The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 25, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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Go to Dallas
Former Oklahoma Folk
Move to New Home ? ;
a In Polk County
PIONEER Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Theiss and children Eve
lyn. George,' Joan and Douglas,
visited Mrs. Theiss parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Balough of Port
land Saturday.
, Mrs. Ray Slaters is reported HI
and under ': the doctor's care. -
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penning
ton and con, and Mr. Pennington's
father who have been staying at
the Robert Kent home since com
- lug to Oregon, have moved to
their new home south of Dallas.
The Pennington came from Ok
lahoma and are cousins of the
Xents. .
k Two new . children started to
school Monday. They are Jessie
Ray Yelev, fifth grade, and John
nie Ray Yeley, first grade. The
Yeleys have built a new house on
' the place purchased from Mr.
.. Jackson.
- All the school children coo per -
a ted very nicely in the junior Red
Cross drive and now have $2.46.
The teacher, Mrs. Calavan, got
Red Cross tags for each child.
. Mr. and Mrs. Ty Cronk and
" daughter of Dallas visited at the
s Harry Wells home" recently.
Andrew Theiss was home over
the weekend from Forest Grove
where he is employed.
. Mr. and Mrs. "Shorty" Allan of
Salem visited the Harry Wells
home Wednesday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Theiss and
children visited their mother, Mrs.
Anna Theiss Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. . Willaim Webb of
Portland called at the Harry Wells
home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Calavan
spent the weekend at Talbot and
Friday attended services in Jef
ferson where their son, Truman
Bobbins, sang as a member of the
quartette of the Bible college of
Eugene. Sunday they attended a
dinner at the Talbot church where
25 soldiers were entertained.
Carl Wright of Dallas and Cur
tis Dornhecker of Falls City, vis
ited at the Frank Dornhecker
home Sunday. :
Mr. and Mrs. John Calavan had
as their guests for dinner Mon
day night Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ay-
delott and son Ted.
" Mrs. Kenneth Laudahl and chil
dren Dale and 'Audrey visited Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Slater i Sunday.
- Gary Sansom who has been at
tending school here, is now going
to Orchard schooL The Domas-
, chofsky place where" the San soma
live has been . transferred from
the Pioneer to -the Orchard dis
trict. V"-
;' Shirley Woodhull who has' been
' staying at the home of her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Dornhecker, since September is in
Bellingham .Washington, where
she will visit her sister, Mrs.. Arn
old Braden.
Farm Accounting
Books Available
DALLAS Farmers are begin
ning to show considerable interest
in improving their farm bookkeep
ing because of the reports they
must make on December 15 in
connection with the federal income
; "Farm Bookkeeping and the Fed
eral Income Tax," a pamphlet is
sued by the USD A, is available on
request at the county agent's-f
f ice. It is a simple explanation of
the steps necessary for a farmer
to take in arranging his records
and using them in determining his
Income tax payment. '
Two types Of farm accounting
hooks are also available through
his office, states W. C. Leth, coun
ty agent, that can be used by
farmers . to advantage and which
will not only make it easier to pre
pare; the income tax reports, but
will also make better business rec
ords" for the farm. One of these
is developed on the cash basis and
the other ' on the accrual basis.
Assistance in using either type can
he secured from the county agent.
Oregon Granger
Home, London
Mrs. Morton Tompkins returned
Monday. Mr. Tompkins, master of
the Oregon state grange, left
home September 7 with seven
other;, distinguished : American
civilians chosen by the office of
war information who nave return
d from good-will information
tour of England. "I
Mrs. Tompkins left home Octo
ber 25 to join her husband upon
his return to New York City and
together they have since attended
part of the national grange con
ference held at Grand Rapids,
Mich. They : both - enjoyed very
happy. experiences and he was in
England when bombed by the en
emy and is alive to tell the story
of. the bombing horrors of war.
They are both very tired and are
undecided about their Thanksgi v
Ing plans. '
Social Dance Held
In Wheatland District
WHEATLAND A social dance
was held Saturday at the Wheat
land Community hall with more
than 75 local people" in attend
ance. The music was by! Spring
.Valley and local talent.
r The Wheatland school will nave
Thanksgiving and also the day af
ter as holidays. - .
Mid - Willamette ; Valley Newa
Reports From The Statesman's Community Correspondents.
Woman Visits
Jefferson Residents
Entertain For Many
Holiday Guests
JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Rehfeld had as their guests
over the week end their daughter.
Mrs. Hart Barnes, her husband
and sons Michael and William
Darr of Vancouver, Washington.
Barnes is employed in a Van
couver shipyard. Mrs. Frank Reh
feld who has been ill is improved,
and able to be about the house.
Mrs. Helen Messener of Menom
nie. Wis- has been a guest at
the home of her ancle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Klhs and
family. Saturday afternoon, they
motored to Albany to visit Mrs.
John Klhs and small son at the
Armfleld Maternity Home. Miss
Helen Kins, who teaches at La
comb, spent the week end at her
home. "
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colgan,
former Jefferson residents, now of
Pendleton, were here on a business
trip Friday, and calling on friends
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hutchings
and daughters, Sara Margaret and
Martha! Jane, and .Rosa Brown
spent the week end at Pacific City,
in their cottage there. They said
Sunday was a beautiful sunshiny
day at the coast.
Mrs. J. G. Fontaine and daughter
Miss Marjorie Fontaine will spend
Thanksgiving in Eugene at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson
returned Monday from Lakeview,
where they spent several weeks
visiting at the home of Wilson's
son, George Wilson; while Mrs.
George Wilson was at Nampa,
where she underwent an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bailes of
Eugene will be Thanksgiving day
guests at the home of Mrs. Bailes'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Powell and Gene. Mr. Bailes en
listed in the army air corps in
September, and was sworn in Sat
urday in Portland. He has 21 days
furlough before leaving for camp.
Thanksgiving guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Aupperle will
be Mr. and Mrs. William Duck
worth, ; George Dunn, and Mrs.
Margaret Pease of Eugene, and
Mrs. Myra Reed and Miss Ruth
Reed of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walls,
and John Steiwer of Portland will
be guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Steiwer.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cole of
Gilchrist were week end guests
at the home of Miss Margaurite
Thanksgiving day goests at the
borne , of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Zimmerman will be Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Mills of Salem; Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Nelson of Inde
pendence, Mrs. Bert McConnell
and sen Gregory of Oaland, Cal
ifornia; Tom Hale of Jefferson.
Leonard and John Goetz of
Albany will be Thansgiving dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Weddle.
Miss Josephine Getchell, high
school teacher, will spend the
Thanksgiving holidays in Seattle,
Washington with her nephewand
niece Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Deskins.
Poultry Feeding
Problems Studied
DALLAS Poultry keepers
have been experiencing difficulty
in securing adequate and proper
feed concentrates for maximum
production and in some cases in
sufficient to maintain proper
healt hamong the flocks, W. C.
Leth, Polk county agent, states.
. in order to assist poultrymen
with such problems, arrangements
have been made to visit as many
poultry farms in the county as
possible in the next month. Polk
county poultry producers who
wish such assistance should call
the county agent's office in Dallas
in the near future so that a
schedule of visits can be prepared
that will require a minimum of
time and travel over the county.
" Leth is planning to have the
assistance ; of Noel Bennion, ex
tension poultryman from Oregon
State college in' this work in this
Culling, poultry management,
and feeding problems are of even
greater importance this year than
usual,' Leth believes, due to the
fact that at this season eggs are
a high price and increased pro
duction is desired. On, the other
hand, feed and labor costs are ex
ceedingly high, requiring high pro
duction to produce profits. Board
er chickens or those that are un
healthy should be eliminated from
flocks under such conditions.
; She? Ucsdrow's
For WILLARD Batteries.
Glass, Unpointed FUR
n. d. uooDnou -
345 Center St. Phone 5553
Salem Oregon, Thursday
Woman's Place Is In the Air
- - - v
' ? i
y ' ' -. -
o r ....
cj.' - . , "t-Vt '' -i
O-- (P O r-Pft J'
' i " i iiiTfu'M ir" i" i i i
Three women test pilots, who try oat new Avenger torpedo bombers
and Hellcat fighters t or the Grammas Aircraft Ensineerins cor
poration at Beth pare on Long Island, walk In front of a row of
new Hellcats at the plant They are, left U right. Miss Elisabeth
Booker, Mrs. Teddy Kenyon and Mrs. Barbara Jayne. AP wire-photo.)
Bend Couple
Turner Guests
TURNER Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Cole of Bend were guests of
Turner friends over the weekend
while here on a business trip.
Cole, known to his friends as
"Jack," formerly resided at Tur
ner. He and Mrs. Maude Bones
were Turner high school class
mates with the class of 1901.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prather were
Mr. and Mrs. Max Long and sons,
Harold and Bobby of Eugene. They
were enroute to Salem to visit
friends and relatives, including
his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Long, and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy McDonald, an uncle and aunt.
Mrs. Louis Mertle and sons,
Darrel and Gordon, were over
nightvisitors in Portland at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Helen
Papst. Mrs. Papst is expected to
visti here this week at the Mertle
Mrs. Clara Shields has returned
from Redding, Calif., where she
has been with her two daughters
for the past six months, and is at
the country home of her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Shields near Stayton. Mrs.
Jack Shields went to Redding and
Mrs. Shields senior, accompanied
her home. She is much improved
in health. Before going to Cali
fornia in early spring, Mrs. Shields
had been one of the guests at the
Tunrer Memorial home. Mrs. Alice
Van Osdol of Turner - recently
visited with her grandmother, and
also Mrs. Grover Cleaveland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Collier and
young son, Jimmie, of the Klam
ath Falls community were recently
visiting with his parents here, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Collier near
Turner. They formerly .resided
here and owned the O..E. Previile
home on Main street, selling out to
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Phillips and
children of Salem, before moving
to eastern Oregon.
Mrs. Ada Ritz of Caspell, Mon
tana and Glendale, Calif., has re
turned to California following a
three weeks visit in Turner as a
guest at the Turner Memorial
Dinner guests on Friday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rob
ertson were Mr. and Mrs. William
F. Percivil of Salem.
Students Transfer
dahl. Bismarck, N. Dak is a new
senior in Jefferson schools. Retta
Lou Evans is transferring to Stay
ton high school.
Make fAcat
Go Farther,
Pkadal noa-ndooed Trlaogle
Rolled Oats can help yon make
aneac loan, neat balls, i
eroia a turn... ,
oeuciotu rick in
ecooonucaL ' -
':., Kk """""
Morning. November 25, 1943
Three Services
WUl Be Held
SILVERTON Three Thanks
giving services are being held at
Silverton churches Thursday
morning.' At the First Church of
Christ, the Rev. O. Leonard Jones
of the Methodist church will
speak at 10 o'clock. The Rev. O.
Gornitzka, visiting pastor at Sil
verton from Minneapolis will
soeak at Immanuel church at
10:30, and the Rev. O. C. Olsen
will speak at Calvary Lutheran
church at 11.
Rev. Olson also announced that
the Naomi society will meet No
vember 30 at the parsonage with
Mrs. Olson as hostess.
Sunday evening there will be a
special program presented at Im
manuel church at 8 o'clock by the
Luther leaguers. This will in
elude two short plays, songs and
readings. The Immanuel church
council will meet Tuesday night
at the Anton Dahl home and the
senior guild will meet December 1
in the church social rooms with
Mrs. H. B. Jorgenson, Mrs. An
drew Aaarhus and Mrs. Harold
Lofthus as hostesses. The meet
ing has been called for 2 p. m.
Vesper services headlines the
weekend program at Trinity
church with the services set for
Sunday night at 2 o'clock under
the direction of Mrs. Tom Ander
son. Trinity Sunday school teach
ers will meet Monday night at the
home of Mrs. Hans Jensen. Mrs.
M. J. Madsen and Mrs. O. J. Hat
teberg will entertain Ladies Aid
society December 1 at Trinity
church at 2 p. m.
Parents Will Be
Thanksgiving Guests -
Mrs. "Floyd JtfcFariane nnd lank
ily will -have for .their. Thanskgiv-
ing day dinner- guests -their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A McFar-
lane of this district nd Mnvand.
Mrs. Fred Morgan of Xafayette,
VX1ZZA I . A n n Paint a room
Uir C Tone goes
AJfV;.- '-. tALLM paper, and
i X-ja! AT' yoK 0ot, TWK
375 Chemeketa
Mt. Angel Post
Goes Over Top
-Legionnaires Plan
Christmas Party For
December 14
MT. ANGEL Reports read at
the meeting of ML Angel post of
the American Legion at Memorial
hall Tuesday night showed ' that,
despite the gas shortage handicap,
the indoor shoot held by the Le
gionnaires on November 14 had
given the best financial returns of
any shoot held to date... .
There was a report likewise on
the Mast three dances given by
the Legion.. This included the
dance on Armistice day, which
was a very big success. The post
was announced over the top in
membership with signed up mem
bers totaling 73 against a quota
of 70. - :
The . Legionnaires have taken
over the job of policing the dance
to be given by the auxiliary on
Thanksgiving night,. '
A joint program and Christmas
party is being arranged for, fami
lies of post and unit 'members for
the next meeting night, Decem
ber 14.
A supper committee- consisting
of Mrs. Charles Hafner, chairman.
Mrs. R. Drysdale, Mrs. Joe Erwert,
Mrs. Peter Gores and Mrs. Frank
Borkenhagen was . appointed to
look after refreshments for the
party. Each auxiliary members
wiu aiso De asked to bring a
dozen cookies as a contribution
towards the meaX Goodies for the
children will be somewhat limit
ed due to the rationing, but some
thing will be provided so that each
Legion child will receive a bae
from the hands of Santa. 1 The
Christmas tree will be there as
in former years.
The children will again provide
the program, both by individual
participation and by group carol
December 2. was set aside as
Memorial hall cleaning day and
all auxiliary women are asked to
be at the hall on that afternoon to
help with the work.
Mrs. Fred Prosser was appoint
ed junior auxiliary chairman and
will have the girls meet at her
The following motions were car
ried: That the. auxiliary purchase
a flag to be donated to the Moni
tor school; that two slips and four
pairs of socks be donated to the
Portland child welfare center; and
that, if there be no need of local
Christmas charity, $5 be donated
to Father Hildebrand for his work
in corresponding with the Mt. An
gel service men.
All members are asked to invite
4 their friends to the Thanksgiving
dance which the auxiliary is ar
ranging for the night of Novem
ber 25. The dance is to be held at
the Mt. Angel auditorium.
Silverton Luncheon
To Be Postponed
SILVERTON Directors of Sil
verton's chamber of commerce,
who had planned a chamber of
commerce meeting this week, re
port that it has been postponed.
Efforts are being made to obtain
someone to serve a noon luncheon
at the chamber of commerce
rooms' be'tore long. At this meet
ing -election of the 12 new direct
ors will be held and from' among
I-these the president wiU -be elect
-ed. John .W. Jordan iias served as
president" of Jthe group Jor the past
tor only $2.9S with
and buy War Bonds
difference! Kenv
on right over wall
df ics ia one boar.
Phone 922V
4-H Program
Is Presented
LYONS A 4-H club meeting
was held Friday night at -the
school house with pupils and par
ents present from Lyons and Mc-
Cully mountain schools. John Han
son of Albany, Linn county 4-H
club leader, was ' present and
showed motion pictures of 4-H
culb work In various projects. A
short program was presented with
group singing, readings and skits
presented from Lyons and McCuIly
schools.- i - ' --j:v
John Neal visited one day last
week In Lebanon, and at' the home
of his brother-in-law and family
Mr. and Mrs. Dell . Westenhouse
near Scio. . r
Clarence Applewhite . visited
over the weekend in Portland.
The Altar Society of the Lyons
Catholic church held its meeting
at the home of Mrs. Mike Schwin
dt, plans were made for the care
ing of the church through the
winter months. - -
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest - Scheutz,
who have resided for the past two
years at the Linn lumber company
milL moved to Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ring, Mrs.
Earl Allen and Mrs. George Huff
man, attended the funeral services
for Mrs. Etta Swan held in Salem
Friday, Mrs. Swan was a former
resident here.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Surry of
Portland visited for a short while
in Yyons Sunday.
A meeting of the triple A's was
held at the Grange hall Thursday, i
Dairy farmers of this vicinity were
granted a bonus of fourty-Qve
cents per hundred pounds of milk
sold during the months of October,
-r: 'JTr-f f fcain nl
LU?izD Us
, : Extra Enriched
vr--l 'III 1
-To standard ; enriclunemtt we've
added Calcium and Vitamin D. . .
Master sBread is your, best source
V of food energy.
50lh -Anniversary
To Be Observed v
Mrs. August HiebenthaL 604 Or
chard avenue, will observe their
golden wedding anniversary
-. Sunday,' November 29. Open
house will be held for their
friends between 2 and 5 o'clock
and (ram 7 to 9 o'clock. .
They were . married . in Knox
county, Nebraska, and lived there
and. at Randolph, Nebraska, un
til 35 years ago when they came
to Salem. They farmed in Polk
county for some time and have
made their home in North Dallas
for the last IS years. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hiebenthal are
active members of the Evangel
ical church in Dallas. Five of
their seven children -are-living
and will help them celebrate the
golden wedding anniversary.
They are Mrs. Adeline Dyck,
Polk Station; Joseph Hiebenthal,
Smithfield; Goey Hiebenthal,
Dallas; MrsT Sadie Dfehm, Dal
las Sand Mrs.. Delia Remple,
November" and December. The
Homtf Economics club of the San
tiam Valley grange served dinner
at the noon . hour.
Ed I Spa underwent a tonsQec
tomy in Stayton last Friday. ;
i -
Health .
thru Extra Enriched MASTER
,i - . -
i Wealth
by buying WAR BONDS now
by enjoying good health when Bonds mature
rUVnl - Good
lJlbXExtr Enriched
Hold Cleanup l
UNIONVAfcE The Unionvals j
Ladies Aid Diet Tuesday, for all p
day housecleaning at the church in i
preparation fdr the iiannual Evan- 2
gelical homecoming. I Weekly quilt- i
ings will be held. 1
! Mrs. Arnol4 Brown and son, :
Donald, of Portland
were Sunday i
guests; of her parents, Mr,
Mrs. C. J. Countiss. I I :
and a
Mrs, Benjamin Hojara and son,
- i ft- B - - - -
Benjamin, Jri were Monday guests
of her parents, Mr. Hand Mrs. Al
bert Fleming! ; : -I M .
Ralph Stoutenburg, 15, of Carl
ton, who suffered polio recently is
recovering satisfactorily, his fath
er, Orval Stoutenburg reported
Monday.' j i
A card from Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry rueinscnmtdc oi nieexwooo.
Pemx,' reports' they fare j well and
sent greetings ; to f friends. Had
snow November 111 and 9 above
Trw n-rim. m-mAs TTr lAltT'lA
SJAVm J z UV vitVl vuVf l'v
Portland Family
Visits Silverton
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. 1
Axel AndCTSon, Mr. and Mrs. Merl a
R. Willis and j Barbara, land Miss j
Kathryn Anderson were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. j L. Meyer Sunday. Lj
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson at one
homej and before jher I marriage,
Mrs. Anderson, then Miss Lena
Christensen, j lived at the L. H.
Meyer home. Mrs. Anderson and
L. H. Meyer! are foster brother
and sister. The visitors now live ?
in Portland.
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