The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Society - Clubs Muc
International President Visits . I
. A busy half-day is 'planned for Miss J. Winifred Hughes;
ef Syracuse. New York, president of International Zonta clubs
who will be in Salem on Monday to meet with the local club.
Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, Salem president has asked clubs from
Corvallis and Eugene to be present -at the meetings, as Miss
Hughes will be unable to visit their cities on this trip. '
Miss Hughes, who is alumni secretary and editor of the
Alumni 'News of Syracuse university, is serving her second
term as international president of Zonta. Her visit here, while,
short, will be of value to the local groups, for she will meet sev
eral committees in informal sessions during the afternoon, and
will speak at the informal dinner being planned for her at the
Marion hotel at 6 o'clock. Members of the club will be present
ed to the visiting official at an informal reception immediately
preceding the dinner. She will board a southbound train that
night , ;
An early afternoon trip is being planned for Miss Hughes,1
which will take her through some of the state buildings.-. Dr.
Helen Pearce. past president of Zonta International will be her
hostess' during the trip to the state buildings.
Visitors Make the News . .-. i -: - -
; I IW ; - i - By JERYME ENGLISH - - ' )
' ' 'I 1 Statesman Society Editor
- The Frank L. Lilbum home was the secene of a gay family reunion the past week with
their "three daughters home for, the first time in almost a year. MlssMabelle Lilburn, a spe
cialist technician third class in the Spars, was her from AflantcV-Gkorgiay where she com-.'
pleted a ten weeks course in link instrument trainer instructor school at the "naval cdr station" J
at Atlanta. She was home for five days and " returned east to her new station at Salem, Mas- :
; sachusetts. z Miss Lilburn enlisted In the Spars last May and after, taking her basic training at
Hunter college, was stationed in the personnel office at Boston. She is' a Willamette univeri"' -sity
graduate and a member of Delta Phi sorority. ; ; .& : ' S v. ' ; -.: . - .
Miss Lilbum's twin sisters, -Miss Florence Lilburn and Mrs. Patrick' Reynolds' - (Frances
Lilburn), were also, here.' Florence came v from San. Francisco; where she is now employed "
and Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds recently returned from Manhattan, New -York; where they'.vts '
itea witn nis parents, 'Mnfcma SMrs. Bernara rteynoias, .iirs. neynoias ts stauoneo: aWJamp
Adair. h - .-::. v ;,-l'7:. i'-v:;-H::
Going South
Going south for an extended stay with her "parents will be Mrs. Tames J. Hague, jr.. and
her young son. Scott They plan to; leave February 3 for Berkeley,' Galii,.and will be the
guests of Mr, and Mrs. E, W. Wqgy. Mr. Hague's mother, Mrs." J. J.Hague ?f Portland, isjvis-:
iting for a few days with her son and daughter-in-law, before she leaves for California.' '
Mrs. L jf. Hildebrandt (MarJorie Burlingham) has lefHor WashgtanJ DC. after ari extend
ed stay in the' capital with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burlingham. . Mrs. sHildebrdndt
went east to'be present for her husband's graduation at Fort Belvo, Virgirua oh Wednesday
i when1 he : expects jtp, receive': his Commissions ' -".. - - - "
'i. Mrs. George Aj. White will come from her home in Clackamas on Wednesday to- spend
the remainder of the week as the house guest of Mrs. Homer Goulet sr., at her country home.
Mrs. White, a member of the Town and. Country club, will be here, for the bridge luncheon
meeting of the group on Wednesday when Mrs. Frederick Lamport and Mrs.' Arch M. Jerman
entertain at the former's home in Ben Lomand park. ;
Honor Students t Are Inducted V. . . j-
' Formal induction ceremonies for 17 new members of Sigma Lambda, national honor so
ciety at the Salem high school will be held Monday night in the school auditorium at 8
' o'clock. j ':';:';".' " i - ' " ,. i ;-u-L-::
. i The new members are Travis Cross. David Scott Trudie Meier, Wilma Gorton, George
Swift jr.. Gladys Dalke. Roberta Rogers, Charles Dalton, DeLoris Lawrence, - Andrew Zahare,
Bonnie Baillee, Mary Ann Bollinger, Bob Busick, LaVelle Cross; Thelma Smith, Truman Run-
ner and Mavis Beck. . .- i'j . -: ; 'I;-' '":- :.: -l
Mr. Charles A. Sprague will be the guest speaker. The induction ceremony will be coiv
' ducted by Bill Reinhart, Joy Randall, Kathleen Hug, Richard Page, Duke Mdnkertz arid Rose
mary Gcdser. ' - ' . 1 . " . . !.:;': -''l' : f t n
' A musical program will be given and will include a piano solo "Ballet Music" from Ros-
amuhde by lean Fidler. The boys quartet composed of Wilford Beard, Clarke Hauser, Veme
.Eashe and Robert Robins, will sing "Ain't It A Shame" and ."Home on the Range."
An informal reception will be held in the foyer after the ceremony. Evangeline McKin
lay, vice-president is in charge of arrangements. : :
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Married in California
" 1 - A . - ' ' i
Culminating a romance that began last summer at Indei
tha Maye Wodaege, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wodaege c
Mr. and Mrs. Harris C Rude of Ashland, were married December 30 in the chapel of the Long
Beach air base. , j ;
3naence, California, Miss Ber
d tt Donald HJ Rude, son of
Following the quiet ceremony the couple enjoyed a week's honeymoon at Seal Beach.
' Mrs. Rude was graduated from Salem high school in 1937. She attended tOregon State
college and graduated from the University of Oregon. Since completing her graduate stu-.
dies at UCLA last summer she has been supervisor of the secretarial science department at
the Japanese center at Manzanar. i j ! '
Lieutenant Rude is a graduate of Ashland high school. ;He attended Southern ;Oregon .
Normal school and was graduated from San Mateo Junior college in 1941,' after which he
became ' a flight instructor at Independence. ;' j r " !
. - - - - ....... - i . - , '. - f ! : ; :
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; In October he was commissioned a second lieutenant in! the air service command and
is now based with the sixth ferrying group in Long Beach, California. .
Miss Merritt Will Sing . .' . - :. j . .( ;.J .
Second in the seriSs of Willamette university music school faculty recitals to be held this
winter, will be given by Miss Evangeline Merritt soprano," Wednesday night The 8:15 pro
graml will be held at Waller halL The public is invited to attend. ' -r I .f
Miss Merritt scame. to Willamette university this fall from the Eastman School of Music in
Rochester, New York, .where she received her, master of music degree. She has studied voice
with Oueeno Mario and Charles Baker. New York City and this fall arrived In Salem to take
a position as neaa ot tne public school music department at. Willamette. I
1 She has arranged an interesting program forthis, her first public appearance , la Salem.
The first group will consist of four songs from the 15th century French .minstrelry of Bayeuz,
arranged by Ferrari: The last part will include four songs by the Frencix composer, RaveL .
In one of her groups Miss Merritt will sing two new. songs by professors of the Willamette ;
music faculty including , Lewis Pankaslde's "Sleeping They .Bear Me" and Bennet Ludden's
"I Hear an Army." Mr. Ludden will accompany Mis3 Merritt at trie piano. : .
- - - s i ' - i f ' :
Supper to Honor Singer ' : , :r '.
,-r. -t.v . ; -t.- --'i -. -..r-! - i: ' f. --,! - j" ; 'i:
Dean 'and Mrs. Melvin H. Geist have invited members of the faculty of the Willamette
School of Music to a supper party in Miss Merriti's honor after the recital at their West Leffelle
'street home. " ' : - . ' : ' , f . ; ' " :
.... ' ' -. 1 r- -' ' ; ,....1... .. i . ' ,.. -.. ? -. - . . . ;
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Bidden to honor the singer are Professor and Mrs. T. S. Roberts. Mr: and Mrs. Maurice ' '
Erennen, Professor and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs Miss Helen MacHirron. Mr. and "Mrs. Andrew Dun
can, Mr. Bennet Ludden and Mr. Lewis Pankaskie. i. 4 - j" ' ; ' r , t
jvrs. Raymond A. Hoffman, the former Doris .
"""Enos. who was married in the fireplace room'
of the First Presbyterian church on Saturday, Janu-;
ary 15.1 The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.';
N. S. Wood and her husband's parents are Mr. and '
Mrs. R. G. Hoffman.' Mr. Hoffman is an electrician's
mate, second class wifli the submarine service,;
United States navy reserve. He will leave this week
for KeKy West Florida, and his bride will remain in
Salem. (Jesten-Miller). !
X l:
A Colorful Ceremony
i Miss Helen Paulson, attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L Paulson, sr., will be in
stalled as worthy advisor of Chadwick Assembly, Order of Rctinbow for Girls at impressive
ceremonies Tuesday night at the Masonic, temple at 8 o'clock. The interested public is invited
to attend j Miss Paulson is a popular member of the high school set and is a senior this year.
" Dective officers who will be installed with Miss Paulson are Miss Patsy Schneider, as
sociate worthy advisor; Miss Addyse Lane, charity; Miss Rosemary Gaiser, hope; Miss Car
olyn Carson, faith; Miss Joan Tweedie, recorder; and Miss Carroll Gragg, treasurer. Also to
he installed will be Miss Paulson's appointive officers, members of the choir, members of the
advisory board and Mrs. Wayne Henry, mother advisor. - ; I r
The installing officers are Miss Betty Zo "Allen, the retiring wormy advisor. Miss Margar
et Cooley, recorder; Miss Jean Rowland, marsh all; Miss Jean Fidler, musician; and Miss Joan
Remington, chaplain.
A reception in honor of Miss paulson andherl officers will be held in the dining room aft
er the Installation. Mrs. G. A. Reeher and Mrs. E, W. Peterson are in charge of arrangements.
i !
i: I
Valentine Ball Slated ... j ' .
I Saturday. February 12 has been set as the date for the annual Junior Woman's club val
entine balL The semi-formal dance will be held at the Elk's temple and hours are from 9 to
1 o'clock. ! Proceeds from the affair will be used to buy war bonds. -
Officers stationed in and around Salem and their wives are cordially invited to attend
as well as interested townspeople. -Mrs. Roy Mink heads the directorate ; for the , dance and
tickets may be obtained from any committee member including Miss Maria Dare, Mrs. Lu
cia Dare Tyler, Miss Juanita Syverson, Miss Evelyn Akers and Mrs. Lloyd Reilley.
"-m !'.' :v.v-''vr! ':'r- -:;-v .,;-! !.:Lrr"V;...- -.- ,-
It's to Be a Busy Week . . .
Social news this week centersr around many informal parties including dinners, showers,
a tea and dance. A group of Spinsters met down town Saturday night and made up a lin
party at the theatre. Later they were entertained at dessert at the home of the president Miss
Patricia Vandeneynde on D street In the group were Miss Doris 'and . Miss Florence Duffy,
Miss Phyllis Fisher, Miss Betty Simmons. Miss Barbara Compton, Miss Katie Quistad," Miss
Mary Jane Brabec, Miss Jo Love Lehmer, Miss Stella McKay and Miss Vandeneynde.
Bridge Dinners M j '!
Mr. and Mrsl Roy H. Mills were hosts for an informal dinner party i Saturday night at
their Chemeketa street home and covers were placed for 12. Several hours of contract bridge
were in play following the dinner hour. Mr. and Mrs. Mills are arranging or series of dinner
parties for groups of their friends, j : v j i
' Mrs. William L. Phillips is arranging a dinner party for tonight at her West Leffelle street
home In compliment to Mr. Phillips on his birthday anniversary. '
To Honor Mrs. Porter j
rLictured after their marriage on January 15 are :
Pfc. ; and Mrs. Frederick , Champagne (Melba ; . "
Hodge), who' were married at the First Methodist ,
church parsonage with Dr. U C. Harrison officiaiing.
The bride is me daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Floyd ll , "1
I Hodge and the groom is the son of E. P.Chcpnpagn4 i
of Luling, Louisiana. - They will reside in Salem ,
while he is stationed at. tie air base. (Jestsn-Jiilier).
Miss Irene Llghtsey and Miss! Velna Gilliam will be hostesses for a 1 o'clock luncheon
this afternoon at the former's apartment at the Hazeldorf in "compliment to Mrs. Carl A. Por
ter. Bouquets o spring flowers will provide the decorative not on the luncheon tables. A
shower will honor Mrs. Porter during the afternoon.' : ; :
Bidden are Mrs. Porter. Mrs. 1 Alden Adolph. Mrs. Willard Wirtz. .Mrs. Carl G. Colins. Mrs.
T. Harold Tomlinson, Mrs.' Cliff ord Daue. Mrs. Ira J. Fitts, Miss Barbara Porter, Miss Kreta
Janz, Mrs. Rex Adolph of Spokane; Mrs. aiffqrd.Townsend of Redmond. Mrs. Don Emery and
Mrs. Rufus Sumner of Portland, Miss Bess Brown of Hollywood, Miss Ethel Bresee of Los An
geles and Mrs. John MacPherson' of Trona Calii " t,
Parties to Precede Tillicum . -
On Tuesday night's calendar is the monthly Tillicum club dance which will be held ct
(he , Veteran's hall with Guy Albln's orchestra playing for the formal affair.
Among those entertaining, before the dance are Mr.; and Mrs. Merritt Truax and Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Gallagher, who have invited a group of their friends to the Truax home on Park
avenue. ; I 'H ,
Other hosts Include Mr. and Mrs. Chester Olson. They will entertain at their Fawk street
home for a number of their friends.! - . 1
Fellowship Party rt Rossinan's , .
t- The fourth fellowship party sponsored by the "Salem branch, " American association ci
, University Women will be held Tuesday nightat the home of Mrs. George Rossman on North
Capitol' street, Twenty-four members and their guests have been", invited to gather far th"
8 o'clock party.; "T -': .: - - . t t
r Mr. and Mrs. Elbert R. Deny , will show colored pictures of western parks and Mis3 Gla
dys Humphrey, will talk informally an "Felowship." Refreshments will be served by the host
esses Mrs. H."J. Thomas, Mrs. Edwin McEwen, Miss Lois Latimer and Mrs. Rosrman.
Mrs. Healy to Hojior Sister
v Planned for Thursday afternoon is the tea for which Mrs. Frank S. Healy will be hostess
at her South Liberty street residence in complment to her sister, Mrs. J. C Costello cf Eon
FrandscoVMrs. Costello, who will arrive' In the capital on Tuesday, plans to be here fcr ten
days. ' ; - - ' ' - r -. - - ; .C.:---'.- . -h"".
Mrs. Healy has asked a group of Salem matrons to call between the hours cf 3 end 5
o'clock to meet her sister. Mrs. Healy's daughter, Mrs. Thomas H. Tongue III, of Portland,
will be here for the occasion and will assist her mother. " - -
Tea to Welcome Housemother - -
Delta Phi sorority coecb are arranging a tea for Sunday, January. 30 in honor cf th::.
new house mother, Mrs. Albert Thomas HilL All WillameEe university, students, friends c!
Delta Phi are invited to call between 4 and 6 o'clock to meet Mrs. HilL
' MiC3 Rulh Yalgrcn wiU grest the 'guests at the door and Mis3 Gloria Erough v. r.l pc :
the guest book. Miss Helen Zimmerman will introduce to the receiving line whlca i. li i -dude
Miss Deancr. Todd, president and Mrs. James Mcaelland. president d tio r ic