The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 01, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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Announcement : was m ad
Thursday-at the homeoi Bey.
aad Mrs. W. A. Gueffroy of the
. ': engagement s of their daughter,1
. . Carmen Ixnrise, to Mr. Jerry A.1
. ; Nelson of. Seattle. V , -,
, , As ; the suesta arrived Mrs.'
. Carmen . Jenniron .handed them
. a blue and' gold announcement
f symbolic of., the "navy, contain-
ing .snapshots of. the engaged
....... r . r ..- :"' , f-
:. The, evening was spent infor
.. , maDy l and . refreshments were
, served to the following guests:
Mrs- Carmen - Jenhison, Mrs.
William Smith, Mrs. Jim Cal
loway Mrs. L. B. Schmidt, Mrs.
: Ruth Lear, Mrs. Les Carson,
Miss Edith Fanning, Miss Tillie
Gillis, Miss Lorraine Meusey,
Miss Mary Barfy, the hostess,
Mrs. W, A. Gueffroy and Miss
Carmen. Gueftfoy.
Miss Guefroy attended the
Oregon CoUege of Education and
received. 'her - degree from the
V : Univenrfty of Washington. She
is-now teaching music in the Se
attle public schools; but was for
merly a member of the Salem
public school staff.
f Mr. Nelson, also a graduate
of the University of Washing
ton, is in naval officers"training
there. He was employed by
Lauck's Chemical Laboratories
before entering the service.
The marriage will take place
when Mr. Nelson receives his
commission as an ensign in the
Lebold Mow
. Mrs. Arnold
Miss Agnes Lebold, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J., B. Lebold,
and Mr. Arthur Arnold, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Arnold, were
married at an afternoon cere
J mony on Sunday, December 26,
a St. Joseph's Catholic church.
Father McDonnell officiated at
the 2 o'clock rites.
The altar was decorated with 1
poinsettias and-chrysanthemums.
Mrs. Raymond Barton played
the wedding march.
Mr. Lebold gave his daughter
in marriage and she wore a gold
wool afternoon dress and a cor
sage of gardenias and violets.
" She wore a pearl necklace, a
gift of the groom, f
Mi-a.iL.--C. Hanel of Portland,
sister of the bride wore a wine
gabardine suit and corsage of
carnations. Mr. N. J. Arnold was
best man for his brother. Imme
diately after the ceremony . the
couple left for a. short wedding
' trip.
The Trinity Circle club met
with Mrs. Eily Brice last Thurs
day. Mrs. Ben Winters was a
guest. She will leave next week
for her home in Aberdeen.
Those present were Mrs. Clara
Bink, Mrs. Emma Otto and chil
dren, Mrs. Martha Sealey. Mrs.
Ben Winter, Mrs. Laura Strode
and daughters, and Mrs. Erl'y
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilkey,
Tommy, Johnnie and Lorrene
were in Salem at. the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
nard Gilkey, over the holidays.
Mr. Harold Gilkey is a high
school teacher at Longyiew,
Washington. Also at the home
of the Gilkeys for part of the
holidays were their son-in-law
- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry . Stewart of Portland.
Rugs to Make
i . - ' f r
, - A profitable way to relax and
. have fun ... make scatter rugs .
to brighten your home .'. . by
your favorite handicraft'. . ; cro-'
. K.4ffi " Mvln ' hinVln
1-71" . ' .T
uiuuiuj.'. xvnruuw uutv
tlcns for all kinds! , Instructions
C"t contain complete directions'
f cr 0 rus; necessary charts; pat
tern pieces. ....
find ELrt:., CENTS in eofni for
f is r'tem to tiie Oregon States-..
.j ieciecraft r-"t. i.alem. Oro.,
rito risinly PATlr N NUMH?,H.
Jour 'NAilz and AXLi.-.i3.
fW 1 C5A : : .
II w. x jro . : iminT1 ! ii
ir::i-; ;-f"i K'i-'ll
Christening services were held
on "the' Sunday after" Christmas
tqr Thomas Charles LIvesley,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas De
Beck Livesley. The christening
was held at the home of the lit
tle boy's grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Livesley, on Fair
mount hilL
Rev. George ,H. Swift officiat-.
ed at the 2 o'clock services and
an Informal reception followed.
Thomas Charles godfathers
are Mr. Charles Kay Bishop of
Portland, . for : whom he was
named, and Mr. Robert HerraU.
His aunt, Mrs. Conrad W. Paul
usj is the godmother.
;Mr. and Mrs. Bishop came,
down from Portland ior the oc
casion as did Miss Patricia
Livesley. Thomas Charles oth
er grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Foster of Vancouver,
Moons Celebrate
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Moon
celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary at an open house ,
Tuesday afternoon and evening.
Their only daughter, Mrs. E. A.
Hathaway, came from San Diego,
Calif., for the occasion and re
ceived with her parents.
Assisting in the dining room
were Mrs. F. R. Clark, Mrs. W.
E. - Knower, Mrs. Fred Gibson,
Mrs. Charles Unruh, Mrs. Carl
Miller and Miss Grave Robin
son. A wedding cake centered
the serving table and bouquets
-of yellow roses and chrysanthe
mums were arranged about the
rooms. .
Calline to congratulate the
Moons were Mr. and Mrs. F. R.
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McDowell,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McKinney,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Childers, who
attended the Moon wedding and
recently celebrated their own
golden anniversary, Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Densmore, sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McDowell, I Mr. and Mrs. Will
-Knower. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
- Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hutch
ins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unruh,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Windsor, Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Williams, Mr. and
Airs. Clair Wilkes, Mrs. Anna
Robins, Mrs. J. W. Robertson,
Mrs.. J. C Tibbetts, Miss Grace
Robertson, Mrs. L. D. , Gibson,
Mrs. E. S. Carter, Hugh Harris,
Patty Tanner, Elmer Tanner,
Mrs. Vivian Hoening, Mrs. Vera
Seamster, Mrs. Ora Potter, Mrs.
Eddie Denser, Mrs. Alice Piper,
Mrs. L. F. HilL Mrs. Carl Miller,
Mrs. Mae McDowell, Mrs. Leona
Johnson, Percy C. Robins, Caro
line Grabenhorst, ,Mrs. Hattie
Looney, Mrs. Tony Georgie, Miss
Lyle Looney, Dr. Frank Brown,
Mrs.. Robinson and Mrs. E. A.
Hathaway. ,
: 1 to 4 Woman's Relief Corps.'
4 to 7 Free Lancers, Mrs. Vernon
Perry in charge. l
- 7 to 11 Busmen and Professional
Women. - -
- t to 11 Daughters of St. Elizabeth.
11 to 1 Maccabees. '!
: 1 to 4 Royal Neighbors.
4 to 7 Portal clerks' auxiliary.
1 to 11 Junior Woman
s dub.-
Tint Presbyterian church.
' suvenon group.
- Junior; guild,. St. Paul's Episcopal
' Hollywood Llona club auxiliary.
, First CongregaUonal .church.
I to 4 Knight Memorial laurel
guild. -
i 4 to 1 American Legion auxiliary.
. 1 to 11 Navy; Mother club. .
-- food '-.
' Canned Goods Oreen stamps D. B
ana r good through January 20' sor
proctaoaa fruits ami vegeUbles. jam
and jelly. . , -w -... u
- Meat, cheese, canned fish and edi'.
bto tata Brown stamps X, M, N.
P and Q good through today.- Stamps
X and S good from January a.
Sugar Stamp IS in book e good
for S pounds until January IS.
Stamp No. It, booh one. good tn
defcniuly. Airplane stamp No. 1 valid
OW. ,.-; , ,
Book A coupons No. bow good
for threo gallons each.
- - -, rcax on. -
Period 1 counona in new fuel oil
rations valid through January a Cou-
rPOM With Call
wun gallonaso nrinted on the
Ud tor amount indicated u:
vm expiration cat snowat on coupon
Cars with C ration books Atst have
cres mspscted every a months; B
books every 4 months: A books every
months. Commercial motor - o-
tileloa are inspections every
an on the or every boo mios. t
- stoves
purchaser must get certificate at
ration board for new stoves, v. -
ruel deaiera. deliver by. priorities
baaed on needs. .
. ' ', "
DAK. with - Mrs.
lin, 2 i
' ! i :
RuaseHi Cat-
Evening Mayflower guild. First
Congregational church,' with Mrs.
David 'Nielsen, 715 North Capitol
street, S p.m.-
American Legion auxiliary. Wo
man's club. house .at 8 p.m. ;
Wesley att- Service' guild, cover
ed dish supper. JO p.m. at S.
Raynor SnuUi home, 80 Jeffer
son street. ' !
Daughter of Nile, all day sew
ing meeting, 12 luncheon
TUESDAY , -' : ' i ' :
North Salem WCTU. with Mrs.
George Pro, 1915 Maple avenue.
2 pjn. I- ' i ' -!
American War Mothers, all day
meeting USO, business meeting
at 2 p.m.
' : i 1 1
PEP club,. Blue Bird.! Pm- !
Mrs.: Ellis!;
Is Siipiber
. Mrs. Dean Ellis was hostess
for a holiday buffet supper In
compliment to a group of Xriends
Wednesday night at her home on
East Lefelle street ; f . j i
The serving table was cen
tered with an arrangement of
silvered leaves, pine cones and
balls flanked by blue candles.
The evening hours were spent
informally I;
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Wendell Wyatt, Mrs. Roger Ky
Putnam, Mrs. John Mavin
Ritchie, Mrs. Richard jNelson,
Mrs. Frank Hunt, Mrs. j Harold
Keir, Mrs. William Bush, Mrs.
Roger Kellogg and Mrs. Dean
Ellis. : '
Today's Menu
We've planned to have stuffed
pork shoulder for Sunday's din
ner menu, and we'll have hot
pork sandwiches for Monday. I
Cranberry salad j J -Baked
chicken with
Celery almond stuffing
Baked sweet and Irish potatoes
; Buttered broccoli
Pumpkin pie
Apple stuffed pork shqulder
Breaded tomatoes! f
Whipped potatoes!
Relishes, olives
Ice cream ,
; Cake , ;
Large fruit salad
Hot pork sandwiches
Hot gravy , 1
Buttered potatoes
Buttered carrots j
Mince pie turnovers
6 slices white bread
2 tablespoons milk
4 teaspoon salt '
2 tablespoons butter or sub
H cup chopped celery
1 teaspoon chopped parsley j
i pinch marjoram
1 tablespoon lime juice - j
2 tablespoons almonds,! split
Trim crusts from bread and
pull into soft crumbs. Add milk.
and mash thoroughly With 1 a
fork. Add seasonings. Melt butter
in a skilleiand fry celery lightly
until softened; but not browned.
Add to bread mixture with par
sley, marjoram, ! lime juice and
almonds. j .
- -W ' - - -.1 ;
' '"!'.':
'45-lb.fpork shoulder
.. 4 tablespoons chopped salt i '
!4 cup minced onions
lb cup diced celery f i i
" v 3" cups Cubed bread I" '
1 cup cubed peeled apples . ;
. ,44 teaspoon salt !- - U
4 teaspoon pepperi . j ? . 4
- J,4 teaspoon poultry seasoning
" H teaspoon sage , - i ,
- j-V teaspoon . thyme or j i 1 '
marjoram . . ; C
, " J . tablespoons melted butter 1
i X or substitute ' t L
Hava bone removed from the
shoulder. Stuff, sew up cavity
with thread or close with metal
skewers. Sprinkle with. ; 1 k tea
spoon salt and M, teaspoon pap
rika. Kaca on rack (stuffed side
,,P) in roaster and bake 3 hours
in moderately slow oven 300).
? Baste every 20 minutes. Make
gravy from; drippings in roast-
ing pan. - ,vi j." r - J
X: Make Uie smffing this i way:
Heat salt pork in frying pan, add
and ; simmer 10 minutes,: onions
and celerjr. Stir with. fork. Add
bread, apples ? and seasonings.
Blend ' and lightly place in Ithe
cavity in the pork
Church Has
;3fethodisi .Celebrate
Acquisition of' Three :
Institute Grounds j -.
iThe First Methodist church will
celebrate the completion cf. the
-campaign -for money for the Ore
gon Conference Institute grounds
at -Twin Rocks f on the ocean'at
Buttle- Lake' In Central- Oregon
and t at little River in "southern
- jThe full amount in: cash - has
been raised and. 80 acres at Twin
Rocks purchased, with three; quar
ters of a mile ocean frontage on
one side and on the other a love-:
ly fresh water lake owned by the
conference. In addition, the com
mission has obtanied .two: S5000
cash gifts and one $10,000 in
heritance I gift , on the . building of
permanent property at .th close
of the war. . xX 4-4
' Sunday, evening i Prji. Ed
gar Purdy will show moving pic
tures of .the -grounds and sum
mer ' camps, a 30 minute film.
Rev. Paul Jaquith will lead the
devotions an Mary Margaret
Liyesay will lead the Youth Fel
lowship young people who. were
at the institute the last several
summers in j special institute
songs. ' - ' : ;
:Dr. J. -C. Harrison will have
for his sermon ! subject '"Religion
in I Terms of Life" at . the mor-
nmg service; ! " I
Church Services in Salem
BKTHEL. BAPTIST " - " !j - '
North Cottaae at D street. J. F.
Olthoff. DD. paator . -Sunday school :4S
aon. Morning . service 11 o'clock". .Ser
mon subject.- A Burning and ! Shining
Utht." Observance of th Lord's Sup
per. Fellow ah tp lunch at noon. . An
nual church meeting at lao p.m. Prayer
meetings Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs
day evenings at T.9.
South Liberty and Miller streets. Ed
ward L. Allen, pastor. Sunday school
9:43 a.m. . Morning . service 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject. - Faith of God." Even
ing service 191 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "A Plea fori Life." :
' ! ! ; ! 1 . i i i
Marion and Liberty street.: Irving A.
Fox. DD. pastor., Sunday- school 9:45
a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject,- "The Gospel t the Gen
tiles." Communion and reception tt
new members. Evening service 7 JO
o'clock. Sermon i subject, "What to
Look for in 1944."
Corner of Hazel ' and i Academy
streets. Warren C Hale, pastor. Sun
day school 10 a.m. Frederick Lehmann,
Supt. Morning service 11 oclock. Ser
mon subject, -My Desire for 1844."
Young peoples meeting at 7 p.m. Ev
ening service T JO 1 o'clock, i Prayer
meeting on Wednesday at 1:30 ipjn.
North 17th and i Nebraska avenue. J.
M. 1 Goodheart. pastor. Sunday school
S:4S a.m. Morning service 11 -o'clock.
Sermon subject, "The Christian's Re
cipe for a .'Hopeful Outlook." Young
People's CE at (:30 pjm. Evening serv
ice 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Faith
for Another Year." Following the ev
ening service, the Official board will
meet at 8 JO p.m.
1155 Mission street. Firman B. Keno
yer, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning service 11 o'clock. UBCE 8:30
p.m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Mid
week prayer meeting 7 JO p.m. Thurs-
dT ; f !
17th at Court street. W. H. Lyman,
pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing service 10:90 o clock, sermon sub
ject by guest speaker, Grace Farnham.
Annual meeting of the church at 2 pm.
Christian Endeavor (hour 6:15 pan. Ev
ening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "All Things New." Church night
program Thursday 6:30 p.m.
Corner Center and High streets. Dud
ley Strain, pastor. Sunday school 9:45
a.m. Morning service 10:50 o clock. Ser
mon subject. "Anything Can Happen.'
Evening service 17 JO; o'clock. Sermon
subject, "The ; Gospel of New Begin
nings. -
Cottage and Shipping streets. Joseph
Sherman, evangelist. Bible study 10
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. "The Test." Evening serv
ice 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Fear
God." Radio broadcast Sunday. 2:1s
3:45 p.m.. Sermon topic, ?The Way of
Life and tne way ox ueatn.
i Marion and Cottage streets. David
Nielsen, pastor, i Sunday) school, 9:4
a jn. Morning service 111 o'clock.' Ser
mon subject, - "Strengtnened : nanus,
fl do o'clock, league of youth meeting.
' Comer Marion and Summer streets.
Rev. J. Kenneth- Wianartj pastor. . Sun
day school :4S a.m. R. H. Ermel. Supt.
Morning service 11 o'clock. Rev. W. C.
Graves will be the guest speaker. Youth
groups will meet at Sa5. Evening serv
ice 7:30 o'clock; Rev. Herbert An
derson and a group, of serriee men
from the- Service Men's Center will
have charge of the evening service.
Prayer-and Bible hour -Thursday ev
ening at 7:30. There -WIU Mm organ
concert at 7:15 Sunday evening by Wm.
Fawk. - - . -i 'j
i South Commercial . at Washington
streets, Mrs. John J. Trachsel. pas
tor. Sunday school 19 ajn. i Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Ye
Must Be Born Again." Evening serv
ice 7 JO o'clock. Sermon subject. "For
Me to Live Is Christ." Monthly church
fellowship supper January 6th. ,.
-j North Church at Highland avenue.
Herman H. Macy. pastor. Sunday school
10: mjth.- Morning - service 11 o'clock.
Youth groups - meet at tM- Evening
service 7 JO o'clock. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening at '7 JO. X'Z .
' ' ': j - j-- V
S43 N. Church street. VL A. Getzen
daner. DD.-pastor. .Sunday school-:4S
ajn Morning service 11 o'clock. Holy
communion. Luther league 7 pm. Ev
ening service S o'clock. Holy commun
ion. ..j ,-Xr. if ' "'.T
State street at -ISth. W. ' BL Thauer.
BD. pastor. Sunday school 9:43 ajn.
Morning service -. 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "Planning for the New Year
witn uoo." caurch council. Jan. a,
7 JO pjn. ,.
Corner ef State and Church streets.
Dr. J. C. Harrison, nastsr. church
achool 9:45 ajn. Morning worship 10 JO
o'clock. Sermon subject. "Religion on
enns witn ui. . Kventng service at
7. -43 o'clock. Youth service with nle.
turea of imrtitutas. . Youth feUowahips
meet at S JO and University vespers
at tM. ; . ; i: . .-
North Winter at Jefferson. S. Raynor
oirum. pasxor. sunoay acnooi S.-43 ajn.
Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "A Line to Cod." Evening serv
ice 7 JO O'clock. , Sermon : aub1a4
TPrayer as a Reconritment, Youth,
teuowship groups J0. Rev. Ray K.
Short, mikw . a
Oregon. Saturday M ornkg. January lilf
New Pastor
Rev. J. M. Geodheart, wtie arrlv-
ed I in mid-November to
ever the work as paster of the
w . v. It
church, U actively prmnetuig at
young people's program for the
w . . , Am
eborch. Approval ef a three-
fold program which has already
beea OKed by the Saaday school
eeuacil will be !! soasht at a
euro meeting aaaoay
aigat. Chester Goodman, rorm-
er vaster ef the charch and now
ahraleal director at lha VMCA.I
and Mrs. William Pere wiU as-
slat with the young- people's are
gram as planned.
South Commercial at Myers streets.
Joseph Knotta, pastor, Sunday school
9:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject, "Provident in Things
Spiritual." Youth groups at S:30 pjn.
Evenine aervico 7 -M o'elortr TnKl1-
tion of officers of the WSCS and Wes-1
ley an guild. Theme, "The Fidelity of
jesus. rrayer meeting 'Thursday at
i :ov p.m.
15th and Mill streets. Lowell Gil
ger. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning service 11 o'clock.; WYPS S:45
pjn. Evening service 7 JO o'clock. Mid
week prayer meeting Wednesday, S
Chemeketa at Winter streets. W. Ir
vin Williams, pastor. Sunday school
9:49 a.m. Morning service 10:35 oxlock.
L.ommunion meditation by pastor. Ser
mon subject. "Fellow-Citizens With
Ure Saints." Evening service 7 JO
o'clock. Sermon subject. "It Pays to
niKcnat. xnursoay, i .M p.m.. mid'
week service; The book of Jude.
capitol and Marion streets. X. A.
Kielsmeier. pastor. Sunday school 10
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon suoject, uoa s rromise."
mie Smith, minister. Sundav aenooi ia
Corner ISth iiul XmUm mtrmtm t:
a.m. Morning service ii o'clock. 11 M5.
communion. Evening service :30, song
Wi9 M1TJCM aUreet. HV. Shtnnin I
ae . I
Moore, ,stor.. Sunday school 8 :45 aim.
Z'l-M oioci: Rev. Hoy Morgan I
IfAratMat eawaliu -
wui oc preacning every night, January
2 through 16.
24S North Commercial. Services 1:30
ana i.jv pjn. orcle at S. Speaker, Rev.
maxwa nooena ox oruana.
aTltfTBar,ACV AT V tBiPliAttB snt
455 Ferrv street, ia s,,..
pschooi. ii a.m.. morning worship. s:30 1
evangel nrZXcn Y: P.m WedJ
nesday. prayer service. 7:30 p.m.. Sat-
urday. mission service. G. M. Eads.
i I
Corner North Summer and Hood
streets, G. T. Dickinson, pastor. Sab-
bato school :30 a m. Satu Vdav Mornin
leVTic. u; 'ociock: Sern? bjet
1944 in Preview
a-ia ?r
3i?.t yr
meeting Saturday,
meeting Wednesday, 7 JO pjn.
il l ll lfm
7Cr r tt ... I
pastor. SundaTlchool t :45 a!m. M.'
HaverUnd. sunt. uamiiK MnH n
upt Morning service 11
munion service. Sermon
Hew Year's Determine-
young people's service
o cioca-. : communion
subject. A
tion." . Junior
SJ0 pjn. Evening service 7 JO o'clock.
Sermon subject, "What Will the 1944
Harvest Be?" Wednesday, 7 JO pjn.,
prayer and Bible study. j
Ferry and 13th streets. Erie M. John
son, pastor. Sunday-school 9:48 ajn.
Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "Jesus Among His . Friends.
JO. pm, young people's meeting-. Bi
ble students in charge. Evening serv
ice 7:49 o'clock. Old time revival meet
S S:?
osx ana jnre. -Saturday. I
ing; sermon
the Holy Ghost
January. I. all day prayer meeting. De-
vouonai penoa Begins jg ajn.
19th and Breyman streets. Dr. T. w.
Henderson, pastor. Sunday school 9:451
ta eunia, A l . a. . W - a
ajn. Morning service
ice 11 o'clock. Ser-1
mon subject, -how to Have a Sua
ful New Year." Evening service 7:45
o'clock. Sermon subject, "The 'Great
Passage." 5 JO p.m-, . radio 1 KSLM.
-Heart Trouble.- jo o.m- crusaders.
xuesoay. p.m.. inspirational serv
ice. Thursday, 7:43 pjn Bible study.
1410 Madison street Ray M. Blix-
seth. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morn in e serviea 11 n'rlork Kmnirw I
serviee SoVclock. Elder Hayden E. Kel-
v,, ipcwcr, iuuiwvi Bioif siuay, aiones. pasror. unoay acnooi w:w ajn;
pjn. . ' I Morning service 11 o'clock. B. N. Hicks. I
ialai tun aaa z - I
241. SUte street. Major F. P. Stev-I
enav nastor. Sundav achool 10 a m I
Momukg service 11 - o'clock. . Evening I
service 7 JO o'clock. Younar Moole'a 1
service 9 p.m. Youth night rally Friday, I
4 JQ to 9 pjn.
-" ' : ;
nT t:nuait;Bi ur uvu .; - i
Cottage and Hood streets. Rev. ! H. I
A. Schlatter, pastor. Sunday achool 9:4A I
Sermon subject, "When Will Jesus Be-
come King?" Evening service 7:11, unl-1
tied service, sermon subject l -pjnl
ReaponsibiJUty or Man." .. .:- -: " I
. Chemeketa and Liberty streets.- Sua-1
day school 11 AJn. Servicea 11 ajn. aad I
g pjn. sermon suoject. -uoo.- wed-
: First Evemejelicol CnurchrurlaT, 7:15 P. I-L
-Prolocue . and Choral ' ,,,'. ,.,;., , Ferfgrlein .
.'Water Music - , X,,
' The Lasf Chord I
I. EennaCi . VsTshart-il-star ,
Service rListed
Presbyterian Qiurca
. ' Distribntes Card to 1
-Cheek Blembenhip .
Communion' will be celebrated
at First "Presbyterian" church , at
the 11 . o'clock .hour.: Communion
cards , have been mailed to I all
members - during the week, and
are to be placed on :the ffexing
plate , Sunday, morning in order
that - an attendance - record may
be made of active" members 'par-
-The pastor, Rev. W, Irvmi Wil
liams will conduct and present
the communion meditation entit
led Tellow i- citizens .with the
Saints.". The morning "anthem is
"God So Loved the World" (Stai
ner). and the solo "He Was
1 Alone" - (Paxson) . sung by. Vir-
l crlnta TXTomrt tniJ I
At the evening hour. Mr. Wil
;Pt; tnem
iays to Advertise." xne sen -
ior choi, octette will sing -My
Sheep Hear My Voice" (Rogers).
Between 40 and 50 wiU be re-
ceived into the membership of
i"lth church at the morninc ser.
s v a.c naaa m ww m v mo
Bhouj,! pian to meet with the
m-is SunHiv: mnminWl
immediatelY nrecedinc the ser-
vice- Th communion is adminis
tered to ail Christians wno are
members of the evangelical faith
regardless of denominational af
filiation. I ; .
Guest Speakers
Will Be Heard
First Evangelical church will
have two guest speakers Sunday.
Rev. W. C Graves will be the
speaker at 11 o'clock and Rev.
Herbert ! Anderson, superintend-
ent of the Christian Service Men's
center and a group of service men
I will have charge of the evangel-1
ftie .rvice at tdanL
William Fawk, . organist, wiU
at 7:15 o'clock presenting the fol-1
lowing numbers: "Introduction
Choral, Federlein; "Contempla
tion", Spencer; "Water Music,
Handel; rrhe Lost Chord" (by
request). Sullivan.
Sermon Series
Is Announced
Rev. Ray E. Short, the minis
ter of youth at the Jason Lee
Methodist church will begin a ser-
I ies of four sermons on "The Four
Fold Purpose of Prayer" Sunday
i ' I
M . ies Will be
i "Prayer As a Commitment"
rpa.. Mnm a e tartll rll Ihia Va
jvuw uwu wu muko wi
the recent illness Of the pastor.
Rev- S. Raynor Smith, Mr. Short I
Will 8JSO preacn JMinaay morn-
ing on "A Line to God".
On New Years day a
no-host I
fellowship basket dinner will be
served in the church dining rooms I
at one o'clock as has been the cus-
tom for many i years, to welcome
especially families new in the
community. j i
: : I
J . .' 4! . ,.. I
nClUa VV9ZgaUlf Uavvtusg ea., sj juviuuva I
testimonies ot neaiing. aeaamg roomijem, she returned to the United
at 148 South High street. . . erat-W ri.Ki-. cJ..J.
free Methodist :
Market and North Winter streets, J. I
R- Stewart, pastor. Sunday school 9:43
horning service ".f'ciocfc str-
o'clock. Rev. Mrs. P. J. Griffith, guest
'"yj I
'Nortti ConUlrtxjet G
MBacon. pastor. Sunday school X pjn.
Vjr",Bm evenine rv-
Uff n J3 xhlTv
VSJfcTl7' ThUdT
and Saturday at f .-45 pjn. , , ,
MENNONITE brethren
1123 Elm -street. West Salem. Sunday
school 9:49 ajn. Morning service 10:49.
Message: The untroooen a-atn ana i
the GuMing Hand." Young people 's I
feUowahip fas njn. Evening service
7:45. . - -
truth center J
263 m High street.' Olive Stevens. I
mio, - pasxor. asorning service ie:ea.
hnuiii tiiMwl -A Maw WnrM nnlw -
, i m ., ,-.-'-..,.;!-.. . i f
. -v . n I
Aher, pastoiv Sunday school isajn.
Uornlnf: service 11 o'clock. Praverl
meeting jWednesday. 9 p.m.
: - . -
. .' - v- r --:----
Qi Ivvrawf n
ma v ta iwu
Park and First streets. Russell My-1
ers, pastor: Sunday ' senoot s:a. aau. i
Year. -Evening f service 7 JO - o'clock.
Sermon Imbjcct, "The Open Sea of
Mam and Fit ke streets. O. Leonard J
Deaaer. Jbvemna service e o ctoca
young atquits.
niUAWltn. I.trTHEBlAM
North Church street. -8.' L." Almlie.
nutnr. Sundav: school 10 ajn. Mornina
service 11 o'clock. Sermon : subject. !
iMan Piuposes, God Dispises. . cven-i
ting service 739 e'clock. Luther fellow-!
ship. r- w
-, .;'
Sunday school S:4y ajn. Morning eerv-1
lee -11 o'clock. Semen suhject, Cod j
Cares sor His Own. .,".. x ' .
.s . . s - f . t-
.Second and.. 8 streets, M. J. K. Fuhr.
pastor; - Sunday school IS sun. Morning
serviee 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "If i
We Confess Our Sins." Evening eerv-1
ice 70S o'clock, ay, mtner league. ,
') . ' '
- "; f - "
Conducts Revival
I Rev.
Rov E Blorraa. -Ventnra,
Cmllf ' evaJirelist, will . conduct
a. revival at the rilrrim Hon
ness ehnreh, January 2 U 19.
He was the speaker afthe ier-
jrlces ia Anlaaby park last sum
i t-.t - -r . s T
Npw, Ifi
aPl,,-,!. jTlinma
V-tliltA Vll XAVaaay
I Nw Year's Sunday at the First
- - - . . -
Christian churchrwill be observed
with appropriate messages in
sermon and song, and with ser
vices of worship designed to
stimulate a new beginning In
Christian character i development.
Rev. Dudley Strain will begin
a new series of sermons i based
on the Gospels, with his sermon
this week entitle "Anything May
Happen." XI -. --: " X X--XX
Tne music will include a violin
solo by. Pf c; Sain Warsanger " of
the 104 th h cavalry band. "Ave
J Maria." try Bach - Gounod. Pfc,
Warsanger - is a concert artist.
having played regularly with tne
Detroit Pbilharniohic - 7 orchestra
over naticttwide hook. - up. In
addition, the choir will sina as
an anthem, ."Teach Me 1 to Pray"
h L , I
' v,w. eti k- X&t
will take the communion to those
- .
membera of the; church -who . are
shut-ins during the afternoon,' and
will conclude, with" a combined
executive meeting of the crusad
er and high school groups. Rev.
Strain will preach on "The Gos
pel of New Beginnings' in the
evening. . Fred I Bates, baritone,
will be the soloist In addition
the choir will sang fPrayer ; Per
fect" by Stenson.
At the church night service,
held each Wednesday from. 6:30
until 8, a new series of studies
centering upon ithe theme "The
XT e CT Tli v w
Church" Will ' b begun by Rev.
KT r" rrrT:
I w .
W ;uv-Uou.
War Picture
r I V. I-C a ' iwrM !
" R-p V CjLI.;
Miss Grace Farnham, mission-
ary in Tokyo, will speak Sunday
morning at the Court J Street
Christian . church. Miss Farnham
has lust recntlv irriH Im s,.
- 9 - - - - v . wa
morning she will tell of her ex-
nriniM .t. t.-
-"-"v -apan, m
Internment camp and of her three
mile trip home.
One Red Cross letter and one
"bl were the only conUcts she
two years in Japan. Miss Farn
ham says and her message Sun
day morning will give an inside
picture of wartime Japan and
Christian work done there, v
The annual meeting of Court
Street' Christian church will be
nell Sundav aftemiwi at 1
mmJ,'t . .
lo acconling to announcement
by- W H.-Lyman,"minIster. iTte
membership and friends of the
church Will have a basket din.
reports of the year's accomplish-
SSiSf f r VOU
aeDUtmeiiti ef the ehnrphThnivh
officers will be elected and plans
- j i .
i r " vvuuua jcftl.
innnTBn Tm-w rnm- mvmm.h
Valloy Churches
Brush CoUeee school. nw v.rl n..
ker, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 ajn.
uriuni service jo:a o clock. Young
JBAPTIST .,..:u -- o-
nayevvuie acnooi, Sunday school 9:43
ajn. Dewey -Davis. Supt. v
" - rv- - - ;.
East State and JElma streetaj Sunday
" muu. oa iunners. sunt.
To keep this, great, wonderful land . cf cur
our wish for (his New Year Cave.
. fight and buy -War Bonds", so v'li all-real-r
tea- fliat wish mora ouicklyl : -. : -
Family Gu
E. B: Gobat of Dallas visited . thai
R E. Prather home last week. .
' GuyiPratherpentChtmss.
with his parents, Mr,.. nd Mrs. R.
E.. Prather. --J. t
. CpL Marvin J or a on xrom r
Lake; Califs enjoyed .Christoas
dinner with parents Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Jordon. His sister and,
: - - -- m -r n-rl ralr
hnchind: Mr. sua j-
ley. of Brownsville,;, were also
present 'XXt V iX'-v 'XX- X. i '
Sgt Clair Milhouser was , f
from California for Christmas with
MtV and Mrsv' JatkT Sullivan or ,
Mrs. Sullivan's parents, , Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Prather;- Mr. Sullivan
is ouite ill with flu. . i
: Mr. and - Mrs. Leland Prather i
-i . ... . ., -iv,,
entertained witn a lanuiy
rnas dinner on Christmas day at
their horned Those enjoying tha
ft were Mrs. Bonnie Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Embree, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Paul Doty of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman i Runkle, of Sher
wood, Mr; and Mrs. G. J. liuDen
thal '-and daughter Jo Ann of Dal-.
la-. Mr. and Mrs. Nerval Embree
of Bridgeport, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Koozer and daughter, Marjone ana
Bonnie Dale of Walterville.
Mrs. Geneva Steele of Seaside,
spent! Christmas at N. C Ander
sons.- r-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Busby of
Camas, spent Christmas at Charlie
Honor, Guests
Day dinnc
esta at the home of
C, E. Waltman were
J. E. Waltman, Charles Waltman,"
sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Oddie,
Mr. and ' Mrs;. Don Kuenzi and
sons, Clyde and Lowell. X
Mr. and M r s . S. C. Rickard
were Christmas Day dinner guests
at the home of their son-in-law
and daughter; Mr. . and Mrs. Bill
Lepley and family in Salem..
Sgt. Alan Wiesner of Camp) Ab
bot came unexpectedly Friday "atj
the f upper hour, to spend just.
one' evening with his parents, the
A. B. Wiesners. f i
Marion Forks Has
Many Visitors ,
visitors at Marion Forks werev j
and McsvC. Av Clester and Lillie
Babcock of Detroit.! Mr.' and Mrs.
R. Humiston and son Bobby, and
Mr. and Mrs. B. Humiston, all of
Bend, enjoyed a, brief 1 visit on.
their way to relatives at Turner.
Athel Savage- and Herb Straut
were visitors at Marion Forks
Tuesday.' ;XX-- r-'.-X:. 'X ::, ' r J
Lawrence Jacobs returned to
Marion Forks after spending 10
days in the valley towns. " ,
Mrs. M. Smith of Idanha visited
at the Scott Young home.
LaFollette Family
Has Reunion Party
WllTLArD--An umiual
Christmas; gathering numbering
18 members of the LaFollette
family wereentertained by , Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde M.. LaFollette of
ineir wneatland borne. Six of Al
exander LaFollette's children aa
follows: Joe j LaFollette, 73, f
South Prairie district near Salem;!
Perry LaFollette, 63, -of Cornelius;
Clyde. M.' LaFoUette, 67, Wheat
land; Miss Ina -LaFollette who re-1
sides in the old home place of her t
late father in Salem; Charles La- i
Toilette at Wheatland; and Mrs.'
Britt AspinwaH of Salem. ' - rA
Holiday Program
Well Attended
crowd ' was present at the Ilarth
Howell h church Sunday right
when the annual Christmas pro
gram was presented,
v Special numbers were solos by
little Carol Bullock and Arletha
Meye. The play, a drUl and songs
liraiM e..J aa .
ZrVe X," U15 general direction
of MrsvRobert Meye, Cora Big-,
Kins, -Florence, v WatenPag and!
Mrs. Joe Schmidt
( :
MP. and-Mrs.
I . - I ...V.
e. New Year's day basket dinner
at church I e clocn aaturday,
Xi iUW!r-::'XX'' ' r"i-:'X-: i-:,X 'i ?v.