The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 17, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    Class Recess
To Be Brief
Yuletide Programs for
Schools Preceed
... Brief Vacation
- FAIRVXEW The Fairview
Community club and the school
will unite in a Christmas program
to be held at the Fairview school
house December 23. Treats are
Island school Christmas program
is scheduled to be held Thursday,
December 23 at the schoolhouse.
1 WHEATLAND The Christmas
program by the Wheatland school
pupils at th eschool house will be
given Wednesday, December 22,
when the Christmas vacation will
tart. Classes will resume Decem
ber 27, Mrs. P. C. Magness, the
teacher, reports.
" HOPEWELL The Hopewell
school Christmas program by the
pupils will be given December 23
at the school house and a decorat
ed tree will be a feature. Vacation
starts December 23 and school will
resume December 27.
antdale community club and school
Christmas program will be held
Thursday, December 23. Treats
will be given out.
.McALPIN McAlpin pupils
are busy preparing their annual
Christmas program which will be
presented Thursday evening, De
cember 23.
UNIONVALE Tuesday be
ginning at S, o'clock p.m., Decem
ber 2, the Unionvale school, under
direction of the teacher, Mrs. Glen
McFarlane, will present a mixed
program. The high sehool students
will pre sent a two-act play entitl
ed "Christmas at Flinnigan Flat."
Women Work
At Dehydrator
FAIRVIEW Six local women
are assisting nights at the new
potato dehydrator at McMinnville.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lambkie
t), Portland were weekend guests
f Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens:
Mrs. Toivo Ban tsar i, local mu
sic teacher, has pupils at the Fair
view school, Unionvale, Grand
Island, Webfoot and Dayton.
Kusti Setala, who recently un
derwent an operation at Portland,
is convalescing at hi home.
Salem KC Council
Plans Initiation
Salem council of Knights of Co
lumbus will initiate a large class
t the Veteran's hall December 19.
The exemplification of the three
degrees of the order will com
mence promptly at one o'clock in
the afternoon under the direction
f District Deputy C. A. Suing of
Salem, and grand knight of Salem
council, William J. LaRoche, and
will continue throughout the af
ternoon. A banquet will be served
in the evening in St. Vincent's de
Paul parish hall at 6:30.
The first and second degrees will
be conferred by the officers of Mt.
Angel council and the major de
gree will be exemplified by past
state deputy, Edward J. Bell of
6tayJ;on. State Deputy Otto L.
Smith of Klamath Falls and many
other prominent Knights of Co
lumbus state officers are expected
to be in attendance.
Because Salem is contrally lo
cated among a large group of coun
cils in the valley the officers of
Salem council are expecting a
large attendance at the afternoon
program. This council was host
during the last state convention of
the order and the program provid
ed at that time will be an impetus,
It is expected, for many to return
to Salem for next Sunday.
Oregon's Top 4-H Gardener
Wins National Championship
VJ of MHwankie, Oregon, state en
trant tbe 1943 National 4-H Vic
tory Garden contest, received both
Western sectional and ational hon
ors in the finals. As rewards, the
youth received an all-expense trip
to the recent 22nd National 4-H
Club Congress is Chicago, and a
$100 War Bond, provided by Sears,
of dub work, Gilbert grew 2M acres
of garden, the products of which he
values at IS48JZ2. He served as
Junior leader for two years.
Reports From
Nebraska Trip
Is Ended
SWEGLE ' Mrs. Charles R.
Johnson has returned to her home
on East Garden Road after a two
months visit at the home of her
mother in Fremont, Neb- and with
other relatives at Bolivar, Mo.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Brandt on East Garden
Road over the weekend were
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Milo Grace and son Gene,
from Toledo.
Mrs. Joseph Brennan of East
Turner road was called to Port
land this week by the illness of
her father.
Mrs. Maude Stickel, who is vis
iting at the William McKinney
home on Garden road has been
quite ill this week with influenza.
Legion Host
To Children
MT. ANGEL. A group of Le
gionnaires, and auxiliary members
gathered at the Memorial hall
Tuesday night for the Christmas
party arranged every year for the
children of the two organizations.
A large decorated Christmas
tree was the center of attraction.
Santa Claus handed out bags of
homemade candy, popcorn balls
and nuts to all the youngsters
present and included a lot of
humorous advice besides, which
greatly entertained the audience.
The auxiliary juniors sang
Christmas carols and five little
boys, under the direction of Miss
Helen Keber. gave a short skit
for further entertainment.
After the program, seperate
business meetings were held by
the post and unit. Reports of the
various activities were given and
it was decided to award the four
navy plates held by the unit to
the first four past presidents.
At the close of the meetings,
refreshments were served in the
dining room.
Evens Vallev
Home Sold
SILVERTON F. E. Sylvester
is - reporting real estate sales at
Silverton including the Frank A.
Lais home of "33 acres in Evens
Valley to Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Lais are mov
ing to Portland and Mr. and Mrs.
Reed are moving to their farm.
The Nina Smith property on
Second street was sold to Mr. Syl
vester who resold it to W. J. Goo
dall. Silverton residents of some
years past will recall that this at
one time stood on Second street
where the Seventh Day Adventist
church now stands. At that time
it was one of the show places in
Silverton. Later the house was
moved to its present location on
Second and A streets.
Mr. Sylvester also sold the P.
A. Corns tock house at 418 West
Main to B. K. Longenecker. James
Willhige lives at the place now.
Holiday Dinner
Plans Made
Mrs. John Freeborn of McMinn
ville were weekend guests of the
latters parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Sargent. The Sargents
will be Christmas day dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ver
steeg and family at McMinnville.
Mrs. Worth Wiley is recovering
satisfactorily from accident of a
month ago when she lost her left
thumb while splitting kindling.
Fairfoot Calf
Club Elects
FAIRVIEW The annual elec
tion of officers of the Fairfoot
Calf club was held Saturday
forenoon at the Russell Lehman
farm. Billie Stockhoff was elected
president. Others are vice presi
dent, Sam Johnson; secretary,
Eileen Lehman.
The next meeting will be at the
same place January 15.
High School Class
To Serve Hot Lunches
GERVAIS The domestic sci
ence department started serving
hot lunches at the high school this
week. If the project proves worth
wnue It will be continued. Mrs.
Bronsori, the teacher, is directing.
Mrs. Edna Allen, teacher, was
a Ken w at the beginning of
school and Mrs. Bronson was
called in to substitute. Mrs. Allen
has now resigned and Mrs. Bron
son was made the regular teacher.
Principal "r Kahle and Caretaker
Seely plan to paint the boys and
girls showers at the high school
during the weekend.
C. D. Boone Acreage
Sold to Tierce .
AUMSVXLLE -Mr. end Mrs.
C D. Boone have sold their house
and five acre tract on the Moun
tain' View road, - adjoining the
O, A. Lesley property to Eldrie
Tierce of Marion. . . .
The Statesman
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 17. 1943
Will Observe Nativity Story
With Music arid Song Numbers
SILVERTON The Nativity of Jesus will be celebrated Sun
day throughout the day at the Methodist church. Beginning at
9:45 all departments will assemble in the auditorium for carols
and recitations, culminating in a white offering. Gifts wrapped
In white for the Old Folks Home
at Salem, for the Good Will So
ciety, or coins or bills in white en
velopes for "Our English Child
Cause". "World Service." or for
any cause designated will be re
ceived. The 11 o'clock service will
feature Christmas music: and
Christmas tree will be lighted with
white lights. In the evening, at
7:30, the church school groups will
give a program accompanied by
music by the choir.
Rev. O. C. Olson is announcing
Christmas day services at 11 o'
clock with special Christmas mu
A special program has been ar
ranged for Immanuel church for
Sunday night at 8 o'clock. This
will include the Processional "O
Come All Ye Faithful"; choir:
Praise to the Lord"; devotion,
Rev. S. L. Almlie; ladies chorus:
"The Birthday of the King"; Mrs.
Stanley Swanson, solo, "O Holy
Night"; reading June Anderson,
The True Light"; vocal solo. Max
Holland, "O Star of the East";
Mrs. S. L. Almlie; "Silent Night";
quartet, Mrs. Lermo, Mrs. J. Dul
lum, Albert Overlund, Elmer John
son. "Silent Night"; meditation,
"Room for the Christ Child", Rev.
Almlie; choir, "There is Room in
my Heart for Thee"; choir. "To
day There is Ringing"; choir,
"Away in the Manger": solo, "The
Lord's Prayer", Ernest Byberg;
recessional, "Joy to the World."
Trinity choir under the direction
of Mrs. Tom Anderson, is giving
a vesper program Sunday night
at 8 o'clock. The program consists
of choir numbers: "Lord's Prays",
Andres; Vesper Hymn; "Joy to the
World" by choir and audience;
scripture reading and prayer, Rev.
M. J. K. Fuhr; "O Holy, Night",
adam, Mrs. Donald Burch soloist,
and choir; "Christinas Lullaby",
McCollen; "Jesu Joy of Man's De
siring", Bach, choir; "Famewell to
Cucullian", arranged by Kreisler;
"Poem" by Fibich, and "Come
Sweet Rest", Bach, by Catherine
Petersin, viola, accompanied by
Mrs. Christian Petersen; "God So
Loved the World", Stanley, choir;
"Jesu Bambino", Yon; Familiar
Christmas carols, choir.
Visits Relative
In Hospital
Whipple visited her granddaugh
ter, Dorothy Becker, in the Ball
Clinic hospital in Corvallis Fri
day. Dorothy underwent an oper
ation for a ruptured appendix nd
is getting along fine.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bartel
and daughter were visitors Sun
day In Willamina at the home of
Mr. Bartel's brother and family
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bartel.
Sandra' Gr is wold of Newport
visited over" the weekend at the
home of her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Corns tock and
Knoclie Family
On Midwest Trip
UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Knoche and their brother,
Robert Knoche, who has been their
guest, left Wednesday for a visit
at Kansas City and Bonner Springs
where they will be guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kein.
During their absence their uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Wickuler of . McMinnville will
have charge of their home. Mrs,
Kenneth Stuart will substitute as
teacher in the Dayton eighth
grade for Mrs. Knoche.' '
Robert Herse, who received leg
injury while splitting wood sev
eral weeks ago, is back in school
Valley Births
LIN CO L N Congratulations
are -being received by Mr. and Mrs.
Tracy Walling upon the birth of
their eighth grandchild, Gary La-
mont Upham, born Saturday, De
cember 11 in Portland hospital
to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Upham
( Juanita Walling) of , Portland.
This is their second child.
SILVERTON Three boys and
one girl were born at the SUvertrwi
hospital in the past two days. A
daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
C L. Rickard, December 15. Sons
were born to Mr. and Mrs. Merrith
Berth of Monmouth December 14;
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berg of Hub-
oara ana Mr. and Mrs. W. C Al
den of Silverton December 15.
a rtwstt mt
ettSMisi ton
mmmi wa f I
mm . p -" V f
At Fred Meyer, Drug Sectioa
Dallas Court
Of Honor Held
DALLAS A scout court of
honor was held at the chamber of
commerce rooms Tuesday night,
S. E. Whitworth acting as chair
man. Members present were Lyle
Leigh ton, Donald Lundberg, Wil
liam Domaschofsky, I. J. Padoen,
J. A. Inglis, Otto Adolf, Donald
Webster, Paul Bollman, Hoi lis
Smith and J. L. Yeager. Because of
fog, representatives 'from Falls
City and Buell were not able to at
During the court of honor, Billy
Foster and Jack Sanders were ad
vanced to second class scouts; Al
vin Adolf to first class. Merit
badges were awarded to Alvin
Adolf and Donald Dunn. An inves-
ture was held for Dick Doran, who
is just entering scouting.
Later a regular district meeting
was held. Hollis Smith was made a
member at large of the Cascade
area council.
Donald Lundberg, former scout
master, has resigned his position at
the junior high school and is now
an assistant to Lyle Leighton, with
offices in Salem. He began his new
work Monday. Mrs. A. T. Bilde-
brand of Dallas will replace Mr.
Lundberg in the junior high
Eastern Star
Has Election
SCIO Thelma Terhune was
advanced from associate matron
to worthy matron of Euclid chap
ter No. 70, Order of the Eastern
Star, at Tuesday night's annual
election of officers at Jefferson.
Mrs. Terhune succeeds Leona Mill
er as presiding officer of the chap
ter. Other officers elected are worthy
patron. Rex Hartley; associate ma
tron, Edith Wall; associate patron,
Roland Wall; secretary, Fae P.
Smith (reelected); treasurer, Ina
M. Thomas (reelected); conduc
tress, Ella Johnston; associate con
ductress, Josephine Getchell. Nine
appointive officers are to be named
by the new worthy matron.
Installation of the new official
roster is to be conducted January
11 by Phil M. Schweizer of Mon
mouth, past worthy grand patron.
Committee on refreshments for
this meeting includes Hazel Kelly,
Ada Hinz, Elmina Thurston, Mar
guerite Maria tt and John Wright.
Preceding business meeting
Tuesday night, chicken pie dinner
was served to about 40 members
under direction of a committee
consisting of Esther Hartley, Joy
Kelly, Ella Johnston, Thelma Ter
hune, Nancy Davidson, Karl Stei-
wer and Roland WalL
Christmas tree, exchange of mi
nor guts and group singing of
Christmas carols were featured.
Lona Looney. a charter member
of Jefferson chapter, gave an in
teresting report on her recent at
tendance of general grand chapter
sessions in Chicago.
Among Scio members having
appointive offices for the coming
year are Nell Zander "and Gladys
Mrs. Fish Named
was chosen worthy matron of Ra-
mona chapter. Eastern Star, at the
annual election Monday night. Her
supporting officers will be W. P.
Scarth, worthy patron; Mrs. Lloyd
Larson, associate matron; Mrs. Roy
Ska if e, secretary; Mrs. F. E. Syl
vester, treasurer; Mrs. Ted Ru
therford, conductress: Mrs. E. A.
Finlay, associate conductress.
Appointive officers are Mrs. W.
R. Tomison, chaplain; Mrs. How
ard Loe, xnarshall; Miss Mary Lois
Alfred, organist; Mrs. J. E. Stoy,
Mrs. W. A. Woodward, Mrs. Wen
dell Heath, Mrs. C A. Handejr and
Mrs. Clark Bach man, star points;
Mrs. Carol VanCleave, warden;
Mrs. George Towe, sentinel.
Church Program
Set for December 19
HOPEWELL The Hopewell
United Brethren church and Sun
day school Christmas . program
will be given Sunday, December
19 beginning at 8 o'clock.
Chrisinas Trees
20 c p,
Ready-Made Stands
Swecl Pciolsss
lbs. mJ
Other Farm-Fresh Vegetables
- Bob's . .
Fcrncr Ilarhci
285 N. CenVL St .
Acres from Benson's Bakery
Dr. Petticord
Is Speaker
HOPEWELL Many members
and friends were at the regular
services December 13 when Dr.
Paul P. Petticord, district super
intendent of the Oregon - Wash
ington conference of the Evangel
ical denomination spoke.
The congregation joined with
Unionvale for the evening ser
vices. Dunns! the forenoon ser
vices, men in United armed for
ces everywhere were remembered
by the congregation, standing in
silent prayer.
The young people's activity
night will be observed at the Unit
ed Brethren church at 7:30 o'
clock Saturday. They will decor
ate the church for the Christmas
program to be given in coopera
tion with the Fairview, Hopewell
and Wheatland schools, present
ing a part of the program to be
given next Sunday, December 18,
beginning at 8 o'clock.
Home missions day will be ob
served in the morning worship
service next Sunday.
The junior choir of tha Hope
well United Brethren church sang
two numbers at the morning ser
vice last Sunday and Ha Taskin-
en sang a solo.
The Senior Endeavors are prac
ticing a plan to go Christmas car
oling one night next week. Any
one interested in the serenading
may call Mrs. Toivo Bantsari for
UNIONVALE Sixty - eight
members and friends attended the
10 o'clock church services Sunday
at the local Evangelical church.
Dr. Paul P. Petticord, superin
tendent of the Salem district, of
ficiated at the communion ser
vices and conducted quarterly
conference. He gave a chalk talk
on the subject "Christ is Chemist
of my Heart" and his wife was
in charge of the freehand draw
ing to illustrate his address in the
Between church and Sunday
school at the local church Sunday,
December 19, the Sunday school
will present the Christmas pro
gram, each class in charge of at
least one number.
The choir of the church wfll
give a sacred cantata isecemDer
Tenth Birthday
Party Occasion
Satter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Satter, celebrated her
10th birthday with a party on
Sunday, when invitations were
sent to 20 of her schoolmates.
Games and Christmas carols en
tertained the guests. Piano accom
paniment for the singing was fur
nished by Carol Ann Hilfiker and
Betty Rae.
Mrs. Satter, assisted by Mrs.
Irene Fleming of Scotts Mills,
served ice cream and a birthday
cake to Virginia, Donald and
Glenn Fleming of .Scotts Mills,
Carol Lee Kaufman, Magdaline
and Edwin Stahl, Shirley Page,
Janet and Nancy Toelle, Carol
Ann Hilfiker, Janice Scharf, El
don Beutler, Kay McKimmy, Jan
ice Bevens, Jackie Wikoff, Don
ald Satter and Betty Rae. Calling
later with gifts were Charlotte
Ann Foster and Joan Fabrey.
Decorations were Christmas
greens and candles. 1
135 n. Conncrcial
Rip Van Winkle
Slept for 20 Years
You can have xinbroken
sleep too if your Iddneys
and bladder are in rood
order. Use
, - - -. e .
Kidney Pilk
for real
Hm U iJi M et ywir fM
!y cW fm iKitc W CUmm
50 c
u a T I m mi
Mrs. Ragland
Heads Qub
nual Christmas party of the Kum-
Join-Us class was held on Tues
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Boehm. Mrs. Orie Mc-
Claughry. Mrs. Clyde Leedy and
Frank Weinman were in charge
of arrangements."; -. ;
,i Dominoes were played and gifts
were exchanged later. Mrs. Noble
Ragland was elected president of
the club for the coming year, suc
ceeding Henry Harris. She is the
firstwnman president of the club.
MrKnWles Tontz will take the
place of Willard Aker as vice pre
sident and Mrs. Clyde Leedy is re
placing Mrs. Ruben Boehm as secretary-treasurer.
of " committees for the January
meeting will be made at a later
date. ' . ' - " -- -
Among those present were Mr,
and Mrs. Ruben Boehm, Mr. and
Mrs. Horace Bibby. Mrs. Knowles
Tontz, Rev. W. Cooksley, Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Daugherty, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Weinman, Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Aker, Mr. and Mrs.
Noble Ragland, Mr. and Mrs. Har
vey Aker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Boehm, Mr and Mrs. Henry Har
ris, Miss Connie Weinman, Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Leedyand Mr.
and Mrs. O. G. McClaughry.
100 KCM Jordan
Meeting Sunday
ST AY TON One hundred
members of the Knights of Co
lumbus of Sublimity council and
Holy Name men attended the an
nual corporate communion at the
Jordan Catholic church December
12. Rev. Father Baur, pastor of
Jordan parish, celebrated mass.
Serving as honor guard and ush
ers were the members of the Stay-ton-Sublimity
Catholic Boy Scout
troop 55. This newly formed Ca
tholic Boy Scout troop under the
leadership of Leonard J. Thoma
and Julian De Jardin of Stayton,
made it first public appearance
at these services and their p reels e-
ness was , highly commended.
communion breakfast was served
by the Christian Mothers society
of the Jordan parish. The com
munion was offered in commemor-
tion of the deceased members of
the Knights of Columbus and Holy
Name society and for the safe and
victorious return of the boys in the
service. -
Aid Society
Elects Officers
UNIONVALE Nine members
of the Ladies Aid attended the
all day quilting held Tuesday at
the church. The annual election of
officers was held. Mrs. Matt War
ren was named president; Mrs.
Louis Magee, vice president; Mrs.
Clarence S. Crawley, secretary
treasurer. The annual Christmas party
and exchange of gifts will be held
at the meeting next Tuesday.
Ralph Stoutenberg, 15, of Carl
ton was taken Wednesday to Port
land for treatment. He was taken
to McMinnville last Sunday for
trial treatment and evidently re
sponded favorably. He is now us
ing a wheelchair successfully. He
has had infantile paralysis.
Girl -Scout Troop
Is Organized
Scout troop is in process of ar
ganization with Miss Grayce Dun
agan as leader and Norma Jean
Van Laanen, assistant leader.
Mother sponsors are Mesdames
Cleo Keppinger, Theodore Kuenzi,
Reubin Hilfiker, Paul Bassett and
John Van Laanen, and group
sponsor the Amity Women's club.
Original "YELLOW FRONT' Drug and Candy Special
Sole Agents for Penslar Remedies for Hariea Ceeusty
Prescriptions Filled 1899-1943
Loss - of labor
is costly in
; time of wart
When your
doctor p r e
scribes medi
cine, let us
q u i c k ly get
the accurate
ingredients 'to
you for a
speedy recovery!
Gd Ycur.Bdby Snpplies and Prescripliczs
Fcr Baby Filled al Schacler's
iVsJS -ntty.-:
I never will forret that intense
Etching. Cut Uianka te Pd I cot
huick retiaf So ri3 yeu. Get Pad
Farmers Union
ZEN A i Spring Valley Farm
era Union local has long contem
plated organizing a Spring Valley
Junior local to stimulate interest
In: the younger folk. Tentative
plans are being made to organize
Friday night at the December
meeting to be held at the Zena
school house when . Mrs. W. E.
Knower, organizer, will be present
Junior Daughters
Plan Charities ;
STAYTON The Junior Cath
olic Daughters held their first
meeting at the home of Roberta
Bell Thursday and elected the fol
lowing officers: president, Juanita
Freres; vice president, Dorothy
Lambrecht; secretary, Dorothy
Gescher; treasurer, Virgene High
berger. j.
rne nonor test booklets were
distributed. The purpose of the
junior CD A is spiritual education,
recreation and charity. Members
have chosen as their pet charity,
books for the school library. Thir
teen members compose this troop
number 1. Miss Maril Zorn is
Troop No 2. met with their coun
selor, Miss Florence Peterson for
its first meeting at the home of
Patsy Mertz. Officers elected were
president, Kay Smith; vice presi
dent, Joan Frost; secretary. Patsy
O'Connor; treasurer,.. Mary Lou
Neilson. Fourteen members are in
this troop. The Christmas party
will be held December 20. Mem
bers also voted their pet charity
as books for school library.
70 Years Old, Sprays
Peach Trees for Fun
UNIONVALE Complimenting
C. J. Countiss on his 70th birthday
anniversary, his grandson, Donald
Brown, and. a friends, LeRoy Reid
linger of Portland, were weekend
guests here.
Spraying- his peach trees was in
progress as pastime Saturday for
birthday - celebration in keeping
with war time conservation of
Worsteds! Virgin Weel!
TOPCOATS,. ., ...5.1.
Men's All-Leather JACKETS
SPORT SHIRTS, reg. $38, new :
Special! Boys' Panls!
ladies wool materials i j ii
flannel. Gabardine, Coating, Salting yard $U0 $3.15
Thomas Kay
Retail Store
: 26 South 12th St
Hears: Week Days 849 to
Look Up!
Don't let corns make you
down-hearted. Use
' Schacler's
Com Ocmcdy
for quick reliei.
No reliei, no pay
A cleansing and
eoothing eye water that raGM tk J
miauon er urea. raddAnad m
ier rtnxit core ttatn.
Society Vote
Is Scheduled
an's Mission group will j rneet I all
day, December 21, at the home of
President Mrs. LJohn j Cage, for
and f business
meeting; Rev. and MrsJjJ Ken
neth Wis hart will be present and
he will j conduct annual election
of officers ;- ; 1 ! ;j : ?
Visiting at the Cleo! rveppenger
home are Mr. and j Mri, August
Kahl of Marne, Iowa, and Mrs.
Hetha Martin , of Lo ng view.
Wash.; Mrs. Kahl and Mrs. Mar
tin are sisters of; Mrs. Keppenger.
They are also visiting their mo-
tner, Mrs. Mary Timm of Mills
City. ; j-- ' j j' j
Guests at the John . Woodburn
home during th holidays j will be
Mr. and Mrs. Ha rold Woodburn of
Seattle; j and at the John !j Blink-
ward, and wife lof Milwaukie; he
is a Smith-Hughes instructor in
Milwaukie high j school j j ; ( J
Tm Jan JCthinTi rtf! Will-
boro will spend her! ichristmas
vacation at the home of her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and IMrsJ F.j E.'
McCracken; Mrs. McCrkcken re
turned Friday after visiting since
Thanksgiving with her daughters,
Mrs. C A. Chambers! of Seattle,
Mrs. Jack Morgensen, of j Brem
erton and Mrs. H. RJ Kreiger of
Portland, i I ! N I !
Mr. L. I. Darner arrived home
from Sweet Grass,' Montana, j on
Monday for an indefinite leave
from railroad duty, i j I " S ; ':j
The young people's 'classes of
the Union Sunday school held
their meeting at the j ' home I of
Joyce and Jimmy Kuenri with 18
present; this month's meeting will
be held at the home of Lynn Bar
Former Oklahoma
Friends Visit
i i
Wallace, employed at
shipyard at Portland, was a guest
from Saturday uptil iWednesday of
Mr. and j Mrs. j Albert Feming.
They were neighbors (when they
resided at Wyandotte,' OklaMrs.
Wallace has a son at Camp! Adair.
The; TubslKay
Suits j
- $25 - S3G.50
Variety ef Shades and Styles'.
..Urem SIS te S3&J
AND COATS SS.S5 te S 15.7 5
S7!ie SSJe
te u
S4.50 te
r ii nn
Sizes -If
te 2
$2.25 U $05
-per Jbi $L39
-..per; .os. l(29c;
-per lb. 15e -j20e
Woolen Hills
i i
Salem, Oregon
- Near S. P. Depot I l f ft :
50; Saturdays 8:09 te 5:0 jf i
Phcne 5197-0723
i or isougns an
Colds "
Uerlal rQalsaa
sec 4sa.oo
oure reuei ior mqi. ncxilng
cough and for coughs due
to colds. H Mi
T wpU M JUtWtitM m a
Mwtk mill an4 WMk imAmm. It I
mm- tWwtlmtalHM. Bwtli
f aadhr ( aft mt 4ntt MMrtar.
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