'I 8 I 5- i r : 1? 5. !. . j Thm CZTSOI! CTATLd lAn. Cclssv. Oracea. Sotarday I-Iocslng, Issuer? 1 . i I1 r L lit' j . i ' i i -: i ; i A. - V . Wp.ll. ii i- ill i w -m i ii i,m,i.i,..Wiii.iIi ..... . .,,.,.JJi ...-m .-An. ..... ; --Mfy-rr ' - . , . v ; ' . , BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS " -'I 4 ' 1 1 I V1 ;? 4 I mw-..... 1 'I ! '. i. V 1 t , ON TARAWA 5 IIOOPT iHORI U. 8. M&rtBes battte JapBesc Qm avtoll fat lh Gilbert I&Usds whkh crt nort tbaa MM Amcrleaa IcU hcferc N fen to Taak atUckcrs. 3 - r' ; 1 ' : CHI tP The Bjunc Geau ! Geerre C Marshall (abTc). chief f staff of the U. 8. Araay. : I flawed premineatly la reported ! preparatioaa for an Allied land iBTasioa of Ewope. - Ill ''...A:.t' ON THI BEACH AT ATTU-U. S. ooldler; dumpdmCo bars ashore whfle landln erewj "V'1? ni j shads. .Hit year saw expalsioa of the Japanese taraders from eTery foothold they had seised to the Aleutians. W- -I ; X r , ft 4-- t ,' f : X ! .0 V I R f AIT f R U S S I A U. f. Fly tax Fortresses bossk the Gennaa Foeke-Wmlf assembly i ptaat at Marieaborr. ss rlabif Allied air mlht presses the attack oa Hitler's "fortress Ki ' V .-Ri,.. .44-4 i .wi-4:, -"r 1 I- : S f ....... . i-.i&Siix-'Ki 1 r ..." - , .-::.: t, r.y. ON A HOSPITAL T R A I HAn Army none. Li. AUce K. Halt, cares for Ebaer Mitchell, a casmalty of the American la Italy, as woaadod from the Mediterraacaa ' Bxbtlac t soao retara aeoao for medical care.' -1 I - 0 N A FO R C H IN TEHERAN-Marshal Joseph Stalla, President Roosertlt sad Trfaao . XQalster Charehia at epochal coaf erence. Earlier asestlBfs taw FDR at Casatlaaea, QTwhec and CaJroJ ON THE ATLANTIC - Allied shins and aluMMitcrim tm mtwk n.it j Here a depth bomb explodes oa a Nasi sabmarlae, another (circle) drops iltwnMsu wv'-.'Ok'rsi'ra v 1 - v v Wk t.- i.;;; i5- - ft 1 ' i - - AT HITLER'S HEADQUARTERS lVnlUMMs-Olnl. -iSTORM - Slapplajr of a ! vpoa antral at the U tier's beadqvarters foUowtav his -MberatloaT f k-for which 14. Gem. Georre 8. from Italians who had placed him ander gaard.' Tatton, Jr. abore later apol- - : - and oatertes la ' ;-:Wt::'r':"':-'i;-:-'A ' ' :K4K.f.V.k;-3 j immimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmm.mmmmu in .1 .1 1 - n "v ' - ' . ; 'r ' ,. :.y.; ,-y- ; ,y'"-" " .-- ::"! T'- .::V - :v'.--.'. .. .v , t Vm-:- . ,f . ": ' S. I - ' : t ;x - , 1 . it - ) , ' . . ! ; M;v;cg-, ixik. toUw aam.amammmX. attWvai - - - - " 1 - : ' ; - I :. tnr oat of a Fiyiax Fortress m mfi wn?-. . . W the Vato'sVlsacc . f . forces la the Lae-Salamana sector, .r"i -1 4 4 .... ( r UZ 0 UTS III HT5 OF .STALINGRAD Cnsslaa solders anaeJ tiZe Cre from t ;Lii J pZt of r ab-Te la " - j tist tzrr-e 1 C.e tilt tzlnst the Germans and started ClUer's lonr retreat to the -west. Ia succession the Kasis were Czit3, " c.l cf the Ti:ol Czzzzzzi rtyiaa szd tie tcportast Easiaa dUes el fic:ay, rstrrcrtBTcX Z'rtn tzl ZUr.: , . - r- i t J; 1 ? R CM ICR . tiQiiaiJutxi t t:ci!!liOTe) SOTCSiiTt J t9 , lit AL,.;J t3Tiers- f IUf, ties' f anseJ a sew XHaa c9t! (icmect -la which he became ' ' rr;-r. ;-lc' w-v cme. : w cperatlst' wUa do Allies, seoa lrei wir ea Mti Cenaany. ON THE WAY TO SALZH t e?ea a w ci2;y U tie NO U. C. Irecrs cf tie n.'i - - i -