i - ; 1 - . - 1 - . 1 . - -5 ' 'Unusuals' Dot Saturday Scrums as Buckeyes Annex Thriller, lennlJpset li: V 'M- i-i Marv Owen Portland Beavers Old home wee homecommg, ; it what you will, but the village with visiting "ex's". First Sgt. Lee Fallm, in from Camp Roberts, then Pvt. Don Williams of Chemawa basketball up from "Adair. Followed by Cpl. T5 Phil Sal : strom, home for" a spell from army nursing duties at Shep pard Field, Tex.- Along with Phil came Cpl. T3 Les and Cpl. T4 Stan Miller, the former wrestling twins of Coxyallis high who helped the Spartans win the state grappling title not so long ago." They're now; at Sheppard Field also. Then there's Lt. (jg.) Bruce Williams up from Alameda air base and Lt. Dick Peters of the RCAF. Ron Gemmell, your ol Sports Sparker and brand new papa broke away from glorified cop duties for a short visit. Even Cpl. Al Lightnerj the kid bro ther who hoops for Fort Lewis Reception Center quint checked in for a spell. So there's a lit tle life in the town at that at least this weekend. ' Williams tells (no pun intended) of giving AC Dave Kelley (the ' ex-Bearcat football-basketballer ace) a "check" during Dave's tenure at Alameda helping pass him onto further train ing at Corpus Chris ti then Joins Gemmell in assuring that Herm Wedemeyer, the: St. Mary's college freshman from Honolulu is by far and away the best collegiate backfielder either have ever seen. Wedemeyer All They Say He Is -You just eane believe he's only a freshman playing his first T year of collere ball, he's that rood.? says Bruce. "I saw him aralnst " Cat and he made monkeys oat of Fern. He's really rot it, and the i California scribes who Insist he's the freshman find of the year aren't Just kiddinr. The ray's terrific. He looks to me like a pro calibre player rlrt now. (To which Gemmell "ayes' at every torn.) : I "I understand Spec (Keene of course) could have had him at Willamette this year if it weren't for the war and all. They tell me Art Gallon was set to send him over, but he picked St Mary's possibly because there was more football down south. "Got to see Starr's team play a few times, and both rames ' I saw Ted Ordahl play he looked great. He played about half the t rame aralnst Del Monte. In Starr's system the fullback plays up rather close on offense, so Ted didn't do much with the line smacks. But on the wide ones he's still as rurred as he ever was. "Stagg's punt formation is an odd-looking setup, but what results! Kicker stands about 15-17 yards back and on the. snap the linemen merely brush-block and head up-field to a man. The kicker boots with little or no protection, and when the opposing safety man gets the ball wham! He's hit right there. There's hardly such a thing as a punt return against Pacific, and when this fellow Podesto booted em it was att the tougher on the safety man. He wasn't a long kicker, just 35 or 40 yards but awfully high. The whole Pacific hne was there waiting with the safety man when he kicked." Williams adds he's finally come up with the lonr-awtiade trans fer from Instruction in California and hopes to be on fleet duty pretty soon. He thinks it'll be off the east coast at least. Fort Lewis May Lose Bishop, Torgeson The other Al Laghtner brought tales of more basketballing for the Reception Center men starting Monday, but saw possibilities of play ing this time without such men as Gail Bishop, the scoring titan who hit for 224 points for WSC last winter and then notched 50 in one game in the AAU tourney at Denver, and Earl Torgeson, Seattle's $50,000 baseball beauty who's said ot be equally efficient on the hard woods. Even Hal Lee, ex-Washington caging whiz is at present hos pitalized and may be unavailable. "Both Bishop and Terresori are MPs, Bishop patrollinr vit jeep . the city of Tacoma every nirht and Torreson stationed at Fort Law ton. It's roinr to be toarh obtaininr p remission for both to play with the Reception Center since htey're quite outside i oar jurisdiction, but we have hopes. . "Well be tickled to get this 6-foot 8-inch Roger Wiley from Ore gon, though," says the athlete of the family, "for .we need lots of heighth on the club. By the way, if this Wiley is 6-8 he wouldn't I be in the army. Regulations say 6-8 is too big, so he must be at the most 6-734. "We heard we almost rot this "Chief" McLean, the former Ore- ron and Southern Oreron Normal l basketball-baseball star, but ! he up and joined the navy Instead. i. "We're already looking forward to entering the Denver tourney I again, and if we can repeat as champs of the Washington AAU meet we've been promised 300 towards Denver from that association. Speakinr of basketball teams,' this Camp Roberts could have r a real one If they went after it. Just four of a whole potful of speedster), Boody Gilbertson (off Washington State's champion -: ...prospects at Roberts now are Lew Beck, (the former Oregon State ship team), Ray Turner (Idaho's: center who held the Northern division scorlnr record for awhile with 192 points) and Johnny - Ryan (hirh-scorinr ruard with Idaho's Vandals last season.) - - "Don't think we-wouldn't like to have 'em alL" Tablers Pick Gridiron Foes i' - t :".-- ! ' :-x SPOKANE, NoV 13 -i?V The Spokane athletic round table an nounced : today it had picked the unbeaten Bellingham Jiigh school team to meet John Rogers high school, - Spokane city champion, here on Thanksgiving day. ; The announcement said Harlan Jacksont principal of the Belling ham school, had wired acceptance. " The game is to be a feature of the ARTS "physical fitness day which will have as its main event the Pacific coast college cross ; country championships. Qaaliiy. WINTER SUITS! Signed to Manage furlough fate, coincidences-call seems seething the last few days i 1 1 RON GEMMELL. for 19M Veteran Third Sacker Takes Shea's Place X PORTLAND, Nov. 13 -(P)-The appointment of Marvin Owen, third sacker, to be manager of the Portland Beavers; of the Pacific Coast Baseball league, succeeding Mervin Shea,' was announced to night by William Klepper, gen eral manager. Shea's dismissal was announc ed by Klepper soon after .the league season closed. In Sep ' tember. . j- Owen, was signed by the Port land club in 1941 as a free agent. He played for Seattle in 1930, and was sold to the Detroit Tigers, where he remained a year. From Detroit he went to the international learue to play a year before returning to the Tirers. He remained with that club for five years before he was sold to the Chicaro White Sox. From Chicago he went to Bos ton to play with the Braves for two years, safter which he was declared a free agent. Bears Bounce Bruins, 13-6 By RUSS NEWLAND BERKLEY, Calif, Nov. 13 -JP)-The Uunversity of California Bears beat the University of California at Los Angeles Bruins 13 to 6 here today in a "brother vs brother" football match that saw the boys from the south go down fighting but not humiliated through their showing. 1 Shortenders, the Bruins scored first, shoving over a touchdown on a sensational play engineered by one man Don Malmberr. The blr left tackle, handiest player on the field, blocked a punt of California's halfback Bob' Weeks, then scooped up the ball to run 17 yards for the score. i - it.. ; f The Bears came back to cross their rival's goal line with thirty seconds to go in the second guar- ter and converting the extra point, left the field at half time with 7 to 6. They built up their margin in the last period, thanks to alert play that saw weeks recover a fumble by U.OKA.'S left half John Roesch on the six yard line. Bob Frisbee, California's left half darted through right tackle for the touchdown. Frisbee also scor ed his team's other touchdown, going throuh the same spot for one yard. . ' Medford 'Zephyr' Next for '50-50' Vikings Wondering what . rruesomo fate is in store for them next, Salem hirh's 50-59 Tikinrs they've won four and lost four 1J ,J "ss Hl now back -; 4 to weekday shift ; S'J'tsmorMw to -. -i 1 prepare for VV I their last sched-' f I Hi 1 nled game of jiW u j the season. : 1 1 h e season, j aralnst Med Iford's Black TEOCWOBLIJEY TOfBld ' at Medford next Friday nirht. ' Their brand-new win streak scuttled at one stralrht by the 14-13 happening at . Eurene Thursday, their spirits at half. Sears Famous 17EARMASTES! Quality BUILT TO TAKE LOTS OF HARD PUNISHMENT! Oil-tanned - cowhide uppers are oil treated to resist moisture ... 2 sturdy layers of oil-tanned leather in vamps . . . 8-inch height . . . double solo . . sizes to. 12. By ORLO ROBERTSON NEW YORK, "Nov." lJ-V,: This .was a day of unusuals of the nation's gridirons but there was nothing out of the ordinary at Evanston, HL, and Iowa City where : Notre Dame and Iowa Pre-Fllrht ; brourht their - un beaten football trails a little closer - torether In -preparation for their clash at South Bend next Saturday. r While Ohio State' was whip plnr Illinois . 12 minutes after the game apparently had ended and North Carolina and Army were , capitalising on the sei- NAZIS? PHOOEY! , ; - '-w'- ,w . - , -, ; . -v ' ""' " . . . . . - .,..v .r . . .. : . . a ... .-y. : .-!:;': w . . : r .., v.. " vO' - Wtl Smurgled to the USA by the Norwegian underground, this photo of a nazl-sponsored track meet at Os la's famed Blslet stadium speaks for itself. This August - track meet to Norwegians what the world aeries Is to Americans -was this year a scene for an effective, silent demonstration of resistance to German occupation as the handful of spectators In German uniforms testify. The stadium seats 39,909. For three years the 309,999 members of the Norwegian Athletic union have flatly refused to take part In nasi -staged events. Many of them, Including the world's champion ski Jumper, Blrger Ruud, are in concentration camps as a result. . - -. Golf Durationalized 'Blazin' Ben' Now 2nd Looey MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Nov. 13 JP) Golfer Ben ' Hogan became Second. Lt. Ben Hogan of the army air forces today. He was graduated from the AAF officer candidate school. ; Tm afraid my golf Is ever fr the duration, said the 39-year-old Texan as he looked longingly at the former greens and fairways of the Bayshore golf course, now a drill field, "but I'm planning to take up where I left off when the war Is. won." The former Hershey, Pa., pro, a top money winner the past few years, is classified as a physical training officer but he doesn't know what or where his new as signment will be. mast and their vows of finish ing up with a four-straight rush shattered, the T-Men will still be favored to flap the south erners. Medford has been hav ing Its troubles too, some reach ing an Invested peak when lit tle and insignificant Ashland high dumped the Fearplckers 1917 Friday night. Coach T. Drynan's crew came through the Eugene scrape sans serious injury, and barring same this week during practice should be in top shape for the Medfords. A certain navy call could deal the Vlks tough blow should It arrive for Tackle Tex. Wortey this week, however. Worley, far and away the most ragged and aggressive lineman dliik mm :: .-. 4 :-''-d--d-v , ." "- . d-: : I M&m&'?& Open Salcrday Till 9:C3 dom-seen safety to down Penn-' sylvanla and Sampson naval , training . .. station, respectively, Notre Dame and the Iowa Sea hawks each posted their elrhth straight ; triumph. . The - Sea hawks downed ' the soldiers 'from Camp Grant, 28-13. . But the - Ohio SUte-Hllnols affair took the cake. All -square at X6-28 with seconds to play, the Buckeyes tossed an . incom pleted pass lnto the end tone as the . final "gun - sounded. , The players rushed to their dressing rooms and the crowd filed out of the stadium. Meantime, Head linesman - P. Ci - Goebel . was gesUculatlng wildly that Illinois was offside. The players finally returned to the field for one play enourh to .'permit John Stungis to kick a 25-yard field goal and give Ohio State a 29 26 victory. - - t . The safety that helped , give North' Carolina a surprise 9-6 Nelson, McSpaden Eye' 'Under Par' Itinerary DALLAS, Nov. 13 r(ff)-Byron Nelson and Harold "Jug McSpa den, on a nationwide 180-hole golf tour for war relief," hope to stay under par on the long jaunt. Their chances look bright. Nel son, former national open champ ion, and McSpaden, acclaimed un officially as the 1943 pro .king, are four and three under par, respectively, for the courses at Pinehurst and Greensboro, N. C. Montreal Nips Wing Skaters MONTREAL, Nov. 13-flVMon-treal became the only undefeat ed team in the national hockey league tonight when they downed the hitherto unbeaten Detroit Red Wings, 4-1, and moved into un disputed first place in the stand ings. in the Vik fold, up and joined the colors last week and is ex pecting call. To lose the promts inr sophomore fresh out of Par rish Junior hirh Just about com pletes the task of transferring D it nan to the Center street In stitution. c - Athletic Director - Gurnee Flesher still intends scheduling the runnerup team in the Port . land prep race for a Thanksgiv-1 : Ing Day tussle on Sweetland, and ; according to reports slf ting down j from the Rose City the game is as good as In the bag, await ing only the naming of the see end best team. If it materializes Salem will complete her sched ule en Turkey Day Instead of : against Medford. ? ? N " , i:iol:i:ncrf triumph over Penn came In the; ! second, period. The Tarheels', .protected . that , -slim, . marrin throurh the third chapter,: yielded a touchdown In . the fourth, then struck back for one of their own for the bigrest up-' set of the day. - The Army used Its safety In the fourth to take a 9-7 lead after the Navy boys had held I a 7-9 margin throurh the first ! half. True, the Cadets later tal- ' lied a touchdown but. lt was the ' two-pointer that - broke - the heart of Dr. Mai Stevens team. Both head coaches were ' ab sent as Navy rolled up the blr- rest score of the - day . with a 61-9 rout : of . Columbia. . CapL- John WhelcheU of Navy .was at ' West Point scouting, the Cadets . and Loa Little of Columbia re- malned at home ; convalescing i from a recent illness. - ' The remainder of the rames .went pretty ..much, as expected. Mesariflits WFST ' -- ; -i - 1 March Field 85. Southern Cal. a. CalUomia 13. UCLA S. Colorado College 64. Utah 0. New Mexico S3, Denver 13. EAST ,,- Navy 1, ColumbU . Dartmouth 20, Cornell 8. ! Army 16, Sampson. Naval Training station 7.'. r. ; . , Yale 1; Princeton S. ? -N. Carolina f, Pennsylvania : Brown 34, US Coact Guard 31. Perm State 13, Temple 0. Colgate 28, Rensselaer Poly 0. Tufts 13, Harvard 7. . SOUTH , ' Tuskegee 10, Xlorida A 8c M 6. Georgia 48. Vir. Military 7.. Georgia Pre-flight 32. Clemson S. N. Carolina State 20. Davidson 0. Duke 49, Virginia 0. Bain bridge Navy 46. Maryland 0. Jacksonville Naval 44. Daniel Field 0. Camp Davis 32. Presbyterian 0. Navy Pie bes 68, Augusta Military 0. Georgia Tech 33, Tulane 0. North Carolina Pre-f light 14, Camp Lejeune 14 (tie). MinWEST Ohio State 29, Illinois 26. Notre Dame 25, Northwestern . ! Michigan 27. Wisconsin 0. Minnesota 33, Iowa 14. Oklahoma 20, Missouri 13. Great Lakes 21, Indiana 7. Ohio Wesleyan 32, Bowling Green 20 oneriin zi, wooster o. Wilberforce 25. W. Virginia State 2. Kenyon 13, Kenyon- College Army Training Unit 6. Fort Riley 14. Fort Warren 7. .Kansas 13. Warrensburg 12. SOUTHWEST i . Texas A & M 20. Rice 0. -, Texas 46. Texas Christian. 7. ' Arkansas 14. Southern Methodist 12. ' N.- Texas Aggies 34. Texas Tech. 14. . (OREGON HIGH SCHOOL Friday and Saturday) Grant 14. Jefferson 8 (both Portland). Benson 7. Washington 0 (both Port land). . Dayton 21, Sheridan 0. The Dalles 7, Hood River . j Milwaukie 34, Oregon City 0. j Newberr 46. McMiraiville : , Commerce 14. Lincoln 7 (both Port land). Estacada 13, Gresham 7. Franklin 12. Roosevelt 7 (both Port land). Warm, Husky, IFaDdDitlbaillD For MEN end YOUNG HEN jizes 34 TO , 4M Ql) TREATED WITH 'ARIDEX, WATER REPELLENT . . Popular Cossack style with half belt in back, two leather piped slash pockets, one breast pock at. Navy blue to . harmonize with your, slacks and trousers. Carefully tailored for service. WOOL CONTENT OH LABEL : 7 OTM1 Mkhlran . took .another strlJe toward at least a tie for s the Western conference - title i by whipping outclassed Milsconsin, 27-9. Oklahoma handed Mis souri Its first home defeat In 22 starts and just -about assured the Sooners the Big Six crown with a 20-13 decision. Duke. Georgia and . Georgia Tech. led the scoring parade In the south- land as the Blue Devils troune ed Virginia, 49-0. the Crackers turned back VMI. 46-7 rand Tech's Engineers burled Tulane under a 33-9 count. t - Except for Arkansas mild 14-12 upset of Southern Metho dist, the Southwest conference . picture remained unchanged, - . Texas and the 'Texas Arties wanned ' up for their Thanks giving day title clash by defeat- L Inr - Texas Christian 46-7 "and ' Rice 20-0, respectively. - ? ""fv Brown and the United States . Coast Guard put on a' rlp-snort- USC Tra By Marcjb In, un Jack Jacobs To Worst Defeiit USGHasky Bowl ' By FRANK FRAWLEY . i ! . H LOS ANGELES, Nov. 13K-Marci Fieldjs Fourth Air Fcjfce swamped Southern California todayj j5 to 10, vfith a: spectacu lar aerial attack generated jpy Jack Jacobs, former, backfieltj ?tar with the University, of Oklahoma and ;the Cleveland Rams.1? If, The crushing defeat was; the second straight for the injury- They'll Talk Turkey Ruth Sought As Oalc Boss SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. lk-Jf) There Is only the remotest chance that George Herman "Babe" Ruth may become manager of thejOak land Coast league baseball fclub, but the , new . owners ' cannot be ruled out for trying, at least. C. L. -Brick" Laws. Oakland theatrical man. who recently acquired eontreUlng Interest in ' the club with Joe Blnmenthsl of San Francisco,, held a 'confer ence here yesterday with Roth's former business' manager, Christy Walsh. Walsh just returned frpmNew York where he consulted the for mer Yankee' home run king and idol of American youth on the matter. .Walsh said that ;Ruth evinced onl ymild interest in the proposition - .but also agreed to meet with Laws, Blumenthal and the club's general manager Vic tor Devincenzi, when .the trjo at tend .the National Minor league's meeting in New York December 1. AMERICAN LEGION WRESTLING November 16th - S;30 P. M. -Salem Arnory- Coast Championship Ilalch! 1 hr-2 vs. Wamer Sexni-Windnp 30 mia, 1 out of 3 falls. Jack "Pin-up Bvy" : .Riser VS. -- : Jack "Bash-em" Lipscomb I - ' No Advance In iPriees I Admission: $1.19 Ringside, 75e Gen. Adm. . - . ...... . il . . ... - - lit -.1 i Water - Repellent the Bruins eiered 34-31, with"- two in' the last three touchdowns minutes. , Dartmouth wWpped Cornell. 20r0. jln the ratikinx Ivy : league jigaiirie wblleYile rolled over helpless Princeton 27-6,; Penn State nosed; out Temule 13-9. Colgate turned backi RPI, 27-6 and Tuftf de feated Harvard, 13-7. Rtrs . defeated Lehigh for the second timey 20-9. - j ' " 4 . . Mid-westj ganes whlchj fal lowed pattern jwere Mlntjesjota S3, rxtwa 14; jlowa : Stat SO, Drake 9 and Great Lakes il, Indiana 7.'jlnjthe south the scores went this way: paln bridge naval station 4C, Ifary latt d 9 Jacksonville Jiaval ATTC 44, Danlttl Field 9; oBh Carolina Pj-efllrht 14, f ainp LeJeune 14; .Georgia Freflifht 32, 1 piemsoii tr North Carolina State, 29, Davidson 9 and Camp Davis 32, Presbyterian 9. as-D Lads Parade Eveil for llroy; Date Still toom! riddled Trojans,! who won. their Crstf 'tix gamesl ; without being scored on and then dfoppeil a.; 1 0 to 7; ijJecisiop tj the ? San . Di?go Nava Training Station. f. The Filers first teanvj eni : ploying; ! almost -exelBreiy -j a ranging game, wasn't able to make 'much headway, bui a eobsfi spearhead of the second crevfl was- deadly accurate I in hU bitching. j -V-.V ' The bottom fejl out of the tro jan defense In the second -quai:ter as the Fliep pushed ; over four touchdowns in jshort - order. Tho first ivas ! easy, coming frorn tho one-yird line on a plunge ySaI Rosao, once of IVillanova, n ! the second play. jThej other three ere registered oif perfectly timed shot passed arm.il from Jacobs' active right Jaoobs' first pitch was to Owen Thuerk, ex-Detroit Uons, for 43 yards: the next I for 25 to Slielbv Adams of Georgetown, Ky and thejbther for 4? to Ohio State's ng Joe jHlliams. Idafh time; the receiver was behind thefifTtojan defenders wjth' a : deaf-; . In i path jto the goal, '-i s ovfrn ; behalf Southern Cali- forniaf had no overhead lattack worthy of the jterm. . The .passer alwaj was rusn ed by th atert lifCoiitinued; on page 1) ! Ui li J : : J is; out 3 falls. Title 4-4- Opiener il 30 !min. 2 oat of 3 faUs. Ivan Jones vs. fi jack Poppenheimef; conns ARE FinsT IN THE LIST! er before .victorious, 4 mriled F,i elder I - - : e Wagner 1 I Tax. Incj j i: j d y 'd M:d:: Salem, Oregon - '. r . r EDYi::z2:.uxin norms : mid statu?;;! P&oae S1S3 Clcthiers i rV . ri ; - - 484 Slate Street