li! PAGE TEN Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salam, Dragon. Sunday Morning, NovomLer 14. 1S43 V Business Girls Told of China ' s Young Business and Profes sional Girls club ot the YWCA will meet at a no-host' supper on kl Monday night Miss Dorothy Bu ngler, who has recently returned ' from China, 7 will speak on ,the Women and girls in China and 'how the war affects them. I -Delegates from this club, chos en recently to attend the YWCA annual northwest mid - winter ' conference to be held in Yakima 'on November 20 and 21 are Mel ' ba oCnrad, on the regional plan - ning committee - and - Mildred ,-Yetter, the club's president, t 1 V" Mrs. George , R. K. Moorhead, - president of the Oregon Feder ation of Women s clubs, nas Deen in: Klamath Falls this week, j On :" Wednesday she spoke at the Klamath i Falls - library, club where she talked on "Women's Club 1 Projects. On Thursday ;she was the guest speaker at the " ' Soroptomist ' club where she . spoke on "Social Hygiene Educa tion in Oregon." - : - C Mr. and Mrs. David II. Cam- , eron received w ord Saturday that their son-in-law and daugh ter, Lt. and Mrs. Donald Nagel, have arrived in Avon Park, Florida, where he will be sta tioned with the army air corps. Mrs. Nagel has spent the past three months at the home of her parents. - . ! lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Carl Cover are visiting in the capital for a few days.! Lt. Comm. Cover has returned from Kodiak, -Alaska and Mrs. Cover has been residing in San Fran cisco. WOODBURN At a long table beautifully decorated with gold and white chrysanthemums and yellow candles in crystal candle- sticks, about 40 members and guests of the Presbyterian Ladies Aid enjoyed a no-host luncheon Wednesday," November 10, hon oring those members and friends over 70 years of age. The honor list, signed by the recipients of the compliment, includes Mrs. Olive Smith, Mrs. Jane Mack, Mrs. Clara Bohn, Mrs. Annie Sims, Mrs. Katherine Olson and Mrs. Louise Petshow. j The program at the table was in charge of the vice president of 4 the society, Mrs. Paul Mills, who spoke in appreciation of; the work and influence of the older women, who were then intro duced by Mrs. H. F. Butterfield and each presented a beautiful corsage in white and gold, j the gifts of the president, Mrs. ; Al fred Klamp and the vice presi dent, Mrs. Paul Mills. With Mrs. f Howard Magnuson at the piano, the group sang and Mrs. Carl Huber and Mrs. Paul Mills sang a duet. Readings were given by Mrs. E. J. Allen. The business routine was later conducted by Mrs. Alfred Klamp, and devotions . were led by Mrs. O. F. Larson. WOODBURN Nineteen past matrons and nine past patrons of Evergreen chapter, Order of the Eastern Star were honored at the regular meeting of the chapter, Monday night. They were intro duced at the request of the wor- : thy matron, Mrs. Oliver Olson, ' and escorted to the east, where ; each matron received a gift and . each patron, a boutonniere. At the close of chaper, a can- ; dlelighting ceremoniial with Mrs. Fern Foster as soloist and Mrs. Rose Magnuson as accompan-:-ist, was offered in honor of the past matrons and past patrons,' of. whom the following were present: Mrs. Minnie Richards,' Mrs. Carrie Young, Mrs. Maude Scott, Mrs. Edith McCord, Mrs. Florence Butterfield, Mrs. Mar-' that Reiling, Miss Gladys Adams, Mrs. Lillian Bitney, Mrs. Beu-. lah Gilbert, Mrs. E. Aline Beers,! Mrs. Elf a Fikan, Mrs. Nina Rin go, Mrs. Rose Gibbens, ' Mrs. Pearl Landsen, Mrs. Gertrude Beach, Mrs. Hazel Enos, Mrs. Ed na Lytle, Mrs. Mary Smith, and Mrs. Lillie Wads worth; omas Sims, Hiram Overton, Robert H, Scott, Frank W. SetUemier, Howard M. Sayer, J. Melv&i Ringo, August Moeding, Earl Wj Gibbens and Edgar Smith. I ' Dr. and Mrs. Gerald B- Smith ; and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Morris j served refreshments at the social ? hour in the dining room, i i j JEFFERSON The Evangeli4j eal Missionary society met Wed4j nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lee Grenz. Miss . Anna Klampe, vice president, preside fed..-::;:".' ' : " '' . - : : Mrs. T. O. Kester led the ds? ; 'Thanksgiving.' A chapter from j the study ' book, "Blessings of Health," was given by ; Mrs; txeorge ftjns, woo .. tuso cun ducted a missionary quiz. 1 j Mrs. Karl Kihs read an ar ; ticle, "Returning to Africa at Such a Time,' by Rev. J. J. Aj mold, missionary. .. Plans were made for the an nual thank offering service Sunf day, November 21. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. T. O. Kester. . L Refreshments were served by the .hostess, assisted by her two daughters. , .' - WOODBURN-Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith left" for a 10-day trip to San Diego, Calif Tues day night, where they will yisi their daughter. "They are mak ing the trip by train. The doctor's mother, Mrs. M. K. Smith has left on the return trip to- her home in Philadelphia, after spending the summer at her son's I Of special Interest to all mem bers of Hal Hibbard Camp and Auxiliary USWV Is the covered dish dinner to be held Monday at 6:30 o'clock at the Veterans hall, 640 Hood street. Special guests for the evening will be a number of department officers. Department President Edith Park, will inspect the auxiliary. Kensington Club Entertained Mrs. Harry J. Mohr of Port land has been visiting at the ;honie of her-son and daughter- 111 1IW, iXllm W1U AUJ " Jlohr, jr. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Mohr, entertained members of the Kensington club at the home of her son on-State street ; The afternoon was spent in formally and at the tea hour the hostess : was assisted by Mrs. Leon Barrick."" "' j Royal : Neighbors ' of America held their homecoming meeting at the Fraternal temple Monday. Mrs. Mae Logan, state- supervis or, was here from Portland. Five candidates were initiated, Mrs. Lura Tandy, Alice Oglivie, Wil ma Oglivie, Betty Groves and Edna Herrold, the latter two for the Labish camp. After the busi ness meeting a group of piano selections was played by Miss Lucille Corbin. Miss Lucy Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisher, has been spending a few days in Sa lem. She was en route from Den ver, where she resides, to Los Angeles. Miss Fisher has been on a buying trip in New York and will continue wtih her work in the southern city. Miss Fisher is assistant buyer for the Denver Dry Goods Store. The Ahwohanoah Camp Fire Girls met at the home of their guardian, Mrs. James Bunnell, for their regular meeting Thurs day. Dorothy Pierce was voted a new member. Nature craft and games completed the evening. Scribe Esther Perkins.' Mrs. Jack Kohn and daughter, Judy, of Albany are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn on South Lib erty street. Mrs. William C. DePew was hostess to members of her bridge club Wednesday night. I DALLAS The Boy Scout I Mothers' club met at the home j of Mrs. Cecil Dunn Wednesday aternoon to reorganize. Mrs. R. I The following officers were , ! elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. James Hoover, president; Mrs. Ellsworth W il s o n , vice president; Mrs. Max Graves, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. H. W. Friesen, publicity chairman, and Mrs. Cecil Dunn, historian. The club will meet every two weeks beginning Monday, November 22. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Harvey Carpenter. The hostess served refreshments at the close of the afternoon. Those attending were: Mrs. Ellsworth Wilson, Mrs. W. H. Sanders, Mrs. Harvey Carpenter, Mrs. R. H. Wheeler, Mrs. James Hoover, Mrs. H. W. Friesen, Mrs. Max Graves, Mrs. Hulda C. Smith, Mrs. R. C. McKnight and Mrs. C. J. Enstad. DALLAS About 150 were in attendance when the Pigeon Signal company of Salem enter tained their wives and friends of Salem and the junior host esses of Dallas at a dancing party at the armory Tuesday night. A dance band from Camp Adair furnished the music. The armory was beautifully decorated with autumn leaves and corn stalks and pumpkins. Baskets of chrysanthemums were placed about the serving rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holmes were the chaperons. Miss Kathryn Rowe, chairman of the decorat ing committee, was assisted" by Miss Beatrice Bange, Miss Bar bara Adam and Miss Alma Tos tenson. Mrs. C. W. Smith, chair man of the serving committee, was assisted by Mrs. J. R, Sib ley, Miss Fannie Dampsey, Mrs. A. M. Larson and Mrs. C J. Enstad. . liMUM'.'trilfl STARTS TODAY Continuous Show Today " 1 till 11:45 - &nyal ciwa choici (licriONi r T -Flos- E""V with NJUSH ITNNI scsrjtn Plus News - Selected Shorts f v : 1 : - Rafti Lidrre, Greenstreet Vie For Secrets in Spy Thriller r A P-47 of spy thrillers is VBackground to Danger, the War ner Brothers fitra which is playing now; at the Capitol theater, moving with the Thunderbolt's hurtling speed ; as it zooms, swoops and ,twists through the rapid mazes of a breathless ad venture story. ? George Raft, this time packing a rod for the G-men; and Brenda Marshall, exotically ; lovely as a Russian counter-spy, lead a cast of colorful conspirators, with the smooth menace " exuded by Syd ney Greenstreet and the soft, pale brand distilled by Peter Lorre. ; , The background ; ; is : neutral ' OAK POINT The 17 th wed ding f anniversary of Mr.' a h d . Mrs. Ellis Lauderback was cele . brated Saturday night at : the Lauderback 'home.' It was also the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Frank Clark of Carlton. Three tables of ."500 were in play dur ing the evening. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunigan, Lucille and Donald; Mr. and Mrs. . John Lauderback and Mr. and Mrs. James Lauderback and James jr., all ' of Salem; Miss Kate Kellogg of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. f Frank Clark of Carlton and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Lauderback, and son Jerry and daughter ara itatn- erine. ' '- ; t - . MACLEAY Mrs. Nile Hil borrvand Mrs. Harry Martin sr., were hostesses Tuesday after noon at the Hilborn , home for the first meeting of the season of the 4M Woman's club. Reports on the county federation meet ing were, given , by Mrs. Harry Martin sr. and -Mrs. M. M. Ma gee. Mrs. Theo . McMorris was received as a member. - ' " i The December meeting will be held at the M. M. Magee home with Mrs.' W. H. Humphreys as co-hostess. A nb-host supper and Christmas party for the '. hus bands will be substituted for the regular meeting. UNION HILL Mrs. Byron McElhaney and Mrs. F. Doerfler will be hostesses to the Union Hill grange home economics club at the home of the former on Wednesday for an all day meet ing. A covered dish dinner will be served at noon. Red Cross sewing will be done at the meeting Each member is asked to bring scissors, thread, needle and thimble. Mrs. Floyd Fox and Mrs. W- F. Krenz are in charge of Red Cross sewing for the club. DALLAS About 45 members and friends were present at a covered dish dinner at the Pres byterian church Tuesday night when the Missionary society ob served the 45th , anniversary of its organization. Following the dinner, Rev. Ralph P. Waggoner showed moving pictures of the missionary work being done in Thailand and also in the moun tain regions of the southland. WEST SALEM The WSCS of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Brown on .Thursday afternoon with a good attendance. Final plans were formulated for the bazaar in connection with a food sale to be held in ! the church base ment on the afternoon and even ing of November 17.' WEST SALEM The Book and Thimble club was entertain ed by Miss Fern Morgan at her home Friday. A plant sale ia planned for next meeting. The club held its first meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Rollin Beaver, president Mrs. Robert Pattison was la guest at that meeting. GERVAIS Mrs. W. J. Maho- ny and Allyh Nusom received high score honors and Mrs. Summer Stevens and Ward Lundy received second high at the Community club card party held Tuesday night. There were nine tables of, 500 in play. GERVAIS The Past Matrons club of Gervais chapter, OES, will meet at I the home of Mrs. John Harper in Salem Friday. They will sew on a quilt for the Shrine hospital. - r Continuous Daily LRfiFT ( GREHISTREETX Co-Feature KIWHOPPY nOIUS FOR HAPPY ENTERTAin;.!E!IT! CLAKNCS t. MlFOin WILLIAM 3 Plus Action Serial Turkey. From the moment George Raft, as Joe Barton, makes eyes at a cood-looking girl (Osa Mas senl on . the Bagdad-Istanbul Ex press, he swings intoj a torrent of action. Apprehensive of ' danger, the ladyigives him an envelope to safeguard, and her address in Ankara. f But" when he comes to return the envelope, he finds her murdered. , j The envelope is dynamite to Russo-Turklsh ' relations which the nazis; under the leadership of CoL Robinson (Sydney, Green street) j fare ; seeking J to j explode. Under pretext of "arrest for com plicity in "the ' girl's murder. Bar ton Is delivered to Robinson, but the Russian agent, Zaleshoff (Pe ter Lbrrp), and his sister, Tamara (Brenda Marshall), i hi-jack him from the nazis and plead for the envelope. '.. , . ; r . . Suspicious of them and their story, Bfrton off ers to deliver the papers . to" the Russian embassy. But the; papers are gone and the fight is on to retrieve " them. A hectic chase leads to Istanbul with another f kidnapping and several shootings and slug fests 'to spice the proceedings. After the danger Is disposed of, Robinson survives to face disgrace, in the reich and Barton setsoff J for another mis sion to Cairo,- this time with ' a lpvely and accomplished assistant in the person of r Tamara. '1 Hard-smooth George" Raft is In hisyigoroys element in this fast paced thriller, and Brenda Mar shall' is a lively and decorative as set. The urbane , Greenstreet and the apologetic Loire ' head a crew of . spihe-chilling and " sinister henchmen, notably 1 Kurt Katch and Daniel Ocko, all helping to make a rousing round of turbu lent adventure. 1 Raoul Walsh, behind Holly wood's r megaphones for many good years, directs jwith all his wonted zip and verve, and no one, audience included, draws a long breath ; until the picture is fin ished. I ; "Bar ;20, starring William Boyd as "Hopalong Cassidy, completes the double bill at the CapitoL AH Day Session Of PTA Is Planned DALLAS An all day PTA school pf instruction' will be held Wednesday in the j chamber of commerce rooms. ""Mrs. Raleigh Middleton, president of the Dal las PTA, is in charge and mem bers from throughout Polk coun ty will attend. Mrs. F. W. Blum of Portland, state president of the PTA, will conduct the school. It will open at 10 o'clock in the morning and end at 3 o'clock in the -afternoon. Cabbage Growers Assured Market PORTLAND -(Jf- Multnomah county i growers, who have, charg ed that cabbage, was in danger of spoiling in the fields, were as sured of a market for at least part of their available 8,000 tons. War Food Administration (WFA) will pay $25 a ton for some 450 tons of No. il grade cabbage, delivered at freight cars. Visits in Monmouth MONMOUTH (Mrs. Morton Howard, recently returned here from Texas where her husband. is stationed with the armed services. She has been the guest this week of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Howard. j ; 1 ? Cohtinuous from 1 P. M. 1 g lrjjfV- . ' 11 1111 m"""""'"11 w ijx . . n i i in iiit..wHBMaaaaBWjeauaiLmi II p-' xs- ."A- - "' ;:: MGM's HONEY . ! Ir OF A MUSICAL! n ' " "" I , - !TLirrm WMUrfvl wiicl UfiwiM Nol 1 d I ,1 GETSK,5StU n,., m 4 - l BY A. TECHNICOLOR ; I ; , s T ' QUEEfsi and TERRIFIC! r : ; - U -C-Feature- . S'r W7(Z V 3 'ATbrfller! .."- If - V, 'J $ . victim- -. nXr CJ,. 'f' y, i J Conwas K- n i , 1 -V v i 1 tyyvwmTOw -u w''- :y . 1 .'v . . .r ..,y:-: .; . - Mi 1 imm h a -knitoitomwi, rtm mr r iat -iHflgara no,, y, ,gXiWw..wWii v .v.v.vw.-.v w.-.--.. i wi af - i fr 'in 1 i Mmmmmamm win Turkey forms the timely background for Warner Bros, new spy thriller "Background, to Danger, star ring George- Raft as Joe Barton. Brenda Marshall as Tamara, and Peter Lorre as her brother.! Full of suspense, the chief mystery Is who Is spying for whom, and on whom. Raft poses as a salesman for an oil reflning firm but Is actually an American secret service agent. Also In .the east Is Sidney Greenstreet "Background to Danger and It's companion feature,! "Bar 2I," starring William Boyd as "Honalong Cassidy. Is now nlayinr at the Capitol theatre. Don't fail to see this great entertainment . value! f " y . ;.. I -. . i . tf : , ,. (V''W h 43 : a .. --If, !: 41 thdJ i ' lit; The damage has been done. Lucille Ball has already taken Virginia Weidler's place on the senior prom committee list at Wlnsockl and no matter what Lucille says It's Just so much talk to Virginia. Poor Tommy Dlx! He didn't mean anything when he invited Lucille j to the dance in a fan letter. William Gaxton, however, saw the possi bilities of tremendous publicity, and took advantage of the offer. Yes, that's Tommy in the cadet uniform and Gaxton in his formal clothes. Don't fail to see "Best Foot Forward, which starts today; at the Ehdnore theatre. "Seventh Victim, starring Tom Conway and lovely Jean Brooks, completes the double bill. ' j 7 ' 'dared to love, with" J. Carrol Naish and Lynne Roberts featured. The picture starts today at the Hollywood theatre with Mickey Roo ney, Frank Morgan and James Craig in William Saroyan's, "The Buman Comedy," book-of-the-month club's choice as the second hit. ( i-; : ; 'i - j " . 1 ""'.- V V: -r;. , ; , - , " ;; (' " j i " :' .'-ir .' :; : ;i 1a : v Red Skelton, screen and rradio funny man now, apeparior in the giant fun show "I Dood It" ' with Eleanor Powell, I Lena Home and many others.! Co featured Is "The Mystery of the ' 13th Guest." - 1 h Lives Perilously! But Dies in Beet SHREVEPORT, La.--S m o- kue II, who never missed a lire in the ISyears she served as-mas cot of the Central fire statioi, has gone to join her faithful canine predecessors. t With appropriate rites sh4 was buried back of the station Reside Screwball and Smokie I. Screwball rode wagon and truck for 17 years before being fjjtally injured by one of those "newf f an gled" street cars.' Smokie . If died beneath the wheels of an automo bile at age six. Smokie II, a rat terrior, died in her. own little bed. Cvtrtvovc nvcs two;c cwof.o ywoWy ! V-l VJI . -1 ? Cont. Shows from 1 P. M. . How Showing!! ; Ona ol Tfi : Gayest Comodiec Erar . Made! - .' e Ysti ijy :" Gary Grant KATHERINE : -HEPBURN if And 'SUNDOWN" O Gene Tierney i. , George i Sanders iBBuSMMraurir h ' , ' --.v y. W-y, w p . i i lenLv horn J I NO ic aiar "S.I. . :i I 4 . Goes tolProiii i 'Best) Foot Forwap-tf' Plot Built About 3 : ? 'is A ' Clever Thejue What happens) when a SnoVie star $ppepts an inyitation to Col lege jgom,!much po the' consterna tion Jqij' th fan. who invite; er, forms; ) the background fog! ;the hij inks . ort lithe j screen ofi dhe Elsinore theatre j where MGM's technicolor1 scintillating m&sk:al,i ."Best ; j Foot i Forward," isj iriow showing, i I I Lucille Ball plSys a jnovft lar who accepts a fari letter invitation from! young Tommy Dix to ittfend the, prom as a publicity stunt. Lu cille jhks herj" doubts abou ihe whole, iaff air but ier press gent, William Gaxton, lis confident ;:the resulting fanfare! will turn jjhe trickffalf having bier option iiicfeed up-Ui -t I- !i. .. ; lit Tombiy.j who- never expecjed Lucille to accep :,' is devastated, but not from joy . For he hsj;ln vite4 1 W best girL Virginias Wei dler, o the5 dax ce and blsies, Winsockl tradition does nt );m cludfiljnovlle jstarit. Tommy'sj su tion to jtake Lucille , as Vrgiira in spite of Lucille's protest. Com plications set ir when Virginia arrives on the ' scene jwithj good Samaritan I intend ions of njjriing Tomixiy through his "i!lnes.T l : Based on 'the long-run Bnjid way;;tage success, the filni$-e-tains many ot the original sng hits,f including tr e famed "!u5 kle DownWinsockiT and several lew numbers cspeci; Ily writteji lfor the -jEtlovie version. Harry Taifies and his. Music A' akers ' supply he musical backgro ind and "afsodo several instrumeiital novel tesi Mists Ball Is stunning in several f J ! ! i j-i? I i-i Irerid creations i and deli veis l;her lines - With gusto The fOm!inro duces several pi-smising neiftciim ers to screei au iences. Thse jaro Nancy Walker, S ho shows prom ise pf: becoming a female l&tkey Roorey; Tommy Dix, the litle boy with; the big voice; June Allison and :Cloria IfDeliaven, twe bun- i dle4 )Qf energy, 'fee Seventh riciini,? Victim? aftKkill- ing mystery story starring - pm Conway and Jcjan BrooksJ cpm- pleteaf the double bill at eEl- sinqr. : ;M'; TaVjorl Fauiily 3Ioe To ;i Jolinsoii Resideiice MEHAMaS; Air, and Mrj. Jack Taylor, whd have lived at: Elk- horri, .are living in the houe Stor merly! occupied! by the Willard john ns,; ; . ; ; Jjf Amistice day was spent Jfqtfiet- ly inlMehama this year. Most log ging: iconcerns operated, but' stares were -closed, p I - !; i Mi-Si ErciU Wilson ;andj baby daughter are at home now. Thas is the lW!ilson's first chilcU li t Cont. Shows from 1 P 51. Mystifying Co-Feckure j Ii Plai li-n-r-3-e-r! Dick i jPurcell Helen Parrish LATEST NEWS PLASHES I' tt hcum: tht hits B'jilW Cont. Showis from 1 IK M. f.i STARTS TODAY! nlS is lXyisv 1 1 Hi; ! "One IlisM la Ths I : ''fyrepcs'fy i f Plus! Johnny I 3Iack Brown . . 11' III : ill Cily"