The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1944, Page 12, Image 12

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    Best in Perfection Major League First Half
Ndvycais -Nip. Airmen, 'Nipped by M w
J- Huskies Win 56-47' in -Sween WemoMi-benes
Final Period
Polio Benefit
Rally Nets W
0- vv "
I J-
V w jp
The best ten-pin toppling- crew In the Perfection Alleys Major leaxue first half chase, the City Cleaners
quint. Is pictured above. They're on 11 of their last 12 fames and lastweek won three of 'eb to take
the first half pennant. Left to riht they are Clem Kertson, Clayton Foreman,: Very Perry, Bud
Thrash and Walt Cline, Jr. Between the five they hold hirh team series, hl-h team individual fame,
hUh individual series, hih Indivdual fame and leame's hfhest averare. (Statesman sports photo)
Perfection's Major league bowling. brethren axe just about
ready to concede (reluctantly, of course) the City Cleaners quint
is simply too, much kegling crew,
records, etc.,i at the popular skid
(1) The 3188 team series owned
ever made by any time locally.
(2) The 1173 team individual
game rates top spot at the al
leys in that department. (3) The
684 series rolled by Clayton
Foreman awhile back is high
over all in that department
(4) The 256 single game wheel
ed by Clem Kertson tops all in
dividual efforts. (5) The 186 av
erage sported hy Walt Cline, Jr
is the best in town. (6) And
just to make more misery for
the other trundling teams, Bud
Thrush up and rolls five consec
"600" series' when, the
were down in the first
half stretch. Along the line Vern
Perry got in' his licks with a
couple 600 series', too. Add to JACK RICHARDS
all this the fact that four of the five members boast averages In the
league's top 10 bracket Cline 186, Thrush 181, Kertson 180 and Fore
man 178 (Perry isn't far behind) and you have quite a bowling
bunch ... For a gent who once applied for an umpire's job in the
Coast league and later for a spot with the Oakland club as coach, and
was turned down in both instances, new PCX. Prexy Clarence "Pants"
Rowland hasn't done so badly.' Ten years at $12,500 per amounts to
a mere 125 grand for the decade, ' wolf-at-door poison in any case.
Best part of it was that Rowland, hearing he was a possibility for the
job thought he'd "scare" off the electing club moguls by telling 'em
he'd take it only on two conditions ' $12,500 per annum and for 10
annums. They gulped, to be sure, but then went to the polls and dum
founded "Pants' by unanimously electing him at his own terms! -
Kotonen Character Uses Pet 'Hold?
- We, as one of many are glad Rowland was voted the job If only
for the fact that he, as boss of the Los Angeles club, gave our Senators
first whark at Lefty Jack Richards on option the 1942 season.
One reason Rowland was voted the outstanding minor league exe
cutive in organized baseball for 1943 can be had by reviewing the
Richards case. Although a Portlander, it wasn't the Portland club
which came up with Jack after he finished his first basing at Willa
mette. Rowland saw. to that (along with a little home town help),
and Richards wound up on the Los Angeles payrol. He repay ed Row
land's faith by winning the batting championship of the Western Inter
national league his first year out, and before military duty stepped in
to delay him Richards was on his way to becoming quite a piece
of baseball chattel. -
First-hand information on . new Coast match champion Paavo
"King Kong" Katonen, who debuts here Tuesday night against Leo
"StenW Karlinko, comes from Chief Duke Trotter, the Navycat
athletic boss Duke happened across the Finn while on his holiday
leave in southern California.!
"He's a character, all right, informs Trotter. "And what a "hold
he uses to conk 'em with! Bends 'em over face downward. Then after
laying over on 'em in that angle for a while he suddenly brings both
knees up at once smacking 'em right flush on the face. Sure does
straighten 'em up and lays 'em flat on their backs In a hurry.
Lutherans Win
Casaba Tilt
American Lutheran trimmed
. ? Salvation Army 30-19, and Cal
vary Baptist trounced the Salt
Creek Baptist five 37-8 in Senior
church league, "A" division, hoop
ing on the YMCA floor Saturday.
P. Valdex (9) F (1) Gtzendaner
W. Valdei 1 F (6) Thompson
B. Valdca 0) C (13) Meyers
:H. Valdex 2) G ;;:, 0 Ramus
: D. Valdex (0) . .O , (0) Gehler
.". Strode (4)- , ,'S - -
.Vilworck ) -
(111 Dowri
, BarteU (0)- S Houck
fast (Bl 46) Zahare
' C Buhter:8) Q. ....... (4) Thomas
tp. Buhler (2) ..O. ) Lovell
: Subs: Calvary Baptist Herman ,
Bioora s. - - - -
: OtfieUls :' BaAlW and Smith. .
Willie Hoppe
i DETROIT, JaiC r 22-Willie
Hoppe of "New York won' the final
1 two blocks here today from WeDx-
; er Cochran of San Tranoiscp; - thus
' giving himself a 193-point margin
, I to cany into New York next week
I for the final 300- points of ,; their
cross country-three cushion ,bil
Uards match: . "
::?r? won tonight SO to 48
La il lanlnrs after taking the
afternern block S: to 28 In 37
. lanlnrs. - ' '
.GvrcIe Loses j vv
C'.TrCLC The Swegle school
. Lcj i' trzketball team was defeat
ed ty V. est Salem here 42-10 last
x;c:li. EwvcIe girls won 19-12. ,
and after looking over charts,
ways ! you can easily see why:
by the Cleaners is the highest
Willamette 37, Tillamook Kaval Air
Station 32.
Willamette 39. TJ of Oregon Army
ducks 44. ,
. Willamette rrosh 25, Independ. HI 22.
wasningwn (noma team) 48, Whit
man 38.
wasrtinrton (traveling . team) 66,
Idaho 61, Washington State 43.
Dartmouth 61, Penn 49.
. Purdue 91, Michigan 35.
New York U 45, Temple 43.
Norfolk NTS 72. Duke 69. -
Arkansas 74, So. Methodist 49.
r Yale. 41, U of Connecticut 33. --
Army 65. Columbia 37.
ColgaU 41. Penn SUte S4.
Northwestern 42. Ohio State 40
low Stat 41, Missouri 25.
Denison 6. Ohio U 49. -.
So. Carolina 43. Newberry 40.
Oklahoma 43. Kansas State 34.
' HIGH SCHOOL " V i ' ' ' -
Pendleton 29. Baker 27.
v QtUQB Ctty 6TU1 Canby 22. T V
Golf Sweepstakes Set
IK)RTLANI) Jan 22-0-The
Oregon Public Links Golf associa
tion voted today to hold the year's.
first sweepstakes January 30 at
the Rose City course and to stage
an added eclectic event this sea
son. Tentative plans-were made
for a major amateur tourney next
summer. - :-.;
7 r
c,,- -rlWiii-rifm -ftv rrtwmi "rmv iiirtssssssMsM
- .; T " I "N.
e6 xcLni. jalyl t:::: c:::;
Gibson Returns Friday
Eye Busy iWeek
" Two Important games for; Sa
lem high's basketballers, one for
Willamette's Navycats tabbed this
week; the Viks going to Milwaukie
Tuesday, night for a counting No
Name league clash with the Mar
oons and returning to town Friday
night td battle off part of the Sa-lem-Eugene
series. The 'Cats have
only one game, next Saturday
night; at Seattle against Washing
ton's f home" team, but same looms
as a right busy evening for Coach
Bukei T&tterOT-tt'ers. !
Ia win for Silem at Milwaukie
- nets the Tilts undisputed leader
ship in the northern half of the
league as they have already
downed Oreron City. Salem will
be favored to take the sos-so re
arded Maroons. The Friday En-gene-Salem
session fa expected
to be one of the better basket
binges of the season as Vlklnc
Axemen get-togethers generally
are. Salem droned a 39-30 nod to
Eorene Friday after, outclassing
'the sontherneres most of ' the
game, 'I ' f : . ; i
The game comes on -a red-letter
day for the Viks, for Friday their
ace guard, Doug Gibson, becomes
eligible again. And what the SHS
gang claims it will do With Gibson
back in! the lineup should make
the; balance of the state's prep
teams shudder no little. : ij .
Major Clubs j
Choose Sites !
NEW YORK, Jan. -(ffV-XJn-
cle :Sam- can be certain that 'one
cJass of athletes the fmajor lea
gue baseball players-f-will ; have
their income tax problems all
settled by March 15, the day of
paynaent and the alinost-unlver-
sal I choice for opening day of
sprJbg training. f .1
It will be the second cold
weather ordeal for the athletes
above the " Eastman-Landis
line, established a year ago as
means of enrtalUng travel, and
the IS clubs have made only
three changes from' the sites .
picked a year,; ago. - . ; ' j
The Philadelphia Phillies, own
ed this year by Robert M. Car
penter, will train this time in! the
young socialite's home town of
Wilmington, Del. The Athletics
will shp their belongings to
Frederick, Md, and the : 1 New
York Yankees ; have picked At
lantic City In preference ' to As
bury Park, NJ. .
Baseball Writers
Game's 'Player of the Year'
NEW YORK, - Jan. 22-flP)-William
Malcolm Dickey, the
gangling . Artrannasan who has
been affixture as the New York
Yankee catcher for 15 years, to-i
day was selected ss the player
of (the year by the New York
chapter of the Baseball Writ
:.ers assoeUtkm . t -t - ; ; .
; He wta receive the award at
the annual dinner of: the chap-,
. ter In New York's Hotel Com
modore on Sunday, February C ,
Dickey, fourteenth- recipient
f- the trophy which last year
went to Ted WCUams of the
Boston Red Sox. is the first
catcher to make the grade.
Thirty seven years eld and a
Quality i
ITS ff,te
1st : Sweep Over Duck
.Quint Since 1936 '
EUGENE, Ore- Jan. 22-UPV-Un-
defeated Washington made it four
straight over Oregon tonight," 56
to 47, the first time since 1936 the
Huskies j have swept a northern
division,! Pacific Coast conference.
i . W I. Pet. K Pi
Washington 4 0 14W0 210 148
Idaho S .600 21S 197
Oregon State 2 2 .400 1M 214
Washington SUte 2 " 2 .400 224 22
Oregon 1 4 400 200 252
! 11 U 1038 1038
Saturday's results:
Washington 66, Oregon 47.
Idaho 51, Washington State 43. '
basketball series with the Web-
foots, i
But Oregon, tr ounce d by
Washington, 57-38, last night,
threw a scare into Coach Hee
Edmnndson's traveling team of
civilians. After the score was
tied at Z and 4, the Webfoots
took the lead, built it vp to 17-11
after 19 minutes and stayed
ahead on til the last seconds of
the first half. f
Jim Mallory, lanky Washington
forward,; tossed one in from the
keyhole spot to put his mates
ahead, 23-21, at the alf. '
Washington came out for the
second period with a rash and
poured baskets through to in
crease their lead to 45-31 after
11 minutes. :
Oregon! rallied to whittle it to
51-47, only to see Al Mar, diminu
tive Chinese guard, score two bas
kets and; one free throw In the
final minute to sew up the con
test for Washington.
Mallory, t 8 0 4 IS
O'Neill, t 1 0 2 2
Nichols, c 2 14
Mar. 7 2 1 16
Codd. g i 2 2 2 8
Peterson, t , 0 0 9
Haug. I j , .O V 9
Totals - N
2 1
2 4
2 17
1 17
0 4
9 47
Danner. t (
Bray, f
Borrevik, c
Hamilton, g
Phillips, g
Ca vines, t, g
Totals .
Half time score: Washington 23. Ore
gon 21. Free throws missed: Washing
ton O'Neil. Nichols. Mar Codd; Ore
gon Bray. Phillips, Cavlness. Offi
cials: Emit Piluso and John Helnrick.
CORVALUS, Ore,' Jaxu 22-ff)
The Oregon State Beavers must
win two of three home games next
week with Washington and Ore
gon to remain in the northern di
vision. Coast conference, basket
ball raceJ
With three defeats and two
victories on the road, the Bea
vers open their home schedule
against Washington : Men day
and To e s d a y nights. The
Orangemen will play a return
contest with Oregon here next
Saturday. ' "'
Coach Slats GUI has drilled his
men hard this week in the hopes
of turning the tables on the Hus
kies, i Washington eliminated his
Beavers from : the title scramble
last year in the final series of the
season at Seattle. !
Smith Nears
Paddle Mark i
ANN ARBOR, Mich- Jan. 22
(ff-Billy ; Smith, Hawaiian free
styler from Ohio State, came with
in a tenth of a second of his own
world record for the . 220 yard
event tonight with a 2:07.8 clock
ing as the Great Lakes Bluejack
ets defeated Michigans swimming
team, 48 to 38V i . I
Vote Die!
father. Dickey win report ' to
Manager Jee McCarthy of the
Yanks In March for his' seven-
: teenth campaign with the Bronx
Bombers. , o
During the long career he es
tablished a major league mark
for catching 100 or more games
tn 13 eon seeutive seasons and in
addition holds ; numerous field
' and batting nurksv u 'hu
January 25
1 Honr, 2 of 3 Fa3
New k Coast Mat Champion :
Semi windnp - '
. U Hour. 2 of X Falls ;;
Nother liewcomer ;t
:j. y vs. - -
-.-v. Ja-Jitsu Artist '
Husky OasHes
Topnolch Prelim to Kalonen-Karlinh o Main Event
Tiger Tsacliass
Kar-runch: Introdactog an- r
ether newcomer in the- north- '
west circuit's crunch clan, Bal-
garlan charae- r:'?vi
ter i answerhur hi '
to : - nnenvied
V j
handle Tlxer"vr
Tsachass. ' And r
the Tiger,"
said to be of
199 pounds
h e f t and
meaner than the striped jungle
gent from which he gets his
monicker, debuts locally Tues
day night on the semiwindap
end of Matchmaker Don Owen's
weekly card. ,
Asachass (pronounce It as yon
will) Is another Owen acquisi
tion I from the middle west
where he's been campaigning;
amongst both heavyweights and
Salem Golf ers
In Sweepstakes
Keeping the ball rolling in their
plans for an ultra-lively program
schedule at Salem Golf, club.
Tournament Committeeman! Bill
Goodwin, Bob Powell and puke
Campbell have announced a
sweepstakes tourney will be held
every weekend at the course un
til further notice, i !
The sweepstakes events will be
medal-less-handicap affairs i over
either the first or second nine
holes. : Players may re-enter each
meet upon payment of a second
entry fee, all receipts to go into
a fund for the purchase of prizes
for the upcoming spring tourna
ment. '" . : !;,-.!
The first of these sweepstakes
meets ends today in conjunction
with the seventh round of the
Slicker tourney.' A golf jacket
goes to the winner of this week
end's opening session. .
Hubbard Tops
Hubbard high hooped ' out , a
31-20 , victory over Sacred Heart
Academy cagers In a North Mar
ion County B league basketball
game on the St Joseph's Hall
floor ' Friday night Hubbard
pulled away in the second half.
largely on. Forward McKee s scor
ing, after the Academians made it
a nip-and-tuck tussle the opening
two periods.
McKee led scoring with 14
points. Al Volk canned nine for
Father McDonald's SHA team.
Sacred : Heart's Bee : team
grabbed a thrilling 20-18 win ov
er ; Hubbard seconds in the L pre
liminary, John Schwarz leading
the way with 10 points.
Moore (7) r
McKee (141 ii. F
Ostrum (8) C toi neeanam
Garren (1) , , , n (3) Somraers
Bronce (0) . G , (2)
Sacred Heart sub: Weiss 1.
Husky-Beaver Clashes
Broadcast by KJTJJ
Both Washington at Oregon
State basketball games Monday
and Tuesday nights at Corval
lis win be broadcast starting at
g , p jn. - each . night announces
sponsoring Tidewater Assoc it
ed. Portland SUtion KWJJ will
present Hal - By ers at J the
-mike." .
Pr.S 'XamJ.D. : Df.U.Cs JN.D
CHINESE nerbalists ;
241 North Liberty
Upstairs Portland General Ceetrtc
Co Otnco pen Saturday only
10 am to 1 pjn4 to t P n Coo
culta tion Blood pressur and artne
tests ore free ox cnarg. nwu
since I3li
P M.
: J Popular Mean io
; g-30 Cortalnralsee
?4 Dour, 2 of 3 Falls
Gen. Adm. 75c
Tax Inc.
Academy Q
Added to Tuesday Mat Card
lightlies vies. Tabbed as a nasty
heel in the rasslers ; brochure,
MTigerM has been matched with
Walter 'Sneesle' Aehm, the Ju
Jitsuing Chinaman who always
manages to wow: the customers
when he gives off with Jus color-.
fnl stuff here. "Sneexie' wl
give away 10 pounds In the 30
mlnnte two-of -three-falls brawl,
but hell no doubt attempt to
offset same with his nerve-finding
pet holds. If "Tiger" ts tick
lish he's in for a bad debut.
Burly Buck Davidson, the
mustachioed villain who bashed
with Bulldog Jackson In the tl
tanle of last week,' comes back
to waits off the 80 opener
with Tex Hagcr. Ornery David
son, already assured a return
match with Jackson, intends
Faces Beavers
; ii (
AL MAR, former Whitman eager
' new with Washington's Huskies,
will be at guard when Washlng-
ton plays Oregon State at Cor
; vallls Monday and Tuesday. :
Montreal Wins
; - MONTREAL . Jan. 22-()-The
Montreal Canadians strengthened
their lead on first place in the Na
tional Hockey league tonight by
whipipng the Boston Bruins, 6-2,
in th first of a weekend double
Have Trndr Tires
ilncrica Dolls Along io Viclory
VLI0 -SaHH!iSclHG LJG3GS7- ;
lit is absolutely. essential 5that yon take the vey best pos
sible care o the tires you have now! Observe the volun
tary: tire conservation measures recommended by our
government and have your tires recapped as soon as jthe
non4kid pattern has worn off. If you wait too long, a!
lot of extra mileage may be lost. Let us check your tires:
at regular intervals, to be sure they are recapped when
ever necessary. You Can depend on our experts to help
you keep your tires in perfect repair . . . with essential i
recapping! - -
L c)
c . jr . .
merely marking time against
TjjLger. The Creswell flash has
Intentions, of his own, however,
so take your pick. '
Both preliminaries of course
leading to the expected knock-
; down drag -out main event f ea-
.turing Coast Champion Paavo
"Sing Kong" Katonen and Leo
"Steenke" 1 Karlinko. Tuesday
marks Katonen's ; local ; debut,
too, he being the Finnish mus
cler who flopped, Georgie Wag
ner for 'the title in 'California
recently. -
Stacking up as one of the
better bleep bees of the season,
Owen announces ducats may be
purchased Monday . afternoon
and 'Tuesday at either Maple's
sports store or at the Pfoneer
club. ? j-
Vandals Whip
Cougars Again
I : PULLMAN, :. Waslu, Jan. 22-JF)
The University of Idaho tram
pled Washington State college for
the third time tonight 51 to 45 to
become serious contender for the
northern I division 1 Pacific Coast
conference basketball title. Idaho
- already had a 29 to 20 lead at
halftime. ,1 r'
. Idaho Jumped to
. lead at the outset
an S to t
and never
lost It I The best threat" the
Cougars could muster came in
the : second I half ' when - they
closed the gap to 44 to 42.
.' Len Pyne led Idaho scoring
with 15 but as in the previous
night's game, Idaho tallies were
well distributed.' Tom Collins
counted 13 and Jay Gano 12. J
.. Mort Joslin . flipped in 15 for
Washington State ; to share scor
ing honors with Pyne." V J
- Gift tosses decided the game
sinee the i losers claimed four
more baskets than Idaho's IS.
Idaho counted 19 points en free
throws while missing only six,
as Washington SUte hit for on
ly 5 points and missed 1L
Pyne started the game's scor
ing with a free throw in the first
two seconds - and Tom Collins.
Dale Ablin and Jay Gano follow
. (Continued on page 13) -
BccapFcd . . . To Ilalre Sure They Lasl!
ii v.! w . i wT.
Eea F, Erown, Mgr.-
S. C:'I.
I'bzzo Clwj
Salem, Ore. .
37-32; GIs Win 44-39
-' Only a faithful few turned up
for Willamette university's Infan
tile paralysis benefit basketball
maratnoner xasi mEni. manss to
too many other things brewing
the village! and including the
weather, but those who did show
saw two corking games as the
Navycats swept over , Tillamook
Naval Air Station's talkative gobs,
37-32, in the opener, then drop
ped a 44-39 nod to U of Oregon's
Armyducks 'in the nightcap. To
start things! off. Coach Lew Car
roU's Frosh tipped Independence
high's hoopsters 25-22 in the cur
tain raiser, j
Although it cant possibly be
much because of jthe scarcity , of
customers, net receipts will be
turned intolthe fund first of the
week. - , j .
Using ; practically his whole
team the first game, 11 men to be
exact Coach . Duke Trotter s
speedsters had to come from be
hind to down the clever ball
handling Airmen. Tillamook led
at naiiume Z3-is. Dut tne 'cats
caueht 'em "at 24-24 with sev
minutes elapsed i in the second
half. From there it was all Wil
lamette as the Trotter "decker"
system took ; the toll on the tiring
and loquacious air gobs. .
So spread was the Willamette
scoring that Frank's six led the
'Cats. Walsh of the visitors can
ned 12 for high honors.
The second game started out at
a terriiic pace witn coin teams
beating such; a tempo at the buck
ets the clients were dumfounded.
It was tied at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 14
before Bill Stroud hit one from
the side and Moylan shoved true
a gifter to, make it 18-15 for Wil
lamette with only 10 minutes
played. ' j (
More see-sawing right up to the
(Continued on page 13)
Capital Post
Take Notice!
PORTLAND. Jan. 22-W)
The Ameirean Legion hope to
increase Junior baseball entries
to 122. this sew- compared to
14 last rvmr.-":- - ",.? ..: "v --
J. Earl Stanley, Portland po
lice captain and new state com
missioner of Junior - baseball,
said he would launch a cam
paign to have all Legion posts
sponsor a team this summer.
On Decappcd Tires!
Wm ''
I : ? I
r W mm . Mi, J