The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1943, Page 11, Image 11

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    Rp'ss-W agner Punching Party
Set for Armory Ring Tonight
s titer M,MMM
Boo, open yer eyes: And speaking of basketball officials, this
marks the 19th season as a Coast conference whistle footer for
Emil Piluso, the Sapper stylist regarded as:No.M in the north
west's striped-shirt clan , . Mustachioed i Emil started riding
herd on the hooD - suiters in a - !" -
Seattle church league back in
1922, and since has worked
hundreds of games from jun
ior high school grudge battles
to national AAU tournaments.
. . . Says he's had too many of
each kind to name the toughest
or most screwiest tilt he's ever
had. His conception "They're
all toughs." V." Has a theory on
the boo' business also. Opines
he:"4I figure a 90 per cent per-
feet called game is perfect the
way they play basketball now
adays. That gives 10 per cent to
the customers to boo or we'll
say 10 boos a game. If they don't
get 10 boos a game let 'em kick
for their money back on the way out. Anyway, as long as they
don't boo the figures of f the check, let 'em boo!" . . . (Ditto, Mr.
P) . Piluso will as usual be quite busy this winter since he
has 20 Northern division games scheduled along with his "side"
stuff, the'latter in instance the NDPCC tourney at Astoria this week
j it , it
Vuu all Ul aic uic .
Oregon-Oregon State, Washington
those 'easy ones oh, me." . . . Speaking of that Astoria 'preview,
it'll be an
all-interstate affair both
the Oregon teams against tbe Washington teams. Idaho, fifth NDPCC
member will not be vepresented . Oregon opens against Wash
ington for 20 minutes Friday night after which Oregon State takes
up the Webfoot score and Washington State the Husky score. Then
the Beavers and Cougars finish out the first game ... In game No.
2 of the nightly doubleheader, Oregon starts out with Washington
State and then the Beavers again step in after 20 minutes to take
over the Webfoot score while the Huskies do likewise with the Cou
gar count i . . The four teams do it all over again Saturday night,
but in no case will Oregon play against Oregon State or Washington
gainst Washington State ...
Replica of 1916 OSC-WU Hoop Clash
The scoreless first 10 minutes of the Oregon State-Willamette mix
Friday reminded Les Sparks of another OC-WU hoop party, this
one back in 1816 when "Matty" Mathews mentored the Methodists
and How Ray was both player and coach for the Staters . .-. After
bearing", up and down the. local court the first half the Staters
were in front S to 7. Bad enough for a basketball score right thero,
but so stout were the defenses of both teams that neither could make
more than a single field goal apiece the second half and Orgon State
won 10 to 9! . . . Wunner what Sparks compared with Saturday
Bights 'Cat-Music- Maker 'Tubx?' Mebbe"tersst Stand" or the
"Commandos Strike at 8 p. m." . . ' . Phew! Was it ever a roughie!
; . . While on' basketball don't forget the two biggies for village courts
this week the Viks against a potent Springfield quint at the Villa
Thursday night, the Navycats against probably the best basketball
team in the northwest, Albina's Hellshippers at the university Fri
day night . . In case you don't already know,, at least three well
known athletes hereabouts, now hoop lor the . Hellships Urgel
"Slim" Wintermute, the ex -Oregon "Alleycat" All-American; Roy
Helser, the one and same who portsided for the Senators nine after
he three-sported at Linfield, and Claude "Skeets" O'Connell, the
former Monmouth Normal cage star who in '42 hit so well while out
fielding for the Senators until he broke a finger and had to quit.
. . . If Duke Trotter's V-12'ers -are going to snap out of their all-
shoot no-score lethargy they'd better do it Friday night, for in the
Albinans they're playing the best . . . Incidentally, Albina beat the
Gail Bishop & Co. Fort Lewis Reception Center outfit Sunday 51-44.
He's Got a 7-Footer, Too
Oklahoma A & M Mentor Would
Rule Out Bean Pole' Cagers
NEW YORK, Dec 13 ('T') Henry ,: Both coaches said they used the
Iba, coach of the Oklahoma A & M
basketball team, came out against;
the goal-tending type of defense
today although his center, seven
foot Bob Kurland, batted away 13
Westminster shots in the club's
overtime triumph at- Buffalo Sat
urday, v, -
His opinion was echoed by Joe
Lapchick, coach of St' John's col
lege of Brooklyn. The Redmenjjnflight any time after it started
won the national invitational tour
ney at Madison Square garden last
March with six-foot nine-inch
Harry Boykoff as the net-minder.
With second-round firing
. down and nine more weekends
to go, the team of J. W. Mc
Allister and Vie Convey. No, 9
on the list, leads the Salem
Golf club "Slicker" meet with
22 plus points. They added a
lt-up win over Ross Coppock-A-
Hunter No. 11) over the
weekend to go ; with the 12
points annexed during opening
round. ; ' .
In second place is the R. I.
McLaughlin - H a r Wahlgren
No. 1 team with It plus points..
They downed team Ne. 5, Bill
Goodwln-O. E. McCrary, in the
second round and picked up
; five points In doing so. Team
No. C. Lee Estey-Lawrence Al
ley. Is eloM behind la third
place with 11 plus points. They
tripped team No. t. Carl Arm-priest-Dave
Eyre, with a 4-up
win this time and added It tor
the seven points picked np last:
: week. 1 - -
- Team No. 1, Bud Waterman
and Millard Fekar, Is in fourth
place with 10 plus points. Team .
No. 5, Don nendrie-Glen Len
rren. f ell before them by a 7
p score In round two. ,
In ether round two results,
team No. 4. George Scales and
Bud Thrush, beat team No. X,
J j
i ' " A
4, L f
r i y , fw N
v. vmi i
iuuku viica a&auii . j
- Washington State you know.
Friday and Saturday nights,
style of play only because their 1
material made it prontable and i
opposed it fundamentally.
Iba, whose team plays City Col
lege of New York in the first of
this winter's twint bills at the
garden tomorrow night, suggested
that the rules be amended to make
it illegal to interfere with a ball
the downward half of its arc.
The present rule prohibits mo
lesting the ball only while it is
directly, above the basket.
Th' Golf
Club Cat
: Jack Emlen-Jaek Nash 3 up and
team No. 10. B. Thomson and
Duke : Campbell, won a 4-up
decision over team No. 12, John
Ileltzel-M. Emmann.
: Here's how the rest of the
: teams stack up on the score
board after the second round:
Scales-Thrush (4) no points
one way or the other; Lengren
Hendrie (S) four minus points;
Emlen-Nash (2) s 1 x mlqus
points; Heltxel-Emmann (12)
five minus "points: Thomson -Campbell
(It) eight minus
points; Coppock-Hunter (ID
nine ' mines points; - Armpriest
Eyro (S) eleven minus points:
Goodwln-MeCrary (5) 12 mi
nus points. :
Due to exceptionally good
golfing weather over the week
end play was comparatively
heavy on the coarse. Even Rex
KlmmelL cap and all, who quit
tbe game but definitely was
out battling par and doing a
fairly good Job at same.
Cliff Parker announced that
weather permitting, the men's
division would hold their In
fantile Paralysis Benefit fund
sweepstakes tourney next Sat
urday "afternoon,' December IS.
Both Battlers
Ready for Bell
In 10-Roimder
"Lipscomb-Jones Mat
Tiff Tops Grappling
Ertd of Star Card
Three thunderous rasslin riots
behind them, all of which had
village mat customers reminiscing
by comparison the thrillers they
saw years ago when one, Robin
Reed ruled the wrestling roest
hereabouts, Tough Tony Ross, the
Four Corners muscleman and
Gorgeous Georgle Wagner, the
vociferous Eugene turkey farmer
bend into their long-awaited-and
Salem commission-sanctioned 10
round boxing match tonight at
the armory. !-,.'
The clouting bee between the
two anxious heavy light-heavies
comes as a result of those three j
rasslin rumpusses. After each,
first one and then the other
.squawked loud and long "I was ;
robbed." So Matchmaker Don'
Owen, who never overlooks the
best bets in the who-meets-who
angle of the mat game, hatched
a plan wherein the unfriendly
pair would fight It oat to a fin
ish to once and for all settle
their beefing.
A mutually-accepted and log
ical plan since there's a real heat
h". ween the two. it was booked
4 : a m c il. a
tut" from the local boxing com
Mun since siaie iaw loroioa iu
sucn as lights to a finish. One
plea by Owen and two commis
sion meetings later and it was de
cided to pitch the pair into a le-
g a 1 10-rounder Marquis of
Queensberry rules, commission
appointed referee and all. An
"okeh" came from everyone
Ross, Wagner, Owen, the commis
sion, the sponsoring American
Legion and above all, the fans.
Packy McFarlaad. the pint
sized and popular rinr official
was appointed by the commis
sion to referee the winner-take-all
elouteroo and will be the
third man tonight when Coast
Mat Champ Wagner tosses Ms
all at Ross.
Although it's billed for 10
rounds, those who have seen the
two gladiators put and take with
one another sans gloves before
are convinced ft will end in a
knockout Tough Tony the one
whoU be in the neutral corner
listening to the count.
Ross, who has been diligently
training for the titanic will out
weigh Wagner eight pounds.
The village battler scales 1S8
to Warner's professed 180.
Gorgeous Georgle. en route
through town yesterday stopped
long enough to announce he's
ready and "don't go making any
foolish bets on Ross I , used to
fight quite a bit once. If I don't
knock him out I'll outpoint him.
With a fair and square referee
In there I cant miss."
Jack "Bash 'Em" Lipscomb, the
super-meanie of the mat, heads
the two grappling bouts which
precede the Wagner-Ross titanic.
Lipscomb, who was well on his
way to a- title tiff with Wagner
until he ran across Bulldog Jack
son, tackles Ivan Jones, the be
muscled athletic instructor of
Portland's YMCA and a shiDyard.
Milton Adolphus Olson and Tex
two scientific and clean
swifties- swaP ho,ds in h 8:30
pjn. starter. Both mat renditions
will be of the t wo-of -1 h r ee- falls,
half-hour time limit variety.
Tickets for the exceptional
eard have been' going at a fast
clip. They're still on sale today
at Maple's Sporting goods store
and at The Pioneer Club: There
has been no advance in prices.
Ransjers Sink
Mill City Five
MILL CITY Aumsville's Ran
gers eked out a close 26-28 victory
over the Mill City high school
quintet here Friday night in the
inaugural contest of each team's
schedule. - , -
Two Mill City players. Davis
and Toman, paced the scoring
column, the former racking up
19 points, while Toman slapped
the mesh for nine counters. The
two Kellinger brothers were
high for the Rangers, each pop
ping In six tallies.
The preliminary contest between
tne schools' "Bw squads saw the
Aumsville seconds trounce the Mill
City reserves, 22-14. J
' Lineups: . , , .;;-.
uavis Ilt ".r , Ml Ftushv
Peters (S)
Dug Kan (2)
Hathaway !
t Gilbert
J. Kellinger
- 2 Rebo
M. KeDincer
(4) Lewis
Chase Named Captain
'44 Navy Grid Team
: ANNAPOLIS, Mi, Deej 13
(aP) Mld&hlpnaan - Benjamin S.
Chase of San Diego, CaUf, has
been elected captain of navy's
1944 varsity football team, the
naval academy's director of ath
letics CapL John E. Whelcbel
announced today. f i ' i
- Capt. Whelchel also announced
Curren D. Dempsey of Spokane.
Wash, had been elected to head
tho cross country team
f Rip th' Blooper5
(fPy-li wont come as a surpriso
to National leagvo . batters
this announcement ont of tho
strawberry capital that . Truett
"Rip" SeweU will be serving up
that tanUUzlng "blooper," r
balloon ball, again next baseball
Actually, the - husky Pitts
burgh right hander hopes that
hell be able to put more of a
lob on the pitch in 1944. He had
the ball sailing' 'as high as 25
feet last season before it flopped
- ' - - ' '- ' 1 ...... . - , t - -.
Tonight They Slug It Out With
( , V -
V - f : v
y I nr. s . K -tp-
' - , ;; ; w 1
JXSSBm sauna. v k
irk . S
r . r . A u. . t l ir - . - -
i J Y v H' -
TOUGH TONY ROSS (left) and Gorgeous Georgie Wagner right), the
tomers when they tire off with
match tonight at tho armory. The referee pictured above Is Milt Olson, but tonight Packy McFar
land, appointed by the Salem Boxing commission, will third-man the long-awaited scrap. The punch'
ing party comes on the tall end of Matchmaker Don Owen's weekly wrestling eard.
Gonzaga Eyes
Husky Series
SPOKANE, Dec. 13.-(P)-Gon-
zaga university's undefeated bas
ketball Bulldogs are doing their
Christmas worrying early.
The team, with victories over
Washington State, Idaho, and
Eastern Washington to its cre
dit, takes on University of Wash
ington's champs here Dec. 28-29.
"Uncle Hec" Edmundson's Wash
ington Huskies admittedly have
the Bulldogs growing their finger
nails to bite size.
Both Zag and Husky teams are
made up of Navy V-12 trainees.
Civilian-staffed opponents so far
haven't been able to keep the
Bulldogs from warming up to at
least half a hundred points per
The Zags are discounting any
chance that their record might be
marred before the Washington se
ries. They meet Idaho in Mos
cow Wednesday night and Whit
worth here Dec. 21.
PCC Managers
Allowed Votes
Edwin N. Atherton, Pacific coast
conference commissioner, announ
ced tonight reorganization of the
athletic group's board of directors
grants voting membership to the
graduate managers of the ten
member schools in forming poli
cies. -
Atherton said that the current
winter business session here
voted" to hold joint conventions
with the graduate managers in
order ; to correlate administrative
objectives. ' .
Rangers Down
Mill City Five
AUMSVILLE The Aumsville
high Rangers swept two basket
ball games from Mill City Friday
night, the Bees winning 22-14 and
the , varsity 26-25. The varsity
victory was the first over a Mill
City team in three years. I A
The Rangers have more .games
DRSu On AN . . . LAM
Of V T I mn N.r Or fi.Cliio.N it
ff CHINESE Herbalists
i f 41 North liberty
OpsUurs iPvrtUnd Unersl Electric
ut open Miwaij a
10 mm to I p m; to 1 pm Coo g
sultation ; Blood pressure and Hrinr
tests are treo of chares. tracuoco
since If If
Ready for r44
Into the catcher's mitt, while
. the Infuriated batter.. swuajL
harmlessly. er stood there with -frustrated,
look and hoard tho
nmptro eaJl a strike,.:f '
; , Adroit use or the unique toss
.gave Sewell a record of 21 vic
tories against , nine defeats for
the fourth-place Pirates in 194J.
and a - pitcher 25 years -old
doesht discard a weapon as ef-'
: fectlre as thaLV; -'
He has no fear that hitters'
wiljl " solve '. the pitch ; and atari all, over the park. 1
"It will be good as long as I v
the grunts and groans, don the gloves for a 10-round Issue-settling
scheduled this week and next.
Wednesday night the Sublimity
Grade school five challenges the
local Graders to be followed by
a varsity ; game between the two
schools.' Detroit high comes Fri
day night. On Tuesday night, De
cember 21, Gates high plays Aums
ville here.
Beavers Down
Naval Quintet
CORVALLIS, Ore., Dec. 13-UP)
The Oregon State Beavers weath
ered a second period storm blown
up by the Tillamook naval air
station tonight for 39-30 victory.
With a 26-14 lead going into
the last half. Coach Slats Gill
sent in his second string. The
airmen started whittling down
the score and continued even
with the first string Beavers
back In until finally halted at
Bob Reiman and Fred "Happy"
Lee, Beaver gtiards, shared high
point honors with 12 each.
The Staters will meet the Fly
ers again Thursday night enroute
to the northern division hoop
jamboree at Astoria.
Fight Results
Maxie Berger, Canadian Welter
weight won a unanimous 10-round
decision tonight over Ernest "Cat"
Robinson, Long Island Negro. Ber
ger was the aggressor throubhout
and had all the best of the in
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 13 -(if)
Trenton's Ike Williams earned
himself a shot at Bob Montgomery
tonight by belting out a 10-round
decision over Mayon Padlo of
Outweighed 144 to-134, the New
Jersey 'Negro pushed the Phila
delphian, who previously had won
11 in a row, all around the ring.
December 14 gt F. M.
"rrSalcri Arccry
Ilain Event 10 Dssnds
Gloves grudge-sanctioned by Salem Boxing Commission
Pacific Coast Lightheavy Champ, Eugene
Jack Lipscomb vsC
Ivan Jones
3 snin. Z of 3 falls.
Admission: Ringside JLlt
Ball Season
can throw it." SeweU said to
day. . Sewell started experimenting
with the blooper In 1942. He
'throws the ban In a high are,
and tt Is anovlnr almost vertic
ally, ; Instead of horlzonUUy,
when It crosses the plate.
Trying to hit tt. one batter
eompUued, Is "like swatting
flies on the ceiling." "
He U 4F in the draft because
he was wounded accidentally In
the legs' , while hunting - two
years age. ' He was rejected at
Camp" Standing after coming' to
his winter home here. ; ; :.
th' Gloves
rasslin' rowdies who wow the cus
Trojans Step
Up Workouts
The Southern California Trojans
practice paces for the New Year's
day Rose Bowl game with Uni
versity of Washington were
marked today by the return of
Don Hardy, first team left end
who has been off the squad since
he dislocated an elbow in the tilt
with San Diego Naval Training
station Nov. 6.
Assistants Gus Shaver and
Shelby Calhoun drilled the USC
team in the absence of Coach
Jeff Cravath who Is In San
Francisco attending the Pacific
coast conference meeting.
The left end position is also for
tified by Gordon Gray and Bob
Webb and End Coach Bob Win
lsow is working Jack Pattee and
John Dominis at the other wing
to give Jim Callanan support.
The 17 -year-old Callanan Is
now the only freshman on the
Trojans starting line-op. Gray
and Fullback Duane White
head, who started the season as
fresh, have advanced to sopho
more standing.
Ex-Duck Gets
Slirine Invite
' EUGENE, Dec. 13 -P- William
Mayther, center on last year's Uni
versity of Oregon football squad.
today accepted an invitation to
play with the Western All-Stars
in the annual East-West Shrine
football game in San Francisco
New Year's day.
Mayther,1 who holds a medical
discharge from the army, was be
ing groomed as a blocking quar
terback when the Webfoots can
celed football this fall. He will re
port to Coach Babe Hollingbery In
San Francisco December 19.
Only Duck on last year's East
West squad was Fullback Tommy
Milt Olson vs. Tex Ilager
38 min 2 of 3 falls.
h Gen. Aum. 75 - Tax Inc.
Goai Conference-
Plans, on -Playin,
Football in
PCC Heads Open Winter Meetibg, j
Hope to Revive Grid Competition
' SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 13-K-Barring unforeseenj develpp
ments between now and next fall,"" .'the Pacific? coast conjferepce
intends to carry out a 1944 inter-collegiate football program of
some sort,: it was indicated today
mm. f n I'M
tins in ixoaa again
Newsom Traded
To Athletics
Philadelphia Athletics an
nounced today they have obtained
Pitcher Buck , Newsom . from the
Washington Senators in exchange
for Pitcher Roger Wolff. r
No cash or additional players
were involved In the deal, said
the A's vice president, Roy
Alack. ;:,,; fc-'; ,":'.;:
The 'deal . was completed by
telephone-between Clark Griffith
in Washington and Connie Mack
In Frederick, Md, where the elder
Mack was inspecting the Athletics'
spring training site .
Asked if he expected any trou
ble from temperamental Bo bo the
80-year-old manager chuckled
and said: ;
"I think well get along Just
fine. As to Newsom's past, Fm
not worrying about that. In-
stead I'm figuring on what h.eof the profits of the Rose Bowl
is going to' do for us 'In the fu- j game.-' ' i i 1 ;
Ort Friday-Saturday
Astoria Hoop
Jamtbree Set
ASTORIA, Ore., Dec. l3-;p-Preparations
were completed to
day for the northern division, Pa
cific Coast conference, basketball
jamboree here this weekend.
Tho seating capacity Of Asto
ria's $200,000 USO pavilion has
been Increased to more than
2540 for the tournament which
will bring Oregon, Oregon
State, Washington and Wash
ington state together on a ma
ple court for the first time.
The teams will arrive Friday
afternoon for the hoop show billed
by the sponsoring Astoria Athletic
association as an all-Oregon vs.
all-Washington event.
Backs Return
To Husky Fold
SEATTLE, Dec. 13 -(jP)- Full
backs Gail Bruce and Marv Smith
reported to the University of
Washington football squad again
today after a few days' absence
with leg injuries.
With the manpower situation
improved : for the. moment. Coach
Ralph "Pest" Welch turned his
worries to the weather as he put
the Huskies through a stiff drill in
preparation for" the Rose bowl
game against Southern California.
After the fourth straight, workout
in near freezing temperature, he
expressed concern over the possi
bility that the cold, with resultant
sluggish muscles and susceptibility
to injuries, might be poor medi
cine for a Pasadena-bound team.
Reinisch Tables
Cocktail, Lamp
An Ideal
Mahogany andl Walnut Finish
The Reinisch line of
of pre-war quality both
This 13 in shcap contra
lines where quality Is
prices have increased.
IS!! S9-95
No more tchen present' stock exhausted.
Limited stock . of unpointed furniture including':
Desks, Knickknack Shelves, Chests, Dressihl I
Tables, Etc -
We have a choice lot of heavy PITTSBURG PLATE MIR
RORS priced from C - fi QS '
tt. 0. WdODROUJ GO:
345 Center Street
i, 1
ars representatives of t
went ! into session In their! annual
I (uccuug.v
Prof.. John W. Olmstedi presi
dent of the conference, j opened
the meeting with a Ikeynoie rnesr
sage, in part as follows
"Within the past: months
numbefr of our members have
been ' forced by the exigencies
of wartime conditions either to
curtail or temporarily withdraw
their inter ; - collegiate athletic
; programs. ; '; j
"O ther membe;
have, not without a strugg
e, beeik
able to carry on. But in aal cases
two things seem clear: ;
"The conference and Its mem
bers are first and feremoi t con
cerned with maklngj a ma cimum
contribution to the eff rctive
ness of the universities" pi ogram
of the armed forces, particular
ly the physical fitness side of
this program. ' ' j .-" ' j i i f ,
fin the second place the confer
ence and its members believe in
maintaining inter - collegiate ath
letics and athletic competition to
the utmost of their ! ability to do
' - 1 f.'
Delegates were confronted with
jl number of problems, one! ( of
which was to agree on a (division
In the past, part of the western
Rose Bowl team's profits were api-
i portioned to the other nirte mem
iber schools. The; bone of jconten
tion at this time was the ques
lion whether or not the isix col'
leges which did not' field j football
teams' this year would participate
, in the division of money.
! tf .Ul .... a , m . j
nviiuoi mc nuncc ois vuuni
power, however, the six schools
wer expected to vote themsefvesi
-i cut. ,;-.-,-- -j . jfij
Faculty athletic representatives
of the conference took up eligibili
ty matters which includec sugges
tions to suspend the rule charging
participation in inter-coll ge' com
petition. , In other words players
who engaged in football this sea
son "would not be charged with a
year's participation after the war.
The faculty men also ere ex
pected to suspend the transfer
rule and transfer penaltr to ap
ply after the war as it nay1 af
fect any student who has been
In the armed forces and 1 may
desire to continue his education
at a conference institution.! H
!; Ther is a present ruje of
of one year's ' competiticjn in
case of a student transferring from
one conference school to! another.
Conference representatives I in
cluded Faculty Men R. H. Nottel
man, Washington; . Thomas i Jerr,
Idaho; Earl Miller; Montana; O. J
Hollis, Oregon; Dr Fre Bohler,
Washington State; and C. Vf Ru
zek, Oregon State.
Athletic managers on
hand i in
cluded J. A. Brown Ida 10;: tarty
Foster, Washington Stat ; Al IU
brickson,-Washington; Alison! Cor-
nell,- Oregon;
Percy Lbcey,
Oregon State.
Conference 1 coaches included
Lon Stiner, Oregon St ite; j Orin
HoIJineberv. Washington Istaie.
Basketball Score
Oregon State 39,1 Tillamook
Air Station 30.1 ! j ; i
Camp Grant 51 J Wisconsin 40.
U. of Kentucky 40 Ohib Slite 23.
Minnesota 40, Nebraska 2l i
and End Tables
Christmas . Gift
occiasional furniture lis still
in materials and ! finish, j i
st with the many oth'eri :
sub - standard even though
t0 513-95
' " i