The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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    pacts tnrrz
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon. Tuesday MoiJlng. December 14, 1943
Coeds Entertain Service women
At Dinners
Two Willamette women's liv
ing group held birthday din-'
ners this week. Beta Chi soror
ity member were hostesses for
date dinner on Sunday , and
Monday night Frederickson hall
held a fall birthday dinner, for-
merly a tradition for - Lausanne .
hall coeds.
- Miss Ruth Finney was general
chairman for the Beta Chi din--ner
and was assisted by Misses
Miriam Oakes and Mary Moses
with the decorations. Serving on
other committees - were ,the '
Misses Barbara Shirley, Georgia ,
Hull, Betty McGee, Shirley Ra
benau, Barbara Causey and An
ita Harvey. : . ;
Covers were laid for Mrs. J.
A. Davidson, Miss 7 Betty L An
drews,. Jay Savereid, Miss Lou
ise Cutler, Richard Sleeves, Miss
Olene Mehloff, Gordon Kunke,
Miss Viola Jacobsen, Lloyd Ny
hus, Miss Myrtle Meier, Daryl
Drorbaugh, Miss Lois Butler and
Jack Glasse.
Honored guests at the Fred-
erickson' dinner were women
whose birthdays fell between
September 15 and December 15
and were the Misses Margaret
Stone, Margaret Geisler, Mary
Ann Witliff, Margaret Hatha
way, Dorothy Niles, Dorothy
Toomey, Rosalee Smith, Lucile
Barnhart, Donna Hinkley and
Eileen Bontrager. Working on
the arrangements committee
were the Misses Pat Ann Sly,
Suzanne Zimmermarr and Doro
thy Toomey.
Honors Husband
On Birthday
Mrs. Henry Piening was host
ess on Sunday afternoon at an
informal at home for her hus
band on his birthday. The af
fair, held at their home on
Thompson street, was between
the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock. The
house was decorated with poin
settas, ' chrysanthemums and
greens. Presiding at the table,
which was decorated in Christ
mas greens and lighted by red
tapers, were Mrs. A. H. Hansen
and Mrs. EL. Swanson.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
George Gibson, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hasche, Rev. Dudley Strain,
Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Batis, Mrs.
Minnie Hamman and Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Flint.
Choir to Present
Cantata Sunday
The choir of Leslie Methodist
church will present the Christ -
mas cantata, "Hail, Messiah!"
under the direction of Melvin
Gilson next Sunday at 7:30 at
the church.
Soloists Mrs. R. H.
Tourtelotte, soprano; Mrs. M. J.
Gilson, soprano; Mrs. Mason
Bishop, contralto; Wesley Rit
chie, bass. The quartet will in
clude Mrs. Tourtelotte, Miss
Helen' Ingrey, Russell Stone and
Wesley Ritchie. Miss Faith Idso
will be organist.
Youthful Ruffles
.-.I'- , k
. . Ml
I - f- T I
- Ruffles' rate a mounting score
in popularity. They lend femi
nine sprightlines to Pattern
459 1. In soft, , becoming rayon
crepe this dress takes dictation
or goes on dates. In cotton, trim
med with ric-rac, it goes to mar
ket. This simple style takes very
little time to make.
Pattern 4591 comes in misses',
women's sizes 12, 14, It, 18, 20;
SO, 32, 24. 38. 38, 49. Sizo 1C takes
J yards 39inch fabric -
Scad SIXTEEN CENTS in oins for
this pattern. Write- p4y SIZE.
JUST OUT! Mew rH and Winter
Patters Book. Seat-TZZI CXNTS ex
tra. Froe cJoo and bag pattern
print la book. --
Sead your order ' to Ta Orccoa
Statesman. Patters Deportment. Sa
lem. Ore ton
. W. fear
f fM-H Know
:ra ciktani dsr
tiaaaa far aar dmiir Mfianlm ritaaL
Xfld. Htl Ml daUcatrailr fraraat
CCRTANK dovcaa -w4r afforoa at.
at tatiaaata tilnattam. Uumimm,
aaodartata . , avotklac . . laaxnaaaava,
Mmie. row tfMMa tT.
: What (her can do
What thoy'ro doing aboul It
. Continuing ' in' - her work " as
service station ' attendant,, al
though she is now in the marine
corps women's reserve, Is Pfc
Ruth" B. Kimball, who has been
assigned to duty at Camp Pen
dleton, Oceanside, Calif.
The daughter of Mrs. Hannah
A. Kimball of 510 North 17th
street, she received her basic
training at Camp Lejeune, New
River, NC, the recruit camp for
all marine women.
; AUMSVILLE Word has been
received by friends of Mrs. Bet
tie Rush, a former resident here,
that she has joined the WAC
and is stationed at Camp White,
MedforcL- :y.l
t i -J - r
Mrs. Beard Is
Ladies of the Patriarchs Mill
itant met in the IOOF club room
for their regular business meet
ing and Christmas party. Their
donation to the IOOF home was
brought. Election of officers re
sulted in the reelection of Mrs.
William Beard as president; Mrs.
Hunsaker as vice president, and
Mrs. Townsend as secretary -treasurer.
Appointed officers are
to be named later.
At the close of the meeting
the members gathered around
the Christmas tree and exchange
of -gifts were enjoyed. Later
members of the canton joined the
ladies for refreshments in the
dining room.
Campus YWCA to
Have Party
YWCA women of Willamette
will hold a Christmas party and
social meeting tonight in Chres
to cottage on the campus. A
short devotional service will be
held followed by group singing
of Christmas carols and trim
. ming of the Christmas tree.
Miss Doris Doughton, social
chairman, is in charge of re
freshments and the social hour.
Putting up the Christmas tree
is done annually by the group.
William Talbot, jr., operations
' and commercial director of radio
broadcasting station KSLM, will
be the guest speaker at the
YWCA class on "Good Public
Relations" tonight. This will
conclude the series of five lec
ture and workshop sessions at
tended by publicity chairmen of
local clubs.
Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, jr.,
has invited members of her
bridge club to her home on West
Superior ; street " tonight. A late
supper will be served by the
hostess and additional guests are
Mrs. Herman Estes and Mrs. Ev
erett Terrill.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Fox
have as their house guest this
week the latter's sister, Mrs.
Walter Ray Green, jr., of Oak
land, Calif.
Pan Broiling ! r
Good Method
Panbroiling, one of the most
common meat cookery . methods,
is a convenient way to prepare
small steaks, chops and patties
from beef and : lamb, smoked
ham slices and bacon. t ' ti
These meats are cooked un
covered in a heavy frying-pan
without the addition of fat or
water. It is sometimes desirable,
however, to add a small amount
of fat when cooking beef or
lamb patties to prevent sticking.
Panbroiled chops, steaks, or
patties are browned on. both
- sides and then seasoned with
salt and pepper. (All meats are
more easily turned if they art
allowed to brown thoroughly
before turning.)
The meat may be started in a
cold frying-pan. After it is
Canned Goods Green stamps ,A. B
and C In book 4 good through De
cember 20.
Meat, cheese canned fish and edi
ble fats Brown stamps G. H. J and
K valid, good until December 4. L.
M and N expire January 1
Sugar Stamp 29 in book 4 good
(or S pounds until January 13.
Stamp No. It. book one. good In
definitely. Airplane stamp No. 1 valid
Book A coupons No. t now good
for three gallons each.
rutx OIL
Period 1 coupons In new fuel oil
ration valid through January a. Cou
pons with gallonag printed on the
face valid for amount indicated un
til expiration data shofn on coupon
sheet. - .
' Times
Cars with C ration books must have
tiros Inspected every S months; B
hooks every months; a books every
months. Commercial motor ve
hicles tire inspections every t
months or every 6000 miles.
Purchaser must get certificate at
ration board for new stoves.
Fuel dealers Jeliver by priorities
: based oa needs. ,
fl 1
f , II
1 V I
f - ' t
i . - ua joyioiCTci...
cspedalfy if k is rJus scutv
oins; engagement and wed
din rwg ottexobk. A wide
select km of exquisite designs
now featured. Each sa excep
ticeial vakie.
1 1 jeweler
" browned, the - temperature
should be reduced and the meat
turned occasionally. This will
: ' cook it more uniformly. A spa
tula or fork may be used for
turning, but .if fork is used it
-should be inserted into the fat
rather than the lean to prevent
loss of juice.
If fat collects in the pan, it
. should be poured off, because
: when meat cooks in fat it is be-
ing fried rather than panbroiled,
! and there is a resulting differ
; ence in flavor.
' The- time required for pan-
broiling is' approximately the
" same, or slightly less, than tha
-.'time required for broiled meats;
- The following Is based on meat
' cookery experiments conducted
by the National Live Stock and
Meat Board. ,
Beefsteaks, i to 1-inch thick,
' allow about 15 minutes for rare,
20 minutes for medium; lamb
steaks, to 1-inch thick, allow
Today's Menu V
Menu for today includes
steamed , pudding with figs.
" .Grapefruit aalad -.
" Meat balls with rice
' Tomato sauce
' String ; beans
- ' Coffee fig pudding
. i"
- cups sifted flour ' .
1 teaspoon salt , '. -T'-
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons allspice
' -1 teaspoon nutmeg ., -'"'
1 cup cut figs v
1 cup seedless raisins'
1' cup ground' suet ,
IVi cups coffee
1 cup molasses
, Mix and sift flour, salt, bak-
15 to 20 minutes, and lamb pat
ties, 18 to .20 minutes; sroojeed
ham slices A to 4-inch thick,
allow 12 to 15 minutes.
ing powder andT" spicec Add
fruit. Add molasses and coffee
to sue V mix well and stir in
flour-fruit mixture. Place in 3
-or ' 8 small greased bowls or
molds, ; cover tightly and steam
2H hours. Remove covers and
, cooL:, Recover until, ready to
steam for -use. If puddings are
to be kept for more than few
days, they should be placed in
the refrigerator. Yield: about 20
:- servings. - y, ; - :; . - ' -;
Cakes Utilized
Meat Drippings
Drippings make the fat con
tent for this cake, thereby utiliz
ing waste from meat frying.
2 cups flour "
cup rendered fat or drip-
'- pings
2 cups light brown sugar
- i egg
24 teaspoons baking powder ,.
cup flour
-1 teasopon s.alt -I
teaspoon cinnamon
?i cup milk
Sift flour and- measure. Sift
baking powder" with the cup
flour and cinnamon. Mix first
three ingredients to a fine even
crumb.' Reserve 4 ' cup of this
crumb for the top of the cake.
Add all other ingredients to re
maining crumb and - stir until
well blended. line the bottom
of a 9-Inch square pan with
. waxed paper. Pour batter into
pan and , sprinkle 4 crumbs over
the top. Bake in a moderate oven
(350 degrees) for 40 minutes.
This cake requires no icing.
Willamette Faculty women.
Hunters and Anglers auxiliary.
Woman's Society of Christian Ser
vice. - -FRIDAY,
Salem Nurses' association. 1
Baked Pears
Dessert List
Pears make a
when baked and served with
cream. Here is a recipe that .uses
honey for sweetening,
-t f -
S medium-size fresh pears
V cup mild honey
2 tablespoons lemon jilce.
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 cup water : j . r ' -Wash
pears. Do not pare or
core. Place in 3 -quart casserole.
Combine honey, lemon jiice and
rind, and water. Pour ovir pears.
Cover and bake in moderate ov
en (350 degrees); about 1 hour,
or until pears are tendeh Serya
warm or cold. Serves 8
r )Tf Jl do dq d
SAW YyilP(S)0f
I I . . - . ' ... I ;
ialad Dressing JpJ
' .ssssw : ' ! 'i-BBi- mmmmmm
Eallal6S MINUTEIAN pkgsj
; TOWN 46-oz. ffj) CO )P I
HOUSE ran X-i rJ t
Add a
To Every
Gift You
Send This
Low on ration point o? Look
ing for ideas on non-rationed
fooda ? Tfaion road ovory itom
in thiD Mno-ration-pointo" ad
Como to Safoway -1 whore
variety of non-rationed as
well ao rationed foods is so
extonsivo you can really be
IrapefraM Juice
' Swan Soap
Pare white floating.
Larse Q OQa
bars w for o&i7w
Ivory Soap
Gnest bars 2 for c
Medium g
bar OC
Lava Soap
Cleans dirtf hands.
3 bars 17C
Blue Rose
5 43c
Julia Lee
Collage Cheese 9l
Kraft's Pint enp tJalU
Sea Mussels Malnesial, 104-os. ean 30c
Clan Juice Halferty t-ex. glass 14c
Tamales gtMy. .-sf. 1 en22c
Beef Extract B v. ...... Jt-9m. Jar 24c
Bouillon Coles Steero 5 -cube pkf. 9c
Krani Jnice Libby 12-ox. bottle
Carrot Juice Ilix 2 ,. 15c
Tea Garden Drips .24-os. bottle 29c
. Molasses
Aant Dinah .lC-os. glass 13c
Honey Bradshaw's lC-os. glass 28c
Peanni D niter Real Roast. 2 lbs. 44c
Skippy P-nnl Biiller-Srio,54c
Salad Dressing Dncbess...lS-os. jar' 19c
Horseradish Ilnslard
Knisht, 6 ex.
Cncnnber Pickles Heinx, 24-os. Jar 24c
Harvest Ilix Pickles .Quart 29c
Sweet Tomato Relish hlL.. 27c
Olives Lindsay Jombo Pint 28c
Qneen Olives La SevilUana 21 ox. 55c
Sonp Stock
Black Eye Peas
Soya Beans
7-ox. class Jar 24c
: 2-lb. pkg. 19c
2-lb. pkg. 23c
..2-lb. pkg. 18C
2-lb. pkr. 19c
Egg IIocdles Betty Baker, 14 -ox. pkg. 16c
Chinese IIocdles gr.t 11c
Ilaster Toast
ll-ox. pkg.
Graham Crackers . ... s-ib. pkr. 25c
Candied Lemon Peel Pu.
Candied Pineapple ...: M.ib. ,it. 25c
Vanilla Extract Schlllinr 4 ox. 67c
Schilling's Ilustard , -ox. box 9c
Sail Morton's PL or Iodised, IS ox. 2 for 15c
Maraschino Cherries . 5 -ex. glass 12c
Hailed Ilillx Horlick's PIaln....l lb. 79c
Corn Sjarch Klnrsfard 1-lb. pkr. .
Hatches FaTorite Carton 23c
Dca Food Boom Plate..
-1Mb. bf CC
Flour Fisher's Blend iJc5-lb. sack $1.20
n ;
g 10 ur Crown or Drifted Snow, 25 lb
Aauiabli. S AUUl Albers
Pancake Flour
uutuwucdi Jtiuur
SperryJ.l lb.
AunV : - I
Jensiina, lb. U
IloJiin Ilix DafrslLJ:i-ox. pkr.
' ' . ' - t" I - - ' ' i . . i ! i i , '
Boiled Oats . Peaeoek-J. . 1-IbJ bar 4Sc
Quaker Qatar
r TT 1 YeUow or White,
Mornlnr Glory-
Crean oi Uheai
IIall-0-IIeaI Cereal
Polled Wheat or Bice
Uhealies G.u
Shreddies Nabisco..
w :it-ox. pkr.
Cheerioats Cereal
vuiu iiaacs Keiiorr's
Nahisco Bran
f"Bf f bbJ ' "" BSB
Tj - "."-'.- ssoxojssa?j(7 - -
trtlfc-, U. S. Prime Hens and Toms COi
lUrilCyS (Order NOW for Christmas) Under 16 lbs. GmS
16 to 20 lbs. 49c - 20 lbs. and up 48e
Turliey Cub 390 SaESE S90
Colored Fryers Grade A- .. . .:..Jb.
7 pig lb. 25c
8 pta- - .L Jb. 33c
Jb. 19c
A ptm. .. r - ; .
BACON, any size piece,
4 ptfc
lb. 33c
PICNICS, sarar cured,
3 pts :
Jb. 32c
2 pts... ;,,
Jb. 24c
N0W1 We will pay 2 brown points per pound for erery pound of used
kitchen fat IN ADDITION to casn (4c per pound). Help fire those gnrts!
rim '.-- III!
& -o
Guaronlccd Prodiice
2 a' 2190
frail Arizona - Bay
'est bj the lb.!
Fancy Calaros
Eastern Howes
- Emperors
nuiatsnasL.-ib1. 4
n: ji T7.i- No - - ! m
LlUiUa Peannts..l-Ib. bar
aa iii .UUlU UiJUl ZO-OZ. pkr,
El-irnalsdo SSSL i 33c
n -
L.lfUrUUl HardwheatIb. pkr.
Ririera 15-oz. lass
Ecro Syrnp lb
t !
L-jJli-t-lb.' pkjr. 23C !
.4f-ox. pkr. Alt
; ..4 ox. ,yw
.1 lb. It ox. oMC
:.i..ti . 22c
pkg sC
Me4al S-o. 'pkr. 4UCi
Pkr. liC
i 3 y
!.kr 12C
liu-ox. pkr. C:
u l-ib. pkr. 1C
f :-'
d i