The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 27, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    MM-'Willaiffliefile Valley News
Kziz2T to Doozt Drcwoicr Output
Aid Var Uiest
City Falling
Behind Reaching
Goal of $950
SCIO At a regular meeting
-a few days ago, Scio Odd Fellows
voted ' to make a contribution of
$5 to the current Linn county war
chest drive. The auxiliary unit, the
Rebekah lodge, had previously
made a contribution of $2.50. Goal
placed for Scio and : community
by county managers is $950, more
than half of- which, had been
raised Saturday, Mrs. Birdelle
Phillips, civilian defense commun
ity chairman, reported. T It has
been ' commented , that Scio and
community have not been as re
sponsive in this movement as had
been anticipated, nor as ready and
generous as on . some previous
emergencies. ? 'J
Dean and Rol Morris,' Art Hen
dricksen and J. D. Densmore, Jr4
are home from a week's successful
bird hunting trip in the vicinity of
Vale. . . - . :
Mrs. S. .W. Archer and daugh
ter Mrs. Eldon Evans,- visited a
few days with the family of Bay
Archer, who is conducting a cream
station at Medford.- - f
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gates were
expected here soon from Alaska
wucit tucjr iui(c uccu ctuyiujcu
with th eGates road construction
company . on the famous Alaska
. highway. Mrs. Gates is : the
'daughter of Mrs. Carl 'Warren of
Scio and her husband i is the son
of Mr. and Mrs.- E. L. Gates of
Greens bridge.
Temporary repairs recently have
been made on the roof of the city
hall, which will need a full new
cover before many months, it is
stated. The town council is - to
meet November 1 in monthly ses
sion for consideration of routine'
matters; and any new business
that may need attention. ' J. A.
Withers, Scio merchant, is mayor
of. the municipal commission.
A tryout was reported success
ful a few days ago on the air
warning service "alert basis re
cently adopted by military auth
orities. The service continued only
a few hours. Service on a' 24-hour
basis was. suspended October 118
by order of superior officers. I
At Wedding
ST. LOUIS In Portland Sun
day attending a golden wedding
anniversary party were Mr. and
Mrs. Lawerence Ferschwiler and
family, Lloyd Cyrie and Doris and
Joseph Ferschweiler and daughter,
Mrs. Jerry Conner, with her little
daughter. The , anniversary was
that of a brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Cannard,
who were married in the St. Louis
Catholic church and belonged to
the St. Louis parish for many
years before moving to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Groshong, who
have been living in St Louis for
some time, have moved to Don-
T'Wmw milt o.nV V..
there. 4 j
- Mrs. Alex Manning left Monday
to visit her niece,' Mrs. Bert Mor
gan, for a few days in Oregon
City. Mrs. Jack Sanderson with
her twins, Gary and Gayle, and
Infant daughter, Sally, of .Port
land recently visited the Alex
Mannings, who are Mrs. Sander
son's uncle and aunt.
Pepper Baby Suffers r
Leg, Foot Infection
SCIO Bichard Pepper, Jr, 2-
year-old son of Bichard Pepper,
is reported showing improvement
at times in his illness, a baffling
Infection in his right leg and foot
- : Condition of Mrs. Benton in a
Lebanon hospital was said to be
encouraging Monday, following re
cent major surgery. . -
- Mrs. Carl ; Yunker. is reported
virtually recovered from j; severe
face scalding while using a pres
sure cooker recently at her home
near Greens Bridge, a short dis
tance west of Scio.
Ration Dates
day and -Thursday, 2 to 4:30 p.m.
at Porter school. .
. ST. LOUIS Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, 2 to 5 pan.
at the St Louis school.
Thursday and Friday, 3 to 6 p.m.
at the school.
Insure your cattle, your horses and wagons in this "all risk"
policy. Cost? About the same you now pay for fire insurance
alone. 75c, per $100 per yearv ; .1 i -Besides
loss by fire, also covers theft lightning windstorm,
falline buUdincs. flood. ' explosion, earthquake, overflowing
rivers and streams, your stock
being transported, etc.
"Oregon's Largest'
, , Sclem end
123 i:. Cc :rclJ -
Reports From
Dallas Legion
Gives Award
Scout Troop 24
Wins State Honor;
Post Sponsors Pack
DALLAS At a regular meet
ing of the American Legion, O. EL
Anderson, I past post commander,
presented Boy Scout troop 24 the
award they won some time ago in
competition with 200 other scouts
over the state for the most points
gained based on recdrds submitted
to the state American Legion.
Scoutmaster Donald Lundberg ac
cepted the award. Fifteen boys ac
companied their scoutmaster to the
meeting. ' I
, The post agreed to sponsor a cub
pack.1 Post Commander C JL
Greenwood named Elmo Bennett
chairman of the committee.
Those named on other com
mittees were: Fred Stinette, mem
bership; Clyde Gibbs, hospitality;
F. E. Kersey, Americanism; Win.
Himes house committee; R. S.
Kreason, legislation; Win. Do
maschofsky, Boy Scouts; E. J.
Himes, child welfare; Albert Ben
nett grave registration and Mem
orial j day;! Fred Stinnette, Ivan
Warner, Wm. I Himes, E. J. Himes
and F. K Kersey, friendship com
mittee; S. 1 E. ; Whitwortb, schools;
Wm. ; Blakeley, publicity. The
community service and entertain
ment committee remain unfilled. .
River Land
At Jefferson
JEFFERSON A. Wilson, who
last week sold his acreage south
of the railroad tracks to Cliff Cole,
has again bought property in
Jefferson. He purchased from the
city the old pumping station pro
perty; near the river bridge and
also a part of the land below the
hill extending to the river. Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson will leave Wed
nesday for Lakeview for a visit
at the home of' Bev. and Mrs.
George Wilson and family and on
their return will build a house on
the acreage purchased. -
Mrs. Karl Kins andfMrs. George
Kins and daughter Carmen Ruth,
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Sher
man Hofstetter and -two children
of ; Pratum to Vancouver, Waslt,
for a two-day visit, with relatives.
Mrs. George Kihs visited her sis
ter, Mrs. Hart Barnes, and fam
ily, : and the others v visited Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Wicks trom. Mrs.
Wickstrom is a niece of Mrs. Karl
Kihs. I - .-' ;;, i.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bowman
of Cushman were weekend guests
at the home of friends, Mr. and
Mrs. John! Henderson. They also
visited relatives , in Gervais. They
reported that it had snowed and
when, they left Friday the snow
was up to the running boards of
the car.
A group of men leaving on a
hunting trip Saturday night in
cluded Elmer Knight and son
Jack, Harold Knight Joe and
Paul McKee and Joe McKee's
brother-in-law, Jasper Longcor
of Portland.
- John Lisa of Portland was a
Sunday guest at the home of his
sister, Mrs. J. C. Bentley and
family. Rudolph Lisa, who recent
ly was discharged from the army,
is also a visitor at the home of his
sister and family.' .
Pratum Women'
PRATUM The Pratum home
extension unit held its first meet
ing of the season at the Mccleay
grange hall Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. M. M. Magee is chairman
of the unit ', since Mrs. , W E.
Branch resigned because of teach
ing at the Bethel school. Mrs. A.
L. Bowen is thenew secretary.
"Dry Cleaning at Home" was
demonstrated by Miss Clinton. Ac
tual cleaning of garments was done
out of doors, which is a must1
for home safety' in the use of
cleaning solvents. Every woman
attending the meeting received
booklet containing the year's pro
gram of the home extension work
of the unit, t , -' . ,
killed on the highways or while
Upstate Agency"
,CsIcn Dial 44C3
The Statesman9 s Community Correspondents
Salem, Oregon. Wednesday
PIONEER PORTRAIT Lillian C. Arrow, yeathfol pbar
macist. and Dr. Ivor Grifith. pharmacy aathority, examine Deaa
Cernwell's palntiar ef William Procter. Jr, newest la his series
oa "Pioneers af Amerleaa Medlcme
Schumacher Installed Head
Of Sublimity Court j Foresters
i SUBIJMITY-Thursday night the St. Boniface Court of Cath
olic Foresters of Sublimity held their installation of of ficersl
Newly elected chief ranger of this court, Irwin J. Schumacher
of Sublimity, was installed with the other reelected officers.
Installing officer r was the state
chief ranger, Michael Benedict of
Following this installation pro
gram plans were laid for the com
ing winter's program. Installations
of officers are being held through
out : Oregon this month for ; the
Catholic Foresters and all courts
are joining in an extensive mem
bership and Catholic activity pro
gram for the coming months. On
Sunday, November 21, the regu
lar bi-annual state court: meet
ing will be held at Verboort, at
which time membership awards
will be given for activities shown
in increase in membership the
past six months. State Chief Ban
ger' Mike Benedict's five - point
program of activity, ' inaugurated
by him when elected' to this of
fice, has met with splendid re
sponse by the members In the
Thirty new 'members "were ad
ded to the roster of Portland coun
cil 478, Knights : of . Columbus, at
an initiation held last Sunday,
at the Cathedral ) hall, Portland.
The conferring of the degrees was
in charge of District Deputy Bud
O'Neill of Portland and the first
and second degrees were ? con
ferred under ,, the : direction of
Grand Knight John B. Murphy of
the Portland council, assisted by
his council , officers and Fred J.
Schwab of Mt AngeL -
The major degree of the order
r w sssssakM 1 1 ... 1
Morning; October 27, 1343
-1 ' 1 1 - .
was. exemplified by Past State
Deputy Edward J. Bell of Stay
ton assisted by Louis Schwab of
Mt AngeL Many, visiting members
from Mt AngeL Sublimity, Stay
ton and other localities were pre
sent . .
Many of the newly initiated
members were students at Ahe
Portland university. Reverend Fa
ther . Barcelle of the university
was present and acted as toast
master for the .buffet luncheon,
which was served by the officers
of Portland council, immediately
following the conferring : of the
degrees. State Deputy Otto L.
Smith of Klamath Falls way pre
sent and addressed the gathering
of active Knights. Carl Bend
scheidt grand knight of Tillamook
council, also was introduced.
On Sunday, October 31, Kla
math Falls council, Knights of
Columbus will hold a class - ini
tiation and on Sunday, - Novem
ber 14, St Paul jointly with Wood
burn council will hold the confer
ring of the degrees at St Paid.
Practically every Sunday for the
past two months have been class
initiations for the Knights of Co
lumbus in Oregon. i
Takes Bankruptcy ' r
LEBANON Clifford Alvin
Brady, logger at Sweet Home, has
filed a petition in bankruptcy In
Portland listing debts at $867.20
and assets at $555.16. 1
Hecker Starts
Chest Drive .
Eight Chairmen,
38 Workers Cover -7oodburn
Area .
. WOODBUBN The war-chest
campaign headed by Fred Hecker
got under 'way last Wednesday,
and is going smoothly and steadily
forward. Mr. Hecker ; expressed
himself as well ' pleased with the
work of his eight chairmen and
their 38 assistants, as well as with
the response of. the residents of the
districts under his supervision. He
is confident that Woodburn will
go over the top. Gifts vary in size
according to the means of the giv
ers and their sense of responsibil
ity, ranging from a dollar of so to
$100 among the individual gifts;
a number of Individuals have sub
scribed $50. -The canvass is not yet
complete, but totals can tprobably
be announced Wednesday.
The names of the complete corps
of workers include:, district 18,
Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs. Donald
Olson, Mrs. Clinton Kersten; dis-
inct 34, Mrs. w.-G. Warwick, E.
O. Misenhaimer, Mrs. Frank Ka
hut Mr. and Mrs. Boy Bonney;
district 44, Mrs. George Arm
strong, Mrs. Gertrude Jensen, Mrs.
Lloyd Waymire, Mrs. Ed Warner;
district 48, Mrs. Florence John
son, Mrs. Elizabeth KappeL Mrs.
Ethel Steffens; district 103 (coun
try east of highway), Joe Serres,
Wilma Koenig, Albert Beinholdt
Patty , Wadsworth; district ' 103,
east city, Mrs. Alta Stoller, Mrs. A.
C Parmenter, Mrs. Carl Gustaf
son. Miss Mable Llvesay, Mrs.
Yates, Mrs. Frank Bentley, Mrs.
Carl Huber, Mrs. Bjorhaas, Mrs.
Sam Benson, Mrs. R. H. Scott
Mrs. Freda Burt; district 103, west
city, Mrs. Maude Hicks, Mrs. K.
Opetz, Mrs. Fred Hecker, Mrs.
Jack Cannivett, Mrs. Tom Rehn,
Mrs. Oliver S. Olson, Mrs. Mi
chael Perd, Mrs. P, G. Vickers,
Mrs. George Becker, 7 Mrs. N.
Johnson, Mrs. Blaine McCord, Mrs.
Frank Wright, Mrs. Burton Wffle
ford, Mrs. Arista Nendel; district
104, Mrs. John G. CornwelL Nor
man Seely, Mrs. Harry Hughes, '
Pat McLaughlin has served as
secretary-treasurer of the drive,
receiving and forwarding to Salem
the funds as they came in. .
Bethel Contributes
$475 to War Chest
BETHEL War chest solicita
tion is finished in Bethel district
and the $300 that was the allot
ment for this neighborhood has
been exceeded by $175, making
$475 that has been turned in by
Mrs. J. A. Hain,, chairman of the
war chest drice. Mrs.- Hain was
assisted by her sister-in-law, firs.
George Hain, in soliciting the
funds. -
Cor)h 11. Uccm a Mmi Tomoc Co.
"rr... p.
1 t I l 1 I 1 V... ,
Silverton Planning
Commission Asks
For Advice "
SILVEBTON Postwar acti
vities received a" portion of the
attention - of the Silverton plan
ning commission meeting held
Monday night at the city hall and
presided : over . by President Low
ell E. Brown. " . . '
The matter was brought before
the commission by a letter ad
dressed to Mayor Reber Allen,
from the postwar, readjustment
commission. This urged Silverton,
with, . other . cities, to ; outline
plans, for postwar activities when
unemployment again is expected
to be a problem and federal as
sistance procurable. ;T.?.J
' ' Commission members voted ' to
send copies of this letter to va
rious service clubs, fraternal, ci
vic and religious organizations of
the town, together with , a letter
asking that members of these
groups pass their .opinions ' and
ideas along these lines on to the
planning commission. :
SUverton's proposed building
code now will go to the city coun
cil with the recommendation ' of
the commission, following the pub
lic hearing held Monday night in
conjunction with the : regular
commission meeting. No objections
were raised to the code.
City Manager E. K. Burton ex
plained ' to commission members
the proposed fire zoning of the
city as outlined during the past
week by William White, engineer
for the fire insurance rating bu
reau. The commission did not fa
vor a fire zone one, requiring ab
solutely fire-proofed buildings,
but will recommend : instead zone
two for the business district and
place the' remainder of the city
in fire zone three. The commis
sion also asked that the city coun
cil set a public hearing date for the
proposed fire zones..
Present at the Monday night
meeting were Mr. Brown, Lloyd
Larson, Lillie Madsen, Mrs. B. A.
McClanathan, Dr. P. A-Loar, C. B.
Anderson, Mr. Burton and Mayor
Dallas Man Fined '
For Not Having "
Operator's License
Dallas, was cited to appear for
driving a - car without an opera
tor's license. Forest . W. Simmons,
Salem, also summoned to appear
in police court for violation of the
basic rule George Kyllo posted
$5 bail for violation of the basic
rule. Violet Buth Morgan was
fined $10 on a charge of vagrancy
and drunkness.
No Friday Ration
Signup at Hayesville
; HATESyiLLE Registration
for ration book 4 will be held
e4 the schoothoose here only
Wednesday and Thursday from
l it I pjn. Previous plans to
hold registration also mm Friday
nave been cancelled.
Z. r . "" --.Jr.A ,.-' . v... .v.. ;,,:: . j. , . . -- "' : .
Vherever you go?-in the great metropolis
or an-ywhere in this country notice how
niany people are enjoying Chesterfields.
Chesterfields do what they cay they do ...
: THEY SATISFY They give you the beet in to
bacco quality plus the Right Combination or blend
of these tobaccos to give you a Milder, Better
- . Tasting St:icke. Make your next pad; Chester
field and see how really gcod a cigarette
YOU CAr:'7
Henry J. Kaiser (left), shipbuilding esar and new president cf tL,
Brewster Aeronaotlcal Corp talks with Fred BeibeL Jr former
Brewster president. In Washington, DC, after Kaiser told a bees
naval sabeommlttee hell boost Brewster output 500 per cent C
tween them is Rep. Ward Johnson (R-Callf.) (AP Wirephoto).
Sidney Student
Body Names
SIDNEY The student body
council of the Sidney school met
recently to appoint new commit
tees and hear reports of the out
going committeemen. .
Serving now are: flag monitor.
Lee Gilmour; bell monitors, John
Todd and Dona Zehner; boys play
ground. Bill Marlatt; girls play
ground, Betty Wintermantel; desk
inspector, Wayne Johnston; board
committee. Dale and Louis Bos-,
well; decoration, Phyllis Crosby,
Donna - Weiderkehr and . Karl
Grenz; safety patrol, first week,
Alfred McCann and. Jim Crosby,
second week, Jeanette Gilmour and
Marvin Grenz; song book commit-,
tee, Allan Lee Boswell and George
Marlatt; reception committee, Al
fred McCann and Wayne Johnston.
A dress up" party will be given
Friday for Hallowe'en which will
be a costume affair.
.The Sidney Snappy Happy Camp
Cookers met Tuesday night with
their leader, Donna "Wiederkehr,
in charge. Officers chosen were:
president :. Phyllis . Crosby; vice
president Betty Wintermantel;
I secretary, Lois Boswell; treasurer,
Wayne Johnston.
An oral English program was
given last Friday with Phyllis
Crosby announcing the -following:
group exerciseong by Florence
Marlatt, Patsy Grenz, Jeanette
Gilmour and Lois Boswell accom
panied by ; Donna .Wiederkehr;
story by Marvin Grenz; poem quiz
by Alfred McCann; oral story by
Wayne Johnston; poem by Earl
Aerni; song by Shirley Crosby and
Byron 21ane; 'dramatization by
Jeanette Gilmour, Bill Marlatt
Dale Boswell and Jim Crosby;
poem by Donna Wiederkehr; rec
itation by Byron Zane; oral story
by Karl Grenz; poem by .John
Todd; oral story by Lee Gilmour;
poem by Allan Lee BoswelL The
group "also sang two numbers and
Sgt Marion Boswell played guitar
solos. 7 '
Grand Island
Slates Meet
meeting 1 of this season of the
Grand Island Community club will
be held Saturday night, October
30, with the school furnishing the
miscellaneous program. Special
musical numbers will intersperse
hte program.
. Mrs. Clydel Morrison and her
mother, Mrs. Jessie Morrison of
Lebanon, were week end guests of
Mr. and JLfrs. RavmnnH Pnlmrr.
'Mrs. Charles E. Nelson has re
turned from a trip to visit her
mother, Mrs. Cynthia Turpin, 83,
at Yoncolla.
Farmers Monday resumed har
vesting of vegetable crops after
several days suspension because
of rain.
Daniel, Jake jr., and Harry Tom
kins of this district Frank Snow
of Salem, Edward Gardner and
August Gardner of Hebo and Al
Helfdredge of Portland left Mon
day for a vacation hunting trip
to eastern Oregon.
Charles Baker accompanied a
group of Unionvale hunters going
to eastern Oregon Saturday.
Mr. and MrsV4 Giles Bockhill
left Sunday for a hunting v&czZzi
trin to eastern Oreeon. During
their absence Mrs. C. L. Bryan cf
Lafayette, , mother of Mrs. Rock
hm, will be in charge of the home
and care for the childern. ,
Sunday School Gives
Soldiers9 Breakfast
At Middle Grove i
MIDDLE G B O V E ' Sunday
morning the union Sunday school
sponsored breakfast for 32 ser
vice men at the Christian service
center on High street.
- Serving were Mesdames Paul
Bassett Lawrence Hammer, John
Van Laanen and Misses Arlene
Fromm and Jean Van Laanen.
can be.
1 A r.""'!
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