The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 17, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Midi' - Wili:fflm:etre ::W1:D ev News
Reports From
Seal Sale Plan
Discussed at
.1 Sirs. Glenn Dried well, .
v Guest Speaker for
Auxiliary Group
"f SILVERTON Mrs. Glenn
BriedwlL, member of the-Christmas
seal sale !:: committee, was
guest speaker at theregular meet
ing of Delbert Reeves unit No. 7,
American Legion auxiliary, Mon
day night at the' club ' rooms of
the armory l with Mrs. F. M. Pow
ell, president in charge,
f Mrs. Clifton Dickerson, Amer
Icanis mchairman, gave her re-,
port with Mrs. George Towe pre
senting it, concerning the patriotic
programs at the high school and
in conjunction with the Veterans
of Foreign Wars on Armistice day.
f Membership at 89, was over the
top by 14 members. The .unit will
work on 24 ditty bags at the
Wednesday ? night - - sewing " , club
meeting at the Carl Haugen home.
A quilt will be tied Friday night
when the . past 'president's club
.meets at the South Third street
home of Mrs. A. J. Titus. Home
coming with the post will be ob
served at the December 6 meet
ing. Around $50 was realized by
the juniors and senior members
in ' a rummage sale during - the
past" week; with the junior girls
buying a. $25 bond. Christmas
cheer : for ' child welfare centers,
hospitals and the adopted veteran
,bas been generously met.
j The annual Christmas party for
families of the unit will be at
j the December meeting with offi
cers of the auxiliary, hostesses for
i the evening.
j Foresters Lodge .
j Plans for Meeting -
i ' A state court meeting " of the
J Oregon Jurisdiction of the Cath
olic Order of Foresters will be held
; at Roy Sunday afternoon, Novem-
ber 21, starting at 1:30.: Under the
leadership of State Chief Ranger,
j Michael Benedict . of Sublimity
I awards will be given for the suc
( cessful ' six month . anniversary
I campaign just closed in which the
y Oregon, . jurisdiction: has , added
i many new members to this grow
! Ing Catholic fraternity in Oregon.
! Plans will be laid for the coming
i months "in membership and activ
! ities. ,
Mrs. Chrisman
Visits Daughter
SCIO Mrs Blanche George
has returned from Salem where
she underwent a minor operation.
Pete Mertr. is home from the
Deaconess hospital where he un
derwent a major operation. , y :-v-Mrsv
Harry Chrisman -; is vis
iting her daughter Maxine in Ore
gon City; The two were then' go
ing to California to visit another
daughter, Dorothy.
. Mr. and - Mrs. A. Shanks, who
have been employed at Trollinger
brothers for the last two years,
are now employed on a farm near
Aumsville. :
Jefferson Folk Visit
With Waldport Family ;
JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs.
C J. Thurston and three children
spent Sunday at Waldport visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
.Virgil Rhoades. Mrs. Rhoades is
Mr. Thurston's : sister. They re
port, having-fine weather at the
coast' and did not have any, fog
until reaching Corvallis on their
return home. -
Forfeits Bail Money
In Silverton Court
' SILVERTON R. J. Kreamer
of ML Angel forfeited $2.50 bail
in Police court Monday. The bail
"had been placed when Kreamer
was picked up for driving through
'a stop sign.. f
' Calvin Hildebrandt paid a $15
fine on a reckless, driving charge
Monday in police court.
.Creswell Woman Visits
JWith Keizer Relatives
-KEIZER Weekend - guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark was
Mrs. Clark's, mother, Mrs. V. E.
Grousbeck of Creswell. ,
Glen: Savage is back at
this week after a week absence
due to a broken toe.
Idaho Family Visits
JEFFERSON Recent visitors
at the -home .of -Mr, and -Mrs.
Charles Hart were Mrs. Leah
Cardinal of Kendrick, Idaho; and
Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey and
daughter of Amity. ' ,
um omm amrn vii aiw painful, mttowt
r. , iwl stixox-a m1 bfr.w.'i. tocura
The Statesman's
Solcm. Oregon, Wednesday
Farm Sales
Are Numerous
SCIO The main topic of dis
cussion in this section is real es
tate. So many farms are chang
ing hands or deals pending that
it would indicate a land boom.
. Mrs.. Laura Leffler has sold her
180 acre improved farm to Mrs.
- Frank Galloway has sold, his 80
acres to Max Grosheck, the auc
tioneer at Stayton. The 80 acres of
J. ;L. Oglesbee and the 34 acres
of i James Trollinger have been
sold recently. fc .. -
. Most people seem to- think the
best investment is in land. "
Grandson Is v
Visited Here
t i - . .
Mason was a. Sunday dinner guest
at the home of her son Lloyd Ma
son and family in Salem. She at
tended services Sunday morning
at the! Leslie Methodist church,
where- f her grandson, Rev. : Carl
Mason of Junction City preached.
Revj -. Mason exchanged , pulpits
with Rev. Joseph Knotts Sunday.
Rev4 - Knotts 'was the minister ; at
Junction City 30 years; ago. -
; Miss Josephine GetchelL meiq
ber,' of the high school faculty
spent the weekend at her home in
Eugene. ; y . : .'Vy
The 'Jefferson C ommunity
Booster club decided to hold meet
ings ' the second Tuesday night of
each month, as has been announc
ed by the president, C, J. Thurs
ton.! Members have been; taking a
vacation for some ; time. : The
bandstand owned by the club on
the lot purchased by C. B. Ray,
has been torn down and the lum
ber moved by Roy Chester.
Woodburn Church Has
Thank Offering Service
V WOODBURN The annual
thank-offering service sponsored
by the Women's Missionary soci
ety I was held at the , Woodburn
Presbyterian church last Sunday.
Mrs.' Olive Smith, president, was
leader. Special music included a
solo, "How Long Must We Wait?"
by Mrs.' John Templeton, a duet,
The Answered GalVf by Mr .
Templeton and Mrs. J.- W.' Rich
ards and an offertory response by
the) juniors who assisted in - the
service. ' ;
' I The. address was given by Mrs.
R. W. Achor Of Oregon City, who
also read the latest letter of her
sister, Miss Irene Forsythe, mis
sionary1 to China, who is a mem
ber of the Woodburn church. Miss
Forsythe was one of the passen
gers to return from the orient last
year on the Gripsholm and after
spending some months in Florida
recovering ; from her trying ex
periences, she now has her head
quarters in Chicago, from which
point she goes on speaking ap
pointments at the direction of the
Presbyterian board of missions. If
she' is able to stand the test of
cold weather this winter, she
hopes to return to southern China
next year.
Mrs. Achor also spoke to the
congregation at the Bethel church.
Rev. j and Mrs. Achor spent the
first eight years of their ministry
in charge of the Woodburn and
Bethel churches, and Miss For
sythe prepared for her work in
China while Woodburn was still
her home. The missionary gifts
from the two churches contribute
to her salary.
Holy Name Society
Plans Sublimity Meet
? The regular bi-monthly meeting
f ! the Willamette Valley Holy
Name society will be held at Sub
limity on Sunday, November 28,
with principal speaker being Very
Rev. Thomas Tobin, Vicar Genera
of the ' Archdiocese. These ' meet
ings draw large crowd,s and the
Sublimity-meet is anticipated to
be one of the largest of the year.
Valley Births
SILVERTON Three babies
were born at the Silverton hospi
tal ' Monday, with Mr, and Mrs.
Leonard - Ferschweiler of Wood
bum and Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Tippner of the Silverton Hills dis
trict announcing boys and Mr. and
Mrs. Doll Sanders a girl.
Goes to Oklahoma :
JEFFERSON Mrs. Cecil Dar
vidson left last : week, for Okla
homa where she will spend some
time with her. father, E. A. Wells
and Mrs. Weils. . y r - t
C:r:li (E:;t:nX riKi tt Rstii
Sack lfi1n tepalx row
now ac Jot SO jn w
Mll i pmpI tot thM aO-
vamts. It kaapltat apara
Wom. Ho ,iliamt hi a
loaa at tima ina arack. cut
!ot aaamiaatiaa a aaa4 ia
rSIS daaariptl
Opm trtnmgt, Mm,WW., Frt, 7U 159
Dr.c.j.D2An cu:::z
. Phymttlmm mm
11. 1. Cab X. Barvaia a4 Crti Avfc
Talapkoaa 1X Zait, foftlaad, OtM
Community Correspondents
Morning, Norembir 17. 1943
Service Mere:- ':
Go on Monday
Woodburn Board Sends
. Four Transfers, One
Volunteer to Center
WOODBURN Four , transfers
from other boards were included
in the group of men sent to the
Induction -center , from Woodburn
board Monday. One volunteer was
also Inducted in the group which
included Bernard Stanley Opitz,
St Paul; John Wesley Scott, Sil
verton, volunteer; : Konstein Witt
man, Woodburn; William Justine
Dahlseid and Boyd Taylor Cancy,
Silverton;, Wayne L a F a y e 1 1 e
Weese, Salem; Ronald Dunnels
Gilford, Silverton; Prentiss " Dana.
Shafer, Hubbard; ' Philip i James
Blake, Salem; George Meska,
Woodburn; Rex Leroy i Minard,
Scotts Mills; Vilas Elmo Kirk, Sil
verton ; Alfred Arthur Endri go,
Imer . Jacob Henry, Silverton;
Raymond . Edward ' Buscher, Ger
vais; Donald Albin Butsch, Mt.
Angel; Robert Milton i Williams
andt George Alyin Trent, Jr,
Woodburn; Walter ; Paul Koenig,
Aurora; Earl C Buchanan, Wood
burn; Jack Bernard Traviss, ML
Angel; Kermit Glenn Nyseth, Sil
vertpn; Donald Clifford Baker,
Woodburn; Glen Dale Nelson, Sil
verton, transfer from Eugene;
Charles Arthur' Hosford, Silver
ton, transfer from Iowa;. Melvin
Toralf Ohren, Silverton, 'transfer
from Minnesota; Marvin Arthur
Dorgan, - Silverton, transfer from
Portland; . Myron Blake, Donald.
Goodmans Return
To Detroit Home
DETROIT . .. Mr. and Mrs. M.
C. "Whitie" Goodman have re
turned to Detroit to residey'Mr.
Goodman is employed on the
government road : project on
French creek.. f. . .
The Detroit cafe, ( which has
been managed by Mrs. R. J. Mer
mUlian for a year is under new
management. Mrs. Edna Meyers
has taken over temporarily.
Visitors at the Richard Hansen
home Sunday were Mrs. Hansen's
brother, Glen Schaffer and his
fiancee,- Leth Phillips, both of Le
banon. '? 4'.-t !fcg2l W '
The fifth annual high-school
carnival held Friday night proved
to be successful J A large crowd
attended and the 'proceeds
amounted to $207. ;
Gay Roger, who recently moved
to Idanha has enrolled in the first
Auburn School
Ends Can Drive
AUBURN The tin can con
test ended November 9, the sev
enth, eighth and first and sec
ond grades winning. Cans collect
ed totaled 3089. , ,
Tons of paper j have been
brought to the school the last two
weeks to be weighed so the school
can enter in the contest Truth or
Consequences is conducting. "
The Oil Painting club held its
first meeting Friday. The 21 mem
bers have each . started a first
picture, i ; "
Ray Plans Erection
Of Jefferson Store
JEFFERSON r- C. B. Ray, who
recently purchased a lot on North
Main street, plans to start the er
ection of a store, building 30 by 60
feet with living quarters in the
back. He plans to build the struct
ture of brick If he can secure the
material. Mr. and Mrs. Ray and
daughter Marion live in the Evan
gelical parsonage in Jefferson.
Plans for Qiristmas
Include Cantata ; :
JEFFERSON i Practice - has
begun oh an inter-church Christ
mas j cantata, yTo ; Bethlehem,"
which will be presented during the
Christmas ' season. : " '
, Miss Josephine Getchell is di
recting the cantata, and Mrs. C.
J. Thurston is the pianist. Rehear
sals are being held twice a week,
on Thursday evenings and Sunday
afternoons.' r - - . - -. ;
Wbenrrer tb Qtdatopleta eatch cold
their cheats, thronta and backs ar rubbed
kh Musterola. So Alusterol mutt be
just about the best cold-relief yon eaa buy t
MusteroJe helps break up local coa
ratkm ia upper bronchial tract, make
and tirbt, aore, achinrebest muacia
d u to eoida. Ia S Strengths: Childrea'a
liAA. Regular, and Extra Strong,
Memorial Hymnals Are
Dedicated in Silverton
SILVERTON New hymnals,
in memory of Mrs.' G. B. Bentson.
were ! dedicated ' Sunday - morning
at a special service , at the Chrjs
tian church preceeding .the regu
lar, morning service. A brother of
the late Mrs. Bentson, H. Gordon
McCall of Portland, was soloist for.
the occasion. He was accompanied
by Mrs. McCall.
Book Display;
WOODBURN Miss Geraldin
Hanauska a sophomore . in "busi
ness administration at Willamette
university and .Marjory Evenson
and j Maxine Miller,- students . in
the re-nursing course; recently
begun thwe, spent the weekend
at the homes of their parents in
Woodburn. ;. ' - ' . :
y An attractive display of juvenile
books, from the model school lib
rary collection of the Oregon state
library has been borrowed for na
tional book week. It has been arranged-
on one oft he tables In the
junior ! section of : the - Woodburn
Carnegie library. The books are
not bere-ior lending, and may be
examined and read in the library
by interested persons. The books
include fairy tales, travel, animal
stories, beginner's books and new
fiction for grade pupils.
Apron, Food Sale
Planned, Women,
Of Silverton Hills
; ; --. . '4 y :;;
Home Econiniics club and women
of the Silverton Hills community
club will hold an apron and food
sale) Saturday y at . the Hoblitt
building, the former CC . store
room. Mrs. Virgil Tschantz, chair
man of the ohme economics com
mittee, is In charge of the sale
and reports that it will open at
10 ajn. ' ...
The regular Silverton , Hills
Grange meeting will be held Fri
day night with Oscar Loe, master,
in charge. i
A group of women will go to
Salem Sunday to serve at the Sa
lem USO center.
Men aina Women
Hold Bazaar
MEHAMA- A fine time was re
ported by persons attending the
Women's club bazaar held Satur
day at the club hall. One hundred
and( eighty-four dollars ywas re
ceived from sale of . various fancy
work and the game in play. Mrs.
W..Sagnotty "received large picture
given as prize.
Harley Johnson is ill with the
influenza and is confined to his
bed but is feeling better.- . .
, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Philippi drove
to Portland Monday on business.
Mrs. McClellan's
Healthjl Improves
Clellan, who has been ill at the
home of her daughter, - Mrs.
Charles Martin in Salem,- is im
proving and able to sit up part of
the day.
Mrs. Mabel Gulliford is recover
ing fro man attack of influenza.
; Miss Cecelia Hough, employed
at a shipyard in Portland, visited
her; parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, E.
Hough Sunday. - A son," Eugene
Hough, in the army in Louisiana,
has just been made a corporaL
176 and
arc staying close
- Service men on' furlough mnd other essential
war travelers now hare the "right of rail with
Southern Pacific lYs tie railroad's job ia war
time to carry such travelers wherever they need
to go, and without delay. If yon dont need to
take the train, we hope yon won't. .
Adtmmem rervmiZcmM reenbw&for & P. cemth pmem
Legionnaires - -To
Sons Group ?
SILVERTON Clifton Dicker
son, commanderofDelbert Reeves
post No. S,- American Legion, an
nounced at Mcnday night's meet
ing that the post would held the
Sons of Legion squadron in col
lecting waste papers for the drive
beginning Monday. Citizens wish
ing to-contribute are asked to have
tied ' bundles' of papers on their
porches Monday, and the boys will
call and collect them.
Membership- was reported at
119 four over the top. Initiation
of new members will be in the,
near, future. Work on redecorat
ing the veteran and Legion club
. t ... 1 mi . .
juuuu . wm ocBin; laursaaj 'xugnt
byy the foint; committees of Del
bert Reeves post and the VFWs. A
dance wUl be held Saturday night
at the KP- halL- December 6th
meeting was - designated as home
coming for new ad eld naemberr.
The? official Legion :.boxes - for
funds With which to buy cigarets
for ver-aeas men have been plac
ed in all local stores and are be
ing generously contributed to.' -
Snyder Rites
Set, Thui'sday
SILVERTON Washington
Snyder, 73 years old, died Mon
day night at the Silverton hospi
tal.: Funeral services will be held
Thursday from the Memorial
chapel of Ekman Funeral home
with burial in Miner's cemetery.
Rev. Cook of Scotts Mills wUl
,. Mr.-Snyder was a retired black
smith' and came to Silverton five
years; ago. He was born in In
diana, May 2, 1870. He is survived
by his widow,. Ida and a daughter
Mrs. Lely McClaskey, both of Sil
verton. Two brothers and seven
grandchildren, , address unknown,
also survive.
Albany Woman -Visits
At Lyons Home
LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Trask of Albany visited Sunday
with! her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Ring and with Mrs. Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. Julias Holtrof
have received word their daugh
ter, Mae, Is In the Providence
hospital, Portland, foUowlng an
automobile accident early Sunday
morning. Mr. Holtrof left Sunday
evening to be with his daughter.
whose condition' Is aaid to be seri
ous. ; yri- . . ' "''.(,?'
.Gates Cochran is -visiting ; his
sister, Mrs. George Pratt, who is
ill in a hospital at Wenatchee.
Miss Beulah : Lewis, who -has
been employed in Salem, has. re
turned to the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis. Miss
Lucille Lewis of Scio, also spent
the weekend" with her parents. vi
Mrs. Pat Lyons - has returned
after spending two weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Darel Lewis, at
Ontario, Calif. Mrs. Lewis recent
ly underwent a mapor operation.
The Lyons Woman's club met
Thursday at the community hall.
Quilting and , Red Cross sewing
was done. f '
Lodge Group Meets
For Business
LYONS Faith Rebekah lodge
met at the hall, with the following
officers in-the chairs, Mrs. Helen
Anderson noble grand, Mrs. Rosa
Berry, vice grand; Mrs. Hazel
Lewis, secretary and Mrs. Eva
Bressler treasurer. At the social
hour, pop corn popping furnished
the entertainment. Mrs. Alta Bo
deker, Mrs. Rosa Berry and Mrs.
Hazel Lewis were appointed a
benefit committee to raise money
for the roofing fund.
iho klis
f'Leom '
Suede Pumps iily '
Black Magic - - - - lovely new suede pumps
- - - - styled right up to now - "Leons Beau-
' . .- y . - . ' . . .
tiful Shoes" and your - - - - autumn1 clothes
seem to be made for each other. Also in brown.
5.95 t. 9.95
r Suede, Bucko and Calf Oxfords
" You are sure tote right in
you wear a pair of these good
-..The heels are Just right
5.95 to 9.95
. Suede Sandals .
Change your feet - niake them Inches short
er Can't be done! Oh, yes' it canl - - -
These smart black arid brown auede sandals
.... are Just the thing.
4.95 7.95
a pair ' of Leons
Shoes "from Leons of course?
Babv Dollto
brown suede
Prilesa t '
flattering D'Osay pumps f- -- - will sure be th
step -jwheh'
- looking oxfords.
Also in brown.
- - suits - -
' These lavelv cheer r avert
leg flattery
take our word
. ...
- - ; ii :
s ?
I !
I ' .
i - - !
Ahdi when
yon do! B$
sur.e you f. wear
. i I
Ankle Strap
Vou - - - -I We think! this is Hit
last word in something nevr r Black suede
and black ipaientj- -j - -
Suedc Pumps
well almost - "
these foe;
big hit - - - - when you wear them on that btf
. ' tonight - - h Also In brown
5.95 .. 9.95:
' 1 ' ' '
- I-- ... i ,
i I
land Suede Oxfords
X - - - - "C- ration card nas nothing on thea ;
style-wise mile-wis$ - - good-looking
casual shoes 4 - - - wecm them with your slacfcf
any p your casual clothes.:
hose - are .sher'.
- New lcsl shades - - - Daa'l ;
for it
h - come in and tZ2
to tJ
:1 ti