financial Farinni ?! Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orocjon. Saturday Morning. No-ember 23, 1S43 Ma , i Flour Subsidy Boosts Wheat Rye Slumps, Recovers; Oats, Barley Gain Slightly By WILLIAM FERRIS CHICAGO, Nov. 1M)-An-nouncement of a flour subsidy program for millers and more re ports on the poor condition of the southwest winter wheat crop spurred a good upturn in bread cereal futures today. After slump ing at the start, rye came up quickly? toward the close. ' Oats and barley were firm with gains confined to minor fractions. The flour subsidy plan, which has been awaited for the past few sessions, would permit millers to pay as high as parity prices lor wheat. There was no concurrent announcement of ceilings on hard wheat, although this was expected shortly. Traders believed ceilings at parity, or about $1.66 at Chicago. At the close wheat was up -lk, December $1.61 rye was ahead: . December '$1.14tt-,- oats were unchanged to -4 higher, December ISVt-V. and barley was - higher, De cember $1.19. Well Is Drilled CLOVERDALE The Herbert Kreiger family (on the Schmidt place) has completed the drilling ct new well and is installing an electric pump? Legal Notice NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on and after December 27, 1943, at 10 o'clock in' the forenoon of said day, at the office of Rhoten & Rhoten, , Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, sell at private sale for cash the following real premises, to-wit: ' ' : Lot seven, . (7) in Block : numbered Three, (3) in Pleasant Home Addition . to the , City of Salem, Marion County, and State of Oregon as platted and recorded in the Recorder's office of said Mar ion County, -Oregon. . . . .-. Said sale will be made in ac cordance with an order made and entered November 18, 1943, in the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion' County, Probate Department, by .the Honorable Geo. R. Duncan, one of the judges of said court, T in proceedings pending in said court entitled, "In The Matter Of The Estate Of MARGARET E. X SEAGROVE, Deceased, Clerk's Registry; No. .11,403. Dated and first published No vember, 20, 1943. -' . C. L. CARSON, Administrator of the Estate of MARGARET E. J. SEAGROVE. Deceased. RHOTEN & RHOTEN SAM F. SPEERSTRA Attorneys for Estate Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem; Oregon. N20-27 D4-11-18 Crossword Puzzle . 22 i mi m IIIlIIIlZIIII II41 : ' ; 1I11ZZI1I1 48 49 , 50, 51 HORIZONTAL 1. mineral " spring . . , 4. portent 8; head 1 12. prefix; thrice -' 13. soaks in . vinegar J5.sun god (, 16. rodent 17. obtained 18. Roman coin ' 19. assistant '1 21. chop 22. employ 23. Egyptian ; goddc&jf 24. the heart : 25. baking ' chamber ' JS. born 27. bovine ; aiter . 23. mournful S3, game of chance SI. compound ' ether 34. river (Sp.) -Z 5. foot-like part Z 3. portico i Z3. cushion 40. confined 41. small couch 42. climax 43. rub out 44. upon 45. variety c. v lettuce - 48. grow old 47. Chaldean 7 town ' 48. driving back 51. adult males 52. Russian ruler 53. finishes . Answer to yesterday's puzzle. A L OTe mC H MljA R I A S A ul R otat UilK pr t amJ;D E HE ""2 pEfrfN e fTjrTlTrAly tTjcrr R O sg TRA L A tIeJD V Asr E R V A Njfj 'SjL A M ha1p sInIaIp 'ijNUh- ElTJ A jsisiujplc. mU; N tT A 14 !ME. 5Hu y a lT' oPit e6is Aversge tiaie ef eelatiea: 31 atlaatea. 50. inside Put . by King Features Syndicate Inc.- 51 pronoun "Strictly Private" : SSNSY' HaiSt ALL TH' AS K DEAR MOrA- J AM GOWS "D TO GET NTD "WE AIR, : CCPE BJEH IM ONLy IN THE 3RWD CREW. SIT tatT LET MURIEL 66T THE SLTT OK TVWT CREW BUSINESS Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 19 AP) Butter AA grade pnnu oc; car tons 47'4c; A grad print 46Vc; cartons 47c; B grade prints 4c; ear- tons 4ic. : - Butterlat First quality, maximum of .S of 1 per cent acidity, oeuverea at Portland 5a-M.ic lb.: premium nualitv. maximum of JS -of 1 per cnt acidity. 53-53' ic lb.: valley routes and country points zc less ama m or SO-SOlic second quality at - Port land 2e tinder first or aw-ouisc 10. rhww sellmc price to roruanu retailers: Oregon triplets S9c lb.; loaf 29V2c lb.: triplets to wholesalers 27c lb-: loaf 27ic FOB. Eggs Prices to retauers in cases: A ; large 47c: A medium i,sc; a small 4ee do Eggs Producers: A. large w. o large 43c; A medium 50c; s amau 46Vae do. " Rabbits government ceiims: Ave rage country aouea 10 rentiers w: lb.: live price to producers J 4c lb. Turkey Dressed uens wo. i; , 43c lb.; alive, under IS lbs. 35c: over IS lbs. Mttc lb. Onions Green 75c dor. bunches: Yakima -2.12 60-lb. bag. Potatoes Yakima No. 1. $.19 cen tal: Deschutes No. 1. 2.15 cental; local 2.50 cental. - Country meats Rollback prices to retailers: -Country killed hogs, best butchers, 120-140 lbs. 19-20c; vealers. AA 22'.ic; A 21 lie; B 19-19'sC; C 15 174e; culls 12-15c; canner cutter cows 12-14c;- bulls,: canner- cutters 444c: lambs AA 2Sc: A 24'sC; B 22c; C lfr-20c: - ewes," rS 15'c; medium 12c; R 10ic: beef. -AA 214c; -A 20Ac; B l4c; C 1SC. Wool Government control. " Cascara bark Dry 17c lb. Mohair 1942. 12-month. 45C lb. Hods Nominal, seed stock 1942 crop 1.40 lb.; seedless 1.5O-1.60 lb.; con tract seedless 70c; seed 65c lb. Har wholesale prices nominal: Alfalfa No 2 or better $33-35 ton; oat- vetch f25 ton, valley points: umotny (eastern Oregon) $35 ton; clover 523 ton. East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore, Nov. 19 (AP) Supplies continued to run short on the East Side wholesale market today. Prices held firm, in some cases mov- ine hisher. Lettuce was scarce, "a few crates of ordinary quality selling at $3.00-3.25. General prices: 11-n 8. caressing stroke 9. near 10. pesters . 11. ancient . - ascetic 14. present time 16, thing, in law 20. exnire 54. S-shaped i worm - VERTICAL. I 1. stress j 2. adulation j 3. three-toed . .- stoth j 4. Persian poet! 21. in what i 5. small rug manner ; 6. chem. symbol 22. grape ; 7. African river 24. food-fish 25. exclamation 27. vehicle - 28. dove murmur 29. ocean 30. cover . 31. safeguard 32. small rocks 33. small child 34. knock : 35. edible seed 38. follows ; 37. boat parts ' 39. outmoded; 40. prefix: before 42. mountain. " . pass 43. incites 45. mongrel 48. also 49. father . By Quinn Hall T7J MXPL SOW 1L2&J Portland ntuiT : - Apples Klnars 23-2.50: Jonathans 2.25: Baldwin 2.00-2.25 jumble box; Winter Bananas 2.00-2.23; Spltzenberg. Ortley 2JZ5 box: Northern spy &zs- 2.50 box; Rome Beauty. 2.25-2.50 box. Melons Cantaloupes, California, 5.50 crate. Pears Fall varieties 2.00-2.23; Borne 2 J5 jumble box. VEGETABLES Beans Shell 1.40-1.50 lug. Broccoli Green 1.00 lug and dozen bunnies. Cabbage No. 1. 2.40-2.50 crate; near is. 2.35-2.40; .No. 2. 1 .50-1.7 5 crate. Celerv No. 1 ereen 3.25 - crate: No. 1. 4.D0-4.25 crate: root 75-aoc.doz.; hearts 2.00-2J5 dozen bunches. Cucumbers Slicers 15 flat. Corn No. 1. 2.00 - box: others 1.50 box- Endive No. 1, 70-75c dozen. Green Spinach 1.25-1.35 orange box; mustard 40-50c dozen bunches; kale 70-75c crate; swiss chard 60c doz. bunches; parsley 35-40c doz. bunches. Lettuce No. 1. 3.25-3.50 crate: others 1.75-2.50 box. Onions Green 70-S0c doz. bunches. Peppers Green 2.00 orange box: flats 75c; xed 1.40-1.50 flat. Pumpkin Pie 1.00-1.25 crate. - - Radishes Red 75-SOc doz. bunches. - Root vegetables Carrots 45-55c: beets 45-55c; turnips 70-80c dozen bunches. Sprouts Brussels 2.30 per lug, loose. Squash Danish 50c per cantaloupe crate; Hubbard lc lb. Tomatoes No. 1. 1.25: others LOO MS flat. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore- Nov. It (AP) iwiAi carue: salable 29. total OS: calves, salable 10, total 23; . demand narrow, mostly a cleanup market; ne thins represenUtive available: - few canner and cutter cows 4.25-.0O, some unsold; the week's top choice fed steers 19.79. frassers 11.75 down.' lood beef cows 11.00 down, best heavy beef bulls around 10.00-10.29; few heavy cull calves today &M; good crass calves salable upward to 12.00; food to choice vealers quotable 13.00-14.00. noes: salable 190. total 390; market steady with Thursday's late 19-29 cent advance; few choice 210 lb. weights 13.50:- food sows , J0-9.7S; good to choice feeder pics salable -around 10.00. Sheep; Salable 100. total 150: market slow, steady with late Thursday; good to cnoice trucked in Lambs late Thurs day and today 12.00-12 JO; one food lot 11.79: sorted carloads ouotable to 13.00; food ewes salable 9.00-9.25 or above. ; Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. IS fAl wncai lunires unquoted. . uasn grain; oats No. 2-38 lb. white 92.00. Barley No. 2-49 lb. BW 46.29. Corn and flax unquoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.43; son wntte excluding Rex 1 45- wnit ciuo 1.43; western red 1.49.. , Hard red winter: Ordinary; 1.42'i; 10 per cent 1.49; ; 11 per cent 1.47; 12 per cent 1.40. ; Hard white Bart: 10 per cent 1.4; Per cent 1.47; 12 per cent 1.4S. Today's car receipts: Wheat , bar ley . flour a. corn 3, oats 1, mill feed 7, flaxseed 1. . Stocks and Bonds, November 19 JTOCK AVERAGES ; , ' 0 19 IS SO , Indus Rails Util Stks Friday - 22.7 . 39.0 ' 48 J nrevious day 67 1 22.1 34.5 47.7 weex afo , 67.7 22.4 34.6 48.1 Month afo . 70.8 24.8 36.0 90.7 ier ago 7J 18.3 27.0 40.1 is3 High , 74.6 27.4 36.8 93.3 143 low;, .-60 1J 27 J 41.7 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 . . Ralls Indus Util Friday. 76.7 104a 105.4 Previous day, 76 J 104.8 109.2 Week mgo t 76.4 ; 104.8 105.3 Month go , 77.1 105.1 109 J Year ago - 64.5 103.9 97.6 1043 high - 78.7 105.8 105.4 1943 low 1 64.6 103 M 98.Q 10 Foen 62 J 62J ,62.4 62.8 53.2 63.2 93.2 Washington Woman Is Hazel Green Visitor HAZEL GREEN Mrs. George Kane and daughter Sally and son Tommy of Halana, Wash- vis ited her aunt, Mrs. Minnie Duni gan, last week! end. t Mra- Kane was: called to Salem by illness of her mother, Mrs. Keplinger of Mill City, who is at the. Deacon ess . hospital. ::'.' y - ' - Eggs Uanlcfl h .. Top Prices Paid! Prompt Remittance Ship er Bring Tear Eggs to 1 FI1ED IIEYEIl . .. EGG DEPOT 231 & E. Aides SL Portland. Ore. Stocks Make Good Recovery Utilities Preferred, Specialties Spread ; Boost to Others .. :'; By BERNARD S. OUARA NEW YORK, Nov. 19-VPy-The stock market " today negotiated one of its best recovery sessions in more than 3 months as a sharp bulge In utility; preferreds and specialties spread to leaders ' in virtually all other departments. Closing gains of 1 to 3 points were numerous with a .few . fav orites j urnping around ; 12. Ralls and industrials were prominent on the comeback. Dealings picked up on the forward push. . The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was up .6 of a point, widest gain since August 10. Of 843 issues traded,' 577 advanced, 119 declined and 147 were un changed. Transfers totaled 906, 290 shares compared with 620,380 Thursday. Pupils Enrolled In Salem Heights SALEM. HEIGHTS Roberta Swartzell is a new pupil in the first grade and comes from West Salem. A new pupil In the third grade is Janet Van Orden, who comes from Bush school, Salem. The . cooking and .sewing ; 4-H classes will meet : next Tuesday instead of .Thursday, due "td the Thanksgiving vacation. ' - r ; : No school will be held Novem ber 25 and 28. The school children will be available and are willing to collect any of the following things residents may wish to con tribute to: the Red Cross for the soldiers who are confined to some hospital: games of " all kinds, checkers and boards,, bound sto ries, crossword puzzles, with solu tions, and writing pads. Call the school, 2225 1, and some child will be sent to collect. Mrs, Emma Gunning Recovering .at v Home ; TURNER Turner , friends of Mir. Emma . Gunning are glad to know, that she is. convalescing at her home in West Salem follow ing nearly two months in the' Sa lem" General 'hospital where she underwent two major operations, -i Mrs. Churning was "nurse at the Metiiodist OW People's rHome in 'Salem for a number of years, and prior to that had made her home in Turner. Miss .Lois Gunning of Portland has .been with her mo ther much of the time during her illness. ' ' . . ' Salom Market Quotations - TH nrf,a Klnw mnnlll M u. cal srocer are Indicative of the daily maraei prices paid to growers by Sa lem . buvera but ' era not (mruiiMil oy .The Statesman: Lettuce, doz. '- 3.88" Clulifioweri. crate -iii.25- and 29 crook neck & Julian squash, lb. My Cucumbers, doz. .. ' ' js ' Green ' onions, dos bun. ' .70 Turnina. doz. bun t na Cabbage, lb - J02 Tomatoes, flat J60 Endive, dox. bun. , .70 Radishes, do bun SO . 4.00 . J60 . . IJB0 . 03 a . j09 . : .10 .70 . X3, CantilouDM. mt Carrots, dox. bun. ceiery. ooz. bun, watermelons, lb. Peppers, green, lb. . Green beans, lb. Beets, dos. bunches Pumpkin, lb. . , . Parsnips, lb. ,09 BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY lunrnci aiDyuiK rrkce CSnbjeet te chanse wttheat notice) BUTTERFAT Premium " " JH No. 1 , JU No. 2 JbO BUTTER PRINTS - A : : av B .45 li 47 M JSO "k -50 AO . J8 . MM 30 Quarters EGGS - -Extra targe Medium Standards - PuHets Cracks POULTRY Colored bens Broilers Snrlnn 2 Marion rrMm,r, -t-- Subject to chanse wltheat notice) EGGS Medium "A--' a Large A .. A POULTRY All hens .25 '-i All springs Roosters or stags 20 Above orices for nrim unrf-r grades according 'o value LIVESTOCK Buying prices for No 1 stock, based on conditions end slaes reported - Spring lambs . 11.00 to 11.00 Yearlings . 8.00 to 9.00 ' Kwes 3.00 to 4.00 . Hogs, top, 160-229 lbs 14 00 Sows , 10.00 fa 11 on Top veal 13.00 Dairy type cows Beef type cows Bulla . 3.50 to 6 00 7.00 to 8.00 7.00 to 9.00 8.00 to 10.00 - XI Heifers Dressed .veal Ui-IITED! cnuniJiiiG cnsiin AND EGGS HIGHEST CASH PRICES Cnrly's Dairy Fairgroasds ltd at Coo j . Phom . Pratum-Iaicleay Unit Will Meet PRATUM - The Pratum-Ma- deay Home Extension unit will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Peter Bischoff at 1:30 o'clock.' Mrs. Clyde Hodgers is to be assisting hostess. -'."..".-''' Roy Harland," Salem attorney and member of the Marion Coun ty Bar association, will lead in the discussion on .'Women and :; the Law," according to Miss Frances Clinton, home demonstration agent for Marion county. Ques tions "will be authentically an swered on legal matters of inter est to women, such as making wills,; income, taxes," property rights, etc. Men have been invited to attend the meeting also. , Mr. Harland is . known especially for his interest in civic activities, be ing a member of the Salem achool LITTLE ANNIE ROONET I uucuTMOSSi-. - -J KlOOKWS'S XI I FASTEST B0WBR V VtAH H FSO tONS.SABV ICEE? fl SCORCHY SIVEH . " sa.aBBBSSSB !t - j . & BARNEY GOOGLE . 1 I S i m V V M : I 1 j 1 " tfml Hards 'ifoylaEa-l See Efe. ianSa , Glaos , , - . - - . - . - - - . -- - - - - -- - a - i ! 11' i 4 bf THDIX Tr SMALL CWlLORiTN TMAF r- j HOMElOVWWJl. UTTLFRlEND5-J gSS ni?ufST?SSL TRAVEL WITH A OPCUS J f cSloSm' TUE PARENTS rr y ' liJ TEACHER tPU KIN IEAPNY0UR ' j U V ACETCAVOJNG" afflTflAtf- : 5 J090M THC (TA?AI7 PUKSUB TUB gk3-6-10N WArreO fOK PAYgRAX . i j- ' fcTJV?- jt L. THE oilZ RANGES Cc-rs board, president of the Richmond Parent-Teacher, association in Sa lem, the leading unit in the coun ty, and was" chosen Salem's first junior citizen last year. ' - Mrs. M. M. Magee, chairman of the unit, urges members to bring to the meeting, , their individual's cooperators reports which were distributed at the October meet ing. Other . officers of the unit are Miss Wilma deVries, vice-president, and Mrs. A. L. Bowen, sec retary. . : Oriental Fruit INIoth v ; Quarantine Extended The state department, of agri culture Friday extended its ori ental fruit moth quarantine to plants and , fruits shipped from Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina, and to the California counties of Stanislaus, Tulare, Ventura, Kern and Sutter. ; ru. keep majon'am easv t-ajl SO TWFyU. KEEP COMH' AFTER ME.' TXEV THINK Z1X SH0WTHC VMAVTUW OPLO PlELPSf Day old to one CI--- , I .i 'W.. ttH I t 1 i 1 t,.-M Jr4ar-t,t . - GREAT FALLS, Monti Nov, 11 jyP)-Game Warden Bruce Neal, an swering a complaint that a bear had broken into a -dugout where some beer was.cached, found the animal frolicking, in 1 tree, 'i There is ne personal or cannot help yon meet af , m, puisjj mn0t n 1 - '- arrangea loan: urop into onr oriices for rail details ... " ;; STATE FIIIAIIC3 CO.! j' f 212-222 Guardian Bide Corner Liberty and State " Telephone 8161 ft Lie. 8-21S BI-222; We are always in the market tm buy or CASH Real TiUU Mortgages and Contracts, Merchandise Disc east Paper and Notes i .-ii - i . I ... . r- : I BUT ALL THEY'LL FINO'ATTHS ENO Cm THe TRAtL-19 SUQOfN M CSATH CAVOZNf r-i i x -iru.ia-tjrfigur week old. Rhode Island Reds, 1 I Haznpsliires and. liarred i;ocks. f4A quality. Ideal for broilers and layers. 17a S. several dozen broken beerjbit tles. The: animal,' Neal said, evi dently was . "gloriously drunJ ; The bear missed j the hangover. Ik H in bosiness emergency which we with a conveniently, Speedily . ... km m Ma..a L MWf A a t B lf fe RAlUaOAP JUST LETWM TfTL. $ WITHOUT NO LA0ORJ Li!;:tl? T.L. jT " 7 , Iff ... " a am i- WW9 I - EFt'aJS :ai-t . J la. : i - a-ry B v e '1