The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 02, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' I:
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Lyons Family ?,
Holds Party
Holiday GuetU From ,
Afar Return for
LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Paxil
Smith' and "Mrs. Katharine Lyon
were Thanksgiving dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Schields in Salem. The women are
sisters. Mrs. Lyon spent the week
end in Portland with relatives, re
turning to Lyons Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Berry with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carr and
children of Mill City spent Thurs
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Berry at Mable.
f Mrs. George Keeley and Mrs.
Maud Burmister of Portland were
Thursday dinner guests at the Roy
Huber and Stacey McCall home.
Mrs. Keeley ia a daughter of the
Hubers and Mrs. Burmister a sis
ter of Mrs. McCall.
j Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Ram bo
and son George, visited Sunday at
the Larson home in Silverton. Mrs.
Larson is a sister of Mr. Rambo.
After spending the Thanksgiv
ing holiday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lew
is, Miss Lucille Lewis, teacher in
the Scio primary school, returned
to Scio.
Mrs. Ed Spa and daughters, Jac-
qualine and Marlyne were noiiaay
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Nye in Stayton;
Bob Brassfield of the US navy
visited over the weekend at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill Brassfield.
. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield
visited relatives and friends in
Portland Sunday evening and
Miss Imogene Roye, student at
Willamette -university, spent the
Thanksgiving holiday at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .
J. Roye. She had as her house
guests. Miss Verna Greenley and
Miss Wynona Henderson.
Miss Constance Eodeker of Mol
alla, and Miss Betty Jean Bode
ker of Oregon State college spent
the weekend at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bo
deker. Additional guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Bressler and Elmer
Mrs. Kenneth Bass of Philomath
spent several days at the home
of her husband's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Bass.
' Mrs. Daisy Johnston with her
son and family, the Paul John
stons of Fox Valley were guests at
the home of Mrs. Paul Johnston's
sister, Mrs. Mary Aplin in Salem.
Miss Edna Holder of Salem, re
turned missionary from India will
have charge of the morning serv
ices at the Lyons Methodist church
next Sunday morning.
Junior Women "to
Hold Rush Party
SILVERTON Featuring a rush
party, the Junior Women's club
will meet December 13 at the
chamber of commerce rooms at 8
o'clock. A "no-host supper will be
served at the opening of the meet'
Ing wiht Mrs. John Rutherford as
chairman and Mrs. Victor Hadley
as her assistant Mrs. Charles Da
vis "and her group of home econ
omlcs girls from the high school,
who served the. annual homecom
ing banquet for the club, will be
special guests.
The club held a special meeting
Monday night at the home of Mrs.
L L. Steward, with Mrs. Perl Bye
as hostess, Monday night to plan
the affair. A rummage sale was
also discussed but no definite
plans formed.
Truck Set Afire
By Short Circuit
AURORA Monday afternoon
as Alvin Tautfest was driving to
Aurora from his home at Donald
hi truck short -c Ircuited and
caught fire. '
The : fire - occurred outside the
city ; limits of Aurora where the
Donald and Wilsonville roads join
forming the road leading into Au
rora. The Aurora fire department
was called. The truck was dam
aged. ' ,
Thanksgiving Guests
Entertained at Amity
- AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Soren
Sorensen entertained a number
of relatives Thanksgiving day at
their home just northeast of town.
Those present . were Mr. and
Mrs. Jessie Jones, their daughter,
M r s . Charlotte Bebout, their
granddaughter, Karen Young, all
of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Nels
Sorensen of Wecomah beach,
Mrs. Mary E. Breeding, Mrs. F.
S. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Weston, all of Amity.
Liberty Paper Drive
Made by Pupils
; LIBERTY, Dec 1-A house to
house canvass for old papers is
under way this week by : the Li
berty school children. The papers
will be collected on Friday, De
cember 3. -
Tillamook Family Are
New Amity Residents
I AMITY Mr. and . Mrs. Earl
Try on of Tillamook have moved to
the Chase Thomas home on South
Trade street.
Reports From
Aumsyille PTA
Has Meet
AUMSVILLE The hot lunch
program was discussed at the PTA
meeting Monday night. The as
sociation voted to serve milk to the
pupils if ; arrangements can be
made to obtain the required
amount. This will be in addition
to the lunch already provided. It
is also hoped to arrange to serve
more of a variety of food for the
hot (lunch. ' .
Supplies for' the kitchen and
dining room will be added. Mrs.
Bradley was appointed to make
the candy for the children's
Christmas treat.' Donations of su
gar and ration stamps will be ap
preciated. The program for the Christmas
tree which will be given Decem
ber 21, will be in charge of the
grade school teachers..
.-. Miss Frances Christianson, a re
presentative of the Girl Scouts
organization was present ' and
spoke. 'Mrs. Ruth Riches and Mrs.
Charles 1 Malone, were appointed
to investigate the possibilities of
organizing the girls of this com
munity. They win make a report
at the beginning of the new year.
East: Side Sewing
Club Has Meeting
AMITY The East Side Sew
ing club met for the November
get-together at the home of Mrs.
Marie Benjamin with Mrs. Lloyd
Tusham presiding. Members of the
club are preparing a box of used
clothing to be sent to the Chil
dren's farm home at Corvallis.
All donations are to be left at
the Tresham home. The after
noon was spent in embroidering
dish towels and reclaiming wool
from red sweaters for the host
ess. Mrs. Bertha Riha was a guest
and joined the club at this meet
ing. The Riha family have moved
from Corvallis to a farm east of
Traveling Gavel
Reaches Dallas
DALLAS Members of the Ma
sonic lodge met Friday to receive
the travelling gavel and the log
which accompanies it. Orameal
Shreeve, worshipful master, pre
sided. Initiation . of new members
and the observation of birthdays
was held.
The gavel was started on its way
to visit all the lodges of the state
when Earl Snell presented it to the
Multnomah lodge No. 2, October
21, 1940 The local lodge will pre
sent it to the Holbrook lodge of
Forest Grove December 7. A spe
cial meeting was held Saturday
night for initiation.
Sunnyside Club
Schedules Meet
SUNNYSIDE The Community
club will meet December 3 at 8
o'clock. Newcomers in the com
munity are incited as well as the
old. A program will be given. All
are to bring sandwiches. Coffee
will be served by the community
club. ?
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Whelan and
daughter Patricia spent Thanks
giving with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Mr. and Mrs. E. Monner spent
Thanksgiving in Portland with Mr.
Monner's sister.
'" Mrs.; Cliff Pearson and son Dale
spent the weekend in Portland
with her husband who is work
ing in the shipyards.
Osborne Family Goes
Home After Reunion
AMITY Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Osborne and daughters, Mrs.
MarciUe Jones, Marjorie and Ja
nice Osborne, all of Bingen. Wash.,
were visitors Thanksgiving day at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
They were enroute to Bingen
from Salem where they attended
a family reunion Thursday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wy
att, parents of Mrs. Osborne. The
Osborne family are former Amity
Seed Crop Planting
Occupies Farmers
: HAYESVILLLE The hum of
tractors can be heard, as farm
ers take advantage of every min
ute of fair weather to get the
seed crop in. -
Perry Sanders and Charles An
dresen are each planting IS acres
of parsnips roots for seed. Pierre
Saucy; has about 20 acres of on
ions.. ; Berns -: Chris to fferson has
about 10 acres of "onions. i
Rf EJlArcbibald R1
In Salem Hospital
Hughes of Seattle ia staying with
her sister, Mrs. ',. Galen Siddall,
during the illness of their father,
R. E. Archibald, a resident of
Aumsville, but at present in the
Salem General hospital- .':.;"'
The Statesman's Community Correspondents
Salaxru Orocjon. Thursday Morning, Docombor Z, J 343
Yamhill Families Observe
cial will feature the December
meeting of the Grand Island Com
munity club December 3.
A group of Wacs and a num
ber of army and navy air base
officers from Portland will pre
sent moving pictures and furnish
the program.
James Rockhill, in Barnes hos
pital, Vancouver, Wash., with a
one-day furlough, was a Thanks
giving day guest of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rockhill.
Mrs. Arnet White and infant son,
came form the general hospital in
McMinnville Saturday to the home
of he rparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence RockhilL
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sar
gent tntertalaed Thanksgiving
day for Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Versteer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Versteeg of McMinnville; Mr.
and ' Mrs. Scott Edwards of
Pleasantdaje and their families
numbering- SO in alL ;
UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs.
Matt Warren, Bern Warren and
James Warren, 89, were Thanks
giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
M. Cooper at Willamette. Mrs.
Warren is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Cooper and because Mrs.
Cooper is not very strong, Mrs.
Warren went Wednesday to as
sist in the preparation of the fam
ily reunion feast. She returned to
her home with her family Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Carl Thornton of near
Dayton was an overnight Saturday
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt
and attended the Evangelical
church homecoming Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Boul
den were Thanksgiving day
guests of their mother, Mrs.
Tom Boulden at Dayton where
a turkey dinner was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Ersel. Gubser and
family were hosts to a Thanksgiv
ing dinner served to Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Dickover of Silverton; Mr.
and Mrs. Lynn Gubser, Mrs. Bur
lyn Gubser and son Ross Gubser
of McMinnville; Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Walker and son John of
Broadmead; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Gubser and family of Pleasantdale.
Mrs. John Hibbs was a Thanks
giving day guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Launer.
Mrs. R. Q. Mabry and son Jack
of Dayton, were Thanksgiving day
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark No
ble. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deyoe were
Thanksgiving day guests of their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Owen Holliday in the Pleas
antdale district.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brown and
son Donald of Portland were Sun
day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. J. Countiss.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stein
grube entertained with a family
Thanksgiving day dinner. Attend
ing were Mr. Steingrube, sr., ot
Wood burn; Mr. and Mrs. Emory
Wood and family of Salem; Mr.
and Mrs. William Taylor, Mr, and
Mrs. Henry Taylor and five sons,
Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley and
son Donald, Misses Marilyn and
Linnie Miller, all of Grand Island.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thien and
son Wilburn, and daughter, Ar
zilla, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy
Schasson and Julius Gatliff, were
Thanksgiving day guests of their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. George Weiss at Lafayette.
Junior Court, Is
Held Tuesday
SILVERTON Only two bicy
cle offenders were arrested this
week for the Tuesday night court.
Ralph Moseng appeared and was
charged 15 for riding on a side
walk. Benney Shelton, who had
been served a ticket failed to ap
pear. Donna Hove served as junior
police Judge; Donna Neuman, dis
trict attorney; Gale Jackson,
clerk; Agnes King, assistant clerk;
Marilyn Sannerud, secretary; Zel
ma King, assistant secretary.
Lyons Rebekali -Holds
LYONS Election of officers
was held by Faith Rebekah lodge
Wednesday night. The following
officers were elected for the. com
ing term of six months: Hazel
Lewis, noble grand; Garnett Bas
sett, vice grand; Goldie Rambo,
secretary; and Eva Bressler, treas
urer. Mrs. Anderson, present no
ble grand is much improved after
being confined to her home by
illness.' ' 1 ; :
H i - Last.
7f If irtlttrrTrH Times
tJM A.lMJI, Tonight
FAIRVIEW Mr. and Mrs. John
Allison and two daughters were
Thanksgiving- day guests of the
parents of Mrs. Allison, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Newhouse, in the Neck
district, where a family gathering
was held. Others present were Mr.
and Mrs. Leland Newhouse and
family of Webfoot, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen McFarlane and family of
Pleasantdale. "
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weed en-;
tertained with a Thankstiving
d inner at their heme with the
following relatives attending:
from Amity, were his mother,
Mrs. Rose Wood, his grandmoth
er, Mrs. Mary Wanless, his ancle.
Charles Wanless, his aunt. Miss
Edith Wanless; and from this
locality, his uncle, Charles
Brown and father.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stephens
left Thursday evening for an elk
hunting trip in, eastern Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allison, Mr.
and Mrs.- John Allison, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Stephens attended
the golden wedding celebration of
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John
Childers of Spring Valley, held
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Windsors, where a
large gathering of relatives and
friends were present for a visit.
The anniversary was the following
day, Monday, November 29.
Ramey Family
Given Farewell
UNIONVALE A farewell
dinner party honoring Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Ramey and daugh
ters, Sharon Ann and Judy Bea
Ramey of Amity was held Satur
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Knoche.
Those present were former
friends when all were neighbors
living near Kansas City. The Ra
meys have resided in the Amity
area more than four years and
recently purchased a large farm
near La Grande.
Relatives attending the dinner
were Henry Stockhoff of La
Grande, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock
hoff and son Eugene and daugh
ter Patty Lou of Wheatland. Hen
ry and Fred Stockhoff are broth
ers of Mrs. Ramey. Mrs. Knoche
was his teacher in Kansas when
Eugene Stockkhoff was in the be
ginners class and he is now
through high school. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Knoche and Robert Herse
were Thanksgiving . dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armen
trout in the Webfoot distrist
African Missions
Program Subject
AMITY The Women's So
ciety of Christian Service of the
Methodist church met Wednesday
in the church parlors. The monthly
missionary lesson was in charge
of Mrs. E. R. Polhemus. African
missions were discussed. During
the business meeting final ar
rangements were made for the
annual bazaar to be held Wednes
day afternoon and evening, De
cember 8. The sale of fancy work
will start at 2:30. A turkey supper
will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock.
Dallas Family Is
Guest in Amity
AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Smithly and Mrs. Nora, Booth, mo
ther of Mrs. Smithly of Dallas,
visited at the home of J. W. Wal
ling. The Booth family were Am
ity residents for more than 40
Open at
P. M.
yrfy 'lessf W:.. Viv;--i0?O?
" A j 'iri')1 A?Ca? SEATS
f(y ' ) 77i,7J 1
i-x Tinman Monster Strikes! - 4 TKXITSWU
rlk vpSTi Human Form! - .ITS,
r& 'Ted Ilea W ?$
Auburn Groups
knjoy Holiday
AUBURN R. N. Payne has
returned home from Whitehorse,
Yukon, after spending eight
months - working for the public
roads administration. i: '
Thanksgiving was spent by Au
burn families with various fam
ily gatherings, some here and oth
ers going away.'
Lloyd Lee ' and family spent
Thanksgiving with Paul Lee and
family in Klamath Falls.. Mr. and
Mrs. George Baumgartner and
daughter Blanch, spent the holiday
in Portland at the home of Mr.
and . Mrs. Clair McFarlane (Marie
Mrs. Clara Massey and son Rich
ard and Oscar Fliflet and Miss
Palma Fliflet spent the day at the
Lee Fliflet home in Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. C Masquart ; of
Salem were guests at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. Lambert
Feskens. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Smith were additional guests . at
the Feskens home.
'Mrs. Glenn Laverty, and Shar
on spent the Thanksgiving vaca
tion visiting relatives in Reeds-
port. Mrs. Ross Miles spent the
vacation in Portland at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes.
Mrs. Miles and Mrs. Laverty are
both . teachers in . the Auburn
Guests at the R. N. Payne home
were Mrs. Doris Dushaine and L.
B. Payne of Albany and Mrs.
James Craig of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Flynn
of Portland were guests of Mrs.
Flynn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art
Menne. Flynn is on leave from
the navy. Mrs. Flynn will be re
membered here as Hilda Henne.
Mr. and Mrs. Shipman of West
Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Haines of Portland were guests
at the J. H. Sohn home.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Brown and
daughter Shirley spent the day
at Dallas at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gorden Aken.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle B. Van
Cleave and sons Larry and Lau
ren of Oregon City, were in Au
burn a short time Thanksgiving
day to see Mrs. Van Cleave's fa
ther, Ben H. Hawkins Who is con
valescing at the Salem General
hospital from a recent operation.
Gloverdale Family
Visits in Nevada
Fred Schifferer and daughters
Edith and, Mrs. Mildred Heyden of
Roberts, returned Sunday from a
trip to Reno, where they spent
Thanksgiving day with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Jensen (Mabel Schif
ferer). Albert has been advanced to
th crating of a cadet and enjoys
the work.
Gordon Kunke spent the week
end at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kunke and his
sister, Joyce.
Miss Rose Drager of Portland
spent " her holiday vacation with
her mother, Mrs. Caroline Drager.
Silverton Aid Society
Will Hold Election
dies Aid society was postponed
from Thursday of this week to
Friday because of the funeral of
Mrs. John Larsen, a member of
the society.
The meeting will be held Fri
day afternoon at the church so
cial rooms and the annual elec
tion of officers will be held.
on :.Tnn
C! Pf'Ol
To New Home
BUENA VISTA Mr. and Mrs.
Gall Prather have moved to their
new home recently vacated by the
George Dixon family.
Jack Wells .went, to Portland
Monday to attend an executive
meeting of FFA. :
' Mrs. Dormal Hale entertained
at a family dinner Sunday honor
ing her husband's birthday. '
Miss Ruby Carpenter was a
guest of Jean Jordon Sunday and
accompanied the Jordon family to
dinner with their daughter and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Oak
ley near Brownsville.
Barbara . ... Wells . and Delores
Hultman attended a meeting of.
the Music club of Miss Margaret
Hogg's music pupils in Salem Sat
urday afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pugh and
daughter Jo Ann of Detroit were
weekend guests at the L. S. Pra
Mrs. Ethyln Jimmerfield and
two children have moved to Sa
Miss Virginia Carpenter was a
Sunday guest of Mrs. Martha Ball.
Mr. and Mrs. Dormal Hale were
Thanksgiving dinner - guests of
Mrs. Hale's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Wheeler.
Mrs. Vera McGowan's class met
at the L. S. Prather home Sunday
for a social, hour and to plan a
community Christmas program.
- Farmers Union will meet Fri
day night with supper at 7:30 and
election of officers scheduled.
Sgt Theodore Reed, who is sta
tioned in Florida is spending his
furlough with his uncle, P. Wei
gel, and other relatives and
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wells
and baby of Portland Visited over
the weekend with relatives here.
Mrs. Bert Snyder, who has been
visiting in Portland, returned to
her home with them.
Mr. and Mrs Jonas Graber at
tended the Grange Thanksgiving
dinner in Monmouth Thursday.
Mrs. Addie , Harmon had
Thanksgiving dinner with her
daughter, Mrs. Blanch Rust and
Ferril in Salem.
Jonas GrElber, Clifford Wells
and E. D. Long met at the church
Monday night and fitted the new
Prospector Talks
To Auburn Pupils
AUBURN Frank Harpham,
trapper, bounty hunter and pros
pector for the last 14 years in
Alaska, talked to the upper
grade pupils, telling them of the
geographical and geological mar
vels of Alaska. Stories of Caribou,
elk, grizzly and Kodiak bear fas
cinated eveiyone. ; .
Discussion of geological forma
tions was along the line of re
cent study in the eighth grade
science class. Information concern
ing the Eskimos, the many tribes,
languages and homes was of spe-
Lial interest to the intermediate
grades. Harpham is visiting at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Glenn
Plans for Christmas
Will Be Completed
UNION HILL Mrs. Jessie
Carter will be hostess to the mem
bers of the Union Hill Woman's
club at her home Thursday after
noon. Plans for the Christmas
meeting will be completed at the
Goodfellows Hear
From Foster Son
ZENA Mr. and Mrs. Howard
D. Goodfellow have received a let
ter concerning their foster son,
Sgt Richard Pierson, who is a pa
tient at Fort Ord hospital in Cal
ifornia. He has suffered facial
paralysis. Sgt Pierson was train
ing 35 men every six weeks at the
time he became ill.
!n. you ve got a
Valby Births,
AUMSVILLE Mr. and Mrs.
Laurence Dean Roberts have an
nounced the. birth of a: son, No
vember 18.
28 Women Sign
For Nursing
MT. ANGEL The Red Cross
home nursing class held its first
meeting in,, the library of St
Mary's ; school Tuesday night
Twenty-eight women have sign
ed up for the course, thus far.
'- The textbooks had not been re
ceived from headquarters, so, no
regular class was possible. An out
line of the workwas given by
Mrs. Melvin Keegan and Miss JoH
lianna Dehler, who with Mrs.
James Shaffer, who was absent
because of illness, will conduct the
classes. All three are registered
nurses from Mt AngeL . .
The next class will be held Fri
day night, December 10, at ; 7:30
and thereafter each Friday night
at the same time for 12 weeks.
If the number of enrollees in
creases, two classes may be or
ganized, meeting on different
nights of the week. As soog as the
textbooks arrive they: will ; be
placed on sale at BaumanV store
and can be procured there.
Registered Bull
Sold to Klein
bull, " Aumsville Acres Admiral,
was sold last week to Hans Love-
lin of Silverton, by E. Klein. ; "j
Mrs. Albert Klein who has been
convalescing at her home here,
following injuries sustained when
their car was hit by. the train
when she Was, riding, is improv
ing and is able to sit up part of
the day. i !
Mrs. Morrison Much j
Improved in Health .';
AMITY Mr. and Mrs. William
Wilson of Dundee Saturday visited
Mrs. Margaret Morrison who has
been ill at her home here since
early June. She is much improved
and is now able to be out for a
short walk each day.
fs GffiL CBAZYT H -:iwVi
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j lsxis Fridayl if iisSsr I j
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Visit Friend
FOX VALLEY -4- Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Harmonf of j Coquille were
weekend ; visitors at j the W. M.
Griffin home. They are long time
friends i of j the 9 Griffins, but j had
not seen each other for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston
had ;as j Thanksgiving day dinner
guests : .his sister,! Mrs. Hilda
Humphreys, arid children, Betty,
Leland and Clary ce of Salem and
and Mrs.
Jack Johnston of
The Orville
Downing family
were Fern
Ridge! party guests
Thanksgiving. Their son, Duane,
was home fromf Oregon State col
lege jfor: the holiday. : ' j C ;,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston and
family and Mrs;-Daisy Johnston
spent Thanksgifing! in Salem. i
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burch and
two (daughters f of i Stayton were
Sunday guests Of Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Griffin. 1 If ! ii - I S
The well drilling machine ar
rived from Portland last Wednes
day jto drill a jjvellj for irrigating
purposes at ; the aul Johnston
ranch. They had went down about
is leet up to Saturday night The
drilling j has been lin! solid rock
most of the djrpthj and is quite
slowly going. The machine is kept
going two hur shifts per day
Three men are employed to oper
ate the machine; I j 1
Albert Julian I injured his knee
while making jbedar fence posts
in the mountains near Detroit A
sow tooth struck his; kneecap caus
ing His knee tofstiffen for a time.
.1 ....... i - 1 . I i
tie didn't minx tne in
was ser-
ious but it was jquite painful nev
ertheless. Julia4 ; came home Sat
urday. ; j v ! M : ,
he Present with joFwtvrel
L'.H ! IMth I. ; I
Chester Marjrls. Jean Parker
I 13
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