmgay jre-.
eeived first prise with her'hoep
kkirt cmttame and ' Mrs. Frank
White, seeond, with her bosUe
and pantaloons. Those not cos
tumed either paid a 25 eent
ffn mar recited far the elnbJ
Mrs. Elmer Taylor and iMrs.
Rov Philinni - are to headi the
The home nursing classes start
January 28 at the clubhousei The
time is 130 to 330 In the after
noon.! Every n Interested In
taking 'the course is Invited to
Plan for. Pie Social
In Pratum District
; PRATUM A pie social with a
good program Is planned by the
Pratum school under the direction
of the teachers, Mrs. Mary Harri
son and Miss Adeline Manning.
for , February 28 at the school
house The proceeds are to go to
the playground equipment fund.
Several of the mothers are to
make candy to be sold for the
benefit of new song books. ;
Fly Far in;7ar Tash
rt.t. wm .r TTnf Atr tJoM And ranJmrliid ATC traJMTOOli Diane
are typical of those which United operated nnder contract fsr the
air transport command on t99 racifle flights m JStJ. The company
' also chalked up 2401 other mllUary flights for the ATC In this
hemisphere during the year, according to an approved release Is
sued by United.
United Aii-'Liiies Flie3 IJeiiy
Materials to Combat Tlicatr
United Air Lines today released a story which illustrates th3
efficiency! and ingenuity of airline personnel in extending aerial
lines of communications to combat theater and in movins ur
gently needed men and 'material to the war zones through op
erations ; being carried on by the nation's airlines for the air
transport I command. -
Without any prior experience in overseas operations, United
crews began flying, four - engined
Plan Amateur's Night
For West Salem PTA C
lem, PTA will sponsor an amateur
night at the school gym February
11. Mrs. W. R. Mercer Is in charge.
Entertainment will be followed
by a pie social, pies to be auctioned
and proceeds to be used to finance
4H scholarships to the summer
school at Corvallis. - i .
August Anderson Dies
At Fox Valley Home
derson, 85, died January ,21 at the
family home in Fox Valley. Sur
vivors are his- widow four sons,
Henry, Harley and Elmer at home,
George in Portland and Ethel
Johnson of Mill City and several
grandchildren. .
air Vtransibrt 2 cconmand planes
across thiel Pacific in September,
1942 Also In the spring of 1942,
the company began operations for
the ATC jwithin this country and
to its possessions. These operations
continued at full pace during 1943
and United disclosed that it flew
a" total Of 11.533.612 miles with
men, - materials and mail on its
domestic ? and overseas routes in
1943. Loads were in excess of 30
million pounds. ; :
Flying 1 under contract for the
ATC, the company flew, approxi
mately . 800 trans-Pacific flights
and 2400 other flights in this hem
isphere during 1943. In numerous
cases. United's crews flew In com
bat areas to deliver; Vitally need
ed materials and supplies directly
to Isolated military units. The
company; Recently was named In
an OWT renort as one of 10 airlines
which rushed a large volume of
the. time of the Japanese cthlM
there. ,
United reoorted that the I ATC
routes over which it now is con
ducting military operations total
approximately 16,000 - miles m
length or about two and a third
times the mileage of its regularly
scheduled domestic services.
KC Officers' Meeting '
Scheduled for Sunday.
STAYTOtf Officers of the
Oregon Knights of Columbus will
hold a meeting next Sunday after
noon In McLoughlin Hall, Oregon
CityJ All state officers, district
deputies, committee chairmen and
grand knights of the state are
asked to attend. Otto L. Smith of
Klamath Falls, Is state deputy. It
is expected Edward Melchenbuhr,
unreme director, of San Francis-
men and materials to Alaska at co will be present.
V I i nv i i uuuvsjuv .
and help you save on ration points, too!
" - - j . . -7.
Ration j points and prices on
beans are low, but nutrition
and nourishment 1 are high.
Most important of all they
taste swell. Fix jup a pot
of beans real soon. Ifavy,
Pinks, ; Reds, Limas;
Blackeyes; Soys
we ve goi eia an.
Larre or small white. 2 lbs.
H IDS. 41C
Large limas. 2 points lb.' 2 lbs.
l la " "Bh- w m . Mm
2 lbs.
(No Feints)
Blackeyes lCc
ggry iitgigg)
I !'' t i -' . : - , , - I
ration cAixrrDAa :
bltoli. Stamp. ,Sod V fMd
tram JMUry . w ' r-'wv
Sum Stamp number SO in oont
4 gooa tot , -- ,
. . . ... ljk Mil M9 111'
sump no ,
efmively. AirpUn ittmp K.. 1 valid
Book A eouponr N. ff U
Jantrmry n xor -7
n. S Calloo; Bl. 3. H f J
Period a cmrporra -eicptr Tebroary
until expiration v "
Car with C ration books mwt htw
tire lnspectea ery . .
l"TL. a numhi: A books overy
r"".VT"' rnmrrial motor VO-
bicles tiro tn"vction erery
months or evprr 6 mUe.
Purchaser must et eertmcsto
ration board for n.r toJ.-.f
Yuel dcar" c.Uvfr Ly priori'..
1 li'M
Mr. and lira. David H. Cam
eron were in Portland for the
weekend and were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Greve.
: SWEGLK Mr. aad Mrs.
Charles Siegmund. were surprised
last weekend when their daugh
ter and son-in-law. Ensign and
Mrs. Arnold Hardman, stopped j
in Salem for a 24 hour visit on i
their wit north from San Fran-
Diego to Whidby Island where !
Enshm Hardman Is now sta
tioned at; the airfield training
base. Mrs. Hardman will stay
in Oak Harbor. -i
' ' I CV. If II
HowBig io cuiOrcmgo?
: If you buy oranges By a "dozen price' how big are
they tow can you ba suit you ait getting your .
monty't worth? Truth if. you canl, unless you know
iorasge sizes. Husbers like 288. 252, 220, 176, 126, : '
; etc. axe orange sizes. They tell how many are packed . ,
rin an orange ooz. A 288 orange is quite small because
fit takes 288 to till the box. And, of course, a 126 size
fwould be much larger. Complicated, iia't it? '.
f r.t. y:a.t-7 crc.:: by lb
a every !
Study club.
Womea of Rotary. -THUaSDAY,
PEO Sfarterhood. ' i v
Beta Sigma Phi. .
1 to 4 West Stayton croup.
7 to U Fairfield Home economics
. ClUb. -. i . .. .' - - ! - - '
" 1 " ' xJc ' ' - ' 1
I " . ; I . - y I : - j i ; . J "a- :; ; - ... ..f,. .
to a cAEpnrrra who
wahts AW DinJSUAL
opponTUimT ;
If ; you're finding living ac
commodations a bit tough
where you : are tf you'd
like to get out where there's
elbow room; Southern Pacific
ha a fine opening iyou .may
want to consider. It's a vital
war job out on the line . ....
railroad construction work
work that helps keep the war
trains rolling. YouIl live with
a swell gang in outfit- cars
(railroad cars fitted p). Good
pay. Good hours. Plenty of ex
tra advantages you get only
with a big permanent com
pany, want to put away a nice
stake, here's your chance.
". Carpantar'a.IIalpera
. Ilaeded Al
See ar write
J. C. Carle. Freight Agent
Trade Commercial Eta.
: llodsm curing methods notr caa!
.naka PICHICS just tz tesdrr
' &nd wry tit cslidouj tx Ilins.
Pork & Beans, Van Camp (15 pts.) No. 2..
Beans, Libbyl Baked (8 pts.) 14-oz. jar
Pre-Cooked Beans, Copelands (1 pt.)
Raisins, Del Monte (4 pts.) 15-oz. pkg "-- -Greeii
Beans Little Mill (no pts.) No. 2
Ttn ilarilitnside (na nts.) No. 2 can
Crackers, Sodas or Grahams, 2-lb. pkg
IUtz Butter li Wafers, 1-id. pKg...r
Peanut Butter, weveriy, z-io. jar.
Jell Well, assorted flavors, pkg.........-.-.-.
Cheese Kraft Amer. Spread (16 pts.) 2-lb
- Margarien, Dalewood (6 pts.) Ib.
Heinz Baby Foods, strained (1 pt.) can
Cranberry Sauce, West Peak-(IO) lb. jar
Tea, Canterbury Black, -lb- pkg:
nnnrfM Fancy Callfarnla Nayeu
The best we eoald boy
ji, 7c
f fancy mt :.w 'm
piCSKeaUy deluxe apple Z lbs.
ib. 3ic
... lbs.
m ft Thecal Green.
Lili-JXIUli Crisp &.Teader
Jrjl'y fjt? iarre Crisp Heads
:M'ai mmmm . '. 1 ! T5 -i!
Taklma Gems
Takfaaa Gems
J lb. bag
J Xdwards illgh-Grade
I i 4 COFFEE :
MJJIJ..- - I Jb. Jar SSe
Alrwaf 2
Neb Hin t IK"baa ZSe
Spry,' Crisco or Snodrift ' (5 pts.) 1 lb..
re3,!Da nan iia pis.; no. 2 can
Kfnrfi- TJhbv 12 niic. Na 914 rn
Shortening, Royal Satin (5 pts.) 1 Ib
Mop Sticks, spring, eaehLr--...-..
..... ,14c
1 7
......i b
...... . ..12c
Per Lb.
en taxi a rsw
sucrs is
o TVrt At:? r.irr ium
C$ rtAT r.-ZTACS
Butt end - ' '
. Shsn end ' ''' '
Ti?vlzx Boccrt Jowls
ti Us cm, Gxsf a A
Jb. 4Dc
lb. SSe
Jb. 21c
Jb. 42c
a-a-ww JWShMMlt JSA aV amWio y aa.w
llzzf nzzzt. Arra E!f 2. Grxi n is. 2"
Chcjl!rr ccrlr rczst. center cut Ib. 31c
PerktCie Eliia Cct
Jb, 31a
Jb. Xls
rrjrh coluisia rovm esuxt not? avatlaeiz:
U) r.r.i k::.ts
Ai:a inasitr
ui r.:i tuut a::d ! '
cur fixers j ."
vALCt.3 J j
r . i
Css2 lira
rtb, t
T"itT re s
V Cool ttsv
l eb. f J
1asd on need!.